Battlefield Hardline Angry Review

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That part where the A.I partner shoots the guy 60 times before he dies is amazing. Why not just make it so she cant kill enemies? Why make it 60 shots? In what normal game play scenario would that ever happen or be necessary?

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I really wish this game had a mode where the balance shifted over time. As robbers, you start off with your best gear and respawn quickly at the beginning of a match, but over time cops call in swat and backup, getting better equipment and quicker respawns. It would be tough to balance, and it wouldnt be perfectly balanced, but that's the point. As robbers, you have to get away as soon as possible, but as cops, you have to try and contain them more than you have to beat them.

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I pretty much agree with his review.

But I think he brought up a very interesting point early on when discussing the singleplayer.

Why cant there be something like an inverse Payday style game where you play Cops?

It's been a long time since we had one and It would be rather interesting to see how the concept can evolve.

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/Seclorum 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

He made a very valid point at the end of his review, telling the viewer to stand up for good games. Complacency and desperation from PS4 and Xbox One users shows. EA won't change, and I have a feeling that this will carry on to Battlefront.

👍︎︎ 289 👤︎︎ u/BLACKRENEGADE 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I especially like how Joe not only makes legitimate criticisms about the game, but also gives suggestions on how he would improve the game, like with his ideas for improving the single player story. It separates him from many other loud idiots that just complain.

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/th3shark 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2015 🗫︎ replies

Loved the reference to this at around the 1 minute mark, haha.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Rectal_Exambot 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2015 🗫︎ replies

You could tell when he was talking about the battle packs possibly being in Battlefront that he was on the verge of totally losing his shit. This game must've really pissed Joe off, I don't think I've ever seen him this emotional. He didn't even have the words for a moment there, and that's saying something considering his tirades.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/ShortchangeParamecia 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Lol at Joe's reactions to the alligator attack, the COD-like set pieces, and the tank "battle"...That's exactly how I feel when I get to shit like that in games that I've seen a billion times before.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/hrdrockdrummer 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2015 🗫︎ replies

