Sunday Night Service | Michael Koulianos | September 26th, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spirit of the living god fall afresh on us spirit of the living god fall afresh on us jesus we present ourselves to you on the altar tonight living sacrifices holy and pleasing to you jesus we lay our souls down we lay our agenda down we lay our concerns down our distractions down we lay all things aside just to behold the lamb jesus we place our souls at your feet tonight and we just break open our alabaster jars of love and devotion adoration and praise upon the one found worthy and we're just asking god as we do that your manifest presence will just come you're so faithful so kind we can feel you here already you're already moving i'm just asking lord that you'll fall afresh on us you'll come in greater measure we're grateful for what we've seen thank you for what you're doing increase your manifest presence upon us and we make a decision right now to lose ourselves in love to the lamb tonight we make a decision to lay all distraction aside and pour ourselves out on the one that we love because you are worthy of our affection our time our praise our devotion we're in love with you jesus [Music] we magnify your holy name tonight in jesus name [Music] he carried the [Music] you gave it up [Music] there [Music] what is done it was more than enough more than enough [Music] is [Music] sacrifice was what you've done it was [Music] is it was more than enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for breaking your number [Music] thank you forever [Music] thank you thank you thank [Music] you forever [Music] [Music] thank you for breaking the bread thank you [Music] [Applause] more what you've done the power of your blood is [Music] [Music] our hearts will cry these boys these bones oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] why is [Music] what you've done it wasn't more than enough more than enough [Music] more than [Music] thank [Music] thank you thank you for breaking the bread [Music] thank you [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] it is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] what you've done the power of your love is more than enough more than enough [Music] thank you jesus [Music] so [Music] i'm returning to the secret place love is found here in our sacred space i hear your voice i see your face cause you're still my first love you're still my only [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're still my only one [Music] there's a table just for you and me [Music] perfect union nothing in between i am yours [Music] you're still my first love you're still my only wine cause you're [Music] you're still [Applause] you're still [Music] [Music] keep us in first love [Music] keep us in first [Music] i wanna stay forever like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i [Music] still my only one you're still my first love [Music] yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wanna stay forever forever [Music] i wanna stay forever forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] you're still my first love you're still my only wanting it again you're still [Music] [Applause] you're [Music] cause you're still my first love nothing else but [Music] sure [Music] oh [Music] all my oh all my love all my love [Music] all my love all my love [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all my love [Music] you can have it all you can have it all [Music] [Music] oh lord you're beautiful and your face is [Music] your graceful [Music] [Music] your face is [Music] your eyes [Music] and your face is [Music] please like this [Music] that one [Music] [Music] of my first love [Music] [Music] is [Music] your grace [Music] is [Music] oh turn your eyes upon jesus [Music] and the things will grow strangely in the light of your glory [Music] and grace [Music] for [Music] and the things of us will grow strangely [Music] is [Music] turn [Music] your eyes upon jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] of your glory and grace [Music] yes lift your song to jesus [Music] to your eyes upon the king of kings [Music] just let your love pour out [Music] it's [Music] let your voices let your voices lift your voices [Music] to your affections to [Music] we jesus you jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] you're the only one that matters [Music] that's it come on [Music] let your voice lift your voice sing in the spirit come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing your own song to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just a little bit longer [Music] we sing to you jesus we're here for you jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will give you all my worship i will give [Music] [Music] you are worthy of my faith i will give you all my worship i will give you all my grace [Music] i will give you all my worship i will give you [Music] worship [Music] you are [Music] i will give you [Music] i will give you i will give you [Music] i will give you [Applause] i will give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] i will give you [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] worships [Music] [Music] my oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] keep singing [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] my [Music] jesus [Music] you are worthy [Music] lord you are [Music] more precious than silver and lord [Music] you are [Music] more beautiful [Music] with you [Music] this you are more costly [Music] you are [Music] nothing i desire compares with you [Music] you are more costly [Music] [Music] i see [Music] with you [Music] silver lord you are more glossly [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] is [Music] silver [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] with you [Music] with you [Music] cause you are the love of my life you are the hope that i cling to you mean more than i this trade you for silver or gold i wouldn't trade you for riches i'm told [Music] cause you are the love of my life you are the hope that i believe and you mean more than this [Music] [Music] [Music] you is the lover of my life you are the hope that i cling to [Music] more than this [Music] you are my heavy [Music] so [Music] boys [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] me [Music] keep singing keep singing [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] on every voice every voice [Music] me oh [Music] me [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow [Music] [Music] say [Music] time [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you are you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] sing it church come on straight to the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] please keep singing for another minute is [Music] you are you are [Music] oh [Music] keep saying gibson [Music] so true so true [Music] oh just close your eyes and sing [Music] me [Music] to me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] just keep playing behind me guys i want the two front rows to be praying in the spirit in these two sections right here you just speak and pray the two front rows praying in the spirit [Music] i want the team behind me praying in the spirit many of you have come tonight thinking you know what you need i just want everyone to settle in and no one moving here when you come into the presence of jesus you come into the light he dwells in unapproachable light and in him there's no shadow returning [Music] and jesus said i mentioned this this morning he said in the gospel of john the scripture says i should say that many choose darkness listen carefully because they do not want their sin exposed there's an old story about a man who was this is actually true he was tortured for his faith in communist russia i believe they put him in a pit for a week stripped him naked outside in a pit of snow they left him there for a week thinking he would freeze and die and when they came for him a week later he was filled with joy and they asked him how he stayed alive and how he could be joyful and he said the lord jesus appeared to me came to me in this pit and there i was naked and brutalized and tortured and when he came to me i said to him lord i have nothing to give you look at me and jesus said to him give me your sin give me your sin he who knew no sin became sin so that you would become the righteousness of god tonight you stand in the light of his presence and the devil would love for you to believe that if you come and bring jesus your sin that jesus will turn you away and reject you but i'm here to tell you tonight that the savior saves it's who he is the lamb bled to wash your sin away and the bible says if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness there's a story in the bible in luke chapter 18 a rich young ruler comes to jesus and he asks him this question what must i do to inherit eternal life it's the question everyone in this room should be asking right now i'm going to ask everyone just to stand please just stand in his presence unless you're on your knees or your face i just don't want you sitting there unless you're unable to stand we have to prove to heaven that we respond when the lord comes what must i do to inherit eternal life everyone in this room should be asking that question and jesus said to him why do you call me good no one is good but one and that is god you know the commandments do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness honor your father and mother and he said all these things i have kept from my youth so when jesus heard these things he said to him you still lack one thing sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me but when he heard this he became very sorrowful