Battlbox Mission 71

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hi folks what i've got here is mission 71 of battlebox and we're going to check it out right now on kit bashed survival all right so battle box is a subscription box service that has sort of outdoor hunting bushcraft camping type of gear and you get different gear every month they have four different levels they have the basic box the advanced box the pro box and the pro plus box which is basically the knife of the month club and i always get the pro plus box which i believe is 150 a month or something like that now of course like i always say if you don't like subscription boxes you don't have to get them nobody's got a gun to your head i like getting these just because i think it's fun to see what's inside each month i don't get these because i need anything in the box the stuff i need i already have anyway let's go ahead and crack it open and i believe this is going to be a pretty good mission based on what i've read and there we go so here we've got the mission briefing for 71. nice looking cover and then they tell you what's in each box basic advanced pro and pro plus so let's get this stuff out of the box and check it out so up first in the basic box we've got a 72 hour emergency food kit from ready hour up to 25 years shelf life averages 1600 calories per day for one person and made in the usa and here's the back you can pause and read that if you want to now i've never tried ready hour food before i do have some ready hour food buckets but i have yet to sample the food so we will check this out during this video now also in the basic box they've got a couple items that sort of complement this food kit so first up we've got this the yuko switch go anywhere spork set so let's crack this open okay so it's a four in one set so you have a spoon a knife and a fork and then you can put these together like that and you get an extra long spoon which comes in handy when you're stirring the ingredients up in a freeze-dried pouch oftentimes you need a longer spoon to do that so that's nice and then i believe it stows like this like that and you can pack it away like that so yeah kind of cool goes nice with the food and then also to complement that food you've got some spice so this is red original and it says mres soup stews wild game wild edibles freeze-dried meals and fish kind of a red spice there so let's go ahead and open it up and give it a taste there it is let me taste it yeah it's just a good seasoning it's got a little heat the ingredients are salt spices onion powder and garlic powder so yeah just a good basic spice that you can use on all sorts of food and we will use it on whatever is in here when we open it up i think i'm not really sure what's in here yet but we'll find out and then the last item in the basic box is this spartan fire multi-use edc tinder made in the usa it's a six pack scrape it spark it reuse it everyday carry foldable waterproof tender and blade care reusable multiple fires per tender special wax protects knife blades no odors oils and non-toxic never expires 12 fires per pack 100 waterproof and wind resistant keep them in your wallet or your purse great for bug out bags and survival kits emergency repair patch and trusted by nato and adventurers worldwide pretty neat so kind of curious about this let's check one out it's kind of like a waxy fabric and i believe what you do is cut some of this off and fray it up and then use a ferro rod to start a fire with it so pretty cool i'll have to try these out okay we're in my garage workshop because it's really cold and windy outside as you'll see in just a moment but in between the last scene in this scene i looked this stuff up on youtube and i found another channel called fowler's makery and mischief and he has found all sorts of uses for this stuff including patching up holes and tents and so forth so definitely check out that video i'll put a link to it in this video but anyway let's see if we can get this working so let's scrape off some of the wax and then sort of free out the material i think i hope i'm doing this right apparently you can use this more than once you just sort of use a little bit of it and put it out and use the rest when you need it and now let's take a ferro rod to it and see what happens oh there we go [Laughter] well it works not bad at all i mean you can just put that out you know light your fire with it put it out and save the rest for later not bad anyway back to the ready hour 72 hour food kit let's go ahead and open this up and try out some of the food all right so we've got creamy chicken flavored rice [Applause] mac and cheese black bean soup and home style potato soup not bad so i think we'll go ahead and try one of these because like i said i've never tried anything from ready hour and oh i say we go with the creamy chicken flavored rice all right so i'm going to make about half of this so i'm going to put two and a half cups of water on to boil i got my trusty jet boil here and there we go all right while that's going we'll open up the creamy chicken flavored rice chicken flavored rice well smells okay now this is not freeze-dried i don't think so if you have to cook it for a while and i'm putting it into this big bowl just so i can mix the powder up with the rice so that when i put about half of this into the water i'll have a decent mixture of powder and rice get the instructions over here and the water to boil whisk