Fallout 76 Angry Review

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I still follow Joe, he cranks out some decent reviews, was defo back on form with his RDR2 review in which I agreed with almost all of his points, and again like other Channel Awesome guys, really not a fan of his skits.

He has his downs, difficulty communicating with his audience just on a basic level which gets him into a trouble quite often. There was some controversy surrounding his opinion on Battlefield V where he basically called his fanbase misogynists if they didn't support the game.

Oh, and he also insists on doing movie reviews on his channel now, despite being a gaming channel.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/JMB_994 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Joe was good /alright before 2015. The quality and quantity of youtube is increasing every season, its hard for Joe (and rest of ex channel awesome) to keep up. They can only do so much with skits and green screen effects. .

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ArturoNotVidal 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Man he is getting really FAT. Just double chin and big gut.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Tommytriangle 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

You know there was really old sneak peak that Joe did for some xbox 360 game based in WW2 and it had era-accurate music to set the tone.

Joe was like "nah nah this isn't how you get pumped for a game!"

Cuts to the same footage to random rap music.

Joe "now THIS is how you hype a game!"

After that I stopped watching Joe as he'd played his cards right there. He's a moron.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RoboshiMac 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Joe is still around? Well there is just one word to sum this guy up: "Whatever".

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gotrek89 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Who still watches Angry Shill? He's like the opposite of Spoony.

