Uncharted Supply Co. Seventy2 Pro Survival System

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all right everybody here it is this is the 72 pro survival system made by uncharted supply company it's designed to sustain two people for 72 hours or three days it has a price tag of just under 600 and we're gonna check it out right now on kit bashed survival [Music] so uncharted supply makes two different versions of the 72 survival system the standard version which i don't have here runs just under four hundred dollars three hundred and eighty nine dollars to be exact at least as of march 2021 and is designed to sustain one person for three days or 72 hours the pro version that we have here runs just under six hundred dollars five hundred and sixty five dollars to be exact at least as of march 2021 and as i said is designed to sustain two people for three days now i believe the standard version only comes in one color which is a gray the pro version comes in four colors there's a green a red an orange and a black and as you can see i chose the green color now just to put any doubts to rest i did buy this with my own money i don't know anybody at uncharted supply company i'm not getting any sort of deal i'm not being sponsored i went onto their website like a regular customer and paid full price for this bag and i decided to get the pro bag rather than the standard bag because i figured if i'm going to review one of these why not start at the top and check out the best that they have to offer now like many of the people that are watching this video i am a prepping survival enthusiast and so i already have my own bug out bags to sustain me for three plus days so i didn't buy this because i need it i bought it because you the viewers asked me to so i bought it i'm going to review it and that way you don't have to you can watch this video and determine for yourself if this is something you want to get anyway let's talk about this bag so it measures in at 20 inches by 13 inches by 8 inches the interior capacity is 30 liters it has a packed weight of 16 pounds and it's got a really nice fabric material it's a 600 denier dual coated fabric that they claim is 100 waterproof so for starters on the front here we've got this nice pull on a zipper that opens up the front pouch which is currently empty you can see they've got this nice logo on the front and by the way you're gonna see this logo everywhere in this bag at each corner on the front here is a rubber loop and these loops are reinforced in the fabric for extra strength and these would be great just for attaching random things to the front of your pack on the side we've got your standard stretchy pouch for a water bottle or thermos and we will be using this pouch at the end of the video on this side we've got four loops built into the pack and then two straps each with a clip and they are adjustable which is nice on the bottom there's two loops there and then we've got the back so the shoulder straps are pretty standard they've got a little padding on the underside there's a d loop on each strap which is nice and you've also got three elastic loops up top on each strap there's a logo there's a logo we're just getting started with the logos here's the chest strap and it is adjustable on each side which is nice there's a small whistle integrated into the chest strap right here but these types of whistles usually aren't that powerful and so i'll probably be adding a better whistle later on in this video and then we've got the hip strap there's a pocket on each side it's not big but it is there and it looks like it would be reasonably water resistant and then you've got the main belt clip right there and then right here we've got some nice padding on the pack itself now i've worn this thing around for a little while and while it is reasonably comfortable it's not going to win any awards for comfort so you know i wouldn't want to take this on a through hike of the appalachian trail but for an emergency situation or a bug out situation it'll be more than adequate on top we've got a lift handle and then we've got the opening to the main compartment it is a roll top opening which i like a lot it helps keep water out that way so you open it up like that roll it up one air two shelter three water four food and they've got these thick rubber lips to help keep it water tight when it's rolled up there's another logo and then inside we've got the actual survival system which is in its own self-contained pack let's go ahead and get it out so this is kind of cool what they've got here is almost like an independent backpack within the backpack you can see it's even got its own shoulder straps back here they're very basic but they are there and the whole thing is held together kind of like a book you've got two clips on each side one up top and then this little velcro handle now on the front they've got some helpful tips warmth fire shelter first aid water food and other useful information and if you want to you can pause and read that stuff there it is and so to open it pull the strap apart and start unbuckling these clips and these clips are adjustable so if you add stuff to the kit later you can adjust the tension on the clips and there we go so right off the bat you can see this kit is very well organized we've got some one-off items over here that are labeled then we've got a power pouch followed by first aid air envision a water bottle over here then food water tools and warmth you can see that every pouch is clearly labeled and they've even got the contents listed on the front of each pouch and they've got an icon just in case you can't read so you're definitely not going