Mortal Kombat (2021) KILL COUNT

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foreign [Music] count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Denise and today we're looking at Mortal Kombat the reboot released in 2021 I'm pumped to cover this movie because you all know I'm an MK Ultra fan that is an ultra fan of MK not a fan of MK Ultra I've played the game since an early age when they were somehow not as impossibly hard for me no no oh fuck earlier this year I covered the 90s movies and while the first is fun enough the second is an Abomination and neither are my particular style in terms of aesthetic or humor conversely This Modern adaptation is my shit listen I know it's got a lot of problems the structure's a mess and the Arcana thing feels like an unnecessary over-explanation plus spoiler alert they never get to the tournament mortal kombat's about a tournament they spend the whole movie talking about a tournament tournaments tournaments tournament and yet they never get to the goddamn tournament it's dumb but this movie's dumb in a way I really enjoy it's aware of its campy Source material but still plays things seriously enough to to have an impact who the fuck isn't about to cheer when scorpion says [Music] that's freaking awesome most everyone who made this movie was a fan of the games and wanted to do them justice among them was Australian director Simon McCoy who kept things going during the 12-week shoot in and around Adelaide South Australia ultimately this feels like a setup to a Mortal Kombat movie series and if you keep that in mind it should help you have a good time and I think it's still fun even if you don't know any of the lore for fans of the franchise though it's even better thanks to tons of little inside jokes that I'll be pointing out during this episode I know plenty of people shat on this movie and that's fine I mean it's not great but I had a blast watching it and maybe you will too and besides y'all just like the games this thing is Gory as fuck cue the sponsor talk with raycon earbuds you can enjoy amazing audio quality wherever you are and no matter what you're doing if it's snug inside your ear holes so they'll stay put even if you're fighting to save Earth realm and Mortal Kombat I use my raycons to listen to podcasts and music while I'm doing chores lately I've been using them while raking leaves listening to the new Limp Bizkit album yeah raycons are available in five stylish colors so you can get them as gifts for everybody this holiday season they start at half the price of other premium audio Brands so they won't break the bank and with free shipping and returns you have absolutely nothing to worry about get 15 off your order today by using the promo code holiday just go to buy dead meat and use code holiday to get 15 off the 90s movies had bloodless kills owing to their PG-13 ratings this movie almost got an NC-17 and I'll show you why let's get to The Kills the movie begins in Japan in 1617 at the compound of Hanzo hasashi Hanzo is a ninja of the shirai-riu clan but he's also a family man and confirmed white guy oh that's nice oh he's out getting water though his compound is attacked the first victim is cut down or up on the other side of this wall hanzo's wife and son hide their family's baby girl before they're found by bee Han a Chinese ninja of a rival Clan called the Lynn Quay he is not only a mean man he also has ice powers because this is the original Sub-Zero motherfuckers when Hanzo comes back he's shocked to find a random ninja friend Dead with a spear in his back actually he's a bit more concerned with his wife and Son's frozen bodies that he finds outside the compound sitting there looking like a prize-winning ice sculptor this leaves Hanzo understandably pissed and he takes it out on the four linquay ninjas Who attack him he fucks him up real bad and the movie doesn't hide from the gruesomeness of Blade kills by the way this group of kills also includes two of hanzo's men seen in the background Hanzo grabs a kunai his wife had been using for gardening and a long robe to fasten together his signature weapon a harpoon that he uses to kill the next wave of ninjas it's choreographed pretty clear clearly which makes my job a whole lot easier I counted nine victims total during this attack the last one getting clotheslined to the ground get ready Hanzo finds bihan and though he doesn't speak his language both of them are fully fluent and kick-assery they have an awesome fight scene revolving around hanzo's kunai which makes its way into and across both of their bodies at various points behind eventually overpowers his Foe and sticks the spear tip into hanzo's shoulder he's so confident that it's enough to kill Hanzo that bihan walks away like fuck it looking like Jason in part three hanzo's still alive enough to crawl past an extra body we didn't see before but then he stretches out his arm and dies closer to his compound good thing he didn't make it inside you might have burned the damn thing down with that fire magic a thunder god named Raiden arrives eyes all with glowing and finds the hidden heir of Hanzo hasashi it's time for that baby to take a lightning trip and time for us to take a look at this title card card with a K some text spells out our situation Earth realm that's us is one fighting Tournament away from being taken over by the violent mentioned known as outworld but again don't hold your breath waiting for the tournament right