Wise 5-Day Survival Backpack

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hi I'm Eric Siegel with KITT bash survival and today we're going to be checking out the five day survival backpack made by why is company I thought this would be a semi appropriate thing to review at this particular time although I personally don't feel these things are necessary quite yet but a lot of people do a lot of people are panicking and as a result these things are actually kind of hard to find right now and if you can find one you're gonna pay a very inflated price and so for that reason if after watching this review if you like what you've seen and you want to get one of these I would recommend waiting until this whole crisis is over because if you buy one right now you're gonna pay way too much for it and again like I said quite frankly I don't think they're necessary yet and to be honest I don't think anything like this is gonna be necessary for this current crisis but it is a nice thing to have just in case I got these at Sam's Club last year in 2019 they had a whole pile of them and I can't remember the exact price I think they were about 50 bucks which was below the price on Amazon and way below what you'll pay now I think I saw these the other day for about 130 bucks online so again don't buy one right now but anyway so when I saw them at Sam's Club I got four of them and then I also got several of the wise buckets of freeze-dried food that they also make so I'm glad I picked these up so on the front of the Box you can see it says food water first aid and warmth and then right here it's got the major items food water stove a cop flashlight a whistle a 42 piece first aid and hygiene kit waterproof matches a Mylar blanket an emergency poncho and plain car and then on the side it's got a list of some other items in the backpack although some of these are repeats from the list on the front and look at that it's got an n95 mask that's pretty cool considering the current climate now of course there are some notable things missing from this backpack such as any form of significant shelter other than the Mylar blanket and the poncho there's no knife and probably a few other things but that's okay because the backpack that all this comes in is large enough to where you can add extra stuff if you want so if you prepare ahead of time and you're willing to add some stuff to this bag I think it's quite possible this could be an excellent starting point for building a really good five-day survival bag and/or bug-out bag now down here it says kitted on August 19th 2019 so this is a current kit and then on the back we've got the nutrition info for the food this is pretty funny wise water ingredients water so let's go ahead and open it up and see what's inside [Music] so here's the bag itself and on just a cursory examination it looks to be pretty full-featured for what it is we've got these straps here in case you want to secure anything to the front there's a cinch cord here we've got a webbed pouch with a cinch cord here and a buckle up here another webbed pouch with a cinch cord and a buckle there's a web - pouch back here up top here are the straps and there's a chest buckle here we've got a handle up top and then we've got one two three four five interior compartments so yeah it seems pretty good now quality wise I can tell this is not the highest quality backpack ever made but it's really not intended to be that otherwise the kit would cost much much more so you know is the quality good enough to last five or ten days or maybe a few months if necessary sure is it good enough to withstand years and years of wear and tear probably not but then again that's not what it's designed for so out of the box most of the compartments in this backpack are empty in fact the only compartment that has any sort of cargo is the main compartment where they've stashed all the food and supplies and we'll take a look at that compartment in just a minute but it's kind of up to you to use the other compartments as needed but I did want to show you one neat thing with this front pouch up here and that is that it's got this boring flag inside and then there's this velcro flap on the front and there's a hole so you can feed the flag through the hole like that [Music] and then you can close the pouch and now you have an orange flag hanging off your back to make you more visible and it's because of this flag that I decided to buy the camouflage coloured backpacks when I got these at Sam's Club they were offered in two colors red and camouflage they both have the orange flag but I chose the camouflage because it has a dual function if you're in a situation where you're trying to hide and you don't want to be found well you've got a nice camouflage backpack but if you're in a situation where you do want to be found and you do want to be more visible well now you can hang the orange flag off your back and make it easier for people to see you alright so let's go ahead and open up that main compartment so there are three bags in here there's this bag that contains all the equipment there's this bag that contains the water and then there's the largest bag that contains the food and oh by the way inside that main compartment there's another zipper pouch right here pretty cool so they give you five pouches of water and each pouch contains four point two to seven ounces or 125 milliliters now the interesting thing is that on the back on the instructions it says to drink a minimum of two bags per person per day well this is a five day survival pack so for one person this would be two and a half days of the minimal absolute minimal amount water you might want so what I'm thinking is that this isn't supposed to be your absolute only supply of water it's a starting point so this is enough purified water to get you going for a day or so until you can secure another source of water either more purified water or some water that you can boil or purify yourself because of course you're not only going to need more water to drink but you're also going to need water to make the food and so forth but yeah so this is a good start five pouches of purified drinking water up next we've got the food bag so let's go ahead and open it up [Music] so first up we've got Southwest beans and rice and this is just freeze-dried food you add hot water you let it sit for 10 or 15 minutes and then it's good to go this is four servings of Southwest beans and rice then we've got creamy vegetable pasta again four servings [Music] then we've got a milk alternative here whey milk alternatives twelve servings just add cold water then we've got hearty tortilla soup four servings and then we've got brown sugar and maple multigrain cereal that looks pretty good four servings and then we've got apple cinnamon cereal and because there's no label on here they provide a separate instruction card for the Apple Cinnamon cereal so here at always I think it's a pretty good selection and I actually added all the calories of these packs up and it comes to just over five thousand calories which in a five-day survival situation would divide out to about a thousand calories a day now a thousand calories a day is probably far below what most people need on a daily basis but you know it's not bad especially for an emergency situation you know in a survival situation food is probably the least important thing on the other hand