for he was very rich the lord's ambition there was not to target money it was to target the rich young ruler's heart he knew the one thing that he held on to and so jesus boldly and unapologetically went after that thing being the lover that jesus is the lover who paid for us with his own blood he stands without hesitation and points to that one thing and says leave it for me i want all of you to hear me just close your eyes for a moment he points to that one thing tonight and says leave it for me he's not nervous in asking it jesus understands his worth and understands the breakthrough that will come in your life he understands how temporal that thing is in comparison to him who is eternal life and so this night jesus is pointing at that he is touching it and this is what he's saying give me your sin give me your sin come out of the act come out of the roll the christian roll come out of church attendance that's filled with sin behind the scenes and come to jesus himself tonight i don't care if you've been in the church your whole life if you are sinning and you can't stop you are a slave to sin if sin is natural to you that is not the christian life and you can be free tonight you can be free tonight what is jesus touching tonight you say oh i don't do any of that stuff he might be touching your religion maybe your heart's grown numb maybe you honor the ministry more than jesus maybe your heart's not burning anymore maybe you have given your life to jesus at one point but the fire has gone out and you know it as well as i do don't waste his presence don't let the wine fall to the floor i'm going to have dom and the team begin singing i want the whole house singing it because there's something about this love looks like everything it looks like coming to jesus with everything if you're moved in your heart i don't care if you've prayed a prayer if you're a part of the church if you're an elder or a deacon or a jesus school student or a pastor or a visiting missionary do not jeopardize your eternity do not risk it the bible says make your election sure i'm here to tell you tonight based on the authority of god's holy word that he honors above his own name if you come to jesus on these terms tonight he will not reject you he will receive you he will cleanse you he will fill you with himself and make you his own dom i want you to lead us go ahead and start singing it now and the moment you feel quick and to come down here you come you come get free tonight come in jesus name you might feel it right now waste no time come tonight come to jesus tonight come town jesus come on come on come to jesus [Music] you are the hope that i cling to you mean more than this world [Music] break the cycles of sin tonight [Music] come to jesus [Music] you feel the holy spirit drawing you respond tonight come to jesus this song is your song tonight [Music] still coming thank you jesus keep singing on yeah me come get free tonight leave the world come to jesus tonight leave this world it has nothing for you nothing for you [Music] you've been unfaithful in your marriage come tonight get whole [Music] this life is too short it's too short [Music] oh [Music] this is awesome they're still coming still coming to jesus still coming you know it's not our great sermons [Applause] jesus school students other preachers here there's nothing wrong with preparing keep playing behind me guys there's nothing wrong with preparing but at some point you have to surrender and get out of the way it's not your perfect three-point evangelistic sermon it's the holy spirit what did jesus say to nicodemus when nicodemus said how how can i be born again do i enter my mother's womb again what did he turn nicodemus's attention to or who did he turn his own the holy spirit the wind blows where his wills and this tonight is the work of the holy spirit this is the work of the holy spirit drawing people to jesus i think we should give the lord praise i really do lead them to the lord [Applause] [Music] i get the the honor to be able to lead you guys straight to jesus and he's standing here with us in this moment and i know you guys can hear me [Music] romans chapter 10 verse 9 it says if you believe if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that god raised jesus christ from the dead you shall be saved it's not just a confession through your mouth but it's a true belief in jesus christ as you're saying the words to him directly and he's here today mercy and love mercy and love to envelop each and every one of your guys's hearts and so i want you guys and we're going to say it as a family tonight and we're going to say these words directly to the into the eyes of jesus so by faith let's give them everything if you guys want to repeat say jesus christ i give you my life i give you all of my life i renounce the world my sins i give them to you [Music] i believe that you died on the cross for me and that you rose again on the third day i believe that you ascended to the right hand of the father you are reigning as king one day you're coming back to rule and reign i give you everything today i deny myself i pick up my cross and follow you today i am born again in jesus name amen thank you jesus thank you father thank you buddy [Music] thank you father yeah come on let's give the bible says all of heaven is rejoicing all of heaven father we thank you for every life we thank you for every life jesus [Applause] thank you mighty king thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] you know we we want to encourage you guys with a a few things now that you guys are following jesus with everything you know i heard it said growing up in church it's not just the great confession but the great expression and now your lives each one of you guys are gonna have a life lived unto jesus and there's things every day that we love to encourage that are absolutely a necessity and one of those things is is is called prayer it's fellowship with god you know in matthew chapter 6 verse 6 it says go into your closet and shut the door and your father who sees in secret will reward you in the open that you have a place whether it be in your house your car wherever it at that you can get alone with the king of kings and the lord of lords with the god of the universe you and him and you guys can conversate just like we are right now if you have questions you have questions concerns you have concerns but more importantly you get to love him and you get to look into his eyes and he gets to speak life into you and then we want to encourage you guys this is holy scriptures the bible and if you don't have one we can give one to you in fact dion if you want to lift your hand he's right here in the front row this is dion he is right outside these doors to the right there's a booth called new believers go see dion and and this is true food this is life this is jesus christ himself bible says that man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god man i have been in times in my life where i have been weary or whatever and i and i open up scripture and it is life to me life to my spirit because it's him it's the words of jesus so we want to encourage you every day to open up scripture number three is to get connected to a local body of believers this is what we call church this is who we are we're a family where we can run together and lock arms and love jesus together and be able to pray for one another to to be accountable to someone and someone that you can talk to through everything through life we could come in and stir each other up in love and good works so we'd love to invite you here if you guys don't have a church that you guys normally attend and number four is to get baptized in water we had an amazing amazing baptismal service last week for people who were getting delivered as they were going into the water and their past life and sin was buried in the waters of baptism it was absolutely beautiful and so we want to encourage you guys to sign up you can sign up with dion man and we can be invited into this life of jesus where our old life is is literally cut off in new life in him as we come out of those waters and number five is to get baptized in the holy spirit in matthew chapter 3 3 john says i baptize the water he says but there is one coming after me who will baptize in the holy spirit and in fire and we could pray together right now as a family over each and every one of you guys for this baptism of fire in the spirit everyone just stretch your hands towards the people thank you go ahead ryan so jesus we pray front row come on get in there you are the baptizers come on guys come on jesus you are the baptizer you will baptize them in the holy spirit and in fire so we say come holy spirit come and rest on every single one of these lives up here come and fill them with yourself and clothe them in your glory and in power and in strength father i pray that they are all mouthpieces for you that they are bold as lions you said the righteous are as bold as lions god i pray boldness hits each and every one of their lives god a flame and a fire that cannot be extinguished hits every one of their lives jesus holy spirit i pray you cover them i pray that your love is shed abroad in each and every one of their hearts that the love of god is real to them by the holy spirit father i pray even as they drive home tonight as they lay in their beds tonight as they dream tonight when they wake up tomorrow morning as they're going to work or to school father that your fire falls on them so you fill their cars and fill their homes with yourself we thank you mighty king in jesus mighty name we pray amen amen thank you lord give the lord praise come on [Music] come on give the lord praise thank you lord i want all of you who came