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you better watch out you better not cheat you better not hack or else you're gonna be defeated yeah and welcome back to another video now today guys I'm redoing this intro okay I'm redoing this intro because I am so upset right now that it's not even funny I just caught one of my staff members using pretty much every type of hack that there is like literally everything water walking speed hacks fly hacks all that stuff and it's ridiculous honestly like I didn't know what to do because I was on the server and I was about to start looking for some hackers to do some like hacker caching or possibly even like a hacker game's video or something like that but then this happened and it just put me in a really bad mood so if you want to see what happens watch the whole thing and you'll you probably won't even believe this it's freaking ridiculous anyways enough with my angry intro let's get back to the actual video looks like we possibly have a hacker sightly roses this is some familiar infections wait silent silent no freakin mods /tp silence well what was that lag the heck was that are they speed they don't have armor on do they open and sell in rows of silent soul oh my god alright so no they've got nothing they've got no armor on what the hell slash clear are they talking in chat silent please okay i'll relog reluck for what we are they actually hacking hold on wait what the heck /ao are you actually really hacking like okay yeah respond now like yeah they're actually hacking what the hell are you serious right now like literally Donnie just said everybody get on there's a there's a ba trade coming on and freakin then this person starts cheating like are you stupid literally all the mods just got on the server and you're gonna sit there in hack oh my god no obviously not RG heights are you kidding me right now are you no obviously not /a oh really obviously not you're flying all over oh my god dude oh I swear to god I'll ban them I don't give a crap if their staff or not that's you don't you don't frickin talk to people that way like they were literally TP hacking all over the freaking map because I have slash flight oh my god ayo pretty sure I know the difference between fly and freaking speed hacks are they serious right now I'm on more than you I probably know hacks better than you oh oh really sound of roses using speed hacks dude I can barely keep up with them in freaking creative flow like why do they have hacks on that's unfashionable ette staff play on this server we don't let staff play here because like we don't want people to be like oh the stuff we're hacking or cheating or stuff like that we literally don't let them type alert type we don't let them play here because we don't want people doing that stuff and she's seriously on here right now with hacks on I don't care if you're testing stuff or not it was only a joke it was only a joke I'll relog don't worry it was a joke you know we've been people for using hacks WTF makes you think you can use them like what you think you're just just because you're a freaking mod no way dude that's not cool I don't care if you're a mod or not like honestly I don't care if your step that doesn't mean you're immune to the rules you can't just look at something wait what I just turned it on to chase him really you have TP you can literally TP two people you don't need to install hax so you can freakin run after people that's so stupid whatever a nice a silent you know you can just sit inside the player in team s exactly wait mr kukiz i use hacks what are you saying my entire staff team use hacks or something my GM SP is playing up because our GA refuses to answer my DMS what look are you serious right now oh wow RJ doesn't do anything during the day because he only streams at night yeah there's no way I'm doing anything else during the day ever alright this this needs to stop right now this is just stupid and she's still using the hack okay AO turn off the hacks now or get banned they are they seriously gonna sit here right now and pull that if you if you banned me I'm gonna leave I'm gonna quit there's okay I think I should just ban them until we have like a private conversation about this this is this is stupid and then threaten to take all their friends with them oh I'll take dish Kiwi Danny Randy crow like five Felicia are you see are they seriously gonna leave from this point on any staff caught with packs will be banned he's typing firm bans but honestly our staff shouldn't be cheating there's really no reason you need anything like that like the worst kind of hack that you could probably have that we would allow it'd be like x-ray so that way if you're a staff member and you're watching someone you want to find out for x-ray you can install the x-ray pack and you can like see where they're going and stuff like there's no reason you need fly hacks or like speed hacks or teleport hacks or stuff like that like that's stupid that there's no reason you need that like I don't care what your Excuse is like we need to do speed to catch your hacker well let go to GMs PTP to the person and then you can go inside their body and you can follow them around wherever they go or Eve is TP to them again you don't have to keep up with them there's probably been like doesn't like look at this no that's roses infernal speed hacks and dungeons I'm dungeons oh no way dude sorry I might go check them actually there's literal actual hackers on the server that I'm missing right now last warning turn it off now or get like I'm not even joke I don't even care I'm not then why the hell are you setting