Polish MP5 Gas Mask Review and Test

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hello and today we're going to take a look at a mask lots of you have requested to me over over and over again it's the Polish mp5 gas mask or respirator and this is the mask that Poland used to replace all while the idea was they're gonna replace all of their communists masks with it I'm obviously during the 1990s early 1990s communism collapsed most of the Central and Eastern European countries are then free of Soviet rule obviously Soviet Union became the Russian Federation and what happened is lots of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe decided they were having to you're gonna have to update their equipment find new equipment and things like this so this is where this comes in for Poland now obviously some of this is going to get a bit complicated in the video if I start talking about Fred's in masks but hope that you can follow me of this anyway I'll take the mask first and I've got some accessories with it and all that which I'll sort through so that's the canteen for it hopefully this canteen is good and it will actually work and I can demonstrate a drinking shoot at some point here's the mask it's got some covers on it that'll take off but this is the Polish mp5 now this is actually a licensed copy of a French mask and I can't find out the name of the French mask but basically I guess what happened is once the Cold War ended Poland put in offers to various countries of different design masks and the French said yes you can pay us so much money to then manufacture our masks yourself so this is it it kind of looks quite site fit fight it's got a panoramic lens in the middle it's got a voice diaphragm in the middle as well underneath that the filter intakes at the bottom you've got your exhale valve on that side and then on this side you've got your drinking tube connector it uses the French strap system which I'm not a fan of as I'll show you something about that in a minute okay it also came with a load of other stuff in the bottom as well as the dream country which I put somewhere in here I put the drinking tube in this bit yeah that's the drinking tube assembly so I'm not look at that straightaway I bought this from B store on eBay bought from him actually quite a lot of times and even realized that bought from a lot of times and he very kindly sent me some other stuff with it because he realized it was me buying it who done all the YouTube videos so I'll big thank you to him I've already sent him a message or and thanked him for that but he sent me some Polish NBC suits as well as some spare filters and like the chemical gloves and everything so I'm not going to cover those in this video but I will cover them in that video I'm also going to put a link to his eBay store in the thing because I know you people constantly keep asking me where do I buy this definitely just say eBay eBay eBay so in the video description that is going to be a link to his actual eBay page where you can see all this stuff on there obviously so if you want to buy I'm linking you directly he also has lots of FP 5 filters in stock and FP 5 filters have been the ones I've been recommending for ages 4 people have GP 5s and things because it's the normalized frets which are going to get to in just a second so if you want filters that I'll show you what on FB 5 filter sort of looks like well open one for the video you'll get them vacuum wrapped in foil which is really nice I'm fuming as well yet I can feel it that the filters have individual caps on as well so if we have a look at the label for this one in particular made in 2006 I guess 2016 was the estimated expiry date but again it's for your seals it's going to last one June 2016 so before the you know pricey offices you seem quite good but as that the major advantage of the FB 5 filters you can get to fit on things like the GP 5 ice HM 41s HMS you know all the Soviet and also like the Polish and Czechoslovakia and ghost masks as well these normalized filters ok so what do I mean by normalized filters in regards to the FB 5 right from my understanding the obviously the issue is the Poland during the Cold War had 40 millimeter ghost masks and most part other than the mp4 you know Liam 17 clone so what they needed is you know ghost filters for all our old masks cuz they don't want to throw away all their old masks that they bought in storage they've got absolutely loads of them and storage the master work they want modern filters for them and obviously the issue is that NATO who they were to become allies with for protection and everything else in Western Europe and America we all use 40 millimeter NATO or Rd 40 filters so they said gostin I'm NATO as I said before a slightly different screw pitch on the fridge slightly different thickness NATO filter there's a thicker in the screw thread so Boston native filters aren't really compatible with each other again there are some exceptions when you can screw a certain NATO filter into a gas mask and it will make an air tight see when I can't explain why because I think sometimes individual filters very slightly an individual mask intakes can vary slightly anyway harridans had this sort of issue because they've got to buy these new masks and they want to get NATO masks but they also want to you know not have to throw away all their old masters to our filters rip and also doing a production run of two lots of filters one in Boston one in NATO is expensive so the idea they came up with was a standardized filter what's the standardized filter or normalized filter it's where the pitch and the screw thread on the filter is slightly modified so it will fit both masks well enough to make an airtight seal so you know that's the smart thing to do if you can make a filter that works in both your newer masks and your old a mask of a