Car Survival Kit / Emergency Bag: Knives, Shelter, Cooking, And More

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How do the patches help?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sasquatchviking 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up everyone Tim from everyday tactical vids here and I'm putting this video together at last and it's on my car survival bag and a couple things I want to share as I start basically an explanation of this bag and that will go into looking at the bag and the contents of it first thing is that I had a couple different bags I've used the LA police gear jumbo bailout bag and I've also used an NC star or backpack and I've transferred to this la police gear backpack because I personally like to have a backpack so I can throw two straps on it if I need to go somewhere the single strap is good if you have to go short distance for me at least but I prefer a backpack with two straps this actually has a variety of different straps go around your sternum your waist your shoulders so that's just my preference as far as as far as bags go when it comes to my kind of philosophy of how I organize this bag and put it together I originally had a survival bag for closer to kind of a bug-out situation or you know I'm in the woods of North Maine and my car goes off the road or my car breaks down and I got to survive away from civilization for an extended amount of time the likelihood of that happening and me not having other gear it's pretty small so if I'm gonna be in northern Maine where you know I've got do some camping or whatever northern New York State where I do a lot of camping I'm probably gonna have food I'm probably have a tent sleeping bag all that stuff because that's why I'm going there I'm not just kind of hanging out in the woods for no reason so in light of that I've rebuilt this bag again similar to my EDC bag as things I'm likely to face or tools I'm likely to use in a variety of different everyday situations so that's why this is everyday tactical vids I'm trying to think how can I and in turn help other people think about the idea of living tactically everyday in the situations that a variety of us are going to face so we'll go into looking at the bag and the contents of it I just want to give you that as background so you know my philosophy and my thinking has actually put the bag together alright let's check it out first thing let's talk about is the bag this is the LA police gear operator backpack runs about 50 bucks over on their site la police gear calm and I'm putting together review on just the bag alone but this is my bag of choice again because it offers me the option to throw it on my back with two straps and a lot of control as I'm actually moving with this weight or this backpack on my back as opposed to just a single strap option like a sling bag or even just like an older over the shoulder bag similar to a bailout bag that they sell or you know like a range bag so that's why I prefer this bag this also has a lot of pockets it's very nicely made it's very solid and that's a big deal for me because I'm not particularly gentle on my bags thrown in my car taken out of my car so that's why this bag is the choice for me and again I'll do a separate review on that let's look at some of the items here on the outside starting at the back here you can see I have three patches one two three right across the top there my gear meter patch my original Swat patch loved their boots and just another patch I found on the internet nothing terribly symbolic about these these are not to identify me if you found my bag or you know communicate anything they're not reflective they're just morale patches so that's that I have to tack links here these are from ITW these are great for attaching additional gear to a pack or if you're in camp setting something up and you want to set up a line you know rig some sort of system to dry clothes or even hang something these are good for that these are not weight-bearing ie they're not good for rock climbing rappelling or mountaineering they can hold some weight but certainly not the weight of human being so please let's not hear about you on the news that you were trying to do something crazy off a mountain cliff with these and you hurt yourself so that's not what they're for just for hauling gear and attaching gear down here I do have a weight bearing carabiner this is a rock climbing carabiner you can pick these up at EMS REI other outdoor stores that have a mountaineering or rock-climbing section and then attach to this I've got a couple of different items I do have a thermometer and I got this from the Mountaineer which is a store up in Keene Valley New York in the Adirondacks if you're into ice climbing or a lot of other outdoor stuff that's a great area to go up there this is a one meter tape measure and I have this you know for a variety of different things I originally bought this for tracking because when you do tracking you want to measure the size of the print and then the the difference between where one print is to the next but this can be used for a variety of different things I've been surprised how often I use a tape measure for four different projects and then this is an Sol emergency whistle and I want to have this immediately accessible so that you know if I need to get somebody's attention I don't have to dig through the inside of the pack to find it I can just pull it off the carabiner quickly so that's pretty much this side I'll talk about the knife in a second over here on the side I have a pen and then a miniature Sharpie and I just want these accessible to me in case I need to take notes or write something leave a note on my car leave a note you know in the woods