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was United's Nick here or don't stalk me bro and welcome to the final episode of season 1 of my craft rolling the season of the old eSports the goodies now today guys I've got a very very special troll for you it's something that I did a while ago and you guys absolutely love as you can see right now I'm not on my main account I'm on my alt account don't stalk me bro and basically I'm going to wait on here till I find an x ray hacker and then I'm going to hack next to them I'm going to convince them that I'm a hacker as well and then I'm going to start spawning in like all kinds of crazy things I'm going to ask them like okay well I could I could do anything let me know so I'm going to duplicate all kinds of stuff I'm going to find like the most diamond doors you guys have ever seen and that's going to be freaking awesome so let me know if you like this video by hitting the like button I want to see if we can get 2,000 likes on this this is the finale of season 1 also check out my twitter at r/ga minecraft there's a poll going on right now to figure out what the next season should be we've got all of our entries in and hopefully you guys will pick the one that will do the best I'm really excited to see what you guys pick it's actually probably going to be pretty awesome anyways let's get into this troll and troll some hack colors and just like that we've got an x-ray hacker right here it's david makinster may kiss or something he some make them me crazy by harvesting all the diamonds in this area so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go download an x-ray texture pack real quick and I'm going to join him in his hunt for diamonds alright guys so you can see I've got my x-ray texture pack on and he's going straight for diamonds this guy is definitely a hacker and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to come over here I'm going to go into GMS of slash GMS and I'm going to eat my god apples and kind of meet him at some of these diamonds and just see what he does so basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to pretend like I have an x-ray as well I'm gonna come over here and I'm going to steal diamonds and then I'm going to be like dude these are my diamonds I found these first oh they're trying to attack me yet have you broke out what got one of them oh crap here we go hey we got two oh he's got hacks maybe mimics no way miss miss Briggs got EVPs - oh my god no way no way no way hold on hold on oh I got it perfect oh my god the CFX - Judy says I need my sword back they disarmed me there we go thank you I'll be like an annoying hacker okay dude you got X 2 you get X 2 you said though I don't okay so she doesn't all right would you like to see my hex I have super x-ray no I don't file that's just friend I'll be like I'll say make it whatever his name is just like I see my hacks I have super x-ray these guys are being a little bit ridiculous each typing something to sign for something he's probably like okay how I said I like this I can duplicate any item what - see that little guy let's see if they're going to say if I could duplicate any item now we don't have got here duplicate your store - give it to me okay give me one sec all right here we go so we're going to go up here now they're trying to come over to me so I need oh yes fly what no how did he's got flying you do have acts message make it nice acts nice X what clients are you running is your base close worse it is like oh it is the worst I can duplicate anything wants me to show you I really want to duplicate something for them oh I found their base hey the door was open nice nice base dudes nice base dudes so they both got hacked they both have hacked they've actually got a nice bitchin suit they got mm a gold Apple anything else interesting bunch of iron tools and stuff you have to block them out of their face where they get into your app yeah you still give up do you all right let's just let's just do this the hard way let's just put this here there we go there we go okay so now they're stuck out of their base now they have to break it all fly and he doesn't have packs you've got he's flying right now so they both are hackers our plot I caught two hackers all right I'm just gonna back to jump like I wish you good group message they'll be nice I just want to show you a new feature in worst you can dupe items here watch this so you fill it I'll say you fill it with cobble and then I break it so go like this I'm just going to go up crap you stole the diamonds ah oh my god really you got to stop stealing them for this to work though fine I'll do it okay there we go alright so basically they put them back here we go so you go like this okay alright there we go and then we'll go watch this / clear / / GMC I'm going to go here and then here and then hopefully we have the punish command on here / punish don't stalk me bro trip alright here we go we're going to break this they got me get so confused right now they're like wait what what the heck / message Gela pretty sweet right yeah of course what do you want they're falling for it okay here we go they're actually falling for it now this is awesome what do they want what do they want / i trapped chests 1 / i cobble 64 there we go and they watch something else alright they want more of these all right so let's just put this here and then we'll go / TM see I'll put this here there we go and we'll put the cobble around this thing the cobble has absolutely