The COMPLETE Alien Cinematic Timeline

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a lot of important things happened in 1979 the Seattle superponics won their first and only NBA championship the despotic Uganda President idaman was deposed Fleetwood Mac released their second horniest album of all time Tusk and the science fiction horror Thriller alien landed in theaters on May 25th alien coming this summer to a theater near you the little movie that could would go on to become a surprise box office success and would spawn a Cinematic Universe featuring five canonical films a few crossovers more than two dozen video games a library's worth of comics and novels odd toy lines Drake Ripley aone one weird theme park ride that wasn't directed by James Cameron what happened to a squad Soldier and some of the most iconic moments in cinematic history it's a franchise with so many different creative minds behind all of its films that it's evolved into one of the most varied universes visually emotionally and allegorically the horrors of space the horrors of sexual violence the horrors of capitalism the horrors of working with Hollywood Studios and of course the harrowing Silence of God that is so loud you make two whole movies about it and outside all of that there movies about groups of boneheads and milk robots sticking their faces into space eggs and getting picked off by the most terrifying movie monster ever which is fun for everybody with all those movies books video games the eventual release of alien Romulus in 2012 24 and Noah Holly's upcoming alien TV series you're probably wondering how massive the timeline of the alien universe is just going to assume you are since you clicked on this video or you left autoplay on and this was next either way thank you we're going to break down the expansive timeline that stretches across the six main films and fill in some spots with help from some of the comics novels shorts and special features we'll also be touching on some of the non-canonical films and media that aren't officially a part of the timeline but it would feel wrong not to include them in this video aing alien and and we'll dip a bit into the history behind some of the Productions the themes of the films and how both Possibly play into the overall lore of the franchise our sources for this video are the films themselves Alien aliens alien cubed Alien Resurrection Prometheus and Covenant the special features deleted scenes and commentaries found across multiple versions of DVDs the quadrilogy of course specific comic book arcs the xenopedia wiki and the 2014 book The Way uton report by author estd Perry to keep this video as streamlined as possible we're focusing on the timeline events that correspond the most with the films and the main characters Ellen Ripley Elizabeth Shaw David and Wayan utani the everpresent evil company throughout the films I work for the company but don't let that fool you I'm really an okay guy like I said a minute ago there's a lot of alien novels out there and they're all like 300 plus pages long and I'm being very upfront with all of you and saying that I did not read any of them I just don't have the time if I was going to include all of them in this timeline the video will be much longer than the 43 minutes it is now thankfully the internet can be helpful sometimes especially with cliffnotes so certain books and dates that connect to the events and characters in the films will be included books like out of the shadows and river of pain will be touched on in some way but books like aliens criminal Enterprise or aliens DNA War won't make the cut if you're a scholar of the alien novels please feel free to educate me in the comments on whatever I may have missed also we won't be mentioning the alien Anthology shorts that were released in 2018 they're cool and there's some fun ideas and some of them but they have no connection to this timeline whatsoever it's going to be a long one support yourself a drink strap up your Rebox and by the end of this video maybe we'll figure out whatever the hell this [Music] is neat the first mark on our timeline is one we can't put a hard date on or even tell you which planet it actually occurred on the opening of of the 2012 film Prometheus shows a tall pale and completely smooth alien being standing alone on a Mysterious World at top of waterfall that looks a lot like the de to FAS in Iceland but the time and Planet are never confirmed I'm going to go ahead and call these aliens the engineers right now even though we know that they don't get that designation until Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway of the Prometheus crew give it to them way later in the timeline which we'll get to we call them engineers and I know they have different names and titles from different media like the OC the Malik and space jockeys but we're going to go with Engineers the engineer Downs some evil looking chia seeds and is quickly eaten From the Inside by an aggressive black goo which we're not really going to dig into the pathogen also known as this has its own mythology and Science and confusing properties that we don't have the time to really get into the minutia of I'm sure someone has a video somewhere on YouTube that breaks down the whole xenomorph life cycle if you want it the engineer melts into the water below spreading the bizarre DNA he just ingested across Ross the planet like passing out in a hot tub while you're drinking a dairi we got to mention the alternate opening of this movie where there's actually an audience of Engineers viewing that one poor bastard who slams back the goop the theatrical version we got feels more like a conscious decision by this being to seed