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hello friends welcome back to she's in her apron today i'm gonna take you along as i tackle my food storage room [Music] ooh our recycle pile is getting bigger these kids are driving me crazy [Music] hello friends welcome back okay you all said in the comments of many videos that you were excited for me to clean out and organize the food storage room this is my food storage room or it could be considered a pantry um this is where we keep our extra refrigerator our big standing freezer and then we put some shelves in this room for our food storage i've had our food storage room for years lots of videos on it i'll leave them all down below so what i need to do today is get things cleaner just more picked up kind of went bananas after the holidays and i haven't really done anything with it so we've been living off of our food storage for the last few months to really see how things are going how how much we have how long does it stretch for and i have to say that i'm close to six months of food here now this is rotating food that if we open up something new like a box cereal or crackers or another flower it goes into our pantry but this is like where we shop from so sales case slot sales you know i always say buy one grab two for later that's where all this goes so we are constantly rotating through this food all the time nothing sits i'm always in here i know what's in here expiration dates and all that some things are on the floors not put back up on the shelves went shopping a few times and things are just down here samuel adams beer yep that's for my bee stew and pulled beef sandwiches and i have a costco haul that's still right here still right here in front of the door in a big pile that needs to get in this room and my recent case slot sale the video is down below for you uh still on my dining room table that needs to get in this room if you have an organizing project maybe doing this with me it'll give you it'll give you the motivation you need to get going so apron's on let's go gotta have a trash bag i'll put it on this hook of the door so when i was decluttering the hall closet with all the blankets i had all these bins i don't know if i want to end up using them to store some of the food so i will know in this video if i don't end up using them i'm going to donate these but these are all dollar tree shoe boxes that i've used over the years i've had these for a long time and if i could find a way to make them a home here i will okay i have a spaghetti squash that i need to put in the pantry um somehow it was left in here and i have three grapefruit that i've been going through that needs to be used so this will go in the fruit bowl so behind the store is where we keep all of our paper goods and things so we got to get this straightened up as well so this corner needs some tlc some bags have been thrown in here our paper towels and a fan is in here why i don't know there are some buckets that i need to use up over here so i need to make better use of this corner so i was recently in our storage unit where we have all our decorations like christmas halloween all of it because we have no room here to store it um i have in there all our buckets of wheat oats rice beans big buckets so what i want to do is i want to go to the storage unit bring those buckets over and stack them in that corner that way they're always here and i could start using my long term as well i want to get them in here and out of the storage unit because what good is it doing to me there what if something were to happen and we had no electricity i mean i have dried beans in here but what if i could not get into that storage unit i would go crazy if i couldn't get to my wheat so i want to bring all that here [Music] all right i gotta find a better home for my food saver and all the bags so this we will find a home for today so right now i'm just going through trying to find trash to throw away first and then get all that out of the way [Music] so i'm going to start straightening up some things here this is where i keep cereal and crackers and make sure any bins in the pantry need to be filled up i can grab some cereal and put them in the bins all right i'm just filling up these cereal boxes this one is cheerios we have a bag halfway open i'll put that on top so we'll use that first so i went by which box expiration is closer we love cheerios in our home i wouldn't say we care for all the flavoring but we are huge fans of honey nut cheerios and their cinnamon one have you guys had their new cinnamon one and this will go in the recycling bin i have a feeling there'll be a lot of stuff from that food room going to the recycling bin i'm just going to create a pile right there i'll put this bag i got these cereal bins at walmart opens up pour yourself a bowl okay i had some mini shredded wheat so i'm gonna go grab another bag and put them in here and put those on top as i do this i am going to put in my phone things that i see that we need this is the last bag in this box i'll make sure i put on my list this cereal my kids will go phases with cereal either they're on like an egg oatmeal bacon eggs kick or um just a cereal kick they're now getting back into their cereal kick now i have an extra one that i could wash out and put back in the pantry so when another bulk cereal that we have we can put it in it this is moving to the pantry breakfast i got my stool because i'm a shorty so this box is october 2021 and this one is december 2021. this will be first that goes behind so what are you doing cleaning are you ready for a trip or something all right come on come on okay what do you