Prepper Pantry Full Tour 2020 - Six+ Months Supply

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hi there brian hawkins next step survival and i've been promising this for about a week now it's a my prepper pantry tour it's a small 12 by 12 room in our house and i've got it eight or nine wire racks in here that we keep our preps in and i did a video i think it was last weekend but i got from the feedback that i was moving too fast too jerky you know hand movement and uh the sound quality sucked so i apologize if that happened again i bought two different um gimbals i think they're called stabilizers only one came one's supposed to be here later on today and i gave this a shot and this was moving around i mean it's it's motorized you know so it tries to keep up and i could it's going to take some practice so i just set that aside i didn't do it i am using this uh rode microphone so hopefully it's cutting down some of the uh background noise i tried to pause the video when i was moving bins around i've already recorded this by the way i'm doing my intro last and moving things around so i tried to pause the video so that back so that noise wouldn't come through as hard as it did on the last video it was just horrible so i don't blame anybody from uh complaining about that but i have another one of these coming i have another microphone i bought a wireless mic that i have to learn how to use and a couple of lapel mics so we're set and a big old camera bag just off for a phone and i have an extra phone so i didn't buy that but i already had the phone so um in the future i think the videos are gonna improve gradually as we go by so hopefully that wasn't too um or it doesn't get too annoying because there's not a lot of room to move around so i tried to move real nice and slow but uh yeah um we do rotate our food um i mentioned putting the dates on there so i want i want to be clear with that that's always one of the questions we get we rotate our food i the inventory i it was the last video and we don't keep an app or a notebook or anything everything's in clear views so it's my in plain sight inventory style and when we buy food we just rotate it now i know there's fancy racks or rotation racks and containers and stuff we i haven't done any of that i actually enjoy it so i come in here when we go shopping bring the bags and boxes in here kick up some ac dc and i just have fun in here so this is enjoyable to me it's not um it's not work if that makes any sense i'm a very exciting person that's my idea of a very fun friday night or saturday night all right so uh on to the video or onto the prepper pantry tour [Music] all right so i think i'm going to start at the door no wall so i built this wall and i never finished it i didn't paint it i didn't put molding or trim up i just left it like that because it's temporary we have family living with us right now this is what i kind of had to do because we lost our bedrooms but when they move out we'll have three bedrooms to deal with and everything get moved in to those and that wall will come back down that bookcase right there is a hallway going back into those three bedrooms and here's a first aid kit and a key box and i'm the kind of person thinks it's got to be pretty organized or i will lose sleep so it's a commercial uh first aid kit it's pretty well stocked i also have a couple first aid packs um i need to do a video on that one on the left that uh there's a 511 rush 72 and i originally had that from my bug out bag and it turned out um when i was hiking it just was horrible so my our bug out bags are regular hiking packs now and i'll go through stuff like the uh the bins here shortly this used to be my grow rack or seat starter but i've since went to tents grow tents and that's why that light's there that top shelf right there and most of that shelf up there the top one is bulk and overflow so it's a lot of its cases so when we buy something because it went on sale generally i'll buy a case at a time and if it won't fit on the shelves it usually gets stacked up there then i have all that august and farms all in the back some mountain house and thrive life and they advertise 15 to 30 year shelf life with that stuff i'm in a proper proper group and they were that they uh some of the preppers were saying that pumpkin pie filling was nowhere to be found so i bought some just in case also you're going to notice a lot of carbs a lot of stuff that's not healthy per se we try to eat fairly low carb here but we also have a lot of carbs i put in another the prior video to this on our inventory by i showed how i date everything so everything gets a date those are not the um those are the best buy dates that's not when i put it up obviously so um we don't you we don't consider that expired i won't go into all that right now but that's just for rotation so we do food rotation so when we get something new we put it in the back and it's kind of like uh in plain sight or in plain view inventory and then this is my kind of my dry prep area this table here a couple of dehydrators see if i can't pause this real quick so i don't make too much rack in here i just pulled that lid off there but i got nine racks of mushrooms that are just cooling off right now i just turned it off before this video so they're all ready and we'll put those in a jar similar to