now we need to introduce shit like Hanzo hasashi's descendant koyong a movie only character played by Lewis tan created to be an audience surrogate of sorts I know lots of people myself included weren't thrilled about the inclusion of a non-game new character there's only one of those I'll Stand My Boy Arlene rest in peace buddy but don't blame co-writer Greg Russo a lifelong fan of the games he said Cole Young was a studio demand that came straight from Warner Brothers Cole's a cage fighter with a loving wife Alison and daughter Emily but their love doesn't keep him from getting his ass kicked he's always losing his bouts despite Emily's solid advice the uppercut is a big damage move in the game especially in the first view before combos were more of a thing Cole was beaten bloody but seems like he still has fans like this handsome stranger Koh young the man that took the belt from Eddie Tobias that name is a reference to the men who made Mortal Kombat and Boone and John Tobias who were working at Midway games in the early 90s this is Jax and his giant arms and he's very forward asking Cole about his Dragon marking he's had it since birth and it was also seen on Hanzo during his fateful trip to the watering hole Jax keeps an eye on Cole as he and his family go for ice cream oh and check it this ice cream place must have experiential marketing because it's snowing all of a sudden it's more than snowing actually it's a full-on deep freeze here and look who it is making things Frosty beyond the b-hole is back as Sub-Zero howling hard and Toman one dude in the head which I'll say kills it this ice attack is awesome since it was done practically the effects team experimented with the best materials that would look and break like real ice then devoted a whole Warehouse to making enough of it special effects supervisor Peter Stubbs even built an ice gun to make the hail rain down Jax rolls up to save Cole and his family and while driving them to safety tells Cole what's going on that scary blue ninja is hunting both of them down since they both have those Dragon markings on their bodies it's not a birthmark Cole means you've been chosen before he can explain too much Sub-Zero blocks their path so Jax tells Cole to go find a woman named Sonya Blade while he tries to take care of the Iceman the fight between Jackson Sub-Zero is preceded by some Easter egg graffiti the controller input to perform Sub-Zero's freeze attack subby shows up for a fight that gives us a look at Jax's muscles in action but despite their impressive girth he gets his ass kicked by Sub-Zero I mean the guy does have ice powers it's nothing to be ashamed of Jax somebody uses his powers to force Jackson to submission then freezes him from hands to shoulders with a painful shattering Jax loses his second amendment rights that's really gonna suck when you can't catch yourself during a fall damn that looks painful so be you mean as we've seen bihan has been a bad guy for centuries but now nowadays he's working for the desolate hostile outworld he's hunting down people with dragon markings on behalf of a sorcerer named Shang TSU played here by chin Han who has the unfortunate job of stepping into the massive shoes left by Kerry hiroyuki tagawa Shang Tsung wants to kill all of earthroam's potential Champions before the tournament can even begin don't worry shangy you've got time cool drops off Emily and Allison somewhere safe and heads to Gary Indiana to meet Sonia blade he gets to her shitty trailer and shows her a shitty marking earning her trust and a dollop of backstory Sonia and Jax served together in the U.S Special Forces but lately they've been researching those Dragon markings on a mission years ago they found a target with a marking who had superhuman abilities when Jax killed the target the marking transferred to his body as best they could tell the marking has to do with some kind of legendary interrelm fighting tournament it's an invitation to fight for something known as Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat and yeah this scene is one big old Exposition dumb but at least it includes Easter eggs for Mortal Kombat fans peep that picture of Nightwolf one of my favorite characters or that bust of kodo Khan the future former leader of outworld there may be more Easter eggs hidden here too Sonia's wall of Intel became a full-time job for the art Department we knew that if the camera went across that it would be freeze frying and red so everything had to be accurate and everything had to be right but enough of those cameos let's get another character in the mix the Australian criminal Kano okay no what kind of none of your fucking business no last name Hano is a ruthless mercenary who works for the black dragon Clan Sonya's holding him captive because he has a dragon marking just like Jax kano's marking appeared after he killed someone else who had it he were never chosen of course neither was Sonia she doesn't even have a marking all of a sudden they start getting an invisible beat down thanks to a camouflage foe it steps on taino's face and scars it with a nasty slash then slinks around in the rafters dripping acid from its mouth this is size off AKA reptile an MK Mainstay who's had invisibility since he was a hidden character in the first game I love how they use a flare in this fight to keep track of it reptile's character evolved from a green palette swap ninja to being a member of The Reptilian species known as saurians