Small cabin , workable, sustainable Pantry!

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[Music] [Music] so miss laurie what's in your pantry we want to see what's in your pantry what all do you keep in your pantry miss lori please miss laurie show us what's in your pantry so this is the day ms dory's gonna show y'all what's in her pantry but i want to warn y'all i just come in from work i'm still my work clothes my work hair no makeup and my pantry is a working pantry which means i'm in that pantry every day this pantry is just part of my life i spend more time in that pantry than probably the dining room living room bedroom whatever i spent a lot of time in that pantry in and out in and out in and out but not only is it my daily pantry that i use every day but it's a sustainable pantry um it would keep us fed for a good while so it's a workable pantry and it's my sustainable pantry i only have one in this little cabin so when you live in a small cabin or home or tiny house you have to utilize any kind of space you have i took up quite a bit of space for a pantry because having a pantry is a very important thing to have so doing without that space for something else uh that's fine that's fine for me it's just me mr brown so anyways i have so many people are like what's in your pantry miss lori i want to see what's in your pantry but i have to warn you like i said i haven't been in there and i haven't dusted and washed every shelf and put everything back in its little place and everything's just not magazine perfect but it's a real pantry it's a real workable pantry so i'm going to show y'all what miss florey does every day how i feed my family how i just uh this is just me this is how i do things and i have you know people say well are you a prepper uh you know different things like that and um i think about that and i think well if i am then i'm a prepper from way way back i'm a prepper that was born into it and my family before me on either side were preppers i guess because this is just the way we live it's not because we get afraid or scared or anything like that of anything it's because where we live maybe or just because we know that you know we've been through hard times we know what it's like so our pantries are always full and always ready to feed us for at least a year so if that's a prepper that's fine but it's all we've ever known so let's look what's in my pantry please don't judge me because everything's not just so so but uh i think you'll be surprised what all i've got in this in this little house in this little cabin so i can keep us going keep us fed and keep us sustainable if you're new to my channel i'll just kind of update you just a little bit real quick danny and i left the big farm in the farmhouse that we raised our children in we had cattle and chickens and goats and sheep and horses and mules and you name it we had it but as the kids left danny got off the road he was a trucker for 17 years we decided that we wanted to scale down we wanted to make things simpler we wanted out of debt we were just tired so we built this little cabin and uh we really love it but the reason i'm telling you this because i want to show you my kitchen now this is the front of our house as you come into the front door so it's all just one big room open ceiling there's my wood cook stove so it's just all one big room so my kitchen is a galley kitchen which i love a gala kitchen because i feel like i can work better in a galley kitchen than i can a kitchen that's too too big and just is you have to run around everywhere to get to everything but anyways at the far end you can see that's my pantry and my pantry is part of my kitchen as part of our lives as part of how we live so that's it that's that's our pantry we're going to get in a little bit closer and i'm going to show you what's in my pantry a little bit closer now this video may take just a little while because there's no way i can go through all this very fast i can tell y'all there's just no way now there is a little window over there excuse me in the pantry and a lot of times i keep it covered up so it's a little bit darker in here during the day i have curtains that i've kind of pulled back but right here in this window is where i dry a lot of herbs a lot of herbs and i've got some right now that need be put up that are good and dry so that's a good place right there to dry things to hang them and drive you go up just a little bit and i've got pasta and i've got rice in my containers i have some of my canning utensils green beans and i can tell you my green beans are going away fast because we eat what we put up up here is my vinegars i make a lot of homemade vinegar i've got dehydrated i've got tomato powder i've got dehydrated potatoes ancho chilies but most of that up there is my vinegars my cleaning vinegars and vinegars i use to make dressings and stuff like that gonna back up just a little bit and you can see all the things that we put up over here i've got a bunch of pickles i've got pickled green tomatoes i've got pickled okra um just regular pickles i've got pickled squash that's really good so all this i got chow chow and relish so that's what all this is now me