those it will not be vacuum packed because we go through them too quick so that'll go into our kitchen pantry and uh we'll just use it there's a bunch of water right there i i found those at bj's and um i bought four for five dollars a piece about four more next time i went there the next time was i was gonna buy eight until i looked at my receipt and realized oh i'm not paying five dollars a piece i'm paying five dollars a piece plus a five dollar deposit for the container so i hadn't paid attention to that close enough so i don't know i mean ten dollars for five and a half gallons of water that's a lot of money those are pretty sweet containers though because they are stackable and they can go sideways that right there is what happens when you put a sticky mouse trap upside down on your carpet it doesn't come up i ruined my carpet again this is all temporary anyway and this right here is just my desk this is where i do my blogging i'm paying my bills and all that kind of thing i had to turn that computer off it was uh making too much fan noise that's my charging station i uh i have got a blog post on on that and i think right now i'm up to seven charging kits for various bags there that's there's four of them right there but uh the rest of them are in the packs which are in the vehicles that's kind of like that shelf right there is kind of like a convenience shelf while i'm sitting here and i bought these turn tables or whatever they're called lazy susan's that's what they're called i bought these for a dollar a piece i found them at walmart so i just put stuff that uh doesn't need an entire row down there are juices and odd oddball stuff that like i said doesn't require its own its own row on a shelf here we got relish and pickles and asparagus a whole bunch of peppers and then some green beans and jalapenos canned now most of our canned stuff is at a off-site location um so most of the stuff your store bought you'll see a little bit of it and i'm canon a bunch of chicken right now so a lot of the bins and the jars they they don't stay here pancake syrup so you'll see it says three i explained that in a video just before this but that's part of my inventory system but i'll go through that over there in a second mustards ketchup um barbecue sauce worcestershire sauce soy sauce hot sauce steak sauce all that stuff plenty of oils tartar sauce mayonnaise miracle whip so just condiments on here up here is my food you go packaging preservation is that the right word and those are just canning canning jars and lids and stuff and then here's some uh quick packets a lot of instant stuff mashed potatoes gravy rice and some tuna and that type of stuff up there's this overflow i don't think you're gonna be able to see much of that because i can't reach that high but it's like extra mostly extra proteins in fact i'm pretty sure that's all that is this extra protein up there and then it's all my keystone other than what's on that overflow over there so i'll go with this real quick so you'll see it says 26 cans for pork chicken beef over there i have chicken breast 26 cans corned beef 26 cans spam 26 tuna it says 52 and canned ham it says 26 tuna because they're smaller so with that what that amounts to is one can for two of us for a day so that's actually eight days but if you went with seven days i went eight because better safe than sorry a little extra can't hurt but if you took six months and broke it down to the weeks and then into the so you'd have 26 weeks so there's basically 26 weeks or one day for those weeks i know that's probably not making sense but 26 cans for each one of these is six months so one day we'll have pork second day chicken third day beef all that type of stuff on and on and then we have six months we actually have quite a bit more than that because there's 12 on a row so we have 36 is that right 12 yeah 36 cans of each we need 26 so there's 10 over plus the extra plus the extra day which isn't complete because we babe a bunch of it away we we gave a bunch of uh sorry give a bunch of ham away plenty of spam plenty of chicken breasts corned beef make my own bone broth out of that top site now um and we buy a little bit of it corned beef patches more protein chili with beans and it's got the hamburger in there some more then we have overflow all that back there's just overflow it wouldn't fit same with all this shelf here this is just stuff where he's running out of room and then down here we have fruits canned fruits back to a little bit of applesauce here's some salsa i made and then a bunch of dried herbs and vegetables that's our vacuum sealed back there's all kinds of gifts so those are um chocolate chip cookie mix mason jars down here in the bottom five gallon buckets of rice and beans i'll show these bins in a little bit here start at the top with some mushrooms and all this is like i don't know i won't say extra but a lot of stuff that we can just basically shop right out of our pantry plenty of salts canning salts peppers shelf-stable milk and then we go down into vegetables and the top cans are overflow so let's go five deep so obviously you'd see 10 carrots 10 mixed vegetables 10 diced tomatoes or potatoes i mean and we got a bunch of whole potatoes back there wax beans beets lima beans corn two rows of corn and then uh cream corn two rows of cup green beans and a