Breathtaking Airplane Takeoff on the Side of a Mountain

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and now for the exciting takeoff you can see that's a pretty big steep hill all right here we go good morning you guys here in garoka papua new guinea today it's cold morning it's 55 degrees out so i have this on anyways i'm excited today because i'm gonna be able to take you guys to gama a place that i have not been able to take you guys yet so i'm gonna be going out um with a load of stuff rice maggie noodles important stuff and i think picking up like eight people out there so let's go ahead and get the plane ready and uh it's only like a 20 minute flight so that's all i have going today all right the first thing i'm going to do is do all of my interior checks make sure my lights are working everything is operational my flaps are working i don't have any circuit breakers pop things like that and then we're going to load up all that down there i check my bypass my antigen and let me bypass so you guys can see what this nature does because i talk about it all the time it's a bypass i'll put it in by that's in bypass or that's open right now actually that's normal so the air is just going directly into the engine let me put it in bypass so you can see what it's talking about and that's what it does so now the air no longer goes directly to the engine it has to go down that way and then the over spill comes out these holes down here and the reason it has bypasses basically if it picks up like um any little stones or anything like that if i suck up a bird the theory is is that the air has come down and it has to turn back around and get into the engine but um i've sucked up a bird and it still goes right into the not all the way into the engine but into like the last screen before it goes in i've got 686 kgs on board with one passenger going out to gama the guys are taking out all the seats except for one row that way i can put 250 kgs underneath the plane and then passengers probably like 60 kgs or something like that and then the rest will just go behind it that way i can still stay within uh cg all right guys we're all tied down ready to load up so let's go ahead and pull it out and i'm already fueled up for the day so basically i'm pretty much ready to go just wait for my passengers to get here looks like it's gonna be a really nice morning out it's still smoky this is this dry season so everybody just burns fires everywhere so it's not really fog most of what you see out there is just smoke mixed with a little bit of fog but it's clear out there where we're going so anyways let's go ahead and start up and get on out to gama croco tower good morning november tango zulu request taxi gamer copy once or two to good morning ryan and sexy for runway one seven left and the big trick lineup good morning raiden click back light up one seven left now the thing is one seven left left hand click for takeoff one seven left left turn clip take off and open pretend shin condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses clear for takeoff twist is complete 1390 rotated 62. airspeed's alive there's 50 continuing there's 62 and rotate there's just a lot of smoke and haze out today ah the bird just took a dump on my windshield that's super nice right in front of me we're pitching for 85 knots that's over 500 feet then we'll start taking our flaps out gonna pop all right get our bypass back to normal igniter is turned off let's turn our landing light off if we've got our taxi light still on pulse light so we still do have some lights going we'll start making our turnout to join into our course looks like it's gonna be kind of a cloudy morning but i think once we get out probably about 25 miles it should actually clear up pretty nice touch for 99 knots be our best rate getting up to 900 000 as quick as we can truck tower november tank of zulu departed time one zero tracking one four six on climb nine thousand let's fight a game of three one two thank you zulu ninety thousand contact must be on one two zero decimal seven hf6622 at one five miles one two zero seven six six two two one five miles no company because we have to go through this cloud layer i'm actually just flying on my instrument departure right now even though it's vfr underneath we've got to get up another 1 000 foot past this cloud layer at 7 7 500 or so rather than joining into my course right this second because i don't see any holes out that way and one way i can tell is if i'm looking at the ground if i'm seeing a bunch of sunlight on the ground then i know there's holes in those areas so i can punch through but i don't see any so i'm just going to continue on my instrument departure until i get through this cloud layer and then we'll get on our way out to gamma it was all about 75 feet thick maybe maybe 50 feet thick all right there we go beautiful on top as always like i was saying i haven't been out to gama and i don't even remember the last time i was out there actually it's been over a year and a half ago i've been wanting to take you guys out here for a long time because it's a really really cool place it's uh let me bring the strip chart open for you it's a one-way airstrip into a mountain and 50 about 5400 feet elevation so it's 470 meters long it's a 12 overall slope but the touchdown zone is only seven percent and then it gets all the way into i think like a 19 slope at one point and one of our charts even said it was a 20 slope looking at the older one it must have been the maf one when i flew them af a few years ago their chart said at the steepest point it was actually a 20 slope so yeah it's a full on steep steep hill the touchdown zone like i said is like seven percent so not that big of a deal there they'll still have to match the slope but a few years ago there was an organization with kodiaks and um i guess they just weren't going up fast enough i don't know the full story they just weren't going up fast enough but the kodiak actually tipped down on its tail going up because it's so steep anyways we do have a 248 kg penalty takeoff out of there so i have to reduce my loading and i've got eight people out there so it might be a little bit tricky because i have to have at least with that many people behind me i'm gonna have at least 100 kgs underneath the front pod for it to work out otherwise i'll go ab cg and i'll have to leave someone behind so usually people out here do not have much coming with them they've come with like a bag maybe just a little which is just a little a knit bag and that's it so i might have to say hey guys go get some rocks go get some food whatever you want but if you want to go you got to fill that pot up it looks like just like what wendy app was