People still secretly hope that Spoony will come back while they outwardly call for Joe to fecking go away.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/cusser_nova 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
you [ __ ] it up by now you know that this game sucks I could barely bring myself to play it in order to finish this review I have never never seen such a piss-poor effort from Bethesda a game company I love in a door you could call me a Bethesda fanboy I make whole game days for their releases and no I actually didn't get a review copy or a free box set I genuinely bought the two hundred dollar collector's edition with my own money long ago mainly for the helmet but I had a small hope that Bethesda would put out the game they promised to us and hide up so much [Music] go where you want watch do whatever you want this is the Golden Age of game make the player proud music language make yourself proud that you made it make your player proud that you bought it it works it actually responds to go where you want do whatever make your player proud well I was lied to we were all lied to and betrayed betrayal yeah this is all I wanted shut the door [ __ ] this place shut the door I haven't felt such a huge disparity between what we were told and what we got since aliens colonial Marines and no man's sky bethesda has unequivocally failed at what it set out to do here regardless of whether you personally like it or not because one man's trash is another man's treasure and trust me this is trash by their own words they fail and this time it features all new rendering lighting and landscape technology rendering really you get here it's right over there there it is see it you not see that helicopter what the [ __ ] right there it just spawned in that popin is [ __ ] terrible and this time it features all new rendering lighting look at this like can I just ask okay tell me why that light is coming from okay it's like you know what like you know if people like God Ray's God Ray's out of the [ __ ] earth that's so people like what is the ground is not why is the ground I'm blowing oh my god what is this [ __ ] guy and this time it features all new rendering lighting and landscape technology first of course you can play this solo alright you'll be you'll be who you want exploring a huge world doing quests experiencing a story and leveling up we love those things about our games too it would not have it any other way as a matter of fact you'll never even see a server when you play so realistically speaking oh look the server crashed big time it cup yeah it really can't go any lower seriously fallout 76 is by far the largest project that we've ever done it encompasses parts of the studio in Maryland Austin Montreal for Bethesda Game Studios as well as we're getting a lot of help from other parts of Bethesda some of the great folks at ed software arcane ZeniMax online and so it really is a huge undertaking not just for us but all parts of Bethesda no no it's not and if that many studios contributed to making this mess then maybe that was part of the problem why did it take that many to create this piece together fallout 4 asset blip because that's what this is explain it to us huge patches that barely fix anything it's got so many technical issues it's astounding Bethesda I've net I've there is honestly I've this clip right here this is this encapsulate psmith is de this is one of the most blurring undercooked bug filled lazy efforts by Bethesda and as long as I can remember you sir I just got a sweet roll hell yeah they might need to double your stamina and they need a fast travel back here at least OG we see a player here you better be ready to go bro I'm always ready be ready to go all the time it comes through 100% as a quick effortless cash grab to anyone with a brain it takes advantage of the Fallout fan base except but this didn't even bother to dress it up a little bit no instead it shows up extremely late belligerent and shit-faced drunk to the survival party you know that [ __ ] that manages to ruin it for everyone 76 is here baby ready to party no boy come on let's go back know the survival party is over hello did you just log out no no could you just glitch no you bros you all out fallout all out 70 successful nice - it is idiot no all right it's night he's asking me for money now look nobody plans survival games in or you're late to the party it's what about mutters oh yeah now Battle Royale [ __ ] is that [ __ ] that guy he's a nice guy he doesn't have you go home go home touch me don't touch me cook come on I can't remember this is the same studio that will cancel the amazing-looking preto due to quality concerns and production deadlines yet turns around and puts out this [Music] [Applause] perfect sign for this with some of the worst bugs and outright admitting it's not even done in their freaking press release and their bug list reads like a [ __ ] novel no no this is not acceptable this is not our job that's your job your job is to release a finished game not a starting point to a game so that we can fix it for you our games usually at this point have a lot of systems that are working but we haven't really gelled them all together really the way the end users see it and actually we did report these bug issues to you three years ago and fallout 4 you just ported it right back in here still broken even though the community fix them with patches you couldn't be able to do the same and they literally copy pasted this game so hard that that bug from fallout 4 exists in this game and it's [ __ ] over hundreds of people because you can't patch it what do you mean you can't patch up you can't use the fix from fallout 4 and fallout 76 which was a player patch Bethesda is aware of this bug and it has existed for two years in Fallout 4 and they never fixed it and it's in this game that too I've become Windigo man all right you'll you'll