D&D: Dark Alliance - Angry Review [WORST GAME OF 2021?!]

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Angry joe is a man child.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/plasmainthezone 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Near every criticism is legit IMO and I like the game.

Only thing I don't agree with is the combat. Joe was Playing Wulfgar though who is esp slow.

The moves, twitch mechanics and combo diversity are great and make approaching combat feel dynamic. It's a shame everything else falls apart. He didn't even touch on the sad itemization rolls where pretty much every char wants to same double rolls.

I've generally have fun playing but I've also mostly played solo and avoided bugs.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Xzorn 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

are the devs watching this?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Swall0wtail 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just goes to show no matter how bad a game is there will always be at least 10 people who will adamantly defend it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EpicOverlord85 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

To think there are people who defend this game....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Particular-Senior 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes, the guy that single handedly turned gamers into Karen's.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PaUZze 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Was waiting for this one lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bliss_TB 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I get this is a sub for the game but being ignorant of a games flaws doesn't help anyone. You can enjoy the game yeah but you have to admit the game had several technical issues and the AI were laughably bad at times.

Bosses were some of the laziest and most boring I've ever seen with them often just being stunlocked. The eyeball and the dragon were the only 2 redeemable ones imo and the dragon was repetitive because you had to shoot it with the crossbow 4 times.

I had several issues where I couldn't even pick up loot and had to go kill myself and respawn just to be able to pick the damn thing up.

Getting white or lower level gear on the highest difficulty sucks and makes that whole dungeon you just cleared feel like a complete waste of time.

Class balance feels pretty off imo, I was basically always doing significantly less damage as the Dwarf which is fine because he's the "tank" but I didn't really feel any more tanky to begin with. I was often still getting 1 or 2 hit on the higher difficulties. The only time I felt even slightly "tanky" was when I had my ult up or was using taunt or the spin move with the appropriate armor set. The problem there is the cooldowns on those abilities is so long that you barely get to use them.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Geoffk123 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's a thin line we walk, if we enjoy a game even with all of it's problems we risk giving the company or companies a pass on putting less and less time into a game before releasing it. My opinion of DA is I'm enjoying it, yes it has it's problems like sadly most games nowadays but we shouldn't try to push our opinions on others, just try to respect others opinions, also I never knew until recently you can play Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 on the 360, the more you know!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Gr00v3nburg3 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh my god i had to record this review three times one of my most angry reviews in a very long time i had to record so many different times my voice is horse sorry i want to thank you so much for watching this video i know it's on a game nobody cares about but i had to do it because it's been a long time since we've done one of really angry reviews so thank you so much for watching i want to thank our sponsors g fuel who by the way has an exclusive angry army shaker cup the angry joe show has their own shaker cup it would be amazing if you guys could go out and put your name on the waiting list to get one buy one and support our show it supports us directly and uh thank you so much for considering it i hope you enjoyed the review don't forget we've got 30 off every review i kind of release i try to do 30 percent off you can grab your flavors mega potion is out xqc has his own flavor the juice which is pretty good so check it out links down below i hope you guys enjoy the review all right wolfgard you've successfully snuck up on the goblin he's only about two feet away from you and he's facing away what do you do i i i raise my war hammer up over my head and i give him a vicious strike all right roll for it okay 19 all right damage five all right a vicious blow lands on the goblin's shoulders it shatters his bones tears his skin and destroys his prized armor the goblin does not notice you though wait what what all right caddy bree what do you do i'm gonna use my longbow i'm gonna shoot the second goblin all right roll that 20. nice nice roll for damage your arrow lands squarely in the goblin's chest there's a sickening crack of bones as it shatters its ribs and sternum you can hear the goblin's breath becoming labored as his lungs fill with blood he's in extreme agony die he takes no notice of his wounds what alex what are you talking about just as you prepare to make your next action six goblins spring forth from trap doors ambushing your party these three at your flanks in