got fishies i think what i'm gonna do with the cheese it's is put them in that cereal container there should be two bags in here we go through phases with snacks like i'll go forever without buying the cheese it and then they're like can we get cheez-its i'm like sure ever since the kids were little like fish fish crackers the fishies become i've always been in our homes i like the white cheddar and my oldest teenage son loves the four cheese snacks i get asked a lot what do you do for the neighbor kids that come over and eat your food i don't know where i learned this from but you create a snack bin or snack drawer for your neighbors so when they come over you say just so you know if you ever want a snack this is the snack bin and you may grab anything from this and if they don't like it they can go home and get a snack because i did have one little boy say i don't like that it's like well go home and get a snack and come on back and so that way if there's things you don't want eaten up right away or don't really care about give them to the neighbor kids so something like this is a great neighbor treat oh our recycle pile is getting bigger okay so up here i have a box of microwave popcorn this is also a very good um a very good snack for the neighbors to have the neighborhood so i'm filling up this bucket hasn't been filled up for a while and they've just been grabbing from way up here so this will go back in the pantry oh i hate being short [Music] all right this can go in the recycling bin as well okay so these builder bars i grabbed from um these are from cliff these are from costco the peanut butter ones the chocolate peanut butter are good the mint ones this is a really good source of protein it's low glycemic gluten free which my body does really really good on another thing i'm loving for protein bars right now are build bars i've got a whole case of them that we're gonna make room for in the refrigerator because they are delicious cold really good i have some soft and chewy bars from costco i'm gonna fill this one up [Music] [Music] gonna make a lobe these kids are driving me crazy no that was the last one from the michelob package for our bee stew a sparkling cider leftover from the holidays and i do have some soda boxes to put up here we got on a crazy soda kick during the pandemic during the shutdown i don't know if it was stress or what but during the shutdown coke zero caffeine free came into existence and these out here in utah are very very hard to find here is where i keep the ramen and the broths remove this big chicken stock here i have another one this is july 16 21 and this is okay september so september goes in the back gelago's in the front i go through a lot of these when i do my big soups then so this is the food club chicken broth that i already had and this expires october 25th 21 and this one is 1204 22. so that has to go at the bottom so these get used up first okay this is the one i've been already using out of and then i have my beef broth so these cans here on top expire may 6 21 or best buy best if used by they don't expire but may 21 and these are 10 22. so that's why these are at the bottom and these are all up top so i didn't grab any bee crop plus i don't think i saw any there because i have this full one and this full one but there was a sale that macy's was having i don't know maybe a month ago and their beef broth was like super cheap i'm going to work on this shelf which is all my tomatoes all right all the tomatoes and tomato soup are brought in oh and so one of you made a comment saying oh watch out for the campbell's tomato soup it has high fructose corn syrup and you're right i usually get the store brand and it doesn't have that in there so thank you because i haven't bought campbell's tomato soup in a long time i've been buying store brands so thank you but we're gonna use it up right i bought it we're gonna use it so now i'm gonna make room for all these tomatoes so right here so this is the food club brand they didn't unless i didn't see it there but i could have walked by it um it just has sugar it doesn't have the um high fructose corn syrup so okay so these are best by december of 2020 that was like what three months ago so these are being used first these should be used within the next two months probably i already have a package of tomato soup back there but i grabbed that new one but i want to see what this says this was on sale at costco april of 2022 and these are december 2022 so i gotta put these in there now i do go through a lot of these when i'm pumping out my shepherd's pie freezer meals and we love tomato soup with sandwiches [Music] so i won't be buying tomato soup at all again for 2021 not at all unless by some crazy thing we're flying through them but i know we're family and we won't be so when it's time to donate i always give tomato soup i think it's definitely a a good one to donate out and it's hearty whenever my um daughter and her husband come over i'm always saying do you need something go shop the food room so they're welcome to anything in the freezer and they're welcome to anything on the shelves [Music] all right next over here because it's a soup we went from like ramen to broths to soup this is the cream soup so this is like the cream of mushroom and the cream of celery soups and then we move into tomatoes okay my cream of mushroom soups has an expiration date of 2018. but if you go look online a ton of sites will tell you that most of these cream soups or anything really can't if it says anything like best buy best if used you know anything best buy anything with that saying on it it's when it's at its highest peak so this