nothing to do with this I just think it's kind of funny and then we're going to go like this fill my entire inventory with swords there we go and so now it's punish trip again there we go okay so now they're seeing that how this magic stuff works this is so stupid defective actually falling for this is just simply amazing oh my god this is so stupid and he's got it on his head he's got a freaking sword on his head / Tim see alright here we go let's put all these in our inventory there we go and then we'll punish trip it's bone spur days it's Donnie Bo's everyone sliced clear there we go they're like oh my god this is amazing this is the best thing I've ever seen I'm not going to do the chest thing any works they're not even paying attention at all and then here we go punished trip it's rated diamond pickaxes sliced clear there we go look at all the type of picks they're so shiny I just want to pick them all up so they went from like hating me all they wanted to do is punch me over and over and over again and then they went from that to now I'm their best friend who's just delivering them presents I'm like Santa Claus of the hackers there we go they start throwing it down one of the times so we've got all kinds of armour and all kinds of brand-new bows super armor and then I'll even give them TNT and then maybe we at the end of this we should blow up their base so light shows drop all the stacks of this stuff all the fun stuff diamond blocks TNT like whoa and some steak and stuff there we go so they definitely know I can poop stuff now it's not a question of like can I Duke stuff can we speak in discord man oh my god slash message Magus I can hop on but I don't have a mic oh crap if I go out discord but then they'll know it's made they'll see my name flash message make us what is discord what's discord is that a teamspeak server there we go that's the easy way to get around that I'll pretend like I have no idea what this cord is oh my god that's awesome hopefully they'll have teamspeak so I could go on there there is a voice changer for it can you give us spawners slash message Joe ah of course what ones I wonder what this guy's thinking /give spawner I keep trying to type RJ but it's not it's like Skype bug butter nice oh you fell for he fell for it we'll go with sheep let's get myself a bunch of sheep spawners and be like back and how about iron golem so I'll get myself some iron golem spawner so put that dude there crap iron golem that didn't work I sit one word let's try that there we go it's iron golem one word that's a pig spawner so let's see the pigs what other spawners I should do well how about this one about wizard how about I start destroying their face with the wither there we go with it what if it's at work with her boss oh okay there we go let's just start destroying their base with wither bosses and stuff there we go he's like wait what the heck no no we're their bosses well I got alright how about some ender dragon oh god that would probably be a bad idea that yeah that would probably be a terrible terrible idea now I don't think that whether bosses are actually going to spawn here but let's see what else can we put in here blaze I feel like would be pretty annoying oh they're breaking the ball can you download this core to be a hundred times easier to communicate okay I left slash message may kiss oh you know I'm going to go either ask myself would let them see if they recognize me okay I just down loaded its what server are you on oh my god I really want them to coming discord you please come in discord like I'll get to hear their reactions we get to hear their reactions when they come in discord oh my god they think I'm just some hacker nude like giving them items and stuff but realistically it's going to be me it's gonna be me can you tell me your name in the discord are you I'll see are you on the flash message Magus are you on the RGA gaming discord the right guy they just I just added them odds discord he's my friend he said are you don't stalk me bro and my name is Archie again me I don't think they know who I am I was going to talk like myself I bet you forget to put on a fake voice and see if they do about it oh my god oh oh no so we recognize we chat oh god oh god he's going to know it to me now he's going to know it's me stiffing so much trouble oh let's do it I hope they had me do a voice call I want to disguise her to say let's go oh my god I think you realized you screwed up because now he's just standing here he's like oh crap oh crap I'm so screwed oh my god this is awesome come on just call me call me bro call me never eats your voice call let's do it let's do it make it let's do it make it slide show up let's I want to hear it you guys sound like I'm here the hacker sounds like I really want to hear what hacker sounds like let's do this let's do this but I said I'm an RG a fanboy as you can tell so that they think I'm just pretending to be Archie a and they're like they're both just data they're doing nothing right now I think they seriously realized like oh god we screwed up are they actually going to add me to this call that's all I want to know I want them to call me oh there we go they invited me to something here we go I got an invite link okay I'm in general I muted right now so they can't hear anything they're not in here yet I'm waiting for them to show up I'm waiting for them to show up I want to know what these guys are saying oh my god this is great okay so Joey's been here Joe's in the room hey hey what's