20 Foods that will last FOREVER in your Prepper Pantry/food shortages #foodsecurity #prepperpantry

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hi everybody welcome back i'm ashley and i'm amy and we're martin midlife miss adventures today we have a little bit of a different kind of video i'm going to show you get your pens and paper ready everybody because i really think this is important especially if you are new to prepping okay because this is a great list of things 21 plus items that will last you pretty much to the end of time if you package them correctly and take really really good care of them let's jump in [Music] all right everybody you see these beans all kinds of beans lima beans black eyed peas black beans lentils chickpeas these are chickpeas here's some yellow split peas your beans will last indefinitely if you package them properly i like to put ours in jars we also have them in mylar bags inside five gallon buckets they will last forever these can also be ground down into flowers so beans oh my goodness so so important and will last you forever number two rice yes and it needs to be white rice everybody the brown rices have too many oils and they go rancid so what do you need beans and rice and jesus christ that's right next moving on see our salts here all kinds of different salts i have some sea salt that actually is iodized some regular sea salt table salt kosher salt you get the idea pink himalayan salt your salts if packaged correctly will last forever even if they clump in if they harden you can just break them off and your salt will last as well as your peppercorns that's right get those sealed up your pepper's going to last it's just not going to have as great a flavor after 20 years but it'll still taste like pepper but the peppercorns if you seal these properly man these are going to last forever next on our list is freeze-dried coffee everybody i know a lot of people don't like it but you know what it'll last forever if you package it correctly i would love to have a cup of coffee no matter what pure baking soda all right everybody multiple uses you can wash laundry clean stains deodorize all kinds of things baking you just could never have too much baking soda or epsom salt by the way we'll add that to this list get yourself some epsom salt back here we've got some all kinds of different oats and why am i showing you again it's packaging if we repackage this and some mylar put it away in a cool dark place it's going to last forever you have many many options okay even these kind of oats you've just got to repackage them that's why these dates aren't very long over here is our hard wheat okay these are wheat berries this is what your flour comes from grind these wheat berries down you have flour but these will last indefinitely if you protect them they will last indefinitely and it is plantable so you could grow your own wheat from these so there you just you cannot go wrong with the wheat berries next on the list is sugar that's right good old white sugar if you seal it up right and it doesn't have to be in a mason jar it can be in your mylar bags you've seen us do that as well it'll last forever everybody again it might clump a little you break it up your sugar is going to last the next thing cocoa powder that's right everybody don't we all want to have some chocolate and any time in our life yes chocolate your cocoa powder same thing will last forever your pastas yes pastas but again you've got to repackage it i put them in mylar i put them in five gallon buckets i also put them in mason jars all different kinds they will last forever not your egg noodles because those have egg in it again when you start adding fat to things that's when the shelf life goes down the toilet right here is just a box of barley i just wanted to show you how i like to store it i put it in these large glass containers and i have them in mylar again this will last forever it can be ground it could be boiled so many options so nutritious so get your barley right here tea that's right i should have put that with the coffee but tea will last forever this is one we're using now that's why it's open and kind of wonky but again seal it up it'll last forever maple syrup 100 pure maple syrup not your ancient myma not your log cabin that is just sugar water with maple flavor this stuff will last forever 100 pure maple syrup as well as real honey okay it has to have one ingredient and that is honey this has the comb in it but your honey is going to last forever i do have an augason farms honey powder here it's good till 19 i mean 2051. isn't that amazing everybody so even the honey powder lasts a long time so i highly recommend this as well underneath that you see some peanut butter powder now i recommend stocking this for long term better than jars of peanut butter because this is good till 2026 and this is a fairly new bot uh thing of peanut butter so they probably have about a six to seven year shelf life and it probably goes well beyond that if you keep them stored properly these other augason farms you see up here the bell peppers are good till 2046. this uh beef stews good till i mean vegetable stew 20 45 here 20 46 on the bean burgers and now notice the difference in the bananas 20 31 is when these are good and i'm sure they'll last past that but it's because of the high sugar content that is inside um the bananas they're naturally really have a lot of natural sugars so they do not last as long but they will last well past this date as will all of this if you uh pack keep it in a cooler darker place don't forget your cornstarch guys cornstarch is not only just good for baking and cooking but it's also good for like let's say you cut your uh animal's toenail too short if you cut their little claw too short and it's bleeding if you dab some of this on