Doors Of New Beginings By Rev Lucy Natasha. Miracle Monday Service.

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[Music] came to announce tonight in this miracle Monday God is going to settle the controversy some of you spiritually you are well financially you are drowning us some of you in other areas of your life your career is going well but spiritually you are going powder I declare every controversy in your life God is a pump to set on it in the name of Jesus the Lord spoke to me on opening doors of new beginnings and I'm filling in my heart and in my spirit in this season of open doors there is a door of new beginning for somebody some of you there are doors that have been shot but the closing of one door is the opening of another door and I fill in my heart and in my spirit today God has assigned me for somebody that is here and for somebody that is watching me online so open up your heart and your spirit I want to look at Naaman most of you another story of nominee but allow me to tell you something about Naaman Naaman was a commander Naaman was a guy that was the captain of their amis of Syria Naaman was a great man he had power he had position he had prestige he was a warrior he was a fighter he was a man of influence he was successful when it comes to finances it was well with him so Naaman is this great guy even when the Bible begins this next up it talks about the greatness of nama from 2nd Kings chapter 5 we are told his the commander of the army of the king of Syria the Bible also calls him great the Bible calls him honorable it calls him mother-father so this was a man that was a great man he was respected by many admired by others envied by others because of power position and prestige he was a man that was highly regarded highly esteemed in his days and in his community he also had the opposition and the favor of the king of Syria he is a man that had the ear of the king his voice was hot in the corridors of power this was a great man that I want to talk about but there was a contradiction in his life what verse 1 now in second Kings chapter 5 now Naaman the commander of the army of the king of Syria was great an honorable man in the eyes of his master because the Lord had because that because because by him the Lord had given victory to Syria he was a mighty man of Valor he had conquered military battles but the first one concludes by saying but he was but the minute you introduce a but it changes the story there was a contradiction in his life my god he was I've come to discover affliction is not a respecter of persons the rich get afflicted they had you take that go through of literature on the net you pick that go through affliction then known and the famous go through affliction that is why even millionaires commit suicide and also they are known go through affliction affliction is not a respecter of persons so is fight about the greatness he had the contradiction though it was well what he which was well with him in one area of his life there was another contradiction he had leprosy he was leprous my god in spite of his greatness in spite of his power his authority and his position the man had leprosy there are people that are sitting here and like Naaman it is like one area of your life is going well but another area of your life is falling apart and you're like woman of God I don't understand the contradiction it is like I am living in the best of times and in the worst of times up it is like I am going through a good time and a but I am all together but I came to announce tonight in this miracle Monday God is going to settle the controversy some of you spiritually you are well financially you are rounding up some of you in other areas of your life your country is going well but spiritually you are going powder I declare every controversy in your life God is a pump to settle it in the name of Jesus have you look good on the outside but people don't know what you're dealing with behind closed doors publically successful but private failure some of you you are sitting here you look good that you are shining or you're watching mail but only you know what you are dealing with behind closed doors I came to declare none of the conditions whether it is public or private that is going to escape the anointing I declare this time around affliction will not rise a second I'ma be much visa that what in your life is going to be removed in the mighty name of Jesus a and you know that pepper always maximizes on your batter because even when people are talking about you they don't talk about your success they talk about your failures but I decree and declare in the name of Jesus God is going to set up the contradiction in the mighty name of Jesus shout I receive are you following somebody I said are you following somebody then now when we got to pass to somebody dinner is introduced to us and this is a slave girl that was working in the house of naman she was a maid to Nimmons wife she was a girl that was such that and became a slave in the house of Naaman and she is just an ordinary call and the maid you know I have preached before on Destiny helpers but one of the things you need to understand about destiny help us some of that destiny help us that God will send you away they will come in a package you don't expect this young girl was in Norman's house something as a maid but God had sent her there as a destiny helper for the healing of Naaman from leprosy and the piper says this young girl that was a pest in helper she knew where a neighbor could get the solution to his problem I am praying for somebody that is seated here whoever has what you need I will manifest in the name of Jesus whoever has what you are looking for making manifests in the name of Jesus whoever is carrying their answers to the questions of your lives I read they will manifest in the name of Jesus somebody said Lord connect me to somebody that has what I need because I told you in the journey of life God walks through help us Alleluia in the journey of life there are people that God has assigned to improve and benefit your life to add value to your life to add significance to your life and these people are called help us but they don't always come in the package that you expect because you can imagine this great general this commander of the army of Syria this man that stood before a king this man that had our position and prestige this man that was a hero this man that was in his community that is Destiny's helper came in the form of a major that is why you need this son mentor to