Pretending to be a HACKER on my minecraft server..

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so in today's video we trolled a bunch of you guys using the slash vanish plug into my server it makes you completely invisible and we did some really funny trolls along with another plugin than I have on my server that's super funny you're not gonna want to miss a second of this video so watch all the way to the end and leave a like if you like diamonds and minecraft otherwise you will never get one ever again also be like the 50% of you guys that are already subscribed and hit that subscribe button alright so we're gonna start this trolling off a little bit of slash slash one we're gonna help this person clear out all this all this dirt except I'm gonna do a little bit more for them than just that slash wash sets err okay I don't know what just happened but this person went wow this guy's selling is there's gold selling good enchanted books for 25 gold ingots was fine diamonds miche's to buy this person said I'm confused haha don't complain because now you're part of the beautiful neighborhood here that whoa you guys got a cool neighborhood going on here it's perfectly fine cuz she said what okay let's do / - redo my wait no no / shows on new Star Wolf is it aunt aunt is on for the last time stop look I literally just spawned everything back she probably thinks she's like like it or something like that alright let's keep it to somebody else now shameful milk he goes how am I supposed to know shameful milk is having a fun time mining over here let's go ahead and mess with them a little bit using the troll plugin so shameful milk and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw out the item and they're in their hand we're just gonna keep throwing out the big eggs what bag they have another one wait a minute that's a problem that's a problem that's a problem job that one - drop it oh wait they weren't even holding it no they weren't even old again let's try it again boom haha he's probably so confused this guy doesn't have any stuff right now now he's like he doesn't know what's going on Shampoo milk said light alright we're not getting shameful milk just enough yet we have to go ahead and close their inventory we're just gonna keep closing their inventory the thing is I don't think they're in their inventory right now sand nevermind oh let's see let's see let's see let's launch him let's launch him or to the sky except there is no sky isn't it he's in the cave now he's probably really confused his skin is so funny - he's like he's like what the heck I don't think he can see me can you see me with this head on I'm pretty sure he can't he said WTF he definitely can't see me with this notch head on but it's it's working out pretty well in our favor I have to say look at this beautiful absolutely beautiful yeah oh yeah oh yeah beautiful right how old's can we mess with this guy he said Edie how do you know it's me bro you have no proof that it's me bro you literally have no proof that it's me you know what's funny guys I literally came on the server earlier today and I was like guys there's also been a hacker online and you gotta watch out for him he's been trolling people and a lot of people were convinced guys it isn't on I can see everyone the tab he isn't online this is why I like my admins he said lies all right what does this guy do and this guy's got a cool house I have to say okay we're gonna do something different to this guy's house we're gonna ignore the claims and we're gonna add some stuff to his house okay we're gonna add them a couple more furnaces just like that we're just gonna add one one to start with see if he notices oh yeah he's inside the chest boom every time he goes inside some numbers gonna add something there we go perfect okay alright we added two more furnaces to his house let's see if he actually notices it I don't know if he's going to or not but let's just keep watching no one used world at it that's not allowed why it could be on there like convinced in the chat that I might be me oh you found it he found the furnaces you found the furnaces he's like what the heck he's like what the heck is going on okay we're gonna troll this dude right now we're gonna go ahead and launch him in the air real quick we'll just get a quick jump out of him yeah now he's like what the heck's going on he has no idea let's get another quick jump out on boom there we go oh he's too weakened now he doesn't know what's going on oh he's too weakened he is to weaken our right now he is not having a good time this house is made out of a tree - it's pretty cool I got us a pretty nice let's go ahead and break a potion next to his potion stand so we're gonna do a potion we're gonna do a potion of healing let's just do that just so we can hear the noise wait it doesn't make the noise wait what about XP bottle Oh enchanting this is what I'm looking for it's not even making the noise why you gonna make noise alright we're gonna scoop spams him on him real quick I don't know why the bottle noise doesn't make a noise okay now he's wondering what's going on he's like what the heck why did I just get some red of XP and you got a little bit more good good stuff okay what does he have in his inventory are these chests opening actually I don't even know what the heck's going on I think everything does everything silently when I'm in vanish yesin talked in chat at all so I don't think he's too concerned as to what's going on so let's troll him a little bit more I haven't rolled this guy ever before so we're gonna see we're gonna we're gonna spit out his entire inventory he had no inventory are you serious this guy has nothing on him right now wait I need to double-check this guy literally I already has nothing on him right now he's not convinced start can I report you for using world at it without permission oh no you did it without telling me ah but it was me joke's on you buddy report him yeah but star is literally my admin you can't quite just exactly report him all right arm McCallum I got to do something to you I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and make you look randomly around I just got a tweak you out a little bit you