this world with his DNA whereas the alternate opening feels more sacrificial or even more like a punishment but we'll touch on that a bit later next we're jumping all the way to the Bron's age on the aisle of sky in Scotland 35,000 years before Elizabeth Shaw discover some cave paintings did you dat it 35,000 years maybe older this is around the time in human history where the earliest evidence of humanoids living in Ireland first sprung up and approximately a thousand or so years before the last glacial maximum during this really really unpleasant time to be alive an unknown number of Engineers visited prehistoric peoples and imparted either wisdom or warning about those big glowy things in the night sky things are quiet for a bit until around 90 CE when the engineers made themselves a little bunker on the moon that's designated LV 223 there they started to initiate a plan to wipe out Humanity for reasons that we will get to later the team of bald lurches screwed up and lost control of the deadly syrup which wiped out most of the engineers on LV 223 except for a few who locked themselves away in their spaceship and slipped into their sleep sarcophaguses sarcophagy and that's where we're leaving the engineers for a good long while this is the part of the timeline that doesn't technically fit into the full alien timeline mostly due to specific films being being owned by different Studios at the time of production but it would feel wrong to not mention the tangentially related movies and events that interact with the alien franchise not again sorry to the Batman Aliens comic you did not make the cut the first stop in this section is in the film Alien versus Predator thousands of years ago with no real date to go off of where ancient civilizations were visited and ruled over by the yacha yucha ya ya yucha unique New York the yaa or yucha are an alien species from the planet yucha Prime and are more commonly known as Predators well we took a vote Predators cooler right the whole ancient alien Zango with Predators making sacrificial temples full of Xenomorphs is kind of silly so we're not really going to spend a lot of time on it we spring ahead to the Great Plains all the way in 1719 where we meet Naru her brother and a whole mess of French fur trappers who have the terrible luck of crossing paths with this big guy [Applause] the feral Predator is eventually outsped by Naru who returns to her people carrying her Trophy and a flint lock pistol she was given by a Trapper which is inscribed Raphael andolini 1715 this Recons a very esoteric bit of Predator history which we'll get to in just a second the fate of Naru and the commanche is left slightly ambiguous to anyone who hasn't read a history book but foreign Invaders rarely bring peace next we get a small glimpse at an encounter between a predator and a xenomorph at a wailing station in Antarctica in 1901 and then we jump 86 years to Wi two future American Governors and their band of mercenaries are sent to an unspecified Central American country to rescue ahead of state but it turns out to be a shadow operation run by the CIA which is very unlike them Dutch Billy Mack Dylan Shane black and the rest of the fellas cross pass with a predator that landed in the jungle just before they got there and has been having a blast just skinning Green Beret other than being the original Predator film it doesn't connect too much to the timeline aside from giving us a bridge to Predator 2 and a buttload of great quotes yeah stick around you're bleeding man I ain't got time to bleed in 1997 we then jump from the actual jungle to the concrete jungle Los Angeles it's more like six or seven concrete jungles that are 20 minutes away from each other LAPD Lieutenant Mike herrian is in the middle of a turf war between feuding drug cartels during an intense Heat Wave and that's on top of everyone already having Conair fever at the movies that summer good summer for movies 1997 great to make things worse a Predator Gets In the Mix waks some Havoc kill some drug lords and cuts Gary Bucy in half what's he holding on to show it again what's he holding on to there's no top half the character that Gary buy is playing was originally supposed to be Arnold Schwarzenegger's Dutch but he declined long story short herrian finds himself aboard a predator's spaceship complete with a trophy C of different skulls one of them clearly in the shape of a xenomorph skull which is the first crossover knob between the two franchises on screen I know about the comic we're not talking about that harrian is rewarded for his victory with the same flint lock pistol that Naru got in 1719 which reccon the lore of that pistol Al together Raphael andolini was originally a character that appeared only once in the 1996 Darkhorse comic short story Predator 1718 in the comic andolini is an Italian pirate whose crew turns on him when he decides the return a lost treasure to the Catholic Church don't do that his rightfully mutinous crew is defeated by andolini and the Predator named greyback who we see at the end of Predator 2 andolini would die during this combat but he gives the big ugly a flint lock pistol as a thank you back in 1718 from the Year 1997 we skip all the way to the year 2004 and the Paul WS Anderson movie Alien versus Predator now despite all the things in Alien versus Predator that makes it feel tied to the alien franchise it doesn't actually hold any canonical weight the motivation behind AP originally came about in the early 90s following the release of the Alien versus Predator comic in 1989 James Cameron and Ridley Scott had actually considered working on a fifth alien film together but when Fox started pushing the AVP of it all both Cameron and