Willy's Wonderland (2021) KILL COUNT

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foreign [Music] count where we tally up the victims at all our favorite horror movies I'm James A genise and today we're looking at Willy's Wonderland released in 2021 and yeah I know I previously said I couldn't cover this due to copyright stuff but let me tell you man that shit is always changing and there's not really any Rhyme or Reason to it Willy's Wonderland is about a bunch of killer animatronics similar to The Banana Splits movie which I've already covered both Willie And The Banana Splits are clear homages to Five Nights at Freddy's the popular video game franchise that pays my buddy matpat's bills a movie adaptation of five nights has been talked about for years although there has been more concrete information coming out of blumhouse lately so hey maybe it's actually finally happening in the meantime we have similar stuff like this although first time screenwriter Geo Parsons says his inspiration was a family entertainment place called Boom Town near Reno and creepy shopping mall Easter Bunnies Willy's Wonderland takes place in a Chuck E cheese rip-off where a band of animatronic animals murder unsuspecting sacrifices sent there by the local townspeople their latest human bait is a silent nameless janitor played by National Treasure Nicholas Cage previously seen on the kill count in the absolutely phenomenal Mandy cage has been having a lot of fun in his career lately and it's a bummer that he doesn't have any dialogue in Willie's Wonderland it's a conscious Choice that's brought up and brushed aside several times where'd you say you from oh you want those guys don't want to look back huh he don't talk much and I respect that I guess it's kind of funny but I feel robbed of his unique line deliveries cage was super into it though he got the script on a Friday and agreed to take the role that Monday he even prevented producers and Executives for making changes to the script since he was so in love with its weird comedic tone I like things that are absurd I mean I do too but for me this movie feels like all Sizzle and no stake director Kevin Lewis shoots it in that kinetic Edgar Wright kind of style with lots of push-ins and montages full of Quick Cuts the look is super stylized with ultra high contrast and a bleach filter which is obviously intentional but doesn't work for me even more off-putting though is that the movie seems to Coast on its premise Lily's Wonderland needs you to buy into the idea that a silent Nick cage fighting fursuits is awesome and that could be awesome for sure but it never does anything more with that initial idea in the many fight scenes choreography is replaced with shaky cam and the supporting characters aren't just Bland they're downright senseless meat bags even though it's got a short run time with action scenes sprinkled throughout the pacing somehow feels slow with a very rinse and repeat sort of structure but that's just my opinion many people loved Willie's Wonderland and it does have good production design and a few pretty solid kills I also respect that it overcame a small budget and short shooting schedule which was actually a blessing in disguise since production wrapped right before kovid shut everything down in 2020. finally even if I didn't personally care for the movie screenwriter Geo Parsons is a really cool guy when I first tweeted about the copyright issues he went out of his way to help me try to find a workaround not every filmmaker does that and I immensely appreciate the effort how many malicious mascot murders will oh shit uh hold on let me get that trick or treat wow what a great costume your little guy take what you want what are those they're today's sponsor Dr Squatch Doctor Who Dr Squatch they've got you covered for all your personal hygiene needs they make soap bars deodorants and hair care and these are their limited edition Halloween products the returning classic brick of the Dead bar of course plus the all-new werewolf wash bar and stick of the Dead deodorant okay plus it's made of 98 natural ingredients unlike all those generic body soaps that contain harsh chemicals take this all new werewolf wash bar for instance which includes orange eye black wolf Berry and forget-me-not seeds here get a whiff oh that smells great exactly who needs candy when you can have cleanliness and they have 15 other scents to choose from here take this kid oh gee thanks mister and they offer super convenient subscription plans for when you decide you want more did I just hear Zoran doing his Mickey Mouse Voice or yeah he was acting like a trick-or-treater I I don't know I gave him some doctor Squatch treat yourself to some doctor Squatch by going to the link below and new customers can use code dsq dead meat to get 20 off on orders that are 20 or more okay sorry about that how many malicious mascot murders will the cage deliver to us in 90 minutes or less let's find out and get to The Kills [Music] the movie begins at Willy's Wonderland where a couple wearing matching merch runs from an unseen assailant through Doctor Who hallways the husband becomes our first kill when he's dragged off screen with a goofy scream his wife doesn't make it much further before she's taken out with an action Essentials blood splatter the 8-Bit opening credits play over Grindhouse style footage of a macho muscle car which speeds right into a title card this sepia tinged angry driving is cut short by suspicious Road spikes much to the Chagrin of the car's Gruff Ghost Rider played by Nicholas Cage Cage's unnamed