forward you stand up you've been heard you've been received you've been forgiven redeemed and filled walk back to those seats i want our team walking them back nobody goes back alone come on go help them back church let's give the lord praise this is wonderful can we thank our our worship team i love you guys so much let them know you love them would you please now you can be seated i'm proud of all of you you stand to honor what god honors all of heaven rejoices when one person repents of their sin let's quickly find a seat quickly thank you worship team that's about a tenth of the choir but they're working and they're going to be ready to rumble here in a few weeks and your hair is going to burn off still not used to this catwalk they put in here oh well let's grab a seat quickly you ready to give to jesus come on are you ready to give to the lord let's be faithful let's be cheerful this morning i shared quickly grab a seat guys you guys are getting better at not leaving after worship it shows that you've discovered that you can actually worship and that it is worship receiving the word and i'm proud of you that jesus people love his voice amen they are not concert attendees and we don't sell out shows here this is not a show this is the house of god you are children of god and so you should love his house and love his word amen i'm proud of you a few people i'm not so proud of but that's okay it's part of pastory some sheep are a bit interesting thank you jesus for the interesting ones amen help me lord you know there are some things i'm really good with other things just get the old greek orthodox pastor benny thing riled up in me and walking out on the gospel is one of them that is the best way to get light sabered around here say michael loves me say it again one more time there it's sealed and more than two or three of you said it therefore it's been established in your soul this morning i talked about stewarding what is not ours and how the lord jesus said that if we steward and take care of what is not ours god trusts us with our own and the scriptures teach in leviticus and haggai that the tithe is the lord's he says all the silver is mine all the gold is mine and then leviticus teaches us that the tithe is the lord's and that it is holy unto the lord that means he deeply listen he takes the tithe very seriously and considers it holy so if you want to be trusted with resources to further his kingdom you have to be trusted with what is his and i have news for you it's all his i said it's all his so i'm going to ask you tonight to give i don't need a teaching or a sermon let's give let's give faithfully you can text give to that number on the screen if you're watching online first of all we all love you send them some love would you do that please we love you thank you thank you for tuning in every week and i also want to say if you got born again tonight just a few months moments ago or you god filled with the holy spirit we want to know and so you just email what is it testimony testimony at or just post it make sure we know about it we want others to know about it that's one of the greatest ways to not touch the glory is to testify of what the lord has done for you so if this ministry is blessed to you we want to encourage you to text give to that number on your screen as well if you don't want to use text to give tonight and you'd like to give by cash or a check and you need an envelope would you just lift your hands quickly and our ushers okay we've got a few guys just keep your hands up until the ushers get to you thank you jesus and thank you joel for being right on time all the time this guy is something jesus we love you come on let's pray we love you and we thank you for all you've done i thank you that this is only the beginning lord we remember what you gave heidi last week and we are not changing the channel we will not change the channel now i pray father in jesus name that this would be an offering of love tonight in the name of jesus that you'd receive it as we give cheerfully for you love a cheerful giver so pour out your love tonight bless your people increase them in these last days your word teaches that a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children's children further the name of jesus throughout the world with this offering and protect your people and bless them in jesus name amen amen before you come forward can we just put up a few of the pictures of the new uh building a few of the renderings yeah that's i just want to keep it in front of you let's go to the next one that's the bethany house where we'll be able to pray and worship the lord nonstop the text to give is messing it up but that's fine that's what it'll look like from the outside next one please that's the inside it'll be a little less laser-y much less laser-y and just gorgeous it'll be like gosh i don't know it's going to be wonderful say thank you jesus next one is there a next one no yeah that's another view of the outside let's let's just stretch our hands by faith father thank you for every dollar thank you lord that this is your idea and we thank you for favor with the city and the county that you're even speaking to people around the world who will i thank you that this will be debt free in jesus name amen amen okay if you'd like to give tonight you can rush the buckets we'll be back in just a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on church sing this what can make me sing it sing it [Music] singing is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you father what a sunday night we had last sunday huh i haven't recovered i don't want to i think that was the most piercing word we've ever received up to date as a as a family in the lord and so how many of you were not here last sunday night when heidi was here wave with put both hands up okay i think it's back up online you guys need to go back and listen to it to call it a prophetic word it's true but let's just say it's probably the most prophetic word you've heard maybe ever and uh it's a true prophetic word so um i don't want to leave that river and so we're going to have a holy spirit night that's the only way to have church in jesus name amy's how many of your kids were baptized two what's those baptismals just the baptisms i should say holy what what what happened in the kids this is amy by the way she works with the ministry she moved down from buffalo new york it's wonderful you know jessica shared in school this week and she was talking about getting your kids to church because we can model as parents but they have to encounter the lord for themselves and you know they all gave their lives to the lord little but i wanted because they've grown for it to be a real encounter and so we had been praying and the girls just started reading their bibles every day and my one daughter just she kept crying and i kept telling my i kept telling joe i was like i don't know this is like a teenager thing it's like you know she's getting older and then the one sunday he was like no she's encountering the lord was that in service or what she just would weep in service both of them they just wouldn't weep and he's so much more wise than me he knew it was the lord and i thought it was just becoming teenagers and he says if you seek him you'll find him and they've been seeking him they've been seeking him and they have found him thank you and so is sunday we've just been praying lord let it be so real and then i was just so moved by the faithfulness of the lord that he is faithful to a thousand generations and they found him and so he could just see the lord just softening their hearts and she was just so captivated by the lord she couldn't move are you talking about sunday night and then you hear heidi and i i just said stay home today like why are we even going to school what are we doing why am i going to go grocery shopping yes was the lord still touching them on monday oh joe took him home and then in the morning we just talked about it and sometimes there's no words and so i just said just sit with the lord journal what he was doing i said write it down so you don't forget the bible says remember so you don't forget and i said you'll forget if you don't write it down so i just encourage them to write it in their journals whenever they could verbalize it so hard because you don't sometimes have words wow how old are they one will be 12 this week and the other is going to be 13 next month you have to think about it it's a lot guys this is amazing thank you jesus thank you lord how'd you like to be just encountering jesus and coming to him be baptized that sunday night and that be like your opening message to the kingdom that is the lord's opening message by the way if any man desire to come after me let him first deny himself take up his cross and follow me that is the front door of a life with jesus the life of the cross the life of self-denial clinging to jesus with all we are the god is moving amongst the youth and the young people ryan come here come here ryan um where's amy mashy amy come here come on up here this is amy i'm gonna grab that mic so carla and ryan uh carla's not here right now but carla and ryan are married they're an amazing couple carlos operations director at jesus i mentioned and then ryan runs second year and is also our youth pastor and they're leading the youth together and what god has been doing is so beautiful i said look you guys can do all the stuff kids like to do in youth that's fine but at some point you have to turn the page and preach the gospel and go for it and let the holy spirit move and that's what's been happening in fact what the lord's doing amongst the youth is a type and pattern i think of what the lord wants to do with the adults we they do