Destroying The Power of Witchcraft | Kingdom Agreement with Rev. Eastwood Anaba

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[Music] the one who's clothed with fire your voice resounds like thunder we glorify your name [Music] the one with eyes of fire your name is full of wonders come and manifest yourself you are the holy one dwelling in light so bright you made the sun and the moon but you shine brighter than all as we rejoice and call upon your name please come and take your place and manifest yourself [Music] yourself [Music] your name is full [Music] all things are possible nothing is hard for you believe in your name and we can stand on your word these are the days our signs and wonders [Music] darkness will flee advisory land [Music] worship jesus we worship you [Music] we bless your names [Music] your name is [Music] oh yourself oh [Music] and glorify [Music] [Applause] [Music] yourself one who's clothed with fire your voice resounds like thunder we glorify your name i love my dino the one with eyes of fire your name is full of wonders come and manifest yourself you are the only one dwelling in light so bright you made the sun and the moon but you shine brighter than all as we rejoice and call up on your name please come and take your place and manifest yourself [Music] your voice resides [Music] your name is full [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all things are possible nothing is hard for you if you believe in your name and we can stand on your word these are the days of signs [Music] darkness will flee advance result at the sound of your voice the fire is burning [Applause] nations will worship worship [Music] we jesus your names [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] these are the dates of [Music] darkness will flee advance we surrender at the sound of your voice the fire is burning [Music] [Applause] worship jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello my name is lindsay and i want to welcome you fam to kingdom agreement i'm so excited to be here and i believe you are too there's going to be an anointed word deliverance healing and the power of god is about to hit us i believe the word we're about to hear will impact our lives in a tremendous way and we're taking the kingdom into our families our communities and every corner of the world we encourage you to share this video with at least five other people let's go [Music] god bless you for connecting if you may kindly be on your feet even as we enter into prayer online and in person if you can be on your feet that'll be very powerful and you just want to quickly go into a time of prayer as we thank the lord for today thank him for this morning this afternoon this evening this dawn depending on where you are connecting from it's so awesome that at one particular time we have so many different people connecting from different parts of the world just thank god for this awesome moment in the name of jesus a time in his presence a time at kingdom agreement somebody go ahead go ahead thank the lord in the name of jesus thank him for your life thank him for kingdom agreement thank him for the life of reverend in sudan abba for the life of reverend mrs ross mona thank him for your pastor the man of god who pastors you the woman of god who passes you thank the lord for your family in the name of jesus there is something you can thank the lord for just open your mouth and thank him right now in the name of jesus [Music] we thank you for protection we thank you for your presence with us we thank you for your praise towards us in the name of jesus and thank you for your reminds goodness and as we continue to pray people of god we want to pray that we will be so anointed at kingdom agreement today so anointed that wherever we find ourselves the activity of witchcraft the power of witchcraft will be immobilized the power of witchcraft will be non-functional in the name of jesus lift up your voice and continue in prayer that in your environment at your workplace in your house at your home wherever you find yourself let witchcraft let the power of witchcraft been unfunctional in the name of jesus pray continue praying in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and finally we want to pray for the discipline to remain undefiled our father will let us know that one thing that can let witches wizards witchcraft the power of witchcraft to overcome us is when we are defiled therefore we want to pray finally for the discipline and the grace to remain undefiled in the name of jesus somebody pray finally just pray finally in the name of jesus before we enter into worship that we will be undefiled [Music] that you will escape every temptation you will escape every trap of the enemy to cause us to be defiled to cause us to fall into sin to cause us to walk in disobedience pray finally in the name of jesus [Music] and once again eternal father we thank you for this time in your presence we give you glory lord living for gathering us online and in person at kingdom agreement a place where you hear our prayer be glorified in our lives show yourself strong in our midst in jesus name have we prayed and somebody give you love [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] much [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when i behold [Music] [Music] [Applause] your house [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] news [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] praise the lord lift up your hands and just thank him bless him today today we have a long night i don't know how long it will be but um it's an effectual fervent night so you just pray and um ask god to be with you ask him to anoint him ask him to give you courage [Applause] because when you deal with the spirit of witchcraft you need a lot of courage to handle that so you want to pray in the name of jesus before we go far just bind every spirit of witchcraft [Music] you know we put out the title they're destroying the power of witchcraft so i believe that witchcraft is in the air it's online is in person witchcraft is somewhere just monitoring what we are doing and you want to bind every spirit of witchcraft