Best Glide ASE - Advanced Ultimate Adventurer Survival Kit

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hi I'm Eric Siegel with KITT bash survival and today we're going to be checking out one of my favorite compact survival kits this is the best guide ASE advanced ultimate adventurer survival kit now best glide ase makes two versions of this kit there's the advanced version that we have here and then there's also the standard version right here and essentially these are identical except that the advanced version has a few extra items in it and so for that reason I'm only going to be showing you the advanced version and to elaborate on that if we read on the back it says the ultimate adventurer survival kit comes in both standard and advanced versions the asterisk denotes items included only in the advanced version so basically both the standard in advanced kits have all of these items and then the advanced kit has these three items as well the LED micro light the pocket survival tool and the water filter straw so let's go over all these items on the list we've got a survival kit box and water carrier that's the case itself a beeswax candle that'll burn for five hours the adventurer firestarter survival matches water purifier tablets pocket wire saw button compass survival fishing kit fire starter tabs derma safe knife heavy duty tie wraps all-weather notebook pencil gel fuel fire starter water bags survival instructions and tips silica gel and then in the advanced kit we've got the LED microlight the pocket survival tool and the water filter straw and then we've got a snare repair wire survival blanket first aid kit book matches b:g sewing kit signal mirror distress whistle one a utility cord Fresno fire starter lens aluminum foil coffee filter duct tape and a pocket knife slash tool so this is a pretty complete kit and that's why it's one of my favorites you know obviously if you have a large kit like a survival bag or a bug-out bag you can have much more stuff but as far as compact survival Kisco this is certainly one of the best out there in my opinion it's very similar to another kit that I reviewed earlier the premium survival kit from polymath products and in fact if we take it out of the box you can see it comes in a similar case this is also an excellent kit made in the UK can't go wrong with this but if I had to choose between the two of them I just might choose this one although again that premium survival kit from polymath is pretty darn good as well so if we look on the back one more time you'll notice on the list that best glide ASC tries to use items that are made in the USA when possible and so for certain items you'll see it says USA in parentheses and then some of these items are military items and so you'll see military in parentheses anyway let's go ahead and open this thing up and just like on the premium survival kit from polymath products this has these rubber clamps that keep that lid down securely which is nice so on top we've got the basic survival tips I'm not going to read all these to you but it's the basic survival tips that you get in most good survival kits then we've got a medical bag so let's see what's in here I like how all the medical items are in one day that's how I would do it so we've got a daus Bunge we've got another gauze sponge this is like a blister thing to stick on your skin for blisters then we've got some sting relief some butterfly bandages got a whole bunch of band-aids here and on a how many there are lights it looks like two four six eight band-aids it's a good supply so non-aspirin probably acetaminophen yet some aspirin more sedum in offend and then we've got three packets of triple antibiotic ointment so that's a pretty good little medical kit alright next we've got some cordage looks like paracord I'm not gonna take it out but looks like pretty good quality paracord and they have melted the ends so to keep it from unraveling then we've got the fire gel Murphy says suppressive fires won't pretty cool so you spread this gel and you light it on fire and gives you a source of fuel to make food or boil water or what have you then we've got a derma safe knife seen these before this little razor knife let's see here then we've got the sewing kit and I'm not going to take this out but there's a couple safety pins some sewing needles threader some thread and a couple buttons so not bad got a whistle yeah that's a good whistle all right Acme whistle then we've got the fishing kit and this is similar to fishing kits I've seen another best glide ASE kit I'm not gonna take this out but there's some fishing line there's a rubber fishing lure we've got some hooks and some weights that's pretty good then we've got a whole bunch of tinder oh look at that looks like one two three four five six seven eight ten pieces of tinder that's really good this is that cotton tinder that you spread out and it'll catch on fire very easily very nice got some duct tape here can't go wrong with duct tape then we've done our beeswax candle then we've got a pencil always good to have then we've got some water purification tablets and see here open this up and see how many of there are oh this is water purification powder okay carefully tear open and add to one liter of water so this will purify one liter of water so if we got one two three four five six so we can purify six liters of water not bad at all then here's our water purification straw and it's got a straw a piece to go with it and you've seen these before you know stick the straw on the end like that I believe a man that goes down into the dirty water and you can drink through the straw pretty cool it's a much more compact version than a lot of the more commercial ones you see very nice then we've got some snare wire my bad here is our wire saw then we've got our multi-tool a cat multi-tool caterpillar pretty cool and seems pretty sturdy I mean it's no Leatherman but it's it's not bad I've seen a lot worse it's definitely better than the no-name ones that come out of China sometimes but I don't think this is super high-quality but you know in a pinch it'll do and it's got a bunch of tools down in there and down in here you know like there's a file and screwdrivers and all that kind of stuff there's a knife right here so I'm not bad I'm sure if you wanted to you could replace that with a real living room then we've got our emergency space blanket and this seems to be a pretty good quality one not there's she Chinese ones this one's made in the USA Abilene nice and we've got a book of matches always good to have best glide aviation survival equipment nice let's see then we got this Micro Lake it's got some instructions on it but there's a micro light here with a single LED and I'm sure it has various functions