and mr brown don't eat a lot of pickles but this right here this'll do us for a couple years and that's just the truth so that's what this side of the pantry is then i've got beside my relishes and my pickles and stuff i've got my drop my ground mustard i make my own mustard um i've got some squash soup can corn then you go on down and i've got jellies let's see i've got tomatoes i've got my let's see my onions that we love so much we love caramelized onions if you've not caramelized things in candom you've got to do it i've got a video doing that let's see i've got what y'all would call probably um freezer slaw but i canned it and that's really good on barbecue then i've got sauerkraut we're going down and i've got squash right here that i've canned and this is squash that you would use to fry you would fry this and it really does work i learned this method from old alabama gardener so if you want to learn this this is why i've not done a video on this because i'd rather you go to old alabama gardener and type in cannon squash to fry or canning okra to fry because he does both and he'll show you the method the man is very very wise and it does work i back it up it does work you can fry this i've got canned greens some of that's kale some of it's spinach i've got canned carrots i've got all kinds of beans down here i've got uh great northern beans i've got pinot beans um black beans i've got red beans i've got to do some more canning on my beans because we go through a lot of beans then you go down there and i've got some canned ham and ham broth some canned butternut squash let's see i've got some jelly some uh jalapeno jellies that i bought now there's one thing that mr brown and i don't eat a lot of it's not because we don't like it it's because it absolutely kills us and that is tomato products um i do have some that i buy from the store when i'm making i use it usually just when i'm making spaghetti or something like that i don't use a lot of tomatoes in my chili and stuff so now we we can eat ripe tomatoes off the vine but see i try to get rid of most the seeds and stuff but uh well i'll tell you what we very much uh can tomatoes and we'll both be up all night and that's just the truth and we even take medicine for it but anyways that's why you don't see a lot of canned tomatoes now i do have a freezer full of tomatoes but i'm going to be making tomato soup because we love tomato bisque um it does hurt us sometimes but i will be making some tomato soup and canning it because we will come in and eat maybe a small bowl of it with a grilled cheese or something in the winter time and that's really good of course you can see i've got a lot of rings hanging there i've got some of my old utensils hanging up there you go down in this corner and we'll get into the buckets here just a little bit i want to show y'all i don't in my kitchen we didn't build we didn't spend the money and build a bunch of high dollar cabinets that have drawers and stuff yes it would be nice but what i've done is i just got rid of a bunch of stuff that i don't use so i didn't really need that many drawers but i did need a place to put my washcloths and my hand towels so i usually keep kept them in a basket just a regular basket but i found this picnic basket and it's an older one the top is wooden i found it at a flea market and the first thing i thought about is how neat would that be to have that to put my kitchen towels in so that's what that's being used for but we'll go looking through my buckets here in a minute i told y'all it's going to be a long video now on that very bottom shelf you will see store-bought canned goods i don't touch those that is my emergency supply canned goods down there there's anywhere from green beans and i do have some stewed tomatoes there green beans peas green peas i've got corn um diced carrots just all things that if worse come to worse and we had done eight most of our what i had canned you know to get through that would be the last thing that we would get into now i always check the dates on this stuff and when it starts getting close to time for it to be out of date and even at that it's still going to be good for a while we will start using it and then i'll start replacing it but as of as it is right now we don't touch it we do not touch the store-bought kangas that is for the emergency supply so it stays there i'm gonna get y'all down closer okay what else you got down there lori let's see of course we got gallons of water and i always keep the bottled water i know some people say that water is no good but it's what we can afford and of course comes the worst that we need some water there it is now we have a well and we would be able to get water even if we didn't have electricity because we have a well bucket now would be a job the first time but we could do it i've got um let's see i keep extra bleach that i don't use i just keep it down there for emergency use i've got extra vinegar distilled vinegar down there that's my emergency stuff down there that i do not use let's see i've got a canister here that i've had forever and i just keep stuff in it you can see down here i've got more canned goods stocked up applesauce none of