be who you want exploring a huge world doing quests but that's done this is not early access this is a full retail game that clearly has no right to be sold at these prices that you're selling and now you must agree because it's already reportedly down to 40 and then by the time this review it's like a 35 I've never seen a game dropped that hard and fast in price in forever if ever meaning they already knew it wasn't worth that [ __ ] and people like me who paid for to people like you who pay for guts we paid them to beta test their game we expect triple a quality or at least finished quality from a company we hold in high regard and I never never want to see them pull something like this again I I read on the internet that our games have had a few bugs I did I read it on the internet so it's true and that sometimes it doesn't just work anyway special editions it's great the graphics are awful it allows us to have sixteen times the detail 16 times the detail 16 times the detail I was saying 16 times the detail yeah I was saying something 16 times the detail I was definitely saying something that's for sure the game is literally destabilizing in front of me there's a glitch in the matrix its action oh my god it's just getting worse in every door oh but God the game is destabilizing 16 times the detail I'm walking into an invisible wall right now all of this just works it's not I'm not kidding and again it just works in even view distant weather systems across the map [Laughter] and I'm tired of it the PC interface it's [ __ ] there was zero effort put into that poor and the engine it's a literal fossil the game on PC has such awkward default input commands its dumbfounding in an RPG where you're fiddling around with your inventory even more so than than fallout 4 and you can't pause the thing because of all their gathering and crafting and in the live survival game now that damn thing was implemented to improve a player's quality of life ctrl + tab doesn't do anything yeah does ctrl tab and this is yes I would like to join the team now you invited me to trade in the control tab you have to join our team they just basically did the same from fallout 4 the same crafting the same building with a few more odd action options here and there this game is literally all the weakest aspects of fallout 4 repackage together as its core experience does that sound fun to you the shitty filler quests the busy work the fumbling around and a way to small inventory all made worse by the added starvation and dehydration concerns there should be living this thing right also we need to heal we didn't even drop I got two pieces of dogmeat and I got that's it that's off the dead dog lets off the dead dog gunpowder and why don't our there no interesting human NPCs it contributes to making real world feel empty and shallow though it teases you with a mayor a hunts master oh but of course they're robots just of course you're lucky they help us get ready for the upcoming flood of eager tourists and I'm not the whole 5% off the cost of all attractions we have four major attractions around here wavy Willard's no doing range no no no you mess with the lore anyway to get this game to happen you mess with the Brotherhood lore you've messed with the creature lore you've messed with the Enclave and the timeline you're clearly willing to bend things and create new things yet you refuse to put in human NPCs with interesting stories because of a hugely misguided directed from presumably Todd that every human he wanted you to meet would be a player but there is one big difference with this game it's that each of those characters is a real person well guess what players suck gamer's don't play games like npcs and they can never be substitutes for them especially because people are shitty [ __ ] in games by nature they do and say shitty things they lose their [ __ ] cool please don't behave as Bethesda wants them to and none of this cross their mind since they couldn't even be bothered to put enough push-to-talk feature at launch ELC which is the [ __ ] they start the game with the open mic from the damn character creator they don't even let you get out of the vault before somebody's yelling racist [ __ ] breathing into the mic like a [ __ ] or their mom is heard yelling at them to clean their [ __ ] room this is [ __ ] ridiculous what is the who the [ __ ] is talking right now shut the [ __ ] up tell your mom to shut up trying to [ __ ] play listen here you little stop [ __ ] masturbating and turn your mic off this shows you how little thought went into this [Music] it is all downhill from there the opening of the vault it feels weak when it's supposed to be this epic moment it looks like rust crap I'm opening compared to yes okay when you get out there there's constant popping so it's for that rendering and landscape engine terrible draw distances there's an ugly blur off in the distance no matter how powerful my PC is and it is empower 'fl movement speed is quite tied to frame rate some people report that it even makes the motion sick to play with this extremely restricted field of view and bobbing head made even worse in third-person and incredibly again there's an issue with the engine they can't even really easily fix to put enough in fov slider yeah there's zero issues with this engine alright um the best way to change the fov is to go inside your user account documents my games and fought 76 find the fought 76 I and I and do a copy paste and then rename the copy custom just add the word custom like that now I can't do it again because I already have one but then you just name yours custom and then what you want to do is go into the custom ini and these are the two lines you need the lighting bloom effect is ridiculous guys it gives everybody keratoconus a degenerative eye condition that I actually was diagnosed with and suffer from where lights get blurred and they have like