perfect position to take you by surprise these three at your sides blocking the only exit all right the first group of goblins they decide to wait until their brethren are slain before they do anything what the hell is going on the second group they're stunned by how pretty this is boring what's wrong with the enemies this is the worst dnd game i have ever ever played you don't [ __ ] it up and it was so easy the developers 2k and wizards should be ashamed of themselves d dark alliance is one of the worst games i have ever played in recent memory literally everything is broken or subpar it released in this game and i just had to document it i know it's a week old i know nobody's gonna watch this or view this but i have to record it for my own purposes i have never seen it this bad and then this quantity of poor implementations score is screwed up balance bosses some bosses die in three hits on hard difficulty defeat cern dream reader [Music] what's going on in this corner are you [ __ ] kidding me like we killed slurm dreamweaver i turned around gonna go fight more enemies because i thought that guy was just a [ __ ] minion hey boss here oh [ __ ] we did it we we did it speaking you're broken defeat the uh era of something where is he is that him i just want to hit him is it is his hand corner the one on the corner is that got him [ __ ] cornered we're going to stump his ass that was the [ __ ] easiest boss in the whole [ __ ] game is literally three or four inches we didn't even get it i'm not [ __ ] ascended we're not ascended we're on like legend oh my god that's not acceptable for even easy difficulty and we're on hard imagine on the lowest difficulties one swipe no it [ __ ] melts when you look in his direction ah i broke my ankle what did the boss even look like nobody knows you can run past entire levels that's my zero later no later bros later i missed nice dude though got to go fast it's working this looks like uh something with gotta go fast it's working [ __ ] objective completed we could have just later suckers oh [ __ ] you you did get teleported anyway yeah but i was like we all should have just stayed there anyway and let him do this [ __ ] run by himself teleports us anyway i die you get common and uncommon items constantly in dungeons in the late game i got a common help i got a call sweet in the [ __ ] dungeon where we're playing level [ __ ] five fourths out of six and supposed to be caught in game and end game we're getting [ __ ] commons and uncommon it's pure garbage and it's criminal to even have asked for its reduced forty dollar price it's not worth forty it's not worth thirty it's not even worth twenty joe i don't know what took you so long to pictures coming along was i flying yeah you were this reminds me of two worlds it was like worlds was [ __ ] better dude other than [ __ ] on otherwise fantastic characters in the d and d lore this game has nothing to do with d and d instead it is an awful hack and slash inspired slog fest why is our party power so lower our party power was higher oj doesn't have any gear on why did our party power go down because oj doesn't have any power froze he did it's that bug froze why are you kicking i'm not kicking yes you are characters yeah you're kidding just close out your game this is the bug that happened yesterday too um yeah sometimes you'll log in at level one with no gear there you go again what else oh i guess the thrill of getting loot drops in the [ __ ] missions from chess right this is the highest armor that i have this is the best there's like [ __ ] maggot bubbling on your [ __ ] forehead it's hot only the loot in this game makes you look like diarrhea and boogers joe come here no i'm not coming out why you're gonna laugh at me no joe show us your armor we've got all this like new stuff we want to see what you got come here promise up and laugh yeah promise hey here i come whoa you promised that joe my god it looks like shrek all over you this has the best stats it's not it's like troll slides it's like booger armor joe it's sticky you this is literally the best armor for the archer this is the best i can get i can't even change the color oh my god uh oh what is that smell jeans oh jesus no no no no joe get it off me no don't don't party with the one thing this game is supposed to do right combat is an unfinished mess of animation limitations oh there whatever yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] what's the [ __ ] point i'm not what the back what what what did you do to me i didn't do that i think that was the one you killed that enemy i kill i died because i killed the enemy whoa oh [ __ ] this guy just came up this is whoa i can't swing my weapon anymore hold on while i drink this you guys are killing them in an instant i barely have time to catch up and i can catch up i can't get a i can't get into the fight because y'all are all in front of me which contributes to my three kills a game some really unimpressive and sometimes stupid attacks what the [ __ ] dude i can't see [ __ ] why did you put four [ __ ] hand bills down and why is the animation so [ __ ] crazy i can only put down one i don't know why you saw four i saw four wait what i already put down one and abilities that often miss if you aren't using the extremely asinine lock-on system which zooms the camera to an insane degree where you lose all awareness and can't see [ __ ] what that hit me from there that's [ __ ] the [ __ ] is the way to walk the developers not once even bothered playing like this it's clear yeah but as the barbarian like it's important for me to be able to use it because all of my attacks lock me in a [ __ ] direction and if i'm not precise