that will seek to attack this meeting you want to pray and take authority over the spirit of witchcraft bind every spirit of witchcraft take dominion over it in the name of jesus father we bring every power of witchcraft we take dominion over the spirit of witchcraft we we bind the power and the force of witchcraft in the name of jesus we take dominion over witchcraft we rebuke it we bind it in the name of jesus we destroy the bible said for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil and you want to pray in the name of jesus destroy every power of witchcraft bind the tech god take dominion over the spirit of witchcraft and somebody lift up your hand and plead the blood of jesus christ over the broadcast the broth the blood of jesus over your life the blood of jesus over the administration the blood of jesus over those that are traveling the blood of jesus over those that are riding or driving or walking from their homes and coming here the blood of jesus over those that are watching online anywhere pray in the name of jesus father we plead your blood we bleed your blood we plead your blood over everyone in [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus marcatonia in the name of jesus in the name of jesus unto you be glory and honor father in jesus mighty name and let somebody say a big big amen a big big a big big big amen and find your seat wherever you are the lord bless you mightily i wish to thank you maybe this this evening let me let me just thank you that online followers in particular in particular that you have followed this um from last year um 2021 2020 i beg your pardon you've been with us on this for i don't know so many months into about one and a half years and you are still online we don't take it for granted at all because we know the kind of data you need to get in order to follow this thing online and thank you very very much and there are some of the names we keep seeing again and again and they are always on tiring and those of you that come in person you do so well your your stamina to be in all these meetings the lord bless all of us for what we are doing and i want us this evening to lift up our hands and those that are in person in the meeting pray for those that are online and those that are online pray for the people that are in person so those of you that are online pray for the people that are in the desert pastures who are sitting here with me right now because you have no idea it's not an easy thing you know this is where the center of activity is so definitely the people here will be receiving some kind of spiritual bombardments to prevent them from reaching out to you online so you want to pray for the house here that everything we need everything we must be all the protection and every guidance that god must give to us here and then all the mobilization of the forces of god on the ground at the desert passes to make it possible for me to minister to you that you pray for the people in the house that god will give us that divine enablement and then the people in the house you pray for those that are online that god will give them also the grace and the resources to be able to follow this event because you know without the people that are online we will not be motivated to do what we are doing so you want to also pray for the people that are online and they are our friends and our brethren and you are praying that whatever they are going through right now may god give us testimonies of deliverance salvation healing and blessing somebody pray in the name of jesus jesus bless us [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign yes so [Music] oh [Music] somebody come and pray father we give you glory and honor thank you for those in present thank you for those online in jesus name amen all right so god bless god bless and this is this is the month of september i nearly said october i'm normally in a hurry to run away from a month but this is the month of september versus will be in october then we are in november and then we are in december and we are done um for those of you that are online and you are getting excited about the month of october it's rather unfortunate you may have to come and look for me in burger otherwise you'll hear me online i'll still be doing it online i i thought i would be able to come to accra for october but it's not possible and then we were shifting it to november but today i had cancelled november again and the reason i'm cancelling all these accra and other things is because i i just have a feeling that we will find it very difficult expensive to create the same atmosphere wherever i go it will mean that we have to carry a camera crew we have to carry the instrumentalist we have to carry the same prayer warriors we we practically i must ship about 20 people with me or 30. but let's say 20. i i counted the number of people i need to take if i'm going to carry if i'm going to do an event in accra i may have to move about 20 to 30 people to get to accra and give me the same effect that i need as for the atmosphere if you want to create the same thing in accra or london or wherever or it's going to take me a lot of effort i'll be doing the times of refreshing in london on the 23rd of october 23rd october ask for london by the grace of god i'll be there to do at times of refreshing for you and you won't believe it yesterday talking to the committee and we are trying to get the event organized i just had to tell them please don't attempt to replicate bogatanga in london because you cannot do don't kill yourself don't do don't try it you you will struggle and i also told them in london there will be no online and the reason of you know online is because people are used to seeing me like this in online they are used to see me like this online and if you go to london and try to create this atmosphere here the financial cost of it you have no idea the cost of all the screens and everything that we produce and do here you you have no idea he's going to give me wahala today i was here when i had a call from accra and they told me this okay reverend would you come to accra the venue is free the venue is free they won't take anything for