up hey Marcus is not is a comment okay cool nice so how are you good good how are you I'm fine I guess cool kind of thing else you guys need um I don't know actually just gonna wait for them okay that's cool did he like go afk no he says it's a tiny Tony Cole I guess well why should they actually all right she gaming I'm a big fan boy as you can tell okay I try to make people think I'm him okay okay you know who he is he's like my favorite youtuber ever yeah I know I was a I will see this video are you serious or one um I think yesterday was his latest his latest art I guess yeah Emily by the first second some minutes I was slacking oh wait nice that's not so great ah be right back I'm gonna explain how to join the call all right oh we two are okay now he's here hey oh hey what's up guys okay so it is how do I do the duplication thing in the worst thing well you you have to get a trap chest and then you put like whatever you want to duplicate in the center and then you surrounded by cobble and you have to have a macro that as soon as you break the chest it tries to pick it up and then it like duplicate set I don't really get it but whatever Jen it's kind of heavy I think it used to it for a while okay I like is it in the first 1.12 I don't have that I one reason might well 1.12 doesn't work that's that's weird i mother like newest beta one though that's probably why he says when I go to my one point well it says like something issues in something like I gotta anything else you guys want um hey did your tone destruction he's and anyway but do /f join and the action name aka his name yeah and so a char will eat you nice yeah minute cool okay right when we I saw you with my x-ray I was just minding some mining a diamond I just saw you there and I was like alright yeah they're just been trying to get a lot of enemies I want to duplicate them trying to find some so I could get a whole bunch of them yeah I was in do you know skittle MCD yeah I was there like x-raying two before today oh nice isn't that there are the granny place on yeah yeah huh I love I kinda hope I get like Cos Cob liked by him then I get nice you know yeah I want to get caught by Donny - that's I keep doing it you guys want some diamonds okay yeah sure okay I'm out of mine s there we go tons of diamonds fake news is that awesome it's like I don't know my name I don't know how the sword was on my head I have no idea I was so weird I like what I sell is the sword on my head I thought you had like slash hat or something I don't know I maybe I had just I didn't know about that okay I fresh like it type / hat you do not have access to that comment that's weird then I guess it was because oh right when you like all the diamond swords scattered there it just when anyone went like it it built my armor slots nice that's cool and it showed up on my it would be funny if it showed but showed up on everyone every like the chest ad Canton juicy I would just be one diamond sword man yeah nice right what else you guys want anything um can you like I don't know if you can like repair oh yeah definitely then we could like repair the armor that we gave like we want to stop this huh did you see all the new armor I gave you yeah that's the same but they just thought they just like the same oh it's not Oh a is mine it is fixed I didn't realize that Oh 18 it seems stacks nice I love these hacks yeah I just downloaded hack so I could get caught by like Donny or RGA I'm a huge fan of Archie as you can tell yeah I I saw name is that Archie a game I know I got is discord and I pretend to be him and people get so mad what what you said yet you don't know what is discord oh yeah that's right I don't know I just I don't want to launch it getting on is a nice base to got here well he built it of course yes I was was in a faction I think he was called war war turtles or turtles and the base was just awfully just just yeah it wasn't even underground or anything like hide it hide it like he was just it okay this might help you a little bit like I did I think that's enough yeah yeah you spied on I don't think we need that much well you never know so do you guys think is better than E or RGA I mean I like that Donnie's the trolling and those videos everybody I haven't watched many of RJ's videos so I actually didn't even know he liked existed just you two oh wow nice I guess I kind of like reasonably just found out that they're like dummy Oh gotcha what about you Joe oh yeah the same actually I just know I'm allowed like a week ago now yes did you ever think you'd be in a video with like Donny ROG a snowboarder burly I am I just like just I'm just like to seeing the screen like 400 seconds but I am in the video yeah I could get you into like a real video with them yeah yeah me too now I'm serious I can nothing yeah I'm sure yours too how do you do that i hack I don't know oh that's that's true I don't actually hack oh geez no I mean I don't see it either yeah I'm just legit creative with this yeah I got creative watch I can into the break stuff see look crap I broke the chest oh great I know I'm sorry not the chest it's just how the do you have a creative well because it's easy with this client oh so instead this plan I don't think there's like that's not like that's weird actually a chili fesai Marty a gaming and you two have just been caught pecking on the perform server oh my god what do you have to say yes I caught you oh my god I was like dig it's just hurting my voice to talk like that oh yeah that's how I was