Would be nice if I could just buy the single player for $20 or so. I have no intention of ever playing MP.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you don't [ __ ] it up I never got around to reviewing battlefield 4 which sucks cuz I'm a huge fan of the series but I was so pissed off at its release what am I looking at hey are you [ __ ] serious okay you know what I've had enough of EA is your [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what I've had enough of battlefield for you're not [ __ ] it up you have to know it's one of my favorite and military first-person shooter franchises but I felt so betrayed betrayal from EA and dies facts yes [ __ ] now especially after dropping a hundred and twenty dollars in the game and hundreds more in servers for the angry army had I reviewed it then it likely would have scored a four out of ten for this state that it was in and that would have been fair it was pushed out the door clearly way too early and now that it's had like almost a year and a half it's the game it that it should have been it is far better than ever in fact in his current state it's like a 9 or an 8 or a 9 it is great right now if you missed out on it I recommend buying battlefield 4 expansions rather than this because this is even worse I don't know [Applause] [Music] michael bey to the nth degree there and I'm about to explain exactly why and I'm gonna convince you after playing all of it from start to finish and taking my actual time with multiplayer I can say without a doubt that battlefield hardline is one of the worst easily one of the worst battlefields release and no I'm not talking about its launch stability at least they got that launch right this time it's not a complete disaster online so far just you know a few bugs and connectivity issues here for any launch game but you know and the [ __ ] annoying battle log but relatively a solid launch my issue is that hardline feels exactly unnecessary like an unnecessary spinoff from EA done more for the purpose of cashing in on its fans I mean look at this [ __ ] they duplicate the bf4 business model a second time and again charge a hundred and twenty dollars up front day one for this game and it's for in development expansions well I can tell you right now that this game isn't worth 120 dollars not even close not even 70 not even 60 [Music] location it's had its idea as a cops verse robbers game limited because it's supposed to be battlefield when it could have very well been a completely new IP but no they needed to ride on the battlefield name and give us another platform for selling those [ __ ] battle packs I swear to God if those [ __ ] battle pack microtransactions are a part of the new AE a die Star Wars Battlefront game I will lose all hope let's start with white this game disappointed me so much single-player first and trust me after this video there's no possible way that you could defend this the story here is only interesting if you have never seen any cop drama or cop movie in your life because it is just about the most cliched average run-of-the-mill cop story there is the same story dirty cops extremely obvious double-crossing and quickly setting out for revenge any more secure inside this shot than it is under I mean it looks great here it's technically a sufficient but what they're saying the things that are coming out of their mouths and the character interactions I'm not caring yet you know whereas they wanted to pay homage to compelling cop dramas they ended up making an example of a bland and a generic one the only cool thing is how diverse the cast is starring Jose Antonio Vargas not Nicholas Gonzalez who the [ __ ] is Nicholas Gonzalez you're starring for sound Donnell arias patrol officer thankfully they're not all buzzcut white dudes excusing the power and shooting up everybody they at least managed to stay away from that but it's more like television the levels have been renamed episodes the entire layout reminds the player of network television there's a previously on segment and if you quit there's a preview of what's on the next episode next time you probably have questions to the questions there is even a direct ripoff of the countdown to autoplay the next episode straight from Netflix and I know because I'm currently going through Breaking Bad right now it's exactly the same now aside from that annoying screen where everything Scrolls way too fast I think this approach was novel that's not the problem that's not what to complain about the problem is that despite spending considerable time setting up the characters and many hands offer limited interaction sections during the epilogue in like the first three episodes you just never really grow to care about anybody by the end evening tap don't run because I won't chase you we're looking for Tyson you her new partner she knew that Karate for you yet I study Krav Maga gratis mystical [ __ ] you are a trip abroad mystical why do I so got a taste for the hood it's had never left but that's not for the lack of trying though the devs have stated they wanted the game to be more character-driven rather than strictly following some you know you know canned storyline and it does this but the characters we get although expertly voice acted and they're convincing they're just not interesting or compelling do you know what I'm saying it doesn't help here that the writing was weak that's what it is terrible one-liners when men Lea not smart Lucy found him on the way to the zoo said he wanted to see something endangered did you [ __ ] believe this not a single joke aside from one crazy separate self referential parity like a video game parody made me even crack a smile or laugh detective do you know this man Oh him he does spreadsheets and during one of these slower setups intended to allow for you don't banter an atmosphere you're walking through the streets in the ghetto calmly at night and I really enjoyed this part but you know after a while you realize how linear it is and and you're like it just made me wish for something more dude this just makes me want a cop game that is like you know [ __ ] open-world and dynamic or like a grand theft auto but for police something cops the video game yeah I lost my partner oh [ __ ] it's training day I'm gonna whip out my gun right yeah put me scared stay back stay back you crack [ __ ] single players gonna take you only about six to seven hours to complete during