need to learn from us but we we could learn a few things as well so talk about share what you shared this morning yeah it's i mean each week we're coming in and the lord's just coming in and it's been beautiful to see these kids you know some of them never been in youth group in their life and you know amy's going to share a story about a young girl who who's never even come to a youth group in her life but gave her life to jesus and um each week we're seeing we had two three kids get healed four kids get healed two weeks ago a back heeled a wrist healed a throat healed um a leg healed um yeah it was precious it was amazing we had we had a young boy come in with the wrist you know a lot of them came in because they're playing high school sports and they're at that age and so they came they're coming in with different injuries and we felt man let's just lay our hands and let's pray that god completely they just go back to school and on the field he was i believe jacob was playing soccer you know the following week again right back at it and so we just got to pray he came in with the brace left without a brace because yeah it's amazing thank you we had a thank you lord we had a young girl last week football too yeah he's throwing a football now and he's i talked to him this morning he's like yeah i could throw a football perfect so the lord is the lord is faithful and you know last week we had a young girl give her life to jesus but was so precious is we had some sundays for the kids after for the youth and but as she was leaving one of the one of our leaders was talking to her and she's like they're inviting her to go get you know one of the sundays and she's like ice cream yeah ice cream that's yes sunday sunday in church they think it's a service yeah yes sunday that you eat not a ten and so you know we were encouraging to go get it and and she just couldn't because she was such so under the power of of the lord and just in a beautiful reverent moment with him she says i have to get alone and read my bible i have to get into scripture she was i think she was probably 14 13 or 14. i need to go be alone she says i need to go beyond with the lord and all the parents said amen yes lord share that story so this was the first day of youth and so we were all pretty nervous because they're teenagers i did when i was 17. so i got saved in youth when i was 17 so i just continued to i just kept praying for that one that was gonna get touched and um you know the first day of youth the entire team we were just interceding for those hearts because we know what it was like and so ryan preached and it was beautiful and then he gave the altar call and you can tell like they were nervous it was the first time and i just i just kept saying lord if it's just one if there's just one like we're just here for the one and so he had us come up just to kind of sit almost like a prayer team just to not like so they know that we're family and that we're safe and we're for them and we're gonna champion them and there was one girl that came up and she was really shy and i remember i just kind of started talking to her and she just started opening up her life to me automatically like she needed someone to talk to and so she immediately started to open up her life and so i thought okay maybe she wants prayer because she's hurting and so i prayed for that and then she kept staying and i felt the lord say ask her if she wants to give her life to me and so i asked her i was like do you want to give your life to the lord and she's like yeah that's why i'm up here and i was like oh my gosh okay come on thank you lord thank you lord praise the lord and i think what's beautiful is every single wednesday she has continued to come to me and other leaders and just asking for advice like she's wanting discipleship and so you can tell with these students they're coming up wanting to be discipled like i know that there was a student was that boy that said to you can say what he said uh one of the one of the youth come up and he said he said i i go to high school every week he says i want to be f i want to be bold and be able to be a witness at my high school can you please pray that the fire of god hits my life i was like absolutely we could pray there was the one was it a girl reading her bible so this was she told this to mackenzie so apparently there was a girl who would read her bible at lunch and people would mock her and so one week she came and she was like i'm getting mocked because i'm reading my bible so we prayed over her and then the next week the same person that mocked her repented that week we were like yes wow you guys we should all give the lord praise come on thank you lord y'all stay you stay stay you guys stay up thank you lord [Applause] we've we've probably seen hundreds of children born again here on sunday nights and sunday mornings and i want us to keep our hearts fixed you can be seated i want to keep our hearts fixed in prayer over this generation and believing god that they will come to jesus so youth meets at when at wednesday on wednesday at seven o'clock right and if you you want your your kids to go there trust me you do seven o'clock wednesdays they meet at harvest time international in sanford our worship teams are there some of our best students and presence group leaders are there leading and the cream of the crop is there to minister to the young people and that's important to me as and i know it's important of the lord dion grab a mic would you buddy this is dion as you know dion is over our new believers and our evangelism teams and yeah come up here buddy and um dion is a wonderful man a man of god i'm so proud of him he went through three years of jesus school gosh can you believe that where's the time gone and the lord saved dion and of a pretty wild life and has now used him to just give the devil a really really horrible day for many reasons not just because people are getting saved though that is beautiful but because of how the lord permeates through dion's life and it's just wonderful to see so at jesus school mondays are small groups presence groups those are our smaller groups where we gather in small groups and you just really it's a setting to be transparent and deeper discipleship tuesdays and wednesdays are our full teaching days where we teach the scriptures and the lord ends up moving and then he cancels our teaching plans very often thursdays we worship for two to three hours in the morning that's all we do that's it and then we take communion and then dion leads our our outreach teams throughout the city loving on people sharing the love of jesus it is absolutely beautiful so i want to hear a few testimonies you got a couple are they here yeah um can the people come up that we're going to give a testimony yeah oh ben wilson's coming up speaking of this is ben wilson by the way he's a pastor at bethel in reading he's my dear friend and i love him great entrance ben has been a dear friend oh i don't know now almost almost i don't know seven eight years and ben is here from reading he made a point to get into the room tonight because he's hungry for jesus and those are the kind of friends i want and i love you and honor you thank you so much for being here we send all of our love back to reading and to your family amen let ben know you love him would you do that i i want to hear a few of these these testimonies and this is why this is why we're sharing these it's not to highlight our school but as bill beautifully says every time a testimony is released there's an opportunity to experience it again now and you mark my words as they begin speaking the holy spirit's going to begin moving and we're going to get out of the way and many of your lives are going to be changed forever many of you came into the room tonight because you need an encounter with god and i am in faith that you will leave with an encounter with god in jesus name agree with me i am in faith go ahead what's what happened out there thursday okay so me and a group of like 15 students went to winter park and um we just got to love on so many people so many people were so open to prayer open to preaching the gospel like we shared the gospel with pretty much every single person that me and my my group went out with and i know that the other groups did too two guys came to the lord that day yeah yes thank you lord yeah thank you yeah um a knee got healed um this guy that yeah i love knees getting healed um a guy that me and majesty and cassie and crystal talk to this precious guy and um he we i'm like do you believe in like jesus and shared the full gospel he said yes he was a believer so we're like do you have pain in your body and he had really bad kidney pain like a seven we're like we're gonna pray for you so we prayed nothing happened and i'm like i told one of the girls i said you know ask if we can put our hand on his back prayed and his pain went from like a seven to a one and it was the first time she saw a miracle like the girl who prayed and i'm like yes come on so um another girl yeah it was just everything was popping off like two other girls went and got to like pray for this guy's business me and the winter park yes the guy is totally open the holy spirit like would want to lead that team huh kathleen's like i'll take the winter park team yeah oh yeah they have really good food there um we didn't eat we preached the gospel um but they let us like bless their business another girl she was a um like a cashier and i noticed she was in a brace and i'm like do you know jesus you know she said yes i love him and i'm like well we're gonna pray for your foot she was in a full-on cast pain went down to a one she was walking on like eight like all the time so we all it was like 15 of