water is probably the most important thing so you know this is not a ton of food you're not going to be going to bed with a super full stomach every night but is it enough for one person to get by for five days absolutely so you know what we're gonna cook one of these up right now and I think I'll try the Southwest and beans and rice all right so I've got the four cups of water that the directions call for in my jet boil so let's go ahead and fire that up [Music] and while that's oiling up they'll put the rice and beans into this bowl so that's what it looks like before we add the hot water so just tasting the powder on its own the spices before I put the water in it tastes pretty good now there is quite a lot of sodium in this in fact all the entrees have a lot of sodium but you know in an emergency or survival situation I don't think you're really going to be concerned about how healthy the dishes [Music] all right rid of oil so let's turn the heat off and you know add hot water to the freeze-dried mix I always like to do this a little bit at a time it smells pretty good we have to wonder if the four cups of water is really necessary because there's nothing worse than adding too much water to a freeze-dried dish then you end up with a soup so I'm gonna leave it like this for a few minutes and see if it thickens up I've used about half the water about two cups the instructions say to cover it so I've got some tin foil and we'll give that a cover and it says to wait 10 to 12 minutes but I'm gonna peak in a few minutes just to see if it needs more water all right it's been a couple minutes and it is thickening up so we'll go ahead and add most of the rest of the war I'd rather it be too thick and too thin so I'm gonna stop right here just right now it's looking pretty soupy again but that rice should soak up that water alright it's been about 15 minutes see what we've got okay did thicken up nicely I'm glad I didn't add the rest of the water though that's a pretty good consistency so let me give a taste real quick [Music] hmm the rice is cooked really well it's not al dente it's pretty good it's not too spicy it's not too salty I think I like it now it's really not bad at all as freeze-dried foods go [Music] he's got little beans in there and pieces of corn there's some tumeric in there I believe yeah I mean I like this I think I'm gonna have it for there all right yeah I think I like this you know I've had a few more mouthfuls and my only criticism if you want to call it that would be that it's a little on the bland side it's not very salty or spicy but that's not necessarily a bad thing I would definitely rather it be under seasoned than over seasoned out of the box or out of the bag I should say because you can always add seasoning later if you need to but yeah you know it's not the best food in the world it's freeze-dried food freeze-dried food is only gonna be so good but I like it you know I think Mountain House probably has the best freeze-dried food out there so you know if Mountain House is five stars as far as freeze-dried food goes I'd probably give this four it's definitely good all right moving on we come to the final bag which contains all of these survival equipment let's go ahead and open it up and check it out first up we've got a small camping stove and this is one of those military-style stoves it opens up like that and put your fuel tabs down here and your powder your pan up here and you've got a little makeshift stove now one of the things I like about these stoves is that they're adjustable so like that you can put a pretty big pot or pan on top but if you've got something small like for example the cup that comes in this bag well then you can close it like that and put your cup on top pretty cool now there's that steel cup just your basic steel cup and inside the cup we have the supposed n95 dust mask I'm not sure if it's actually in 95 but it says it is and then there's a deck of playing cards which is always a good thing to have on hand when you're stuck with nothing to do then we've got some waterproof matches Coughlin waterproof matches these are okay I've used them before then we've got one of these whistle compass storage things and I've reviewed these before on this channel but there's a whistle there with a ball in it there's a Ferro rod there but I don't think it's very good there's a compass in the top which you know I'm not sure how well that's going to work and then there's a mirror down there and you've got a waterproof storage area right there so you know it's okay but it's not the best thing in the world then we've got some Kleenex our nearness to tissues almost good to have there's an emergency rain poncho there's an emergency blanket a space blanket I'm not going to take it out you've seen these before we've got 2 4 6 8 10 water purification tablets that's good 2 antiseptic wipes actually make that 3 antiseptic wipes there's the instructions for the aqua champs then we've got a flashlight this is one of those hand cranked flashlights so it looks like that and the way it works is that you unlock it and then crank it and it powers the flashlight and it'll stay on for a little bit you can see it already had some power when I took it out of the bag so it's not bad and at least it doesn't need batteries [Music] then we've got a 36 piece first-aid kit and then finally we've got some solid fuel tablets for the portable stove for hexamine tablets so what do I think of this five-day survival backpack overall I think it's decent now does it have everything you need to survive of course not I don't think anybody would argue that it does but if you've got a family and you want each person in your family to have a bag that they can just grab and go in the event of an emergency I think this is a good starting point however if you're planning on making this your primary survival backpack or bug out bag I would recommend getting the bag and then adding some stuff to it now I could sit here for the next hour talking about what stuff to add to this bag to make it better but some stuff that comes to mind just right now off the top of my head well you could add a tent of some sort a water filter a radio two-way radio toothbrush and toothpaste a glow stick a water bottle a knife this is a more knife with a built in fire steel some toilet paper some cordage a firestarter cube or tinder material of some sort a headlamp or flashlight or Lantern a big lighter and some candles and I'm sure there's lots more you could add you know maybe in the future I'll do a video where we take one of these bags and build it into a kick-ass bug-out bag as for me I have my own bug out bags that are fully equipped I just got these because they were a good deal at Sam's and I thought they'd be a good thing to have on hand just in case anyway that's about it for now let me know what you think in the comments below I'm Eric seagull this is kit Bosch survival and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 50,428
Rating: 4.9065418 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Wise, 5-Day, Survival Backpack, Survival Kit, Kitbashed Survival, Food, Water, Gear, Fire, Stove, Fuel, Medical, Freeze Dried, Beans, Rice, Pasta, Whey Milk, Oatmeal, Apple, Cinnamon, Soup, Torilla, Flashlight, Space Blanket
Id: LP2QmIgZaho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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