PRETENDING to be a HACKER TROLL in Minecraft! (Minecraft Trolling)

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like this video and subscribe or herobrine will get you do it right now alright hey what's up guys double a twelve-year and welcome back to another awesome minecraft video for you guys today today guys just like the title stage we are gonna be doing another awesome trolling video that you guys seem to love so right before we get started by way those are victim over there king Jones but right before we get started with today's troll if you guys are brand new don't forget subscribe and a snap those you guys never miss a brand new video and guys run go for a lucky like goal so try to go for maybe two likes for today's video I know it's such a high light bulb I do believe all you guys hit that like button we can easily hit it but anyways today we're gonna be trolling King Jones ah give me a sec to use cool transition a hacker in Minecraft so I don't know if you guys know this but Jones actually had the UM hacker series on his channel and you know me um I had to do some professional hacking to uh get the skin obviously but um yeah so we're gonna try to hack him see if he gets scared or you know we're not gonna try below yeah so luckily for me he left the world open and I know Jones he's usually afk getting snacks and all that and I have to get him back for trolling me last time so uh this is gonna be a video guys so let's quickly do an effect turn ourselves invisible and uh let's see how this goes that I don't know how invisibility is spelled so there we go so hopefully you guys enjoy let's get right into the troll and I'm gone hey what is going on ladies and gentlemen it is your away guy I think he just started me intro bin what am I to do I don't know what it is so I came we're gonna use this for you know a bunch of notices first by the end of matter because I did it out actually cross but yeah so I did come back and you guys said I walked past him right call me blind ass up I don't know why you guys keep yeah Joey can be pretty blind yeah I was like you know what I'm just gonna come back to this oh I have a nice alright yes he was like might be flash stuffy I really don't see them I believe you guys but like Phil same time you guys could join me also before this view smash that like button all of my instigate team Jones Grammy zero and Twitter can play for white C awesome scripts but yeah guys so alright there is a low chance gonna get one chair right okay with yet the heck is that okay I thought yeah I do not know the gravel did that okay I thought it was freaking me out a little bit watch this watch this he's gonna freak out what okay whew that is enough I just saw I saw just all other particles moving please tell me I'm not tripping right now you guys will already freak it out what in the world is actually going on alright these are turning right turning back this block is I'm gonna be honest okay okay I'm not even gonna okay we're done but that we're done with that I guess I walked past him over here in when I was gonna say that this whole thing turned into this blue stuff they're returning back to building like that it's good bro he's already confused guys okay confused okay I'm leaving this area okay I am done minecraft you got me messed up I have the bed on this world and like almost a week or two and y'all really managed to kind of figure stuff right now I try to think okay y'all really I swear I just saw particle say again I am really freaking him out a little bit no I hear I hear breakings dad don't like to hear okay okay we gotta we gotta calm down for a bit all right I know we're going all out with something here we're going all out like I'm not even playing I actually what in the world is going on why is the leaves turning blue what heck was that that sound like this just stop what in the world what but I am so old I lost my fuse I am like clearly speechless wrong no no no no no no no no feed one guys true I don't know it's like he can make oh holy crap he literally just ran okay okay okay my heart actually like left my chest first there you go literally what I was about to say is I'm trying to be quite so he doesn't like hear me because I don't know he's a hacker you could like Lily pick up my call or something I don't know okay well dad freaked me out a vision 9:1 oh my gosh i Lily like it was so dark on my screen like I didn't even see him running at me until we got a little bit closer holy crap just maybe missed a block okay okay okay okay stop stop messing with me hacker okay oh Jesus Christ I am clear clear my heart what is going on doing this like this is way of like this is like his wave teleport I'll go if you guys seen the movie unfriended where it's like you can't do stuff when they do it's hard to explain but like they have some weird form of stuff and like I think that's this way of teleporting maybe that blue stuff like it's kind of leave it looks