PowerWash Pals: JackSepticEye

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

The secret 3rd podcast!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AkiramitsuVII 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

The mad man actually did it

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sure_Instance9530 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/purplebuni 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

This was so good. Very fascinating to hear YouTube veteran perspectives on content creator as a career

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brandON-brandOFF 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
uh i'm thinking of calling this series the uh power wash power hour another person entering the power hour arena i like it that's the plan everyone on youtube has to have a power hour series i know right yeah i would love to actually talk about that because i kind of wanted just to be a free space to talk about whatever because i realized that on the last oh i guess why am i starting i'm just so addicted i haven't even kicked any of this off i don't have an intro or anything i don't know what i'm doing man it's okay you you got this i believe in you yeah well everyone welcome this is the first episode of i think i was actually gonna call it power wash pals um but i don't know whatever power wash power hours sounds so good though power wash power pals yeah something like that i like that all right comments uh tell me which one of those is your favorites uh my first guest is uh sean mr jacksepticeye captain coffee poppy himself captain coffee the lord of the beans himself has graced yes with his presence there you go wow write something do something cool all right now that we're together hang on okay that's gonna be really cool no that's wrong [Laughter] [Music] too much of my own artistic ability but i think they my editors might have to censor that i had no idea what you were drawing for the longest time i'm not saying it was well drawn but i appreciate not going for the penis okay good i thought that was too cliche that's old us that's like yeah 2014 us right the bar was so low yeah and we still found a way to get under it [Music] you know me always plumbing new depths yeah uh well uh everyone watching at home this is uh just a chill opportunity for uh people to power wash because it's such a simplistic thing and chat about those things that we ordinarily do not chat about or whatever have you this is yeah it's basically a way for you to feel better about your addiction of playing this game hey now come on the prompt you weren't supposed to read oh [ __ ] i'm off script yeah nah i mean i was i was playing this the other day and i really was like man i keep things really close to the chest a lot and i just like so many secrets not like not like bodies in my closet but you know secret projects that i'm working on or you know oh i got to keep the mystique up and it does serve a purpose and there are some things that i'm like i shouldn't spoil everything but also just like an opportunity to talk openly about whatever whatever you just have on your mind so that's kind of all this really is yeah i did um i did like the trash taste podcast recently with the anime man and his crew and they and his crew as if he's like the head of it but i'm trying to find an entry point for you to understand uh no i'm i'm on i'm i gotcha but um yeah that was the thing i i like told a story about like how i wanted to do whiskey before coffee and everyone was like oh really did i not talk about this and then another story about how i got sent like horseshit to my house one time like there was a there was a service you can just send animal [ __ ] to people's houses as like a prank and of course being a youtuber and people finding your address is like oh right you can do that and then people are like i had no idea and i'm like man the amount of stuff that we've gone through that people probably just have no idea about yeah it is really kind of a mystery this world that we live in not that we're different people but just like the circumstances that we uh are in are kind of fundamentally different so there's things that we have to think about that not a lot of people do um and not in a oh we're so special in an oh man kind of way you know yeah i think it was um because vidcon just happened recently uh from this recording maybe not the upload but um i forget which minecrafter was talking about this uh i think they talked about it afterwards um there was uh someone that said like wow being at vidcon was great because of all the people there actually able to see the fans which i like i do appreciate and that's great um but he also said something about i it made me realize however i was kind of sad because i couldn't make a personal connection with my fans and i was like yes that that that thing i pointed at i was like that thing like that's people know the me crying meme probably um from my like eight million subscribers i'm your manny crying video from my many many crying videos um but that one in particular was like particularly sad because i had that same realization and it was almost like a culmination of denialism for me being like no i can maintain this relationship i can that that video solidified that feeling of me just like oh [ __ ] i can't and that was that was really hard to take yeah i think we all like have our own version of it at some point it like hits well weirdly it's like hitting at the same time because i remember like i think it was felix that went through a certain period after like five or six years and then it was kind of like like what am i doing what do i want to do next and then i remember you going through the same sort of thing around the same sort of benchmark and then i was like yeah it won't happen to me and then almost the exact same time frame like within that five to six years i was like what am i doing man should i quit i think i'm done yeah i don't know what else to do yeah man i i think people don't realize just how many times probably you and i well me have said to myself is it time to quit like should i do it uh because it is one of those things where you don't want to just fizzle out you don't want to hold on too long because that's kind of sad uh you've seen examples of it i'm not going to name specific ones but i'm sure people in the comments can say specific examples of like moments when they've seen like a content creator or someone in the internet or a celebrity or whatever that held on too tightly trying to just cling to that last bit of hope uh it's not even a relevancy thing it's like you know everyone has their moment and it ends at some point mineland like yours will end or maybe like it won't i have no idea we don't really know what the future is i thought my channel would have died a long time ago but here i suggested maybe that's where that period kicks in because it's like [ __ ] i thought i thought