whatever it might be I've got writing utensils over here you can see the HK conspiracy and just hold it up like this HK conspiracy so there's a fixed blade full tang very strong knife very beefy knife and I have this in this pack because or on the outside of this pack I should say because this pack is in my in my trunk not accessible to anybody and I'm not walking around with it all the time so in general if I was you know wearing this pack a lot I wouldn't have a knife like this strapped on the outside that just can draw too much attention attention that I don't want but since this is in my trunk often covered up I have the conspiracy there and that allows me that gives me a bunch of different options just a solid fixed blade from from HK and also if I'm out I just want to work on some survival skills I do have a full tank fixed blade knife so that's pretty much the outside of the pack and then we'll start down at the bottom and then work our way to the inside down here in the bottom of the pack I really like this entire pack just because it has a lot of sections like this so mesh with the zipper a bunch of different mesh pockets starting here in the middle you can say I have some bandanas and these have a variety of uses obviously this one's a little bit brighter so you could use it for signaling also you can see there's print on it and it gives you a rundown of some of the symptoms of various sicknesses and then also some ways you can treat it and this is not the same as being a medical professional but you know if someone has acute mountain sickness you can identify it and you can actually start working to help the person out now again like a doctor could but you're moving in the right direction obviously for filter filtering for medical purposes three have bandanas so I got two of those over here in this end I do have this Altoids pack in the back are two large needles and I'm a big fan of Dave Canterbury's ten seasons of survival and this is part of the second five of the ten seas and this is it he has cloth sail needle for one of those seas but these are just large needles for sewing or whatever possible purposes you could have so I keep these in some duct tape to make sure that they're safe and no one gets hurt inside the Altoids can here I keep this sealed with these two rubber bands so it doesn't fall apart but open it up and inside we have a bunch of different lighting options so some waterproof matches from yuko then we have a lighter and then we have the magnesium magnesium bar and a ferrule right on that and then underneath that you can see we have a signal mirror in the bottom so we've got a bunch of different safety devices and combustion devices here in this little bit or little Altoids tin close that up down here on this end Columbia River Eton tool with a bunch of different included tools as well so I've always got a some sort of food arm utensil with me got a Leatherman multi-tool here on this end actually this is not a Leatherman it is just a multi-tool but I do have a Leatherman with me regularly in this section I've got some LL Bean mountaineering sunglasses these kind of have the leather patch that goes around both the sides and these are important particularly throughout in the snow a lot because snow blindness can be a very serious debilitating situation so that's why I have these with me and obviously just for general sunglass use and then we have very important for the woods of the north here in New England got to keep your mosquitos your black flies away so bug repellent and then the last thing here is a large and garbage bag and this is good for solar still just internal garbage collection you use it to hold water whatever it might be so that takes up all this stuff fills up this lower section of the bag over here in this side pocket unzip it and then we can take out some food here got some beef jerky got three or four different to see one two three four different sticks in there and then we have Old Faithful here my portable Bible and then that's pretty much it on this side there's another pocket like this on the other side so let's turn over to that one and take a look and see what's in there real quick in reference to the food obviously this is food its calories you know so common sense if you are in the situation where there's no food around at least I do have some food and this just because it lasts a little bit longer than something's going to be crushed and broken up or you're just not going to last because it doesn't have a long shelf life so these do actually they do have a shelf life so don't think you can throw them in the bed in your bag indefinitely and then I've talked about this before but you know I am a pastor and so having a Bible with me is good for myself it's good for me to communicate to other people and also just in a survival situation or tough situation good to have something to a get your mind off the situation and be something positive and a god-centered to be focused on so that's why I keep my Bible with me over here on this side this is my illumination pocket and so I've got this bag which you can see is tearing a little bit so I got to replace that bag inside we've got three different options first is a Black Diamond headlamp and Black Diamond makes a lot of rock climbing gear they make quality gear so I like this headlamp a lot and wasn't super expensive so that's my first illumination option my second one is a see if you could see that logo there yeah husky crank flashlight so basically I'm gonna crank it and I would do it a lot more if I was really trying to get to go strong but you can see it comes on it's got a bunch of different settings and then this light on the side will flash so that's nice because you're