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let's go down dude Nick here or chicken welcome back to another minecraft trolling video today guys I'm gonna test my staff I'm gonna see if my admins will be able to find me basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go around with some different sheets and I'm gonna see if they can actually find me cheating or not now before we begin guys let me know what you think do you think that I will be able to be caught do you think someone's actually gonna come in here and catch me or do you think that I'll be able to lie my way out of it and I've got some really cool things plants I mean guaranteed I'm gonna get banned but before we do that guys leave a comment right now before we begin saying how many times I'm gonna have to cheat before I set off the alerts enough like get the admins to come over to me and then put another comment or in the same comment like make a new line and put whether you think I'm gonna get banned or not by the end of this episode now for every block that you got in this video guys I'm gonna hide one piece of TNT near someone's house and then I'll light it watches house just like completely disappears bark dudes I'm on our brand new factions server if you slash servers oops not slash over oh my god please don't start putting combat to be like our cheats it's surfer it's not perverse what's in overs oh my god but yeah so if you do servers to see factions one beta eventually it's gonna get reset soon just to make sure there's no glitches or anything like that but it is amazing I've gotten a lot of feedback from people who say they love it so everybody this kind of really killed this but let's go ahead and start x-raying so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna get rid of this stuff this stuff's pretty much all useless I don't need a starter shield or a bow or any of this stuff I guess I'll keep the food so I'll probably need that let's just go ahead and see if we can x-ray on this server and see what we can find all right so I just noticed something very very interesting I can't see any diamonds on here and you're probably like RJ why is that interesting and it's interesting because I know I was talking to egg the other day and he was like hey so I found this thing for our new faction server that's gonna block x-ray and I was like dude x-rays just a texture pack you can't block x-ray and um sure enough they found a will hate a block x-ray like I cannot see a you'll diamond anywhere around here what this doesn't even make sense how are there no diamonds let's go ahead and use our auto clicker and see if we can set off some alerts with that I think I might have to adjust the speed it looks like it's clicking a little bit slow hmm my auto clicker is not working let's try to set it really really high and see what happens so here we go if this doesn't set it off then I don't know what will that's weird it's like the auto clicker is disabled on this server maybe super sucks let's just let's just G MSP and let's just TP to a random person and I'm gonna try to use my auto clicker on them so this guy is just out in the world to slash GMs I'll just go up to this dude and kill him here we go kill with the auto clicker oh there we go oh my god we gotta get this guy come on come on bro come on let's do this he got scared in life so she must be let's TP to somebody else all right here we go here we go so I found another guy running around the end and I gave myself regeneration and slash fly let's just use slash fly for a second okay don't set off the alerts I set off the alerts why does it work no no it works all right so it works in the end it's apparently guys come on here if you want a PvP hack hack in the overworld cuz alerts just don't get generated for whatever reason that is ridiculous oh my god okay slash near a hundred let's see if there's anyone near me okay so we got net we've got yellow around me or we know we've got Nina and yet around they're both watching me they're both watching me so /tp tilde let's just do tilde 25 tilde tilde and see if this works there we go oh my god I so laggy basically like the tildes will move you in relative positions and stuff so like I can like look this way and if I change this to like negative 25 then I'll like show up over here so it looks like I'm making like really long lag trails like I'm running and then I stop and then if I go back to 25 that I shoot this way and I run and they're not gonna know what the heck's going on they're gonna see me they're gonna see me doing this stuff and they're like this doesn't make sense what is this this is really weird just like technically it does it makes it look like lag a lot of lag when I do that so that's kind of the goal behind that hey let's see are they still near me / near 100 yep they're both still watching me so I've got Nina both watching me I'm gonna do next they're probably gathering evidence to see what they can do alright so my actually pack is off I can hear them walking around me you can hear those extra footsteps and stuff yeah let's just TP now you're in this they're in Vaes so there we go I'm gonna go over here and keep running so it looks like I'm lagging and then let's just go ahead and hit that real quick I wanted to I really wanted to get the alerts to set off again / near a hundred okay now he's back in spot he's found me he found me no I got both still there yet - why you chase me he's gonna be so mad when he sees this video let's get back dude I can't believe you just wasted a half hour of my time running around he's an axe I heard it oh my god they so laggy let's see we get pardon myself myself / servers there we go go back to effect in Swan beta I told you I'm not hacking [Music] what must be set up on slash fine stedy oh my god that is awesome it was lag so there confused as to how I got unbanned they're like wait what the hacks is one of them you know I should get Nina in a call like she's been asking to do a trolling video with me for a long time so what I'm gonna do is get her into a call and tell her that I'm trolling this guy but I'm in sv so she can't see me and I'm gonna see what she says alright there we go I just let out an a Oh from Archie minecraft hey Nina Stennett told me some guy is too crazy auto clicker well that's shoulder with me can you get it voice yet oh my god this is perfect oh my god guys this is gonna be amazing you don't understand this is gonna be simply amazing she's online I'm gonna move her to my room now yo what's up Oh alright so stead of just messaged me saying that there's some guy on the new factions server and apparently he's using like a crazy auto clicker or something which one the new factions server which who's the on the player oh god I don't he didn't say he said you have video proof level or something knuckles he unbanned himself was that's better that I'm ban him can't ban himself well and did you not see that like where's where is it was here it says admin only and then it says hacker and then it says his name and then this is unbanned knuckles no reason given I just banned him for kill aura that's weird it probably was started out he said he'd make a good video he said the guy's got like crazy click speeds or something yeah he was that like uh he was that like a good like 100 200 clicks a second Wow what's he using in PvP or is he just