i'd be kicked off this platform i have been canceled by far i should have done something shitty by far right now well i'm sure we've done stuff that well i guess not really but it's a case of i think it's like holding yourself more accountable than anybody else can i feel like you and i both kind of come from maybe that's why like some of the jadedness kicks in at some point for some parts of it because it's like you you we like to do things honestly and earnestly and a bit more transparently and kind of like kind of keep our audiences in the loop and then when you can't it kind of like falls apart and then there's just a lot of things that play with it that kind of gets in your head um and some other youtubers just aren't like that and it's a different like form of doing this sort of work yeah they're just different yeah like there's goods and bads for both because i feel like the people who are a bit more closed off then don't have as much like pressure put on themselves to like keep that sort of connection but if you start off with that genuine uh sincerity and kind of like having that open door nature and then that kind of falls apart and then people are like man it's just not the same as when you were like able to talk to all of us i'm like yeah i know and it [ __ ] sucks like trying to figure out a way of like trying to get that communal feeling back in a system that's full of like bad comment systems and bad rating systems like how do i how do i connect with you guys i know right and it's like the sad thing is i don't think that there ever will be a way to do that humans just weren't built to operate on such a massive social scale it is completely un like it's completely dissimilar from anything our ancestors ever experienced the only times that they might have was when they were some emperor or a king or something and they all went crazy every single one of them so yeah it's uh i'm not saying we're kings or emperors but it's like when you have that many people that are willing to forgive you of anything and like will always adore you and you always have that core super fan base uh that that could like really poison someone's perspective i'm not saying it hasn't poisoned mine or yours but i mean it's just like it's it really is a the adage of like power corrupts you know yeah i mean that's in some places it definitely skews your your perception of people because it turns into like you just go through so many experiences where people want something out of you so then everybody at some point it's like well what do you want you kind of have to like unlearn that pattern because i keep i keep reiterating as well everyone keeps talking about like oh hate is so like don't believe the haters like do your own thing and whatever and like yeah but there's so many people who are just willing to kiss our asses for doing nothing mm-hmm it's like i use the example of like you or i could go to twitter right now and say guys having a bad day can you give me some compliments and then it's it's easy you just people immediately tell you how amazing you are and that's so poisonous to someone's mind yeah yeah i mean encouragement is one thing but you're totally right about that because it is just that distortion of reality is maybe you were being a [ __ ] and you don't need compliments right now like yeah it's it's a it's just uh creating it's a confirmation bias you know it's it's uh an echo chamber of what you want to hear as opposed to what you need to hear in the moment um and that's why i operate on that principle of like i don't really get bothered by bad comments um but also i don't really get impacted by good comments it's it's those comments from friends and people that i really trust that cut me to my core um yeah because they know me or at least i believe that they should know me so it's like oh [ __ ] it really makes me look inside myself and it really makes me feel good when they do compliment me so it's it's uh it's a constant trade-off and now recently vidcon it was different i went to vidcon for one panel only i was not there for the whole event um but i had an interesting experience because it's now it's now vidcon presented by tick tock so that is oh yeah that is a much more fundamental change i think than people realize in terms of the landscape of content creation and like what it means to be a content creator um but there there was an interesting moment there with another content creator there's a couple there but i personally had one where there was another creator and i hope he doesn't think i'm calling him out or anything i just thought it was really interesting um from like a social dynamic uh aspect he came up to me i didn't recognize him and he said like oh hey you're markiplier right uh i have 19 million subscribers and then he he presented that as like this is my reasoning of why you should listen to me and i legitimately laughed i laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of it um and i think he thought i was like laughing at his number of subscribers or something which i wasn't i really wasn't i was just like i've never had anyone introduce himself with their number of subscribers first because if it's not evident for people listening at home i don't care i don't care how many or few you have if you're interesting to talk to i'll talk to you and i have if i have the opportunity to do so but it was the animator versus animation guy which of course i didn't recognize him um but i was like oh [ __ ] i've watched your stuff since new grounds like i watched the first right way back when so it was it was one of those things where it's like i don't need to know your your metrics of success like on the internet but apparently like that that is the thing you know people care very much yeah about how many followers you have and that ties into my other thing of you probably saw the the tick tock from the creator the tick-tock person who uh didn't have a single person at their meet-and-greet right oh yeah which is very sad and i'm sure it's not like they don't have fans or their fans are fake that's not what i'm saying at all it is like uh it's the difficulty of being like a global uh platform and a global influencer you don't know where your audience really is so even if you have say a million followers which is an ungodly amount of people you should be very proud of that um it doesn't always translate to people showing up in the moment um and right additionally there's this disconnect in terms of connecting to the creator themselves that i think tick-tock as a platform doesn't really allow for as much as yeah it's not so much a forum anymore there but it's it's kind of like i mean it's the same like both of us went on tour at one point and it's it's the same thing where it's like how do i get you guys to come out and see me in person versus like what i was doing on a screen and a lot of people are very active and they they really want to and youtube is better at pushing