on the [ __ ] direction that i'm locked in then i'm not gonna get any kills some abilities are so spammable that you could pretty much have unlimited health to your allies okay luckily we have unlimited healing can we roll him as long as we have the dwarf on our side are we supposed to have unlimited healing that's an ability that the dwarf has i guess now he does have a cool down on it so no i no i don't what yeah there's no cooldown on i think they're supposed to be and others are downright useless like all my spells aren't getting any more powerful i've leveled up multiple times now they're the same sad little damage the barbarian class sucks dude but not like it matters because the enemies have some of the worst ai in any modern game to date yeah oj let him come come on oh don't stand next to those things if i go back and forth he's great he doesn't know what to do what hit me you were standing next to these [ __ ] things exploding i told you what that was down there oh it's in the middle what how did you hear me often they will just sit there and do jack [ __ ] oh great uh are they gonna do anything i guess not yeah they just wanted to say hi staring oblivious at you while being shot a thousand times from range no no don't stop shooting oj let him get image like let him get this okay get him joe damn look at him hits come on [ __ ] him up i got my stamina i got to wait you need to be specifically a certain distance away for them to be put into their attack logarithms to come after you and even then it seems to take forever them for them to notice that you're there and start believing around i was holding the button nothing and when they do they either hit you for nothing or they get in a cheap shot on your back and ends to kill you what how did i [ __ ] die making the game filled with hilarious difficulty spikes because it's been so poorly [ __ ] balanced thank you mike so is this the difficulty that one of us go on just put them in the corner forever and then we just automatically win well because we were on three [ __ ] stun [Music] yeah we're the best let's go armor up boys defeated who was he we don't know and often on the very same difficulty level where you'll die to a random tiny orc with an arrow and archer that you can't [ __ ] see but when you come to the final [ __ ] boss the epic boss of the level who will obliterate you in a single shot it turns out to be some of the most poorly designed boss battles ever literally they just plopped the boss down and did nothing else in terms of design work do something [ __ ] do something she approached the foot hit him a few times he gets locked in animation and he's dead dead and gone after five seconds what's what's that [ __ ] killing all of their friends take your bets how long are we gonna take to defeat him five minutes destroy come to me kevin grenade [ __ ] you kevin [ __ ] you and your stupid [ __ ] hit him in the booty hole i'm getting a stamina back for them just give me my stamina back um [ __ ] you kevin lay down [ __ ] take it like a man you [ __ ] take it take it he said [ __ ] i said get back down on the ground kevin hit the t button that's what i did that's what i'm talking about oh my god the cutscene was longer than the fight game is pathetic you [ __ ] kevin during this entire 18-hour run there were only two boss battles that were even worth a damn and i'd struggle to even call them average the dragon one and the beholder thank god wait was that it that was it ah yes after this long five minute cutscene hey guys what are you doing oh don't stop stop you're too powerful to come against him oh my god we made it to the boss joe he's joe turn around he's this way i can't see anything yeah i i know it said helmet you foolish mortals i am the god of pain and torture i'm gonna burn off your limbs i'm gonna slice off your faces but i'm gonna leave your eyes so you can watch me play your families alive oh let's get him where is he i i already killed him what it so he sucked oh yeah well let's go help oh sorry joke and after all this you realize that you don't even need to fight any enemies on the map it's not like you get experience for killing them individually no you get the bulk of your experience by simply completing the mission and besting the stupid weak ass boss emperor hamburgers stun locking stun lock amber a hamburger you're [ __ ] dude stupid idiot i better use my grenades before you die [Laughter] wow that's a [ __ ] epic battle you can skip entire levels of enemies stopping only for magical barriers that require you to clear a certain number of these stupid [ __ ] i got him stun locked though yeah i'm gonna throw a bomb on him and i'm gonna throw another bomb on him and he's dead stupid idiot those are kids man [Laughter] [ __ ] this game man there is zero variation in the missions and the quests it's the exact same [ __ ] over and over every act of every campaign ray's usually down all right um let's do another [ __ ] act i didn't get a hey hey just easy with that enthusiasm please you're making me too excited over here did you guys get new weapons because my weapon i didn't get a new weapon we would have to run the gauntlet from durgar and cultist minions before we could come face to face with this entity oh we would have to run the gauntlet of drugar guys of jugar and cultists minions you know the two enemies that we've been facing the whole [ __ ] game with some optional side quests where you kill a side boss and his minions over and over and over and maybe if you're lucky you'll get to collect 10 [ __ ] mugs or some other stupid [ __ ] but ultimately it's the same shitty mission structure and level design every time like a dwarven