Polymath Products Premium Survival Kit

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[Music] hi I'm Eric Segal and today we're going to be checking out the premium survival kit from polymath products in the UK in the previous video we checked out the polymath mini Survival tin which was much smaller and so I thought I would show you sort of their top-of-the-line survival kit and this one's actually very good now you can't get these in the US I had to order this from the UK and it took a couple weeks to get here but I'm really glad I picked one up this is what I would call a really good level 2 survival kit I've said before that the four pillars of a good survival kit are fire water food and shelter so in a level 1 kit like the mini survival tin you'll usually get access to maybe three of those items the ability to get some food with maybe some fishing tackle or a snare wire the ability to purify some water and the ability to make some fire well this covers all four pillars you get the ability to make fire the ability to purify some water they actually provide some food in the kit and they also provide a shelter element so unlike some of the smaller kits I've reviewed with this one you could probably actually survive for several days you know it wouldn't be fun it wouldn't be the lap of luxury but you could probably survive for several days with the contents of this kit so the kit arrived in this white cardboard box and we'll open it up in just a second but I did want to read the contents list so we've got the mess tin with mid an emergency bag that's the shelter element a micro LED flashlight a glow stick a compass necklace a signal mirror a fire starter and a whistling unit wax Judt twenty pieces that's for starting a fire tinder EXO gel stove gel a stove a candle a kindle mint cake we'll talk more about that later stock cube hot chocolate a wooden spatula three meters of paracord a sewing needle and thread a clear ziplock pouch probably for storing water ten water purification tablets rehydration treatment sachet sterile dressing pad fabric surgical tape - alcohol swabs a compressed towel to waterproof pieces of notebook paper a pencil and an instruction sheet alright there it is so this thing feels pretty hefty let's go ahead and see how much it weighs I'll bring my trusty scales over here and get it turned on and it weighs in at 1 pound five ounces and for those of you who are on the old fashioned metric system that's 601 grams I like this container a lot it's all metal it's very rugged and these rubber clamps do a great job of holding the lid down very securely now this case reminds me a lot of the best Glide ultimate adventurer survival kits I've actually got one of those on hand here it is and you can see that the case is almost identical if not identical I'll be reviewing these in later videos but I'm willing to bet that they get their cases from the same supplier whoever that is now I don't know who started using these cases first polymath or best guide or maybe somebody else but in any case it's a great idea because you've got a very rugged metal case you can store a lot inside of it and then you've got this lid on top that is easy to remove and yet held down very well with these rubber clamps anyway let's go ahead and crack this thing open and of course on top we've got our premium survival kit instructions and it's got the kit contents on the back and then you know inside it's got survival instructions and how to use various parts of the kit like the stove and the whistle and so forth it's pretty thorough and on the front it's got if you're in a survival situation stop sto P stop think observe and plan so it's a nice little brochure I'm not going to go through the whole thing but it's nice that they have it there then moving on from there we've got a large glow stick this is nice these are the kind that you crack and then they glow for maybe eight hours or so not bad and then we've got a candle over here in the corner and then here is the compass necklace so it's a little compass and some paracord attached to it so you can put it around your neck not bad let me see if it's accurate mmm okay it's coming around yeah okay it's pointing correctly so that's a fine compass right here we've got this is the compressed towel these are one of those towels that you put a little bit of water on and they expand out into a big towel so you could use this as a towel or you could use it as some tinder to make a fire whichever you choose since there's some jute string in here some wax coated jute for making a fire I would probably use this as a towel that's just me then we've got one of the most important things in this kit this is what makes this into a really good kit you've got an emergency sleeping bag a bivy sack and this is the shelter element and this is a big deal because you know shelter and being able to stay warm and dry is really one of the most important things in a survival situation you know a lot of people think that being able to make a fire is the most important thing and yeah that is important a fire will keep you warm but once you try to get some sleep that fire is gonna go out and it's really not going to do a good job of keeping you warm throughout the night and that's when an emergency sleeping bag really comes into play this will keep you warm and dry throughout the night it'll reflect the heat back in and really make a big difference in a survival situation then we've got one of those polymath LED lights there's a button so you can do some momentary action like that or there's a switch to keep the light on constantly and even though it's only one little LED it's pretty bright I must say it's really not that bad then we've got our paracord there's three meters of it up next we've got our waxed jute twine and we've got 20 pieces and you would use this to make a fire you get a piece of this and spread it out a little bit and then use the Ferro rod and striker to get a fire going so this is a really good thing to have in a kit and speaking of fire we've got our Ferro rod striker whistle unit so there's the Ferro rod and you can see I've already used it a little bit and the way this works is that the striker pulls out the end and then you use it to strike it to get some sparks to make a fire so these are actually really good units I like these a lot and you'll see these make some really good sparks now kids don't try this at home it's not a good idea to use one of these filler rods inside but I just wanted to demonstrate how effective it is it's very good and then we've got the whistle on the other end and it's very good you could really get someone's attention with this whistle now we're