Giant Sam's Club and Walmart Haul / Trying to Stock Up! / Spent $865 🥴😳🤯

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our deep freezer finally arrived so we decided to do a gigantic grocery haul at least gigantic for us so we went to sam's club in one day walmart the next we stocked up on a lot of freezer stuff and pantry stuff and a couple of fridge items as well did you know you could freeze rice so we separated this into four cup portions put it in the freezer bag like the vacuum seal bags stuck the majority of them back in the original freezer bag and then stuck the whole thing in the freezer i will say we are very very fortunate to be able to stock up on a haul like this i know some people can't but our goal is to only do this once every six months and then just get like small things every week like fresh vegetables milk what have you but check out my cat that was helping with this grocery haul she just literally sat in the box and stared at me the whole time also since we do live in a high tax area i had to pay 75 just in tax alone which is quite annoying it is saturday and we just did the biggest sam's grocery trip we've ever done but what my plan is is i want to only go to sam's once every six months if possible so for the last two weeks well i just i'm ocd slightly and i made a list i've been price matching everything to walmart where we normally shop at compared to sam's and obviously if it was a better deal it seems we got it at sam's if it was better deal at walmart we're just gonna get it at walmart so yeah like i said i'm gonna vacuum seal all of this stuff into individual portions or like a meal portion so like two pieces of salmon for ken and i or a pound of chicken tenders for a meal so yeah that's what my plane and goal for this afternoon will be a lot of vacuum sealing so to start out we got two of these 10 pound rolls of 90 10 ground beef so normally we get 90 10 ground beef at walmart and it's between four to five something a pound and here it was 248 a pound which is much better than what we normally can find anywhere so yeah like i said i'll portion these out i'm gonna portion a lot into one pound bags and then i'm gonna portion quite a few into half pound bags because there are times where we only need half a pound of ground beef and then we end up wasting the other half because we don't use it in time then we just gotta think of salmon just because we love salmon and it looked really good this was 1994 for a little over two pounds just got a can of chicken breasts just to have in the pantry i've never tried these but i've seen people use them and they're like what's for dinner videos and the quality at least in the videos look really really good we got a big thing a cook shrimp because that was a much better deal than walmart we were going to get frozen chicken breasts but ken wanted these fresh tenderloins it's still not bats we got two packages the tenderloins and they were 2 12 a pound so we got this one was 11 13. the other was 11.98 and i'll freeze these into a lot of one pound portions and then a couple like half pound portions since we were going a little crazy at sam's when we decided to go i told ken i said whatever just looks good just get it because we're filling up our freezer anyway since our freezer arrived a couple weeks ago so he's like you know what this ham looks really good so i was like screw it just get it so we got a ham then we got some steak which since these are really big and thick so for one meal for ken and i we're gonna share a steak because they're like that thick and there's four here so this is four meals for us got three pounds of bacon where i'm gonna divide those and freeze them in each a pound package ken wanted these mesquite grilled chicken filets like just for lunches and stuff then i've heard really good things about these chicken bites i heard they're very similar to chick-fil-a so we're going to toss those in the fryer we're doing keto for one more week so a lot of the stuff that i got in this haul we won't eat for like a week or so but we were still going so we got it this italian sausage it was a two pack for like 438 much better deal than walmart because even if we get like this is members marks they're like they're generic but if we get walmart's great value this was still cheaper so we got three of those and then when we go to walmart later or tomorrow i will get the jimmy deans since this is italian sausage where we do like a grill in a bowl we like the jelly dean sausage because it's not italian flavored i made a mistake earlier this week and i made a girl in a bowl with italian sausage and it just it wasn't right you don't mix italian sausage with the asian flavored dish but we still ate it because we don't waste food or we're trying not to and then we got these lobster tails these things are huge so we're going to have like compared to my hand those are huge and they're really thick so we're going to get two meals out of this because we're going to each share one of these lobster tails because they're really big this was a little expensive this was a splurge it was 28.84 but still it's cheaper than going out to eat somewhere so that is like all of our meat or like protein so i'm gonna put this up so it doesn't get warm