that than tick tock would be but at the same time you go to the town and then people are like oh my god why are you here it's like i've promoted the [ __ ] out of this and you still have no idea why i'm in town yeah and like i'm such a big fan and i'm like really i've been talking about this for like four months and i felt like i was saying it too much and then it's like no clearly clearly not i need to talk a lot more about this because i've always had a hard time kind of tooting my own horn i never hype up my own content no matter what i'm doing i like i'll talk about it and say that i'm proud of something that goes well but i'll never be the one to be like yeah i'm the greatest look at what i made it's so good because i'm like if if the content's good it'll speak for itself and people who really enjoy it will enjoy and then they'll say nice things about it and that means more to me than i i don't know i feel like these platforms for a lot for a lot of people is like you kind of have to tell people how you want your content to be perceived and i've always kind of avoided that because i don't i'm like if i'm being a shitty person then i don't want to just say like i'm not being a shitty person and then people are like oh yeah true true because you see the people do like charity stuff and then they're there all they can do is talk about it like hey and take pictures about it and then be like look what i did i'm so great yeah i know and it's like yes some people should be proud of their accomplishments and i i think you should be part of your accomplishments and uh but it but it is also a thing like when we're in a world where algorithms basically dictate what is presented to people um that that makes people think that that's the only uh method of consumption for people when in reality it it removes choice from consumer to pursue things that they want or what they don't know they want and can find the discoverability of the algorithm is great the using it as a as a basis to understand the people who are making your content is worse and that's why i also operate on the mentality of like i want to make things and i'll promote the things that i really think people should care about to some extent but for the most part i don't really ask people to subscribe i don't ask people to like engage with it i see so much of that because everyone's like basing on analysis of data and statistics like if you mention this at this time code it'll get this much percentage more engagements like but also if it was really good content wouldn't they engage with it anyway because they have it and like you and so few people embrace that mentality because it is less i hate to use the word successful metric measurably impactful is what i'll say yeah i mean both of us kind of tried it at one point to see if it would work and i think we're so ingrained in the culture of like not doing that that it i don't think it makes a huge difference for us yeah but it's it's that youtube is definitely more of a a game than an art form at this point like people aren't creating for the sake of creating well i shouldn't say everybody like of course there are people out there doing it but the things that people are being pushed in people's faces all the time are not that kind of content it's kind of just it's like it's people understanding their metrics and then like fine-tooth combing that and like dotting the eyes and crossing the t's and making sure everything's perfect and it's title and thumbnail first or it's like so much more paramount to the content than it's ever been and then the video goes out whereas i think you and i operate on a different kind of basis where we just we just do things for the sake of it and i feel like that's where some of the like maybe i should quit because it's like i don't know if i even like this ecosystem anymore like i just want to make what i make and i think that that fundamental like understanding is where my shift happened where i'm like yeah i could just ignore that and do whatever i want and that's kind of the space that i'm in now where everything's a bit more fun that way which is great like i'm super glad to hear that and i want people at home to also know because they're probably so used to hearing people to their own horns we're not saying we're better than others for not doing that like yeah playing your game so it was so much more noble like it's not what it is if anything it's it's smart business to play it that way oh absolutely that's how you grow yeah clearly there's measurable success for it and yes it does work but i always embrace the idea that there are people behind the views behind the numbers behind everything i actually when i was at vidcon i was talking with ben rellis at youtube he no longer works at youtube he actually quit um but i was talking with him about this exact thing about the idea that a creator can thrive not only succeed but thrive uh without really thinking or planning towards uh algorithmic success because it's people-watching it is people and i've always had this philosophy that when someone is engaging with your contract they are giving you their time and we all know that time is the most valuable thing that anybody can have give or spend even if we waste a lot more you know just like this whole thing is an excuse for me to waste time and wash some stuff but that's a contract right that's a contract for creators with their audience and if you're going to make it worth their time then i want it to be in their hands to choose whether or not it's worth their time to come back i'm gonna keep making stuff and i'm gonna keep trying to improve and hopefully that's enticing enough for people to constantly check in on me which i think is where the phenomena of like what are you doing in this town i haven't heard from you i'm a big fan they are but you know their time it gets away from them they they get busy with other things there's channels that i love and really really admire that i haven't watched in a while just because i haven't had the time or it hasn't been a priority or i haven't thought about it it doesn't mean that i don't care about that creator and that distinction of caring about the creator and the creations that they make is i think the key difference in all of that you have longevity in your fans because people have seen your journey and seen how far you come uh in terms of growing as a creator and as a person uh whereas if like tick tock stars i'm not disparaging them in any way but you may see one tick tock and be like that was a really funny tick tock and you may recognize them on the street uh but the personal connection is lacking because you haven't seen their journey because the algorithm has not dictated that you should see their journey you have to pursue that and i'm not saying there aren't fans that don't pursue that on tick tock but it's i i don't know about you but i go entirely by the for you page on tick tock i don't ever look