Altoid Survival Tin Overnighter Part 1

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hi welcome back to burning river bushcraft today we're gonna be doing a Altoids 10 overnight challenge so this is gonna be continuation on a camp craft Altoids 10 survival kit step 2 of building the kit is going to be doing an overnight in the woods so I showed this kit in another video the point is not to show what's in the kit the point is to show what the kit can do so the rules of the challenge are pretty simple you can only use the materials that you packed in your Altoids 10 survival kit this was submitted a little bit ago I will put a link in the description to the video where I built the kit itself it's 36 degrees today this is March 13th I believe it's a Wednesday I did work all last night that's about 8 a.m. right now so I had a couple cups of coffee got geared up and hit the woods now as far as clothing goes I've got a base layer t-shirt I have a fleece shirt wool vest and then my two layer anorak on the bottoms here I've got canvas pants wool long johns wool socks my boots besides my baseball cap I also have a stocking cap I have pair of work gloves and I have a bandana so a couple personal rules that I'm going to be following today I'm not going to utilize any trash resources that I find I'm going to be either bushcrafting it or just using what's in the tent itself there's a lot of garbage around here that you can find and I don't want it to be missed rude that I have planted something so it'd be really handy to walk around and find a couple containers in the woods but I'm going to limit myself and use only what I can make so I am just going to be pulling out what I need of this kit to get each job done some things I'll go over some things I won't really go over you'll just kind of see me doing it if there's any questions just put a link in the comments section and maybe I can do a specific video on that but the tent itself this is the same ten you know it holds itself closed without the Ranger bands in it I'm gonna go ahead and break this open and let's get started all right I'm going to dropping layers fast here I'm gonna take my bandana and once I crack this kid open all hell's gonna break loose so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to assemble my cutting tools and to get into all my cutting tools this whole kit pretty much has to be emptied out so once I get the tape off my saw I'll cut back and I gotta go find a suitable tree I'm gonna try to make like maybe three tools out of one single tree to save myself a little bit of cutting I'm gonna try to make my saw frame I'll try to cut it knife handle and then if I make it all I will just use that out of a scrap piece trying to be real careful with it and keep my gorilla tape there's quite a few objectives that I have to get done and that gorilla tape is gonna help me out so I take my time now so I don't screw myself over later alright so right here has a nice straight sapling it's maybe thumb thick there is a whole crap ton of little trees around here that's kind of the reason I chose this location now the length of this is 24 inches I'm going to use this saw blade as a kind of a guide so I'm going to come in about two inches and make my cut right here this is going to be the first part of my frame go ahead and cut another one about the same length I don't think this is going to work for a knife handle but I'm going to go ahead and cut it anyway here so I actually had to cut my uprights again I cut them a little too short I just made a simple soft cut down and right now I'm gonna make a little D cut in the back here and that is going to the saw sit and a notch alright so with the split sitting this way halfway up let's orientate the right way so halfway up I'm gonna make a shallow V notch right about halfway so the main objective I have to do tonight is make a shelter sustainable for two nights so that's going to be primarily for my own comfort once the Sun sets gonna get pretty cold for me I'm gonna assemble my tools before I get that done I do have the other objectives we have right here on my phone I do have to make a tri stic so that's various notches kind of very similar to what I'm doing right now actually this is you know V notches besides the Tri stick and the shelter I have to show how I can navigate with my kit I have to purify 32 ounces of water I have to make three animal traps I have to address three first-aid issues dealing with my kit all right so I got the saw I'll put together I used the v-notch and whittled down a couple little pegs to hold the saw blade open and then used a little bit of my bank line put tension on it with a windlass I had about 20 feet of bank line to start with so I still got a little bit left so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put a handle on this cut down more eldress so this sticks as good as any others I guess I'm going to measure a hand make a little tick mark here we'll get it cut down split and then so I'm gonna try to inlet this