that gets used that is for emergency use only and when i say that it's not just for danny and i i'm talking about my whole family or neighbors and i'm gonna keep adding to it i just keep adding to it and like i said when it starts going out of date of course we'll re replace it okay down this glass jar i don't use this thing i tell you why because it's so heavy and my wrist and my hands i just can't hardly mess with it anymore so i use it for storage now and i've got of course a big bulk bag of oats and i've got two things two big things of my yeast in here i get this at the mennonite store that's for emergency use and right here this was given to me by my friend miss vicki from nevada vicky's country home this is sourdough starter dehydrated i keep this back and i'll tell you why this is my emergency sourdough starter um i'll probably be doing a lot more of this and storing it of course this is from nevada and i just think that's special and i may uh hydrate it and use some of it sometime but i've just been storing it for maybe emergencies or hard times who knows but uh i keep it stored so if you have any old containers that you just don't use much anymore don't be afraid to use them even you know even if they're not pretty or um just whatever let me get the lid to that put the lid back on i've got two things of apple cider that i keep you never know especially this time of year you might be making some kind of dessert cake pie um maybe canning with it so if it's pasteurized i'm gonna take my basket down i've got some always keep containers sometimes i have to start throwing them away because i get way too many and i just don't have room for all that mess this right here is a good thing to have i get these at walmart or you can get them online this is dry whole milk this is good stuff it's in a tin container so this right here has not been opened and it will keep good for a long long time it has a good chef date on it too so that's a good thing to have in your pantry let's see there's three i think it's i don't have a three and a half pounds i think i don't remember the price on it i'd have to look that up we're gonna go over here to my buckets now i know that there are higher dollar buckets with the really good lids on them but miss laurie is cheap and i just don't spend the money these are food grade buckets that i got the tractor supply store they were four dollars a piece and anything that i ever put in it i never get bugs nothing ever goes bad so if four dollars works for me i think that's great but what i do is when i store in here i always write on top of the lid what's in there because if i didn't i'd have to go through all of them you know especially in emergency you want to know what's in there so you don't have to hunt through every every single bucket so let's see what's in our buckets and i think let's see i keep a lot of stuff like a flat you know anything dry good in these buckets especially and sometimes there's stuff in these buckets that you think don't make no sense but it's stuff that i would never want to be without here we got in this bucket we got some pearl barley which i'm eventually going to put this in a container i got this at the midnight store and i haven't put it up yet but like this week he told me when you put barley in soups or stews and stuff like that it's what um it just makes everything go farther it kind of thickens up your soup and it's just a good thing to have and it's really good for you too but uh so that's barley and even this little bitty bag would last me mr brown a long time so in that bucket was barley i've got some extra baking soda i've got cake mixes now miss laurie does make cakes from scratch but miss laurie also uses cake mixes and i got these i think they were oh i think they were a dollar a piece pretty sure 89 cents i can't remember so i keep them in there and i don't use them i've even got stuff like this this is a mini cheese sandwich crackers this would be for the like grandkids or if you just need a snack you know of course comes the worst and we can't get to a grocery store or something i want to make sure that i have even little stuff like that put back anything that will sustain you anything that your kids your little kids or grandkids will eat you need to keep stuff like that see i've got enough room in that one bucket to put some more dry stuff this one this one right here is sugar freeze-dried fruit vienna sausages evaporated milk and rice and this is stuff that i will not use yet this is stuff that i will keep in here and not get into here i've got two things this is my favorite rice but i tell you when cod would hit you couldn't buy it but i finally found these at walmart this is organic california white basami rice that's my favorite but i also love rice select organic texamonium this is from texas and this is what i've been buying here lately keep a lot of rice because rice and beans will sustain you for a long time and of course in there i've got a big bag of sugar and evaporated milk i don't eat vienna sausages but if you were hungry you would eat them if my grandkids were hungry and needed some food they would eat them so that's in that emergency bucket and i have to i can