us huddled around this business prayed for the guy prayed for his daughter like it was wild and in the little the girl the young girl's foot got healed like went down to one so yeah it was amazing well thank you lord amazing so um i had the honor to uh to walk with a group of of several students as well and as we met in front of target in uh winter garden village we prayed and we went out our way we we broke up in uh groups of two threes and fours and uh there was a police officer a winter garden police officer by the name of uh uh andrew in his car sitting and so the lord highlighted it to me and and i was highlighting matthew 5 where it says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god so in that i asked him if he minds if we prayed over him he told us he had a son so we prayed protection over him over his family we shared that scripture with him and um declared it over him and so it was a blessing and um the theme throughout that day through everybody we prayed for um everybody knew him but there was a dependency upon him uh several guys wanted a a better alignment with him and with his word there was store managers from stables that were able to just receive his love and uh like everybody was receptive that day it was glorious yeah the harvest is right yes i like your hair oh thank you so much um on thursday we got to go out with the production team to go on outreach so we went to the food court of west oaks mall and we saw we prayed and then we went out and then me anastasia we saw this lady sitting by herself at a table and we just went up and shared the love of jesus with her and i asked her if there was anything that she was praying for or believing for and she said that she was experiencing like an eviction at the moment with her and her family and so she was just praying about that and she was like i've been praying and i've been setting alarms for prayer and so then we were going to begin praying with her and then anastasia extended the invitation for salvation so wow i love this yeah i just really felt the lord wanting to not just come and provide for her but to be her comforter in that time over like all her other situations and issues as well but he also wanted to like really be lord so i just felt like the sweet invitation and i extended it to her and actually at that time this man comes up right and apparently he's her fiance and he just like jumps in on the conversation and he's like listening with his jaw wide open so then i asked them if it's like i asked her actually if it's okay for me to lead her in prayer like to receive the lord to rededicate her life back to the lord and then as i was leading her in prayer this her fiance was just like fully giving his life to the lord as well repenting of their sins and just like really really coming into the mall it was in a mom yeah in a food court in the food court yeah [Applause] so then after that carla i'll pass the mic back to her we just we just told them that now they could have all access to the lord and we just prayed that the holy spirit would fill them and so we we we invited them we told them that now you have all access to god you can ask them all the questions that you have and when you read the bible now it's not just you and your own wisdom like you can ask the lord to open it up and so then we prayed for them and even as we finished up outreach we watched them walking out me and the rest of the team and they were glowing they're like but they were shining with joy guys come on thank you lord thank you god thank you i love you guys come on let him know you love him i'm so proud of you so proud of you guys wow oh jesus oh jesus i want you to take the next minute and pray in the spirit come on thank you lord thank you jesus for all you're doing to you be all the glory and all the honor pray out loud come holy spirit come fill this house with your glory i hope you came hungry tonight i hope you're refusing to leave the same yeah pray out loud pray out loud pray i'll praise you lord praise you jesus keep praying keep praying the lord is on the move the lord is on the move pray pray pray pray pray hallelujah keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying oh keep praying holy holy holy holy holy keep praying keep praying can you pick up the keys just a little joel holy holy holy holy [Music] pray a little more pray a little more [Music] thank you jesus [Music] keep keep seeking keep asking keep knocking the door will be open the door will be open the door will be open come up here the scripture says come up here holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying [Music] emma emma grab the grab your instrument keep praying guys [Music] you have not because you ask not pray pray pray pray pray pray close your eyes forget about everything pray [Music] come on many of you came with a need [Music] give it to the lord right now come on give him your body give him your your heart give him your destiny [Music] pray pray church pray and the purposes of god are being released in your life right now holy jesus wonderful jesus fill this house with your presence and your glory let nobody leave the same [Music] pray pray pray don't stop i'm telling you don't stop don't stop jose get up there buddy get up there buddy holy is the lord holy is the lord sweep through sweep through this house floor you said my house my house my house shall be called a house of prayer this is your house you you have to have this house have us have the house lord [Music] keep praying keep praying keep bringing keep breaking you keep praying i'm telling you that well will break open and the holy spirit will take over worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy is the lord holy is the lord holy is the lord holy is the lord holy is the lord that's it that's it that's it that's it right there holy is the lord greatly to be praised and worthy is your name you're seated above the highest place above the highest heaven who is like you in the heavens who is like you on the earth there is no one like you yeah yeah yeah yep you have to keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing jesus said from your innermost being would flow rivers rivers rivers of living water and he said if you drink if you drink that river would flow and you'd never ever ever ever ever ever ever thirst again you'd never thirst again you never ever ever ever thirst again [Music] keep playing keep playing [Music] keep playing you keep for you keep you keep worshiping bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name [Music] worthy king worthy king of the glory righteous king resurrected king be glorified [Music] keep blessing the lord keep blessing the lord [Music] tommy come here quick keep blessing the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] no one besides [Music] never be known [Music] worthy of offerings [Music] [Music] no [Applause] [Music] worthy of [Music] you worthy [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] get jenna come up here jenna sing it again [Music] please [Music] put your hands up keep singing sing that again there will be no one [Music] in the name of sausage quiet quiet just sing something in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i declare this work as done [Music] i want everyone to pray in this spirit domi as you were singing earlier it is finished it is done we sing alleluia it is finished it is done we say alleluia in the name of jesus of nazareth father i take the place you've given me and i declare this as done in dom [Music] as done in jesus name winter's past and spring has come i hear the voice of the turtle dove [Music] from head to toe from head to toe from head to toe sing it softly church there's a balm in gilead there's there's a wonderful healing in worship thank you jesus done [Music] done [Music] thank you lord quickly grab your seats you can sing you're not whatever just get in the river you guys can do whatever you want to do too i trust you just just listen for a moment i want to read this to you thank you lord thank you lord just thank you for more more more thank you for more more [Music] be so foolish for us to let heidi's word just pass on by treat it as just another night to not tonight is not another night we are children of the wind as i said this morning where the wind blows we go we're children of the river and you can trust the current you can trust the current [Music] it's time to store oil church listen to me i'm not saying this because it sounds good it is actually time to store oil store it up massive amounts of oil massive amounts of oil listen to me now you're going to need it you're going to need oil in fact you need oil now you need oil so bad and the ones who need it most are the ones who don't think they need it the ones who need it most tonight are the ones who think they've got enough you need a lot of oil years ago heidi told me we were in switzerland i think and i was helping lead worship and you could tell people were like can we get to the sermon because you know the sermon certainly died on the cross sermons don't change lives jesus changed his lives so heidi pulled me aside i'll never forget it she said oh i get rushed too don't ever change she said oil takes time oil takes time she said and so does wine and we need them both we need oil you need oil listen to me are you hearing what i'm saying go and buy gold this isn't some weird end times fundraising i don't mean real gold i'm in spiritual gold that money cannot buy what does the scripture tell us why do we spend our money and our efforts on so-called riches that don't satisfy that will not last in the age to come buy gold all of you buy gold store your oil matthew 25 today i was speaking to my friend brian guerin going through this and