have nothing in your inventory right now so I need a tweak yeah a little bit I don't know if they're afk or not but let's just keep keep an eye on this guy right now let's watch him spin oh he's spinning alright he's spinning and having a good time he's oh oh he said oh he's having a great time leave that spin oh yeah spin oh you control himself now he's like what the heck was going on here now now he's forced to talk and chat if he doesn't talk and shadow to be surprised you know to be quite honest we build the people that don't talk and chat are actually the easiest and the more fun to troll to be quite honest all right he's not really too convinced so we need to convince him more with the lightning strike and make things a little bit more scary make it seem like he's in trouble you know what now now now forget it forget it we're gonna go to unspeakable rage hopefully this guy rages when I go ahead and troll him oh he's in the neighborhood for some reason I really like trolling people in caves I don't know if you guys have noticed that but like either if they're in their cave or in their base I don't know all right now we can get a bunch of cacti here let's go ahead and start spitting out some cacti right there let's go ahead and just keep keep keep the whole pile going here here we go here we go here we go just tons of cactus enjoy that cactus I know you're not gonna need that but you have a small cactus farm but you got a lot of profit now all right this dude I think is afk so we're gonna do him a favor we're gonna bring him back to life here give me a give me a second let's find him there he is boom now let's go ahead and throw out all his stuff and boom it's gone in his inventory hasn't noticed okay all right nothin too bad all right now when his inventory comes back we should be able to get rid of everything in his inventory drop all items from player all right we're just gonna wait until his inventory comes back he should be holding something I think he was holding something before in three two one boom there we go perfect all right everything's back you didn't even notice he's afk what happens if I drop all of his items ah you pick it back up again but know the power of /ignore all the way there another person in here all that was my own footsteps yeah this guy's totally afk but his cat sees me his cat was looking at me oh wait I just heard somebody else in here I heard somebody else in here all the right here oh it's Star Wolf it's Star Wolf it's a little starwolf I think this is Star Wolf's place I messed with the wrong admin all right we got a teepee to somebody new the destroy oh and one two three let's see what this guy's up to a caver this is what we like to see all this is his house destroys bed despots bed man these guys live in a shack bro I respect it I respect the drip all right the destroyer I know exactly what you look like there you are let's go ahead and drop all your items make you a little freaked out he didn't even notice he dropped all his items now he does that was like what the heck what the heck just happened he said WTF well my friend sorry you keep dropping your items up oh yeah you gotta keep picking them up brand and then wear your items keep going okay now that we drop those items a couple times so let's go ahead and get rid of them for ten seconds now he's gonna be a little bit more scared when his items are just completely gone they're just not dropped they're just literally gone he said what I need daya he needs diamond okay so he thinks he's being trolled we need to go to a different person see some people know they're being trolled right off the bat I've never trolled Oris though I don't know who this person is Oh another afk Fisher any any catches of the day oh you got so you've got some nice catches bro good stuff you know we're gonna surprise this guy we're not gonna troll him right off the bat but I'm gonna go ahead and get a enchanted book and we're gonna give him a really really really really really curse of vanishing what does this one do I don't even know that was even a thing we'll give him a luck of the see we'll give him more we'll give him some fishing enchantments he's already got some power stuff so you probably could use a little bit of a flame book there we go buddy you enjoy your little gifts here that's all you got oh wait actually I think wait a minute see Oh seen on afk I don't think so but I just hit him Paul no oh he's afk that's alright you're gonna make up for the lost time of fishing from me being able to give you some nice stuff my friend oh wait he's back he's back he's back he's back already he's probably like what the heck what the heck just happened he's not even checking his chest he just went straight back to fishing all right whatever man vanilla bean is the one vanilla bean that spawned that's not gonna do me any good ray Alex what are you doing swimming okay have fun peculiar what are you doing staring in a wall all this is the other guys a roommate this is the other dudes roommate okay his Anton everybody's everybody's confused to like is it on I have no idea let's start messing with his roommate here let's see troll where's this guy at there he is perfect let's uh let's make this guy get a little scared let's scare him a little bit he has now he's tweaking haha he said I didn't hit anyone well how did my inventory drop haha this guy's too weak in business to a good row Oh what the heck just exploded down there was a creeper that just exploded down here what the heck just happened why are you blaming me for stuff poor starwolf is literally just getting blamed left and right have you bad let's uh scare the heck out of this guy haha these dudes are freaking out right now they're like what that he's going to hit his why is he hitting his roommate bro that's your roommate bro knock it off knock it off right now literally knock it off all right we got a teepee to somebody else let these guys figure out what just happened to them I don't know man but apparently there's somebody in the knee oh wait nevermind this guy an ox another afk Fisher well a lot of you guys afk fish farm a lot I respect the grind what about new player where are they oh well they're in the what the all they