protagonist is only credited as the janitor scrub style but really it's Nicolas Cage so that's how I'll refer to him cage pops some pop while he gets a toe from a slim jim sucking mechanic named Jed he drives cage back to his shop which is filled with more missing posters than a dairy Main telephone pole but this is actually Hayesville a town so small it doesn't even have internet and we're gonna get it but I just didn't Works Mighty well for a horror flick yep since cage don't have the cash to fix his car Jed tells him he can work off the dead at Willy's Wonderland an abandoned family restaurant owned by Tex McAdoo though it takes place in Nevada Willy's Wonderland was filmed in Georgia the family fun center was played by a desolate bowling alley in the Sprayberry Crossing shopping center north of Atlanta text says that if Nick cleans the place overnight he'll have his car fixed for him in the morning that sound good cagester resident animatronics are the alligator siren serum Cami chameleon Gus gorilla nighty night Ozzy ostrich Tito turtle and of course Willie weasel himself the characters were designed by Kenneth Hall who had prior experience making mascots their intro video package is set to an insufferable Birthday song an earworm on the level of The Banana Splits theme foreign hoping that Cliff doesn't get me a visit from Christopher copyright that dude's more Killy than Willie McAdoo leaves wishing caged luck and reminding him that this is a union shop be sure to take breaks sounds pretty good as far as indentured servitude goes but the foreboding graffiti out front indicates this place ain't popular with the local kids one would be Firestarter Liv even tried to burn the place down earlier but she was stopped by the sheriff who arrested her for attempted arson and for wearing the world's tightest pair of jeans Sheriff londis actually lives adopted mom so she takes her home and handcuffs her to a heater for a cool down after Mom cop leaves lives generically cool friends show up she tells them she saw Nick Cage earlier and that they can't allow him to suffer the fate of one night at Willy's even if he was in that wicker Man remake Nick gets to cleaning all over the place not noticing that he's being supervised by a timer on his watch he regularly takes breaks as instructed nothing like a cold can of punch to the face which he also stocks the fridge with I guess this job is more of an internship he gets back to work but can't shake the feeling he's playing red light green light with Ozzy ostrich what's up big bird you fucking with me oh shit wait is that no I'm gonna face down your face nope that's a yes the stone cold protagonist is barely phased by the freaky pheasant fending off his pecs with a mop handle I think Ozzy's the best looking animatronic because he's so clearly not a person in a suit instead he's a rod puppet controlled by puppeteers and green screen suits a technique we've seen a lot in the latest Chucky media one of his puppeteers BJ Guyer previously controlled that muppetized Ed Sheeran in the music video for Singh he was also a puppeteer on 71 episodes of Crank Yankers as he manages to give Nick a Vampire's Kiss but the cheat code only uncages the Beast Nick breaks his mop apart and uses it to tenderize the bird splattering black motor oil blood all over the floor he just cleaned when he's not satisfied with that cage delivers a fatality wonder if he had to look up code or if he already knew it by heart for this kill count I'm going to take a page out of zorin's tome of Tremors and count the animatronics but keep them as a separate Tally from the human victims apologies to The Banana Splits for not affording them the same respect Nick grabs himself a fresh set of clothes and gives himself a silver suture his next task is to clean a bathroom that would make jigsaw blush and he takes it down and yet another cleaning Montage what is this an OxiClean commercial he's briefly lured to the main floor when Willy and the bands strike up a tune on their own but he turns the power off on him ah he had never let Willy be Willy Nick returns to the lavatory and finds a bloody message on the mirror he just cleaned come on the Grody graffiti was drawn by Gus gorilla who operates out of nowhere to start an all-out primate fight Gus goes full Gordy on Nick with lots of the fight shot in gorilla snory cam storilla cam Nick is battered around the bathroom like Fletcher Reed until turning the tables and curb stopping Gus like this were Simeon history X he can have his urinal cake and eat it too as he finishes tagging and bagging the animatronics Nick's watch alarm indicates another break time he spends it drinking punch and cleaning up a pinball machine he's found a sexist sexy pinball machine move over Hellraiser and Puppet Master there's a new Pinhead in town originally Cage's brakes were going to be spent with an arcade game but it was cheaper and easier to build a custom-made Willy's Wonderland pinball machine outside live in the riot Squad show up with lots of gasoline these characters were added solely to break up all the robot fights and I think that's pretty obvious the Teen Titans prepare to burn this puppy down but Liv reminds them that Nicholas is still caged inside the silent protagonist for no discernible reason Ops to stay in the restaurant guarding this mess so Liv says she'll go inside and get him out herself her party of five friends tells her she can't because it's too dangerous but Liv just says live freeze and die hards through an air vent to get inside and her shimmy gets a stimmy when Arty alligator comes