matthew 24 and 25 are connected it's the same sermon and in matthew 24 jesus is talking about the coming of the son of man he talks about tribulation and persecution and rumors of wars and different christs and deception and famine and pestilence and earthquakes offense betrayal of one another he says lawlessness will abound all of this is matthew 24 and verse 15 he talks about the great tribulation and then in verse 29 he shifts it a bit and talks about the coming of the son of man in verse 36 he begins to say nobody knows the hour but we do know the season no one knows the hour true but the bride should know the season and by the time we get to verse 45 he talks about the faithful servant and the evil servant the faithful servant is the one who's found waiting and listen to me that doesn't mean you don't love his kingdom and that you're not into evangelism if you're awaiting the coming of jesus if you're in love you want your bridegroom then we get to verse 1 of 25 of chapter 25 and this is the lord speaking preaching the same sermon and this is what he says then in other words in that hour in that hour in that season in that matthew 24 season in that end time season then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened in other words the way of the kingdom in that hour the kingdom of heaven shall be likened it means that that the the the emphasis in the days ahead we'll be like this ten virgins who take their lamps and they went out to meet the bridegroom five were wise by the way they came out of the same group you see there are wise some of you are wise this isn't a shot on you some of you are foolish please don't hear me i'm not here to but but this is what the word teaches you know the tares and the wheat were in the same field and it took the coming of the lord to reveal who was who and i'm telling you tonight that as the coming of jesus approaches as it nears you're going to see this delineation this line in the sand between those who are foolish and those who are wise now listen carefully listen to the word of the lord five of them were wise five were foolish those who were foolish took their lamps their hearts and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps but while the bridegroom was delayed they all slumbered and slept they were sleeping unaware of the day they were living in at midnight a cry was heard listen at midnight a cry was heard that means the end of the 11th hour and this was the cry the bridegroom is coming can you hear me tonight listen to me church the bridegroom is coming i want you to hear it now so that you're not shocked at the midnight hour the bridegroom is coming jesus is coming i said jesus is coming it's true it's true it will do you no good to not think about it it'll do you no good to push it into the back of your consciousness that'll only make you an unprepared foolish servant he's coming what is he looking for listen to this at midnight a cry was heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him then all the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out interesting their lamps were waning as the 12th hour approach but the wise answered saying no lest there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut and afterward the other virgins came also saying lord lord open to us but he answered and said assuredly i say to you i do not know you watch therefore for you know neither the day or the hour in which the son of man is coming listen that word not knowing speaks of blindness that's why i said watch the wise watch the foolish are blind it implies that they could see it one time and now they can't see and this is why they can't see because their lamps have gone out their lamps went out because darkness is fighting for the souls of men and women their lamps went out it means they could see at one time [Music] they didn't intentionally gouge their own eyes out the lamp just went out thy word is a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path can't see without the lord the wise said go get your own listen to me this oil i'm talking about it doesn't come to the laying on of hands you can't get it in a fire tunnel shocking huh we think everything can come in a fire tunnel no no this is too sacred this doesn't flow through hands this oil comes straight from heaven you gotta buy it do you know what the currency is you know how you buy it time time you can't go to enough events to get this oil this is holy oil i said this is holy oil holy heavenly oil the person of the spirit himself takes time this doesn't come through impartation you're not going to get it at an event you got to buy gold [Music] this gold lasts a lifetime once he gives it to you no demon can steal it you want to buy oil what is wise listen to me what is wise there are many things that seem wise to us i mean gosh a great preacher sounds wise if only preachers prepared their hearts as intentionally as their sermons my god just get the oil get the oil i don't have an outline get the oil get the oil get the oil buy gold store wine america's filled with churches that are glorying and what god doesn't glory in our wheels so that we feel better about us numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers where's the oil where are the eyes that flicker like heidi's what if we have conferences about the oil instead of how to build a church like the world he said i just don't know if that can happen you're in a room that's proof it can happen i'm not going to weary my team and turn them into harlots this is not as i say to my team martha image this is jesus image and we're going to store oil store oil you say what do i do number one listen before i tell you what to do don't miss this to jesus to the bridegroom there is one substance that differentiates the foolish and the wise the oil of the holy spirit to jesus not to the world and not to church in most places to jesus the wise are clothed in this presence the foolish have the structure they have the lamp they have the mechanism but there's no oil there yet they cry out for fire but there's nothing flammable in their soul god doesn't waste his fire he knows very well if i light that wick it'll be lit for a second and go out and bring shame to my name no no but if i find an oily heart an oily heart you don't even need a flamethrower just a little just you just need to get around someone like heidi last week just get around or if there's oil in your heart something will hit you in the chest charles finney used to say i preach on sundays and spend time with god the rest of the week i spray for six days and on the seventh they come watch me burn [Music] it's so easy that way [Music] an oily bride how do you get that oil notice the foolish virgins at the last minute said i know what i'll do i'll go get it now and and the amount of time it took to just go to the market the door was shut i'm telling you based on the authority of the lord's word that the day will come where people will go to find oil in the spirit and the door will shut like noah's ark shut it is the mercy of jesus tonight reaching out to you if you don't know him you can you can know him there's something so wonderful listen to me about walking in to that secret place to be with the lord and the world's just coming at you with everything it has and if you were to address every issue in your life you'd be addressing issues non-stop nine to five i'm telling you tonight that the world is after your attention listen to me the world is after your attention the world wants you to be a foolish virgin who doesn't know where to go because the world brings darkness and when you take your attention away from jesus [Music] you lose oil when you give the lord your attention and your adoration you get filled with oil and so i'm telling you tonight stop looking at the world stop caring so much about what you should not be caring about it's interesting to me they asked jesus when will you come to free israel and establish your kingdom in acts chapter one in other words we have a political question certainly you care i want to influence that sphere my god help me help me i want to influence that spirit jesus we have a political question for you know what jesus says you will be endued with power when the holy ghost comes on you that's what you need to know you need oil and if you get oil that'll fix the rest of your issues they have this question that's so low level and jesus calls them higher one day the holy spirit will come you'll be witnesses unto me that's how you'll get done what you're hoping to get done in and of yourself turn it off listen to me turn it off the voice of the world turn off the voices of those who long to defied us and come against god's holy church and listen to me listen to me look at the bridegroom who drips with oil whose hands drip with myrrh as the scripture says his hands are on the latch of the door and they drip with oily myrrh wisdom wisdom is a person wisdom is a person if you want to be wise fall in love with jesus fall in love with jesus i'm not a strong man i am not a qualified man nobody took me by the hand and said into the secret place and said this is how you do it nobody sat me down and said this is how you start a non-profit or a church this is how you build nobody did that [Music] but i got around people who drift oil if there was something about them that i had to have i've always been amazed by people who get around the same people that i get around and they just keep it moving it's always blown me away i remember being ready and bill be teaching in the civic [Music] some of my friends would go listen some had other stuff to do not me i'm leading a ministry i'm sitting right there going more more jesus more oil i have to have more i've always been amazed i've been amazed how