on it that's why it comes with a instruction booklet you can see it says read instructions to activate so pretty cool probably has a flashing mode and stuff like that I'm not going to read the instructions right now but it's good to have it in there then we've got our Ferro rod and striker see if this thing is good oh yeah [Music] it's a good favor run up next we've got our right in the rain all weather Universal Notebook quite a lot like that take quite a lot of notes in this thing very cool we've got some foil I'm not gonna unfold this but tin foil is always a great thing to have it can make a frying pan or gather water or potentially be used as a signaling device may be really good to have that and it looks like there's quite a bit there then we've got a coffee filter and this goes hand-in-hand with the water purification tablets so what I would probably do is pour the water through here to get all the silt and grime and then purify the water and then we've got an emergency contact and doctor information card that you can fill out not bad we've got some fabric here for doing gear repair put that aside and see if there's more to that then we've got some storm matches the yukos storm matches always good to have then we've got a fire lens magnifying lens for starting a fire always good then we've got a proper signal mirror here and you've seen these before and then we've got the water straw filter instructions just good to have then we've got some water collection bags you know they really set you up good in terms of water collection in this kit I really like that it looks like we've got two or three water collection bags not bad and then we've got two zip ties can't go wrong with these we've got a button compass which is accurate and then we've got a silica pack okay so back to this patch I believe this is meant to be used in conjunction with the sewing kit so if you need to patch something up you can do it with this patch and the sewing kit pretty cool and then finally we've got the tin itself which of course can be used to boil water or cook food and we've also got the top piece as well it does have a rubber gasket but that gasket does come out and you could use this as a frying pan as well so there we go so before we start packing this thing back up I do want to share a couple thoughts with you first of all the water filter straw that comes with the kit this one I actually have one that I bought separately a while back and this is it so it's the Aqua mira frontier emergency filter it's made in the USA which is great filters up to thirty gallons of water which is fantastic it only weighs one ounce and it's got a 99.9 percent filtration so it's pretty good and when I bought this separately it was $12.99 secondly the information card that comes with the kit I didn't realize it at the time but it's actually a sticker you can peel off the back and apply it to anything you want and then finally the light that comes with the kit I read the instructions and this light has two modes so there's a signal mode which is what it's in by default when you get it out of the kit and in signal mode it's just momentary operation turns on when you press it and turns off when you let go you can also put it in a mode where the light will stay on constantly and a strobe mode so to change modes you hold the button down for 15 seconds and when the light turns off it's now in the other mode so one click is high two clicks is low and then three clicks is a strobe mode like that so it's pretty cool high medium strobe and then to put it back into signal mode you'll hold it for five seconds and then it's back in signal mode like that pretty cool now ordinarily when I repack these kits I try to add some stuff to make it better but in this case I really don't feel there's anything that I absolutely have to add to make it better because it's a very well executed kit and by itself it's perfectly fine now you may be tempted to add some food items like you know a piece of candy or a kindle mint cake like the ones in the polymath products kit and you certainly could do that I thought about doing it but the truth is food is probably the least important item in a survival situation you know of the four key items food water shelter and fire food is the least critical because the truth is your body can go quite a while without food and in a survival situation you're gonna die of dehydration long before you'll die of starvation and so the only purpose that you know a Kendal mint cake or some candy can serve is maybe to give you a little bit of sugar and maybe a little bit of a morale boost but it's not absolutely needed and so I think this kit recognizes that and so rather than putting some food items in here they really double down on the item that you truly do need and that you can't live without and that is water and so they give you the water filters the water bags the water purification powder and the water straw and that just ensures that in a survival situation with this kit you're gonna have what you absolutely need and that is water over food and then of course they've also got the shelter element with the space blanket and the fire element with all the filler rod and tinder and all that stuff now that being said I am going to add a few items to the kit just to make it that much better even though it really doesn't need anything extra so I'm gonna add one extra coffee filter for filtering water I'm gonna add a sachet of the MRE beverage base lemonade that way you can flavor the water and maybe get some electrolytes at the same time and then I'm going to add a mini med kit now we've already got acetaminophen and aspirin but I prefer ibuprofen so this has 6 ibuprofen to imodium Xand to benadryl and then again if you wanted to you could add a piece of candy or miniature Kendal mint cake or something like that but I don't think that's necessary so anyway let's go ahead and see if I can get this kit back together [Music] all right I got it all back in there had to repack it a couple times but now it's solving they're good so yeah this is the best glide a SC ultimate adventurer survival kit advanced edition and as I said I think this is one of the best compact survival kits on the market it's extremely well executed it's got everything you need I really can't find anything to criticize about this kit at all so that's it for now I'm Eric seagull this is kit Bosch survival and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 44,808
Rating: 4.9013214 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Best Glide, ASE, Ultimate, Adventurer, Survival Kit, Advanced, Compact, Water, Fire, Shelter, Food, Tools
Id: qmN4ox8UT-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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