mugs why no idea destroy the bridge camp i got another mug oh my goodness nice joe [ __ ] yeah dude show it to me you can't all for a [ __ ] mug you got a mug got to collect the mug oh i destroyed goblin supplies uh we need four more goblin supplies destroyed the most fun part of rpgs are when you destroy nine supplies and kill ten rats does that sound like a interesting d campaign to you i am right clicking on joe's name i am pressing join game nothing that was just level one are you i gotta put up with 18 hours of this i'm going to die i'm gonna die we'll go to heart i'm gonna [ __ ] die all right here we go let's go same with the enemies in the game despite the massive bestiary in dnd with this game featuring an all right amount of enemy types but they all feel the same and it's mindless unfun [ __ ] combat system we're at the very beginning what you what the [ __ ] we're basically useless on the ground anyways as you level you increase your character's stat sheet which hey looks like d and d but you buy more moves with gold for some reason probably because there's nothing else to use the [ __ ] gold you acquire on at the merchant he's broken there's no [ __ ] weapons or armor or [ __ ] like that even though there is on the [ __ ] table i see it let me [ __ ] buy it you know one of my favorite parts of playing d's when you've been on like a long it campaign and then you finally get back to a city that has a shop and then the dm tells you like all the cool stuff that you can buy yeah you can't buy [ __ ] i can't buy it like three suits of armor yeah i see a bunch of swords everywhere daggers we don't even have a rope to get daggers like can you uh can i buy this no please no instead there's nothing cool there the merchant is simply used to change the color of the [ __ ] things you get in missions upgrade those [ __ ] pieces of crap that you get or unlock the right to use health potions you pay once and you can use them unlimited that is it for the merchant and even those systems are broken want to change the color of that hammer you can't do that want to change the color of that ring or other piece of equipment and the game says you can't do that you can only do it to certain ones do you like the look of that hammer that your barbarian got right a long time ago but you've leveled up past his usefulness well too [ __ ] bad because the upgrade system sucks you can only upgrade it four times using a [ __ ] ridiculous amount of crystals that you have to collect with crystal rarities and boost the numbers so [ __ ] slowly that it does nothing a level three weapon no matter how much you upgrade it will never be better than a level four because it's [ __ ] capped then what the [ __ ] is the point in upgrading it at all if you constantly get more lewd in the very next mission you play it's the best i got because the upgrade system sucks and like you cannot upgrade something that's lower lower than the thing that's higher but then what's the point in the upgrade system eight sources of uh eight resources are like [ __ ] why do we give them eight it's like yeah and there's eight resources in order to use the upgrade system i can't join your session so if combat sucks the quests are terrible and mind-numbingly repetitive and your characters are unfun to play as what the hell left is in a game of this [ __ ] type the story in a d game well guess what there is no [ __ ] story unless you count a handful of sentence being read to you before each campaign that only the party leader can hear posing the dwarves talking over the story again [Music] we're just waiting in the [ __ ] bubble man the other players [ __ ] them they don't get the story they don't get to hear the dnd campaign emperor what hey i want to try to do a sentence this is not even our adventure like do you want to play your own character you're just tough no [ __ ] you this isn't d idiot yeah you want some of this [ __ ] on your forehead cause that's what's gonna happen so what else oh i guess the thrill of getting loot drops in the [ __ ] missions from chests right only the loot in this game makes you look like diarrhea and boogers get out of here where are you going leave me alone okay let me see you no yeah let me see you turn around turn around literally oj looked like diarrhea and boogers the entire [ __ ] game his booger helmet and armor having the best stats and him having no option to buy a [ __ ] different set and a merchant i hate my look at my hold on hold on joe i'm not trying to [ __ ] pitching parties you're gonna see a pigeon party on your forehead i got [ __ ] on oh my god [Music] joe you look [ __ ] terrible this is the highest armor that i have this is the best there's like [ __ ] maggot bubbling on your [ __ ] forehead it's hot or even to level his crap set so he ends up looking like [ __ ] and boogers for three-fourths of the game god joe man to to look that stupid the whole [ __ ] game did you met me i got you what do you mean can you imagine i'm [ __ ] living it zero no could you imagine b right now [ __ ] you man oh yeah that's true he is brood this is the best i got no i'm saying imagine if this wasn't on game pass and you paid 40 to look like a piece of turd for hours and guess what even the loot drop system that you're constantly getting loot is crap and broken when we finished the main campaigns and moved on to the scary red dungeons we were actually getting shittier loot than the campaign missions despite us being on the same difficulty or harder difficulty than before yeah two common loots oh my take that [ __ ] i win no we just tested it i went up a difficulty level and we actually get worse loot look at them way more commons than