SPECTACULAR Approach to JFK Airport

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let's buy the lendi arrival hello everyone and welcome back to my channel this is a video i made of a spectacular arrival procedure called the lendy six arrival and the approach to jfk airport in new york city in this video i'll explain how it's possible to capture such amazing views from the air i'm strategically sitting on the left side of the plane approaching the new york city area from the west there are several airports in the area and my destination is jfk because the airports are so close to each other arrivals to each airport are assigned different altitudes and with jfk being one of the airports that's further east than the others like newark and laguardia we need to maintain a high altitude while approaching the city of new york and then we'll descend while over the city this arrival procedure is one of three major arrival routes to jfk and the one that provides the steepest descents but the best views the air traffic control center has given us clearance to descend to 19 000 feet over elmwood park new jersey under a navigational location in the sky called lendy this is only about 15 miles northwest of manhattan and yes we are really high here but we have to stay high because the airspace below is being used for flights into and out of other airports like newark and laguardia for example departures from laguardia climb quickly and over the city and we can't get in their way so we have to stay high approaching wendy we're headed towards new york city and after we pass over elmwood park or lendy air traffic controllers that are located at an approach control facility in garden city new york will tell us which way to turn and when to descend to get to the runway at jfk today we'll be landing on runway 2-2 left and we'll need to make a giant left turn around jfk to get to the runway we can now see the hudson river and westchester county come into view from this position in new jersey the visibility is great today for what's a fantastic day to fly to new york city we notice that the density of the buildings on the other side of the hudson river are increasing and we're starting to see the bronx the northernmost borough of new york city on the other side is long island sound in the vicinity of lendi we're told by air traffic control to turn to a southeastern heading which will point us towards the atlantic ocean we are in luck because this heading allows us to get amazing views of manhattan today as we fly over eastern new jersey we're being told by the approach controller to descend to thirteen thousand feet thirteen thousand feet is still high being so close to our destination airport but flights departing laguardia heading towards the south the general direction that we're going now are allowed to climb to 12 000 feet so we need that separation new york has a very complicated airspace you can see laguardia airport just past manhattan laguardia is in queens which is the same borough that jfk is in we'll be able to see jfk soon here you can clearly see the shape of manhattan if you want a closer view check out my video of an approach to laguardia where my flight flies northbound on the hudson river at a low altitude below the departing flights from laguardia there are many levels of airspace here and again that's why we're still so high i love flying this route to jfk i'll take a moment to zoom in from this altitude and i'll focus on midtown manhattan how many buildings do you recognize famous new york city landmarks like the empire state building the chrysler building and the united nations can be seen here as well as the brand new super tall skyscrapers that have been constructed in recent years as we continue we fly directly over downtown manhattan and have a great view of the east river with the borough of brooklyn on the other side we're moving through new york city very quickly we're also becoming clear of some of the other airspace restrictions for flights in the area and the approach controller is clearing us down to lower altitudes we can now see our final destination kennedy airport yes we are still way too high to land and because we need to land on runway 2-2 left today due to the wind we're going to have to go past the airport circle around it in a left turn then come back and land we can't make this approach from the other direction by means of a right turn because of the airport's runway configuration today and laguardia's airspace so we'll head out over the atlantic ocean where we can descend more and start turning left yep new york's aerospace is complex we've got a great view of brooklyn from up here and the airport on the right is floyd bennett field you can see runways there however it's only used by the nypd as a base for their aviation units helicopters amazing views today the body of water between floyd bennett field and jfk is jamaica bay we're starting a left turn to a new heading to fit into the traffic pattern but we'll still head out over the ocean as the left wing dips lower we clearly see sheepshead bay and the brighton beach neighborhood of brooklyn directly below us is coney island there are a lot of neighborhoods in new york city and we went from manhattan to the atlantic ocean really fast as i pan the camera back we can see manhattan behind us from here over the ocean we can follow the hudson river north of new york city and see the bronx and long island sound as i move the camera back to the right you can get a sense of how long island got its name at over 100 miles long it's the 11th largest island in the united states both brooklyn and queens are on this island and will be on the ground in queens later in this video i definitely got lucky with the good visibility today you can see so much from up here i hope you're enjoying these views i invite you to support my channel by hitting that subscribe button below my goal is to provide you with detailed content like this and a lot more our anticipated landing runway will be 2-2 left as we continue over the ocean and look back at jfk you can see the runway we'll be landing on but we'll land in the opposite direction from the view you see here we're being told by the approach controller to descend even lower as we clear the path of departing flights from jfk we're moving further away from the airport as the air traffic controller tells us to adjust our speed and heading to fit us between arrivals coming from the south along the new jersey coast and arrivals coming from the east over long island remember this flight came from the west and we just flew that steep approach to jfk over the city but arrivals from other directions have a more direct path no matter what direction the flight is coming from the approach controller's goal in this airspace is to bring every arrival towards the final approach course to runway 2-2 left we're looking at the beaches of long island south shore and just below us we see a field of container ships these ships have just completed long journeys across the sea and are waiting to be cleared into new york harbor to unload their goods it's always nice to get this viewpoint from the air there's a lot going on in the airspace up here and a lot going on in the water below us after all this is the new york metropolitan area i am glad we're at a lower altitude now so we can see these ships well it's not very often you get to see this view we're maintaining an easterly heading paralleling the nassau county communities of atlantic beach long beach and lido beach new york while descending soon air traffic control will provide