to be rummaging around this kit looking for something not knowing where it is they've done a great job with the labeling and the organization and i'll give them a lot of credit for that so we'll start off with these one-off things here beginning with the multi-tool and by the way i'm not sure if you can hear it but there is a big thunderstorm outside we've got some severe weather rolling through it's labeled multi-tool there and as you can see it's branded and yeah this is just the tip of the iceberg with self-branded items in this kit we're just getting started so let's open it up and there it is and as you can see more branding they've actually got the little dog logo etched into the metal it's cut out of the metal handles on both sides kind of cool so it's kind of like you know a knock off leatherman if you will so we've got the pliers with the wire cutters and so forth and then we've got the tools so we've got some wrenches there a flathead screwdriver let's see here bottle opener with i guess that's a wire stripper up top and then a smaller flathead screwdriver there and there's also a little saw right here and over here we've got a blade [Music] then there's a phillips head screwdriver a can opener and finally we've got a metal file so you know it's okay they really went to town on the branding but will it stand up under abuse well who knows i'm sure it'd be okay below the multi-tool we've got this section which is a little confusing because it says lighters right here and there's two spots where i'm guessing you would put two butane lighters but instead they've got three batteries which i'm presuming are for the flashlight so what is this all about well i'm guessing one of two things happened either number one they expect you to put your own butane lighters here or number two maybe they originally wanted to ship this kit with butane lighters but then they discovered that shipping a kit with fuel inside complicates the shipping process because of laws and regulations and so forth so what we'll do is go ahead and put our own butane lighters here i've got two big lighters and we'll just pop them right in there i don't know if you've ever noticed but most survival kits do not ship with butane lighters in fact over the years i think i've only seen maybe one or two kits that had a big lighter inside and again i think that's because of laws and regulations that concern shipping fuel and especially shipping butane but don't quote me on that that's just my guess anyway below that we've got some storm matches and once again we've got an uncharted supply company branded container so let's open it up got some cotton on top and by the way a lot of times you'll see cotton on top of the matches in these type of kits and i think it serves two purposes number one it's some tinder of course but number two i think the cotton also protects the match heads in transit so they don't rattle around and break anyway we've got a whole bunch of storm matches in here [Music] there they are they look good and there's a striker surface here and i'm guessing they have extra striker surfaces inside let's see yep there they are and it looks like there's two or three extra striker surfaces in there so yeah this is a good storm match kit put that cotton back on i love that it's branded for uncharted supply company totally unnecessary but they went ahead and did it anyway then we've got the flashlight or the torch if you live in the uk so let's go ahead and put those batteries in and see how this thing does and there it is branded for uncharted supply company it's nice that they give you energizer batteries and not just some random no-name brand energizer max all right whoa that's pretty bright i don't know how many lumens this is but it's nice and bright and they've got this thing here so you can do a spot or a flood it's all metal nice construction nice weight yeah let's see if it's got any modes there we go and i'm guessing that's going to be sos s o s yep and they got a flash too not bad yeah i like this now if you're going to put this in storage you'll want to take out the batteries or what i often do when i'm putting a flashlight in storage but where i might be using it i'll put a piece of paper between the contacts and that'll keep it from accidentally being turned on and it also cuts down on corrosion it doesn't totally prevent it but it does slow it down next we come to the power pouch and it's signified by a lightning bolt of course and inside it's got a charger flashlight and noaa crank radio and for those of you outside the united states noaa stands for national oceanic atmospheric association i believe and among other things they are in charge of emergency weather notifications and so if you've got a weather radio which is what this is you turn it to a certain frequency and you'll get weather alerts and there's a severe weather system moving through here right now as i'm filming this so i wouldn't be surprised if we heard some severe weather updates on this radio so we've got a charger cable here micro usb to usb and then here's the radio itself of course it's branded there's the dog kello which i'm guessing is the brand and then uncharted supply company right there they've branded everything in this kit i wasn't kidding so let's pull out this plastic tab and activate the battery there we go so we've got a flashlight up front which is a nice backup to this flashlight it's not as bright but it'll do there's a solar charger on top then we've got the crank for hand charging on the back here we've got this flap where there's a charging port then there's a usb port if you need to charge your phone or something else and there's a headphone