Scott lost interest and Ridley would eventually turn his initial idea into the movie Prometheus years later in Alien versus predor in October 2004 whan Industries discovers a massive Temple 20 ft below the ice of Antarctica this is where we get our first non-canonical appearance of Charles Bishop whan played by Lance Henrickson this is the only time we see this character technically there is like you'll see you'll see the dying CB dubs assembles the team to go investigate the massive Discovery in hopes of cementing his legacy let's make history and things go about as good as you'd expect if you travel 2,000 ft down into a murder Temple and that's more or less where the Predator connection to the alien franchise ends at least filmwise in the 2010 film Predators Isabelle does mention the 1987 team Dutch Dylan Etc but that's about it six man plus only one made it out and supposedly there's a xenomorph Predator hybrid and Alien versus Predator requium but it's hard to talk about that movie since it's lit by like one iPhone flashlight our final stop in this section of the timeline lands us in Los Angeles in 2019 in the 1982 released Scott movie Blade Runner there's a bushel of references and connections that tie the Blade Runner Universe to the alien Universe not officially of course there's major similarities of the tech we see in Blade Runner even down to the purge screen we see in Go's car which is the exact same screen Ripley gets when she's prepping narcissus at the end of alien on the 20th Anniversary DVD of Alien the special features titled the Nostromo dossier highlights details about the Nostromo crew including a small note that Captain Arthur Dallas was at one point employed as a cargo ship pilot for the Terrell corporation on these special features of the UK steel book of Prometheus there are journal entries from Peter whand the founder and godhead of Wayan utani in these notes whon reflects on his long departed Mentor who had once tried to convince Peter to come work for him so they could take over the world and become New Gods this is like Ron ofth the-mill CEO talk Peter whan also writes that this nameless mentor of his used to run his Corporation quote like a god on top of a pyramid overlooking a City of Angels of course he chose to replicate the power of Creation in an unoriginal Way by simply copying God and look how that turned out for the poor bastard literally blew up on the old man's face I always suggested he stick with simple robotics instead of those genetic Abominations he enslaved and sold off world although his idea to implant them with false memories was well amusing as how would put it politely the entry continues with whan basically taking a Victory lap about how much better their robotics division is than Tyrell after they figured out milk blood technology okay added that last part tyrrell's name never gets officially dropped in the journal entry but it feels pretty obvious who whan is talking about here an eag maniacal man who lives at top a shining Temple overlooking a city of titular Lost Angels whose attempts at playing God blow up in his face along with his eyeballs there's also a comment from this Mentor for whan to put away childish things which could be Terrell making a connection to Paul's first letter to the Corinthians because once again God nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven and it's very likely Terrell's use of the word toys was a jabit neck designer JF Sebastian who created friends like bear and Kaiser they're my friends I made them and probably the most obvious thing connecting these franchises together is from rley Scott himself I went to an alien into the environment of the Nostromo and people living with close and close proximity with people who are still have Earthbound connections and here we have people on Earth so almost this world could easily be the city that supports the crew that go out alien in other words when the alien crew comes back in they might go into this place and go into a bar just off the street near where deard lives that's how I thought about that and while Ridley said it could be an easy way to solidify the validity of these connections the studio rights to these films at the time they were made is a big canonical hurdle to get over but here in 2023 both alien and Predator are owned by the same Mega huge conglomerate and that's always a good thing [Music] right one of the veins running through the entire alien universe is the ever omnipotent Avatar of capitalism that is whan utani and its founder Peter whan and if you'll indulge me I'd like to change the world just to reiterate we're sticking to the movie Cannon which is already a lot we're going to do a quick whan bio on our road up to Prometheus we're currently in our preus era Peter whan was born in Mumbai India in 1990 to wealthy parents his mother was a professor of comparative mythology and his dad was a self-taught software engineer Peter whan was a prodigy who received a method patent for his synthetic trachea that he constructed entirely out of synthetically engineered stem cells typical Libra this would actually be his 12 we registered patented date and on October 11th in 2012 the whan corporation was formed when he was only 22 on March 27th of 2015 Wayan made his first billion bucks and his first successful industrialized space mission thanks to renewable energy collected by his company solar panels whan also helps curb global warming in 2016 thanks to developing a synthetic atmosphere that's put above the polar ice caps he gets kned in 2017 and that same year acquires the rights to NASA's project Prometheus after funding for the project fell through now NASA had never had a project Prometheus at least