Polymath Products - Mini Survival Tin

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[Music] hi I'm Eric Segal and today we're gonna be checking out the mini Survival tin from polymath products polymath is a company that's based in the UK and they sell a lot of different survival-type gear they actually have a larger survival kit that's much better equipped than this one but today we're gonna be checking out the mini Survival tin and in a future video we'll check out the much larger kit now as you can see this is not very large it's about the size of an Altoids tin so clearly you're not going to be living in the lap of luxury with this survival kit but for its size it's actually pretty good and in a dangerous life-or-death dire survival type situation it could make a difference but of course the effectiveness of any survival kit is going to depend on the environment that you're in you know if you're in some sort of freezing cold Arctic wasteland or the Sahara Desert where you may not have access to shelter and you don't have access to a source of food or water obviously you're going to be in trouble and something like this is probably not going to help very much so whatever kit you have it needs to be appropriate for the environment that you're in now I live in the Southeast United States so something like this is probably going to be okay if I lived in the North Pole or in the desert obviously I would need a much more advanced survival kit in my mind there are really three levels of survival kits you know there are four survival kit course fire food water and shelter and a level one kit like this is usually going to give you access to three of the four items so with this kit you get the ability to make fire the ability to catch some food ie fish and the ability to purify some water for drinking you're not gonna get any shelter and of course they're not going to provide the food and water for you because the kits too small now in a level-two kit you add the fourth element shelter so a level two kit will usually have at the very least a space blanket or something like that or maybe an emergency bivy or an emergency tent something to give you some basic shelter in addition to the ability to make fire and the ability to catch some food and by some water and then in level 3 kit well that's where you're gonna actually have some food and water in the kit and those are going to be larger kits more you know emergency preparedness kits that are going to be larger and heavier have some emergency rations and some emergency water and so forth but of course they're larger and they weigh more and so they're not always as convenient to have on hand and so that's where little kits like this come in now as for me you know I don't view this as a primary means of survival I mean if you're stuck in the wilderness and this is all you have shame on you because you should be more prepared than that I look on these little kits as backup survival gear so for example when I go camping I have my pack that has all of my main gear in it my primary gear that helps me survive and have fun in the woods but if for some reason that gear were to fail or get lost or stolen or something like that I like to have one of these little kits on hand just as an emergency backup so that no matter what I've got access to fire the potential to catch some food and the ability to purify some water and again if you have a level-two kit you've got the ability to get some emergency shelter going and stuff like that but anyway what we're going to do is go ahead and open this up and take a look at it so it comes in this little baggie and you pull it out there's the tin and it looks almost just like an Altoids tin and then here's the contents card so the kit contents we've got the outer bag and foil so you do want to keep that we've got the tin itself instruction sheet and then the fishing tin which contains items 5 through 12 on the list 8 metres of fishing line 6 pound test a glow stick a worm lure and a maggot lure 2 fishing hook size 10 a brass I split shot two number fours and two bb's two safety pins and two swivels size 10 then we've got a meter of 550 paracord which is pretty good fire starter and a whistle unit liquid-filled compass a candle a compressed towel micro LED flashlight water carrier 20 centimeters fabric surgical tape alcohol swab 8 water purification tablets sewing needle and thread and a signal mirror with protective film all right so let's go ahead and open up the tin and of course we're greeted by the survival tips brochure and again I'm not going to read all of this stuff for you but you know it's just your basic survival tips that you find in most survival kits along with a list of the kit contents then we've got a candle right here pretty good sized candle and then we've got the compressed towel and the way these work is that you get them wet with a little bit of water and they expand out into a pretty good sized towel I'm not sure how big this one is but it's probably like a hand towel something like that so not bad then we've got this little tin that contains the fishing kit as well as some other stuff too so let's see what's in here and these little tins by the way are really nice I bought a pack of these on Amazon a while back and for my EDC kit stuff like that I use these you can put pills and them all sorts of fun stuff anyway so we've got some fishing line six pound test then we've got a miniature glow stick and you crack these and they light up and they glow for a few hours then there's a little maggot lure a rubber maggot lure there's a rubber worm lure then we've got the four sinkers there's two small sinkers and two large ones they are then we've got two hooks there they are and two swivels and there they are and two safety pins and then we've got this eye thing they can screw in now I wasn't sure what this was for at first but I think if I had to guess this is to make some sort of a rudimentary fishing pole