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hey saving soldiers so here is the rest of the pantry prep so here's part two i hope you enjoyed the first part so far so picking up where we left off here is the equate um protein powder so this is in the caramel flavor so i picked these up for them as some ready-made protein kind of like these premier proteins but you get i believe it's like 12 in a box yeah it's a 12-pack all right so we're going to move on okay so this area is just like behind um a love seat so here i just have some disinfectant wipes here are some more of the v8 juices that i picked up from ali's in the different flavors for us i have some extra vegetable oil this is a box of ketchup that i picked up from aldi and over here is my dishwasher stuff so here i picked up this one from walmart it's the 85 pack and then all of these i got on clearance from dollar general and my dollar general clearance videos there was three days worth of shopping videos so you can go check those out over here i just have two more um vegetable oils and then i have this um great value apple cider vinegar over here this is my older son's tennis racket so in this ziploc bag here that i got a while ago from dollar general i just have tissue paper in here and then down here is my box of tissue paper that i picked up from my local giant they were two for ten and it's 24 in a box over here under my desk so this container and like the tissue was always kept under here and this was here so don't think like i'm just throwing stuff all over my house that wasn't here some of this stuff was already here or there was stuff that just needed to go and now we're just using it for a better purpose so here are my containers that i showed you guys um for putting my cute my coupons for putting my batteries in so i got this from the dollar section in dollar general so i picked up two of those and then this one just has the bigger batteries in it and this one is from dollar tree and i did get both pieces for a dollar then here is my toolbox that i have oh my gosh and then in here in this big container so this is rice baby so in here i have rice that i was gifted um so this is like six pounds that's six pounds so this is like regular rice it's par boiled rice this one is in here because my little cat won't let me be gray and when i had it in there with the pasta i showed you guys earlier he knocked it over and then it ripped and so yeah my little son just put this in the bag for me the little cat is kind of his responsibility in a way and my older cat who's more chill and calm he hangs out with my older son more so that's kind of how that goes so in here i have two 10 pound bags of parboiled rice from walmart this is a six pound bag of black beans that was gifted and then underneath here is a 20 pound bag of pinto beans which i believe you guys should already have seen that haul video and then at the bottom there's a 20 pound bag of long grain long grain rice which i would prefer to be parboiled all right let me move on okay so here is my coat closet here bam so in my coat closet i have some bottles of water down here so these are from um shoprite um i have another thing of white vinegar and then yeah so just more water back there um the rest of the stuff in here is like christmas the core so these are like the boys um ornaments that i got them from gamestop most of which i didn't pay for so if you want to go through my um videos you can look through my older videos and there's only one that says anything about gamestop in the title and you can see all the items that i got for them for free and that is not clickbait it literally was free i didn't even go to the register i put the stuff in the box and i left like even the manager helped me so this is not one of those it was it was free youtube type videos and it really wasn't or you had to use some type of coupon or be a member nothing like that so in this box here this box we it's just a box that we chose to reuse so that box has our um shelf stable milk like extra shelf stable milk and then this box here is the box that my dehydrator came in my excalibur that i got from ollie's and that just has extra boxes of cereal in it that didn't fit up here so here is more christmas decor there you see i have a box of pancake mix and then another one from walmart those are the ones you can just add water i believe that way if the boys wanted to use it good great and then here is our cereal all the way up there and that is from all the deals that i have been doing like buy three save six dollars at my local giant like honey the cereal was costing almost nothing okay so that's that and that like i said is here in in my coats closet so literally it's just my stuff my stuff in here because i have too many coats yeah i'm not gonna talk about it over here this is just an old piece of workout equipment so yeah disregard dang it's echoey in this corner um so over here is some um juices and tea so this is like a diet green tea for my son i just moved this before i did the video so that's why it has it has stuff on it i think it's like flour so don't judge um or it could be carpet powder because my son vacuumed before he left to go to his eye appointment so um down here we just have a variety of juices and then you know more more things of tea so some of this stuff i got um from dollar general as part of like a deal and some of it was just from walmart or various places okay so over here first of all check out my little lamp isn't it cute i got it on clearance at walmart and yes i put it together all by myself and over here these are just two brand machines that i got um on a really good deal from a local thrift store um i can't think of the name of it but it's one that i believe that's only local to my area so i guess it really doesn't matter but they were both the color of the day so one was blue and one is purple tagged and they were like 50 off or something so