even and i still said still if i have to come the venue be free but the other concomitants the things that go with it and the fact that i have to carry about 20 people from burger and bring them to sit behind console give me a certain sound pick up the camera work the way it is create the same thing in that place or although the place is free i'm saying this just so that those of you that are online and especially sometimes the ones that are in person who take it for granted they take it for granted because you know those of you online should know i'm just gossiping but don't tell the people who are in person they sit in the building here they take the whole thing for granted they have no idea what it means they know they just have no idea do you have no idea what the sound means what the light means what the seating means they just have no idea for them it's normal it's natural but here you are in bogatanga and i'm telling you i'm scared if i go to accra i won't get what i want because recently i went to america i didn't get what i wanted i'm going to london and i've told them they should cut their coat according to their material they cannot match the burger one they should just humble themselves and do what they can do and and and that is because it is taking us nearly two years to get here from bogatanga and i cannot create the same thing in accra in one month or create it in london it's going to be very very expensive and you also don't want to do a program and you go there and you are putting so much and um it is so is so tiring and then the other thing about the accra is i was talking to mommy when we're coming you know i was talking to her i was talking to my head i think i was talking to my head and i'm driving and coming no traffic no traffic the only time i stopped was when i was at the red light traffic light but once i cross nothing is a hindrance no no traffic on the road it's so easy so um people especially for those of us who are in burger and we take the whole thing for granted it doesn't mean anything to us let me tell you for me it means so much up i've gotten so used to it that moving somewhere else to do something has become difficult tomorrow i'm supposed to preach three times i'm supposed to preach here in the morning for um what is the name of that women in the upper room the the spirit of depression huh i'm supposed to preach the spirit of depression and then after that i'm supposed to preach two times in accra so tomorrow i'm supposed to preach three times between burger and accra you can imagine that and i have to do it from bogatanga and their crowd once is not online they are expecting me to be there physically so but on sunday i still have to preach three times in burger so that means i have to go and then a question you know that is why people have to pray that god should bless ministries and god should bless our regions can you imagine if bogatanga had an airport i would just drive there and just sit in the plane and fly and go wherever maybe one day there will be a plane that flies directly from bogatanga to new york can you imagine that burger program and listen to me people people for your sake it is possible for the sake of the gospel it is possible because you can imagine at my age preach in the morning women in the upper room and see that is my wife's invitation so it has to be first the bible says he felt the kingdom of god so that's my wife's invitation spirit of depression then when i finish that then i cannot think about jesus said paul said to the jew first and also to the greek so um you i'm saying all these because some of you are seeing my face on too many things and you are getting confused where is he i'm everywhere bogatanga is everywhere the name of bogatanga is everywhere so um just take your time and keep praying for me and keep praying for all of us and whilst i'm doing this i'm writing a book you know i'm i'm i finished writing my book called settlement and settlement is our team for next year i have finished writing the book now and then when i finish that i'm now writing a second book and that one i think i'm on page 58 as of this afternoon and that second book the title is settlement warrant because next year our team is settlement and god is saying find the place of your choice and settle there build houses develop the place make make the place magnificent and glorious but you see you need a warrant to go there and that warrant is prayer so i'm writing settlement warrant and by the grace of god i must finish that one latest by next week so the target so um yesterday don't worry i'm just telling you stories but i'll preach okay [Applause] so and then suddenly was writing the book caught me so much that i think today's thursday so the whole of tuesday i didn't get out of my bedroom yesterday i didn't get out of my bedroom i'm not talking about the house i'm talking about bedroom then today i went out of the bedroom for about 15 minutes that is the only amount of time i left the bedroom and then i left and came here why i'm writing i'm believing god for next year that next year conflict 19 took over in 2021 sorry 2020. 2021 kovid19 is still shaking us with its concomitants and its consequences but 2022 by the grace of god we will settle down all the shaking and the explosion and everything we will settle down tell somebody we will settle down we suddenly you will settle like the ark of noah rested on the mountains of ararat you will settle [Applause] and the lord bless your life today we want to look at destroying the power of witchcraft now we will understand this topic better if i define some words to begin with and those words i'm defining include witchcraft you know there are words you you grow up and then you you hear the words but you really don't know what they mean like if they say witchcraft i will advise you a lot of the word you see in the english language or in the bible just go back and look at the etymology of the word etymology you are looking at where the word is coming from the breakdown of the word background of the word how did they form that word and witchcraft is one of those words that is interesting to you look at it comes from the old