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what United Victor aren't you gaming and welcome to minecraft trolling season 2 episode 1 the season of entire server trolls now before we begin guys I just want to thank you so much for all the votes that we got on Twitter I honestly thought Franklin Finland was going to win but over like 400 some people maybe even 500 people voted for entire server trolls so it is now going to be the season of entire server trolls so in this video I want to see if we can keep that like train going do you think we could get a thousand likes on this video if we do guys I will go hide random spawners in random spots near spawn on all the servers so let's see if we can hit a thousand likes sunrise on SMP one nothing says trolling like a good sunrise hahahaha today guys we've got something pretty epic planned basically I'm going to pretend like there's a command that will spawn mobs on random players and then near the end of this thing I'm going to spawn in a ton of mobs on every player and it is going to be hilarious so start off with random players so that's why I see who will notice it first like oh hey a creeper just spawned on me why and this here's how it's going to work basically I've got this command here so I tested to make sure that our work and it does work beautifully so if I just put this guy's name here you'll notice this a slime spawned by him little baby slime because that's what I was testing with eventually I wanted to find like a level 100 slime so the dudes like okay that's a little bouncy slime but honestly they probably aren't even paying attention to the fact that it's there they're going to kill it what do you do - oh that's so sad why would they kill that don't worry slime we will avenge you here shortly let's see who's afk flash list let's see is anyone afk currently okay kaizo /tp oh here Kies oh so what we're going to do is slash sudo kaizo and we're going to make him say holy crap there's a giant slime slime a we're going to summon the slime here so splash let's see let's go sighs let's go like 50 it's good size 50 we'll put that in there and then I'm going to put it on me so rhe a minecraft there we go okay oh god it's pushing them off okay it's so big you came and see the thing we're doing okay now it's over here splash TP Oh here guys hopefully he doesn't die if he goes to the ground he'll probably die and then /tp except outside he came back he came back to see it Oh again of course it it comes back in the middle of that guy's type give me a giant slime to get a giant slime spawned on you I will do it let's just do 25 will put the 25 is on people and we'll see who actually types us in chat then we'll TP to them afterwards so game master 244 /tp game master 244 there we go there's a giant slime and the slime is there and kaizo also said it so dude back to Kyoto so kaizo there we go so now kaizo has one that's kaizo slain by slime oh my god that is freaking awesome now it wouldn't be an entire server troll if I didn't involve the entire server so let's go ahead and let's start summoning some of these slimes on random people so let's do a random person and see you gets crushed by it could help chides live at spawn right so there's a giant slime somewhere now we just got to wait for them to type in Shen be like oh my god it's a giant slime by me again he was Lumos /tp lone wolves unless he's looking at the winners oh no I put it in low roll space I don't know the random people either server in cooked Oh giant slime tough Oh God so here we go let's give another random player a giant slime as well so you notice an impact low-wealth is like what thing okay sad taco /tp disappointed taco yes because you got the next one oh I got a synced random type give me a giant slime now they're actually falling for it they're actually calling for people are doing it oh my god that's awesome see us to spawn well now get him silly Chris are you serious lone wolf oh my god do not go to spawn do /spawn oh oh even though it died people are still digging all right flash let's do this I want I want another one here I want another size 25 here RJ minecraft there we go so now here's a big one oh my god there's so many of them here's a vocation things yes yes please work oh my god if this works this could be awesome put on vocation things on everybody all right where is he at /gp gamemaster i want to i want to see if this actually works all right we're I'm okay dies no yes yes that is beautiful oh my God he's getting swallowed yes everyone is going to get one of these alright let's just put let's put let's just put this on a random person I want to see what people are saying I'm just going to start putting them on random people every go so basically it'll summon the little things on a random people WTF /tp see haha he's a vehicle wTF is that oh my god you I wish I knew who's going to do with you let's just do it to see worth again see you hurt oh I got it's like the best thing ever oh my god this is awesome I get I can't I gotta buy something again you talkative game master like lag alright let's put him on more random people I want to see where people say about it's small it says small oh my god me too wait what oh I got everyone's kind of going crazy they're like what is this thing yeah oh my god this is much oh my god I did Lindsey a worm thing a worm thing I couldn't see where he's trying to like block himself in so that he doesn't get eaten let's put back on Seaworth oh my god this is my new favorite thing I think I'm going to use this in every single troll I do this season [Music] it's just so stupid this is so stiff it but I love it Game Master wants another giant slime alright let's do this so Game Master let's give him a 50 this time seems able to handle those pretty well good luck at this one bro ooh something just came out of the ground it ate me they see a vocaroo tac oh they're getting eaten they're getting eaten and they've got a giant slime oh yeah now they got a bunch of little signs what is going on / Liezel lifesaver here we go let someone die by magic well I got everyone's getting eaten oh my god inside oh my god best comment ever best freakin come into my life oh my god oh my god concessions just that is just awesome okay / I command one I've got a gut an idea I'm going to put