a little bit I'm gonna kind of Center it up where I want it and I'm going to use my sail needle to scratch in a little bit so hopefully here you can see I'm just gonna try to take take a little bit of the wood out just like that [Applause] so you can see here I've got a pretty tight fit like it is I'm gonna actually whip it up pretty hard and kind of drive it in a little bit make it a little bit better so this is a pretty good fit right now and like I said cordage is really critical to me and even though it is so critical the knife is more critical so I'm going to go ahead and take the time and use up the resources to whip this pretty decent and I got another little trick I'll show you here in a minute so I did stick my blade cover back on kind of half-ass so I've got videos on whipping on my channel here I'm just gonna knock it out real quick neatness counts [Music] so that's about what I want I'm gonna go ahead and cut the tail off [Music] [Music] case of blade edges down blade edges covered I'm still being careful and pull the tail through now that's pretty solid that's better than the one I did in the video when I just quickly split the stick but again I got another little trick up my sleeve I'm gonna make this better yet so just a quick resource check I've got my knife and my saw both assembled the only thing I've used has been my bank line and I think I started with 20 and I've got oh maybe 10 maybe 14 feet so not quite 2 full pulls so just so I can start knocking out some light deliverables orientation and finding direction in my kit I have a 14 mil button compass so you can see it's pretty small maybe the size of a dime or so and it is pretty accurate to be honest so if I did not have this I could use shadow sticks looking at the Sun I am a shadow stick so I can see the direction the Sun is right now I'm looking east I Suns been up for 1 2 3 hours now so a lot of different ways I could do this but in my kit I've got the big one I have a compass so I can look down this now this is not an orienteering compass but what I would do is I would keep the compass in a set direction and turn my body so quick confirmation on the button compass you know North is behind the camera and dead East here this is the direction I just was pointing to the Sun so I've got that as a quick reference but for my cardinal directions it's pretty easy to navigate with a compass so to be honest right now I would have difficulty navigating to a specific point if you were to give me a azmuth but this is way better and primitive and I can father I can follow a northeasterly direction and for something this small in an emergency kit like this all I would be looking for was knowing the terrain knowing that if I travel east I'm gonna get hit hit a major highway in my area if I had North I'm gonna hit a coast so this is just just for basic direction but this does a heck of a job it's easy to carry I don't have to put shadow sticks in and wait 15 minutes I don't have to make and calibrate like an ottoman Sun compass or anything like that I'm not looking at moss on trees I have a legitimate compass all right time's a-wastin I'm gonna start working on my shelter where my vest is hanging that's going to be one of the trees that I'm using for a main Pole not having much cordage I'm gonna use fork sticks to support my ridgeline or my main ridge beam I'm gonna start wandering around our woods making cuts I'll kind of film this in and out depending on how things go [Music] all right so I have had a change of plan here my original shelter design is better but I'm running out of time already so when I was looking for materials I've got a fresh blowdown right here I'm gonna go ahead and make a cut maybe seven feet from the trunk I'll support it with a couple of fork sticks and I'll just have a shorter version of what I originally planned so you know this is survival not bushcraft I guess because I'm limited on tools limited on time and limited on equipment so this is probably gonna be a four or five inch tree I'll tighten up the saw a little bit and all right so this is gonna be the basis for the shelter here this is I still got bark attached where that fell down I've got a fork stick supporting it I've got another stick fork stick supporting it this way and it's got a backwards lean against this tree it'll take my body weight so it will definitely take the sticks that I'm gonna put on it for a to night show I'm gonna go ahead and trim up all these small sticks where my bets gonna be and then I'm gonna start the process of making a link so after about an hour of work here I've got the ridgepole up fairly straight level and then basically I made a brush pile I've got a bunch of small sticks carrying over some of them I broke by hand some of the bigger ones I saw it I wanted to originally do a pole to pole lean-to but that's just not gonna happen not all the time don't have the resources really to do it I'm in brush real thick heavy brush right here and I've been searching searching for straight poles and