english you know there's a way they used to speak english which is not the way we speak it today so in the old english you come across the witchcraft and when they pronounce the witchcraft there is a way they pronounce it i can pronounce those um old english words and there was a word witch which is like w-i-c-c-e and that word meant a female magician or sorcerer a female magician or sorcerer a woman who is supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits i know sometimes women get worried why are they saying witchcraft is there a wizard craft you know and when they say a witch they are talking about a woman and that's because in that old english they saw that they saw the witch as a female magician or sorcerer or sorceress somebody who is supposed to be having dealings with the devil or evil spirits and is able to have their cooperation to perform supernatural acts so the person is able to have the cooperation of evil spirits or devils in order to call to perform supernatural acts and the word craft is what we know as a power a skill or a craft so somebody who practices the skill of a witch or somebody who practices the profession the power the craft the skill of a witch we call the person craft is like you have people that weave baskets and that is their craft somebody who does things and that is their craft so somebody who practices which witchery if there is a word like that somebody who is a witch the thing is witchcraft so that is their profession so as a matter of fact if you are a witch you don't need employment because you are already employed and you have a social security number and then they pay you a salary at the end of the month so if you are which you don't need another um profession now sasra sasra in the early 15th century the word sasra meant to conjure evil spirits so somebody that has the power to conjure evil spirits they the person can call up evil spirits and he can talk to them and let them manifest themselves now this sorcerer was a replacement for an old word in the 14th century which was a saucer and the saucer and the sorcerer they come from a french background old french society which comes from medieval latin sororios you know the the the the latin people have a different ready they pronounce that thing so that is saltarius and when they talk about the sorretarios they are talking about somebody who is a teller of fortunes by lot so they can use lot cash lot and then they can tell you your fortunes they can tell your future they can tell you what is happening in your life they use magic and they foretell they they do they do fortune telling and they call those ones the sorcerer now we will look at a typical occurrence of witchcraft in the bible there are many occurrences of witchcraft i decided to go for this particular one which has to do with jehu confronting jehoram or joram and his mother jezebel i decided to go for that one because that one is very easy to understand the other day i thought i was going to talk to you about the operations of the witchcraft and the way witchcraft really operates how do they kill people when they say they've eaten somebody in witchcraft what does it mean the lord told me about three days ago he said many of the cases where you see when they say somebody's missing somebody's lost and so on and so forth not in all the cases but in some of the cases the witches actually caught the person they butchered the person and they ate the person so witches can actually eat they can catch you like a goat slaughter you and eat slaughter you eat now if i ask you why do people eat shark some eat crocodile people eat snake how many of you know that then they eat dog then they eat pig then they eat chicken what do they eat again fish so why do you think you they can eat you you look at yourself don't you think you larry if they get you touch yourself like this and see [Applause] now it's very interesting you think human beings can can eat alligator or even snake by you they can't eat you so when they say um witches i'm going to eat somebody then people are like hakka which is each human being how do they eat the other things they even immediate elephant antelope rabbit had a friend who was a rare rabbit to sell so that people can kill and eat and i used to ask him why are you killing rabbits i said don't you feel pity for this nice animal why do you eat rabbit then i traveled to new york with mommy and a friend of mine professor salifu he took us to an italian restaurant and they brought rabbit somebody ordered rabbit with rice when they brought the rabbit i looked at that corner i said jay what thing am i missing like this i said pass me some of the rabbit when they brought the rabbit i ate it i said car rabbit it's not it's not a joko the following day i said you can bring me some of the rabbit so you human beings of rabbit now which they can't chop you you say hey why do you force up me but you why they chop the rabbit [Applause] what i'm saying is you know what you have enough appetite to eat rabbit somebody has enough appetite to eat you up so you better start praying they say one man's meat is another man's poison so you see you are walking about and when you look at a human being you are like how can a human being eat human being but there are people they eat human being flesh they drink human blood now you know some of you come from the local houses and then when they make some food they call it self cop sell it and in his blood isn't it so you read the bible and even when noah god was giving them commandment god gave them command and they said don't eat animal with the blood in it and that's because you see the more you start seeing blood and blood and you are consuming blood whether it is the blood of a goat or a sheep or whatever you make that sill and then you eat the blood you are developing a color's heart at a time will come a human being's blood will not mean anything to you incidentally human beings all the things we consume when god created man he he really didn't even intend for us to eat meat [Applause] check it genesis he said i've given you every help for food it was after the flood after the days of noah then god permitted them they