glitched they glitched into the void oh nice pretty nice I have to say nice house you have here in the middle of nowhere I'm gonna go ahead and spam your door and make you think that you're haunted because you're in a bedrock world ah this guy's doing no harm he's just chilling here he is and I always got some gold cooking up I might as well give it to him right now as I is that too far you know not too far alright perfect have a good one buddy have a good one in your overworld so I'm about the happy King what are you doing oh we got a miner ladies and gentlemen we got a miner a strip miner indeed alright we're gonna go and do something interesting we're gonna spawn some two op pickaxe broke that's okay boom boom often even notice the diamond didn't even notice the diamond on the corner there bro or even at Diamond level no we're not even at Diamond level alright this dude's going back for a pickaxe we're gonna give him a pickaxe okay happy King roll one of these white characters yeah here we go oh wait I don't even have a diamond pickaxe yet we gotta get a diamond pickaxe boom troll boom happy King see inventory and then boom perfect boom boom that should be good that should be good I think they might not they went back to spawn and they have a diamond pickaxe he probably has no idea what just happened because this guy's stone tools and No no questions asked so we're gonna keep moving down the list what are you doing oh you're clearing some land I see what would you do if you looked back and you saw all of your land already cleared for you huh is that a thing is that a thing slash slash set to air boom there we go and then boom let's set this as air - oh whoops you gotta go ah ah ah there we go this dude's gonna look behind him he's gonna be like wow my house is gonna be so big he's gonna be like what bag is going out a hole at all I wish there was a way for me to like actually like do this with like not him hearing this I don't think he hears this but we're gonna start adding to his house already we're gonna just make his house a little bit bigger for him he hasn't no he noticed it he's gonna he's gonna notice in any second let's finish this let's finish this right now let's finish this right now he's gonna have like a little little window a little window for himself and the reaction the reaction he's like wait a minute what the heck he's like I didn't do that what the heck just happened look he's not even tweaking out at all he's got some stuff though I have to say let's duplicate those diamonds for you let's add let's add a couple more diamonds see if he notices he hasn't said anything in the chat yet but he's probably freaking out right now somebody's got temporarily banned oh this guy not even confused not even gonna say a word man he's super super watch watch this to slash those undo oh wait no no forgot I did little sections like that hold on hold on hold on hold on let's do this we're gonna do boom and then we're gonna bring all this over to this side and do slash slash set grass now he has a bunch of grass now he's not even two we can draw what is he doing he hasn't even said anything slash slash undoped from nothing was wrong my friend enjoy your stay ok we got a mess with this guy because we're gonna get a good reaction out of him he's one of the Steve's where is he or is it was your name again balance dude dude where are you my friend I can't find you on the list but you will be here soon there he is he's right next to me literally all right let's mess with them let's go ahead and spawn a little lightning on him make him a little scared let's see his inventory oh he's got diamonds let's spit those out he's not tweaking out at all really nothing in the chat oh he said he said ditch kitchen oh he said mister gk7 you vanished starwolf i need help oh he's freaking out he's freaking out right now this is the perfect time to troll him this is the perfect time to troll him let's go ahead and start randomly looking around we're gonna go scare him a little bit more let's get this going up let's get the demo troll popped up that way he has to buy minecraft and what else are we gonna do we're gonna scare him a little bit we're gonna add a bunch of scares at all wants and make him think that he's getting hacked right now yeah at the time doing a chat but he just recovered from his spins so now he's like a little little confused as to what's going on Star Wolf is there God apples this guy is freaking out right now he's probably like what the heck is going on and son no is trolling me no he isn't I love the fact that Star Wolf now plays along with this this is perfect this is absolutely perfect and this guy's diamonds are just sitting here and the poor guy I mean technically wait how many diamonds are here there was three and I think I yeah I added well over three looks like his diamonds never even will left his inventory he is vanished guys the surfers been like yelled a stop freaking out hahaha sorry for the lag guys sorry for the lag but sure a the cuber must be trolled next oh my god this is a huge cave what the heck wait a minute hold on let's get some water here let's get some water coming on out and let's not gonna be sitting we're gonna go ahead and get you know what you don't watch this watch this here we already any watch this /set obsidian boom we're just gonna keep making this more obsidian without them even noticing look watch watch watch it's gonna be too funny look we got some obsidian walls going there let's make an obsidian wall this would be hilarious anyone well we got a massive obsidian wall now this guy's like what the heck where this come from look you're just gonna continue making more obsidian this is such a cool cave though I'd make this my house brawl this is like a pre-cut outhouse this is amazing leave a like for this cave right now I'd be like a good solid cave it is on Star Wolf he was trolling me where did all the mobs come from I don't know bro yeah you're play minecraft alright time to troll Trey where's Trey there he is oh wait no that's shameful there he is Trey this guy right here alright let's strike him with lightning a little bit oh wait no I gave him the demo the demo minecraft now he's probably gonna be