we ever got before despite the fact that we never once the entire game took a camp which is this resting system where you take in the middle of missions but your rarity goes down in loot we never once used it the entire game so our rarity should be going up but it didn't we were getting white common drops ascended difficulty without taking a single [ __ ] camp the entire [ __ ] game the game is completely [ __ ] broken imagine if in any other game like destiny you get white drops in raids after hours of hard fighting and crap loot at the end you'd be [ __ ] pissed well that is exactly what you're gonna be doing here and we were [ __ ] pissed what the [ __ ] and that is how it ended what we had bled for the day [ __ ] struck fear into the hearts of [ __ ] this no [ __ ] this game oh my god you can't even [ __ ] give me a good [ __ ] cutscene at the [ __ ] end that's just like this gun left break there's no [ __ ] map when you're in missions you have no idea where you win or where you've been in these massive levels later on in the game made worse by the constant backtracking why are you doing backtracking and these crap level designs at the end of each level you'll get a score screen which highlights exactly how [ __ ] [ __ ] up and broken the balances of each class look look at how many monsters i defeated you guys did great you guys did great i'm glad you're on my team this the the classes are [ __ ] ridiculously broken like alex is so far ahead of us so much [ __ ] damage good job on defeating three monsters [Laughter] i killed more than that i swear i don't think you did man i still only killed five months i killed more than five months dude i killed 88 i killed 88 [ __ ] monsters dude i don't [ __ ] [ __ ] broken the drizzle is broken as you can see drizzit or drizzle as i call them can output so much more damage than anyone else on the team i still only killed six monsters what the [ __ ] look look at how many monsters i defeated you guys did great you guys did great i'm glad you're on my team newt my animations are way [ __ ] slower than yours making you feel pointless the barbarian and dwarf attack animations are so much [ __ ] slower than the rest you'll never even hope to come close at your most powerful and despite this somehow the classes themselves don't even feel distinct enough from each other you know what's funny there's no support class there's no classes yeah there's you could be a fighter a fighter fighter fighter fighter darian fighter [Music] that is a [ __ ] achievement and incompetence that those two things can be true [ __ ] combat [ __ ] enemies [ __ ] level designs [ __ ] progression [ __ ] quest [ __ ] graphics [ __ ] characters [ __ ] classes and all that would be so much torture but it's made so much worse by the numerous bugs in the game [ __ ] way i had his ass and he falls on me and he [ __ ] puts his dick in my face what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there's invisible wall it [ __ ] no help me joe you're trying to [ __ ] help us what the [ __ ] it teleported me instead of you yeah fun guys i can't help you i we all see the health bar you don't see health bars sometimes no they just disappear they've not disappeared for me didn't he technically get like an early copy of it oh [ __ ] no no i just ran into it and it's burning me and there's no [ __ ] fire yeah so some of them are bugs i don't know hey jay come over here oh my god the goddamn barrier joe cause you're total [ __ ] slow all right let's do it all right i could do that no it didn't get me up at all you're too far okay cool i got somebody else up kimberly maybe if i go kill myself see you later guys you can't kill yourself by jumping off the cliff joe yeah i did it hey nice teleporter i teleported you a little further in stupid thing if you play with friends on the xbox app each and every time you complete a single mission you'll [ __ ] crash a bunch of rarities on my crystal what i got disconnected second load disconnect that was only one loading screen well i just got a second oh here's the second loading screen and trash discontinued you've been disconnected every time you complete a mission your game has been discontinued you disconnect and your entire party is dropped and you'll get dmcad at the menu screen for that [ __ ] song which we did oh [ __ ] that's right hurry off the stream [ __ ] was that more than 10 seconds are you copyright claimed yes no i think we're good can you imagine someone losing their twitch channel because they were streaming dmca music because like this go to jail because you played d and d dark alliance what are you in here for five uh darker lights i [ __ ] streamed dmc [ __ ] song and d and d dark alliance on twitch we had to quickly play our own [ __ ] music and guess what my own music is better than this [ __ ] game's music okay like why is the music like the loudest and most intense when we [ __ ] finish the level because he wants you to play again and it's like showing you your score that was [ __ ] crazy so then you have to reload reopen your party invite your friends again individually and if you're using a better voice service like discord you have to toggle the voice chat off again even though you already set it to permanently off because yet another bug turns it back on each time my friend individually joins your party and if i i have the [ __ ] mic off and if i have the mic off then it should stay off but for some reason when you come to my game it [ __ ] my safe i gotta [ __ ] turn it off or turn it on and then turn it back off so despite you having it set off in the settings you have to go from off to on to back off again and then save the settings each