could eat the meat because they are falling already and he that is down he that is now knees fear no fall so god now said you can eat but you know what don't take the blood that is in it now watch this look at sheep cows goat they don't eat meat but they have red blood in them how do they get the red blood god gave us a perfect world but by our lust and our appetite and our desire for things we have destroyed the world and we are struggling with all the consequences and you see even a sheep and the sheep is having tracks or what is the name of the sickness sheep can get the one day is that attracts sheep wow human beings will kill literally [Applause] he and you see a human being and the person is very sick weak running the rear and they say which is kill the person and hit the person and somebody said how how can which is kill this miserable looking person will eat but but listen god you've been eating more miserable things than that some of the meat you buy from the slaughterhouse to go over and cook and enjoy if you know the state of the animal at the time they kill the animal you will go and vomit so talking about the way they kill sometimes human being like that then at times too they don't kill the human being sorry they don't eat the human being's flesh but the way you and i the bible talks about using animals as redemption animals so they substitutionary redemptive animals so they take a goat a sheep they take um a dove and it represents something it is the same way sometimes they can take a fowl or a goat into the in the witchcraft and it will represent you and then with the quantity called your name then they say that this particular animal represents you and then they kill the animal and then they tie you up spiritually identify you with that animal then they destroy you i'm praying right now in the name of jesus that anybody standing in any shrine or any aquatic place and they are standing there with an animal and they are going to slaughter it and they believe that the day they kill that animal you will die i overrule that exercise of witchcraft in the name of jesus and anybody that is sick at the sound of my voice right now who is weak and you can feel that your soul is leaving you and the reason why your soul is leaving you is that what what what jesus said he said like a sheep led to the slaughter like a sheep led to the slaughter any animal they are leading to the slaughter with the belief that when they kill it you would die the bible said what we bind on earth is bounding heaven what we lose on earth is losing heaven we bind the spirit of witchcraft right now and we demand that you be loosed cannot declare this the snare is broken your soul is escaped and your body is escaped in the name of jesus and you know what when they take that animal and they fire it or they do something to you wherever you are you feel it how many of you have been there before where you have a brother or a sister the brother is somewhere far away or your sister is far away somewhere and your sister just got a stomach pain and wherever you are standing you are like i feel something because there's a spiritual connection i cut the soul tie between you and any animal between you and any sacrificial animal i cancelled the soul tie between you and that thing in the mighty name of jesus can you clap your hands and scream [Music] now the other day pastor john was teaching us about the imitation of satan that day i didn't come to church but don't make a mistake wherever i am i spy you people so he was talking about satan having imitations and imitates anything and everything that god does and one of them is communion the devil has got his own communion sometimes they use human blood but there are times they will not use human blood but they will use something else that will represent you so they can they they can use the blood of an animal or anything then they are like okay this blood is your blood is somebody else's blood and then they use it and then they say that when this is the person's blood we are drinking so it's a kind of a communion they have and they bring everything about you your soul your spirit into their environment and do the magic now you should understand this that just as we do many things an unbeliever does not understand the witches and the wizards also do many things you cannot use your natural mind to follow that is why it is called witchcraft now you don't understand aircraft you don't understand um food craft you don't understand basket craft you don't understand scientific craft in the same way people witchcraft you will not understand it you you won't understand it because you are not a witch you don't know what you are doing what they are doing but the good thing is the scripture has revealed it to us so that we will understand the devices of the enemy may this teaching make you wiser than you've ever been before and may it make you stop taking things for granted now so here is jehu the anointing came upon jehu and i'll be talking about jehu a little more as i go through this message the anointing came upon jehu and jehu started riding towards jezreel to go and destroy jezebel and his son joram who is better pronounced as jehoram now he's going towards jezreel to go and destroy them and then he met joram joram is ruling in the absence of his father ahab and it came to pass when joram that is the the agav and jezebel's son saw jehu he said is it peace jehu and he answered what peace so long as the dorms of your mother jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many now the wardrobes and the witchcrafts of jesus that word jordan is a word that stands for hurlatri adultery and fornication what he's saying is your mother is practicing her tree your mother is practicing adultery your mother is practicing fornication and have witchcraft and that word witchcraft also is a word that that that also means somebody who invokes supernatural powers someone who invokes supernatural powers against people it is a word question and the question means to practice sorcery using supernatural powers like an idolater and of course i told you the word hardham it means harassing it means fornication adultery and