not completely dependent upon batteries basically so second illumination option and then the third one is this little stream light it's got bright dimmer and then off comes with this little lanyard and this ran me about 15 bucks so it's quite a good deal and it just takes one double-a battery and it which is nice because I do have extra batteries in my pack here and I always have an EDC light on me sometimes from up to a surefire fury down to a micro stream so I've got an additional light on me as well so this entire pocket is just filled with illumination options so I can get in there quickly if I end up in a situation where it's dark in this front pocket you can see I've got my mechanics gloves and these will give you a little bit of warmth but primarily I have them in there just because they're protection when you're out chopping wood or sawing wood cutting wood doing any type of things in the outdoors or even around your car obviously originally they are made for mechanics but good gloves not super expensive and at last I saw a deal I think was in Walmart it was three pairs for about 25 bucks so quite inexpensive either three parents or two pairs but quite inexpensive for some nicely made gloves and then also in here I've got some hand warmers and I just got a bunch of these actually for an early Christmas present so these are great having these in addition to you know a little bit of covering with the gloves help keep your hands warm and obviously you can use these for a variety of different uh different things not just to keep your hands warm so that is it for this front section because the intersections are so full I can't put a ton in this this outer pocket let's head into the bag okay in this next section of the bag I have glacier garlic noodles this is just a very basic meal heat up some water throw it in here and you're good to go I don't plan on getting stuck in a situation where I have no food for an extended amount of time I'm usually more prepared than that but in case I do find myself in that situation and I can't go in forage or hunt because I'm there for a longer amount of time now I've got at least some form of calories right there in my bag so have that next you can see I have my box here with some stickers on the outside and these are my batteries I've got C's triple a triple A's double A's I've got this tiny little screwdriver which came with some batteries and this is often the size of a of a head of a screw when you're trying to get into compartments that have batteries and then I also have some wet fire in here which is great for starting fires even if it's been raining out or whatever it might be I have these separated so that they don't bump into one another and you start losing the energy of the battery and I do have space for a couple more things so lots of batteries I found that really useful to have extra batteries around and again this is a pack that I'm not hiking extra long distances with this is in my car but it's nice to know if I'm in a situation where I run out of batteries I do have some backups here and down in here you can see I've got a bunch of different got some pens I've got a highlighter and then in here I have one of two if I can get this out here one of two motorola radios so there's one and you can see the antenna for the other one here and this is nice because now if I'm with somebody and we get separated we have to go different directions we can give each other you know I can have a radio that person can have a radio and now we can be in touch so that's pretty much it for this main uh the second section now heading to the main portion of the thing I did want to know is I have a small pad of paper here and this is great for taking notes leaving notes whatever it might be I was actually hidden in one of these smaller pockets over here alright now we'll head into the inner portion of the bag you're looking at the main portion of the bag and as you can see it's got more of those mesh pockets with zippers so that's great you could see the gear but also keep it organized over on this side we'll start off with my dry bag and this is just a very inexpensive one that I bought but this this is great for carrying water or keeping water out or off of things you know it's like a throw close in here I could transport things in here that I want to keep dry but also say if I boiled some water I could throw it in here as well so this offers a variety of different options and I do have a review on a lot of these items but I'm just mentioned this one because I was thinking of it I do have a review for this one on the everyday tactical bids page so there's that and then we've got these clips of HP basically keep things a little bit more organized guys down here in the bottom this is a Klean Kanteen container and also a nesting cup so these are stainless steel you can put this right on the fire as you can see I have done so and then this is obviously great for carrying water and it does do a variety different tops you can put on this so this is the one that came with mine but now I've got my container option again going back to those tendencies cutting combustion container covering and cordage are those first five Cs and you'll see that I've got all 10 seeds but this is the container portion of those tendencies so got that here I've got my blackhawk roll out medical bag I'll show you what's in here in a minute this is one of the main components or most important components for me in this entire bag so this is the variety of situations that I come across or that a lot of people going to come across are going to be medical situations where people need help in that way so that's why I have this bag and I can I'll show you the inside what's inside this