and every [ __ ] time somebody joins your session it drove us mad we're halfway there i have a [ __ ] headache [Laughter] just wait till you start the combat man i i increased my uh god damn it what happened you're [ __ ] talking in the [ __ ] game no it's true oh it's [ __ ] alex i can't even get to the menu yet ah can you hear anything shut your mouth it's happy turned it off it's [ __ ] off look at this [ __ ] it's [ __ ] off and i'm [ __ ] talking enable voice chat off excalibur talking that's [ __ ] great other times you'll load into a game and completely lose all of your character progress and loot and equipment and be given the default character build from the start of the game there's no point in what the [ __ ] happened to my armor my sister really good i lost all my armor oh you got the default bug how do you get rid of the bug uh you want to install that bro you got to uninstall it's terrible sometimes you'll die with health left why am i on the ground dead if i have health left ow that's a kill all of us no oh just a good amount of it yeah how do you use the health things but my health is still full why am i waiting for a revive if my health is full i still have health why am i down because yeah that's a bug bosses will go from doing 3 000 5000 total damage to me to 3.5 million damage to alex in a single hit am i hitting him i can't see because you put your stupid all right and i have to zoom in in order to fight og's not doing anything i'm just sitting there i'm drinking i was about to do this grenade he's immune why would you do that what he just did three million damage to me well sucks how did you tell how can you tell it was three million damage because what i was looking upwards towards him and it did 3.6 million damage zero monsters defeated yeah he did 3.56 million damage to me did you see that how did you see i missed it it said damage taken three points yeah zero got like three million oh my god the [ __ ] boss damage is [ __ ] absolutely broken this game is [ __ ] broken it's clear the developers 2k have no [ __ ] clue what they were doing or were rushed or didn't have the resources or talent to put these systems together in a cohesive and functional way at release 2k games all right they were trying to be like 2k it's t u q u e right it's okay okay 2k games it's okay but you say it fast it's 2k games you're amazing 2k games drop that 2k bobby drop that 2k games the one and only good thing about the game is the cutscenes they're fun oh [ __ ] cut scenes dude here we go oh damn the cutscenes are [ __ ] sweet that's cool dude i love the dance ah dookie they they're clearly made by someone else who actually cared maybe wizards of the coast god damn what the [ __ ] but honestly even those get weird everyone's either you know always partying or dancing they're gonna do a dance too yay [Applause] hi you brought me back but there is only one master of the sod what a dick kind of removes his whole engine or ripping off lord of the rings that's the mouth of sarah man not the lord of the rings guys the whole thing feels like a really bad rip-off and we just rolled with it and named our characters accordingly we are the off friend i already said it you're gimply uh alex's air's gone i am legless you're like one step who the [ __ ] am i there's no barbarian in the lord of the rings uh what's what's the equivalent of boromir bore me you're more mean you're a funny guy oh [ __ ] are we going about to face off sauerman you have some power here we're here we're married to the gates of more doors let's go legless they're just standing there watching their buddy do not i repeat do not waste your money on this game we literally you would have to spend 120 no 160 dollars on steam to get four players well we realized this travesty we all got refunds when we realized it's actually on game pass that is the only way to experience it oh your pants your legs disappeared you are legless i'm legless he did it i did it ain't got no legs lieutenant dan you ain't got no legs can you get can you record it joe i could try just turn obs on real quick yeah they have no legs legless i don't know how i mean joe does these things makes a joke about his character being legolas but legless coincidence and the game complies with a very specific bug oj that removes only his legs the final verdict for this epic failure is a two a [ __ ] two out of ten it would have been a one if not for the great cinematic cut scenes but you could just look all those up on youtube or watch my review or skill-ups review and save yourself time money and effort easily one of the worst games i played this year and now i hate the d d characters that were featured and the enemies here because they give me ptsd from having to play them in this [ __ ] game shame on you dookie 2k trying to pose as 2k and shame on you wizards just awful now if you'll excuse me i need to help other joe get out of his booger armor okay i'm ready to become the best archer ever the best booger archer ever you gotta shake it real good crazy string i don't know if that's gonna stick now you got like grass in it and stuff i'm a woodland archer of it is sticking i can't do the camera and a good job of this at the same time archer if only like there i had some like uh i could throw some chimichurri on you that would actually stick to the thing and make it look gross how about that joe i got a shower close your eyes perfect okay we're ready we have our booger archer sort of uh we'll pick up the booger okay and let's do it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 1,488,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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