people can step into an environment like this in his presence and leave not wanting him i sent bill a text yesterday or a wednesday i had a question from my journal from his session here in march i just didn't get one line just one little line of his old teaching i couldn't just let that go so i sent him a text what do you mean by this bill i have to know because i was praying through the notes how many of your notes do you pray through this isn't a note praying sermon this is an oil sermon you got to go get it you got to go get it [Music] what did the shulamite say to the beloved show me where you feed your flock and what did beloved say if you don't know follow the footsteps of the flock in other words if you can't get to me on your own the way you want to find people that can just get to me get timmy church look at jesus look at jesus preachers look at jesus you don't have to look at your ministry all the time look at jesus pastors look at jesus longer than you look at your church prophets prophesy jesus evangelists think about jesus more than you think about events and you'll never be able to shake the harvest listen to me you can't love souls on your own you can't it's all in him [Music] as your pastor i'm standing here tonight telling you shut the door and store oil get it sit with him until an exchange takes place stay with him until he softens your heart we all go in hard-hearted we come out soft and gentle have you ever gone in to be with the lord and you left with joy and a tear running down your cheek have you ever done that and and even if you spent three four hours you left there's something about jesus that says can you give me another one not shame or condemnation just his loving heart saying i'll take a fourth hour if you'd give it to me and you give him that fourth hour and he goes i'll take five does he not you gave him a day i guarantee he'll last for a week i have a a woman who who's helped form this whole movement this whole church mother vasily schlink the lord said give me a day she gave him a day evangelical charismatic sisterhood based in darmstadt germany now they have centers all over one in phoenix everywhere all over the world and they're they're coming here by the way and we're all going to weep in his glory but she said i'll give you a day she gave him a day said can i have a week she gave him a week you'd think the lord would be intimidated to ask for a month but he's so in love he said i have a month and she gave the lord a month and then he said how about a year she said lord i have hundreds of sisters i have to take care of my my daughter's in the lord how many of you know there's one father in heaven and he's got all the kids and we take care of kids his kids the best when we have oil so she gave him that month and then he said i want a year she gave him a year after the year you would have thought that the lord would have said that is too much you have too much going on too much to steward you're my servant and the harvest is ready i need you to be an employee god never called us to be employees you know the oily ones get more done in five minutes than employees doing a lifetime five minutes five minutes in this presence sometimes they don't even need to talk they just need to get around people and people feel the currents of god coming off of them and it marks them forever i'll never forget an old greek orthodox charismatic priest walking into my cousin's home who had been filled with the holy spirit he walked in i was seven years old sitting on the floor my cousin had just died and there i am on the floor a house is packed it's supposed to be uh gathering after a memorial service and an old man walks in and when he walked in jesus walked in with him i'm in the air changed it shook it trimmered there was heat in the air there was heavy electric power going through the air and all he did is say this have you ever seen jesus here we are tonight sitting in a church called jesus image here yeah and so jesus said to mr resilie after that year can i have forever can i have it all she said that would mean me laying down my assignment oh wow do you know jesus won't share you with his assignment over you and if you want union with jesus you you will you will come to a crossing in the road when you have to give his assignment back to him and then he trusts you with it again [Music] some of you got it some of you didn't but there comes a day listen to me there will come a day where the lord comes to abraham and says give me isaac the one i gave you and a very natural response to that request from abra from isaac from abraham to the lord would have been but you gave him to me he's my miracle who came from you but the father remembered what he told abraham in genesis 15 i i not my assignment i am your exceeding and great reward and the moment abraham accepted that god called him to the table in a moment he thought he never would and so abraham gave god what god gave him and then god said look up do you see the stars in the sky now that you died to what i gave you i can trust you with what i gave you this is it this is the depth of sir anyone can surrender addiction i'm not saying it's easy but that's much easier easier to surrender what's filthy what destroys you than what god gave you that's what mike bickle said the other night he said ihop's not my dream jesus is my dream i helped my assignment and so jesus said to mother vasilia how about forever you and i could just be together [Music] all the oil that you can store with a lifetime in secret and she struggled she knew she'd have to give everything up and she discovered i'm holding on to a lot that i didn't think i was holding on to and the moment she said yes she said take my forever all day every day with god the lord said i just wanted your yes now i can trust you with the work go minister to the daughters it's the way of jesus he wants our yes the bigger the yes the more oil the more oil the brighter the flame the brighter the flame the better you can see do you know what oil does don't miss this do not miss this isaiah wrote anoint thy shield isaiah said anoint your shield what does that mean in those days when they went to war they had leather shields many of them had a leather covering when the enemy would come and try to go through the shield they discovered they could not so one of the enemy's tactics one of the enemies of israel would take their the broad side of the blade the flat side and hit the side of the shield knowing it would bend the blade and the blade would go around the shield and stab the person in the heart but there was a remedy listen there's a remedy against the side swiping nature of the enemy if i oil the leather it becomes so soft that the blade can't bend and the enemy's tactics don't work the oil keeps you safe [Music] the oil kills the bugs on the sheep the oil keeps darkness away [Music] you are children of the light i said you are children of the light you're children of the spirit fill her lift your hands to heaven right where you are ask him on your own say jesus i'm coming i'm coming [Music] i'm coming i hear your call i hear your call say it said yeah yeah just tell them in your own way i hear your call holy spirit flood your people with your presence in the depths of our being we respond tonight we respond tonight we respond to what you're saying the hour is late we know the hour is late we know we are not blind we are not children of the night we are not children of darkness we are children of the day we are children of the light we are children of the wind father in jesus name i pray that you would fill us you in your homes that should be filled with the presence of the holy spirit right now feeling his call feeling his beckoning in the depths of who you are he's just looking for a response behold i stand at the door and knock if any man heareth me and open i will come in i will come in no jesus [Music] there's oil at the table [Music] that a man was cleansed with wine and oil the good samaritan the man was cleansed with wine and oil holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy jesus jesus we won't let you pass us by we're not letting you we're not going to let you walk by we won't do it we won't do it we're not just going to let you go on by and pass us by knowing you've departed from the midst of us take not your holy spirit from us the only way to keep what what is here is to want more of jesus we won't let you go by we grab the hem we grab the hem of your garment tonight we're desperate ones we all have an issue of blood we're all broken inside in some way jesus we grab the hem of your garment tonight let your virtue go forth tonight let it go forth through your people holy holy is the lord god almighty oh don't watch me don't watch me don't watch me don't watch me don't watch me talk to jesus talk to jesus tonight talk to jesus tonight talk to jesus tonight if you came in if you came in from out of town you paid a dear price to be here many of you flew here just to be in the room you need jesus grab the hem of your arm and grab the hem of his garment don't let him go on by he'll go on like he was in the road to emmaus he would have kept going if they had not constrained them constrain them tonight constrain them you need oil for the days ahead there's joy in the oil there's fullness of joy there's strength in the oil to endure persecution [Music] turn your attention to the presence of the holy spirit right here right here in this room the oil of the holy ghost [Music] the oil of the holy ghost the oil of the holy ghost the oil of the holy spirit [Music] he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty there is safety that's what heidi said last week it's 9-1-1 it's psalm 91 the condition is is dwelling is dwelling