in a moment this is a bag from ITW it's basically a massive ziploc bag and this is where I keep all my clothes so I'll show you what's in here in a moment after I show you a couple other things here one of them is this item which is definitely one of the heavier items in the bag but this is the trucker's friend give you a full-body shot there there it is and I've done a review on this again because I'm not hiking long distances with this bag it's okay for me to have some extra weight for me I don't have to keep this just in my trunk or you know in the back of my uh back in my car I can actually have this in the bag so this is a demolition demolition tool it's got multiple uses hammer pry all types of things so I keep this in the bag as well and then I've got a little stuff sack here which is has a bunch of small gear and let me just show you what's in here real quick then we'll go to some of those other bags zip ties which I just used some of these the other day when I was repairing apart on our van when I was away visiting family out of state part of the van broke and I had to fix it and good thing to have these zip ties small sewing kit and this could be used obviously for just general sewing but also medical purposes if you had to got some paracord here you can see I've got this black paracord and then under here I've got some cheaper paracord so I just have a bunch of different options I do have more cordage in the other portion of the bag but some cordage there compass I probably have to explain how to use this too much but this is something good to have also one of the tendencies have some wire this is lighter gauge wire and I have some more here this is heavier gauge wire I do have these two large rubber bands these are from some MSR snowshoes I had a while ago they kept the snowshoes together and they're just heavy-duty rubber bands so certainly a lot of uses for that more rubber bands a couple more needles and dental floss which is a great cordage for sewing it's very very strong actually so dental floss is a good thing to just have with you lightweight easy to easy to buy and easy to carry I have a other knife a different knife like I showed you the conspiracy but this is a Swiss Army knife and it does have a variety of different little tools on this I also found these knives are just awesome for keeping sharp Minds just stays very very sharp so I've liked that and then I've got potable aqua and also the other one which basically taste takes the taste out of water that you've treated with this so I've got water treatment option and then the last in this bag is SPF is SPF that's what it call right SPF you always mess up those letters SPF 50 banana boat lip balm or sunscreen lip balm and if you ever gotten your lips burnt by the Sun that is terrible so that happens off when you get to higher elevations or you're in the woods for a long time and don't realize it out in the snow for a long time in the Sun so that's why I have this alright let me go into the clothes bag and show you what getting into the bag here first you can see I've got a poncho it's from Ozark Trail which is a Walmart brand but this is a little heavier duty than some of the other punches they have just another covering option in case you do get into the rain this is an EMS mid weight level - long sleeve t-shirt this is good for wicking moisture away from your body got a proper multicam boonie hat it'll give a little bit of additional heat as far as keeping heat you know you lose out of your head but also keeping the the Sun off you in warmer weather fleece Northface hat this is definitely for warmth extra pair of socks nice to be able to change into a nice pair of socks if your feet are also from doing something we got some army surplus wool wool gloves here and those are not super expensive probably five bucks or so and wool is obviously very warm so not as warm as mittens but still keeping your hands warm as opposed to you having nothing on them this is a belief let's call it a sniper wrap from condor and you can put this around your neck you could wrap it partially around your neck and around your head as well and I've found for myself that when my neck is warm my entire body is way warmer some people notice that a lot some people don't for me I definitely do so I want to release something I can wrap around my neck in addition to pulling my color up and then last item in here is a large fleece this is just a I think as $8 $9 fleece from Walmart it's medium weight but with this and adding this in and then you know putting even a poncho on top of that that'll keep a lot of heat in now if you're on top of Everest you're going to be cold with just this but you're probably not going to top of Everest with this so being realistic the situation's I'm going to bump into having this this and then probably the jacket I have already that I'm wearing in the car as I'm driving now I've got a lot of layers to keep me warm what you're looking at here is my Blackhawk medical bag and I've got a ton of different things in here for you know from a razor blade for cutting nail clippers tweezers obviously things for external wounds you know stopping blood loss things like that I've got some quick clot in there as well I've got some Israeli bandages I have some down here some ace bandages I've got gloves so a full round out of medical gear and this takes up a lot of space but this is a vital piece of gear for me and one thing I want to throw out to you I'll talk about this in another video I guess two things first is that I also keep a separate headlamp right here so I've got a headlamp in case I'm doing some sort of medical work on somebody BAM I've got a headlight there I don't have to around I try to be holding a