whole row of mixed green beans i'll roll with french towel green beans uh leave spinach and two rows of sweet peas so i'm gonna back up a little bit i want to mention something so when we're if we have to stay here for an extended period of time we have to actually start eating this way instead of fresh meats and vegetables and all those vegetables i just showed you that's why so much of this oops so we don't use that much soy sauce hot sauce barbecue sauce ketchup we don't use that much but i put four worcestershire for soy sauce i did that to mix in with this and the beans and the rice just to spice things up just to make it easier and uh tastier so if that makes any sense then over here we've got a bunch of beans canned beans some soups an extra do not touch um manual can opener we have a couple in in the kitchen but the time to start looking for that is not when the power just went out plenty of tomato products sauces diced whole tomatoes those are tomatoes and tomato sauce that i can't myself all kinds of the chunky soups again we got a bunch of extra i think it's all back in there overflow but variety of campbells some yams and holiday stuff cranberry sauce cranberry uh let's see it's gel eating and then a whole berry down there is just more kitchen stuff overflow that right there is five gallons of hand sanitizer i won't go into opening these drawers but there's like ones for knives ones for flashlights my uh mylar bags and all the kind of stuff in there like i mentioned the top shelf is mostly bulk and overflow and then i have my canning stuff here so what i do is when we go to bj's or costco and we have the budget for it or if things are on sale i usually grab a case or two or something and it starts adding up after a while down there's coffee teas some extra sugars brown sugar confectioners there's some jellies some of it some of it i can't it's all dusty i love jalapeno jelly it's peanut butters we go through all this this isn't uh none of this goes to waste i like to keep everything within sight so i like glass jars none of this is vacuum packed by the way this is a living pantry it's not for long term but i can see like right here my black eyed peas starts getting low i'll break up in a bag and uh refill it i want to get a lower a little lower next i like to put just fresh stuff on the bottom more jellies that i can that's all that's great so we got enough grape last a lifetime more kitchen stuff all that kitchen stuff we have some five gallon buckets have my canning lids or um not the lids but the uh i'm gonna get down here down there is i think that's salt and uh not even sure i know one of those bacteria is homemade or mixed laundry detergent that i've then i mixed together down here we have some augason farms uh white wheat and rolled oats back up a little bit there's almost no room to walk some more bins and down there's more vacuum packed some of it is some of it isn't um dry goods flour baking powder baking soda dried milk some beans some rice some wheat berries my wife loves that fish fry so we get plenty of that some vinegars some sugar or flour and then some more beans and coffee cornmeal rice that type of stuff there's some little canisters up here above the shelf the drawers i was showing you these bins have a variety of things but the first three are overflow medical supplies kind of like a refill station for what when i first showed you the first eight packs and the uh first aid kits and we have a bunch of gear believe it or not i got rid of i'd say two-thirds of that cable to the kids and then i have more bags down here then every every uh car has a kit actually a couple of them then i got ammunition five five six mags 22 long 38 357 556 12 gauge plenty of nine millimeter this is my edc shelf i got a little safe there i took the handguns out that's maybe for another video maybe not and up here with my printer is my fun shelf entertainment shelf whatever you want to call it up there in those boxes just because i seen a space that needed filled i put um some extra paper towels and i think paper plates and that type of stuff up there we have more drawers here i'll pause this real quick all right so we got like tapes batteries um camera gear that type of stuff just want to give you an idea what was in there and then in these bins here i just put those back there um i'm actually considering going getting some more and just stacking them all the way up but on top of each bin it says what's in there so this is four one pound bags of cane sugar one bag a dehydrated potatoes and one bag black eyed peas so i picked quite a bit there's eight or nine racks in this 12 by 12 room not a lot of room to move around in and i'm continuously trying to rearrange to get things to fit and since it's still quiet relatively quiet in the house i think i'm going to start i'm going to pause this and pull out a couple of bins and let you check that out all right so that bottom bill then was just cleaning supplies clorox clerks wipes cleaners disinfectants that type of thing this bin here is more ppe a bunch of hand sanitizers masks we have the um a bunch of n95s homemade masks surgical masks um these are these are pretty convenient i picked these up at rite aid and it keeps them in a car so if you go to the atm machine you don't want to use an entire glove these are pretty easy just throw