so on and so forth now so it talks about the whole dorms and the witchcrafts of your mother i want to stop here and i want to at this juncture talk about the alliance between harlotry fornication adultery hordorms and witchcraft listen without hordums and without fornication which craft will find it difficult to operate and not because witchcraft aims at the soul of a person and one of the easiest ways to get into the soul of somebody is sexual intercourse the bible says he that is joined to a harlot is one flesh i can tell you ladies and gentlemen especially for those of you that are into sexual activities anytime you sleep with somebody who is not your wife or your husband you have compromised your spiritual security seriously they are broke i mean it's like you having a phone and they know the phone the code and they have hacked into your computer that is what has happened to you as soon as they sleep with you with witchcraft they have access to your life that is why to be able to get solomon to worship all those idols it had to take sex to be able to get what is a man something to reveal the source of his strength it had to take the same sleeping with a woman anybody under the sound of my voice if you are practicing practicing fornication or adultery from today just stop don't do it again because you see you are over compromise you don't have any security in any part of your life your life is open you are open to destruction and you can imagine that so let's go let's let's let's find it in the book of revelation in the book of revelation john is talking about a certain woman in the church in taipeira who calls himself jezebel and he said now on to the angel of the church in tithia right these things sayeth the son of god who has the eyes like onto the flame of fire and his feet like fine brass i know your works and your charity your service and your faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first notwithstanding i have a few things against you because you suffer that woman jezebel which called yourself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things that are sacrificed to idols now we know that the woman jezebel from the bible from the old testament that woman jezebel practiced witchcraft that one we know then we also know she practice hordones that is the folication we also know from here that idolatry so there are three things that go with witchcraft number one is the hordorms number two is the witchcraft itself and number three is the idolatry that any practitioner of witchcraft is first of all a witch or a wizard but the thing that empowers the witchcraft is the idolatry so they will do idols they will lead you into worshipping something which is not the real god that you are supposed to worship and then number three they will seduce you into fornication or adultery no wonder our churches you know in our churches these days we we take the fornication for granted and we take the adultery for granted you know somebody a brother sleeps with a girl or a sister sleeps with a brother and they get up and go and they think they have done nothing there is an exchange of soulish power in that if the person has got witchcraft they transfer the witchcraft to you so our churches are full of witchcraft [Applause] to be honest with you maybe one of these days we should have a phone where people who are going to marry you ask them who they have ever slept with if they give you the names of all the people investigate all their backgrounds whether they are witches or wizards if they have witchcraft you are marrying a witch or a wizard [Applause] i thought you will clap this message is very interesting [Applause] now if they are not born again the times of ignorance god will wink at so they will get born again they have become a new creature they go through deliverance and then they are saved but where they are born again they've received the holy ghost and they are still living in sin and fornicating every time they fall into that fornication they've imbibed their spirit and that's how we just pollute the whole church with witchcraft and and and the fornication spirit and the adultery spirits and the the hollow tree spirit somebody said okay hello tree we don't practice it in the church we don't practice our tree we are christians we don't practice a lot listen to me if you're a woman you sleep with more than how many three men four men in a year you are not a harlot so you are what hola minan ko what is the difference you are the one who is selling what is the difference or you are a man you sleep with more than three women in a year you are not a harlot so you are what you are male prostitute may the lord help us to purify our lives cleanse our lives and stop all this pollution with which we are sitting in the church and that spirit of witchcraft is in our choirs is in our austrian department and sometimes strangely it's even in the pastoral department [Applause] tell somebody i don't like the way you are quiet tell the person you are forcing me to think something [Applause] come on you can clap your hands wherever you are okay so sleeping with people is not just doing it and getting up and go it's it's one of the surest way by which you can catch witchcraft food is another means and that's because like i told you they have their own communion so when you come to church and we give you bread to eat and we give you the the juice to take when you take the juice and you take the bread you are taking in something so in the same way sometimes they cook the food in some places they do all the incantations and they carry the food and they bring it to you listen you cannot eat just any food you can't just eat any food [Applause] you know you know you're not just eat any food and the food is from my mother and so what do you know where your mother got the food from huh go to your festival in your village go eat any food at all go to any restaurant they give you the food you don't sanctify just eat it as for those of us who are pastors the way people can cook for us oh man of god i just felt like cooking for you sorry please keep your food i have food in my house by the grace of god i eat from only one sauce