put more stuff in there well i wanted to tell y'all something and i must have this not in that bucket let me put the lid back on there good this will probably be an hour long video okay take that off and we're gonna go down even lower in my big jar down here i've got self-rising flour and that self-rising flour jar holds 10 pounds of flour now let's get into this bucket and see what we got in this emergency bucket i've got a bunch of dry beans now i will be canning some of these up and i do it for emergency use um just being um is such a necessity for us but we'll come in during the week when we've been gone 10 11 12 hours a day and i can't come in here and put a big pot of beans on i do have instant pot but you know but i i love canned beans on my shelf they are such a necessity for me because i don't i don't go and buy canned vegetables from the store except only for emergency sustainable uses that's it that's the only reason so i will be canning a lot of these beans up but i've got a big bag of white beans brown beans pinot beans black-eyed peas red beans black beans soup beans broad beans and the thing of it is you can even plant these never forget that you can plant your pinto beans and they will grow beans so everybody saying there's going to be a seed shortage if you got big old 50 pounds of uh pinot beans you'll have plenty of beans that's for sure because you can plant them and they will grow beans let me put the lid on that what's in the next bucket mre oh if i can get it open we shall see okay we have got like i said that the king if the grandkids are needing some food every once in a while going there and i buy a macaroni and cheese of some kind and keep it because if things got pretty bad the grandkids you know would have something easy that they could just boil water and make them some macaroni and cheese because you don't have to refrigerate none of this you got your cheese you got your noodles got a sustainable meal right there i've got a couple bags of egg noodles i keep quite a bit this is my favorite himalayan pink salt fine grain i keep quite a bit of that in there let's see what's in the bottle oh here we go dehydrated garlic i don't use this but it stays right here in my long-term bucket here emergency bucket in case i was to run out of garlic oh my goodness and i've got some different rices down here too i do use this it's a really good rice so i have several bags of this down in there so all this and then of course danny's coffee and we don't get into his coffee i just when we run out i buy more and i also keep not only his ground coffee but uh i keep coffee beans because they said coffee beans will store better and last longer than ground coffee especially when you have no refrigeration you know nothing like that put it in so put that up there's that one and we got three more to go through okay let's see what's going on in this bucket this door's gonna sit down we got more noodles in here i get these at the uh trying to think no i got these at the all american made store and our nearest our biggest town nearby um you can do this yourself make you some noodles you can dehydrate them yourself i have extra grits i bought these online these are wonderful i think they may be in my amazon store not sure i even have a little thing of pepperoni who knows things get bad you may want your pepperoni pizza um i keep extra this is crema tartar i've got another uh big bag of sugar in here i've got elbow macaroni let's see this is meringue powder and this right here is fruit pectin i always want to keep plenty of fruit pectin and i'm afraid that you know if times got bad you may not be able to get it so i try to keep plenty of it stored back now this bucket's not full really so i've got room in this bucket to add more to whoops i gotta put everything back in there you know what's funny when you take stuff out you never can get it all back in there like this like you had it and i know some of this don't make no rhyme or reason to y'all but it does to me and i haven't rolled on top of this yet i ain't got everything in there i think this was my newest bucket that i started putting stuff in but uh i know what my family needs and what we eat and what we would use and some things that we never eat but i still put in there because um if worse come to the worst it would be stuff that we would end up eating because it's sustainable and it keeps well okay just get into this bucket oh there's all kinds of stuff in here we've got canned pumpkin they kept saying we're gonna have a shortage on pumpkin now i will always keep pumpkin in my emergency stuff because you can do so much with pumpkin it's kind of like applesauce if you don't have um if you don't have access to oil and maybe you're out of eggs or something you can always use pumpkin or applesauce when um making some kind of a bread a tortilla um any you know sweets anything like that so this is uh little cans of corned beef hash we don't eat these on a regular basis if any because if we were going to eat hash i just make it homemade this for the emergency bucket because like i said when you're hungry you will eat a lot of stuff that you never thought you would instant oatmeal yes because