saying it looks like it is clear up there for the most part i can see the ridges so that's good we use the windy app for our weather here png for weather forecasts and reporting anything like that and it's actually pretty good like today it shows all of this white area is all overcast which is what i'm flying over right now but then you get down here to like the hakugimi area and it looks like it starts clearing up which is about 25 miles or so if you look out right ahead of me it's starting to clear up right exactly at that point and this is a forecast this is not like showing like real time this is just a forecast of what they're expecting to happen so that's pretty good i've been here in png it looks clear right where i'm going which is exactly what it said which i'm very thankful for i've got 14 knots of crosswind right now once i get up there i've got another 22 miles to run another eight minutes the game airstrip is like tucked in this pretty nice little tight valley so i'm guessing that i probably won't have any winds and i bet it'll be like one maybe two knots of wind even though you know only 3000 feet high we've got 15 knots now we'll see it's coming from this direction so anything you might have some turbulence or downdraft kind of on my final but we'll see once we get out there seven minutes out i'm going to start my checklist my selectors my fuel selectors and brakes my taws i'll get that in a minute our vref which is our approach speed we'll be landing at 6700 so 72 knots the lights and inlet we'll get that in just a second that's as far as we can go for now if you guys want one of these i have them for pissing i have them for um urban engines and i'm also getting extra ones um like you can replace the faceplate so you can have them for like 172 152 and then have them for more complex planes with gear and multi-engine things like that so check out my website if you guys want one of these they're great for flight simulators they're great for training environments single pilot ops so if you're a flight school too i'd love to hook you guys up with getting your planes these because it's a really great tool to keep your eyes up and out where they need to be not on some paper checklist where you can lose your place real easy nearly top of descent let's turn our altitude select bug down to 6400 for pattern altitude because this is a 7 slope a little bit different technique for what i am going to be doing for landing which is what i always do but i don't explain it all the time but basically if you have a hill you can't just come down and then flare you have to come down match the slope and then pull power and then flare so it's a quick transition you probably don't see it because it's just like it's instinctual where you just kind of level up pull the power and then flare so it's really really quick but that's how you land on the side of the hill without smacking them without smacking the ground really hard all right let's head on down 600 feet per minute all stations game uh kodiak november 10 goes zulu one two miles to the north northwest left niner thousand on descent circuit two niner gamma we've got 21 knots now 20 knots of crosswind but looking up straight ahead you can see those little smoke things coming up off the side of the mountain and it isn't it's like the smoke is going straight up until it's at like maybe a few hundred feet so that's when the wind's gonna start picking up and then right about i don't know it looks like maybe 200 feet above the ground then it just goes completely sideways so below that i know that i'm gonna have a wind or next to no wind which is great push my prop forward turn my tongs off which is my train awareness system the landing light on ipad engineering with a bypass if we have to go around it's pretty short final power up 20 degrees flaps pitch for 73 knots and a left hand turn out to reset itt to 740. you still can't see the runway even though we're just two miles out because it's on the other side of this little ridge and that smoke is like right on short final so it looks like yeah once i get below 200 feet agl it should be no wind up and harness is done landing clearance we'll do our saw cancelization once i get on the ground good at the end of the airstrip the wind sock looks like it's just hanging there which is great i'm down to eight knots which will be tailwind so yeah we'll see how the looks good we plan to land around the first cone in there's a thousand feet above the ground 10 degrees of flap about 20 degrees of flaps now and started to sink because this kind of um bottlenecks the valley a little bit kind of where i turn final it's basically a downwind into it yeah that ridge down there [Music] all right slowing down 82 knots flaps checklist is complete seven knots of headwind now that's a big change it was eight knots of tailwind just a second ago going this way 500. four knots of headwind three so it's dropping down the close we get to the hill it'll continue to drop down now we're two all right everything's clear we're good to go zero knots we're committed [Music] so losing my speed push the nose over get some power back in also put it on low idle so it's not pulling me once i start getting the power in the parking bed i don't want it just pulling me along so all right it's always exciting well it's a really really nice towel here like i said just like i thought the smoke it just dies off the closer and closer you get so take off yeah should still be fine i actually feel a little bit of wind on my face i'm a little bit out of breath because we're like you know 5 400 feet and i always get out of breath when i talk anyways yeah you can kind of see how steep it is down here it's an exciting take off that's for sure [Music] so because it's been like a year and a half since i've been out here i'm going to walk down the airstrip i don't really want to walk back up the airstrip i'm going to walk down the air strip and just check the condition of it just for our own company's sake just so we can i can tell the other pilots what i thought of it if there's any work that needs to be done any ruts or anything like that but it looks like they have a nice new fence around the edges and that keeps the pigs out which is nice one thing i know a lot of youtubers say is they wish you could experience the smells that i do behind the camera that's one smell that i wish you guys could have a smell here it's uh it's different it's different looking on down towards the end uh i wanted to land at the first cone in i landed just a little bit past it which is fine with me i'd rather land further on in than shorter on like closer to the end of the runway uh when i first started flying here like five six years ago i'd always