basically for two of them i paid the price of like one um over here is just some canned goods my older son stacked up for me last night i believe it goes six or seven deep and then um so these were for my first time going to what is the name of that store that i went to um save a lot yes there you go so i went to save a lot and they actually didn't have limitations in that store it kind of gave me like um a aldi vibe like all these slash price right kind of uh um and then in this box it's just another box that we chose to reuse and so this is all of the extra stuff so this is like as you see red beans and rice that i got on a manager special they were only a dollar so i bought a couple at first and then when i realized i just really wasn't able to find them anywhere i went back and just bought the rest so there should be about 10 in there um that pasta down there was gifted and then this is pasta that i paid for from price right when i picked up the pasta from the pasta that was 50 cents so yeah that's that and that's just in this little corner beside our couch so it's out of the way oh i also forgot to show you guys water more water that we had so these are just water this is from a deal i did from target and then these um are water that i found they were like 35 packs they were two dollars and like 50 cents um at my local shop right and then these are just some waters that i got from um this one is from walmart and those two are from aldi and then there's some more water so we just keep them in this little thing that one of my friends bought me but it's old now and this had a lot of stuff stored in there so because it was white it it just looks dirty now because everything in there was brown and it was rubbing against the white paint but i don't care but basically this is houses my record player and all my like records and stuff and this is just our other v8 juices that are open so here in this little nine cube um shelf situation this is like our candy drawer so we just have different little candies in here and a lot of it at the bottom is in bags just individually labeled so that if my older son wants it he knows for the carbs but so that we can save room by getting out the packaging these are my little sons he loves these little things these i got on clearance they were like less way less than that from dollar general and then i got this on clearance head giant these were from my five below haul for our movie night and then those were from dollar general for like 70 off or something here is just some plastic wear that i just stuck there really quick so that you guys can see in the candy drawer and then this other band this is just like the stuff my son uses for his um diabetes so he has a ton of stuff that i organized for him but for just like daily use this is just stuff he has in there so like supplements i buy him glucose tablets um the little alcohol pads some extra batteries extra meters sugar-free hauls this book it tells you like the carbs and fat you can look up like specific restaurants in there and everything um his syringes information for his meters these little ketone strips to test anyone's urine for ketones in them um so i just keep this stuff like in bags he just hasn't sealed this back up with little sandwich bags and then yeah so everything else is down here in little bags as well so over here is my shelf that you see a lot of times when i'm filming so up here i still have that big bag of flour i also have another one this is 25 pound those are the ones that have that we started with that just didn't fit into the jars we did so far here is the stuff that i started as far as my canning projects so i can some meat um so what you're seeing here is because i put um garlic and the canning salt in there so that's the garlic i also dehydrated my cheese here and then i dehydrated some vegetables so i have my cold packed chicken back there and then i have my hot packed chicken there over here is some more sugar and flour these jars are all empty these are jars i got from dollar general and i only i mean not jars they're they're lids and i only paid a penny for the whole box like isn't that crazy and then um these are just empty jars that i have for upcoming projects these two packs are ones that i had a long time ago um and then these are some stew meat that i can and i got these from target so well technically i got the jars and the meat but actually i was only talking about the meat so the meat i got um on a deal at target and this is some baking soda that just hasn't found another home yet and some cheesies and then um our canned salt that's closed i have one open in the kitchen so let's go in there oh really quickly so this bag here it says there's magic inside so this is just where we keep um pet stuff okay i'm gonna try to show you this you might want to turn your volume down it could get a little loud because of the bags but so we just have both of their bags labeled with their food we do use the hill science diet yes it is expensive but i mean it just is what it is and then down there you see i have treats i have other spare little soft carriers for like taking them to the doctor their dental treats and then more little treats so all their stuff stays in there and then this white box here is actually another my other 24 pack of tissue okay so here in my kitchen this is just stuff we can use now so it's just random stuff that they can use now so there's like canned chicken canned turkey which if you're looking for something like that this is from dollar general there's some more tuna some more baked beans some salsa there's our candy salt we're currently using and then just vegetables tortillas this is all our mushrooms that i got from aldi i really like mushrooms i thought this was a good one to have if i was going to have a canned one um and then some slow cooker that's apple bourbon sauce for like a pork roast or something and i picked those up at um aldi