socket there and then we've got the radio itself so there's a clock here there's an alert light i'm not sure what that's for so let's turn this thing on and fold out the antenna so when it powers on its am radio and we go to fm then shortwave and then weather radio and i think there's an alt weather radio too an alternative weather station too i guess you can have two weather frequencies if you want to now there's a lot of interference in this room because of led lights and so forth so we're probably not going to be able to hear the weather radio very well but let's see if we can find a spot in my house where we can get better reception and see if this thing works okay i'm in my bonus room now where there's a little better reception not so much interference so let's see if we can get anything that's if thunderstorm warning remains in effect until 10 15 p.m eastern daylight time for eastern cherokee northwestern foresights and northeastern fulton counties hazard 60 miles per hour wind gusts and half dollar size hail source radar indicated impact hail damage to vehicles is expected expect wind damage to roofs siding and trees a tornado watch remains in effect until a.m eastern daylight time for north central georgia for your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building so yeah as you just saw it works and we actually did pick up some severe weather alerts for this area very cool it's got a clock i wonder if it has an alarm as well i'm not sure they do have instructions here so it's always good to read those and familiarize yourself with the operation of any weather radio that you have in a survival kit but yeah it does work i think it's cool that it has shortwave as well am fm shortwave and weather radio not bad at all moving on we've got the big first aid pouch and inside it's got antibacterial wipes a first aid kit two mylar blankets and sunscreen so first up we've got the uncharted supply company branded first aid kit are you surprised yep any old first aid kit wouldn't do they had to have an uncharted supply company branded first aid kit it feels nicely made nice thick cordura type fabric nice zippers and here's what it looks like inside so we've got some medical tape here a cpr kit some saline for washing wounds and irrigating eyes not bad then on this side we've got a pressure bandage some cleaning wipes and some gloves some of those blue nitrile gloves we've got some safety pins right here then we've got splinter probes and these look like those little stick needles that you use to test your blood sugar in fact i'm sure that's exactly what they are they've simply been repurposed into splinter probes then we've got a pair of tweezers and a pair of shears and then over here we've got adhesive dressings wound closures cotton gauze swabs an emergency blanket now this is one of those mylar space blankets it said there were two in the first aid pouch i wonder if this is one of those two or if this is extra we'll find out when we check out the rest of the first aid pouch and then a triangular bandage has a sling pressure or head bandage there it is and then we've got a first aid booklet including a notepad there it is i wonder if there's a pin in here yeah there is got a little pin cool and of course the first aid book is branded for uncharted supply company all right let's see what else is in here here are the antibacterial wipes of course they're branded and this complements the antibacterial wipes that are already in the first aid kit so that's a nice redundancy then we've got the branded mylar blankets two of them so that's a total of three milar blankets in this kit that's not bad at all and finally we've got some spf 50 sunscreen and i'm amazed this isn't branded for uncharted supply company i'm half expecting to see that dog logo somewhere on this tube of sunscreen up next we've got the air and vision pouch and inside they've got two air masks two chem lights and two goggles and just in case you can't see it the icon on the front of the pouch is a pair of goggles so let's see what we've got so there are two goggles here they are and they've got them in these little bags to keep them from getting scratched up which is nice as you can see just like everything else it's branded right there and on the band they're pretty basic but they'll get the job done there's some foam on the back to press against your face yeah pretty cool two masks always a good thing to have in a survival kit next we've got the glow sticks there's two of them and they're both green there they are and of course they're branded for uncharted supply company no big surprise there pretty cool so that's three light sources in this kit you've got the chem lights here the flashlight on the charger and the main flashlight pretty cool then we've got air filtration masks there's two of them [Music] let's go ahead and open up one of these i got a bunch of stuff that's spilled out so they've got some silica gel and moisture absorbing packet they've got an extension strap for the mask just in case you've got a big head that's nice and then they've got the mask itself pretty nice mask i must say this is not your typical disposable mask it's got some filters in there yeah size large mesh patent pending rz mask designed in usa made in china filters 99 of harmful particulates breathe safe very cool i like this oh there's also a spare filter so you got the main filter there and then you can change it out for this filter so yeah really nice nice quality mask two filters and an extension strap not bad at all you know it's encouraging to see something like this because for 565 dollars i would have been a little disappointed if all they had