as far as the public knows but the Jupiter icy Moon Orbiter was for sure real I keep reading that as juicy ass Moon Orbiter at Nasa the jimo project was an unmanned shuttle with nuclear propulsion that was designed to explore the icy moons of Jupiter which may contain life just like in 2010 the year he made contact a movie that everyone has seen what's going to happen something wonderful unfortunately funding for this project fell through through in 2005 after NASA shifted back to man missions we'll keep checking back game with whan and his company throughout this entire timeline but right now we've got some really dumb scientists to talk about in 2023 hey that's now whan was granted its first patent for method and apparatus for synthetic individuals there's like a lot of patent talk in this don't worry about it at a TED Talk remember those in March of that year Peter whan drops the big news that they started making a robits these rules exist because the people who created them were afraid of what would happen if they didn't a year later in 2024 whan manufactured their first Advanced Android prototype model named David whan welcomes David into this world by exposing him to a healthy dose of God complex in Christian iconography like Italian Renaissance P Pierro DEA Francesca's the Nativity and Michelangelo's statue of David where robot David chooses his name from this kind of feels like a setup by whan I mean like what else was he supposed to call call himself based off things in that room piano meet my son piano Steinway the Japanese cybernetic startup the utani corporation files a lawsuit against whan for the patent of the Android which whan wins in litigation in 2029 whan starts buying up Aerospace and defense companies like Boeing locked Martin and north or gromin in 2032 and in 2034 whan unveils their first faster than light capable vessel the heliades which is named after the daughters of the Titan God Helios and the ocean CL in 20 39 the whan atmosphere processor is deployed to help create the first breathable atmosphere on an extrasolar planet that Tech will be used for decades to come throughout this franchise we're going to fast forward a few years to 2079 to say happy birthday to the eth generation of David the latest synthetic model produced by whan and powered by Verizon fos remember that that was dumb David is the pride and joy of Peter whan way more than his own daughter he is the closest thing to a son I will ever have unfortunately he is he's not human David was given the tit TI classification a connection back to whan's Ted Talk in 2023 the fire that danced at the end of that match was a gift from the Titan Prometheus and very likely inspired by his mom's influence Peter would pass along his supernormal obsession with Gods to his synthetic son a very smart thing to teach a supercomputer that can never die and also has hands in April of 2079 multiphen at Dr Elizabeth Shaw sends one of what sounds like dozens of messages to Peter whan via some utani branded technology that feels very Vo confy if that name sounds familiar to you it's because I've been calling your office every day for the last month she appeals to Peter Wayan's motivations to discover who created us and why with an extra helping of optimism most likely in the hopes that whan will offer some sort of Assistance or funding for her project aside from Japan India and the United Kingdom forming the three World Empire in 2088 there's a gap of about a decade in between this message from Shaw and her discovery of those cave paintings on the aisle of sky in 2089 shaww makes this discovery with with her scientific and life partner Charlie Holloway who's not Tom Hardy this cave painting matches six other various pieces of ancient art and architecture that depict large beings pointed to a series of circles which is identified as The Zeta 2 reticuli star system this is apparently enough to get whan's attention because in 2091 Prometheus takes off for LV 223 with a crew of 17 and one hidden old guy it seems like Shaw's optimism must have rubbed off on the old kajillionaire I think they want us to come and find them on January 7th 2092 on the Olympia Colony on Earth's Moon Ellen Luis Ripley is born and in 2093 construction of the uscss Covenant begins that same year after 2 years in hypersleep Prometheus arrives at LV 223 one of the three moves that are orbiting the gas giant KP on December 21st 20193 shortly after arriving the team discovers the remnants of structures the engineers Left Behind along with their plans for Humanity one in stasis one who didn't do enough cardio and a whole store room of that pathogen that the tall guy chugged all those billions of years ago they take the severed engineer near head back on the ship which is just one of like a dozen stupid things this crew of dumb Dums gets into the whole mission is like a dunce Olympics hey baby all of these missions needed like one Waffle House employee on board and none of this would have happened like that lady who caught the chair like she ah snatch it out of the air love her David learns that the engineers were actually heading to Earth with the intent of destroying the planet the specific reasons are a little muddy but it seems like the engineers were not happy with the way Humanity turned out in an interview with Fandango back in 2012 and I'm paraphrasing here Ridley Scott said that the engineers were constantly thinking about the Roman Empire and how humans had screwed everything up so bad they sent an emissary to Earth to tell them to straighten up and fly right but they crucified him heavily implying that Jesus Christ was actually an engineer which is false he was a carpenter not to rehash a movie that's over 10 years