off alerts oh my god all right you know what I don't need to deal with this crap right now slash temp man silent roses I mean whatever you know what I'll let stead other Mac talk about it I don't gonna put up with that crap like are you serious they're gonna sit there and hack I warned them I seriously warned them like what five times literally warned them five times stop hacking okay and then they started hacking and I'm like dude seriously stop hacking and then they did it again oh my god I hope she cools down something was up with her seriously like what the hell like there's no reason to be like that like I haven't done anything to deserve that oh dude that's that's frustrating I don't want to record anymore now I'm in a bad mood like the rest of the video is just gonna be me sitting here being like hey guys look we have a hacker like I'm literally gonna be in a bad mood the rest of the video I got literally okay so how much time I wasted 20 minutes 30 minutes now that's freaking what hello oh my god dude are you sick I forgot I was in here like think I'm like do I have like Donnie's channel open like look I've literally stopped and looked at chrome and I'm like what there's no Donnie open yeah yeah well we've got another issue we're gonna fix it moment not really to worry about the bots rain well you know I don't know you know who's silent silent roses roses well sorry about the pot raid got on the server was gonna try to record it although then I was like well do I record this or not cuz honestly like if it does happen I don't really want to promote it but like waiting for it to start I'm like alright well maybe I'll see if there's some hackers on and also like they could get alerts that silence hacking so I'm like that's weird so I go on factions sure enough she's literally like tea peeing everywhere she's flying at super fast speed she's apparently walking on water and stuff and I was like well that's why I'm like why do you have hacks on and she said it at first she's like well I had to turn them on so I could catch up to a guy and I'm like you can literally just TP to them over and over or like someone said going G MSP and go inside of them but I'm like you know we shouldn't be really be using that like our staff isn't better or higher than anywhere else like we banned people for using hacks you shouldn't have that there's no reason you need that simply like if you have an x-ray pack fine whatever you know exactly but like you don't have any reason to have speed hacks and fly especially in factions dude that's like do you know how bad that would look if someone saw her flying around like that like we already had to fire one step because they were legit using hacks in combat like I don't want to have to have people think that all of our staff are just freaking cheaters like that so then anyways like I tell her turn it off and she's like okay and like two minutes later I start getting more alerts again and I'm like seriously stop using them you don't have any reason to use them and she starts like going off about some other stupid stuff and I don't know I tried to leave it I tried to ignore it I went on the dungeon server because I got a report of someone hacking on there and then often I start getting more alerts and stuff and I told her I was like listen last warning I don't care I'm gonna ban you if you do it again and sure enough starts flying around again and like speeding and stuff and I'm like I just perm bandar cuz I don't want to deal with that right now she's like well I'm gonna let her explain like stedy or Mac what's going on I don't I don't really want to deal with it like that stuff stupid like that there's no reason to do that stuff but we yeah I was seriously gonna record the bot raid which would have been funny cuz I've never done a video like that and then all of a sudden it gets ruined by that crap and now I'm in such a bad mood that I don't even want to continue recording like now I'm just sitting here like I don't even want to record anymore so great now I just lost like a half-hour of times I could've been doing something else I have okay okay but the bad news is though I think you still have okay I was gonna stop it but you want the subject seriously so mad right now like I'm like I'm like shaking because I'm like I'm like are you funny like I was seriously like freaking out I'm like this is ridiculous oh my god you're such an ass you just like go DM stedy and Mack like getting a call now we need to talk about some stuff and like [Music] [Music] stupid like my emotions are going crazy because I was like pissed and like angry and now I'm like yeah like it keeps going invisible for summary I don't get it I seriously hate you why is our moderator hacking why are they doing this yeah only because you forgot to take the one red pixel off the top my perspective just be like Donny how could you as always dude thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and possibly check out one of these other videos here I think you really might like them but see you guys next time goodbye everybody [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RGA
Views: 317,611
Rating: 4.8029904 out of 5
Keywords: staff caught, owner trolled, trolling, minecraft trolling, reverse troll, Minecraft, game, gameplay, minigame, games, challenge, roleplay, modded, spotlight, map, mini game, funny, comedy, video, how to, mods, gaming, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, tutorial, pc, computer, performium, rga, rgaminecraft, rgagaming
Id: jAcC5hMsxf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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