getting into some of the food items of this kit and there are three food items so the first one is a Romney's chocolate-covered Kendal mint cake the kindle mint cake is not well-known here in the US at least not well-known to me but apparently it's pretty well-known in the UK from what I have read it's popular with outdoorsy types mountaineer camper type people and so it's not surprising that they would put one a UK build kit the closest thing I can compare the Kendal mint cake to that Americans would know would be a york peppermint pattie that's pretty much what it tastes like except it's a little more firm which is good because that means it won't get squished being in the kit yeah so you got your Kendal mint cake which it which is a quick source of sugar get you a little energy not a bad thing to have in a survival kit then we've got a bouillon cube either beef or chicken I'm not sure I'm not gonna open it up probably chicken and again this is a great thing to have in a survival kit you could eat it as is if you needed to or if you've got some hot water put it in there and you've got some broth which is great to warm you up get you some sodium get you a little bit of a full feeling really nice thing to have in a survival kit and then the third food item is this little bag of indulgent hot chocolate flavored drink and another great thing to have in a kit gives you a little bit of energy you got some sugar got some carbohydrates a little bit of protein a little bit of salt nice morale boost really nice they put this in here moving on we've got a sewing kit just your standard basic little sewing kit then we've got water purification tablets and again there's ten of them and each tablet will purify one liter of water you put it in a liter of water and let it sit there for about 30 minutes and you've got some water suitable for drinking now in the instructions it says that you need to have water that is relatively clear so it recommends filtering the water through maybe some t-shirt material or something like that before if you use these but yeah each one of these will purify one liter of water and the instructions also say that if you use one of these tablets in a very small amount of water it'll actually make the water sterile and suitable for treating wounds which is pretty cool but with ten of these tablets you could treat ten liters of water that's really good and then right here this is our stove fuel it's a gel fuel 50 milliliters and we'll talk more about this when we look at the stove in just a minute up next we've got what looks like a few first aid items so we've got an extra absorbent dressing pad 20 by 10 centimeters then we've got a couple of alcohol swabs and then this is really cool we've got this rehydration treatment sachet what a great thing to have in a survival kit for replacement of lost fluids following acute diarrhoea mix contents of one sachet with 200 milliliters or seven fluid ounces of fresh drinking water and drink immediately so I would imagine this has electrolytes and salt and so forth probably has a citrus flavour if I had to guess that's pretty cool now the instructions also note that to help with rehydration you could also use a drink made with that bouillon cube that contains salt which again will help with rehydration here's our wooden spatula looks like a tongue depressor you could probably use this for all sorts of things and then down here is a pencil here is our signal mirror there I am howdy I think it's got a protective film on it to keep it from getting scratched up until you need it and then we've got our stove and this is one of those folding stoves that you find in a lot of MREs I just got a Russian MRE not too long ago that had a folding stove not dissimilar to this one there are instructions for using it in the instruction booklet that comes with a survival kit let's take a look at that so here are the instructions for the stove for heating cooking with the mess Tim placed on top fold the stove up prior to use as shown below squeeze the exo gel stove gel on to the center plate and ignite so basically you fold this up and put the tin on top whatever gonna cook is gonna go in the tin or if you're going to boil water or what have you and then the exo gel goes in the center you light it it burns and you boil your water or you cook your food that's really cool here is our Ziploc baggie and yeah this is for carrying water it's got a gusset on the bottom so it'll stand upright not bad at all so when you purify that water this is what you purify it in then we've got the two pieces of waterproof notebook paper nothing too fancy there and then we've got our medical tape there it is so now the kit is empty and we're down to the tin which is an integral part of the survival kit again with the stove you can use the tin to boil some water or cook some food or what-have-you and of course the lid is part of the kit as well it does have a little gasket around it but you could remove it and then use this as a frying pan or something like that all right so I'm gonna go ahead and put everything back in the kit but when I do I'm gonna as usually do try to improve the kit by adding some stuff that I thought it might benefit from so I'm gonna try to add a razor knife because there is no cutting tool in the kit on its own a couple feet of duct tape a mini med kit that contains six ibuprofens two bit of drills and two imodium x' a mini fishing kit that has some lines and hooks some weights and a lure and so forth and then to regular band-aids and 1 large band-aid now I don't know if all that will fit in the kit we'll see if there's room let's give it a try [Music] all got in there and I think there was some room to spare go ahead and load that back in there [Music] and there we go so there you have it that was the polymath products premium survival kit I think this is actually a really good kit like I said and in an emergency situation unlike some of the smaller kids I think you could actually survive for several days on a kit like this again it wouldn't be luxurious it wouldn't be fun but I think you could do it so anyway that's about it for now I hope you enjoyed this i'm Erich Segal and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 98,877
Rating: 4.8627357 out of 5
Keywords: Polymath, Products, Premium, Survival Kit, Polymath Products, Eric Siegel, Food, Water, Fire, Shelter, Bivvy Bag, Glow Stick, Stove, Fuel, Gel, First Aid, Paracord, Cordage, Kendal, Mint Cake, Hot Chocolate, Stock Cube, Compass, Ferro Rod, Whistle, Mirror, Rehydration, Sachet, Emergency, Preparedness, Survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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