sitting in my kitchen and then i'll load everything up put everything else on the counter and show you what we got as you can see our freezer is very very bare so we had plenty of space to fill up that's why we did this big old trip we're going to freeze a whole bunch of stuff by the end of our trip people were looking at my cart because it was so overflowing but oh well like i said we're only doing this we're trying to go to sam's only once every six months so we'll see how that works out so on the floor i wasn't gonna lift these we just got some cat litter dry cat food 35 pack of diet coke and then a 25 pound bag of jasmine rice jasmine and basmati are our favorite white rices and when i was price matching this 25 pound bag of jasmine rice was like 18 if i would have got 25 pounds of the brand that we get at walmart it would have been 30 something so yeah we just got a ton of rice this will last us probably a year so yeah that was that and then the rest of the stuff is just snacks frozen veggies and all sorts of stuff so i will get into that like i've said a million times in this video i literally price matched every single item except for like the impulse buys at from walmart to sam's so like for example this coffee syrup that i get which i love it's it was a dollar and a penny more to get this size at sam's club and it is literally double in size i also had to get it because the one i have is almost empty but yeah at walmart this was like four or something and it seems this was 5.25 i think this was 4.24 at walmart so literally a dollar and a penny more for double in size which is ridiculous and since i got the bigger sizes i'm gonna buy the pumps you could buy like the squirt pumps off amazon i think you get two of them for six dollars so i'll be buying those here just a little bit so i got the sugar free french vanilla and sugar-free hazelnut i've tried the sugar-free hazelnut in the past i didn't like it but it was over a year ago so i forgot to try it again i was gonna get the sugar-free caramel as well i have the sugar-free caramel right now and the smaller size i don't love it i like it but i don't love it with certain coffees it doesn't taste good at all but with other coffees it tastes amazing so i didn't want to gamble on that but not bad for five dollars then i got these nature bakery fig bars i've heard a lot of really good things about them my brother loves them he says they're amazing and then in one of the groups i'm in like the dave ramsey food group i had asked people like hey what are your favorite things to get at sam's cause i was looking for new ideas and somebody had said these are like the best things ever so i was like okay we'll have to get them obviously we won't eat them until after we're done with keto but they'll last now we got these kind minis i love kind bars you get 32 total they're only 90 calories a piece and actually they are keto friendly i mean they're a little higher in carbs if i could find the nutrition label keep spinning keep spinning right so the dark chocolate one is five net carbs and the caramel almond and sea salt is four net carbs which i mean they're a little higher but sometimes like especially in the afternoons i've been wanting a little sweet treat and those are perfect they're 90 calories under five net carbs or five diet carbs so yeah i got those we got some hummus singles i make hummus it's really easy to make but these were just really convenient and a lot of times when i make hummus or i buy the big container of hummus at the store we only eat maybe half of it and then we toss the rest so this wasn't too bad just got a thing of heavy whipping cream this was cheaper than even walmart so it was like only two something we love these nature valley biscuits i actually the almond butter ones make my throat swallow a little super weird because i don't think i'm allergic to almonds but this brand of their almond butter and then the justin's almond butter make my throat swell a little bit super weird but i could eat almonds without an issue so i don't know if it's how they process or whatnot so yeah we got a 30 count i'll eat the peanut butter ones can we eat almond butter we're good and like i said with my throat swelling a little bit it's just like it feels like just like a pill stuck in my throat it doesn't i'm not having trouble breathing it's just annoying feelings so i just prefer not to do that and it's weird that it's those two brains that do it to me i've heard lots of great things about these mini tacos they're definitely on my list got just some guacamole cups these were also cheaper than walmart got six packs of or two six pack of the lindsay large olives so we always get our olives at walmart this and we get great value the name brand of olives were cheaper per can than the generics so we just got two cans of those got some maple syrup because that's such a good deal got something scarlet this was like four dollars for this whole container super cheap and then we got this little 12 pack of red baron mini pizzas singles four cheese or six four cheese six pepperonis we got these jackson actually picked them up last time and they're really really good i like them better than the baby bells so definitely had to get those got a bag of these