into people's profiles yeah i don't really follow anybody because i'm afraid that it it'll like shift my algorithm too much i'm just like i'm locked into that kind of humor then because i do a lot of like reacting to tick-tock videos and then it's like i kind of want to just like keep things a bit more free-form and have the algorithm like dictate what i'm watching yeah but that i feel like that platform is so algorithmically driven that it's like even when people try to have a more personal connection it just it's like an uphill battle for them and it's it's really tricky because there's some people who are really really talented on there and really really good and that that their platforms are thriving there but it's i thought it's kind of like twitch and youtube are a similar case where it's especially with live streaming like if someone live streams on youtube it's like you get a hundred thousand viewers but it's not like a hundred thousand viewers would be the same on twitch it's like a hundred thousand viewers on youtube is like 20 30k on twitch i think for like the amount of involvement that that chat has and what's going on i don't like it's not really comparable is what i'm trying to say yeah different audiences different like practices different habits uh twitch audiences always much more engaged in the comments way more engaged yeah and there's a certain fun to be had with that uh it's not saying our big fat youtube numbers aren't really really cool and all but there is something about having that core audience that is hyper focused on you and i think twitch in a way kind of does it more when i'm talking about that that personal engagement with your creator and it is like your creator because fans if you want to be a fan with someone you kind of have to dedicate your entire focus on one two or maybe a handful of people because you are watching their stream for hours like yeah i'd say it's like twitch in terms of personal engagement is way up there because it's a pure live streaming experience youtube is next because you can see their vaude history their entire journey and if you really like something the algorithm will constantly throw you more of that person and then tick tock is like as the duration of viewing goes lower and lower the ability to personally connect with a single uh user goes down and down um and then with tick tock there's so many people that i've never seen before that pop up on my for you page for one video and i'm like ah that's great and then i never see them again yeah it's very digestible culture and it's it's a shame because i mean we've been doing this so long like you're you just hit 10 years i'll be hitting 10 years in a couple of months oh yeah and then it's like you see all the cycles that goes through and what comes and goes and i was talking about this with like tommy and them at his show yesterday that there's so many like companies that try to invade the space and everyone's like oh it's going to get too corporate and we all kind of like worried about it a little bit and then the thing that youtube does best and why it still stands the test of time and why we're still here is because that open nature with the creator is what like makes it thrive like you can you can watch netflix you can watch stranger things and everything but then you have to go somewhere else to like chat about it yeah whereas youtube it's like it's audience and creator melded together which is good and bad but the reason that the platform exists for so long and the reason that the creators still kind of dictate what's going on on that platform like talk shows came in tried to like dominate the space and everyone got worried and it just didn't go anywhere they kind of like buckled to what the creators were doing and they still they talk like creators on there now because that like human connection is still king above everything else like people want that people like paste themselves on a youtube avatar and people who are in like their teenage years trying to like find themselves would relate to what we said and i feel like our channels were so similar for so long probably still are but people like connect with us and live vicariously through us and that personal connection and then some people want to be you and like share your values and kind of share your morals and be that type of person so then they just get so involved in your style and in your personality and in your morals and then as you like shift and grow so do they and they're kind of your their opinion shift your content shifts and then they either grow with you or they like move on to somebody else that shares the values that they have now and i think that that's what's so fundamental to what we do um and that's what tick tock and like some platforms kind of lack because it is so it's meant to be digested and it's meant to serve you as much content as possible and not give you the same person too much on like your for you page or it's trying to like mix things up all the time to keep it fresh and not keep you locked into one space mm-hmm yeah they just are terrified of people getting bored and leaving the platform gotta keep them in the system which is what every company does so it's not really that big of a change um but for the people listening at home i actually want to list i want to hear what your thoughts on this are if you have been able to make a personal connection in not in a parasocial way i'm we're not talking about that but it's like you feel like you really understand a creator on tick tock i would love to hear your thoughts on this like was it more difficult if you have do you find yourself more of a youtube person a tick tock person do you think your consumption is changing of content uh and again i'm not asking this for research purposes i'm just generally curious yeah i don't really care if you do but i do want to hear if it's easier or harder for you to make that personal connection because i think the people that would be listening here would want that it's like is the platform working against you to try and have that connection mm-hmm that's a good point or or is it like it are we just oblivious to it because we don't use the platform that way because i feel like we're so ingrained in youtube culture that we just stick to this it's yeah it's funny because it's kind of the opposite of the way i use youtube whereas youtube i don't do any really of the recommendations i go straight to people's channels if i want to see anything but today is the very opposite i literally let the algorithm control my fate whatever will be will be uh well i guess i guess you go to tiktok for a specific purpose as well you don't for most people they go there because they're sitting on the toilet or on the train or something and you want to see like a meme for like five minutes or however long you want to waste your time on it or like you're lying in bed whereas i feel like again maybe i'm just totally wrong but maybe