was disposable masks but the fact that they have high quality air filtration masks that's a good thing here in the middle we've got this big steel water bottle so let's pull that out now it should be noted that underneath the bottle we've got four loops here and then there's also this zipper pouch there's nothing inside it's empty but it is there and i want you to keep these things in mind for later on in this video but anyway let's take a look at the water bottle of course it's branded [Music] on the back it's got some writing i'm not sure if you can see that but it says one two three four one when water is limited reduce activity and stay cool when possible two if you find a clean source of water drink and store as much as possible before moving use the water bottle and the water bladders in the 72. i think it's cool they've got specific instructions that relate to this kit number three do not sip water instead drink four to six times per day 10 to 16 ounces each time consuming 48 ounces the entire water bottle so it's 48 ounces each day if possible reduce consumption if water is scarce and then number four if water is dirty boil for one minute remove water bottle cover or filter the water with the filter in the 72. so you can actually boil water in this but it does tell you to remove the cover if you do so [Music] there it is pretty basic very nice it's got a little rubber plastic seal up there to keep it watertight and again that'll hold 48 ounces which is pretty nice oh this has that california proposition 65 warning so make sure you don't eat this kit it might give you cancer up next we've got the food pouch and inside there are two 2 400 calorie rations so let's see what we've got i think these are the day trex rations yep there they are and most of you guys have seen these before these are actually my favorite ration bars because they actually taste pretty darn good they're kind of like a cookie like a pecan sandy with a little bit of coconut they're pretty yummy and actually i'll eat these for fun sometimes i've got a whole stash of these and what i'll do is when i've got a pack that's getting close to its expiration date i'll go ahead and eat them and replace them with fresh rations so each of these has 12 cookies inside each cookie is 200 calories so you've got a total of 2400 calories per pack so for a two-person survival kit each person gets 2400 calories for three days that's 800 calories per day per person now i know what you're saying that's not a whole lot and yeah 800 calories per day is not very many calories but i've said this before in a survival situation food is probably the least important item that you need because it may not be fun but your body can go days or even weeks without food and so you know food takes up a lot of space in a survival pack and i would rather that space be taken up by more important items like water stuff because you'll die from dehydration or get severely ill from contaminated water long before you starve to death and it's not just water you'll succumb to frostbite or infection or heat exhaustion long before you starve to death so yeah 800 calories per person per day is not a whole lot but you will survive and i think sometimes people get a little confused about the difference between surviving and thriving you're not going to thrive on 800 calories per day but you will survive and hopefully by the third day you'll have secured other sources of food and you won't be dependent solely on these oh and by the way here's a pack of those daytrex cookies that has expired so i'm gonna go ahead and open this up and i'll show you what these look like so there's one of the cookies now we've got the water pouch and inside there's a water filter and a bladder [Music] so there's one bag in here and it contains a sawyer mini water filtration system let's open that up so here's the sawyer mini we've got the syringe and the pipe for back flushing the filter and then we've got the dirty water bag that connects to the squeeze you squeeze the bag and it goes through the sawyer and clean water comes out the other side up next we've got the tool pouch and inside there's duct tape a knife paracord and a shovel interesting that they have a shovel in this kit so here's the knife it's got like a cordura sheath [Music] and wouldn't you know it it's totally branded for uncharted supply look at that they've got the little dog in the scales they're kind of these rubberized scales and they've got the image of the dog in there and then of course they've got the brand on the blade as well there's a glass breaker on this end we've got some jimping up here a little serrated action back here and then a plain edge blade beyond that it is sharp it does shave i'm sure it's not fancy steel it's probably 440 or something like that it's made in china it's not going to be the best knife ever but will it be good enough for three days sure it's got a good feel to it it's definitely not flimsy it's got some good heft to it so yeah there you go the uncharted supply company survival knife on the back of the sheath they've got this pocket and look at that they've got a ferro rod and a sharpening stone now for the ferro rod there's not a 90 degree spine on this knife i guess you could use it right there maybe i could figure that out later but at least it does have a ferro rod i was getting a little worried that this kit didn't have a ferro rod but there it is it's not big but it does have one so we'll put the sharpening stone back in there along with the ferro rod and the knife back in the sheath it's got one button up here keeps it in okay again not the world's best knife not the world's best sheath but good enough