old that everyone already fought about for way too long but a Creator searching for their creator and then being killed by his creation by the Creator's Creator to only reveal that it's all nothing is kind of fun it's not subtle in any way but it's fun it's better than what's coming I got to take a leak Peter whan reveals that he's actually been on board the Prometheus the whole time and demands to be brought to see the lone engineer that David found in the Sleep sarcophagus after waking up David speaks to the engineer on whan's behalf and the engineer responds by doing his best Al Snow impression and Bonks whing off the timeline Captain Janik and the Fellas stop the engineer from completing his trip to Earth Shaw escapes the engineer thanks to the squid she had cut out of her body earlier in the movie and we learned that Meredith Vickers can't turn left go that way Charlies at the end of the day the only ones left alive are Shaw and David who says that he can take Shaw to meet the creators yes I believe I can the last transmission sent by the doctor is on New Year's Day 2094 my name is Elizabeth Shaw lost survivor of the Prometheus and I'm still searching and then things get Shaw repairs David and the two plot a course for the home planet of the engineers David puts Shaw into the Sleep coffin and then starts his plan to kill God like Elia Ivanov and the Soviet Union in the 1920s so many dead chimpanzees there's no hard date about what transpired on board the ship before eventually arriving at the unknown home planet of the engineers at the most distant edge of the Galaxy we were finally going to meet our were creators how long impossible to say the crowd on the planet below is super excited about the vessel returning after thousands of years away but they're in for one big surprise Weird Al Yankovic is on the plane unfortunately no David opens the main hole and drops the pathogen payload onto the population below this wipes out his Creator's creators and transforms the entire environment and biology of the planet which makes it look like spooky Tuscany shortly after this Mass Extinction is probably when David began his failed experiments on Shaw to turn her into Sarah carrian basically and he also set up his own Mutter Museum back on Earth you whing Corporation absorbs uttiny cybernetics and becomes the highest valued company ever recorded on the systems Exchange in 2099 sometime shortly after that the mega powerful conglomerate releases their newest model Android Walter Walter the Walter models are more like robot Butlers and not as independent as the David model 8s which was probably a business decision after the most important David LED his creator into into a death trap and is somewhere out in space just making nightmares you were too human thinking for yourself made people uncomfortable according to the colonial Marines technical manual the United States colonial Marines Corp is established under the National Security Act of 2101 which just basically amends that the Marines fight on land sea air and space now that off world colonies are a common thing and Aliens too in the 2014 novel sea of Sorrows by James a Moore there's mentions of mankind making contact with sentient alien life that doesn't have a blood lust for humans by late 2100 Earth had established trade with an alien species called the arcturians who are mentioned in Aliens sure would mind getting some more that Octan yeah the one that you had was male don't matter when it's Octan and alen Dean Foster author of the alien novelization name checks their home planet as well in 2101 the uscss no stroo named after the 1904 Joseph Conrad novel was constructed as an Interstellar Cruiser but will be retrofitted 15 years later as a towing vessel in 2103 the United Americas were formed after Central America and South America were swallowed by North America essentially and the Covenant colonization mission is announced despite a sabotage attempt by a revolutionary cell known as Earth Savers the Covenant launch is successful with 2,000 colonists and 1,140 embryos on ice and an operating crew of 15 who we meet for a short moment before they enter hypersleep in December of 2104 a stellar ignition damages Covenant and causes the crew to wake up 7 years before before they reach their destination the planet origi 6 the crew also picks up a voice signal from a mysterious planet that never even popped up during the years of research to find an inhabitable new home it's beyond your most optimistic projections of origa 6 how did we miss this we scann the entire sector despite the giant red flags raised by Chief terraform Katherine Daniels it's too good to be true too good to be true what do you mean by that Captain Chris Oram an idiot makes the brilliant decision to land on the ominous rock where they find nothing but death and David who has been growing out his roots David reveals to orm that he's been working on his little hobbies for close to a decade and then pulls off the easiest gotcha of all time take a look gotcha he's done nothing but lie to you the entire time since you've got there is it even safe here perfectly Oram wakes up and quickly learns why sticking your head in a big wet egg is a terrible idea after just a bloodbath of crew members Daniels Walter and Kenny po hours successfully get off the cursed planet and return to Covenant and start charting a course back to origi 6 unfortunately David is great at Impressions And Trades places with Walter during their scuffle he puts Daniels into cryo after revealing himself relays a fake transmission that the Covenant crew died from a solar flare All crew members apart from Daniels in Tennessee tragically perished in a solar flare incident he then