us with instructions to turn back to the north the turn just depends on how busy the airspace is we're going to head out just a little bit further the timing of the turn is aligned with the location of arrivals from the south and east who need to fly to the same exact airspace to prepare for a landing on runway 2-2 left ok we're in that turn now while we turned toward the north we were offered a great view of one of the cargo ships it's really impressive to see these massive vessels from above we'll soon fly over land once again and we're on a heading of around 40 degrees this is called the downwind leg our heading is parallel with the runway we're going to land on but in the opposite direction of landing now joining the downtown lake we're finally at an altitude where we can see more details on the ground we're going to pass directly over jones beach state park a very popular place for locals to visit during the summer time and less than 20 miles from manhattan our next turn to the left aligns us with the other arrivals jfk is known for its flow of wide-body aircraft and because larger airplanes produce more turbulence adequate separation between arrivals is essential as we fly over the beach we remain clear of low altitude aircraft that like to fly along the shoreline sightseeing or towing a banner much of the south shore of long island is guarded by barrier islands forming many bays with small islands and channels which are popular with boaters the body of water that we're flying over now is called south oyster bay it's not to be confused with oyster bay which is located on the north shore of long island there are a bunch of bays on the south shore here and all are formed by the very long barrier island that we just flew over we're now over a densely populated area of nassau county near wanton new york and the remainder of the flight will be primarily over residential areas we've been asked by the air traffic controller to slow down i've got the airport in sight it's tough to see because of the position of the sun but i can see jfk airport to the left the circular building is the nassau coliseum we're also flying by the location where our current air traffic controller is located at the terminal radar approach control facility or tracon we've been talking to this facility ever since we were over new jersey the controller can't see us out the window but uses radar to see our location speed and altitude this controller has cleared us to three thousand feet and has asked us to turn to a heading of west southwest to intercept and join an instrument landing system signal directly to runway 2 2 left we're now clear to make the final approach to jfk and after all this time the approach controller tells us to leave his frequency and call the air traffic control tower at jfk for landing clearance the controller we're about to speak to is located on the top floor of the control tower at terminal 4 at jfk when the pilot switches the radio frequency to the tower the controller assesses the air traffic situation and informs us that since traffic is light we are cleared to land on runway 2-2 left we can continue the approach and since it's a nice day the controller can see us out the window unlike the controller at the approach control facility that we just flew over in guarded city in the cockpit the flight crew is making final preparations to land they're adjusting the flap settings and extending the landing gear it's straight on in from this point on the runway is directly in front of us our landing runway runway two two left is parallel to runway two two right which is off to the right side it has a compass heading of around 220 degrees which is where the tutu comes from we'll be on it soon the approach to runway 2-2 left roughly follows the border between queens and nassau county so the majority of what we're looking at on this side is nassau county and the majority of the view on the other side of the airplane is queens we're also roughly over the belt parkway which heads towards runway two to left before it turns to the west near jfk on the horizon you can even still see part of the atlantic ocean we were just out there a few minutes ago this runway is also known for its offset approach which is commonly used the offset approach is offset about 10 degrees to the east and adjustments would need to be made on the final approach course to line up with the runway but today we're just going straight in as we continue on the controller and the control tower is always monitoring us by looking out the window and on the radar traffic wise we are in a perfect situation the aircraft in front of us has landed and is very well clear of the runway and the winds are very light today making for a smooth approach we are at a low altitude over the rosedale section of queens residents of this neighborhood often see traffic arriving from all over the world on various airlines we are at a point where the pilot needs to decide if we should land or perform a missed approach with everything perfect today we're going to continue on to the runway as the residential area comes to an end we fly over a small wetland the water here comes from jamaica bay which we saw when we were at a higher altitude and seconds before touchdown we fly over rockaway boulevard and thurston basin it's time to land on runway two two left this runway is eight thousand four hundred feet long making it the shortest runway at jfk but it's commonly used for all aircraft types from the a380 to turboprops runway 2-2 left is only used for landing while its neighbor runway 2-2 right is used for both arrivals and departures for this flight today we did not use the entire runway and we were able to vacate the runway on a taxiway that leads straight towards our terminal which will be terminal four welcome to jfk please like to thank each of you for wearing your mask our face covering over your nose and mouth around the bike and that's it we're on the ground at jfk i hope you gained a good appreciation on what it takes to get a plane to this airport from the west it is one of the most complex descent procedures in the united states because of the busy airspace and you can see how much impact the other airports have on jfk if the other airports did not exist we would have been on the ground much sooner but there are no other options for us but to stay high over the city and make a circling descent after that because of the other airports in the area all right well i'm in the terminal now at jfk i really hope you enjoyed that video that was an absolutely spectacular approach let me know in the comment section below if you'd like to see more videos like this thanks everybody for watching be on the lookout for some more great videos from me don't forget to hit that subscribe button below and click on that bell button so that you're alerted as to every time i post something new for you [Music] take care you
Channel: Peter Masella
Views: 86,549
Rating: 4.9136238 out of 5
Keywords: JFK, John F Kennedy International Airport, Kennedy Airport, JFK Airport, LENDY, LENDY Arrival, LENDY 6 Arrival, Airbus 320, MSP to JFK, View of Manhattan, New Jersey, Bronx, Westchester County, Hudson River, Brooklyn, Queens, Floyd Bennett Field, Jones Beach, Atlantic Beach, Lido Beach, Long Beach, Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, NY TRACON, New York Approach Control, JFK Tower, Kennedy Tower, Runway 22L, Nassau Coliseum, Garden City TRACON, NY Approach, Terminal 4, Approach
Id: 5zRzHiG44Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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