all it takes is hot water so if you're able to boil you up some hot water you can have some oatmeal oatmeal is really good for you and it would fill your belly and make you feel full for a while so that's a good thing to have in your emergency bucket i got spaghetti in there i've got two things of jiffy in here that we don't touch there's more corned beef hash i even put now me and danny don't really drink lemonade it's not that we don't like it stuff like this kind of irritates my stomach and i've got some kool-aid no this is tame so i've got lemonade and i've got time um i can tell you worse comes to worse or my grandkids need something to drink my kids tang and lemonade we would use it for sure and i need to stock up on more of this this is canned chicken now i do can my own chicken but still you know this is what you would generally use to make chicken salad and stuff like that out of but that's just one more thing that i would keep in my emergency buckets because we would definitely use it if we were in need of food you know you never know um living back in the woods like we've always done you didn't go to town very much at all so your pantry was always full always full so i pretty much do the same now that i've always done do i sit more back for emergency use yes i do but i only do what i have room for okay that's what's in that bucket and i can add more to this as i go i haven't been in there here and really put stuff up in a while and i need to do a little bit more shopping for some few more things to put my emergency buckets now if this video's been too long for y'all and y'all need to uh go do something else you just go right ahead but i've had people that's been wanting me to do this so it's not something i can do really quick let's see what's in this bucket this is my last bucket okay this is my wheat berries and i buy these from the middle night store and i don't open the bag i just leave them in the bag but this is a prairie gold wheat berries and i do have a a hand crank meal that i can make my own flour from but you can also make a hot cereal out of any grains that you have too which is very sustainable so that's one bucket and i need two next time i go to moonlight store i'm gonna pick up another bag of these berries so let me put my buckets back and we'll see what else is in here if you look right through there you can see that's where a lot of my my beans are that i can and i just want to show y'all because i am getting low and i will be counting a bunch more different beans okay i've got down here in the floor and i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to get up [Laughter] so we had to get down here low i showed y'all earlier this is my big things it holds 10 pounds self-rising flour back here in this bin this bins you can put 25 pounds in i've got all-purpose flour which i use most of and then i've got cornmeal and each one of these bins i got off amazon and they have wheels on the bottom so when i need i can just bring them out and they just roll right out of there and i can get my cornmeal my flour and fill up my smaller buckets i've got potatoes here and i need to do some more canning got my onions sweet taters back in here i've got um spaghetti squash butternut squash stuff like that i got it back there it stays dark back here when the light's not on sweet potatoes i got a big squash there and right here this is a very good thing to have in your pantry these last forever and are very good and i'm sure a lot of y'all have them and i get these at sam's club or you can used to you could order them on amazon not sure the price on them anymore uh these are dehydrated hash brown potatoes let me tell you something they last a long time after you open them up you need to put them in a container all you do is have to hydrate them with a little bit of warm water and these things taste like fresh potatoes so you can do a lot of things with them so this for me is a necessity for my pantry okay let's see what's in some of my other bins now over here you can see these jars this is jars from this is probably two months worth because we eat out of our pantry and what i can this is jars that up when i empty them i just set them in here because i will be using them i don't put them up put them in storage because i'll just bring them right back out so that's what that is that's about two months probably of using out of the pantry could have made a two video thing out of this okay oh my knees what we got in here this is a whole thing that's full of a lot of spices i am a spiced gal i i can just tell y'all right now i have to have my herbs my spices excuse me my throat's getting dry um let's just see what's in this one now there is some ranch seasoning mixes in here that i think i bought in bulk and i haven't even used them because i make homemade ranch dressing mix and homemade dance dressing but it's there if i need it this right here is a really neat product i bought this off of amazon this is um worcestershire sauce is dehydrated and it takes very very little when you hydrate it to use so i thought that'd be a good thing to have uh who knows you know you may not be able to get no worse sauce who knows so anyways and then