Sculpting MONSTER CLAY - This stuff is Epic!!

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today we're going to be playing around with monster clay which I've never used before but I've seen used in like concept sculptures for movie characters or props or things that are essentially turned into mold and poured and casted and all that stuff it's a really from what I hear really fun to use concept and sculpting material that is wax or oil-based not water-based this is really gonna be my first experience using the monster clay so I'm going to share some of my first experience for what's an impression on all the videos I've seen of it it shows that it comes quite hard and even just like like this already it's this is supposed to be the medium viscosity but that's good that's fair now you can in theory sort of warm it up in your hands Harun Lee there's a shortcut that does this way more effectively and that is checking the whole thing in the microwave this says it can become dangerously overheated so I'm not gonna go crazy but I'm gonna chuck this in the microwave for a couple of minutes and see what happens now while we give it a couple of minutes to soften in the microwave I have a moment now to talk to you and tell you about the sponsor of this video audible they have an unmatched library of nonfiction and self-help and a whole bunch of awesome material there including portable originals that you can't get anywhere else whether you have a New Year's knew you goal of being a better parent or a better leader even a better person audible is amazing whether you're wanting to get into a creative flow or make the most of yourself this new year and audibles giving you your first audio book for free when you try audible for 30 days using the link slash Jazza or by texting Jazza to five hundred five hundred and you'll get that first free audiobook I can't recommend audible enough again my recommendations are in the description once again slash Jazza or text a jazzer to five hundred five hundred and get your free audio book and make the most of your creative time and yourself this New Year's it sounds like it's ready I'm a little nervous cuz last time I tried microwaving things for an art video didn't go so well I like to take risks even if they're stupid it mounted the job this isn't a microwave proof jug turns out half-percent is melting plastic let's clear out of here let's hope this time is a little different all right this is uh two minutes and let's see how different it is that's quite a lot more malleable the material can actually melt into a liquid state and apparently it melts a little more in the middle so I'm interested to just melt a little bit more in the microwave again I may regret this but I want to know more about the materials so uh let's do it again I should quit while I'm ahead but I'm just too curious to not try this with a high degree of caution I will do it with a high degree of caution I promise okay let's see if this is any different it's still it's softer still but oh look at that look at that look at that bubbling up from middle oh it's liquid it's liquid that's cool you can see it's already sort of drawing where it overflowed is so weird apparently this could be oh it's like it's really liquid in the middle there I'm just getting really like amused by this looks like a little goop volcano I think it's about time we see what we can do with this stuff so maybe let's start off with I don't know a bit of a sample head and during a bit of a blank it's playing but you know what let's go to the the reliable basics playing with a medium with a Jezza avatar head this won't be the only thing I scoped this is just my warmup okay feel like a it's too soft and I think handling it isn't making it easier I'm gonna pop it in the freezer for like two minutes let's just see if it works the same in Reverse this is probably not how you're supposed to do it a bit that as touching the freezer has run a lot harder whereas the other stuff has slightly hardened so it does sort of work unevenly all right let's bring over the trusty turntable here I'm finding myself already drawn to like doing something more realistic but I'll hold back or just keep it simple for now I'll do a bigger more more time-consuming slightly more detailed and realistic one after I do this experiment do this it's really easy when it's warmed scoot this stuff out of the tray and build up your sculpture right off the bat this is a really interesting material just to be handled and this is where I imagine if I wasn't you know rushing through a simple I guess sketch sculpture I'd let it solidify more and then come back through and add details like the dimples either nice but it's alright I just wanted to flatten the top of the head so that was all part of the plan and we just add the pupils and some further final details like the hairline there we go look at that absolutely stunning Jezza avatar work you're not impressed I think that'll about do it I think the the materials at the rights or the temperature to work with properly and I don't think I actually do want to take doing this seriously but I'm gonna make a new armature and make it bigger and spend a lot of time and when it hardens up I had a lot of detail and have a lot of fun with this let's see how it goes after demolishing my hideous and he'll play with the clay I thought hey hey what do you say let's this one day have a more serious play I built a simple armature base for a larger bust with my armature wire and filled the center of the head area with tin foil so most of the weight of the clay would be on the base and would keep the sculpture stable it would also of course keep me from using more clay than necessary on the entire sculpture and then came the process of slowly building up the core solid areas of my sculpture [Music] [Applause] eventually I had a head and shoulder position I was happy with and started to outline some core geometry with the gradual adding and removal of clay adding was as simple as finding either a more liquid or solid mass of clay depending on what I needed or how much I wanted to add and shaping into position adding more solid clay usually in the form of something I sort of pre sculpted stuck a lot better if I first used a heap gun on the area of the sculpture that I was sticking it to removing clay was super super satisfying using sculpting tools almost like potato peelers this material was really really nice to work with especially after it had hardened up a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the sculptor progressed more and more I found I was refining and cleaning the figure making him look far more human and cleaner than I expected I'd be doing I think he in part because it was so satisfying to just continue to work and refine the material but I thought it was time to add a bit more monster to my monster clay sculpture and start playing with details and getting a bit more aggressive [Music] [Music] the sculpting process especially when the model was more finalized in had solidified it was kind of like sculpting chocolate not that I've ever done that before although you know maybe I should do that anyway it removed when scraped away and was super easier to shape but overall is really solid and firm so I never felt at risk of accidentally miss shaping the whole model or losing too much detail by touching it too much [Music] [Music] finally I smoothed out the skin areas with some mineral spirits and gave some of the gory parts a bit of a wet look with just a tiny touch of the heat gun to bring it all monstrously together alright this is it you ready this is this is the reveal ah ah it's pretty gnarly that's definitely a very monstrous sculpt now considering this is my first time ever properly using this material I'm really happy with the results but I'm also just really over the moon with how this stuff feels to work with the fact that you can make it so runny but then also hardens and in not too long a period of time it's just really nice and to build up certain areas or just to remelt some and add some details or smooth areas out even using a heat gun just to melt things together has just been super fun and really useful let me know in the comments what you want to see me make I'm interested in making a sort of full person armature and something quite large and substantial and really excited to jump into something ambitious but this alone was just so much fun speaking of so much fun I've just spent the last five hours listening to book two of the reckoners series and it's so much fun it's a really good guys you can listen to it on your desktop or on your mobile device sometimes I listen to it while I'm working out at the gym and listening to books that are motivational sometimes I listen to it just when I go for a walk to the shops and just want something to distract me or focus on those of you who watch my vlog channel know I listen to audio books all the time which is why I'm so grateful that audible have sponsored this video and I highly encourage you to go check out slash Jezza or text jazz' to five hundred five hundred can claim your first free audiobook and again my recommendations are in the description I'll put a bunch of the motivational self-help e stuff in there that I found really cool but also whole bunch of just the stories and adventures biographies I just love getting lost in a great audio book while I work on something that I can really sink my teeth into well maybe just on something that could quite possibly sink its teeth into me I want to thank you so much as well for watching this video this has been a lot of fun and let me know if you think I should cast this or mold this maybe even paint a molded version of it there it's just worlds of possibilities and I'm so excited to just have another medium that I can't wait to use more on thank you so much for watching this video lesson gentlemen and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily jazz' that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,412,258
Rating: 4.9473453 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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