which things never really kick into like episode of five till you're halfway through the thing and there's only ten missions before that it's just dull and boring I had to keep myself entertained by acting like I was a much more interesting cop Robocop her Robo Joe to be more specific Kansas okay I'm cool now looking for trouble [Music] [Music] there will be trouble [Music] I am made of titanium I don't believe you are [Music] Weston yes have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law for every OK episode like where you fight what seems like the entire Miami criminal population and some dudes mansion like [ __ ] up all this nice [ __ ] in his house in the process I'm kind of an [ __ ] lives in a place like this you're not gonna hear that I just scratch this car can do nothing up in here I can't do nothing there's a crap one like driving or should I say skating around the swamp [ __ ] tagging floating drugs duck dynasty style you want to get in the captain's [ __ ] side take the gloves off oh is that what this is bare knuckled police work now you're catching on and every once in a while stopping off to kill some generic bad dudes and get this they had to include the extremely obviously telegraph alligator QTE attack okay I pull up to the dock out here yeah I wouldn't sweat it they're more afraid of us and we are of them okay God battlefield for some reason still feels the need to live up to Call of Duty's insane sad peace levels and never-ending unfolding chaos even here in a smaller lower key cop setting so when carmine does this it feels completely out of place and [ __ ] ridiculous [Music] this happen [Music] my plan what am i I can't see am i flying around on a helicopter holy now I don't even know how they did it but they managed to include the [ __ ] ac-130 mission and a tank battle where the [ __ ] are the cops or the National Guard this doesn't just [ __ ] happen seriously nobody here's gonna throw streak I don't care about his thanks doll Thunderbird choppers why is his tank I got out four Thank You Jill that was that like supposed to be like an interesting battle where like you drive your tank around and you shoot him and then you shoot helicopters because when you put two tanks like together like that I'm just gonna shoot that tank over and over he pops smoke in it oh it parks smoke oh well then I can't shoot him and I guess that's his defensive boss thing no is this just like a checkbox to this just like check oh we need one of those levels that modern warfare had yes that's exactly it is if they're just like trying to check a bunch of [ __ ] boxes and when you do that you create a by-the-numbers cookie-cutter game that's not interesting be original do something for your friends like you were kind of doing at the beginning the real mood of this game has a lot more stealth than you expect because of the new arrest mechanic which basically means on PC you press the awkward high place gee you know from is W you press G do you can't remap to shell freeze which will automatically freeze up to three enemies and make them drop their weapons you only need to keep your gun pointed at them or risk a red meter filling which will have them draw their guns on you everybody freeze I did that on purpose just give me a reason pumps give me a reason you saw them they were drawing anyway once you get used to it if it's an easily exploitable system but still fun and different enough from what I normally play to be cool don't do it son you value your life now I'm gonna just look at this evidence over here Oh what are you doing [Music] you sneaky bastard unfortunately they even [ __ ] this up by not keeping it fresh after the first few episodes are arresting people it just it gets boring and repetitive as [ __ ] it's the same thing every time suspects even say the same lines and make the same grunts over and over yeah criminals stoned and all act this way why the hell would some of these hardened hired mercenaries ever surrender right when they're pointing their guns at you you know boom but Shing guns and body armor - you who has this dinky little pistol especially when you're no longer even a freakin cop later on in the game and why is there no mentally unstable psychos who respond to fries with a hell of God's fire or you don't take it off their closet why not I'm not gonna tell you again sit down on the curb what are you doing don't make grabbing on me I just gonna get days if you don't sit down I'll take you [ __ ] okay maybe not the last one but you get the idea cop work is completely unpredictable not this canned animation garbage and do I have an endless supply of handcuffs and these guys why the [ __ ] are they sitting there quietly instead of screaming out to alert their buddies I'm under arrest come kill this [ __ ] quiet don't say anything I know that you could literally just say hey guys he's over here while you're handcuffed but apparently you're too [ __ ] stupid to do that and for that I thank you idiot the enemy AI is complete crap and laughably easy on all but the hardline mode which you have to unlock by first beating the whole [ __ ] thing and don't even get me started on your partner's AI yeah shoot him shoot him 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 to century ha9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 5 29 pit 50 51 50 why do this [ __ ] Robocop it's the real Robocop right here holy [ __ ] boy what's the point in boy what are you [ __ ] shooting out of babies I think they're tickling him is he's getting he's ticklish stop tickling him oh my god he can actually die so it what the [ __ ] was that oh [ __ ] they cut the power completely rebuilt a I might pass more like completely working progress unfinished AI slapped together to hide some deficiencies it's [ __ ] terrible how did nobody notice this why is this not mentioned in any [ __ ] review more puzzlingly playing this good cop and arresting people keeping them alive gives you points to unlock new weapons which only the bad cops would use to kill everything that moves it is contradictory most of the guns you unlock feel unneeded after you find one if you play a good cop you should get better varieties of non-lethal devices and takedowns instead of more guns that you're not even gonna [ __ ] use who let this through this design is stupid and all the rest of these cop mechanics completely fall on their face there is no meaningful purpose for any of these I