in the contents reduce heat to medium continue cooking for 20 minutes that's a long time to cook but i guess it is rice so all right we are coming to a boil so i'm gonna try to eyeball about half of this stuff whisk it in and now i'm going to reduce heat and continue cooking for 20 minutes so see in a few it's been about 15 minutes it's getting pretty thick i hope i put enough in let's see how it tastes it's not bad you know what i'm going to do i'm going to add some meat into this just to make it that much better i had some steak salad last night for dinner and i'm going to add in some of that steak this is going to make this really good because it's just chicken flavoring there's no real meat in there i'm no chef but hopefully this will be pretty good of course it might be a complete fail too who knows all right it's been around 20 minutes so i'm gonna reduce or turn off the heat and let it stand for a few minutes i'm not sure how thick it's supposed to be i may not have gotten the 50 50 mixture right but seems pretty thick all right it's thickened up pretty nicely so i'm gonna give it a taste without any of the steak and we'll see how it does hmm it's it's pretty good it's got a very mild chicken flavor not too spicy uh but not a lack of spice it's just right there in the middle it's okay it's really not that bad yeah i like it you know what it reminds me of i don't know if you've ever had that lipton cup of soup the cream of chicken cup of soup that's what it reminds me of and for me that's kind of a nostalgic flavor because when i was a kid when i would get sick my mom would make some of that lipton cup of soup for me yeah and that's what it reminds me of except with rice all right let's try it with some steak yeah adding some meat in there makes a big difference if i had some grilled chicken i would put that in there but i had some steak from last night and that'll do just fine oh yeah all right now let's try it with some spices all right so let's add some of this red-eyed hog spice see what that does i'll just mix a little in there yeah it definitely adds a little more flavor and a little more salt of course i really don't want it to be that much more salty so i'll add a little bit of this to the whole bowl and then what i also want to add is of course some texas peat [Music] so let's give that a try oh yeah can't go wrong with some texas pete [Music] a little more that and it would probably be even better if you added some fresh veggies anything you can add to this is going to make it that much better but by itself it's pretty good i mean you don't need to add anything it's just a plus if you do all right i got some steak yeah that's pretty good now it's got a little spice to it a little kick yeah so this is my first experience with anything made from ready hour and based on this i'll give them a thumbs up it's pretty good definitely gets better if you add some meat and some spice but on its own it's just fine now of course it does take a little longer to cook because it's not freeze-dried or dehydrated but all in all it's pretty good i like it in fact i think i might finish this bowl okay next up in the advanced box we have the gerber freescape freescape campsaw folds flat for packability all right let's go ahead and get it out of the packaging and check it out it looks like there's a blade on the back here [Applause] all right let's see if we can figure this out okay oh there's a blade here too so it's got a spare blade on the back and then we've got the main blade here this kind of reminds me of that zippo axe saw thing that they make that i will be reviewing in a future video by the way all right let's see here okay i think it swings around this way and there's the hook and something like that and then we lock it up like that and there we go that's not too shabby that's pretty cool compact little saw folds out like that and it even comes with a spare blade right on now let's see how easy it goes back pull it out like that [Music] and do the saw blade [Music] fold it all around and bring it back like this and there we are one more time very cool i like it up next we've got the pro box and for mission 71 this is really cool they've included a spot gen 4 satellite gps messenger and i'm really excited about this this is something i've been wanting to get for a while or something similar to this because i'd like to have something like this at times when i go backpacking so let's go ahead and open it up and if you're not familiar with these types of devices i'll explain and by the way these cost 150 bucks so this right here is worth the entire mission and there she is now this is a gps messaging device and these are invaluable to have when you're out in the middle of nowhere because they allow you to communicate with the outside world using a variety of different methods for different purposes so down here they've got three main buttons the check button is a check in button and so that allows just a quick check in with people on your contact list so for example let's say you're through hiking the appalachian trail and you've got a wife or a husband or mom or dad and they're worried about you because you're out there by yourself you're in the middle of nowhere and they want to make sure you're okay well you know once a day when you've gotten to your campsite and you're set up for the night and you're about to go to sleep you can say hey press the button and it sends out a message and lets them know