in my house my sisters don't cook for me my mother doesn't cook for me my relatives don't cook for me no and when i go to people's houses i don't eat many of you realize that the day they were doing the ghana bar association how many of you were here if you picked into that bistro everybody was eating i wasn't eating those of you that peeped there i didn't eat i was sitting with the big man himself i didn't eat you see if you die because a bullet killed you god will say okay sorry but if you die because of food god was a foolish man did i call you into the ministry to eat didn't you have food in your house no the girls who have come can be hungry and eat because they are guests but by the grace of god i'm the landlord don't i know where to eat huh so i don't i don't i don't eat just anything [Applause] i don't eat just anything i am praying that this will teach many of you something important eating just any food any food all girlfriends cook for you you eat all boyfriends cook for you you eat anywhere [Applause] and already can carry something from somewhere you don't even know where they bring it you call it the team work but now we want to look at now so that is that and then another way they can transfer it of course is through touching so in my village if somebody's walking about and you just go and touch the person and the person doesn't know you they'll follow you and touch your song because they believe that by touching you they can catch your soul well you take it for granted and say oh things like that don't really happen no you'll be shocked you'll be shocked so but let's look at the war against witchcraft war against witchcraft how does god fight against the witchcraft and today i want to depend instead of talking about how we do the war i just want to talk about the agents god uses to fight the war against witchcraft the agents god uses and to look at the agents i want us to look at the story of of the same jehu man encounter with jehoram and jezebel the bible said and when we are looking at the spirit of witchcraft is resident in here she painted her face tied the head and looked out at the window i will not go into this scripture because it will take me a very long time and jehu entered in at the gate and said had zimri peace and as jew entered in at the gate she said had zimri peace who slew his master jezebel is trying to blackmail jehu and he lifted up his face to the window and said who is on my side who and then looked out to him two or three enochs [Applause] and he said throw her down so they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and he threw there underfoot and when he was coming he did eat and drink and he said go see now this kissed woman and bury her for she is a king's daughter and they went to berger but they found no more than no more of it than the skull and the feet and the palms of the house it's called the feed the palms of the house wherefore they came again and told him and he said this is the word of the lord which is picked by his servant elijah that teach by saying in the portion of jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of jezebel now so we are looking at jezebel and the agents that god used to destroy and destroy the witchcraft number one agent is jew and jehu is the anointed man of god jehu is the anointed man of god it takes anointed people of god to destroy the spirit of witchcraft and i'm praying today in the name of jesus that by the time i finish this meeting an anointing will come upon you anybody who has anointing oil anywhere under the sound of my voice find that anointing oil because when i finish you will put it upon your head and i pray that you will be the the jehovah you will be the jehu that would destroy the spirit of idolatry the spirit of witchcraft in your family and in your community in the mighty name of jesus christ jehu that name means jehovah is he and he represented he represents the anointed one who is called to destroy the spirit of witchcraft let's look at the way this man was anointed the bible said that elijah sent one of his servants who is believed to be jonah the the the prophet and he said take some oil and when he came behold the captives of the host were sitting and he said i have an errand to thee oh captain today god has an errand to somebody god has an appointment for somebody god has an assignment for somebody he said i have an errand i have a message for you and he said unto which of us and he said to thee o captain some of you are waiting for somebody else to destroy the witchcraft in your family but it will not be somebody else it will be you you are the one god is mandating you are the one god descending to destroy the spirit of witchcraft and he arose and went into the house and he poured the oil on his head if i were you and i have some oil i will just put it on my head right now because i won't even wait and he went in and he put the oil on his head you don't have to go out of the building don't go out of the building i caution you the other day that anytime you are coming to my meeting just carry some oil it's better to carry oil to my meeting than to wear shoes i'm not likely to call for your shoe but i'm not i'm like god of israel i have anointed you king over the people of the lord and over the house of israel i pray right now in the name of jesus you have been appointed king you have been appointed lord you have been appointed as one that will have supremacy and dominion over the people of your house over my people even over israel verse number seven and thou shall smite the house of ahab your master that i may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of disabled at the hand of jesus i pray over the years this anoints try them destroy their children destroy their habitations in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray may god use you to he said for the half for the whole house of ahab shall perish and i will cut off from ahab him that piece of against the wall and him that's
Channel: Eastwood Anaba
Views: 6,018
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Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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