don't even want to know what the [ __ ] that is I think I solved a case I solved the case with that this is almost as interesting as the orders pictures where you look at the investigating via your police scanner feels tacked on and superficial at best nobody can defend it I'm guessing it was leo this is stupid it's not interesting you there's no point in scanning it you just walk in here and she could just say it it would have been pointless if it wasn't tied to the awful case file system will you find little pieces of evidence by looking at them that unlock the new varieties of weapons through 15 elite system ranks but by the time you unlock what you want at level 11 or 13 the game is [ __ ] over and trust me this campaign doesn't really bed to be played again you don't buy battlefield for single-player fine but you're gonna be real [ __ ] pissed off if you spent this kind of money for its multiplayer cuz it's even more of a misfire than single-player and I'm gonna explain exactly why you were gonna be so [ __ ] shocked almost none of the unique mechanics in the campaign for the cop flavor carry over into multiplayer as the devs decided to play it safe and essentially create a cocky-doody reskin a beer for that's what it is it's a cocky Duty reskin and you can quote me on that only here it's horribly restrictive and limiting while attempting to fit into this cops-and-robbers theme just battlefield just trying to shove it into a poll that doesn't fit disgusting alright just ignore him now look through this window look through these windows team deathmatch and conquests are pale comparisons to what they once were and nobody can deny that teamwork seems less of priority amongst cleese classes and without proper tanks and vehicles and attack helicopters conquest is completely neutered you know if they wanted to follow the script and do nothing to change these modes and just be cops and robbers why not make them more like they should have been put in more tanks and [ __ ] a real drug war all you have to do is set it in the jungles of Colombia or Peru and have the enemies be more like [ __ ] cartel then little petty looking criminals ripped straight from GTA heist or payday add [ __ ] tanks and helicopters go crazy no instead like the game itself it went for generic cops verse instead of a cool-ass filthy drug war such wasted potential that's a nice house shame if something were to happen to it [Music] damn that's a strong ass waterfall grenade through and so many wonder why people call this game a simple low effort reskin and they are charging you the same price as be a for saying this game is as good as bf4 has as much content as bf4 that's not [ __ ] true and evidently the community agrees with me because already peak player counts are that are higher on bf4 than they are on the hardline and this is launch release everywhere except for Xbox and ps4 and that's because they are desperate for any new game on those consoles even if it's only running at 780 P on Xbox one and 900 P on the ps4 no wonder people think the game looks like crap or at least doesn't look as good as it should how is this possible EA in 2015 if it the consoles or is it the effort put into development I don't understand thankfully they do attempt some unique modes in blood money and heist blood money is usually a [ __ ] in the middle of the map with not much of the rest of the map used but I love it because it it brings a lot of action there in the middle and players attempt to steal money from them like a money pile and bring it back to their own separate money piles of their bases basically like capture the flag style get a rat heist though is probably my favorite large multiple player heists require players to cooperate to attempt to break into a ball steal the objectives and take them to designated drop-off points escaping it feels like an awesome version of the movie heat especially on the bank job level thank God the sound design and battlefield is as good as ever it sounds so beautiful the cracking of sniper fire when you're under stress the [ __ ] echoes of gunfire both inside buildings and outside buildings has this throaty just echo it just sounds so goddamn orgasmic oh come on game let me do a little bit of shooting Oh but the second you aim like alright fine but apparently you had too many developers recording gun sounds rather than working on these smaller game modes these eSport competitive modes called rescue and crosshair and I didn't get to play these too much because on PC nobody's really hosting service with just 10 slots right but however I did get an entire day of eventually playing them in quick match these are 5v5 matches with no response tenifer were you either escort a VIP or you save a hostage yeah I think we're definitely gonna be better on get to this building right here guys this is crosshair yeah so I'm throwing smoke smoke nobody on thermal going up in the building going up in the building going on still nothing on thermal up in the building and we win congratulations what an awesome awesome mode absolutely the maps there are zero Maps designed for this mode and you need map specifically designed for it basically you have five players one of them is a VIP and they need to get to one of two extraction zones and all you need to do is stand in an extraction zone for like two seconds and they win like in the back middle and there was only one of them okay there's two exit spots like why there's five of us why are there two [ __ ] exits that's so stupid well while that thing fills up way too fast you don't even get points look at my points this is like I'm only getting the points because I'm getting out I feel like if you didn't get out you'd get nothing they are just sections of the bigger maps that everybody's already played on they don't act all lend themselves well to the mode that this leads to people just exploiting the maps and just rushing the points because it's ridiculously easy to every map we played on in rotation was awful I have never seen a more poorly designed map for a mode like this this is absolutely hilarious pretty lady it's who this I bet you people that mod games could make a better [ __ ] mod or map for this mode that's what's great I can't believe nobody is mentioned this it's indefensible I don't know what it's like on consoles but that's what it is on PC now rescue fares a bit better but playing both of these modes you can't help but feel