hey i'm okay and they can stop worrying at least for a little bit then there's a message button over here which is sort of a fancy version of the check-in button it allows you to send a custom message rather than just a quick check-in then they've got this location button and that's part of a function that allows you to track your journey and also share your location with other people pretty cool then we've got a couple of emergency functions up here so sos is the most severe that is for a dire life-threatening emergency that will alert the authorities so that they can come and find you then we've got this function over here which is called the help spot sov function so this is for sort of non-life-threatening situations where you need help but you don't want to get the authorities involved and so what this does is that it alerts people in your contact list that you need help so it's sort of for an emergency but not so bad of emergency that you need to alert the authorities which is kind of cool that they have that differentiation and then it's also got spot sov which can be used for roadside assistance so let's see what we've got here they've included some batteries and looks like a usb cable as well and here's the instructions got some stickers sos messaging is for life-threatening emergencies only yeah like i said to send messages power on the device lift flap hold down the selected button until it blinks green to cancel messages hold down the selected button until it blinks red important if gps light is red move to a location with a clear view of the sky and they've got it in multiple languages very cool this is kind of cool got a little strap to carry it with and a clip very nice all right so let's open this up okay all right so here we've got a usb plug which i assume is going to be used for firmware updates and stuff like that then we've got an authorization code and a serial number for activation and finally it's powered by these four aaa batteries which are supplied in the box now i do want to activate this device because when i go backpacking this spring i'm going to go ahead and use this now you do have to pay for service in order for it to work but fortunately battlebox thought of that and included in the mission 71 box is a coupon code for six months of free service so i'm going to use this coupon code and go ahead and activate this device and i'll be back in just a minute all right so we're outside with a clear view of the sky and i do apologize for the wind noise it's very cold and very windy right now so i'm going to go ahead and press the check in button and see what happens and for this test i've got my phone set up as the contact so let's go ahead and press it it's green and gps let's see what happens and it should come through on my phone within a few minutes and the sooner the better because it is cold out here of course it's not cold compared to other places but for georgia it's cold it's 37 and it's very windy oh now all three of these are flashing the power the gps and the message icon and the check-in light so oh look at that i got a message i don't know if you can read that but it says eric's spot and it gives the coordinates and it says i'm okay eric right on finally we come to the pro plus box which is basically the knife of the month club and for mission 71 we've got an essie azula knife very cool now i've already got an seo zilla knife it came in my esee mess 10 survival kit but one thing i don't have for the azula that also came in mission 71 is a set of scales for the azula so let's go ahead and open it up there it is oh and of course it's an sc product so we've got the ground to air signals and the scales and all that stuff it wouldn't be an se product if you didn't get one of these cards so we've got the sheath and then the belt clip which i'll go ahead and assemble and then we've also got some micarta scales to put on the azula which is really cool so let's get busy i'm going to set mine up for left-handed use so that means the clip will go on this side [Music] all right there we go now let's go ahead and put on the scales we've got this little spacer thing that goes in this gap here [Music] all right it's pretty cool they've got two screws in here leaving this hole in the back open for a lanyard and yeah feels good i don't recall what we're seeing in azula with scales i'm sure they exist i've just never seen one myself so yeah pretty cool [Music] yeah right on an seo zula with micarta scales not bad at all all right there you have it mission 71 of battle box i think this was a pretty darn good mission you've got the ready hour 72 hour food kit you've even got some spices to go along with the food there's the utensil set the esseo zula with the micarta scales the gerber freescape camp saw with a spare blade the spartan fire tender and my favorite item the spot gen 4 so yeah i'm very happy with this mission but that's just me let me know what you think in the comments below for now that's it i'm eric segal this is kit bashed survival thanks for watching and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 94,316
Rating: 4.8739018 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Battlbox, Kibash Survival, Kitbashed Survival, Kit Survival, Battle Box, Battlebox, Mission 71, Battlbox 71, Spot, Gerber, Saw, Ready Hour, Food, Uco, Esee Izula, Izula Knife, Tinder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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