broccoli broccoli normandy it is broccoli cauliflower orange and yellow carrots it's a steamer bag it looks great so yeah pick that up there's four one pound bags in there i've heard a lot of good things about the spinach artichoke dip and nicki philippi gets this and she freezes it so i'm going to freeze these little four ounce portions because i have a bunch of four ounce mason jars got some philadelphia cream cheese just because it was a better deal there the crab cakes were kind of an impulse buy but we were literally like just going up and down the aisles looking for stuff so those look good there's six in there so yeah and then we got two bags of these whole green beans these are our favorite green beans we got these last time kind of as an impulse to see if we like them and we love them so yeah we got two of those i wanted rice cauliflower but they were completely out which was annoying but whatever and then ken wanted these olives it wasn't a bad deal two of these jars for like seven dollars which is not a bad deal at all but yeah he likes green olives with pimentos he just discovered this a few weeks ago and he is obsessed with these just got some white cheese dip and we're going to freeze them in one or four ounce portions we just got some of their generic creamy peanut butter spread as you notice it says spread because it has soybean oil and stuff in it has a little bit of sugar we've tried to do the natural peanut butter we've tried different brands of it we've tried many things we don't like the natural peanut butter like the one where it's just peanuts and it's really hard to stir and it separates and all that funny story last week where um ken was opening up the natural peanut butter and you saw it separated and he almost threw it in the trash like no it's supposed to be like that but we just don't like it so we're just gonna go back to the soybean oil peanut butter whatevs i can't win them all right got a giant thing of parsley flakes because it was such a good deal same thing with the hidden valley ranch and plus my walmart doesn't even carry the big container ranch anymore um ken spotted these egg rolls and he's like those look really good so we got those as well we went with my brother-in-law's and one of them picked this out and i was like oh those look so good i love the popping but bubbles i used to get them on frozen yogurt all the time i love it in boba tea it's like my favorite thing when we get boba teas the popping bubbles so we definitely got those and then i just needed a big thing of dish soap so yeah that's that we did go a little crazy with this trip but i knew we were going to because like i said my plan is to only try to go to costco once or sam's club once every six months stock up on a bunch of stuff and then just do like weekly trips and spend like 20 30 bucks on like stuff we need just for the week like fillers so that is my goal we'll see how that works out obviously we'll run out of some stuff in the next few months but we'll we'll do what we have to do so we just got back from walmart we did a walmart stock up as well so we are trying to stock up our fridge freezer and pantry more like a freezer and pantry since we did just get our freezer delivered a little bit ago like a week or so ago and then we're not doing keto as of this coming up friday we were only going to do it for about eight weeks we're cutting it short seven and a half weeks so today we shop for like meals and stuff that we can eat after keto we also have a ton of non-perishables in the basement that we had on our pantry prior to us doing keto but i moved them to the basement because i wanted it to make it easier that if we went into the pantry wouldn't have to sit there and read labels so pretty much everything that wasn't keto friendly i moved to the basement so we'll be moving all that stuff up this week as well so just to start out we got this jimmy dean sausage we really like this in the egg roll in a bowl so last week i made it accidentally with italian sausage and it was not very good so i mean it was still edible but jimmy dean sausage is much better we just got four of the regulars just got a new thing of butter and 18 count of eggs we're running low on jerky and i don't want to make jerky this week so we just got to think of turkey bites those are really good and they are keto friendly we got a thing of sugar snap peas which are higher in carbs but i eat a couple and then ken doesn't really count he's just trying to eat like keto friendly foods we just got some more celery we like this it's more expensive but we like the pre chopped sticks we got it a couple weeks ago because that's all they had and we actually like it a little better we did get some halibut we were going to get this at sam's yesterday but they didn't have it so this is a little pricey you get two big fillets and it's 20 but the filets are like pretty large so can i share a filet for a meal so not terrible just got some more sweet mini peppers i think i tried color coleslaw for that egg roll in a bowl i'll probably pick most of the carrots out since they are higher in sugar then we got a couple things this cauliflower medley this one has the peas carrots and cauliflower in it we've been liking the one with asparagus and mushroom