places two face hugger embryos in storage and that's the last we see of David for all we know he's out on origy 6 creating aliens and misquoting Shelly iron like Prometheus Covenant has a lot of religious tones themes subtext and lack thereof just thrown all over the movie because you can't be a person of faith and be counted on to make qualified rational decisions I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards the leap from wanting to meet God to wanting to replace him through violence and science is a fun swing Ridley what we have tried to do here is to really really scare the people we don't know the fate of Covenant and it's colonist but the movie gave us two important things to fast Bender [Music] [Applause] kissing as we exit the post metheus era of our timeline we're just going to take a small break before we dive head first into the Ripley verse the film that started all Ridley Scott's alien timeline wise there's no major events that we can find that happen between the end of Covenant and the plate of the Nostromo there's probably a ton going on behind the scenes in the expanded alien universe as a whole but nothing that earns a mention on our timeline in the 18 years between the two events in 2120 the Nostromo departed Earth on what would become its final trip with a crew of seven Captain Arthur Dallas Warren officer Ellen Ripley Thomas Kane Joan Lambert Dennis Parker Samuel Brett a secret synthetic named Ash and Jones the cat after a stop off on thetus the Nostromo crew is woken up out of cryosleep after receiving an unknown distress signal while traveling by The Zeta 2 reticuli star system despite multiple dissenting opinions the crew the Nostromo is contractually obligated to investigate the signal otherwise they won't get paid penalty of total forfeiture of shares and this is where we learn one of the biggest lessons of the alien franchise mother the command system aboard the Nostromo reroutes the ship and the crew lands on the moon LV 426 which is right next door to LV 223 give or take a couple million space miles soon after landing on the Rock which is not nearly as pretty as LV 223 Dallas Kan and Lambert discover an engineer ship that looks like it's been there since the first Easter and it's just choked with xenomorph eggs just lousy with them I know that Prometheus in Covenant working as prequels tosses a ton of events and alien into a blender why was this fossilized engineer trapped on LV 426 instead of 223 why was the ship filled with xenomorph eggs despite David being the creator of this species and why is every person so compelled to be faed down in danger eggs we don't have any answers on that front so if you have a gripe with any of this take it up with Ridley Scott F you you thank you very much you go yourself after some time in the med Bay Kane ruins everyone's lunch and the crew is left to fend for itself against the Michael Jordan of movie monsters which makes the Nostromo crew the 1995 Seattle SuperSonics yeah that works out the crew gets picked off fairly quickly Ash attempts to kill Ripley after she finds out whing utani plans for the creature but they're a company that's really bad at making robots with strong necks this Revelation from Ash shows that way and utani at least at this point of the timeline has some kind of knowledge about Xenomorphs at least enough to know exists and that it's important enough from a business standpoint for them to sacrifice the lives of six people and millions and millions of pounds of resources to get it Ripley and Jones make it aboard the Escape shuttle narcissus also named for a Joseph Conrad novel and she launches the xenomorph into space with her signature move opening the airlock Ripley and Jones prepare to go into hypersleep and she leaves a transmission regarding the fate of the Nostromo I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks with a little luck the network will pick me up nope as I mentioned at the top of this video there are a lot of pieces of alien media especially novels and novelizations and we're not going to dive too deep into them the 2014 book alien out of Shadows by Tim leban directly references Ripley and the narcissus 37 years after she escapes the Nostromo and before she's discovered in Aliens long story short Ripley shuttle is hacked by Ash who implanted his brain into the computer system and then is taken to a mining ship called the Maran where multiple mining Crews have just also discovered Xenomorphs so Ash is like yes please give me I'm all about it rley gets caught up in a blood bath and then is placed back in stasis and has her memory wiped by another character because she keeps having nightmares basically Ripley didn't need to be in the book especially when we know she's alive in Aliens 20 plus years from this point but she's in it so we figured we put it on the timeline in 2157 a whing new tiny terraforming colony was plopped on the surface of LV 426 and is named Hadley's hope for its founder Curtis Hadley who is just some guy 57 years after Ripley escapes on the narcissus her shuttle is discovered by a salvage crew who miraculously comes across her ship floating in deep space in 2179 and it's really just blind luck that a deep Salvage team found you when they did there's a few things we have to touch on here like for starters we find out that Ripley had a daughter named Amanda Amanda Ripley McLaren who is born sometime in the year 201111 or 2112 even though the date of birth and date of death listed on her file makes absolutely no sense at all there's like a 59 in there and she possibly died in 2120 despite Burke saying she died 2 years ago or maybe that's just her DAV buster power card points and that was at the time of her death