you people go to youtube for a very different purpose you go there for like tutorials you go there for updates you go there for information kind of stuff i i go there to sit down and eat a meal and watch something fun it's the perfect amount of time for that yeah yeah really wonderful uh all right so shifting gears away from internet culture and our experiences on the internet yeah we're just sad grumpy old man [Laughter] i mean we don't know what we're talking about we're not the youth anymore where everything we said is wrong i mean everyone watching this is just like these guys have no [ __ ] idea what you're talking about i mean that could be true i've kind of operated on that principle that i don't know what i'm talking about half the time yeah same um but uh what are things that you are really getting into hobbies i was talking to you earlier before this about my new hobby with electric bicycles and that's really been consuming my life so uh what do you enjoy and do in your spare time now that you are a grumpy old man i've been trying to find stuff that's not screen based because we have a room in our house we call the chill room that's like there's no tvs or anything in it there's no screens we kind of don't it's like our reading room and i i tried to get into reading for a while and my adhd brain just it just wanders far too much and then i try to my girlfriend's really into like jigsaw puzzles but for me it's like i don't know why i get into like a challenge with myself to like do it quickly and then i can't like find where the piece is going to go and then i get all like mad at myself for it like it's not what you're supposed to be making these so the thing i've gotten into recently is just making lego sets ah that's good it just makes me feel like a big kid again and it's like it's like 3d puzzles in a way but i i like the autonomy of it where i can like i can listen to an audio book and then sort of like follow the instructions so my brain i it lets my brain melt in a way that's like really therapeutic for me that i think doing something with my hands is very important to me that's not screen based because a lot of my spare time is like i like watching movies i love playing games still in my spare time but that's it's like that's still work kind of in a way but you're well not work but like you're still sitting at a screen and you're like you're occupying your brain in the same sort of space i'm like trying to find ways to not do that it's exactly why i like playing this game it's not quite working with my hands but it gives that fast simile of it um but with my hobby of uh doing e-bikes i have noticed that i have started actually using my tools and fiddling with the bike and i keep going yeah i keep going out to my garage and i'm like i'm a mechanic i'm a big boy now i'm using my tools and then i realized i'm 33 and this is actually just what i'm doing yeah but it's been really fun because that feeling of like being a kid again um like getting on a bike because i think almost everybody has at some point learned how to ride a bike they've ridden a bike or whatever have you if you haven't ridden a bike let me know in the comments i'm so sorry for bringing this up um but being on an e-bike is like it's just so fun because you get that boost of power you know as a kid you're tireless you know you can never get tired boundless energy as a grumpy adult you're like i don't want to wake up ever and then you have to get on with your day and do whatever you're doing um but i commuted to the corridor office which i'm interning at for the time being um very fun by the way i can talk about that in a bit but it's just like it's just that little bit of something where i have an actual hobby that's physical not in any way digital it's a physical object that moves me in the world and really grounds me and connects me it's a cool piece of technology which is also something that interests me and i can fiddle with it and i can also break it which i did this morning i just completely abort my entire uh uh chain tensioner which you know i had it perfect and then i screwed too hard and it uh threaded de-threaded this it stripped the screw and uh it no work no more so now it's got zip ties on it and it kind of works you're gonna get killed on this thing not probably not but you know it is that's why i got a full face helmet like where are your helmets kids people think it like you know helmet nerd and i'm like i like my brain being inside my skull and i like my chin being intact so i have a full face helmet and also yeah it looks super rad dude people were like do you want to do like creator clash and box someone and i was like not really because i already have like tinnitus and i have like eye issues and i'm like on the off chance that someone punches me and then like something breaks inside my head i'm like i care about my brain way too much yeah really people kept thinking like you know oh your mark's definitely going to do it next time definitely i'm like there's i i don't want to get punched in the head like yeah i'll get pepper straight because i know that's not going to be permanent damage like i'm not going to just go out there and go jumping off of [ __ ] because i think that i love the rush so much no i like the challenge but it's it's boxing is dangerous that's what people don't seem to ever really connect with it's really dangerous getting hit in the head once can do permanent damage that's not an exaggeration people need to understand that i mean plenty of boxers go through it and they you know they train and they're able to take punches and roll with them and be able to handle themselves in a safe way that's but that's why amateur boxing can be more dangerous because they don't know how to properly defend themselves at all times and they don't they're unable to get themselves out of dangerous situations so they don't realize that they're putting themselves in danger and not protecting themselves there's a lot of variables in there with amateur boxing that being said i i am very proud of everyone that did create a clash i thought it was a great event uh yeah a huge response to them absolutely but i'm not gonna get punched in the head no thank you yeah people were like would you fight mark and i'm like he would [ __ ] kill me i was like i've seen you rock climb and you're like so much beefier than i am i'm like he would just punch me once in the head and i would die was it what's your weight at wha what weight class would you be um i think i'm down to like 65 or 66 kilos so it's like what is that a lot of those bizarre numbers what is 65 kilos in pounds 143 okay yeah i'm 185 right now so i would have about 40 pounds on you uh and that makes a huge difference everybody however my head's also huge and i think that's a disadvantage because i don't think it's all skull uh i think it might just be my brain is big but you know not in a smart way in an easily bruised way you know yeah there's