this here I will put the command in there / i button one I'm going to drop the / I sign one but I'm going to say clicks me to control everyone there we go let's just kill us kill all slime there we go okay so come here Game Master Kate come here / TPO here game master there we go click me to kill everyone click the button click the button click it it's back something's happening click control everyone you know if oh my god if this is not the perfect screenshot then I honestly don't know what is oh my god and they have hit they're killing everyone I was server srj actually it's not me it's Game Master oh my god it's so stupid I love it oh I got a good idea I'm gonna idea let me grab this this this I think you guys know exactly what I'm doing here alright so here we go we are back with the desks which if they turn this on it will loop into the command block over and over and over again oh god they did it here we go everyone's just gonna die ha ha they turn it off they're like oh my god we now control the server I'm surprised they don't have a ransom going yet like guys either either pay me money or before I will just turn this machine on I guess they're making a game out of it to try to run from it and all the random players that don't know what it is oh my god wait can we make this thing go faster there we go what is killing oh you gave it all so good it's not even me it's this dude right here it's getting faster so I shoot a game master all right let's make him say everyone pay me dollars 100 or I will turn the machine back on oh he left no dang it a master come he left he's here tonight in the left oh my god stop pissed alright so game masters back everyone pay me $100 or I will turn the machine back I love it is this swanee boobs no it is not swung above Devon pay $100 or crap I keep putting for or I will turn the machine back on everybody's I wonder back people are actually paying him I wish I could see because there's no money / Bell top there's money there's money oh my god oh my god alright I got an idea we should have every which to force everyone okay never mind no one has money that's right I forgot this server has no Akash something stop you gave him the command block whoa oh okay I wonder if anyone can turn this thing on I wonder if this guy can even turn on oh my god I love that it's so stupid it's so stupid pay pay for died is to actually go to log with it hate me music better that I ever thought this is killing me oh my god great base offense oh my god okay so again all right I got an idea slash execute our GA Minecraft tilde tilde tilde echo give that a 100 and then I'm going to pseudo pseudo at a pay game master game master two for two for 100 there we go so everyone pay $200 we all got $100 and then and then the money was just go so now you should be rich - slash Bell gamer mass game master oh yeah $4,700 that means there are 47 people on the cypher currently a lot more oh my god this is awesome I could honestly watch this all day so /summon what other fun things can we summon area effect cloud does that look like oh it doesn't do anything alright hold on there's got to be something else we could do alright there we go now everyone get sauced a lot that is a lot of cats I'm getting XP who dun dun dun dun dun oh my god oh my god that is freaking awesome wow so much XP no don't worry guys I'll take this little machine away from him I figure this is a way to give people back some stuff that they lost oh my god alright let's just see there's got to be one last thing that we could put in there not an ender dragon that would crash and corrupt the server I did that once I lost I lost a lot of time to that I okay there we go there we go I have ender pearl let's try that let's see let's change it to this let's change it to die of under signal there we go now everybody will be spawning these things I wonder where they're going I don't even know what they're doing Isis ender it feels like you are being watched by something oh my god it's so stupid it's so stupid how about a wither skull wither skull can't do that one anything a lot of the fun stuff how about XP bottles there we go how about we drop a bunch of XP bottles on people and we'll put that there and then we'll change it back to application things slimming evocation things everyone is good in XP and then they get that location things again oh my god little people die that kill feed who kills meat is just too much right now oh my god I love it oh God I love it if it's so stupid I all we go and delete this machine hopefully you guys like episode 1 if you liked episode 1 make sure to hit that like button also leave suggestions in the comments for what I should do on the next entire server troll I've got a few ideas but unless I get some good ideas from you this might be a pretty short season so let's see what we could get from you guys and like I said so leave a comment make sure hit the like button if you like to the video wait I almost forgot I need to let everyone know that this was me so I got I did judo RGA minecraft you or trolled by RTA gaming here we go it's an Archie 8 detector I wonder if he's going to notice that it makes me talk I knew it via now everyone's just like I do it it wasn't swathi boobs it was Archie a hit the lever hit the lever hit the lever I don't think he knows it makes me talk he found out that it makes me talk actually game master was the one controlling the machine by the way low that way I don't take all the blame for this figure to be your Donny oh it's awesome I'll see you guys later goodbye everybody as always guys thanks for watching if you like this video make sure to check out one of these other videos here I think you might like them and if you do I'm please drop light and I'll see you guys next time goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: RGA
Views: 211,633
Rating: 4.9046025 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft trolling, trolling, season 2, episode 1, season of entire server trolls, entire server troll, whole server troll, server troll, trolling all players, trolling everyone, slime, giant slime, slime troll, evoker, evocation fangs, fangs, worm, roleplay, game, funny, survival
Id: TCn-IcXS2Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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