i got some dehydrated soy sauce and of course miss rory will never be without her cumin this is uh cumin powder i also keep the cumin seeds that is my peppercorns i've got white onion powder which will last me forever then i've got some cylon cinnamon sticks that i will be using pretty soon so that's what's in that bucket this is another one that is full of spices that i love and that i use every day and most of these are organic from thrive market i don't know if anybody knows anything about thrive market but it's a very good company i have never bought anything from this company that i don't like i trust them and they're just a good company so here we have paprika i usually have two of everything there's another paprika this is my most favorite thing and you can make this homemade too you can make you a big jar of this but i have bought this the first time from thrive market and it is everything bagel spice blend this is my favorite thing of all anymore i believe i just do everything with it here is some ground ginger dill weed i mean this container is full here i've got some more whole peppercorns here i've got a couple of bags of thyme now i grow my own time but you can never have too much here's some more ground cumin here's some garlic powder more garlic powder fennel seeds i love fennel seeds especially when i'm making homemade breakfast sausage or italian sausage dill weed i'll have to go back through here and fix there's some more of my everything that bagel seasoning let's see there's some rubbed sage that i'll be using pretty soon i got two things of it so i can tell y'all i am good on spices this is dehydrated mushrooms that i keep back there and then i've got apricots then they're from miss vicky i think that's uh dried strawberries these are my dehydrated mushrooms and i just stick them back here because every once in a while when i need them i just grab a little bag and use them hydrate them up and use them so what else do we have um we had more this is some granola really good homemade granola that i put and i use my um food saver put it up of course i got more beans here that i bought i just stuck them in there i got lentils littles are a good thing to have in your storage and i keep a little basket down here at the end with my dish rags in it and it's all right here this is where i keep all of the spices that i pretty much use all the time and all i have to do especially when i'm doing a bunch of canning or something is i just pull that whole box out and put it on my counter and i've got easy access especially when i'm making my dry mixes and you've got five or six ten maybe different seasonings that you got to put in this dry mix so i just pull that out put it on there and i've got everything to my access i don't have to run back and forth to my spice cabinet here's odds and ends here is two boxes of stinging nettle tea rice i keep little snacks of course for the grandkids and i like these too um there's some oatmeal back there and this basket i keep i keep tomato paste like this and i also keep tomato powder too but i keep it like this because i've got a lot of recipes that just needs a tablespoon or so of tomato paste so that's really handy this is some seasonings for different this is like i do do some dishes of uh mediterranean dishes um eastern dishes here's some anchovy paste uh to make caesar salad dressing and there's just different uh things in here for like [Music] my asian cooking and stuff like that so that's what's in that basket and it could be organized better and it will but like i said i'm in it every day up here it's more spices and seasoning now most of this is stuff that like dehydrated cabbage on my basil oregano rosemary ground garden parsley all of this is stuff that has come out of the garden this is all of my my dried herbs and i just keep them in jars and keep them up here for my use this is something that i have found recently on amazon it's green chili powder this is good stuff and of course you could make it yourself too if you can get some good green chilies but uh it only takes just a little bit in any kind of a mexican dish or a salsa or just anything like that this is really good stuff i really like it and it's not real spicy um canning salt quinoa um there's some different wheat back there that i make porridge out of a lot then i've got up here my different red wine vinegars my balsamic vinegar stuff like that that i cook with i've got some cilantro that's dehydrated there is my pasta popcorn and chocolate chips graham cracker crumbs different kinds of noodles back there anything that i would need to prepare a lot of different dishes come down here i've got nutritional yeast my cream of something mix a lot of these are my mixes and i'm out about out of my taco homemade taco mix lemon balm and lemon thyme that's my cleaner that i use i've got some homemade salves this is comfrey from miss vicki this one is some different balm i've got um i got some vegetable broth mix here that i keep when i need a little bit of vegetable broth and this stuff is wonderful um let's see back there in the very back i've got my homemade pudding mixes that i've done a video on this right here y'all mr brown i had