and then those are just some soup crackers because as you saw we had a lot of soup this is some more like pears that were gifted pasta that we already had open peanut butter that we're working on some stove top rice-a-roni and then all of this stuff was gifted and then these i got from my local shop right on like a little deal a little tortilla bowls um up here so this is like our potatoes this is some cornbread mix this one it says it's a honey butter cornbread mix and you just add water so i thought that would be handy this is dollar tree um this is big life if you're wondering and then this right here i found i believe i got this at dollar tree as a sweet potato for a little sun back there is just some italian bread crumbs um some grits and then up here it's like all our stuff we have some super food smoothie mix this is the blueberry acai groove um some ashwagandha powder some organic chia seeds some trader joe's some more pistachios some crisco back there in the butter flavor that it's only used for like baking or specific recipe that calls for it and then um some giant brand of like the velveeta just to see if it tastes like anything these are the double chocolate muffin mixes from aldi um this was gifted to us some pancake mix this is um moringa powder and then some super green powder also some maca powder and that's some grits that was also gifted and then these little jellies were from dollar tree which i used a coupon for those over here is my baking cabinet and coffees and tea so really quickly this is just all our teas these are teas and containers some of them like medicinal some are just regular this is cornstarch we have some melting chocolate back there in the white chocolate we have some more coffee this is english toffee and then white chocolate caramel behind that is two brown sugars and two um confectioners sugars buttermilk powder from walmart um some cappuccino from walmart this is some ghirardelli double chocolate i was thinking about putting it in my coffee these are from ross we have some white chocolate back there and there's some regular powder mixes baking powder some stevia we have some seafood fried mix back there this is another cocoa powder but i put cupcake liners in it for storage some little yeast packets graham cracker crumbs more um cornstarch and cupcake liners and mini marshmallows and cocoa powder so that's that and then under my sink um i just have like some different cleaning products so like soap dispensers sprays disinfectant spray stuff for the dishwasher um this is like an old hair bottle but we put bleach in it and so we just labeled it uh some dishwasher tabs cleaning wipes and this storage bag is just like brillo pads extra dish soap and different sprays we have cleaning vinegar back there our brita system um we have some lysol cleaning products this one we relabel it's just a multi-purpose cleaner this was before we weren't messing with goya two little things for my little cat because he's the only one who likes wet food some hand soap from aldi um some extra virgin olive oil this is just what we use to dump water on the cats when we clean them in the sink and then some reusable gloves for cleaning just some soap and then up here is just my seasoning cabinet so i just have um i try to keep it separate so this side is using my savory and this is using my baking and then sweet stuff so i just have different extracts like my favorite caramel one i have some vanilla some peppermint i have some cloves i have some um coconut oil some cinnamon some agave some honey lots of toothpicks ground nutmeg all spice the usuals chia seeds um my favorite baking spray okay um so i have some sesame seed oil when i make my asian dishes this i usually put in baking stuff like drink my banana bread and stuff um i have some liquid smoke some curry powders back there some regular spray but this is the one i like to use for when i am doing like my bun cakes and stuff so it comes out parsley um garlic i have some sweet chili sauce we found this at dollar tree we haven't tried it yet um some white pepper that's stony pepper well i don't use black pepper i like white pepper and cayenne pepper um i have seasoned salt i have a little white pepper here paprika apple cinnamon um chesapeake seasoning i have smoked paprika some sprinkles some cumin some thyme that's almost out some italian seasoning this is just what i was using when i was doing canning so i didn't have to keep going in and out of the box um these little packets that i found on clearance for 54 cents um just all the typical green bottled spices you know all your italian things i have some tarragon back there crema tartar again um lots of chili powder i have some sriracha salt some lemon pepper i have some fennel and some ground mustard back there and i think that's pretty much it oh i have some vinegar up here i believe it is what is this one yes some rice vinegar more curry more red pepper flakes right there um a little crock pot pack it wasn't really that great to be honest more variations of curry stuff i have rosemary um another cinnamon uh some chipotle salt back there and then some of the browning stuff so that's pretty much everything that i have for my whole little stock up situation um i know this was long i did do it in two parts but i hope you guys enjoyed because i told you that i was going to make it for you so don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you saw this one first make sure you go check out part one until next time happy prepping prepping and stay safe guys and try to stay as posh as positive as possible bye
Channel: navygirl98to02
Views: 25,978
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Keywords: #navygirl98to02, #prepperpantry, #prepping, #stockpile, #prepper, #momlife, #foodpantry, #couponer, #couponingcommunity, #couponers
Id: 0-5_VccTgzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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