but they didn't have any we also went to a different walmart today because the one by s really sucks so we went to one about 20 minutes away because we knew they would be a lot better stocked than ours also got four things of the great value rice cauliflower our walmart if they even carry rice cauliflower which they haven't been a lot lately it's only the name brand so i got the last four bags i feel bad about taking the last four but it's what we've been eating almost every day for dinner for our side so we need it since i am stocking up the pantry for like recipes after keto i picked this up there's been a lot of recipes i see that like holes for this so just pick that up just got a thing of frozen corn it was really weird i don't know if people are shopping like panic shopping again or what because a lot of this stuff was sort of like the spice aisle was completely out a lot of the veggies were completely out like the frozen veggies so so like i said we got a thing of corn i think a sweet peas i make this really good it's super simple you just take pasta peas kale parmesan and pesto and it's a really really good pasta salad got a couple things of peas and carrots and then i told ken to pick out a frozen fruit and this is the one he picked out it looked really good then we just got half a dozen of green beans he picked this one up because he said it just looked really good and it does look really good got we love this brand of this you get in the spanish isle or spanish like section of walmart but we like it but we want to try the refried black beans got two of these he got a fat free which i don't think he even meant to like was paying attention when he was grabbing we got a fat free in the mild chili and the mild chili one we've had before it's really good then he just picked up this country cabbage we've been loving cabbage lately and then since we're going back to eating fruit after the next few days he picked up a bunch of canned peaches he loves canned peaches and then just think of mandarin oranges and i love this too especially on like cottage cheese or something and then we just got half a dozen cans of corn if you've watched any of my what's for dinner videos you know we go out to eat way way way too much sometimes we got to eat like four or five times a week which is always a habit we're trying to break but we're honestly super lazy and it's much easier so and it's just ken and i we're not feeding kids or anything so one of the things i wanted to do now that we have our freezer because before we just had our fridge freezer which is a very big it's just like a standard freezer is i wanted to stock up on frozen dinners that way if i come home from work it's 8 30 at night ken didn't cook anything i don't want to cook anything or it's my day off and i'm just too feeling too lazy from doing nothing like i do on my days off i wanted to have a supply of tv dinners that way if we instead of going out to eat we could just eat some tv dinners so that is why we got these 19 dinners so we got a huge variety huge variety of brands huge variety of styles but i'll just get into it so we got this boston market country fried steak pretty much we just each grab like a good like eight to nine each we have 19 total then we have just this traditional lasagna with meat sauce this amy's tamale verde with cheese this ravioli florentine barbecue seasoned steak and potatoes i got two of these the other ones in the corner i used to always get i think it was a smart ones or lean cuisine a swedish meatball and it's super gross but i would add cottage cheese to it to stretch it out and it'd be so good and i haven't found that in years i haven't ate it in years clearly so i was really looking for that swedish meatball so i just got this marie calendars one instead just got a little thing of lasagna with meat sauce which would be great with like a little side salad just this amy's mexican casserole then i just got this chicken pad thai that looked really really good got some indian amy's we got a couple of these chili rihanna casseroles ken loves chili rianos and i was like oh my god look at this ken so we each got one then got some vermont white cheddar and broccoli just a meatball marinara steamer a couple of these smart one meatloafs which would be super simple for like a quick lunch or just a dinner with a side salad another one of those swedish maples i think a salisbury steak and then one of these banquet mega meats and ken was saying like with this boston market because it's really big it's like one of the biggest ones we have since there's like two pieces of meat and stuff we could turn this into a meal for both of us so yeah that is our frozen dinner haul so the rest of this is just a bunch of random stuff that i didn't have to throw in the freezer real quick except for those biscuits and the middle back so i'll toss those in the freezer as soon as we're done with this but also another thing is i did get a thing of toilet paper and paper towels just because sam's club didn't have any yesterday and i feel like when i go to the store the last couple weeks we're starting to get shortages again so like i said i'm getting what i can when i can i'm not going crazy as you can see but i'll get into what we got we love