like wires or cables some stuff like that I'm gonna be too sure really bad but or they're trying to get away from that right now okay right I think I escaped from them it's just so weird I've never seen it alright like I said like you know the when we first started we got that cross whoa I saw them over here too I literally saw him before he did not cool dude get away from our window water is so bad in there's water dude what is going on do my friends are choppy you're right that is crazy dude is he like trying to turn like ddos me or something I don't know like playing with me like warning me like is there any warning signs like can you at least like write me a note tell me what I'm what I can do to stop this whole world my lord soon on flash TPE type I'm just trying to like it's on an a/d see but no type equals it's like it's so peaceful but then at the same time when he comes out in nowhere it's like freaky what is that why is there random squids every bro okay and is just disgusting that's fact bro just gave me goosebumps I literally got goosebumps guys like that but this is like I guess he was over here as well you guys were telling me that he was close by to these chefs like every chest I was at he was close to a trifle to know and honestly at this point I'm right I believe you guys because he's in my world right now he's here all right he's lewdly and he was going crazy on us there are no chickens okay guys why they're no longer in this world randomly spawning is like cable stuff I don't know is that weird teleporting leave it in the comment section below guys I'm not too sure I'm just I'm freaked out I don't know what to do it's like I'm literally just walking yo I was always blue trying to get the clues from the chest to see if I could spot him next thing you know I'm literally getting the what no what is good what is going what is going on I'm not even I can't even walk how I should get dude these squids keep popping a little cannot I can't my gosh they're gone well I can't wait what is going on it's like zoomed in like my fov is all messed up and I can't even there you go we're back what is like dead insects this I don't oh my gosh that's like the dark web so sorry I use a really good hacker stuff guys help me falls in good right here too I swear I just heard a noise hold that movie chomp Mike alright clear alright the camera got up like literally inside my body felt like it just jumped out like my soul literally just left me oh gosh think no no no no no no of course I'm making the water why I'm Lily trap please let me out dang it I keep messing up I keep messing up guys the heck dude I'm gonna be so tick I need to get out before he spots me some more exactly holy crap okay yep that every time he does that he's literally sneaking up on me I've noticed that every time dude oh my gosh she keeps getting closer he's literally on sorry he has to be on me every time he does it I see him he's literally close by I what is that guys I don't know what's going on by those like another hacker I don't know what to do there was another hacker world um we're gonna do a hollow just staring at me I don't know if that's what you guys saw or we're gonna keep that saved why in the world okay I'm going to the jungle [Music] trying to avoid this guys I I really don't know what's going on whoa please tell me I'm not like in a red room please tell me I'm not in a red room I know it's blue that met you probably you guys don't know what Red Room is the Red Room is something very disgusting on the dark web okay okay I don't know what I am [Music] I just spell here guys okay Garrett okay okay anywhere okay okay okay you guys ready for my signature okay I'm out hopefully don't keep putting another box because I really oh my god I am so glad I jump on me okay I hope I don't get put into another box cause like I really think that's like a red box is something like scary guys it's like when you're entrapped by someone on the dark web and they choose what they do to you either you you get killed or we're not thanks for the ice to actually really know what's up like okay I thought there was another ice thing guys but think I'm confused was that I think that was projects or ago that I saw - I'm so good I'm so confused on how he got in okay what okay - stop stop stop stop stop now he's just going crazy okay okay okay maybe I hid from home I'm actually trapped now I didn't I didn't even meet a jump down here okay guys I'm White's it's kind of hurting my eyes so bright maybe I can get out by this what is going on there like barriers to help you get out it's quicker yeah yeah sure a lot more quicker okay just meet five like a code zero one what kind of code is that zero zero one one zero one one one guy is like what does that mean like some binary code I'm not really too sure that's the correct definition on that are you guys it's really late right now code one to hack success code 12 white to ensure like my channel is