you could get a stick and screw this into the stick and then put the fishing line onto here and then you've got yourself a rudimentary fishing pole so that's actually pretty cool I'm glad they put that in there so that is what's in the fishing tin most of its fishing gear but we do have the safety pin safety pins and the glow stick pretty cool all right up next we've got a condom and for the uninitiated this may seem rather silly it's not for sex this is for storing water yeah condoms actually make a pretty good water storage device and if you look in a lot of military survival kits they'll have condoms in there because that's exactly what they're for is storing water and believe it or not you can actually boil water in a condom if you hold the condom full of water above the fire not so close that it's going to melt the condom but close enough where it will gradually warm the water you can eventually boil water in the condom and have good drinking water that way so this is actually a good thing to have in a kit obviously you don't want a condom that has any sort of lubricant or spermicide on it you just want a basic dry latex condom like this one then we've got some paracord and there's that 550 paracord and again there was one meter of it so not bad then we've got our fire tool one whistle so this is kind of cool it's got the Ferro rod right here built into the side and then you pull this part out and that's the striker so the scale never again there we go now we're throwing some good sparks pretty cool and that just snaps back in the end like that and then there's a whistle on the other end and actually it's a pretty darn good whistle I have to say this could really get someone's attention not bad at all all right then we've got the LED flashlight right here see it says polymath products on one side and it's actually pretty bright I have to say it may not look bright on the video but for its size it's pretty good and you can actually you can depress it like that for momentary action or there's a switch here and it'll stay on permanently so first size this is actually a pretty good little LED flashlight and I have to say it's not going to win any awards for brightness but it's pretty good then we've got this little kit in here and this contains several items so let's go ahead and open it up alright so in the middle here we've got our eight water purification tablets and each tablet will treat one liter of water it looks like so we could treat 8 litres of water that's not bad at all of course you want to read the instructions before you use them just to make sure then we've got this is some medical tape so you peel off the backside and you've got some medical tape going on it's pretty cool and then we've got some first-aid pre injection swabs basically just alcohol swabs all right and then down here in the bottom we've got our sewing kit in case you need to do any emergency sewing it's got a needle another safety pin several colors of thread and two buttons a bad and then we've got our compass just a little button compass and I can see that it is accurate it is pointing in the right direction and then finally in the very bottom we've got a signal mirror that was listed in the contents and it's got a protective film on it which is nice you can see me in the reflection there and what you do is you peel off the protective film and then you've got yourself a good signal mirror and then lastly there's the tin of course which you could use in an emergency situation you could boil some water or cook some food with it always good to have one of these now I've been thinking about it some more and because we have the fire starting tool here I think that the compact towel I don't think that's there to get wet and actually uses a towel I think this is meant to be used as fire tinder so you would puff this out a little bit and then set it on fire with the Ferro rod on striker so just to review here's the entire contents of the kit we've got the survival tips brochure the medical tape the tin itself water purification tabs an alcohol swab we've got the fishing ten that also has a glow stick and two safety pins inside we've got the contents card one meter of 550 paracord the button compass the LED flashlight a sewing kit the bag the kit came in that has a foil lining the signal mirror a candle a condom that's used to store water the compact towel that I believe is to be used as tinder and you would like that with the Ferro rod and striker and this tool also has a whistle on board all right so now I'm going to repack the kit but as always I'm gonna try to augment it and improve it just to leave it a little better than I found it so I'm gonna try to add this little mini med kit that has two ibuprofens a benadryl and imodium and a low-dose aspirin just in case someone has a heart attack hey you never know and then I'm also gonna try to add a single band-aid and a scalpel blade so let's see if we can do it [Music] okay got it all in there [Music] just slide it back in the back and contents card as well and there we go so there you have it this is the mini Survival tin from polymath products it's small it's not the best survival kit on the planet obviously its effectiveness is going to be determined by the environment that you're in and the specific conditions that you're in but for its size it's actually not that bad and I like it good quality components really nothing to complain about so that's it for now I'm Erich Segal and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 21,968
Rating: 4.87292 out of 5
Keywords: Polymath, Products, Mini, Survival, Tin, Polymath Products, UK, Fire, Water, Food, Tinder, Condom, Water Storage, Water Treatnment, Whistle, Sewing Kit, Signal Mirror, Boiling Water, Cook Food, Candle, Glow Swtich, Light, Fishing, Lures, Hooks, Weights, Cordage, 550, Paracord, Eric Siegel
Id: obTpjAiwtCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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