design some of your destiny help us I pray that none of your destiny helpers will pass you by now watch this now this lady was a destiny helper in connecting number to his healing because she knew supporting that Naaman did not know are you listening to me you may be somebody that knows somebody sometimes god works in mysterious ways tell your neighbor receive discernment my helpers are you listening to me this girl was a maid but she knew of a prophet by the name of Elijah and this girl understood protocol she did not go right put enough money and say you know what you know what's hard I know perfect by the name of Elijah no she went to the mistress she went to the wife of Naaman she understood protocol I love this lady she's an inspiration because she understood the procedure she came to numbers wife and say please I know a prophet she had the testimony of Elijah she believed in the prophetic grace that was upon Elisha on Chronicles 2020 it says believe in the Lord my quarter I shall be established and believe in my prophets and so you shall prosper she believed in the Prophet and this girl was on her she was unafraid she was bold and she had the testimony of Elijah and she said if only my musta got to the Prophet Elisha he can be true what he can be healed of this laplacian she had confidence in the prophet of God because she knew that God was bigger that God that was operating in the life of Elijah he was bigger than the leprosy I am here to announce up in this miracle mundus Ibiza thank God that we serve is bigger God is bigger than your failures he's bigger than your infirmity he's bigger than you affliction he's bigger than us home I don't know who I came from but I came to tell you his pickup is throbbing at viewer he's bigger than the purpose that you are fighting up goddess pick a cordis pickup he's bigger than what we are passing through he's bigger than what we are coming through tackle is a crazy liar oh so you're a tush and I thank God because when the wife of Naaman spoke tournament he believed and he decided to seek out the Prophet look at your neighbor's a neighbor may God release your helper lift your hand and say Lord release my helper is my help anyone that has what you are looking for I declare after this service may they begin to look for you may they begin to call you may I begin to email you what you are looking for is in somebody else custody cuz I'm to mom be a Kelowna chota futa kunam to a miki baba naina columbia wiki here my god whatever it is that you're looking for that is in somebody else custody may god connect you to people that have what you need whether it is a job whether it is business capital whatever you are believing God for whether it is finances when the ear is tenders or contract anyone that has what you need whether it is a poor whether it is a connection receive it in the name of Jesus may God connect you to your help us I said may God connection to your help us whether they are significant or insignificant because insignificant helpers can lead to significant help us look at your neighbor's a neighbor you are few connections away from set house you just need to know somebody that knows somebody one person away now watch this as I close my god you know that mine for not months up and Oh had come and God was ready to give him an open door and a new beginning so he came to the Prophet Elisha and you know this was a great man he came with his entire entourage bearing gifts a bearing gifts and with all his affluence and when he came he is aware he expected the Prophet to deal with him he expected the Prophet to come out and maybe you know stretch his hands on monkey with oil or speak something and the leprosy disappears Alleluia but you know God does not always walk the way you want him to work God does not always come the way you expect him to come that is what the Bible says and the ways of man hallelujah and not the ways of God look at your neighbors that don't limit God don't put God in a cage many of you have missed you a season of visitation because you put God in a cage there is a way that you limited yourself that it's going to be like this but sometimes God comes in the fashion you didn't expect the fashion you did not think of or Razak a dish lease shaaka elijah did not come out not that there was anything wrong with him accepting gifts because the man of God I mean the man named and the captain came carrying gifts I know Elijah is the same prophet that was connected to the Shunammite woman this woman built an upper room for him and he accepted this woman begged him to come in it in the house together with quejas he and he did so anytime he passed by a chanel he came to lunch there but you know as prophets we operate as we are commanded and not as convenient so he never came out to meet name and he only sent the messenger to give name on a report and he kept name on this message he said go and tell naman to dip himself in the river charlton seven times and the guy was furious he was like the guy cannot even come out to see me you know sometimes God wants to teach you obedience God wants to teach you humility humility is not stupidity oh that's your neighbor tell them be humble be humble tell you never be humble God uplifts the poor but he cuts down the proud Alleluia so naman was like what everyone's guilty your neighbor wants you know he was shot he was like what you know he was expecting the way the Prophet will come out with his stuff we all know about the stuff of Elijah that he used to resurrect their eyes should not my son that was tailed Alleluia we were he was expecting him maybe to come out with the mantle of Elijah the one that he used to package or done but the guy just sent a message and say come and wash shut up that Jordan River you know all these instructions are about obedience some of you have missed on the season of your visitation because of your lack of obedience the Bible says if you are willing eyes chapter 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will eat that cooked up the land I came to tell you pure fiction we all pitch in to the voice of God we are pitched in to what God tells you to do whatever God tells you to turn oh my god so you know he felt like coming back but thank God for the Serpent's of they wash and be clean so at least he was like let me do it and so he forgot the prophetic word that was given by Elijah and the Bible says when he got to the Jordan River it didn't seem like it was the best River because they are better and more classic and more so you know more beautiful