there it'll help stop the bleeding so there's lots of uses for cornstarch please check them out i put these up here just to show some dehydrated things these dehydrated tomatoes they're going to last everybody they will last indefinitely as long as i keep them in a cool place i keep them sealed up i can grind these up into a powder i can make tomato sauce from them so many options so if you dehydrate some of your own veg like this then you have your tomatoes to go with your pastas do you see what i'm getting at and you've got your all your flavors and your salt and pepper you get the point all right next thing popcorn popcorn is going to last indefinitely i promise you it can be ground it can be made into popcorn but you also can grind this into cornmeal everybody and that is fantastic right here is some dehydrated corn this is almost two years old hanging in strong doing good it'll last forever everybody as long as i keep it in a cool dry place and again i can rehydrate this for some nice corn for my my stews and soups and for whatever but it also can be ground okay this could be ground up and made into a cornmeal i put this other veg out here just to kind of go along with this beef stew because i want you all to know that you can dehydrate these vegetables yourself for a portion of the cost and they are going to last just as long just as long as these as long as you have them in an airtight container out of the sunshine next thing is our vinegar good old apple cider vinegar is the best but regular white vinegars will last indefinitely too if you keep them protected and it's a great thing to have i actually suggest you all learn how to make your own vinegar because then you'll never ever go without it but this is gonna last forever next thing yep it's it's a it's a bottle of wine because i wanted to say booze and this is the only kind of booze we had in the house but of course i'm thinking more along the lines of whiskey and gin and vodkas things like that they are going to last indefinitely give you a little drinkie when you want one and possibly some bartering down down the line as well now i put this out here because this mountain house is good see that everybody it's good until 2050. i really think these are a good investment if you can find ones that your family likes get the ones you like test them out first but the shelf life on these things is just incredible 2050 and i bet you we could stretch it stretch that out till 2060 as long as we took good care of it now i have some different kinds of milks here okay this morning moo by augustin farm is dated for 2040 as well as this country fresh nonfat milk 2040 again this is going to last beyond this date everybody if you keep it in a cool and uh the dark place you know it's obviously packaged in this but these are metal cans you don't want to be storing these in a hot spot it's going to make all your food go rancid that's what these are everybody instant milk and you say well why are the dates so short it's just the packaging you've got to repackage this stuff if you put it in mylar or in nice glass jars and keep it in a dark cool place this stuff is these are going to last just as long as these do the needle now the neato tastes the best i mean absolutely tastes the best because it is whole milk but because it is whole milk it has a way shorter shelf life unfortunately because there's a lot of fat in it so i recommend keeping some of this for sure and making sure you rotate it but getting these as well because this is going to give you more of a bang for your buck because the shelf life is going to be so much longer if you repackage it but boy this needle is so good everybody i promise you this is good stuff all right everybody what did you think about all those items i think they're very solid doable items for everybody and the best thing is is they last such a long time if you have larger amounts of them you can stockpile them put them put them away you don't have to worry about rotating or anything like that they're just going to last you for a long time just in case there's an emergency now there are some other things that we could have added to that like we talked about salt and pepper well you can put other spices in there your garlic powders onion powders all those things the ones you make yourself and dehydrate the only thing with spices is they just tend to lose a little bit of flavor over time but they're still gonna have some flavor so add some more spices on to that list as well i just think it's very important that we start looking for the long long term items you know what i'm saying that way we're good to go we can bake our bread because we're going to have our wheat berries we can make our sauces and tomato things because we have our dehydrated tomatoes we have some powdered milks to do our baking and eating cereals and dunking cookies in and all those fun things so that's my list that's what i got today i hope you all got something out of this and we are going to be talking to you really soon please give us a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and god bless you all you
Channel: Martin Midlife Misadventures
Views: 725,041
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Keywords: prepper pantry, long term food storage, long term food storage prepping, long term food prepping, prepping for shtf, inflation on food, forever foods for survival, 21 forever foods, dark winter coming, disaster foods, emergency stockpile, emergency stockpile essentials, emergency food stockpile, martin midlife misadventures, prepping for moms, food prepping for shtf, prepper, survival food, food shortage, food prices, inflation, how to start a prepper pantry, how to prep, prep
Id: zTtjUbNfVk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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