super confused well I don't see him on tab and I see everyone goes in vanish because I am up this guy didn't even care about the fact that he literally just had to buy minecraft alright let's go ahead and scare him a little bit let's scare him a little bit see what he does oh yeah he's a little confused yes so stop getting in my face I'm not ant XS this guy isn't even tweaking okay we got a we got a troll this guy a lot more let's go ahead and drop all of his items let's make oh my god I almost dropped them in lava this guy's probably a little confused now that all of his items just dropped I don't here you're not in what this big house anyone have redstone repeater please there's so many conversations going on in the game star wolf knows better if it is on the new yes thank you cool derp I appreciate it time to go ahead and see what's up with my next victim cool derp 101 what are you up to ah you're at the neighborhood oh no wait this is your own custom house this is great this is what I love to see what should we do we got to troll them in an interesting way here they got a couple of dogs what else do they do though mmm let's go ahead and change a couple of minor options on their home here let's go ahead and change this to slash rush set what's let's just do cobblestone let's do cobblestone let's change it up just a little bit oh they're about to come in they're about to come in they don't even see it don't even see yeah they're too busy farming right now I don't even know what they're doing they got a fox in a boat bro what's going on they're making a dirt wall I don't know why I don't know exactly why but they got a whole whole bit of shenanigans going on over here should we let's look what's up not a little bit make this a little bit bigger maybe oh wait no they already got a whole section over here I don't know what they're doing they're building like a little pen for this guy in the boat I don't really know but they haven't noticed the cobblestone thing yet so that's good let's go ahead and change this to gold out here we're gonna do /set gold block and then just change that as a little bit more of a royalty option and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and bonemeal their entire crops we're gonna make it all nice and dandy nice and growing all these crops about to grow here we go down to the flow well now these guys will have fresh bread for days gotta survive got to survive my friends got to survive and there we go perfect alright a couple of carrots need to be done there you go perfect and boom you guys now have pretty much well not everything horn well got a little work to do here give me a sec hey there you go now you got some fresh craps they haven't even noticed the inside of their house yet I don't know what they're doing exactly right here but they're trying to do something all they're trying to get this Fox to a different location I think let's make their bamboo a little bit taller all right we're just gonna mess with them at this point I wonder if they can hear this I don't think they can hear it but we're just gonna make there oh I have a genius idea genius idea genius really watch this here we go we're gonna go and make a giant bamboo forest this might make it lag a little bit actually I was gonna make it lag too much if I go over here let's go right here slash slash set bamboo oh what'd I do RunAs law says undo this room well at least they get a ton of bamboo for this stuff nothing I could say about that these guys haven't even reacted all now they're reacting now the reacting now they're like what the heck could just happened oh why did all our bamboo break but did it no we didn't break they're investigating they don't know what's going on they're like what's happening right now now it's the perfect time to kick in the trolling we're safer safer safer safer safer oh there is cipher dude let's go ahead and drop all of his stuff eliminated boom now he has no inventory items whatsoever where did your inventory items go yeah they literally think the bamboo trees got all cut down but it's actually not from that free bamboo he hasn't even said anything yet his stuff hasn't gotten back on yet he's like where's my stuff and boom his stuff is back perfect okay cool derp I don't know where you are but you should be a blue guy on here somewhere right there he is perfect let's drop his inventory boom now he doesn't have an int what it didn't work Oh his name is cool dude my bed cool derp nevermind bad bad my bad again there we go now he has nothing now all of his stuff is gone and they made a video today so he isn't coming on today haha see my plan worked it worked exactly how it should have this is exactly what I like to see cool derp said like all perfect oh I made the other guy leave haha I don't even realize and he joined back he thought his stuff actually got lost he said my inventory boom and it's back just like that where's this guy at again cool dip there we go perfect let's see what he's got in his inventory he's got a little bit of a knock back sword he's got some diamonds I don't know what else we can do to this guy please start off all my stuff is gone what do you mean you have all your stuff I'll wait cool oh nothing is left know it's cuz he left no no it's cuz he left the game bro no pool guy what happened to our bamboo dude all this guy's stuff is gone now all of its gone because he left the game oh I have no idea what he had I'm gonna let my admin up to it alrighty guys welp that's gonna be it for this trolling video if you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like and hit that subscribe on to be like the 50% you guys that have subscribed already while I'm in a massive town right now this is crazy but hopefully you enjoy the roaster day I love you guys have a great time and I'll catch you later
Channel: Antster
Views: 153,419
Rating: 4.9378481 out of 5
Keywords: Antster, minecraft, antster minecraft, minecraft trolling, trolling, minecraft funny, minecraft troll, world edit, world edit trolling, minecraft prank, minecraft 2020, minecraft pranks, funny, minecraft confusion, minecraft funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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