flashlight one hand and working with the other the second thing is that even if you're not qualified in every piece of the gear that you have which I'm not I've got I know they've got some basic first-aid skill but I'm not qualified to use every piece of equipment here perfectly if you say you come across an accident and someone's there who is trained but doesn't have the materials now you become a resource to them they could say I could really help this person if I had X Y & Z gauze or bandage boom now you can say here's what I've got how can I help so this offers a variety of tools to you individually for yourself and for others but also you could give it to someone or you know give some of the material to someone and that could help you out or help that person out in assisting someone who might be hurt or injured one other thing I'll note is I do have some medicines here in the actual kit so I've got some sore throat lozenges I've imodium I've got Advil I've got Tylenol things like that so again a wide variety of different options for medical situations I'm likely to come across or situations I might find myself in the last two sections here in the main portion of the pack in this lower portion these are as you can see home dust masks this is not like wearing a ventilator something are going to be you know cleaning asbestos with but it will keep dust and junk out of your out of your mouth and your nose so having this around if you're ever in a situation where there's a lot of stuff in the air this is a good option toilet paper I probably shouldn't have to describe this but good to have that in case you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere without toilet paper duct tape I've got two different types as you can see I really compress them down so saving space there I do have a bright orange one here and then just generic duct tape as well more hand warmers and an emergency blanket this is just again a generic one not a super expensive one however over on this side I'll show you the one I have here this is a sport utility blanket from Sol and you can use it to make a shelter as you can see but also down here you can use it as basically an astronaut blanket to carry stuff just to keep yourself off the ground and then obviously this is kind of like a lean-to shelter but it is it will keep you very warm I've actually heard people talk about this when you have a fire basically you know where this guy's stove is reflecting off that blanket it'll be quite warm in there if you get a little bit of protection on the sides as well so this was uh yeah there you go 1899 over at a trading post in southern Maine this is a really nice option not super heavyweight and it does come in this very nice pack but you can reseal it and put it back in there when you don't have the object here is 100 feet of blue paracord I do have that black paracord already I do have a paracord bracelet on me at all times but more cordage is obviously better than less and then I've got some rubber bands in addition to that so here are all the items from in the bag and the bag as well there on the table let me just offer some thoughts as I wrap up here first is that I have additionally in my car a small Tupperware box of giveaway items so that's a hat glove some food some money some information about our church you know folks want to get plugged into a church in the area or need some assistance on that level both financially and also spiritually obviously so I keep that in my car because rather than if someone's walking down the side of the road or someone's you know stuck on the side of the road I have to run to the back of my car dig to my bag to get stuff out boom I've got they're accessible in my car quickly I also have a separate section in the trunk of my car where I keep emergency equipment for the car so flare is one of those reflective triangles other items that I might use to actually do repairs on the car I'm thinking about also a headlight like extra bulbs for the headlight things like that so I have that in the trunk and I have the Box in the back of the car and also have my emergency reflective gear in the back of the car as in the backseat so I don't have to get out get into the trunk get into this bag and then put on my reflective gear if I have to get out of the car in the night I've got reflective gear that I can put on right there and it's already in the car so once I'm out of the car it's already on me so this is everything I keep in the bag in the trunk you've seen the medical stuff and you've seen everything I have in the bag so let's get the discussion going if you have one of these bags in your trunk let's hear about what you have in yours and also if there's something here that really jumped out you said oh I've never thought about that before I'm going to add that to my car survival bag on my car emergency bag let's hear about that well as always thanks for checking out the videos please subscribe to every detectable vids please like us on facebook follow us on twitter and check us out on tumblr take care you
Channel: EverydayTacticalVids
Views: 2,656,647
Rating: 4.8078551 out of 5
Keywords: survival bag, everyday carry, car safety bag, emergency car supplies, la police gear, camping, tactical, blackhawk, medical bag, emergency, fire, flares, wilderness survival, tactical skills, everyday tactical vids, Survival Kit, les stroud, bugout, get home, prepper, prepping, bushcraft, preparedmind101, late boy scout, nutnfancy, urban, sootch00, maxpedition, Spyderco, benchmade, bear grylls, man vs wild, dave canterbury, cody lundin, dual survival, survivorman, knife, edc
Id: 8-ansf_-KSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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