for three days absolutely wow the rain and thunder are really starting up again maybe i better use that weather radio one more time all right so we've got 100 feet of 550 paracord of course it's branded for uncharted supply company in an emergency situation finer thread may be pulled and used as thread for gear repair fire tender fishing line trail marker additional survival uses secure cargo net latch together poles and fixed straps okay well it's really storming now the power just went out well the power came back on see if i can finish this scene so lastly in this pouch we've got the shovel which of course is branded for uncharted supply company did you expect any less and you've seen these before folds out like that and there's your shovel pretty basic and i believe you can also turn it like this and then you've got a little pickaxe here sort of a rudimentary pickaxe if you will oh almost forgot they've also got some duct tape in this pouch and there it is of course it's branded for uncharted supply company ready tape hashtag don't die five yards of it store it toolbox glove box tackle box backpack pocket purse use it home auto outdoors on the job finally we come to the last pouch the warmth pouch and it contains two beanies two pairs of gloves two hand warmers and a tent so here are the gloves sticking to the velcro of course here's the other set of gloves and then here's one of the beanies here's the other beanie just took one of these out yeah it's just your basic beanie feels nice of course it's branded don't die yeah seems like it would be one size fits all i like it and then we've got the gloves now i've tried these gloves on and they do fit but on my very large hands they're a little tight but they do fit and if i was really cold i wouldn't care if they were tight i'd put them on right away and i got this rubberized part up top and then sort of this grippy stuff on the underside which is good and it kind of rides up your arm a little bit which is always a good thing keep those wrists warm then we've got two large hand warmers there they are these are the kind that you expose to air and they heat up up to 20 plus hours of heat and then we've got the tint which it's really nice that they have a tent in this bag some sort of shelter it's nothing fancy it's a mylar tube tint but it is really nice that there is some sort of shelter in this kit this tent is formed into a tube tent to prevent heat loss the compact tube tent provides warmth by retaining and reflecting up to ninety percent of body heat it features a waterproof and windproof shelter barrier and a covering to reduce shock in case of injury accommodates two adults eight feet by three feet got some cordage there to help set it up and of course it's an uncharted supply company tent wouldn't have it any other way all right so there you have it the uncharted supply company 72 pro survival system what do i think of it well it's kind of complicated and so i'm going to spend a few minutes discussing my opinions of this kit now i know some of you guys get irritated when i talk for several minutes in a row and if you don't like it well you can skip over this section that's why this video has chapters but i kind of need to say this stuff to help put this whole thing in context so overall i like this kit but there are some pros and cons let's talk about the pros first the bag it's a fantastic bag very well made waterproof design lots of pockets and attachment points they did a fantastic job with the bag and really the bag is half the reason i think this kit is so good if they just sold this stuff without the bag it wouldn't be nearly as good likewise i think they did a great job with the interior pack and for the most part i like all of the components in this kit but i do have a few reservations so let's start that discussion beginning with the multi-tool now i don't think this is a bad multi-tool i'm sure it would be adequate for at least three days but me personally i would have liked to have seen a genuine leatherman multi-tool in this kit something like a side kick especially at this price point and the reason is simple with a genuine leatherman you know you're getting good quality you know that thing is going to work when you need it most and although i think this is nice looking and i'm sure it's adequate and i think it's cute that they branded it for uncharted supply company and you know i respect that i respect they want everything branded for their company where possible but the fact is that it's a chinese-made knockoff of a leatherman and when it comes down to it you just don't know for certain how it's going to perform in the field and how it's going to work when you need it most and with a leatherman there's no question about that you know when i reviewed the socoa survival system a few months ago that cost 330 dollars and it had a genuine leatherman sidekick in the kit that took that survival kit to another level and i think if this had a genuine leatherman it would do the same with this kit and that brings us to the knife that's in the tool bag now again i don't think it's a bad knife i'm sure it would work fine for three days but again at this price point i would have liked to have seen a name brand knife something that you know is going to be reliable when you need it most and it doesn't have to be something expensive if it was me i would do something like a mora companion or even better i would probably do a more a cans bowl because that has a 90 degree spine which would work with the ferro rod although for 565 dollars maybe i'd do something a little more hefty like a gerber strong arm or something like that and let's talk about the water