these halos and tons of spill to them and bleed effect so looking at fallout is how I actually see normally this game literally gives you a simulation of having a medical i condition what the [ __ ] [Music] apparently the shadows are based on where I'm looking video on how to get unlimited grenades and unlimited XP so and it won't stop going up [ __ ] unlimited but yeah see I'm going right here showing you that you can go to both of these wires don't work that way oh yeah the game's story which there is no story is delivered to you in the most boring static holotapes so you engage in their story we added a lot of holotape to this game you'll hear a lot of audio you will of course be able to it so that the stories actually rich in a way because you'll be able to hear it as you continue to quest along and enjoy the experience in a way we haven't done before oh your friends and random strangers are screaming in your ear so you barely even work here with them they're saying I don't know how you make ammo I think you need a tinker and these supposed quests first of course you can play this solo my god I was describing this game to a friend and I realized just how mundane these quests were I was like hey man yeah I had to pick up ten beer bottles turn a water valve which didn't do anything cool like fill the park with radiated water or something and then I had to kill a crap awesome great genius time you keep thinking that it's gonna get better it's gonna go somewhere the questions gonna get better your level 10 it's gonna get better level 20 is it better yet level 30 better please level 60 oh my god why is it not better he'll Dell even made it to 100 and [ __ ] 40 and it never got any better it never does all that happens is you get slightly cooler loot to play the same terrible gameplay loop over and over awful graphics awful UI awful quests awful gameplay loops awful enemy AI awful and that's not to say that the gameplay can't be exciting from time to time with your friends it's a tense moment when you see a very high-level big monster in the world and taking one down with the team it can be fun but these moments are few and far between and aren't really all that great after its newness wears off mainly because the combat is so shallow can they say they made these guys like nice [ __ ] Raiders are replaced with the boring scorched zombies I think they are forever stuck in here but other than that the variety of enemies is actually surprisingly good only ruined by the terrible AI it's brain-dead god-awful standing around like statues stuck in poses or enemies popping right in front of you [ __ ] did you just spawn right in front of me but perhaps this is all the intention perhaps the complexity of the AI in fallout 76 is so great that it's borderline self-aware and the AI simply just wants to kill itself for being in this game [Music] pointing out that this is a $60 game with [ __ ] like this okay did this this is my point this right here Wow look chat is still oh my goodness Wow what about what about like the super gun here nope still still the problem bats has been bastardized to try to fit in here it should have been left out entirely it is what made combat in previous Fallout games tolerable but it's sometimes less accurate than just firing yourself because it'll go from like 95 percent down to zero in an instant without logic real-time bats it's just dumb and I'm so sick and tired of the Bethesda fanboys attacking me because I don't like this game and I think Fallout multiplayer deserved much better painting me as a troll on YouTube directly to Todd or to Pete simply because I found it boring in one early session but Joe it's fun with friends frankly any game is more fun with friends so don't trot out that tired excuse to ignore its flaws and paint me as a villain I don't I seriously do not have some kind of vendetta to destroy this game I wanted it to be good to be better than what we got I paid $200 but it has just way too many issues and I see it for what it is my personal favorite part of fallout 76 is when they create their own fun a huge part of the game is supposed to be PvP it is just awful and execution here it desperately needs a complete redesign and our PvP focused service to work if n if the game is meant to be a co-op experience to take down fallout monsters with your friends then let it be that but if it was meant to be PvP as well that some serious work needs to go in here cuz everybody ignores it I don't even care alright let me show off my PvP so dumb in this game I have a bounty of a hundred and twelve caps right now doesn't matter that I'm wanted or anything if I if I die lose those caps but until I [ __ ] go and get shot back by this person even if I want a PvP it doesn't matter most powerful shotgun in the entire King conceivable and I can't kill this person I do like one damages shot I'm got bounty for attacking him up to a hundred and twelve calves and there's nothing I can do until he actually [ __ ] shoots me back now that I just have a bounty and if I die I lose all those caps there's nothing I could do about it so if he shoots me but oh no somebody's hostile and I can kill them in one shot or not I could get the damage bug on a player I okay now I got I got the damage bug on a player so I don't I don't even know I don't even know how to handle that this game is just too damn buggy it's just you suck at a such a disadvantage to start combat your enemy's gonna respawn right next to you over and over putting you into a death spiral loop it's atrocious forget it I'm done the end game it's non-existent yes dropping nukes can be cool as hell what have I done that's what you get for telling me to collect cans [ __ ] that's what you get well feed the people you know what I spent them death but even that has issues you form new codes which can drop through the world or maybe it didn't drop through the world and it's just that