which was two years ago also pixelated images are still a problem in 2179 the whole thing's a mess and I know we're talking about Amanda Ripley years after the events of the video game Alien Isolation which features her as a main character it just doesn't kind of doesn't really add anything here I'm sorry also in Aliens there's a quick mention of hyperd systems the synthetics Corporation yeah the hyperd systems 128 to this is a James Cameron movie but thankfully hyperd and cyber Dy have nothing to do with each other which means the Terminator timeline will not show up on this list which is for the best Ripley gets dragged in front of a bunch of bureaucrats and car seats where they berate her over loss of company property strip her over her flight credentials and ignore her warnings about the alien nest and asomo crew found on LV 426 which is how Ripley also learns about Hadley's hope it's what we call a shake and bake Colony how many are there how many colonists I don't know 60 maybe 70 families way and utani most definitely knew about the existence of Xenomorphs in some form before the Nostromo floated by LV 426 before they willingly sent dozens of families there in the hopes of digging them up and it was wrong it was a bad call Ripley it was a bad bad call these people are dead Burke a mom and pop team of surveyors under under the direction of Carter Burke come across the engineer ship on the surface of LV 426 and things go about as well as you'd expect them to go the movies don't show us how Hadley's hope fell into chaos after the face hugger was brought back but the two issue 1992 comic aliens n's tale by Mike Richardson and James Somerville gives us a look at how everything went to after n's father returned with a faceful of alien a few days after losing contact with Hadley's hope a rescue mission is put into effect which Ripley reluctantly agrees to join to ensure the alien is stomped out for good but to wipe them out you have my word on it all right I'm in and it [ __ ] rips Chris B this get away from her you [ __ ] after things get food barred down on the colony Ripley finds the queen torches a whole mess of eggs Place some Steel Battalion nukes LV 426 off the map and launches the queen out the goddamn lock Ripley n Hicks and both halves of Bishop go into hypersleep as the salako named after the ship in the novel and aomo heads to Earth and everyone goes on to live a full and happy life nope turns out there was an alien egg stashed away on board somewhere and like a flock of geese to Sully sullenberger it takes down the salako unlike Sully they don't stick their landing and everyone besides Ripley perishes on the shores of fena 161 very shortly after they escape LV 426 like a few days maybe a week it's never confirmed but it's like right then Ripley's unconscious body is brought to Wayan UT's combo industrial smelting Factory SL former Correctional Facility that's mostly populated by bald British character actors and Charles S Dutton who's just throwing fast balls the whole movie you got a blade and you take it out and youing use it shortly after watching Hicks and nuke get laid to rest Terminator style a stray face hugger makes its way inside and then outside of an ox or a dog depending on which cut you're watching with Alien 3 there's two main cuts the theatrical cut and the assembly cut that the film's editor put together with no involvement from director David Fincher who hated working on the movie so much that he almost never talked about it until a very recent interview with Empire magazine where he talks briefly about how horrible the experience was it's amazing to me that fox is the number one studio in the country because they're all such a bunch of morons Ripley takes a badly damaged Bishop offline and the whole thing is just a huge bummer in a long list of bummers I'd rather be nothing an earlier version of the Alien 3 script was written by Neuromancer author William Gibson and was going to be more focused on Hicks who accidentally drifted into space and ended up in the middle of a conflict with space Communists space there was also a Vincent Ward script where Ripley ends up on a planet that's made entirely out of wood and is populated by monks immediately in just to add to the pile Ripley finds out she's got a bug in her and decides to go hunting in the hopes of killing the xenomorph loose in the facility along with the future Queen that's lurking inside her chest and Wayan utani is not happy about losing valuable product property Ripley and the two remaining inmates give the alien a molten lead bath just as Michael Bishop the supposed real bishop and whan utan goons arrive you're a Droid same model as Bishop said by the [ __ ] company no I'm not the bishop Android I designed it I'm very human I know he takes a metal pipe to the back of the head and just keeps holding a conversation with Ripley while like half his ear is hanging off but based on everything I found that's actually the real Bishop he's the Jack Young blood of corporate ghouls Ripley ends the murderous monster cycle she's been Trapped In by leaping into the furnace below just as the xenomorph Queen explodes out of her chest or that doesn't happen and she dies in the furnace below depends on which cut you're watching but both results are the same Ellen Ripley the reluctant hero of these films is finally able to rest in peace [Music] nope we're coming to the end of our run here there's a few events that fill in the big ass gap between when Ripley we pulled to Harry Nelson and when we climb aboard the USM or for its final mission in 20202 the united Americas along with the three World Empire China and four independent core system colonies form the United Systems 24 years