to do a video on this because this is our uh mullen tincture that was full mr brown has been sick a couple times with a bad cough respiratory he's been taking this and it's helped him so that's a whole nother video these are homemade mixes they're spaghetti mix salsa mix stuff like that this down here this is my cannon salt these are my pestles and my my mortars and pestles i've got tortilla press bread crumbs i've still got some dried herbs and and bags back here that i need to put in containers i need to put them in my spice blender and get them put up let's see i've got jams and jellies and butters apple pie filling mince meat my fruit mince meat that we made last year i'll be using it this year to be making some different breads and pies and stuff there's some my cannon stuff up there sorry about the light here we've got some more fruits we got canned pineapple oranges apples peaches pears butters i've got different kind of flowers up there and i've got cornmeal back behind these that's rye let's see that's rye flour that's rye flour sorry pancake mix homemade pancake mix and bread flour and back behind that is wheat whole wheat flour and cornmeal my rice and stuff like that but anyways this kind of gives you an idea i'm sorry this video's taken so long but there's no way to do a pantry video and it'd be a short one i guarantee you there's just no way so i'm going to back up of course i've been going through everything so some of that stuff i come through in the floor get out of the way but this is my workable sustainable pantry now let's look at some more things right here is uh this is my little pantry a tiny little pantry and this holds my teeth uh i grow a lot of mint i absolutely love mint tea and i have chamomile i have all kinds of teas up there i have [Music] just anything that you can think of i've got different kinds of teas in here i even i even this year started growing a a tea plant yeah i forget the name that starts with c but i want to have a video on it it's black tea but i just got all my teas in there even a little teapot i have another teapot it's really pretty somebody had given me where we're going now miss laurie we are going into the settlers cabinet and this is where i keep my stuff that i you know if i'm biking or making some kind of dessert that's a lot of what's up here pine nuts raisins got plenty of pumpkin evaporated milk i keep a lot of evaporated milk this time of year and sweetened condensed milk if y'all hear a little tapping that is my ice maker that's luigi and they're making ice i've got different kinds of flavorings i keep a lot of different kinds for different kinds of fudges and candies cakes and cookies and all kinds of stuff i keep a lot of different um puddings for quick desserts jello different kind of jellos i even keep a couple bags of caramels on hand different kinds of chocolates for different kinds of desserts pies stuff that we do in the holidays i've got jar cranberries here i've got some marshmallow cream i always keep plenty of coconut milk because i use it well i usually use it mainly for my coconut pies i've got more chocolate chips espresso instant espresso this stuff makes brownies cakes chocolate cakes and stuff it just brings them over the top i got dried fruits like apricots and dates and stuff um that i might do different cookies like pinwheels and stuff with i always keep coconut oil stuff like that so anyways step back a little bit that's another pantry so on the other side of the baker's pantry we have a huge thing of baking cocoa because i will never be without my chocolate i've got jar of masarena back here i've got a big jar of vital wheat gluten from making breads my brown sugar this right here is uh desiccated coconut which is really good i use this always on our keto diet but it's really good for making macaroons and stuff there's some more weight berries excuse me powdered sugar that's about it to show y'all also here in my pantry we hang our garlic that we grow in the garden we hang it here and since we use wood heat it stays good and dry in here so the garlic really cures good and so when i need fresh garlic i just get me a bulb and use it we're going to walk on this side of the kitchen this is if you turn around from the pantry side you're going to turn around and this is what you're going to say this is the other side so this is a small cupboard this is everyday use stuff that i keep for all kinds of different reasons because i'm always cooking i'm always cooking something and there's times that i just you got to have that help so i keep a lot of this stuff say for instance green chilies canned mushrooms i like them better than i do dried um that's just my taste buds here's some more of uh whole milk let's see that's sour cream powder that is cheese powder buttermilk powder then you got stuff like i can't always keep hominy and even a little jar of this because my cousin give me a recipe for the best harmony casserole and i'm going to be doing that recipe molasses like i said i always keep plenty of canned chicken cairo syrup for different uses quinoa a pierced maple syrup a big old bag of peanuts that i use when i make a peanut brittle stuff like that in the holidays