STREAMING YOUTUBER GETS PERM BANNED! (Minecraft Owner Trolling Hackers)

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well it's gonna stick here aren't you gaming in welcome to another owner catching hackers guys today's video is awesome I'm going to per ban the most amount of hackers I've ever perm banned in all of my days also I've got what youtuber dudes he was trying to create a stream he was trying to get all his fans on the server and this hack at the exact same time it makes some kind of a stupid video out of it but I said no you can't do that on my server and if you don't believe me just watch this video would find out but guys I am standing in the creative server by Danny's Nokia if you go to my plot it's near spawn you'll see Danny's Nokia I want to see how many of you actually remember Donny's Nokia because if you don't then you haven't been around that long but if you do let me know in the comment section by saying Donny's Nokia is that not beautiful but guys I've got a proposition for you I know we really really really really need updates to creative it's still like 1.9 and we haven't changed anything in a long time so if this video can hit a thousand likes then I will start working on a new creative server and hopefully have it out within the next week or two and that way it'll have a lot of new features a completely new world and you guys can actually build stuff with all the new colorful blocks and things let's see if we can hit a thousand likes and let's get into this video welcome to oder caching hackers dudes alright as you can see this dude here he is doing some stupid stuff I think he keeps getting kicked for fly hacking and I literally and creative can't keep up with this dude he's just every time I TP to him he's gone this is he just flew through the sand as you see that he was like in the second block here what the heck this doesn't make sense how does this hacker do this stuff that I mean this is ridiculously fast this is why I buy server legs his people like this is flying around loading in the whole world I've got an idea let's slash punish freeze and then /tp there we go so now he is frozen he's not able to move there we go so now that hackers stuck here slash set Suda sash sudo alright now this server it won't let me set his home and slash sudo so this hacker knows he's caught now this dude he's walking way - look at him trying to move even with his super fast tax there's nothing can do slash clear mister sky Walker well the force is not with you cuz underneath there you have one of the worst Luke Skywalker skins I feel like I've ever seen I don't even watch the Star Trek and I know that that is the wrong skin anyways guys let's just let's just get this dude to ban himself here I admit I'm a hacking scumbag Wow I guess you don't save some stupid stuff and the beards just like he's doing it for me guys how long should I be banned for come on somebody get perv oh alright well guys you've spoken you should be perma banned mister else I Walker it Simon Skywalker dang and you for having a terrible Luke Skywalker skin will be banned that is a way to start off owner catching hackers dudes by banning them I wonder how many people we can perm ban in a single episode wad is alright I just found Logan Paul and I'm going to have to probably ban this dude because he's hacking check this out guys Logan Paul is hacking he's been flying he's flying around the server and we're going to have to ban this guy fur fly hacking this guy thinks he's so sneaky and crap but he's not you're so bad dude you're so bad it looks like we got a second hacker in here too like I like how he's jumping off the water holy crap I never thought I'd see the day where I'd get to ban Logan Paul but you know what today is apparently that day so guys how long should we ban Logan Paul for should we bake it like a perm bad yes first off I want to take care of this guy because this guy is just annoying you know all you do is come on here and just do some stuff slash internal fine let's see where's this dude at these are factions too as well why do all the hackers go to factions to look at this this guy is ridiculous I get it I bet she's x-ray into a base right now before I forget about us and it looks like we kind of hit the light goal guys so I'm going to bend Logan Paul for life I just realized his name is so we're gonna ban Logan Paul for life slash temp ban Logan Paul for life you have been banned oh my god the name fits oh well oh my god is freaking awesome alright now this dude is in the nether he is he is hacking like a freaking champ as you can see the guy's a default he's got no perms but claim I can't like I can't I break this admin there we go yeah there we go and I broke it now I broke it your portals gone you're stuck here look at you stupid hacker you're so stupid why do you have to hack out my server especially when I'm watching you now you're trapped alright so this dude is doing some pretty bad stuff we're just gonna ban him slash tap ban we're gonna pay this guy cuz she bothering me erm see you have been banned we got another guy troll stiv troll Steve slash servers let's go to hub to /tp this guy still here he is still here alright well looks like that dude left but all he did was come in and attack multiple people at the same time Steve banned guys you think I'm going crazy here oh my god yep and that is why I perma banned him because that's all this guy's gonna do is just sit there and do that super stuff like are you serious the guy's gone he's now perm bad he's gonna have fun on the hackers server isn't he sorry dudes this guy here wherever he went to was just triggered oh okay yeah he's running pretty quick this dude here just triggered the fly alerts and based on how fast this dude is moving I'm gonna have to say he's hacker I think he's also trying to x-ray maybe G MSP let's watch him for a second for some reason all the hackers love factions to today oh yeah yeah he's x-raying so he just he's flying around that he starts x-raying hold on resource pack x-ray let's turn this on I want to set up a little trap for him in fact I guess we don't really need x-ray you know let's do it anyway so let's do it anyway I want I want you to see what he's gonna see here in a second so we're gonna go / / H Sphere TNT 15 so there we go there's TNT all around this entire area and then we're gonna do H sphere 16 of redstone block oh my god the tiers are Jack [Music] it's just in the center of it he Wow he didn't