since director Simon mcquode wanted to draw from all of mortal kombat's lore he made his movie's version both quadrupedal and bipedal the three-on-one handicap match eventually ends when Kano punches into reptile's chest and screaming removes his heart kinda wins you fucking Beauty Josh Lawson is so damn entertaining as Kano and many of his lines were improvised not sure which ones though Sonia wants to go to Raiden's Temple where Champions trained for Mortal Kombat and Kano knows where it is since he used to run weapons there he takes them there on a cargo plane that they have to parachute out of then they begin the long Trek with Kano as their guy he says he knows where they're going but that dude lives in a House of Lies since he's such a dick it's a good thing they get additional help in the form of this Karate Kid it's Luke freaking King and he's got freaking Fireballs does that mean I'm gonna get super powers at any point Liu Kang's a Shaolin monk from the order of light another Earth realm champion in the employment of Lord Raiden he's played by Ludy Lynn previously a Power Ranger and another fighting game character in an episode of Black Mirror blue leads them across the desert expands until they arrive at Raiden's Temple both of the previous Mortal Kombat films had awesome on location shoots and I'm glad this installment continues that Tradition now with more sweeping cinematography location supervisor Jacob McIntyre scouted epic Landscapes throughout Australia sometimes they needed to modify things like with hanzo's Lush Japan set compound there they added fake moss and Greenery to mount Crawford's Pine Forest an hour away from Adelaide for Raiden's Temple though filmed at an empty opal mine called Cooper PD they didn't have to do anything though it had never been filmed before it was already screen ready lose ham Lantern and a secret door gains them entrance inside the temple where murals depict previous tournaments and give us more Easter eggs one of them shows the realm named edemia and another Shao Khan the hammer wielding emperor of outworld Eddie Echo that one's got your grandpappy in it explains all those weird dreams you've been having lately besides the murals which look really cool in real life Raiden's Temple includes other Easter eggs such as the steel fans of Princess Katana and shinnok's amulet an important item in the game's storyline Liu Kang introduces everyone to lightning daddy Raiden who says they're pretty shithouse Champion especially you Kano Raiden's played by Tata Nobu asado in a performance that I know disappointed a lot of people one more Victory an outward will gain control over Earth forever I think it's fine but I was expecting more given asano's electric performance and Ichi the killer I wonder if he just took this role because he's a fan of hats it may not bristle me as much as Christopher Lambert's Weasley depiction but I was hoping for more of the forcefulness we get from the video game version our time has run out I do what I must to save earthroam Raiden's worried about this Scrappy band of Misfits because Shang Tsung is a real son of a bitch not only does the sorcerer have Sub-Zero on his side he's got this Shorty with a monster mouth named Molina our world may be a bit Barren but it's still dazzling thanks to them shooting at Lee Creek Coal Mine director McCoy to hauled his casting crew there six hours away from Adelaide correctly thinking that the OM location shoot would add to the performances and epicness Sub-Zero ice forces his way inside Raiden's Temple the baddies are here to wreck the place and give Shang Tsung some spiritual Nom Noms there's soaps of mine Duty Souls Raiden shows up and tells Shang Tsung to fuck off please and thank you they'll fight at the tournament and not before it even if it doesn't happen in this movie he puts up a lightning shield with his Power Rangers staff and that's enough to push the plot back a little while longer the newbies start training with Liu Kang and his cousin professional hat thrower Kung Lao descendant of the great Kung Lao Kung lao's ancestor was shown in one of those murals defeating Shang Tsung which prevented an earlier Earth realm takeover attempt Lou and Kung Lao have unlocked their arcanas this boobies invention that explains why everyone has superpowers they did so by training AKA leveling up but it's not just about the grind you also need a dragon marking of Quinn so sorry Sonia no superpower for you oh fucking whoops The Marked boys get to fighting which as always in this movie is a treat to watch it's impressive how after Max Huang matches the spinny fluid style of video game Kung Lao he says it was the Chinese martial arts style Wing Chun Huang was a real life fan of the game as were many other cast and crew members Jax's actor mccad Brooks said that as a kid he was scorpion for Halloween this is still a big deal to me I love that the actors cared about the franchise as much as writer Russo and director McCoy this doesn't feel like it was just another job for them they seem to know the importance of portraying these characters properly for fans of the franchise Molina's actor sissy Stringer got a 2 000 word fan essay about her character's backstory so she could go into the role fully prepared the training sequence includes a reference to a common play style in the original game spamming the leg sweep that's the only move you know mate another game reference is mentioned while Liu Kang tells Cole