is dwelling that's the only hope is to dwell in his presence [Music] to live and dwell how do i start you start right now by drinking if you drink he said if you drink from your innermost being will spring forth rivers springs springs of living water if you came in from out of town don't you leave without oil tonight [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was what is it is to come the earth is filled with your glory holy spirit i give you praise i thank you for being here for moving jesus you're the victorious one you're the victorious one you're the victorious one carla do they have communion elements on their chairs that's okay if you don't does everybody have communion you do you do you do okay father just keep praying father in the mighty name of jesus i give you all the glory [Music] i give you just bring me that scott don't change the channel we're not going to receive you thank you precious lord thank you precious lord thank you precious lord thank you precious jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus talk to him guys just talk to him i can't do this for you talk to him precious lord we give you all the praise all the glory all the honor all the adoration it's all yours [Music] [Music] if you're under the age of 25 you came from out of town to get in the room tonight because you want god to touch you i want you to come forward very quickly under the age 25 and don't you lie don't you lie come come come come in jesus name come you came just to be in the room tonight come come come to jesus come to jesus come to jesus come to hit hit hit hit it hit a pad joel hit a pad it's got to be a nice full one look at all these young people thank you father thank you hold on don't clap don't clap don't clap don't clap father father father father fill them with your presence touch them tonight touch them tonight touch them tonight in the mighty name of jesus church agree with me touch them fill them fill them i want every presence group pastor and the two front rows here get up get up put your hands on their shoulders go go go go go pray for them fill them fill them touch them for your glory yeah right there jordan pray for these two touch them touch this young next generation of leaders fill them with the holy ghost oil from heaven oil from heaven guys they came in from out of town just to be in the room church i want you to pray our nation needs oily ones dripping ones come holy spirit bring this girl to me bethan bring her to me i want everyone in their seats just begin praying we can pray father fill her and use her where are you from i'm from southeastern university father in the mighty name of jesus that a revival fire burned through southeastern clothe her clothe her tonight in the name of the lord jesus put boldness in her heart and on her mouth [Music] in the name of the lord jesus christ i thank you that you're raising up an end-time bride praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus help me ryan hold this put that down i praise you jesus you don't need to be up here to get touched by god you just need to be available give me this young man here [Music] bring him to me lord let a fire burn in his soul at the oil of the holy ghost clothe him and fill him come upon him i pray let his lamb burn brightly you are a city set on a hill that's what jesus told us you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden let the lamp of the lord burn brightly [Music] let the lamp of the lord burn brightly holy holy holy holy let the lamb of the lord burn brightly holy is your name holy is your name holy is your name holy holy holy holy holy holy oh is the lord god almighty oh he's going deep tonight he's going deep tonight he's grabbing hearts tonight he's taking hearts he's wanting first love tonight holy is the lord holy is the lord holy is the lord holy is the lord kill those kids just for a second just for a second troll just only for a minute yeah holy holy holy is the lord worthy are you worthy of glory and honor respond to jesus's invitation tonight father raise up wise virgins here holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy spirit let the weight of your presence descend on us tonight clothe us in the oil of heaven that's what jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me holy holy holy holy holy is there a pastor in the room who's so discouraged that you've considered quitting you've considered quitting it's been so tough is there a pastor in the room wave at me where is that you nathan no no thank you jesus i don't mean like just local pastor i mean you're in the ministry and you've considered it's just been so hard and discouraging that you've had thoughts about quitting i'm not saying you're quitting i'm saying you've had thoughts about it is there anyone thank you father come forward come praise you jesus help me help me very softly just come get on your knees here and don't be discouraged it happens to everyone who's honest anyone who follows a real calling and a real devil experiences those thoughts father what do you do you're a pastor where from saint pete how long have you been pastoring uh back and forth 24 years 20 years yeah it's not easy is it but it's very precious to jesus remember what he said to peter do you love me peter said i do jesus said feed my sheep dear to the lord to feed his sheep do you know jesus is the most wonderful pastor the most loving pastor now father let the encouragement of the holy spirit fill this man's heart and life again and take him into that wonderful river of your presence where the work ends and the yielding begins be filled be clothed again in the name of jesus come holy spirit pick those keys up there joel come holy spirit come clothe and clothe them clothe them in the ease of your presence in the ease of your presence tommy come here hmm lead us down softly though just softly there is a river [Music] there's a fountain is a fountain freeze the soul from since the soul come to this water there's a vast supply [Music] never shall run dry [Music] [Music] oh the lord's movie [Music] the soul come to the water so come to this water there is [Music] a river be careful [Music] it flows from deep way [Music] freeze the soul [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can trust this river huh joy unspeakable and full of glory [Music] been waiting all night for the flow of the spirit so come to the water [Music] there is [Music] [Music] again i feel the rain of the holy spirit again [Music] [Music] there's a fountain [Music] these two are gonna need a lot of oil a lot cover here so come [Music] they're gonna need a lot of oil [Music] a lot of oil for the days [Music] oh there is a river there is a fountain [Music] softly come to the water [Music] young lady from australia yep [Music] they came all the way from australia use their savings to be in the room sing and sing it they use their savings to be in the room they're gonna buy oil there's a fountain there's a fountain there is the soul you're going to need help want to help me then it's been a while come on just like the old days so come to the water oh i love i love the river of god they came all the way from australia spent their savings two sisters fill them fill them use them give them their heart's desire again there's a river there's a river [Music] you can get lost now if you want fancy you can be surrendered and be bound to the clock [Music] [Music] help us [Music] again again again [Music] [Music] true right [Music] [Music] fast supply [Music] [Music] again again prophesied um [Music] from deep within there is [Music] so come to this water there is [Music] again again just lift it a little bit [Music] the presence of god [Music] there is a fountain freeze you freeze the come to the water [Music] [Music] a lot of care in the world in his just pick presence up a bit a bit just a bit there is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want the team to lay hands on ben wilson as he sits there go go [Music] [Music] carry the presence of god back [Music] [Music] i'll stand i'll stand [Music] [Music] [Music] they're crying coming up there is a river that never shall run well sing that again [Music] lift your voice choir come [Music] a on that frees the soul from sin now go go sing [Music] this is where our lives are changed right here in his glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] test [Music] [Music] [Applause] everything [Music] come on prophesy [Music] [Music] come on there is a river [Music] [Music] [Music] tell them come is [Music] [Music] tell the world to come to jesus come on sing it again sing it again sing it again [Music] [Music] come on guys let's go last one i promise come on [Music] [Music] i'll give the lord praise thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] the beer man oh blessed be your name blessed be your name all right go home or whatever just i love you jesus loves you bye bye come on give him praise this is amazing thank you oh hallelujah [Music] white's staring at me [Music] thank you lord [Music] good night [Music] oh i feel the lord hold on here hold on here [Applause] good night if you want we have to clear the building don't we wow the night jesus died on the cross and descended into the underworld and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads oh ye gates ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of ghosts he is the king of glory jesus you have conquered death the grave has been plundered you are the king of glory [Music] you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 66,294
Rating: 4.9293375 out of 5
Id: dSHfkb84wc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 22sec (12502 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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