was at its best peak until november 2018. you can go like three to five years so i've been doing this for years and we've been fine so here um they just want you to make sure that it's not dented it's not leaking and it's not bloating you'll definitely see bloating at the bottom but these cans are perfect if they're always in a nice cool area and then we bought the other cans the other day i want to get those under here and these will be used first i won't have to buy cream of celery soup for a long time we mainly use cream of celery in our stroganoff that's like the one thing we mainly use it in i have other recipes but that's the main go-to one so i'm gonna move these out so i will use two cans per recipe i and i can make those into freezer meals so i can make this two four six eight ten times right here but usually when i double it for a freezer meal that's one freezer meal section one freezer like it goes quick so this is why when you're meal planning you're use your meal planning from your food storage and they have some crema chickens for derrick and i'm gonna put in this box i'm just gonna make sure i pay attention once i get done with these that i've got cream of chicken here because they're the same looking see i was down to one can of stewed tomatoes so i bought more stewed tomatoes at that sale we use this a lot in a lot of our big hearty soups and chilies so [Music] we don't nearly use the cream of mushroom like we used to i've been using more cream based but these are fantastic go-to's i'll never diss a cream of canned cream of mushroom ever october 2022 i bought two on the sale at thanksgiving time it's either at costco or sam's club i can't remember so i stocked up then that's why i didn't buy any at that case lot sale the other day october 2022 they're both okay so we'll keep that one back there keep this one back there and i was going through this box during the holidays oh i have so much cardboard sorry paige all right so i have this these two need to get used first and then these mushrooms and then i have these other soups that i'll bring forward for those recipes and i need to see them i'm always in here looking to see what i have so i know what i meals i can make if these are hidden these broccoli and cheese and french onion obviously they went to a recipe i don't remember what the recipe is which means then i will go and look for recipes that call for broccoli cheese soup or french onion soup and incorporate them find a recipe and incorporate them in our meal plan because i don't remember anymore maybe when i go through my recipes i'll find it but i mean if i didn't print it out it's somewhere lost on the internet that i saw it somewhere so these need to find recipes to make and make a meal for the family okay and then i do have here some chicken noodle soups and they don't expire until 2022. all right and then we'll get into the tomatoes so i have all my tomato sauces here this whole section is tomato sauce so these are good until september 2022 these costco ones are good till april 2021 and then i have my tomato paste and my rotel okay so now on i'm i'm noticing how we're utilizing these shelves this shelf has a lot of the stuffing the taco shells um some boxed rice things so i think i'm going to play with this some more and bring the tomatoes out more this way as well and i'll rework this so i'm always in here trying to figure out how to make most of the space but i went big on that last case slot sale because it was in the budget and i decided to go big this time and not go back out later all right so stewed tomatoes and i have my one last can that we'll use first so i'm gonna have to get in here and make kind of chaos before i could bring it to order [Music] all right here's my diced tomatoes and here's my petite dice i'm gonna put these above the stewed tomatoes um on this run i knew i was low on petite diced but i ended up just getting diced i might go back out and get another palette of the petite because i like using the petite in my meatloaf but it's fine my meatloaf does great in the dice as well but um there's some recipes i'd rather have the petite dice so i'm down to five cans of those i knew i should listen to my gut when i was in there so i have these these diced which are good till january 23 and these that i got from costco and two left over in this box from smith's or april 2023 so what else all right i'll get these on [Music] here i have tomatoes from pastine tomatoes that i ordered from the company for my gravy in here all packaged up nice but oh but i also right here could put the box of crushed tomatoes that i bought from that sale too okay i gotta go get those so here's the crush so if i do go get petite diced i'm not gonna get a double decker like this i'm just gonna get a box that i could put on top of these stewed and add more this way so i won't get a double decker so there's room if i decide to go get more petite diced all right here's my fruit section that kind of had here i'm gonna have to put the fruit up in here so i move this around i swear this project grows because yes you're putting stuff away on the shelves but you have for me there's a system like i kind of like things in categories and i want all fruits all ever you know so when i'm in here it's boom boom boom i don't have to like because i'll fill up my apron full of cans and then go cook [Music] so down here is where i would keep so below the soups all my spaghetti sauces and stuff but maybe i'll just move them over to that space right now i like to keep like things with light things but this is where i keep draw the box pasta right below it see so that's why the sauces are here oh look i have