Young his backstory he mentions bow ride show the man who trained him in Kung Lao and who in the games early on was a guy who burped and farted a lot he was dumb since she can't train with the marked boys Sonia instead hangs out with Jack who's being treated in the temple after Liu Kang found him alive but you know armless now he's rocking these mechanical limbs which aren't exactly a one-to-one replacement for his previously bulging biceps oh those are great mate they make those in men's sauces Kino goes on a suppertime tirade of personal insults and Mild racism and that anger unlocks his Arcana which blasts forth from his eye ah laser beam it's better than Fireballs yeah pussy no matter how much they beat up Cole though the kid just can't find his power must be extra disappointing After he finds out he's the descendant of Hanzo hasashi a legendary Warrior murdered by Sub-Zero since Cole won't shut up about how much he misses his family Raiden opens a Lightning Portal and sends the guy home cheaper than ride shares I'll tell you that much yeah Allison you hugged that Frugal husband here let's meet some more Mortal Kombat characters freaking cabal one of my faves and two characters I was unfamiliar with Reiko and natara whose Shang Tsung keeps saying is hot she is beautiful in every single way there's also the still unseen shokan Warrior Prince Goro who was earlier teas did one of those murals Zhang Tsung says they all about to beat up some Earth realmers and to get to them they'll lean on cabal's networking skills you see a guy down there complete fucking asshole answers to Kano come on those Kano through the black dragon Syndicate and in fact kano's the reason cabal's all Darth vaderized through a profanity ridden back and forth cabal convinces Kano to join the bad guys just name your price then double it and double it again what are you waiting for asshole Kano agrees and destroys Raiden's Shield thingy with his laser eye allowing Shang Tsung to HotBox the place with evil smoke that transports him and his Hench people there fighting promptly ensues Kang goes up against cabal's superhuman speed and hook weapons Reiko takes his boom Hammer to Jackson his rough draft arms and the ladies square up with Sonia having to defend herself against Molina's pair of sides Molina gets the best of Sonia and even gets a little bit kinky with it but since Sonia's blood doesn't have that Dragon marking spice to it Molina says she's not worthy your death has no worth purple teleport away Kano picks up the slack and puts Sonia down by laser beaming a giant hand onto her body which is probably its own category on PornHub as Kamal gets the best of Luke Kang Shang Tsung tells us hottie hot vampire girlfriend to fight Kung Lao no destroy him my beauty that duh doesn't go great for natara Kung Lao centers himself and revs up his chakram hat and rides natara into it so she gets freaking buzz on yeah Flawless Victory fuck yeah it was dude that was sick during all this fighting Cole gets a home visit from Prince Goro who for whatever reason comes out of his shed this girl looks pretty good for a giant CG Beast although I missed the clunky animatronic created by Tom Woodruff at ADI it wasn't great but I can't help thinking how good a modern day practical Goro could look just think of Neil scanlon's work in Jurassic world Fallen Kingdom and imagine a Goro of that caliber instead we get a digital version which was done with two dudes in blue screen suits the back one on stilt so they could Corey graph a fight properly using the character's forearms props the VFX supervisor Chris Godfrey for all the solid CG I did not realize that Jax's entire chest had blue screen effects going on it looks great much better than his Annihilation bullshit Allison gets involved to help her man turning Goro's attention to her and Emily and you do not want that guy's attention with his family in danger cool finally finds his Arcana it's a suit of armor that comes out of a bracelet Emily had made berm earlier and because of that it looks like golden thread it also looks bad in my opinion kind of cheap perhaps a product of this movie's budget 55 million bucks isn't exactly an indie movie but it's not a huge Blockbuster budget either I think every dollar wound up on the screen but they might not have had enough to make all the costumes great regardless costume designer Kathy Ireland put a lot of thought into all of the outfits Shang Tsung is rocking ancient Chinese armor for instance with the souls he's stolen and printed on it I like that they changed Raiden's hat from straw to metal and apparently on cabal's costume he's got a police badge from his buddy's Striker another game character who hasn't yet made it to the big screen Cole's armor is part of his Arcana which is also kind of lame I guess it's a kinetic thing where he can absorb blows and turn them into strength or something he uses this newfound advantage to go on the offense against Prince Goro and he fares much better in the second round of their bout especially with that uppercut he even materializes a pair of golden tanfall and with those he really lays into his forearmed foe well forearmed and three-handed with this topic hold delivers some gnarly slashes and stabs that finally puts the prince of shokhon down it sucks that we only got a few minutes of Goro but at least he went out with some gore yo at Raiden's Temple Jax finds Sonia being crushed to death the care he has for his comrade unlocks