these well yes brand soups they're really good really simple easy lunch so we just got a tomato basil creamy cauliflower potato broccoli and sweet potato and butternut squash and sweet potato ken's had that butternut squash one before he said it was really good and then i saw this and i thought it looked really really good i just got a couple cans of progresso soup italian wedding style is really good broccoli cheese and spliffy sounded good so before we started doing keto i was looking into making our own corn tortillas just because it looked fun and i'm weird like that and i like to make stuff from scratch for the most part but then we started doing keto so we never did so i told ken that we're buying this or i was like hey do you want to try to make those homemade tortillas he's like yeah why not so we bought this and i figured this is a good brand because when we're at sam's yesterday they had this in the economy size and i figured if it was a crap brand they wouldn't make it the economy size i would hope then we also just got one of these cracker barrel mac and cheeses uh sharp white cheddar ken picked out this dunkin cereal for after keto but it's made of coffee and he doesn't like coffee so i don't think he'll like it but whatever just needed some more light brown sugar like i said for after keto but i'm gonna i'm gonna stop saying that okay okay just got a couple of these 90 second or 60 second meals actually really good and really convenient we just got some more biscuits because we really like those we have some left from before the thing i'm not going to say but we love those so i got more of those then i'm gonna start eating yogurt bowls again after the thing i'm not gonna talk about so i really really like doing plain greek yogurt with a little bit of honey some fruit and some like granola so kashi is a great brand and it's one of my favorites just got one of our favorite pasta sauces so my in-laws like i said our house sitting for us while we go on our trip and my father-in-law really likes the k-cup apple cider i've looked for weeks now and i cannot find it anywhere so i just got him this so hopefully he'll be okay with that i literally can't find it anywhere then we just wanted to get another seasoning so we used to go to this place called city market in kansas city and get tons and tons of seasonings but because of the pandemic we avoided it this year so yeah we were running low on some of our favorite seasonings from them but it's literally like any seasoning or seasoning blend you could think of they have they are known for their spices and it's a really good deal but we didn't go this year you know i grabbed this think and i got the onion soup mix because i've seen a couple recipes i want to make and i got a new mushroom which is fine because i love mushrooms one of my favorite foods but i probably have to get onion one ken just picked up this spanish rice that is really really good and then i got some more of these mason jar lids they actually had tons of mason jars i didn't grab anything but these lids so the jars i do have i'm actually saving my lids for canning because once you can like pressure can or water bath can you cannot use that lid again to can you could use it for like everyday use but not to can so since i have tons of new mason jars that i've acquired over the last few months i want to save those lids for canning next summer so i bought some of these reusables which i really really like and i also like them because they're plastic and the metal ones get like rusty and stuff we just got two of these cleaning wipes i don't know what happened in the other one every time we go to walmart ken has to look at movies that's just his thing so he picked this one up it's alien 4k it was like 15 oh well we did just get some toilet paper and then some paper towels then we got a couple little things of sanitizer and then for that giant thing of soap i bought yesterday i bought a soap dispenser i thought it'd be kind of cute make my kitchen look a little better and also i was just gonna put it in the old soap dispenser but i think i accidentally threw that in the trash so not bad container for that so like i said we're doing the majority of our shopping for after keto but we figured we didn't want to wait till after we came back from our trip to try to do like a little stock up trip because we had a feeling that people were going to start going crazy again so we had discussed it and said that we would do a big stock up trip between sam's club yesterday and um walmart today almost at mcdonald's i don't know why um we figured we would just do that this weekend and then when we come back from our trip we're going in a week we'll be gone for a week in two weeks we'll just go to trader joe's which trader joe's doesn't have like essentials that we have to have they just have a lot of fun stuff that we like so we just wanted to stock up on like our basic stuff that we normally get
Channel: Home with the Haugs
Views: 5,502
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Sam's club grocery haul, walmart grocery haul, stock up haul, quarantine haul, deep freezer haul
Id: uG6KNsBtAV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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