good and stuffing Jones like I'm being serious like that channel kind of really cheap yo yo yo yo yo YouTube channel all right let me thank my YouTube where's made about where's my YouTube ad was made to bad where's maybe too bad okay I'm on my channel right now she may be like teasing me because my channels guys I'm on my channel right now like look my channel if y'all can see the brightness or not me oh ha joke's on you buddy joke's on you buddy I'm out but I'm just buying there I think it is I don't know what kind of code that was but like I don't know if you like actually he got into my channel if my channel is here why yo why is he just staring at me you [Music] know guys this is like this is exactly what the but like the Red Room is like below King Jones 24 oh please tell me you're not putting me in the red room bro I'm showing up I would take over as the new King Jones from now on no please don't what do I have to do for you to stop man binary code was they used to me what you got dude you got a stop I don't know what I've done to you for you to keep causing havoc on me and I'm sick of it you'd like why just going he's going crazy oh my this guy is a lunatic dude wait world is in my in the Red Room I'm in a Red Room I'm gonna Red Room I am in the Red Room right now I'm actually in a legit Red Room I'm in the legit Red Room I keep suit I keep getting teleported guys I'm in a legit Red Room right now I'm in the legit Red Room I'm in the legit Red Room we got to go no no no no no no no no why it's getting smaller why in the world ya know when God dang it rush title at a title do you think I can escape at the burrito hey do you yes I want freedom I want freedom I want freedom I'm homeless out this can't just go home all right D no no wait I was actually breaking bedroom I was actually breaking bedrock okay I want freedom I want freedom I love freedom let me out let me out let me out please please please I'll do anything just let me out well I'm here being sex for your dark web mister you must do one thing okay what is it what is it please please I'll plant some seeds for you why donation please code 12 apply activation code 12 what does that mean hi subscribe activation greatest I don't get it chan hole in the world [Laughter] no no get organic escape real quick no I'm off Butte welcome bro hi - hi Jodi revenge is sweet my man gosh Deauville a12 eres what's up with that you want you want seem to get unmasked okay okay okay all right and and I can't believe I literally cannot but okay listen that was like two three weeks ago that I truly do you bro I don't know what you did wrong okay I don't have to explain anything I thoroughly thought that we were clear I thought we were even I thought we were I thought we were good I thought how are we good when I didn't get my man dude you really got me like I was I literally was on my phone broke making sure my channel was good do like I was actually like getting goose bumps and stuff like you you really freaked me out like you actually got me so good that I was paranoid for a second cuz like were you like putting like real binary code over here oh I know he's putting random zero that one don't worry it was actually like that was freaking me out for a second I was like and then would you sort of do the room stuff I was like oh my gosh red rooms and I was like thinking of the worst ideals I don't like the thrill of change it dude that really freaked me out I'm not even a lie holy crap this is just really bright okay dude I'm letting go to light that was probably the best prank someone's ever done on me yeah I'm I'm just gonna let you know you know with this with the whole hacking stuff going on like I really thought that was legit and you got me bro I'm gonna I'm you know what if I could hand up hand you my crown I would give it to you right now bro oh okay okay so I'm the king of trolling no nah but just for today you know I'll give it to you for today but you know the rest of the days you know it's going back to me King Jones baby you already know so Wow okay just because of that we're ending off the video here Oh actually way it's pretty dark I don't like it anyway if you guys did enjoy the stroll drop that like if you have any more troll ideas let me know but uh guys do you guys know Jones like he thinks he's better than me at rolling but you know I always try to prove him wrong why do you here now okay thank you guys were watching see you guys later and peace any laugh words I'm speechless [Music]
Channel: AA12
Views: 130,714
Rating: 4.9456301 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft mods, trolling, minecraft trolling, minecraft pe trolling, minecraft trolling noobs, minecraft pranks, trolling in minecraft, troll, prank, friend, best friend, minecraft hack, minecraft hacker, minecraft hacks, minecraft hacker trolling
Id: mhXIKReobcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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