a lot more to rattle around yeah i think that if you put if you punch me in the head it'd be like the pear wiggler and you would my brain would just yeah i mean i feel like i could throw a pretty hefty punch but again i i just don't want to i don't i also don't have that thing in me where i need to find out i don't i have nothing to prove i i see that a lot where people are like oh like you used to try harder or something like whatever like it's water off it just back at this point but i'm like a lot of it is just like like you're older you're more secure in yourself i don't need to like prove myself to many people anymore i'm just comfy where i am yeah i don't need i don't need to get punched yeah absolutely and and a lot of people have this like uh and there's a better word than machismo you know a more general natural term but it's like they have this desire to prove themselves and be like i i don't want to be a wimp it's why people go like oh i don't want to wear a helmet because that's what babies do it's just like at least for really stupid decisions like that um because if you fall off anything a bike or whatever have you uh and you hit your head uh you could die uh you could just straight up die not even just like oh brain damage your death that could happen brains are very fragile and i don't mean to be this overly cautious uh guy but at the same time definitely just protect yourselves out there like wear the proper safety equipment put some stickers on it make it look cool but just wear it yeah just like put a condom on anywhere you go wear your diaphragm anywhere you go like you never know when life's going to come at your heart put a helmet on your knees god are dive ribs even really a thing maybe uh maybe i'm out of the loop but i i yeah i never met a single person in real life that uses a diaphragm not that that comes up in conversation a lot so i maybe it may be like i don't think i've ever had a vidcon conversation how many subs you have it's like i have my diaphragm on i had when i was in corridor they were like the power went out for a moment so everyone was like just sitting around and uh you know they were like man it's real quiet in here without all the computers off kind of awkward and i was like i have an icebreaker question that i think uh i think either matt or ryan brought up at first it was like have you ever tried to look at your own butthole in the mirror uh the ranges of responses are always hilarious uh because it's always like uh well technically i've never done that like what do you mean technically you've never done that yeah that's a very yes or no question because i've never done that i have never tried in any way to look at my own butthole in the mirror since that conversation brought up but i've been so tempted when i like if i occasionally i'm in the bathroom and i'll remember that that's that that's a question that people ask and i look at myself in the mirror like do i want this knowledge unlocked do i really want to expose myself to myself i've stared right down the barrel of that brown starfish like i don't think it's going to be a life-changing situation but it's it's it's quite the icebreaker in situations because people just it's good to know in case you need to pick your own ass out of a lineup yes officer that's mine nah you can exonerate me i didn't do it well i okay i don't know how uh you know what the reason for this is to be like open honest things we've never talked about before i have a very hairy ass that's fine that's fine so i feel like just for like good hygiene's sake i need to like shave my like my innards down there not like the actual cheeks because who gives a [ __ ] even though as a kid it gives me horrible insecurity because every time i saw an ass on tv or in a movie i'm like why is there no hair on any of these dudes asses yeah um it turns out most people are not born in a bog and are like swamp people like i am no no no me i'm a glorious hairless man naturally shiny and smooth aerodynamic some might say it's just a marble statue in human form pretty much you've seen the video yes yes it has turned out oh yeah greek god yes of course i've been around you many times you you love taking your shirt off at any opportunity yeah not as much anymore i'm a little out of shape but i'm getting back with my personal trainer so hopefully that yeah me too i'm like i want to get like progress quick because i know i can and have in the past but i'm like i want to i want to have like sustainable fitness it's like kind of like eating kind of whatever i want like still being mindful of it but not like oh god i need to calorie track every single day because it's just it's kind of miserable yeah that's why i love the electric bike because it's not as much of an workout as you would get if you uh were say just biking no power um but at the same time i want to go fast so i pedal harder and i still have to like make climbs and i still have to work at it um and i end up going out on my bike much more than i would like if i need to go the grocery store like that's four miles away i'll take my bike any day i can actually get there faster on my bike than i would in my car i have more fun i burn like a hundred calories or so and i i just enjoy myself i it's like a fun trip uh and yeah oh my god you just jump-scared me and uh and it's it's that little little extra push is like oh my god this is like recess for kids you know i just like i actually get up and i go out and do something and it's uh it's that little bit extra and i think that's helping me in a lot of ways from because you and me we record videos sitting in a chair most of the time i can convince myself i'm being healthy and like i'll stand today and my standing desk and just so much better but it's like that does barely anything yeah i i remember when i was like the tdee calculators for like how many calories you're burning in a day right just by like sitting around and how many you're supposed to cut in bulk and whatever i would like train three times a week and i would put my thing into that and i was always like yeah i'm active i train all the time and then i was like wait no i sit for like 90 of the rest of that time so i was like i realized that like i think i've i think i'm considered lethargic in those kind of apps oh no lethargic like yeah that was like the realization to be like man i really need to like get out and move more i could not recommend an e-bike more it is so fun i do kind of think okay this is me getting you know mark's big ideas i think that electric bikes are the future of same personality no there's but there's good reason do you do you see why do you see yeah yeah yeah yeah so it keep going with electric bikes like people have long known that bicycles are a much more uh efficient and you know good for the environment way of transportation gets people exercise yada yada they're they're boring you have to wear your aerodynamic spacesuit your really dorky helmet