his Arcana a pair of metal arms that look a lot more like his video game ones it does beg the question though what would his Arcana have been if he had never lost his arms man the Arcana thing is dumb Brayden begins a tactical retreat but Kung Lao gets caught by Shang Tsung wow is killed by assume when the sorcerer sucks out his soul in some circles they call that a soul slur you know like a turkey Slurpee Braden teleports his Champions to an inter-realm location called the Boyd even Cole who takes a Lightning Portal from his front yard love you fam but bye gotta go get my inheritance a garden Spade from The white-eyed Wizard man Cole says that they can beat the bad guys as long as they fight them on their turn that means pairing everyone off at different locations but how can they do that Lord Raiden can you send anyone anywhere oh okay that was easy the fights take place simultaneously but it's easier to go through them one by one so the first bout takes place in the pit and Infamous Mortal Kombat stage that's been in many of the games there Jax fights Reiko and his hammer the new and improved arms proved to make it a much more even match and Jax ends things pretty quickly when he jumps and claps reiko's skull into Smithereens holy shit dude yeah these motherfuckers work the next fight is probably my favorite of this Bunch since it takes place in close quarters Tano fights Sonia in her tiny trailer home which is outfit with secret hatches and crawl spaces of Plenty I really like how confined all their attacks are here plus they beat each other up using simple household items you could make a buzzfeed list out of that the fight spills outside through the bathroom window where Sonia ends things by stabbing Kano in the eye with a garden gnome with that kill the dragon marking passes from his body to hers the Arcana is still a dumb thing but I'm happy for you Sonia next is Liu Kang facing off against cabal in a rematch like this were a raw the night after a pay-per-view lose more prepared for cabal's Speed this time and even hits him with a bicycle kick one of the most satisfying moves to land in the game partly because of the ridiculous sound effect the kick traps cabal in a pit of some sorts and now Liu Kang is ready to murk him he summons a giant fire dragon that swoops in and engulfs Kamal getting things all sorts of toasty the ball falls to his knees a crispy burnt boy I love how much this death matches the game fatality too finally we have cole fighting Molina who keeps up the purple teleportation teleporation she ends up getting so mad that she screams the corners of her mouth open showing us the extent of her sharp teeth and making her look more like her video game cell that's a problem for Cole but thankfully for him Sonia shows up with her new Arcana it's her pink energy bracelets that she launches straight through Molina's torso wait why didn't the ring sever her spinal cord you know what fuck it it's fine these last two bouts were filmed at the Black Hill Granite Quarry two hours outside of Adelaide keeping with mcquad's desire to have as many things as practical as possible the actors fought in front of real fire being piped in through copper fixtures cabal's death was a huge fire stunt performed by his physical actor stuntman Daniel Nelson cabal's voice on the other hand was provided by Dave demon hairman the guy who played Charles Manson in both mind Hunter and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with the other evil henchmen defeated all that's left is Sub-Zero who's such a horror villain he's showing up in jump scares at Cole's family safe house he appears to the Earth realm Champions and indicates that he's been up to some daughter nap in that lures cold to follow him solo straight into the Badlands it's actually Cole's gym they wind up at where his story began but now it's covered in ice courtesy of production designer Naaman Marshall he built a dip tank to cover all the set pieces in their fake ice material then painted moron for good measure it was so effective the actor said they felt cold on set with the fate of his Frozen family at stake Cole begins his fight against bihan who immediately neutralizes his taunta and kicks his ass Seven Ways to Sunday the descendant of Hanzo hasashi fights back and bleeds All Over the Garden Spear and that triggers the resurrection Hanzo who returns from the nether realm as scorpion plus begins what's probably the most Kick-Ass fight of this movie The one-on-one battle between fan favorites sub Zero and Scorpion this is such a better use of these characters than the 1995 film where they were both brainless henchmen of Shang Tsung these two have always had an intricate bombastic relationship and I love seeing it come to the big screen yes you are their Fight Continues with frozen blood daggers and harpoons on chains as Cole tries desperately to thaw out his family oh shit and Sub-Zero uses ice clone that's another classic move fuck yeah I love this movie and boy does Joe taslum have a flare for the dramatic teslam who plays Sub-Zero was previously in the raid co-actor mikhad Brooks watched it before shooting their fight scene which he said might have been a mistake I gotta fight that dude Tesla moved so fast he had to slow things down for the camera a result of his 15 years on the Indonesian Judo team this was a treat for stunt coordinator Kyle Gardner and fight choreographer Chan Griffin you need to do the things that you've always wanted