rivers but when he obeyed the prophetic instruction the Bible says he began to dip the first time the second time the third time the fourth time the fifth time the sixth time when it was on the seventh time the Piper says he was cleansed of leprosy seven is the number of perfection second is the number of completion seven is the number of fullness I decree and declare as news reporter I declare you will be restored I declare as his table healing was open up may you add power of healing be open up may you be taken away on in your life be taken away I think through your sleepless nights whatever has made you cry whatever has brought you pain whatever has brought you pressure and stress I declare you are coming out you are coming whatever you tell anybody I declare you are coming up God is making away for you he is a way out I see you coming out I'm coming up I'm coming out coming out coming out and I prophesied as I close I stand on this olha i prophesy to somebody that is here and thousands that are watching us online I declare be restored be less thought in your health we rest part in your finances we less part in your relationships we read start in your career we rest thought in your business I declare a power of a new beginning of may God give you a new beginning of deck three steps and say I'm coming I'm coming up I'm coming up I'm coming up I see you coming out of pets I see you coming out of pets I see you coming out of property coming out of philia coming out of joblessness coming out of fear and anxiety you are coming in the name of Jesus lift your hands above your head in the name of Jesus Rizzo Kadesh begin to declare an open door that will lead to your new beginning doors of new beginning open doors of new beginning in your career open in your finances open as you are stretching your hands to the altar I heard the Lord said to every person here the Lord says you will wipe away your tears Shahla Mikado's I pray for your freedom from any form of bondage in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for your freedom from any principality of badness shall avocados I declare every stain in your life is broken in the name of Jesus every demonic York in your life is broken in the name of Jesus every delay and disappointment in your life is broken in the name of Jesus tonight I command a release of your long-awaited breakfast any breakthrough you have been praying and waiting for a long time today I speak a release tonight I speak I release I command every copy in the name of Jesus Shelly macoraba sua Li Carabas so yonder bachata Lisa yonder bachata la basura Lima handleable saya I speak into your life I declare from tonight no more hindrances somebody say after me sir from tonight from no more hindrances in the name of Jesus tonight my door is open as you are stretching your hands the Lord says I have seen your tears I have heard your cry the Lord says I will liberate you I will make you shine every profess akan sand in your life I declare it will manifest I want you to pray this prayer point every prophecy concerning my life in the name of Jesus open your mouth and pray I pray upon whether you are here you are employed or you're trusting God for a job whether you are trusting God for a promotion it does not come from the east or from the West it comes from the Lord whether you are here you are in business hallelujah or you're trusting God for business capital the door is opening whether you are here whatever it is that you are believing God for the Bible says of you piety like calm which means to business till I come I want you to open your mouth and mention it right now mention it right now before I begin to decree and declare over your life open your mouth whatever financial breakthrough you are trusting God for in these are renault miracles begin to mention it now as you're stretching your hands to the altar i release and i command financial doors be open I release the grace to enjoy riches throughout your life the Bible says the blessing of God make us rich and at that no sorrow receive grace to enjoy riches I say receive grass to enjoy rich high challenge their own property in your life and in your family I pray for you tonight may God deliver you from profitless slipper in the mighty name of Jesus somebody say after me every yoke of stagnation in my life in my finances as you are stretching your hands to the altar I rebuke the spirit of barrenness in your investments I declare they will bear fruit in the name of Jesus I declare the covenant of increase the covenant of wealth the continent of expansion the continent of God's abundance life of Jesus shall Ibaka doze God's wind of financial breakthrough deposit wealth in our life shall Ibaka doles whatever it is that your twin give you in business right now I declare your business premises is divinely protected and sexual you are off this is divinely protected and secure Rizzo cottage for those that are here and you in business I declare a local and international clients will begin to look at you Retta pray appoint local and international clients begin to look at me now let your goods and services be in high demand internationally and now does bring up and be up and be open be open so cottage and international currencies be release in the name of Jesus shall avocados as you are stretching your hands I declare you will have explosive testimonies dramatic increase I see uh certainly in the life of somebody sad then testimonies in the name of Jesus financial freedom financial freedom will show you to financial freedom in the name of Jesus I declare your business will not struggle financially again I command customers and clients to come from the north from the east from the south net favor follow you from tonight in the name of Jesus somebody say father it was financial breakthrough severs financial and financial freedom and financial freedom I see the lot in the realm of the spirit bringing financial blessings into our lives I declare no more struggle no more struggle of not being able to pay our bills focus in that's not most Rocco I break the generational curse of poverty you shall have peace financially from tonight forth you shall have peace financially this week I pray receive a financial surprise may God bless you from expected and unexpected quotas in Jesus name shout amen [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 316,976
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: N6EM6Y9ptIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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