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I figured it's about time I fight hacks with hacks now what I've done is I've found a player who's digging right over there you can see his little particles and you can see that he's x-raying or you might not be able to see from here but he is absolutely x-raying and I was like you know how should I troll this guy so what I did is I went on an alt that was like okay I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go on my alt and turn on x-ray hacks and I'm just gonna start mining by this dude I'm in a I'm going to go in buying all the diamond nodes that I can find and I come across it would be like hey bro stop stealing my diamonds and just kind of see how he reacts so basically just think that I'm a hacker and he won't really think twice about it except for the fact that I mopped so he was somewhere over here and I think if I keep going this way then I should be lost areas he's over there okay so we're on his trail now and I won't go straight to him I'll kind of go off to the side see if I can find some diamonds because there's diamonds over there something's going to go straight to him and I'll wonder if he says anything so is he looking yeah he's still over there so obviously keep going this way so his diamonds over here there's diamonds by him there too I'm kind of curious to see if he's going to come over and like try to attack me or if he'll try to befriend me or something like that so he's definitely coming over to me which is just awesome so that that means he sees me he sees what's going on he's gonna come over here and he's going to he's going to either attack me or he's going to notice that I am mining diamonds and I'm x-raying so I'm gonna go for straight from here I should have probably slash enchant efficiency fish in c-five could we do that there we go much better should help the troll go a little bit faster now I don't know if he can see me still but I'm sure he can we'll just go over here and let's just mine these diamonds now it's probably gonna set off yeah it's saying in snapchat that I have been mining diamonds which is great and so there we go see still he's trying to get to me so obviously to keep backs trying over here I'm gonna make a quick little turn and I'ma put this here and block off behind me he's sneaking he doesn't think I see him but where are diamonds I don't see any diamonds over here but we got gold others diamonds down here and he's sneaking around and what he doesn't know is that I have stacks and stacks of God apples so I'm just gonna keep going down here and I'm gonna go straight into there we go so we're gonna get into an epic fight here but I've got so many got apples wait okay so what I want to do now it's on a mess tomb last message Harry well I think we have the same hacks ha ha ha slash message Harry are you x-raying - I was gonna ignore him and he's gonna keep attacking me that obviously go down here and I would go straight for these diamonds and let's do D says let's see what he says back so there we go mine and diamonds beautiful let's see what he says you can't die i glitched in stacks of God apples ha ha ha let's message Harry lmao now I'm x-raying diamonds are you using x-ray okay so there we go hahaha you just asked if I'm using x-ray and I said I'm x-raying diamond so now how do you stack /r want some hacked gabbles haha there we go we'll give him a stack of those there we go he's good like what how did you get all those hahahahaha he's oh that's awesome he's like wait let's see what he says you duped them oh yeah oh my god so okay I think I've got him I've got him here he definitely thinks I'm a hacker he hit me Wow it's a thing you have to do if you have a player vault oh man he says he's really convinced that I duped these little does he know I got them in from creative I have player vault how it's a donator thing okay so he totally thinks I will legitimate hacker oh my god I love it and I'm just gonna keep mining all these diamonds oh this is gonna be beautiful once me to dupe anything for you this is like a helpful hacker caught in the actual okay my hacked client allows me to do it you want to duplicate this /r all I have to do is type slash duplicate alright now how about dot do here we go so I'm going to type this and slash GMC let me just go ahead and get like a ton of stacks of these so I can make it slice EMS and then dupe and I'm going to drop a stack on them there we go slash are duped all right try it see if your hacked client has the dupe method oh crap oops just type dot Duke no one no one here cares the admins are too bad all right so here we go I was gonna do doop doop doop doop doop doop so he's probably like why are you x-raying diamonds if you can duplicate them so easily I want the heck you probably have it just type dot duke while holding the item you want to do all right some of the duplicate my pick there we go slash GMs let's see if he says it in chat let's see if he says oh it typed it you type dot do ah dang yours must not be updated watch isle doop my pick CMC and I'll go back here and I'll make a few more copy sometimes he's probably like he's probably like I don't really know what's going on so I feel like haha I love it so he totally thinks I'm a legit hacker dupe me this okay what does he got what is gonna hand me okay this is easy slash GFC and we'll go here and we'll go Niram there we go and just give them one more / GMS and we're gonna go doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop he's gotta be so confused right now ha ha ha this poor guy he's gotta be so confused oh my god this is probably one of the best roles I've ever done this is this is ridiculous I love it but I love how big staff alerts myself what's the client thing it's the RGA 1.0 they say that hold on I'll say that a second I'll tell you how about this I'll be like it's the are really good awesome sheet version 1.0 hopefully that's not an actual thing that would suck / I want to see something really funny I can dupe items into other items I can turn stone into diamond blocks sure I just have to punch the ones I want to change there we go I'm just going to punch all these real quick make it kind of look kind of look like I'm doing stuff and I'm just gonna go like that and I'm gonna do slash slash replace near one stone diamond block there we go pretty sweet ha ha ha oh my god I know that one is my favorite it's so awesome this guy thinks because I could do anything watch what happens if I do the same thing with TNT /i t and t 1 so there we go let me just walk over here and just start punching these I'm just going to punch all this stuff punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch make it look kind of legit kind of like I'm doing everything here just run all the way around here slash slash replace near ten stone TNT is it that sick hahahahahaha let's see what he says give me the name slash CFC um let's give them the name but let's go ahead and let's just blow this thing up first let's just kind of trap them in here there we go oh I got help he blows up easiest way to my this easily got apples to not die look at this I cleared out the whole base area oh my god I think I crashed the surfer like oh I think I crash a server oh no oh no Harry Harry s meant s Manson Oh God we just clear lag for a second well okay so maybe that was a little 10 TNT I mean the tent and he's not that okay um yes I believe we I believe we killed the server so oh god I hope it comes back come back but um how can I come back I was going to do so much more to this guy but if the server if the server is dead not much we can do about it all right guys well the ad restart the server it it completely locked oh but it was probably much neater restart anyways it rolled back way before the TNT explosion went off so as you can see there's no giant cave here I've learned my lesson and I've increased the RAM on the server so that means next time I could just do that much TNT without any problems so that shouldn't happen again but you know I figured that was a fun way to troll someone he actually fell for it the entire time he unfortunately is not back on currently which kind of sucks oh well I know a few people said a few things lagged out or rolled back for him they lost a couple things actually one guy said he got his helmet back he was all happy about it so see some kid came out of this after all but if you guys love this troll and want me to see it want to see me do something like this again just let me know in the comments below I'll see you again next time where I hopefully won't crash the server goodbye everybody
Channel: RGA
Views: 1,622,551
Rating: 4.6887636 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, trolling, troll, minecraft pranks, prank, hacker, xray, xray hacker, hacker caught, cheater caught, cheating in minecraft, HACKING A HACKER
Id: BOa5nuoRok0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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