annoying beeping even when there's no codes it makes no gameplay sense anyway you form those codes you drop the nukes and then you inform the new crop area but you don't even have to farm those codes anymore because these idiots don't change the codes each time a nuke is launched so the code is the same and all the work you did to find that code means nothing when someone else just post the code to read it so you can just launch it without having to do any of that [ __ ] it's gone there's still beat me there's still [ __ ] pygmy hey hey where did you get that new this is penny out cold do you telling me that I've been out here for hours days or don't [ __ ] map for the [ __ ] right go peasant get [ __ ] read did you waste your time but be careful to not drop more than one nuke at a time or it'll crash the Bethesda servers [Music] as a matter of fact you'll never even see a server when you play your final boss is a scorch beast queen I mean Skyrim dragon [Music] but even that is mostly a huge waste of time legendary drops are so completely random so you get a lone one star piece of legendary for all your hard work and beyond that there's nothing at this point in the game you'll be killing glowing death claws like they're nothing oh my god I wrecked it easiest life deflating all the challenge in the game happens way too quick your hardest enemies assault Franz maybe mirelurk queens are harder to kill sure but again the game finds a way to [ __ ] that up hey hey this just works it's not I'm not kidding look at that four bus kiss chat get in on that for a bus yeah let's doing it for me oh there she got me get oh there goes the help and again it just works so does the game do anything well well yes I'd say maybe three things total the new perks system it's kind of interesting but I can't really say better per se it's just interesting it's like gambling if you get card packs and gum which scared the hell out of me into thinking that we'd be buying these packs as frankly it seems built for that purpose but nope they're just given to you at intervals maybe it's smart to keep it that way if they weren't intending to do something different let's hope it stays that way but at later levels even with that you get frustrated constantly swapping your perks for stuff like basic things like lock-picking since it's the only way to do it and if you screwed up your stats while leveling get this too bad you can't respect at all even though I finished the game and I hit level 50 and like you get stopped getting perk points at level 50 not being able to respec like to change your stats it's such a tough system because I have so many perk points and so many things I want to do but there's like literally no respect in the game you just stuck with whatever points you get so if you like her just a casual player and you don't think this out before you go and do it you get screwed like if I were to only have 5 agility I'd be screwed anyone else at this point think this game was not well thought out and was rushed every game that we do we are taking all of the feedback that we've gotten from our fans which are amazing and they give it all to us whether it's good bad whatever that's what makes us better developers and so reading all that feedback from our previous games what they already think about fallout 76 really informs what we're doing what we do in the future [Music] go where you want what do whatever you want I was gonna say the music next but really it's only one beautiful track that I really love [Music] okay and the map the map it's filled with unique locations and tons of variety perhaps more than any other Fallout game ever the game is colorful in parts now one of my big criticisms of Fallout 4 was how drab it was and this cements that it is just much better with a bit of color but what's the point when everything else fails to live up around it it's like a fantastic rich kid sandbox with just a bunch of broken lame-ass toys to play with him there and then it has the gall to ask you to buy microtransactions but what the [ __ ] is this or are you [ __ ] serious a paint set 1800 atoms for [ __ ] blue you want me to spend $18 for [ __ ] blue what is this evolved no Bethesda No zero effort here like the rest of the game but laziness even extends to what they want you to buy and microtransactions it is astounding [Music] you guys are [ __ ] incompetent I hate this game and I barely wanted to play any more of it I'm sorry the review took so long but I'm gonna remember this this it's it's just awful it's boring there's nothing worse than boring I almost have a hilariously bad game than a [ __ ] boring game and that's what this is it probably deserves maybe as if you're crazy you can give it a form if you literally love anything never again and I hope this sends a message but this does now on notice and know the trolls didn't do it the YouTube provocateurs didn't do it but that did it and now I'm going from insanely excited about Star field and Elder Scrolls 6 to deathly afraid if Bethesda was willing to put this out without apology this has to be a wake-up call for this company there's no love no care no effort here at all an asset flip [ __ ] [ __ ] cat toes you're gonna you're gonna put tattoos in my face at the end of the review for this much money something that was free and far for I can't I can't I can't with this no awful [Music] I want my money back okay can I still get my money back does anybody want to buy up a fallout 76 how many anybody did you waste your time [Music] [Music] you're not [ __ ] it up [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 7,739,993
Rating: 4.8301072 out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, fallout 76, bethesda, fallout, fallout 4, buggy, glitches, funny, parody, helmet, survival, multiplayer
Id: SjrDbSgB9IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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