a chex cereal that fell down whoops [Music] whenever pasta is on sale i grab pasta i always have to have orzo always so i have that full of pasta and then i get into on this section the canned veggies that go here and here all right i'm gonna figure this out and then i'll share with you what i did all right here are all those sauces for like pastas and things and i put all the vegetables up here so i didn't realize when i bought the green beans that they were french cut usually don't buy french cut we always just get cut green beans but you know maybe the kids will like these better heated up with butter and seasoning on better than the green beans it's not like we have green beans at a lot of our meals but sometimes the kids are like can we have green beans so like if the kids want spaghetti and meatballs for dinner usually they want green beans if i don't have any of the frozen to saute up then we'll use the canned green beans all right i got french not a big deal and i have one more of cut back there so those are cut green beans and these are cut green beans so we're good for a while and then i have my cream style corn and then the new corn here and then there's one more corn back there and so we are set for quite a while so now i'm moving on to the beans because i have beans left up out on the table from the hall so i've got to create a system maybe i can finish getting them all on here gotta make this work gotta make things snug okay all the beans are on and then the refried beans are down here and now i've gotta mess around with this shelf too and this shelf there's not much change i could do over here i don't think so so i gotta make the rest of what i have work on these shelves and then get the floor done [Music] so here i have tuna fish and i put the big new box of tuna fish in the back and then these are all our clams for clam chowder and then there's two cans of shrimp i'm gonna move some of these back and i have shrimp for our shrimp dip here and then i have all this canned chicken and these are great for casseroles [Music] so i've got the chickens the canned chickens the clams the shrimp and the tuna all in this little nook right here now i'm going to mess around with the fruit section because i've got some pears and mandarin oranges i've got this box of mandarin oranges my kids are on a mandarin orange kick right now isn't it funny how you go through phases with snacks or foods it was like we took a break from tuna fish for a while and now we're like back in it with the tuna fish sandwiches i like uh like i'll make my tuna fish and i'll add like tomatoes in there and pickles and celery and red onions and then i'll eat it with like a stick of celery or my rice crackers on my or my almond crackers if i don't want it in bread so and we're going through tuna a lot right now we're in our tuna phase for sure i love tuna fish these mandarin oranges in the box are january 3rd 2022 and these cans are oh i didn't even notice that in the store these are this year but like i said best buy you've got three to five years on these cans if there's no dents or bulging remember that so i'll be using these first before [Music] these and these peaches go until 23 so these peaches up here will be finished getting used first i do need more apple sauces i do want to learn how to make applesauce maybe that'll be my goal for this fall but applesauce you could substitute your oils for when you're baking that's a good thing to have on hand between making dinner for my family this could be a two day thing tomorrow's saturday so i'll hit and finish it making progress right making progress welcome to day two it is saturday and i'm going to finish this baby right now so um i'm going to clean out the corner derek and the boys are going to head to storage bring back the barrels that we have there and we'll put them in the corner i need to put in the pile that's right here in the hall all the ziploc bags onto the paper grid shelf behind this door and finish this floor finish having that shelf look better just a little organizing tweaking and i'll sweep and mop and we are done in here i'm so excited all right making big progress and it feels so so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] buckets are being brought in all right so we're taking inventory and i'm putting it on the sheet for right now with the wheat buckets i recently have purchased at costco we have seven wheat total one big bucket of dry milk one dark red kidney bean one pinto bean one quick rolled oats one lentils and one black turtle bean all right we got the buckets in this is how it looks this is our long-term food storage but we do crack into it we have we look at the expiration dates and start using it so we go through the wheat more than anything so these were um i think 2007 these buckets were filled so but your beans in your rice are going to last a long time i do have the oats up close and to go start going through the oats so this is considered our long-term food storage i do have a video on that if you would like to see so i'm going to put our paper towels on here because i have nowhere else to put them and there we go most excellent i also have some toilet paper down there that is um our emergency toilet paper from costco um all the toilet paper that we get goes in to the hall closet and i always make sure that that's filled up when it's low i go to costco and grab another one but that's the emergency backup toilet paper i'm wondering if i should move it off the ground and move it up here so i could put more cleaning items under there yeah i think that's what i'll do all right the toilet paper is out from under there the cleaners can