So we created a portal to hell in minecraft and this happened..

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get in the water duck welcome ladies and gentlemen have a game called setting yeah no this is it this is this is settings this is like the final release of this map right thanks yep yep yeah [Music] all right the game you will find item frames break them to receive a key place the key okay okay okay cool and you put their silver bright blocks with by pushing the buttons the right book [Music] basically the green pink in white yeah the green pink I don't know push me push me why the blue it's loose what no I want cake now I want some cake I think those are Donuts expected there to be a thing you there if you if you put the lever and put the leave oh okay leave at the wrong you can take anyone here but only in this case okay if you place we're in the wrong spot okay though you're not supposed to take it yet this is a weird map it looks like there's multiple levels oh geez Wow rail detector detector rail okay interesting I'll take it whoa these things are weird looking oh my god creepy it's like it gets smaller Apple pork chop steak baked potato right okay so what do we have to be I don't I just took a stack of like all the different types of food and I took a stack of the detector rails yes let's go to a fast flock it could cost them like but don't worry piers went out when there is a player in this room lamp must be powered for any problem please reset the lever all right now it's powered okay so it says take a potion of TP Bolivar chanting use it to teleport to a different dimension okay so Nick I'm staying in the happy dimension you don't use it okay don't use the TP the potion of TPT faster you will die oh okay house over there okay okay you can't get to it all right you ready for this yeah okay then what did you do Danny yes why are you giving me this I don't look okay so what is it all right here you goes away okay alright come on let's go now you ready for this yeah yep okay Rock Paper Scissors shoot [Music] well this is really rude looking it's um very hellish it's on fire water is lava but guess what Donnie guess what my friend what I got across the river see me over here okay well we actually we need to find it looks like we need a lever we need to find a lever to put there to get inside okay it's alright but the lever is probably gonna beat in a scary place right no it probably is you look nothing here there's nothing oh there's evil eyes what do you mean there's nothing here we're inside the house look inside there okay no I was just lying to you daddy don't don't ever take me seriously okay we need a lever where oh where could we get a lever from like to go back find the pressure plate wait there's a button there's one here okay no I don't need to see PD I got oh god these creatures look freaking weird okay now use a potion of TP outside of a level good to see that now there's got to be something we're missing this but your bike to go back find them exit pressure plate alright exit pressure plate yeah okay so where is the exit pressure plate that's the real question me not seeing it it's it's I think it's inside the house house okay yeah I see the pressure plate inside the house we need to find the lever so we need to open the door and then we go in the door and then we get on the pressure plates oh what oh what found it what you we are in the same level together where Donny where are you it's not you it's a villager Donny I swear to God where are you are you inside the house know what this is you hot though look up put your head up left of it down of it right a little bit [Music] [Music] okay oh my god you're so bad take no wait what English in the wall oh oh leave now it is it's lever to Levi how do we get in the water we have to don't do it what way he come you go in you can a pop cool okay that that's not gonna work and away in the water oh no nice there we go come on all right so I've got the lever I'm coming down hold it boy here we go here we go and the levers there whoo now we go inside and the pressure plates right here Oh Dark Dimension okay so now that we know what we're doing this is probably gonna go a lot faster yeah take the rails you know what oh you can place them on the ground oh oh look at that oh that's cool exactly okay so we're gonna find stuff do you felt so bad for not letting me go to Candyland last map that you're like we're gonna play a whole map dedicated to Candyland no dimension to see what's over there we go I'm gonna back later okay same do we need a lever for that if I were a lever where would I be now Wow of course I fall onto a flame when I come in the dark world oh wait hold on let's go back oh my god let's go here oh my God look at you what a good idea teepee to become wait all right click your thingy and come to bed yeah I'm here so we need to get to the middle Oh oh no where's the middle what so I was a little big oh that's what the detector rails are fuller I see oh we love died all right so let's try from here I did to get the lever what the heck I can't I can't I can't the Kazakh can we get close to here how do you fall from a higher place I don't want to talk about it well it was an accident you know these things happen all the time use the potions too fast you may die oh yeah that's what happened all right there we go it's opened and the Press plates up here teleport bait how do you get to go for all right so got more bottles Oh potions not that we need any more than what we have now they do placate we have to get onto that tree platform so I'm gonna think we have to go from here okay it's now it's the same there where oh where do we go there's chocolate what's this house of like in here oh I'm inside the house what this real quick there's a little ghost Oh what you saw nothing make it alright there's a sign up there but I can't read it's on top of the house from the side okay says sometimes you oh god this is hard sometimes you need to it's during the jump okay so go in the okay wrong side so go in this way yeah and then switch so we're gonna jump in the hole and then BOOM oh it worked it didn't work did a why I'm suffocating wait that's good now watch you suffer Kate what they so messed up Nick did you do it yeah but doesn't make any sense oh we have to get up of the house right yeah we have to be up here okay so you go to here then your right click that's your falling your right click again nope okay never mind I'm not the genius like I thought I was oh come on it's so annoying I got this I got this no you you are a cheater and that is my strategy okay you're there you're there I wasn't a typical see back when I was stuck what do you want this guy's willing to trade some leather this is too hard sometimes you have to do it turn maybe we're doing it too early maybe have to get too kosher to the bottle you know work okay let's try this again though