yes there are dorky helmets i said it and then you look like a big old biker or a skinny bike whatever you do you look like a bicyclist you know one of those people yeah god forbid yeah i'm sorry to anybody that really loves biking i know they don't like e-bikes very much but i'm perpetuating the stereotype but at the same time you're like a crypto bro for cyclists right now but the thing that what i'm trying to say is like there's a barrier to entry to be good at cycling to get anywhere with any kind of efficiency speed you are you have to be good at it you have to suit up for it you have to account for sweat all these different things you can't carry much with you because you don't have a lot of power e-biking unlocks the ability to carry stuff with you go farther uh for the same like environmental benefits gasoline benefits yummy stuff to charge it up and that costs money but but all the other benefits of bicycling uh without having that barrier to entry and barrier to entry is the biggest inhibitor of people getting into something let's say bicycling by cycling if people like people think that electric cars are the next revolution and they're kind of right in the world where the future is nothing but cars cars are a plague on society they are literally the worst invention except for all the wonderful things that they've done for the industrial revolution and all that stuff and really speeding up you may as a whole but e-bikes yeah shout out to troy yeah exactly but at the same time is like the amount of infrastructure you need to support a city that runs on cars which is every city on earth pretty much except for a few european cities that are really bike friendly uh it's so much more space per person than than you would ever need with bicycles uh if you do a size comparison to the amount of people getting through a street uh on cars versus bicycles the number is astronomically higher for bicycles if even 10 of the population was riding bicycles traffic itself for those that like cars would almost go away i don't know if that statistic is entirely true anymore i heard that a long time ago i may be quoting that wrong but it's a it's a certain percentage and traffic gets better because less people in cars yeah i mean i'm dating a dutch person and it's nothing but bikes there like as stereotypical and mimi as that is it's astonishing whenever you're there it's so fun to cycle in the netherlands where like the cycle paths are everywhere if you're actually on the street cyclists have more right of way than the on than the cars that go by they have to like wait they're not allowed like fly past you yeah it's so nice and so many people like you see like 60 year olds 80 year olds sometimes out cycling around and everyone just looks far more free they go out they go out drinking with their friends or they go out for dinner and then everyone just hops on their bikes and go home it's so cool it's so cool and what e-bikes do is they lower the barrier to entry because a lot of people are like i'm afraid to ride my bike in america let's say because of the cars and the traffic and whatever have you and i was too i i had that feeling i was like oh i got to be really careful about what i do and you do i'm not saying you don't um but the difference with an e-bike is i made a 16-mile journey uh yesterday both ways so total i i rode 32 miles uh on my e-bike um and it's not like i want to do that every day because it took me like total riding was like an hour and a half hour 40 minutes but i did it and i did it safely and effectively because my bike my average speed on my bike was 22 miles an hour like i only i i got there 20 minutes slower than it would have taken me in my car in ideal conditions no no traffic jams no sudden shifts in traffic um and i was on city streets and what i found is the biggest limiter to my speed was not other cars it was traffic lights traffic lights were like the bane of my system because i'm like i should be pedaling right now excuse me but it's wonderful and everyone can do that there are there are stories of like older people here in america that are only able to get out and active in any way shape or form because they have an e-bike because they have that mobility the extra power there there still is a safety concern of course because you know cars are not you know cars are driven by people and people are stupid sometimes uh so they can make stupid mistakes but that's a risk even if you're in a car uh so when it comes down to like being in a bicycle i actually feel kind of safer because i'm able to control my environment i'm able to like i have the power to escape a situation that i don't want to be in and i have yet to be in a situation like that um but i could and i i'm always on the lookout for anyone that's being stupid on the road and at the same time i get exercise i'm having fun i'm enjoying myself it's just such a goddamn delight dude i'm convinced yeah good sales right i'm gonna are you sponsored by oh i might be soon super 73 come on super 73 is not for everybody but you know for me it's like those are like the best sponsorships where it's like dude i use this all the [ __ ] time anyway and then they're like do you want to get paid to talk about it i'm like yes i can do things oh my god please they might make me a super custom bike with more range more power of like oh my goodness i'm very excited you'll be able to visit me on an electric bike soon i mean technically i could there are competitions for solar-powered electric bikes cross not cross-country cross-continental electric bike competitions where they're just like they charge in solar and they just keep going and going and i think the longest someone's ever gone continuously is like nearly seven thousand miles uh holy [ __ ] yeah without ever having to stop and plug in i think i'm pretty sure anyway it's very cool it's very cool everyone you could do it you could be like him you could be like me you know how cool i am right you're talking to your audience everyone's just gonna say yes no they're not i've primed yeah we know i i gaslight them so much to try to break their conditioning to kissing my ass all the time it'll never work do you realize how many channels and instagram accounts and twitter accounts i see on my feet all the time that absolute people absolutely adore you guys in the comments below say you're not brainwashed by me and wouldn't follow me over a cliff if i asked you say that say that tell everyone that i don't brainwash you uh-huh yeah see the evidence is clear clear i'm seeing it now [Laughter] anyway it's it's just fun i love having a hobby now and i love being excited about something you know yeah there's so many things to be jaded about uh it's it's just nice to have something to focus on plus being with the corridor guys has been a huge boon they've just been like it's just nice to be in a environment of creative people for that creative energy and they they've been so nice to me