go under there any more sprays i get i'm out of cleaning sprays i'll put them under there so we have my laundry detergent dishwashing detergent garbage bags lysol wipes and i'm keeping this pretzel container because you can store dried beans and things in there as well so i'm gonna hold on to it if i don't use it by the end of the year i'll toss it and then our paper towels and our backup toilet paper okay they found in the car they forgot another wheat and another dry milk so we've got one dry milk in the way back and then one up front that we could start going through and another wheat so we have eight wheat and two dried milk [Music] okay um keeping the napkins up there they work better use that vertical space have some plastic cups these are the ice cream bins that freeze your soup perfectly so we have some of those on hand and then all of my freezer meal um pans all right here so i decided to take those shoe boxes and recycle them and use them for the plastic knives forks in spoons i had the big like costco boxes and i put them in here um eventually i will need another spoon one but for right now here you go so i made use and got those big boxes out of the way and used those shoe boxes so now it's kind of convenient because if we need to take the forks to outside for barbecue or something we could just take this whole bin and then a space for paper plates there and there and more cups or paper plates right here so we have plenty of space for paper plates and i'm liking how this is looking now and here's all the ziploc bags the freezer gallon quartz and sandwich baggies so we are good for quite a while so in this corner when you come into the food room was just filled with bags like shoved on the side here i was looking through my stuff and i found some command hooks see i'm gonna start high and put like i think i'll put a hook here and a hook there i'm gonna hook somewhere over here i don't know but i'm gonna make this work decided to put one behind the door derrick was smart i wasn't even thinking behind the door then one up there we have a bag issue i just took all the bags off the top of the freezer refrigerator i think i'm gonna have to make some hard [Music] decisions [Music] it's by likeness it works as you can see i don't have like a lot of packaged food like we have some rice packets and cauliflower rice packets and fried onions but there's not a whole lot um i do have taco shells and stuffing for our stovetop casserole so there's not a lot of boxed food other than that and then the rice cauliflower here and the mac and cheese back here down below i've got some coconut milk that i'm using in my shakes down here are some canning things with my salt for ice cream salt in general extra meds i do have a backup of meds all the potato stuff and beans that i'm gonna be food savering up is right there um here is some uh food storage things like my my hand crank mill to crank my wheat all the cleaning supplies here baking baking dessert stuff here condiments up here derek's gonna put one of these across here so if we get a little earthquake like we did last year um these won't fall and the jars won't break so he's going to put that up up here we have the thrive thrive life all of my freeze-dried food and is it gustaf farms a gus what is that called agason farms i can have our big food containers up there one of our 72 hour kits is up there and then our long-term food storage this is bread flour i'm going through now i have some in a bucket once that bucket empties i'll dump that in and then my paper towels all our long-term food storage and an extra bag of food for paige on deck ready for her you gotta have stuff for your dogs here all your animals and then cleaning supplies down here and then our freezer our fridge and all the paper goods picnic needs this holds our um plates and forks and such down and there's my foodsaver and all the bags this is a tray to hold three plates for parties they have some paper bags back there and then the big costco bags on the back of the door the big storage freezer bag so when i go to the bulk stores they're up there and then up here all the bags for bulk shopping as well i put the cooler bags here the big cooler backpacks with an ikea bag right here it is done the food room is done phew no chaos in here feels good feels really good so if you have a project that you have been avoiding put your apron on and tackle do 15 minutes a day or an hour but set a timer and don't start what you can't finish all right make progress doesn't need to be perfect i am so happy that it's done because i really haven't gone through this room since we moved in like really gone through it so this felt really good all right friends thank you so much for joining me leave in the comments below what you're working on right now what are you trying to tackle what you would like to get motivated on to tackle i love to know what you're working on all right friends thank you so much for joining me and we'll see you soon [Music] bye you
Channel: She's In Her Apron
Views: 371,780
Rating: 4.8709798 out of 5
Keywords: kimmy hughes, she's in her apron, food storage, pantry organization, food storage room, food storage tour, emergency food storage, pantry declutter, clean with me, pantry makeover, organize with me, pantry organization 2021, pantry, declutter with me, organization, how to, home organization, declutter, food storage tips, food storage prepping, emergency preparedness, food storage pantry, food storage shelves, food storage and preparedness, biggest food storage ever
Id: y5w1OzZDlZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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