this right here is for danny and the grandkids mine flavored gelatin that i use for a lot of uses more cairo syrup applesauce jams jellies and just odds and ends right there so that's another pantry so you can see in this little cabin there's no way that we would go hungry we would be at this point right now with my freezers on the back porch we would be fine for quite a while and this thing's something that we just done overnight this is stuff that i pick up off and on there's more cake mixes yes miss laurie whenever i find cake mixes on sale i buy them taco shells we need mr brown loves tacos and you can't have a pantry without nilla wafers in it we love pickled beets uh i've been growing beets in the garden but i always keep extra they're so good and they're very healthy for you um let's see what's down here we got pancake syrup mr brown takes that to work with them because we make homemade here there's several several jars of different peanut butters that i find on sale and you'll see down there that there is some jars of pasta sauce miss laurie makes your own i'm going to tell you in a minute what i'm going to be using that with there is even some low-sodium chicken broth in there more garlic granulated garlic because i will never be without that cocktail sauce there's always barbecue sauce tea and we just keep it stocked at all times see up here on top of my cabinet i've got bread flour cake flour i've got a thing full of coconut and that's where i keep my himalayan salt and here i've got to order in today this has become some of my favorite rice it's rice select organic texamaty white rice comes out of texas i got two cases of it which is going to keep us sustainable for a long time so always keep plenty of rice and beans it's a wild guy guys i know that was a long video but that's the gist of it um there's no way of doing a pantry video and it only being a 10 or 15 minute long i mean if you want the overall of what's in miss laurie's pantry and what she uses on a daily basis and how she keeps a sustainable pantry it's going to take a while so i still have stuff growing out in the kitchen garden out back mr brown's working on us another whole different garden for uh next spring um you know this is we've only been here going on six years so we're still working on garden spots but uh it's all gonna be sustainable just like it always has all of our life but anyways i hope y'all like this video i'm sorry it was that long if you got bored with it all you had to just click off but if you just want a little bit to know now i could even take you to the freezers but that's a whole different video we're not going to go to the freezers but that is something i want to touch on toe and stuff got so bad that we had to go off grid i've got plenty of jars and i'd have to do a lot of canning and dehydrating and i would do that but at this point we do have two freezers we have fresh meat in it we we're fixing to go pick up a fresh hog here in a couple days to put in a freezer you just i don't go i don't go to the market and and buy meat we've had uh beef in the freezer for a while and we're fixing to get another one um how can we afford to do that because we save money elsewhere we don't have any vehicle payments we don't have a bunch of money going out the door uh buying for anything really everything's mostly paid for so we have that money to be able to sustain us as far as food so if that means that that money is held back that we don't spend on vehicles and high dollar insurance and stuff that we don't need we can we're able to go and spend a little bit here and there and keep our pantries and our frasers full so that uh i mean that's just the way it's always been but anyways i'm tired now now i've got to start supper danny will be coming in but anyways long video sorry but i wanted to get this done and tonight was the night and like i said i just had to come in and do it so anyways i hope you all like this video i'm going to be coming up with uh some good recipes for the holidays um and also what i was talking about all that pasta jars of pasta i don't use them i make my own pasta sauce but i'm gonna start going back and start doing some freezer meals this might be something that interests you and it might not but i remember back um years ago when the kids were at home i would do freezer meals too because we were so busy between me working the kids at school ball games taking care of the farm the cattle and stuff freezer meals came in really handy slow cooker meals that you can put in a bag everything have it ready in the freezer all you gotta do is throw it in that slow cooker and turn it on and come home to supper being cooked i'm telling you it's such a blessing a lot a lot of days so anyways i'm gonna be doing that pretty soon too i gotta tell y'all bye i hope y'all like this video maybe give y'all some ideas maybe y'all think i'm crazy i don't know but anyways we love y'all and god bless and we'll see you in a couple days
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 267,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C9FqWa6vCtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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