able to duplicate everything and get into creative mode and all that stuff so what do you guys think we should do what should we do we should probably throw all the sheets away we don't need a service you know we should do have a PvP match between you two and whoever dies first gets banned what is my hack Depot snack I've seen it oh no he doesn't I don't have hacks I do he doesn't I saw you don't fly no he's fine I saw you fly when you were coming on the relations when you were down here you flew up to here and you're floating right there and then you flew back down I haven't on the video we have a video okay I know no we're flying I mean I don't I don't care if he's lying or not look I guess I have actually low health and food stomp me something just change out just I just I can't even speak English right now nice well I don't know what do you think we should do how do we handle this a lot since you guys are cool about it I can actually I can just turn off the clean if you want like go to that Oh to other normal normal minecraft yes alright I guess we could probably do that do I give this stuff away or something I'll let you figure that out I'll leave it to my comment section to decide whether or not you guys should be banned so the video will be out in a couple hours so keep an eye on the comment section to see what happens to you guys throw these away not really changed like okay I'll throw away the wood sword there please don't touch the chest of civilian swords well I got anyways I will let you to be thank you for being in the video thank you for being cool about it and then like I said I'll let the comments section decide what to do so if you come back later in the bases blown up it was the comments not man I guess you were like looking for a curse or something exactly I found I found you through the x-ray thing it's like oh let's mess with this guy yeah I saw you two I was like you're like what are the odds of someone going all the way over here yep all right well I will see you guys around there on the normal apply it now I'm not I'm not getting anything oh my god hacker alright well I'll talk to you guys later have a good one alright guys so you let me know in the comment section below what we should do these two guys they're pretty cool about it you know for that's the first time I've talked to hackers while I've been trolling them I think the one was on to me the whole time plus the other guy he didn't really know who I was so I don't know what do you think I shouldn't remand these guys I mean we could probably man /sc let's just see it we could probably take Oh God slash silence chest he's like what the heck there we go I can probably clear some of these chests out and just get rid of the hacked items well I want to know if you think they should get banned or not now they're probably freaking out and then try to figure out what to do so I don't know guys it's the last episode for this season and this is really the season of the fans you actually do receipts with other things right roll people is that maybe that'll be the thing but yes I don't know let me know leave a comment with whether or not they should get banned and if you want one of them to be banned then say like ban makeups and leave Joe out or pan them both or banjo and not make us and let me know what you think we should do to these guys I mean this guy for sure was hacking this guy sounded like he had PvP hacks and I swear earlier in the video the dude was flying right over by the little entrance there so I don't know you guys tell me this is your series I do this for you guys so I want to see what you're going to say and until then I will /set home might blow this up that way I'll know that I might have to blow this up make it replace the chest with TNT and then blow it up or something but yeah I won't know that till later this video comes out the same day so it's only gonna be a couple hours maybe we'll take everything and move it by then but if they do I'll just find their homes and go blow it up from there but thank you guys so much for watching thank you for all the support this season if you made it this far in the video go to my twitter at r/ga minecraft and vote for what the next season should be called there's a few good suggestions up there and if you made it this far and you voted put I voted in the comments section and that way other people will know that they can go vote and the next team said will start on Wednesday I'm curious to see what it's going to be and don't forget to leave a couple comments with you voted which guys if any of these should be banned and yeah we'll go from there but thank you guys so much for watching thanks for a great season and I'm looking forward to the next season goodbye everybody as always guys thanks for watching if you like this video make sure to check out one of these other videos here I think you might like them and if you do don't forget stoplight and I'll see you guys next time goodbye everybody you [Music]
Channel: RGA
Views: 263,707
Rating: 4.87394 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft trolling, trolling, season 1, episode 8, oldies but goodies, noob troll, trolling a noob, minecraft hacker caught, mhacker, xray, xray hacker, hacker caught, cheater caught, cheating in minecraft, HACKING A HACKER, live troll, discord troll, discord, reactions, duplication glitch, op gear, op loot, god base
Id: V2wd4zdJTjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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