Star Wars Battlefront Angry Review
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Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 6,485,068
Rating: 4.8296494 out of 5
Keywords: Review (Media Genre), Star Wars: Battlefront (Video Game), Star Wars (Film Series), Shooter Game (Media Genre), angryjoe, angryjoeshow, parody, ea, dice, battlefront, fps, rant, angry review, game review, preview, gameplay, lets play, commentary
Id: Malmvi6GwDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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I like how we haven't heard a peep out of EA or DICE about any of the problems.
It's a bad game other than the way it looks. But I'm too much of a slut for star wars to not play it
I knew what Joe was going to say but I just wanted to see it for myself. I'm glad more and more people are addressing this terrible issue.
Worst "review" I've seen on this game was from "HelloGreedo". Aside from his review just being about what he chooses to talk about instead of the game as a whole (that's not a review, that's a IMO). He thinks that if you have a negative opinion on the game then you are a cry baby, mindless parrot joining the band wagon because fuck critical thinking.
I should also mention this just incase. If you like BF3 then cool. No I don't think you are dumb, enjoy what ever you want. I respect your reasons as to why you like the game. I wish I could enjoy this game.
Even though I do play SW Battlefront, Joe is pretty much on point about everything lol.
TL;DW The game is fucking shit
My opinion.
People are giving this game way too much shit.
The graphics are incredible. The score is incredible (duh Star Wars).
There's more than 4 maps unless you only play one game mode, in which case you have no right to complain because you're not even experiencing the full content of the game.
Yes, it's a casual shooter, but who really expected it to be anything else? If you want a competitive shooter play CSGO. Bad gun play? It's Battlefront, don't act like the gun play has ever been worth a crap.
Lack of progression? Battlefront has never had much progression.
About the only viable argument I've heard is that there's some missing modes that make Battlefront Battlefront (galactic conquest, space battles, full map point cap, etc.) and I'm sure those will be added later.
"But why should I have to pay more to get more content? boo hoo." The game industry is evolving whether you like it or not. Games have super intricate realistic graphics that require optimization. The days of coding a game that fits on a cartridge or single layer disc are long over. Games take way more work to create now and you have to pay for it. You can't expect a AAA game to cost the same price it did back in the day. There are times when the paid DLC plan is taken too far, but I don't think this is one of those times. Gamers are so entitled now. You're getting as much content as you always have for $60. Want more? Pay more.
TL;DR I disagree.
While I think not everything he said wrong, I still like the game as it is. It is tons of fun for me. I already played for like 60 hours and I am not getting tired of it. Honestly, I can't understand why ppl are so mad. 60 Bucks for 60 hours of fun seems very ok for me as a 27 year old man with a full time job. Spending the same amount of money going to the movies I get only about 6-10 hours of fun. I don't see a problem here. And why is everybody so mad about DLCs? I get more fun later down the road, why are you ppl so unwilling to pay a few bucks for that?
My opinion: If you don't like the game, then don't buy it, don't play it and don't shit all over it everywhere on the internet and ruin potential fun for others who might like it but won't try because of all the hate.
I think Im like the only person in my group of friends that actually likes the game. Its obviously a cash grab by EA though, as more maps are coming. It's greedy but its also a business. I can't get mad at them for that. Gunplay is fine IMO, most don't like it but for whatever reason I am doing okay with it. I find it a lot more enjoyable than Battlefield 4's gunplay. The problem I have is with Squadron battles or whatever they're called. A-wings are too damn OP. Plus the fact that rebels get shields and the Empire doesn't makes the game super unbalanced. I want that fixed above all else. Other than that, I don't care.