because um originally it was only going to be a month and then i extended because like oh man i've barely done anything i also haven't learned any of unreal which is like my whole point of being here uh yeah i have so much fun making videos but they've just been so sweet they're like man you've really been such a added energy to the office really nice having you i'm like oh my god because you're a lot of sleep yeah so it's uh yeah this is lovely i kind of miss i mean i guess covered kind of messed it up as well but just being around like creative people all the time i feel like kind of when we went to conventions and we were doing stuff like fairly often you're kind of always in that space and like you're always talking to other people who are creating stuff and who inspire you and like i haven't really had that in a long time i don't really like go out to conventions like being at like tommy's live show last night was cool because it's like oh man it's like gets and like ethan's live show it's like it kind of gets the juices flowing again it does it does i forgot what i'm able to do yeah and it's like i you and i we're all able to do more than we think and you've got a project coming up and i'm not going to spoil anything of it but just like i'm really excited to see that get off the ground and yeah it's like i do love those moments when you see something that someone else makes and you get that little jolt of inspiration like oh that was cool i think i could do that too like that's what makes creating really fun for me that's what i chase all the time um and i think like more people need to be driven with that feeling as opposed to this kind of zero-sum mentality of like if i get something someone else has to lose it or if someone gets something that they're taking away from me that's not what this is it's never been that it's it's much more collaborative than you would ever know uh and you would only know that by collaborating with other people and working with them so yeah you get out of it what you put into it i think which is kind of like why i want to do uh this you know just talk more people just like hang out with more people and get their perspectives on things because i know that like you and i are kind of on the same page about a lot of things but there's a lot of other creators out there who have completely different motivations uh for doing stuff on the internet making content completely different ambitions some people do want to build those like empires of like corporate magnanimity and you know that's cool too but yeah i mean everyone has something to teach you yeah so that's why i want to get more voices in talk to more people out there maybe do an internship with i don't know some other content house you know you want to do an internship for me uh sure i'll do that i can teach you a lot of things okay like what unreal that's what i'm trying to learn sure i can like buy unreal and put it on my computer uh-huh you learn unreal and you teach me unreal yeah put a tutorial on for you yeah no no we should learn together though because literally i've i've been goofing off with uh corridor guys so much i have not learned anything i really have not yeah it's i mean it's a lot to like take on oh sure i uh i tried to like learn game engines before and i tried to learn unreal and i i sat down and watched like tutorials and did it like piece by piece and i made like a little map that was like a kilometer squared and it was it was fun and like it had like terrain and water and i'm like oh this is fun and then i went back to do it again i'm like i don't remember anything oops about this like i was just doing it step by step instead of learning yeah that's that's what you really need is just the hands-on you have an idea you make it yourself and that you remember it's super tight that's how i got good with i mean probably youtube with premiere and photoshop and all that stuff is just like you need to make a thumbnail so you make it and then you're done and you remember how you made that one because it was frustrating and then you slowly get better yeah and it's like you need a specific thing it's like i need to be able to cut my head off and put it on a body and then it's like you can do that that's such a fun statement photoshop taught me how to cut a head off mm-hmm hell is missing on this thing it's if you tap it's a surface there are like some tough stains in green there we go well we're just about wrapped up here uh and uh this show ends when the last bit it gets cleaned so um just cuts off yeah it just cuts off a harsh cut to black so yeah thank you so much for joining me on this um cleaning adventure it's really lovely talking to you about various different things anytime have you wanted you're genuinely one of my favorite people in the world no and i feel like despite our i don't know because people for a while were like why don't they talk anymore why don't they play together anymore like man life gets in the way everybody has like different things going on yeah and i feel like we've both been on like parallel paths for so many years and every now and then they like connect and but they're always kind of like going in the same places we always kind of like have the same mentalities on things and i don't think there's ever been like proper bad blood between either of us no no yeah so for anyone thinking you know i mean all all human relationships are interesting and dynamic in a way but no yeah you're one of my favorite people too i love seeing the stuff that you make and i can't wait to help you make some of the cool projects uh you've got on the horizon cooking up in that noggin and uh a big old brain of mine yeah uh person who finds the last spot wins i guess where the frick is it i have no idea it should glow when you hit tab like there'll be a slight glow to it yeah i'm cabin man one of these walls ah found it all right looks like i win [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] oh does it give us stats and who did more because i think you did considerable about more than i did uh you can see the time lapse wow look at me go look at me go look just make the video this time lapse and match our voices to this that'll be the episode recap uh yeah thank you very much man this is great uh everyone listening at home you know jacksepticeye link is in the description obviously uh cool stuff in the future um and then yeah you should come uh you should come back to la sometime yeah i want to i want to come back more just for like regular visits instead of when i just have a [ __ ] ton of stuff going on hell yeah hell yeah can't wait for it [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,934,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, jacksepticeye, powerwash pals, powerwash simulator, power washing, powerwash game, collab, mark and sean
Id: -zpQbNLntgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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