I bet you we are twenty bucks says we are but you know what okay let's go here and then we'll go come on it's like it's he piece you there once and then see if you see you there again you die mmm-hmm the there's probably viewers right now watching there how are you in the ground Oh what the heck was that my god they horrible this is actually clean I got idea I got ideally you ready yeah well I think now speak to me okay okay all right I'm ready now again do it huh you were in the wrong spot okay okay I've got this to have to do at the right spot during the jump okay so I'm there it kills you it puts if what we're thinking is this is in the glass only one of the time let's go one of the times I think if we both do it is why we're dying well I mean I'll pop I die give it to me give me three quick okay /tp Danny doesn't actually help us though because there's really nothing up here unless I could go into the dark world now here yeah let's try this okay so I'm gonna okay now there's a platform here okay stay there nice okay some of the other side of the fence we got over here and now I'm over here okay yeah it's safe you can go over there yet to go back in the other world you know what do you know what also did I oh my god we both must have done the same thing I mean look at this we are so good I'm back here Galvan titi is that watch function of fire res yeah let's go it into some lava you know yeah I feel like we're being played we're playing the hacker games but definitely play the okay there's got to be something else around here how long do we have the fire rise for two minutes okay yeah is there another lava back here it's got to be it's got to be able to do so good switching you know I found something oh wait yeah I felt like - what was it okay over all right yeah I know yeah so if we go sit here in the back we start suffocating cool okay life under egg in there and what yet what the heck is that what you're supposed to go this is so weird okay we're definitely stopping at 40 levels here okay so if you want to see more levels this thing you got you've got the special exhibit okay there's no way we're gonna be able to do there it is voluntarily okay our brains her office it is they deal oh there's one more in the corner completes you got to be the one is so weird it's probably so simple once you figure it out were just gonna be like wow we're dumbasses but come on this this is so weird come on fire these are big fire rez yes I know big fire is I mean why have fire resident has nothing to do with we're doing tree mm-hmm okay I'll break this don't whoa wait actually what is that I found it what under the lava in that pit that we first started in there's this little alley oh my god okay we need to fire rise again one move was that low for a reason Oh oh my god how stupid it's a long one of the edges I don't know I was like following the edges I saw a little waterfall okay so game-mode 0 ok back into the lava to find it yeah yep you did didn't always go down here where those wisely done okay yeah so then we go down here this is it see I told you it'd be something stupid we're spending all this time let's go back to the overworld yes there we go is the last double think we're doing kicks by brainer it's doing [Music] [Music] I smell something delicious looks like there's parkour over some giant pit Oh something okay there's a lot of hey if you want to get out ladder hey okay so there's a ladder he says ladder okay well you're died 100% died I'm gonna take some of these some of these things right okay why am I on fire okay good I still have the stupid resistance to it oh come on this is gonna be one of those stupid Park Horrors we have to time the jump perfectly hop switch during that very fingers Mitch what is going oh my god Nick I'm horrible I know I do you know what next time you send me a list of map so we're gonna play that's always your suggestion what are you thinking about you don't have to switch during the jump what no oh my god what do you have to do then there we go oh dude I didn't get as far okay here we go oh I made it here okay okay did you get it like so nice okay okay now what TP right here you go back let me stand up or you're at okay what do I do like five blocks it Oh God five blocks crap dead five blocks closer to where the other way you know what we don't have time for these games Donnie okay let's just go let's just go here jump during this one then I bet it works no what hello level where I live okay distinct sister oh we broke in here there we go alright so now we got to find out where to put the lever which I'm guessing is probably to be here huh here yep did you go to the war fall no there's nothing minutes like a room there's nothing there this is killing me dude I can't Oh God you know next time someone suggests a map that has parkour spot over there Oh God so it gotta be like right here oh no no no okay right here there we go okay right is this where the lover goes what is this there's a cache take it Oh God it was a there's a lever in the chest really yeah why the two levers now I don't know I have no idea this is weird where do we even put these things there's gotta be something we're missing mmm I threw the fire is fun this means nothing to me I know this is just so weird I'm gonna go mental I'm gonna go mental yeah we're definitely done with this if you guys don't like the video okay just please don't know if we don't need it today okay things every other day but not they'll be something says this is so fresh where do we go tell me sirens buzz so should I go into the love of here sure you know what no okay there's like nothing here there's legit nothing okay I'm going into three okay let's see this come on where are you yeah this is just like this is the strangest thing I've ever seen if this map has nothing did you find it I did find it oh cool how is over here hey where are you I think it's under the water I wanna test it let me see let me see let me see around this barrier oh okay okay now I understand the hallway were idiots so don't blame this on me I just want to start I don't know where I'm at I'm just coming back right yeah all right thank you so much [Music] all right guys but in all seriousness this map is fun thank you for suggesting this but honestly we can't take it we literally can't into the park or gate please it was a cool concept for like oh my god no yeah I can't do this I can't I just oh alright well goodbye yeah goodbye
Channel: Doni Extra
Views: 67,022
Rating: 4.9418936 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft house, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft animation, Minecraft song, minecraft parody, minecraft videos, minecraft music, minecraft survival, So we created a portal to hell in minecraft and this happened..
Id: fkglJPGSU38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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