wanted to like land even closer the end just because i thought it was cooler or something until you had like that one downdraft that nearly rips your gear off then you decide yeah you know i think i'm gonna move that spot in a little bit give myself a little more margin and it's a big hill so i can land anywhere up here so all right so that's holding the camera nice and flat you can kind of see the slope not terrible but i mean it you can see how it's it's a long ways up there and i'm only halfway down the runway probably it looks like the overall condition of this strip is actually really good typically this place is really rough on take off like so rough that like your a horse loses itself for a little while until you're out a couple minutes out or so and then it comes back but um yeah i'm glad i was able to come out here and share this with you guys we're gonna load these guys back up and i'll show you how i do my weight and balance so that i know that i'm still within cg so that uh we all don't crash and die down there all right they paint mud on their faces for like a funeral just a way of morning so if that's why you guys are wondering why they have mud on their faces [Music] we're all loaded up let's get out of here um we're pretty much at my maximum weight that i can take out of here within like 10 kgs so let's get started and get our way back november tango zulu taxi and now for the exciting takeoff they're pretty much full up on my weight for taking off out of here with my 250 kg penalty you can see yeah that's a pretty big steep hill the abort on this one will basically be well breaks release there is no stopping on this one so 100 going no matter what once we release the brakes i'm just going to hold my yoke really steady just because it is pretty rough just so i'm not bouncing and trying to fight it all the way down your takeoff will pitch for 85 considerably pl consider feather otherwise 80 full flaps lower terrain hit an emergency button cracker door tell everybody to brace masters off at ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses checklist is complete my twerk up first all right here we go your speed's alive pull the terrain down there we go no dramas it still gets my heart rate up every time and start making our turn and uh heading on up to ten thousand feet well you actually get back at eight thousand but there was a cloud layer coming out here obviously so we'll see how that goes over 85 we'll go 10 degrees of flap 30 degrees of flaps bring our prop to 2000 rpm just to give you guys some reference some mogu is just right over there about three or four miles away i've taken you guys down there before just behind me there's a mirror walk on the other side of the mountains and then we have centennia over there and antacom bay so there's a lot of really really close air strips all together so if you're a flight center you want to try some of these places out i don't know if game is on there not a microsoft flight center but i know a lot of the other ones are and the ones that aren't um i actually have a link to you guys can download them try them out on your home sim so if you're interested in something like that check out my patreon page i've got like 50 60 flights that you can do here in papua new guinea into these same locations and do the exact same flights that i do give you guys maps and that kind of stuff just to make it more fun more interactive more real it looks like going back at 10 000 is actually a good choice for me i think it would just been a lot more work to just go underneath of it just because the layer is right at 8 000 feet oh so i want to show you guys let me get this all set up on autopilot i'll show you guys how i do um well make sure that i am actually within cg because i do have 10 people on board one of them is a baby but i do have 10 people on board including myself so when i left gama i had a penalty for takeoff 250 kgs my aircraft weights 20 29. pilot is me my payload is what i have on board for people 667 and i've got 550 pounds of fuel ideally i was gonna hopefully be getting out of there with 500 pounds of fuel but i had a little more on board left over from another flight from earlier this week so it actually worked out pretty well but basically i've kind of taken another four kgs of weight out of there is all that i'm legally allowed to with our penalties and stuff this is our weight balance app and it quickly just you can configure it to whatever airplane you are flying so we have it all configured for the kodiaq specifically so i put down 95 for myself rather than 90 just because i did have my camera bag with me as well i've got my co-pilot with me uh romeo's today and then i filled in already all my rows so basically i weighed everybody up and then i just put the heaviest people up forward in the next life as more as they were lighter i put them further on in the back about 550 pounds of fuel on board and you can see what my envelope is today so fits in nicely crooked tower morning again november tank goes zulu what six miles to the south southeast passing 9200 your circuit time two three copy lining up focus 70 lining up one seven right for mosby and uh check for write this report right base a copy output november tango we'll be tracking for a right face out by saying niner thousand over [Applause] negative three five right indicated right some of you guys wonder why do i always sit straight up and down when i'm landing it's because the nose and attitude is so much higher than normal that i have too all right full flaps checklist is complete turning final my power slowly down to 71 knots there you go it's a little thermals out here in garoka as always even at 10 30 in the morning i don't see any birds or hawks or anything like that we're gonna continue this is my only flight of the day hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me a little bit more extra ground content today give it a thumbs up if you guys like that like to see more of it leave a comment down below for sure and uh consider subscribing if you haven't already got videos coming out a couple times a week so and a whole backlog of them if you haven't got caught up on those anyways thanks for watching and uh welcome to garoka well there you go another great day flying i wish i had another flight but i don't anyways thanks for joining along on this flight i'll see you next time have a great one
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 218,820
Rating: 4.9550281 out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, pilot, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, ifr flight
Id: gOPemJZBci8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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