after her she barely crawls her way to safety and lands in a Rainforest Cafe looking playroom this fairy Forest is home to siren Sarah a humanoid robot who can sling her way up the walls Reagan style she's played by Jessica Graves who has a BFA and dance from oh shit Western Michigan kazoo represent aside from Ozzy the animatronics are actually people in foam latex suits though some do have animatronic elements like motor controlled eyes and mouths I know they had to use suits because life-sized animatronics would be absurdly expensive but it still takes away from the movie for me I had the same issue with the Banana Splits movie it's hard to accept the premise that these things are robots when they so clearly aren't the suit performers do the best they can and are convincingly robotic when they're performing on Willy's stage but when it comes to the fights their movements are just too fluid for me to suspend my disbelief oh well at least we'll get this footage of the Gus performer dancing like he was in the Clint Eastwood music video Sarah Tarzan swings live off screen and her screams attract back the attention of her friends who are outside smoking weed before exploring a haunted chunky cheese y'all are just asking to have a panic attack Bad Boy Bobby doesn't want to step up and tries to head back to high water but his girlfriend Kathy decides to Barrel ahead in an outfit that would not pass dress code the group climbs onto the rooftop set from the room where live lover Chris tries to form a plan to save his Crush but since Bobby tries to leave in literally every scene he has he takes off to go home before Chris tackles him to the ground it causes the roof to cave in beneath them and also randomly the other people thank God for conveniently placed ball pits am I right they're joined by Liv who I guess grew tired of Leaping With Sirens off screen so she's here now but careful teens you're on Willy's hidey whore he'll mop up your blood from the inside Liv's eager for round two with Sarah but her efforts are halted by Nick Cage who carries her like a sack of hoggies to the safety of about five feet away the missing band members make the group realize that Nick has been slaying their demons dude really wants his car back while cage continues to clean Liv fills him in he's been sent here as a human sacrifice something the town has been doing for 20 years the restaurant was opened in 1996 by Jerry Robert Willis played by Grant Cramer kill count veteran thanks to killer clowns and new year's evil Kramer also co-produced the movie while his wife Olga played that woman from the opening scene if his tripled named moniker wasn't a giveaway Jerry Robert Willis was a serial killer I like this flashback scene especially as Liv says Jerry hired the most sick Fox he could find and we see footage of them looking like this Willis and his killer cohorts would dress up as the restaurant's mascots and host private parties for families before murdering them as they did with this family of four Willy's Wonderland where a kid can be a corpse all those disappearances eventually tipped off the cops but rather than being taken in the group of eight killed themselves in the Satanic ritual inside their super happy fun room the ritual transferred their souls into the animatronic robots that's right they went and demolished themselves into a bunch bunch of pizza mascots Ten Years Later techs reopened the restaurant without changing the name or mascots even though they were associated with a bunch of child murders good call dude and hey while you're at it why don't you open the Jeffrey Dahmer Hotel a series of robot malfunctions and this one kid kill we see caused Willies to close down once again this movie had such a low budget they could only afford a single set of suits for the animatronic characters that meant for continuity purposes they had to shoot these flashbacks first while the suits were still pristine then they had to age them 20 years and make them look worn out and pray that there'd be no need for reshoots after destroying them in the fights the kid group realizes they're down two teens since Bobby and Kathy have snuck off to suck off and what better place than inside the room where the killers killed themselves is it weird that I'm getting really turned on right now uh yeah yeah it is while those two get pounding the rest of their peers are called to the stage as Willy sings the best song in the movie Willie was puppeteered by B.J Gower when he was a hand puppet and played by Yuri stanik in the full body costume but he was voiced by the film's composer IMO who also wrote all the songs played by Willie's band he gave Willie a sort of Christian Slater voice with a Boston accent inspired by that shit heel lamp wake in Pinocchio you mean to tell me you take ordish my grasshopper it's time to learn six little chickens here we go IMO also did some work in the music department for Benny loves you working alongside that film's director and composer Carl Holt the performance ends when one team Aaron is skewered through the back by renfair reject 99. Aaron didn't have too much going for him as a character but he was played by former vinestar Christian DelGrosso the teens scatter in the ensuing chaos with Liv staying back to joust with the Knight he takes out a couple of round tables but before he can make live a dead girl cage tags in to finish the fight Nick gets medieval on the night's ass ramming him repeatedly into a wall before decapitating him with his own sword unfortunately Liv's friends aren't Ren faring nearly as well quiet guy with glasses