later the United colonial Marines get a name change to the United systems military in 2226 in 2291 Wayan utan was successfully sued for independence by the new indie Colony I can't find any information on what the lawsuit was about or about new indie in general so if you know something about it please leave it in the comments coms 2 years later waying utani takes another hit when rival company rton puts a more advanced FTL drive on the market this causes the USM to sign contracts with rton and they throw whan utani in the trash in 2306 artificial persons from the Alia Collective were given civil rights and every cybernet division across the Stars took a massive hit to their wallets now that since can't be treated like tools anymore we don't have a hard date for this next spot but sometime after 2349 wh and utani after becoming the massive conglom that gave Humanity power to reach the stars in one super rich weirdo's hopes of meeting God they're bought out by Walmart are they went on day decades ago get him in way before your time bought out by Walmart Walmart Walmart Walter in 2356 the USM secured blood samples of Ellen Ripley that were taken on Fury 161 we'll get back to that in just a minute 20 years later in a desperate attempt to save the synthetic person's industry the first autons were manufactured in 23 76 autons who are more or less the children of synthetics did not last very long in the 24th century these second generation synth violently rebelled against their creators in an event called the recall sometime in 2379 during the recall autons burned their modems to cut their connections to the United Systems computer which had been used to guide or reprogram previous model synthetics the word around space is autons revolted because they didn't like being told what to do what had actually happened was the autons realized that creators like Wayan utan were using synthetics for unethical missions that would ultimately harm humans it's like the song Goodbye Earl but Earl is the blood powered cogs of the military industrial complex and Wanda is Humanity most of the aons were destroyed and the few remaining survivors fled into hiding in 2381 the USM orri successfully produces a clone of Ellen Ripley using her blood samples from furion 161 thanks to their science team made up of every weird guy in your office the Clone is designated as Ripley 8 and the morph Queen which was also reconstructed from her DNA is extracted and boxed up Ripley 8 starts to recall Ellen's memories along with her love for an one basketball she's got super clone strength acid blood cool weird Claws and a Shadow the Hedgehog attitude who do I have to to get off this boat the USM is clearly working outside of the regulations of space law and that's even more obvious when a batch of alien sacrifices are delivered by a gang of pirates including French character actor Dominic pinan who are you expecting Santa Claus love that guy eggs hatch Xenomorphs Escape shar's dad bites it and the few survivors left on board learn that the ship has activated its emergency protocol and is on a direct route back to Earth Earth man what a [ __ ] hole oh and we learned that Winona is one of the autons that escaped the recall on their way to the ship the Betty Ripley eight doubles across the lab where Ripley's 1 through 7 are being kept and Ripley eight Cronin burns the thing to the ground check off's chest burster finally goes off and the worm is gunned down Murphy style there's a couple Whispers of Robocop in this movie actually the potential for this species goes Way Beyond Urban pacification 209 is currently program for urban pacification but that is only the beginning before they can jet off to safety Ripley the E gets a face-to-face meeting with the xenomorph Queen they cut out of her at the start and we all meet this thing the hybrid creature takes a look around for about 5 seconds before before it gets sick of the place and after it crushes a few heads it's turned into Cosmic gumbo by rip leoo the or along with the hive of xenomorph eggs on board crashes super hard into Earth again depending on which version you're watching the endings are different but mostly just in Vibes the theatrical version shows the crew reaching Earth and flying over a lush and beautiful landscape that kind of looks like a good screen saver in the special edition of the film however we see Ripley 8 and Winona bot sitting on a trash Heap overlooking Paris after a weekend Riot regardless of which one you prefer they both end with the same line I'm a stranger here myself and that's where it ends at least our version a vast timeline of Terror Gore heroism horny robots and late late late stage capitalism I know there's so much media out there that orbits these six films and your timeline is very likely different from ours if it is please tell me what I missed this whole video wouldn't have been possible without the resources provided by the very committed fans of this film Universe seriously thank you for your service but tell us what do you think do you think we'll ever see David again probably not what are your expectations around alien Romulus is there any other film Universe you'd want to see a deep dive into sound off in the comments below thank you so much for watching we'll see you around
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 676,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Nerdist Now, Alien, Nerdist News, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Retrospective, Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, Alien vs Predator, AVP, AVPR, Requiem, Xenomorph
Id: eK2I4Sb-64w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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