like you're playing a crappy er version of counter-strike with far less effort put into them and cheesy tactics dominating the charts right now with smokes and and infrared scopes and [ __ ] shotgun shoot across a goddamn map or went way too far there's no [ __ ] team balancing [ __ ] right now for those two modes when so few people play them you failed if you wanted to create game modes for eSports in competitive gaming you failed horribly and that needs to be noted the much-lauded and most popular mode Hotwire is broken it completely breaks the progression and multiplayer all you need to do is grab a vehicle and drive around in circles this is what you'll be doing in battlefield hardline the majority of the time in multiplayer oh yeah this is what I think of when I think of my battlefield experience damn you're right man all you guys to do is drive around a car now there you're gonna [ __ ] yeah let's unlock everything in the game like this that's what my problem isn't with the driving itself but the amount of points you get for driving around in circles is absolutely ridiculous you can unlock everything in the game within a few hours without [ __ ] earning it it needs to be reduced but it's already too [ __ ] late for that and that [ __ ] was in beta and all the popular twitch streamers I was watching them complained about it and mentioned it and didier fix it absolutely not it is still completely unbalanced is it fun from time to time to drive around and to stick your body out of the window and shoot yes it is but it needs to be fixed the car exploded the enemy team it's not even trying to get the cars no I don't think they know what's going on actually now I guess one cool thing here in hardline is that you can use the money that you earn from bat doing that and the other six modes to purchase unlocks across the board for class specific weapons allowing you to pick and choose your favorite weapon and buy it sooner but then why can't we use different guns for different classes like we couldn't be a four there is barely any content here and this is the biggest problem in multiplayer and players are starting to realize it if nothing else convinced you this will let me show you this and keep in mind the entire time they're charging the same exact price as bf4 saying it's just as good and justice content filled check this [ __ ] out okay guys this is it I'm gonna show you an apples to apples comparison from battlefield hardline to bf4 and what you're getting in each okay so let's look at the battlefield hardline I'm gonna go to the loadout let's just choose mechanic and as a starting point do primary weapon get so many weapons the mechanic has four four [ __ ] weapons and that's it these other four that you see here these are police weapons or and and the top are criminal weapons in order to use one type on the other type you have to get 1250 kills with the weapon so really there's only four types of weapon for your class and unless you can spend something like 10 to 20 hours unlocking us and that's for each of these additional weapons so really you're only looking at about four eight maximum if you spend weeks on the game okay so now let's go and check out battlefield 4 let's choose engineer to make sure we're doing apples to apples you have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 weapons not counting the DLC weapons but all what's this you have carbines 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 not counting the DLC 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 you get the point look at all of these weapons that you get and in battlefield 4 versus what you get in battlefield hardline battlefield hardline has half of what battlefield 4 had and in many cases it's even less than that it is half again and it's missing all of the things that they have put in that makes the game's better where's LEvolution it's gone unless you count a [ __ ] sandstorm and a crane it's small little things like this and make it easy to see what this game truly is if this game was 15 dollars if they just kicked out the [ __ ] shitty single-player and just didn't multiplayer these modes it would be amazing it would be a steal at $15 and it would be one of the best expansions and a longtime creative unique new sort of like Far Cry Blood Dragon but just with cops and robbers from battlefield that would have been great hell maybe bring the single-player back and do more tweaks to it and charge $30 not 100 and [ __ ] 20 not 70 not [ __ ] 60 it's not worth any of that the final verdict for battlefield hardline is a 5 out of 10 it probably would have got less than that if it weren't for some fun sections during single-player it is unnecessary at full price and now you have all the reasons why and no amount of of driving around couches or super rare loading animations it's gonna make me feel any different my suggestion is saved your hard earned money for Star Wars Battlefront please God let that be good or go back and get be it for in its expansions now that it's stable you'll be happier with yourself but whatever you do whatever you do do not pay a hundred and twenty dollars do this you will hate yourself demand more from your games why is that a bad thing to demand more from your games especially if you're a huge fan of the series like I am can I get at least what we got in last year's $60 $120 game no when they come with this with this lack of content with this weak single player with this multiplayer that you're done with after all just a few days it's your right to say something to criticize to help contribute to improving it fight for good gaming until then I'll see you guys on the next anne-marie Joe show [ __ ] sick of that [ __ ] every time I get in a car you turn on the car that [ __ ] songs they're already repetitive all of them I'm [ __ ] sick of them it's not in the game it's missing in the game [ __ ] me a man hey Joe wanna play key cliche cop game killer Thanos haha yeah pretty much [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 6,842,716
Rating: 4.729105 out of 5
Keywords: Battlefield (Video Game Series), Battlefield Hardline, Shooter Game (Media Genre), Video Game (Industry), angryjoe, angryjoeshow, game review, review, angry rant, battlefield 4, reasons why, sucks, EA, Dice, Visceral Games (Video Game Developer)
Id: ztZDVr3mZzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2015
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