like mining or what no he was pvping but I don't gotcha oh wait there he is look oh okay hold on let me see looks like I'm fighting a zombie or something yeah I'm investing that's what I'm gonna be doing since I don't have GMOs with me here oh okay yeah you probably won't see me cuz I'm an SP so what should we do this guy I can't even teleport to him for some reason it doesn't show that he's online and for me yes how how is that possible like you know force to keep he is like he must have logged out I'm here looks like he's going mining she we just like replace everything with diamonds or something that would be hilarious he may I feel like he saw me when I was using my potions though and I was like way too high up for him to have seen my particles just replace everything like what what is going on here clearly the guy's gotta know what's going on right now you know what'd be funny what if we like go ahead and replace all the diamond ore with lava or something oh my god alright nice looks like he's crafty he just crafted a diamond chestplate so before he gets anything out slash Lystra place near 10 diamond or lava there we go Apple no way I'm pretty much fly I don't know why he's not running oh that sucks sorry where do you go to okay so he's back in spawn and he's got no armor oh my god it's got nothing there poor dude I kind of feel bad I mean what if he wasn't hacking though I mean it's really hard to jitter okay 51 oh my god the guy's clearly cheating so never mind about the this guy's not cheating thing all right so basically what you're gonna do is there's like two Pistons on the left side of it and light the bottom piston with a flint and steel and then this guy will like try to dodge the missiles in the back are like cool do that like the TNT on the left side like there's a TNT when you're looking at it from the front if you go along the left side there's like two Pistons stacked on top of each other if you like the bottom piston with a flint and steel it should fire it okay so it's the piston that's between a block of TNT and the block of slime yeah okay gotcha so go ahead and like the first one looks like he's trying to gather wood to get out of here I didn't really think about that oh there we go okay let's fire the second missile now we know so it's coming let's see let's see what happens now oh my god here it comes oh my god I like this little pit area he looks so confused poor guy you know that's what happens when you hack on here though yes what else do you think we should do at home oh I don't know check it out if he gets out of here this guy deserves like a cookie or something that is amazing oh my god that's awesome it's not gonna work though cuz technically the slimes gonna stick to the wall and he's gonna go to pole it's just good like not gonna do it wait what break that up that shouldn't have a footprint and let's see oh my god he's like right there this guy's gonna get out okay why I don't understand why he's not flying do you though yeah it's it's true that he is flying through some skeletons on them skeletons oh god what stupid skeletons oh my god this is not this is not good they're supposed to kill him not each other I mean thank god this guy has no idea how to actually make this thing work oh my god he's escaping this is not good you could always put him back in there and just bond like a crap ton of zombies all right he's back he looks a little angry you know you should break his little piston thing so he can't do it again he's so confused cuz he hasn't actually been I got this line so he can't get out he's got a slime block back he's gonna get out he's gonna get out he's out oh my god I can't see where this dude wait see I keep tp'ing doing that he's like gone alright what should we do to this guy to like totally mess with them oh no I feel like I don't know it's a hard one to think about she's not okay alright how about this oh I'll TP him back to the thingy and I'll set up a little parkour thingy for him oh yeah TNT run I feel like that would be better something with lava at the bottom so he dies he's my guy oh god okay okay he stepped like he's got oh my god well he's back and he's kind of burning here you know what I think the problem was you TP to him and he's like what the heck of a sentence so let's see can we roll this back alright so let's see do you think he's gonna make it through this thing I don't know he fell in the hole last time so you pushed him in the hole there's a difference alright let's try this let's go if he passes this should we ban him or now I feel like we should yeah cuz he's technically a cheater he was like I mean those clicks were like way up there yeah I'm trying to push him like he's shift-clicking so all right let's just hopefully he's just gonna go and oh there he goes there he goes he's running he's running he's running crap oh my god poor guy he's just standing there here we go he's back here now oh wow hey we're actually blowing up the course cuz the TNT is doing damage yeah you know I put a sign in front of him that's I'm gonna say like we saw you were hacking what do you have to say alright there we go I put a sign in front of him he's looking at it he's like what the heck we saw you were hacking what do you have to say look deep broke the site why does every hacker always use signs to talk they never talk in chat never see go yeah where is he going sort of sign back here yeah Oh what is that did you put that seriously why not show the show I have nothing oh well so I think you've learned your lesson about try control what the troller because the reason I did this was because I heard from a very reliable source that you and the entire staff team want to try to pull a troll on me it's impossible okay you guys it's not gonna happen I'm not telling you who my source is but I know for a fact that you guys were trying to troll me and it's just it's never gonna happen you guys could just give up now okay but good luck with that I'm gonna keep my guard up a little bit higher now cuz I don't trust you well yeah I hope you learned your lesson don't try to trick me cuz I will find out and I will get you first every time and you go tell the rest of your staff friend said it's not gonna happen to give up or else the same thing could very well happen to them okay I can't believe she actually fell for it then it's amazing I love my staff cuz see this like they're around me there's like oh there's no way aren't you would never do that but I did good oh my god guys if you want to see more showing my staff trolls let me know by hitting that like button and I'll see you guys again in the next video you guys are awesome goodbye as always dudes thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and possibly check out one of these other videos here I think you really might like them but I'll see you guys next time goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: RGA
Views: 468,087
Rating: 4.8572655 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, game, gameplay, minigame, games, challenge, roleplay, modded, spotlight, map, mini game, funny, comedy, video, how to, mods, gaming, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, tutorial, pc, computer, performium, rga, rgaminecraft, rgagaming
Id: Ix_hE7D2yh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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