situation now as i said i think it's great that there's a sawyer mini in this kit but at this price point i think they could have done a whole lot more especially considering that in most survival situations water is the most important item and this kit is designed to support two people for three days and yet there's only one water filter and there's no backup other than boiling your water so if it was me i would have two sawyer minis in this kit and i'd also add some water purification tablets as an emergency backup backup for a kit this size it really doesn't have that much clean water storage capacity you've got this 48 ounce bottle but for two people 48 ounces of clean water is gonna go pretty fast and so if it was me i would add maybe two or three whirlpak one liter stand up water bags to this pouch and then the only other cons i have are small things like it'd be nice to have some one-size-fits-all gloves granted my hands are pretty large but it would be nice to see and then also it'd be nice if there was a compass and also maybe some hunting and fishing gear now granted for a three-day survival pack you really don't need hunting or fishing gear but at this price point it would be nice to see and that sort of leads us into a discussion on the price so what do i think of the 565 dollar price tag well first of all contrary to what a lot of people might think you can't just add up the prices of the individual components in the kits and think that that's what the kit should sell for because the price of a kit is more than the sum of its parts you're not just paying for the components you're paying for the labor involved and doing all this work for you the best analogy that i like to use is eating out at a restaurant versus eating at home it's always going to be cheaper to eat at home and make your food at home if you go to a restaurant you'll pay eight or ten dollars for a cheeseburger did it cost them eight or ten dollars to make that cheeseburger of course not you could make that cheeseburger at home for a couple bucks the reason you're paying eight or ten dollars for that cheeseburger at the restaurant is because you're paying for the convenience of having somebody do all the work for you it's the same here you're not just paying for the components you're paying for the convenience of having somebody do all this work for you now having said that i do think the 565 dollar price tag is a tad high i don't think it's crazy outrageous but i do think it's a little high for what you're getting i'd feel a lot better if this kit sold for maybe 450 or 500 if they took my recommendations if they had a real leatherman if they increased the water situation if they added a brand knife and added some navigation and hunting and fishing stuff then i think at that point the 565 dollar price tag would be a lot easier to swallow but i don't think the price is crazy i think you're getting a good kit for that money it really just comes down to whether or not you think the convenience of having somebody do all this work for you is worth 565 dollars and that leads to the last point i want to make which is the intended audience of something like this so most people who watch these types of videos myself included were sort of survival prepping enthusiasts if you will we enjoy building survival kits and bug out bags and stocking our houses with emergency supplies and stuff like that and so for people like us something like this might not have that much appeal because we've already done it you know if i didn't have this channel and wasn't doing this video i would never have bought this bag because i already have my own bug out bags that i've built they're far superior to this and they probably cost less money but then again i enjoy doing stuff like that the fact of the matter however is that most people out there are not like that they either do no prepping at all or if they do prep they just want to buy something off the shelf and then throw it in the closet or throw it in the trunk of their car and be done with it and i think that is the intended audience here and there's nothing wrong with that and people in that audience may be willing to pay 565 dollars for the convenience of having it all done in one stop you buy this bag and you're done all right so i'm done rambling i'm sorry if i bored yet but i had to say that stuff because when you're reviewing kits like this context is everything anyway what we're going to do now is see if we can make this kit even better by adding some additional gear so first up i want to add some navigation and signaling items you know it would be great if i could add like a spot device to this bag but i don't have an extra one handy right now but i will add a road map of georgia because that's where i live you should always have a road map of the area that you live in i'll add a signaling mirror i'll add a whistle and i'll add a compass this is a suto a10 compass next up i'll bolster the water situation by adding a second sawyer mini and then as i back up to those i'll add 10 water purification tablets this will purify 10 liters of water and then finally i'll add two whirl pack 1 liter stand up water bags on the fire building end of things i'm going to add a second ferro rod but this one has a built-in striker and then i'll also add two pieces of fat wood to be used as tinder on the hunting and fishing front i'm going to add this best glide asc survival fishing kit basic version and by the way i already reviewed this in a previous video if you want to check it out and then i'll also add some brass snare wire next up i'll add four 12 by 12 sheets of tin foil these can be used to cook some food if you catch