even die all right so even after seeing all that TNT explode this dude's still trying to x-ray are you serious hey he fell in the lava cos he's an idiot but he flew out of it cuz he's also a hacker all right guys I'm trading my x-ray off I'm done being a hacker and then we're gonna ban this dude he died rip this guy Wow that sucks alright let's TP back to him TP Vout so he's got a base here aswell /gm see oh he's in his base I guess I think right is this his base I don't even know but we're gonna we're gonna ban him he doesn't need a base we need base okay fine TP Oh here slash slash ascend slash slash descend a little too far they need a base so slash tpo here puppy but you're gonna be like wait a minute this guy this guy has his space set here well what if we go ahead guys what if we slashed open votes Jude you sir have been banned he had all the hacks on so guys that concludes our episode of banging the most not even Betty permitting the most hackers ever as well as a youtuber who was recording and their friends so obviously they're treading all her friends on there and start hacking for a video and then he ended up getting banned and he saw that they were not going to be on there anymore I honestly have no idea why there are so many hackers on this server this dude here was legitimately it just said he was flying and when I came to the server to TP to him there's just a hope of dead stuff here so basically this Judas fly hacking and he's a noob and he was like oh I don't know how to land properly let me try to do this gracefully and just freakin smashed and obviously it's all noob starter stuff anyways so weird okay so here's our fly hacker I want to see him fly Oh God he located it's either that was lag or he dislike sped over to that spot there the guys doing some weird stuff I'm pretty sure this dude here is hacking what the hell where he'll like he'll be here and that's like yeah he's over here he's like the flash this is so random I want to know what this dude's doing and that's MP - lets just go to SMP - real quick and TP - Cameron / TP Cameron and Cameron's not here all right there he is he's on the hub and he is flying around / pecs user Cameron TNT Hey look at that he has no fly guys so we caught ourselves should we / ban this guy for fly hacking he's doing it in a pvp server he's obviously a noob he's flying around the hub I see what's up in him slashed open camera TNT you have been banned I love this this is the episode of the perm bands alright guys now this last guy here oh my god he is a hacker this dude is not only a hacker he is flying around in the hub and he also just got kicked for fly aking but best of all guys you saw his name is underscore whitey I just found out that this guy is a youtuber he's trying to get all his hacker friends on here they're gonna try to like stream on here and create videos and show how easy it is hack on / for real and guess what dudes I found him first and you probably not believe it what I'm saying so just give it a second he's trying to get have some of his followers on here you see this guy is clearly hacking so before things get way out of control let's go ahead and tap man mine rocks whitey you have been perm been one of his friends came on one of his viewers just came on dudes check this out here there's one of his viewers right now you guys thought I was crazy you thought this dude really wasn't streaming and tried to get his fans on here but you also had periban sebastian oh my god look at this dude he's trying to get back on the server he's like wait no I want to pee on with my youtuber friend my god guys what will people learn that you're not allowed to hack on this server like come on dudes it's just it's so stupid why would you come on here knowing that I'm here and knowing that I troll people and catch hackers that's that's what I do I control the hacker population on this server and I say there should be no hackers that is not how this works you get off my server don't record here this is my server to record on and guys I was kidding if you guys want to record on here too feel free to do so just don't hack don't hack or do stupid stuff because if you do that then obviously I'll just see your video be like okay let's ban this guy but yeah guys I actually got a lot I get a lot of emails about from people that are like hey Artie I said okay if I start a series on your server if I record stuff on there and I'm like dude I don't care I I would welcome anybody to come on here and record I don't get why people get nervous about that but they do for whatever reason alright and this dude's got the flashing skin thing guys that is not something that we allow so the Samet are slash attempt ban the Samet are for an hour because he's got the flashing thing alright that was pretty awesome guys that dude was trying to get all his friends on here look at that sebastian still trying to get in here it's not gonna work oh my god that's awesome but guys it's just it just goes to show if you if you think you're gonna be funny and record a YouTube video on my server try to get all your friends to hack don't do it because I will catch you and I will ban you and don't worry guys there's plenty more hackers to ban but there's just a few of them I think everyone to serve those perm bands and with toast and pulse up to Steve if you guys think the same way I really feel like it was justified but thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video hit the like button and I'll see you guys again in the next catching hackers video goodbye everybody as always guys thanks for watching if you like this video make sure to check out one of these other videos here I think you might like them and if you do don't forget to drop like and I'll see you guys next time goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: RGA
Views: 46,137
Rating: 4.8154335 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft trolling, minecraft funny moments, minecraft pc trolling, cheater, how to catch cheaters, owner catching cheaters, caught this cheater, cheating, Hackers, trolling hackers, xray hacker, pvp hacker, xray troll, pvp troll, mods, trolling, new, noob, games, hacker rage, rank, player, ban, amazing hacker, crazy hacks, funny hacker, funny, hacker, hacks, hack, youtuber, banning youtuber, banning streamer, banning hacking youtuber, youtuber caught hacking
Id: R5NvfKLeJvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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