Dan tries to hide in the seizure-inducing play place but Sarah and another robot Tito Turtle ripped into his belly like this were day of the Dead's actor Jonathan Mercedes also does stunts in addition to acting maybe that's why he was in a few episodes of Cobra Kai like his Willy's co-star Terrell Hill who plays Bob speaking of Bobby his and Kathy's sloppy sex gets sloppier when Arty Chomps into his neck and puts him in a house of pain Kathy does not try hard enough to get this door open so by time Nick kicks it down to get inside both teens are already alligator appetizers Nick makes quick work of the animatronic pounding him to the floor and prying his Jaws open like he were a v-rex then he rips out his throat damn cage you and now a hater meanwhile Chris has dropped out of the main plot and holed up in this McDonald's play place he calls Cher vlond who's been twiddling her thumbs-all movie with a rookie State cop named Evan I got a wife and kid on the way oh man Evan you are so dead at first sheriff Lund is content to leave the kiddos on red but when Chris says Liv is also there she begrudgingly gears up and heads out put your bowels on Evan we're going to Willy's Sheriff Wanda is played by Beth Grant lasting on the kill count as Ms kettlewell in Child's Play too she is definitely an asset to this film on the drive over Lund explains that the town tried to tear down Willy's long ago but the robots put a stop to that killing the contractor Eric Miller in his own home ignoring them didn't work either since Willie and his crew began coming out and killing people in town a series of flashbacks gives us six more kills for the count two people at a hardware store one lady smoking a cig outside and three workers at an ice cream parlor although that might just be grenadine for their ice cream treats instead of you know banding together and killing the animatronics like Nick Cage has proven it is very possible Sheriff London the townspeople struck a bargain with their new robot overlords leave our children be leave our town be and feed you since then the towns kept themselves safe by tricking unsuspecting Outsiders into staying at Willy's which is kind of like the plot in leprechaun Origins man that movie suck one tried to pick victims who wouldn't be missed like horny youths and uh this guy not sure what he did but that's a good decapitation no one survived except a single young girl live whom the sheriff then adopted Chris is approached by Cami chameleon who claims she's not like other girls you don't have to be afraid I'm not the same as the others the obvious trap is obvious and Nick and Liv arrive in time to see Cami Yoshi her tongue around Chris and snap the James Van Der geek's neck Nick gets ready for another cage match but then his watch timer goes off whether out of compulsion or a deep respect for a fair day's wage he takes a breather to drink more punch and play more pinball we're never given a clear reason as to why Nick adhere so strictly to the break policy or why he seemingly needs to drink the cans of soda apparently it's supposed to be a video game metaphor each break he levels up to take on tougher and tougher bosses I guess that kinda makes sense if you squint hard enough but again it doesn't come across in the movie to me live is left to fend for herself with her little live knife but it doesn't do much against this tongue and Terminator cage finishes up his game and comes to the rescue once again by wrapping plastic tubing around cammy's neck and swing slamming her around the arcade he drags her to the front to finish her off just kind of punching serrantito when they try to stop him Nick kicks through the front door but his exit is halted by Sheriff Lund who forces him back inside she apologizes profusely to Willie weasel Willie this guy does not act for us his actions should in no way reflect on the town of Hayesville you know that right Willie I'm not sure what the problem is here why not just let Nick finish killing them doesn't seem that hard like at all officer Evan is reluctant to go along with the sacrifice but when Lon points out that Willy will go after his family he dutifully handcuffs cage one tells Evan to take Liv home while she stays behind to make sure Willie's appetite is wetted live objects in vain with a lazy Rorschach wrist he's not trapped in here with them they're trapped in here with him on the drive home Liv convinces Evan to have a change of heart but that's when a stowaway Tito Yanks him out through the car window and kills him with some Tito's handmade murder the turtle also yoinked the red shells out of that shotgun so Liv uses it to home in on Tito's libido but the keys tossed away by Tito live Ops to walk back to Willy's and out of this movie's third act back at the restaurant Nick is confronted by Sarah and Cami for a Pascal's triangle of fun an upbeat country rendition of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes plays as cage bobbles his head until the camera follows suit despite being handcuffed and outnumbered Nick takes both Ladies down with a headbutt and a leg sweep again it does not seem like these things are that hard to kill dude literally has his hands behind his back he incapacitates Sarah with Xenia on a top style pinning her down under the unbearable weight of his massive uh Talent after straight up busting through the police handcuffs he spins cammy's head right around baby right around kokilian the chameleon determined to earn a working car he he gets back to cleaning once again this movie is almost as much tidying time lapse as it is robot murders with