it or you could use it to make a makeshift pot or cup then i'll add two of these spoon fork utensil things i'm also going to add this stainless steel cup this could be used for drinking water of course but you could also use it to cook some food or maybe make a soup if you catch some fish or squirrel or something like that now i thought about adding something like this military mess kit but i'm not going to do it because it's pretty heavy and pretty large and it would take up a lot of space so that's why i decided to go with the stainless steel cup instead now even though i said food is not the most important thing in a survival situation i will add some extra food items if there's room so first off i'll add this ust apple cinnamon emergency food ration bar it's 2400 calories so that means 1200 extra calories per person for that three days and then i'll also add six jolly rancher candies just for a little bit of sugar and also a morale boost and just because i'm a caffeine junkie i'm going add six packs of coffee that's one pack per person per day ah you know what since there might be two of us using this pack i'm going to add a second cup but the second one will be really compact it's one of these sea to summit cups you poke it out like that and you got a cup and then you fold it back and it's nice and flat and i'm also going to add one of these portable stoves this is one of those folding types and it does have the fuel pellets included and then on the toiletry side i'm going to add a couple rolls of toilet paper as well as a couple packs of tissues on the medical side of things i think the first aid pouch is pretty darn good the way it is but i will add two more items if i have the space so first up i've got an israeli bandage and then secondly is a swat tea tourniquet and then lastly in the tool department i'm going to leave the mulchy tool and the knife that came with the kit at least for now but i will add two more items first up is a wire saw and then secondly is a small folding knife this is a k-bar dozer d2 it's inexpensive but pretty good quality and i'll add that to the kit to complement the knife and the multi-tool all right so now i'm going to see if i can fit all this into the kit and of course you could add more stuff than this or take away stuff the possibilities are endless but this is what i'm going to try to add for now and who knows before it's all done i may add more stuff or take away stuff i don't know we'll have to see what fits so let's go ahead and give it a try [Music] so [Music] do [Music] oh boy i don't think i've had enough coffee today because i completely forgot to add any medications to the first aid kit so i'm going to add this little bottle of pills this contains 12 ibuprofens 4 500 milligram naproxen sodium tablets four diclofenac tablets which is an anti-inflammatory and six benadryls and then i'll also add six imodiums and two of a medication called zofran which is an anti-nausea medication oh i almost forgot here's some spare aaa batteries for that flashlight and i'll just put them in this center pouch do [Applause] [Applause] and since i don't think space is an issue right now i'm going to add a couple extra things to the toiletry bag so i'll add some dental floss which could double as cordage in an emergency then i'll add some of these little disposable toothbrush thingies six of those in there that'll go in there and then the whistle i'm gonna put on the front of the pack just so it's accessible and then we've got to deal with this cup well these two cups so let me see if that'll fit yeah just like that [Music] all right so now we'll just close up the top and there we go wow you know everything fits so well i could probably add some extra stuff i'm not going to take everything out to start adding stuff again i'll do that later but one thing i will do is open up the toiletry bag again and i'm going to add some of these porta wipes these towels that get bigger if you put some water on them i've got four of them and heck we'll add a couple things of hand sanitizer too i could probably add more food if i wanted to oh my gosh i almost forgot two emergency ponchos and i'll put those up in this front pouch where they're easily accessible wow i'm impressed we got all that stuff in there with room to spare we've still got a little space on the inside we've got all these attachment points on the back and the front we've got this area over here with the webbing and the straps and then we've got these straps down here so i could add quite a bit more gear to this kit if i wanted to now for the time being i'm going to leave it as is but i will come back to it at some point in the future and add additional gear for one thing i'll add some technology stuff some phone charging cords and some additional batteries and stuff like that but for right now it'll do just fine so yeah the uncharted supply company 72 pro survival system made even better with some additional gear overall i think this is a pretty good survival system yes it is expensive but aside from the price i think it's pretty good and you could do a lot worse than to have one of these as your bug out or emergency bag so anyway let me know what you think of this i'd be interested in hearing your opinions for now that's it i'm eric segal this is kit bash survival thanks for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 239,350
Rating: 4.8487554 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Uncharted Supply, Unchrted Suply, seventy2 pro, 72 pro, seventytwo pro, seventy two pro, Uncharted Supply Co
Id: hcTr58e0h7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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