one on use the atm pushing the buttons throw in the trash below there is a a bunch of uh um nitro gloves that's pretty full so the three bins that was stacked here this is basically paper plates a little bit of toilet paper paper towels trash bags this bottom one has uh six six one all these are one gallon bags um six one gallon mylar bags of pinto beans five black eyed peas five great northern beans and two dried sliced potatoes by the way those dried sliced potatoes those are commercially done i dehydrate my own as well but i don't vacuum pack those because i can't be sure of the moisture level so those are what we use for our living pantry those in uh mylar pegs i expect us to live those be good for a year or two at least all right these three pins that was under the shelf now those this is a very heavy bin and it's all vacuum sealed a variety of everything we have oatmeal and our dried oats um i don't even remember potato flakes this right here is uh drink mix salt sugar if we have to get into that bin things have gotten pretty bad most of our bathroom and kitchen stuff are in those rooms i actually put racks up in the bathroom as well but uh that's what wouldn't fit so more trash bags dawn dish washing detergent extra bins of laundry detergent that type of thing this one here is just more hand sanitizer now i know i know some people are going to think that's hoarding we give a ton of this away and we know that five gallons there all of that and what you see in that other bin and i understand it seems like a lot now when this thing first started we gave away almost all of ours away including every single n95 mask we had somebody's here all right false alarm dogs bark at everything um i don't think i'm gonna pull those bins out it's just salt sugar and flour this right here is oh salt salt can be important along with uh i've got plenty of mason jars and lids and that type of thing so if the power went out we have three freezers and we gotta get really busy we got about if we reserved it we've got about four weeks of fuel for our generators so we'd have to get real busy uh canning using um outdoor canning propane stove and preserving and salt can play a huge role in that i think that's pretty much it you can see you can fit quite a bit in a small room if it's dedicated for it now i've moved a lot of stuff out oh i forgot one thing i'm sorry let's move back over here my closet i call it the water closet so you've seen all that water that i just bought we also have i don't remember if it's four or five 55-gallon drums in the backyard for water catchment and i have all these so there's six twelve and then 13 14 15. so 15 five and a half gallons and then water purification tabs water filters i even got a couple extra um life life straws in there and we started out with the just the juice bottles triple washed took them to walmart filled them with their uh filtered purified water kept them up and they don't expire same with those down there and i think that's it i think i'll close this thing out um i just recommend that you use things or you store things that you use like i said this isn't the healthiest food but when you try and shelf stable that gets a little difficult and like i said we have three freezers we dehydrate a lot we garden a lot so we have our own fresh vegetables but we do have purchase our meat when we can from uh local farms and um we also can a lot so like i mentioned we don't keep a lot of that here we're trying to develop an offside place just in case we have to go somewhere else for whatever reason also i worry about losing everything and something like a fire so it's that whole um one is none two is where two is one one is none yeah so i feel like having uh two stockpiles so if you wanna call it stockpiles is probably a better option plus we have a trailer and a pickup and if we need to that's the original front door of the house that we know no longer use and it would be nothing to back up to that and start loading up and i also have extra bins in the garage it's these black and white ones we have a dozen of those in the garage so they'd get really heavy filling them up with canned goods but we could get it done if we had to if we had time all right well i gotta get to work i'm gonna put up my dehydrated mushrooms and start canning some chicken i also have two pork shoulders i need to smoke all right that's it i hope this helped and i want to just mention one other thing this is not brian hawkins bragging or anything like that i hope to inspire people there's a lot of preppers that have way more than this i understand that this is between six months and a year for my wife and i maybe a little less for the entire family or certainly a lot less for the entire family but i don't want this to seem like we're bragging here i just want to give some people some ideas and maybe offer a little inspiration and that's all we got alright brian hawkins next step survival stay safe say prepared
Channel: NextStepSurvival
Views: 184,162
Rating: 4.882659 out of 5
Keywords: prepper pantry, long term food storage, working pantry, living pantry, prepping, prepper, preparedness, self reliance, Next Steep Survival, Survival Tips, Prepper Tips, prepper life, pantry tour, prepper pantry tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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