the bodies tucked in for the night the pinball wizard takes another break this time giving us a Nick Cage improvised dance Montage this might very well be the highlight of the film Sheriff lawn spots cage bringing out the dead so she ushers him back inside with a shotgun and misplaced anger now we got five dead kids because of you I'm pretty sure those deaths are your fault lady Willie is tired of her self-righteousness as well so he weasels his way behind her and straight up claws her in half holy shit that was a fun one for Xiao well he Chucks Nick into a big red birthday button setting off a kaleidoscope of colors and confetti Nick recuperates in the kitchen fashioning his broken mop and Sack full of soda into a pair of melee weapons fight choreographer Charlie Parrish spoke highly of how much cage already knew a bunch of different fighting techniques the suit performers also deserve credit for having to film the fights with obstructed vision and restricted breathing since their cast costumes weighed anywhere from 20 to 80 pounds my hands come to the here so if I have to throw a punch at you I have to make sure I stop back here and then when I put the actual head on uh my visibility becomes knees and and Floors Nick Cage beats the Willy out of Willy not stopping until he's a bloody black mess okay Kaja that's the last time you'll slap your willy around he finishes the Kill by taking the weasels face off the next morning Jet and tags take Cage's car out for a joyride assuming the janitor is dead and gone they're shocked to discover cage alive and well as he puts on his leather jacket and strolls out to Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird for real a horror movie can't end with Freebird without evoking comparisons to The Devil's Rejects and unless you've got something amazing planned you don't want to be compared to that iconic ending live finally makes it back to the movie and she joins Nick I'm not sure if the relationship here is supposed to be more dad or Daddy but I guess it's a happy enough ending for this weird duo with the animatronics dismantled Texan Jed make plans to reopen Willie's again are you serious good thing siren Sarah's still kicking and the rude fucking doll uses a lighter to rockify or explode these two Meatheads to high heaven I'll also count Sarah herself as Dead from the same explosion Sarah wasn't the last mascot standing though Tito's still wandering around nursing his bruised balls the movie ends with Liv and Nick Cage running him down for one last kill That's all folks how many people had a very unhappy unbirthday at Willy's Wonderland let's find out at the numbers which I'm gonna count real good it's the numbers yes I'll count them like I should I counted 34 human victims in Willy's Wonderland there were 11 female victims 22 male victims and one unknown pair of legs in a flashback giving us a 2-1 due to Lady ratio with a tiny sliver of gray with a run time of 89 minutes that gave us a human kill on average every 2.6 minutes not bad there were also eight animatronic kills with six of the male characters and two of them female that left us with a three to one ratio for this mechanical pie and an animatronic kill on average every 11.13 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest human kill to the guy in the flashback who was decapitated because that had one flying for animatronics it goes to Artie alligator King Kong ain't got shit on Nick Cage don't machete for lamest human kill will go to Chris a lame bloodless kill for a lame gutless character and for animatronics it goes to siren Sarah I don't like the way it looks when she's launched backwards and that's it Willy's Wonderland came out in 2021 after a bit of a delay because you guessed it go of it until next time I'm James a Denise this has been the kill cow thanks a lot for watching this kill count on Willie's Wonderland really hoping you were able to watch it and that it didn't get an immediate copyright strike or whatever oh no man I was told it was not safe and then I was told it should be fine so fingers crossed uh the Channel's been getting hit real hard by copyright stuff and age restrictions so sorry that we don't have extra kill counts for you this year in October you know I always love to do Halloween fun stuff but it's just it's not possible with all the hits we're taken man we just have to devote so much time to fixing those problems that there's not time to make additional videos we do have the Chucky after show going though so if you're watching that show I hope you're enjoying those videos finally for more updated schedule news in November we're only gonna have two kill counts come out they're gonna come out every other week on November 11th and November 25th December we'll go back to once a week and then we're hoping for 2023 to be like a really good year for us without all the bullshit fingers crossed cause man have we been wading through it lately thanks for crushing my soul YouTube and you MPG thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 3,988,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, willy's, wonderland, willy's wonderland, willy's wonderland 2021, dead meat kill count, DMKC, willy's wonderland movie review, willy's wonderland movie reaction, willy's wonderland explained, willy's wonderland reaction, willy's wonderland release date, horror movie, doug walker, siren sara, willy's wonderland teaser, willy's wonderland review, horror movie review, halloween
Id: o5Q0sEeYNU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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