finally this gave up with it what I'm going to do now it's about eleven o'clock so I'm gonna head out into the open field here and get some water I'm gonna purify my 32 ounces I haven't drank in yet today it's gonna be a half hour from when I purify my water - the one I can drink it so in while that's happening I think I'm gonna start gathering some some brush or some some weeds something to cover this up the leaves I've got are very very minimum minimal leaves and everything's kind of wet right here so this isn't really making me real excited hopefully over in the field I can get into some some bigger brush your type weeds and make a couple trips and get this thing covered so one major issue with just an Altoids ten survival kit like this is you don't have a good container a good container that you can boil water and lets you purify water and cook it's got a ton of purposes so in place of a good container higher had a wrapped rubber band around it I've got a crock pot liner so this obviously is not durable it's got a lot of disadvantages to it this kind of thing now because I can't boil water I have these aquatab aquatab water purification tablets that's gonna save my butt in a situation like this now the issue is is it's one tablet for 32 ounces of water and with this thing you just have no idea I measured out using this 10 as a measuring device it worked out so I did it twice I got 13 once and 12 the second time a full container of water to a cord so I'm gonna play it on the safe side I'm gonna put 12 tens of water in here I'm gonna call that 32 ounces I'm gonna put one of the aqua tabs in it I'm gonna let it sit for 30 minutes so I had a little bit of spillage so I went with 13 scoops so I'm gonna call this 32 ounces of water I'm gonna open one of these tablets okay I'm going to let this sit for 30 minutes while I go try to gather some resources for some bedding XY I see some FARC behind me that might make a better cover yet yet I'm gonna tie a just a loose overhand knot and I'm gonna leave this here this is all maybe 100 yards from where the lean-to set I'm not real conservative losing it I'm more concerned with dragging this thing around and causing wear and tear on the bag but here's 32 ounces of water and in a half hour I can have drinking water I'm starting to lose my voice already this is one of the non romantic parts of wilderness survival of dehydration when you've got your full kit with you and you're drinking most of the time you'll still get to be hydrated from the amount of work that's involved but in a limited gear trip like this you can pretty much know dehydration is going to be your friend so what usually happens is I get a big arm load and it keeps breaking off this stuff is obviously dead and dried and I've got to walk through some pretty thick brush to put it in but it's going on like shingles I'll bring the camera back next trip and show you how it's looking so still waiting on the water the last load of bark I took over almost as I located another tree that was a lot closer don't be able to get some from so I'm just taking a second right now collecting a couple bird's nest and I'm gonna knock out some fire deliverables I'm really not interested right now in getting a long-term fire going that's just more work for me again I just don't want to wait until late in the day and then starting to have some problems and then everything almost to health so to minimize my trips back and forth while my water's purifying I just want to get probably double this this is way more than I need but I don't want to have to make multiple trips so I'm just trying to gather some of the weeds that are suspended up in the air a little bit it's pretty windy through here all the time so stuff dries out pretty quick but I'll just keep going through this field take the camera back and show you the lean-to as I'm putting the last little bits of bark on so it is starting to piss rain a little bit so I'm gonna change my focus real hard to the fire again not to keep it going I'm not worried about a sustainable fire but I do need to make it three different ways so keeping in the context of not wanting to do extra work I'm walking by this punk wood tree right here and I'm gonna take a second and gather some punk wood I'm gonna char this when I make my initial fire so here's another purpose for my 10 I'm gonna probably put some tulip poplar bark I've been as I was gathering limbs if it looked like it was worthwhile to me I put it in the separate pile so I've got a little bit of bark saved up so I'm gonna put some shredded tulip poplar bark in here just like a bird's nest it's good to have a variety of materials so this will char up pretty quick and it'll help me out later
Channel: Burning River Bushcraft
Views: 43,196
Rating: 4.820972 out of 5
Keywords: burning_river_bushcraft, survival, bushcraft, altoidstin, altoidsurvivaltin, survival kit, pocketsurvivalkit
Id: kNV1d4V9nhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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