to do in a movie and everyone tells you a country Griffin was excited to work with performers who could handle anything he threw at them even when they were just shy of 60 like scorpions actor hiroyuki Sonata some like Sonia's actor Jessica McNamee tried to do a lot of the fighting and stunts themselves others like Josh Lawson not so much my stunt double looks so much like me that I'm the first to go step in buddy you look good you look good you look better than me so go for it the Holy Growl was this final fight though taslum and Lewis tan were so experienced they didn't use doubles which taslum said makes for better chemistry on screen when you fight someone and then they double the other guy it feels like you fight two different persons it comes down to a two-on-one that sees the Chinese warriors start to lose ground he rips off his blue armor giving himself the all-black appearance of his future Persona Noob Saibot stay tuned for that evil motherfucker in any sequels bihan also drops the Sub-Zero mask as he makes his final stand for the Lin Quay but he's no match for two generations of hanzos who get him to his knees if you're gonna dress like a noob you're about to get treated like one dude scorpion uses his Newfound Hellfire Powers the light Sub-Zero Ablaze with a giant Blast from his mouth flamethrower just like that Subby's turned into an ashen corpse now scorpion has been free just like Cole's family and he tells his his descendant to please try to keep the bloodline going okay back to Hell Braden and the others show up which you know maybe they could have done 15 minutes ago Shang Tsung is still lurking around but I told you we ain't getting the tourney in this film and don't worry about all your faves that got killed with that there's hope that we'll get more Kano and Goro in future film Braden sends Shang Tsung back to outworld with the lightning blast then tells his Champions that they need to prepare for that tournament it'll happen he swears the movie ends with Cole headed to Hollywood to make contact with her top recruit an action star by the name of Johnny Cage hopefully played by The Miz how many kills did I just count with a K let's find out hey Lord Raiden that'll help get into the numbers oh perfect that guy can send anyone anywhere foreign kills in Mortal Kombat 2021. only three of them were of women while the 28 male victims included a lot of unnamed ninjas some frozen chunks in that pie chart though so I don't think it's fit for consumption with a run time of 110 minutes that left us with a kill on average about every three and a half minutes golden Chainsaw for coolest kills tough because there were a lot of awesome Hawks but I'll give it to natara I think it's the kill most people will remember walking away from this thing don't machete for Layman's kill is gonna have to go to any of the nameless ninjas seem dead having been killed off screen everything else was dope and that's it Mortal Kombat came out in 2021 and was the first movie I saw in theaters since Invisible Man in February 2020. that could also play into why I like it so much though I'm hoping for a sequel nothing's been confirmed yet so I'll keep crossing my fingers and in the meantime I'm James agenise this has been the kill cow for the next kill count hi kids do you like violence wanna see a killer clown do a whole bunch of gory shit let's sit the fuck down and listen up it's a clown is ready for Showtime and he's got a bunch of Tricks that'll blow your book and mine this low budget Irish flick features that killer clown played by a British comedian goodbye funny the deaths are on feet and even oh but stitches evokes classic horror comedies like Evil Dead meaning it's not afraid to get silly and it's not afraid to get bloody bloody It's the Best of Both Worlds with a bunch of Irish accents mixed in oh it's funny so basically this movie is born as fucking Elder watch everybody happy take my word and check it out this weekend for yourself and on Sunday in just two days you fox you're an asshole you big dunk clown watch the kill count only on dead meat stitches you currently be watched on the picture streaming platforms Demi always recommends you watch the movie for yourself before it's kill count it's the only way to have your own properly informed opinion kill counselor never meant to replace the experience of watching a film thanks a lot for watching this kill count on Mortal Kombat I want to thank some patrons like Connor Dixon Tony J Dietz and Drake just a reminder if you didn't see last week's video some big news on the kill count schedule not only will Zorn be covering the Tremor series from January to April but after this month I will not be returning to host to kill count until summer 2022. check out that video for more information and thanks for understanding be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 4,256,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kill, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, mortal kombat, mortal kombat remake, mortal kombat 2021, mortal kombat 2021 review, mortal kombat 2021 reaction, DMKC, mortal kombat movie, mortal kombat 2021 movie, mortal kombat plot twists, mortal kombat 2021 trailer reaction, ludi lin, mehcad brooks, sisi stringer, max huang, jessica mcnamee, james rolfe, kung lao, mortal kombat explained, mortal kombat review
Id: Bo81VVchSrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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