different a screw thread then that's great isn't it it's like how Lots the nation's built the sixty to forty millimeter converters because when they started making 40 millimeter NATO filters or buying 40 millimeter NATO filters they didn't want to retire all their 60 millimeter masks by that point so I'm gonna sort of logic so as far as I'm aware this is a protective thing on the front of the mask and as a protective foam thing on the back there so let me see if I can feel those off all right so that's that one off okay I can actually see all the master and then I guess I have to get this plastic off now as far as some wear this plastic is probably designed to be torn off because obviously the actual mask plastic is underneath and I really don't want to damage the mass times be very careful with this but as far as I'm aware you probably do after you alright what I'm gonna do is very very carefully with a knife cut along this and get this off the mask and then we will resume the video okay so this is the mask now you can see through it and because the straps lift up like that I can show you the inside so there's your drinking tube as your voice diaphragm and that will be the exhale valve off to that side and somewhere I guess at the bottom there'll be a filter intake I guess that comes up like a TSO tube thing at the sides so yeah all fairly competent in there you've got a nice chin rest in there actual proper chin rest because I'm sure you've heard me complaining other videos about mass that don't have chin rests now there's seems like there's two numbers on the bottom one that says 2010 and the other which I think it's ninety nine bits a bit faded so I'm assuming the masses may be made in ninety nine and they expect it to expire in 2010 well maybe the mask was even made in 2010 now I know Poland did to get rid of this mask fairly recently and there's a date stamp there but I think yeah I think ten is on the date stamps is built in 2010 there's a pretty modern mask but from my understanding Poland got rid of this not too long after adopting it you know within 10 to 20 years of adopting it and half my subscribers have said this is a great mask the other half of said this is a crap mask so I'll have to find out for myself I guess now it's maybe it's a bit like the GSR where it looks really good on paper but then when you start getting into the bits a bit more it doesn't look good so great now the only problem I've got with it so far is this little clip here is broken that one's fine but this one's definitely snapped off now I can repair that myself that's not a big issue but obviously when you have a respirator that's probably only eight years old and you know it's designed to save people's lives maybe if that bits broken off already not a good sign about you know some of the build quality on the mask maybe again the issue is I think that the French themselves as far as an were haven't actually done much of this masks which makes me think you know the French developed it and they were really I don't really like these man's fire and then they you know bought mask from somebody else or they've not done much with the masks Poland's already gone to a mask called the mp6 which looks quite good it reminds me a bit of the for she de f2 you know so it's kind of they've gone back to you know funny enough this is a panoramic Berlin's right on this mask Poland's gone back already - having masks with two eyepieces you know like how I've always said in videos that I prefer massive - eyepiece is not panoramic lenses for military use because they seem tougher and you know everything else but anyway let's take a look at the moss and put it on oh this is a size 2 by the way he sent me the sizing guide for it and sized who I think would be the closest to my face I go for that so yeah laughs news on that now I'm assuming like most drinking sheet masks you can't really manipulate the drinking tube so it's always kind of stuck in your face but seeing if there's any way I can tuck the drinking tube of the way because it's quite irritating they're just I can't see a lever for it not similar come to the drinking tube cover yeah you can't manipulate the drinking tube oh wait no you can't but my mistake yes you can you twist that and the drinking tube goes out the way well that's handy yeah okay that's like she's very well designed but it's not obvious at all from looking at the mouth okay that's much better right so we'll call the straps over all right now let's get these on as best I can so you go on here that one goes maybe it'll go on if not I'll try and do a very quick repair job of the mask like gluing another bit of plastic on that I think that's unwell enough there it's I think I've looped it over the next bit of the buckle but right yeah I've popped my ear so I think there's pressurized now I haven't actually tighten these straps at all it seems quite good on the default setting for me so let's leave it like that for now now it's actually quite comfortable I've said I'm not a fan of the French style strap system where you look familiar but they're having six regular straps yeah now masks comfortable field of view is very good it has the typical panoramic and a six Kyle style thing you know where you get a bit of distortion they're weightless it's like a softer plastic on here it's not a em you know hard plastic so how strong the visor would be I don't know anyway I'm going to open an FP v filter and we'll put an FP v filter on the mask and then we'll test the mask and hopefully you watching the video be able to understand me hopefully the voice diaphragm is good enough I can actually twist the masks drinking tube around of this with the cover on so hopefully it's in a position where it doesn't interrupt the speech now can I manipulate the drinking tube into my mouth for the last gone just about okay yeah and out my love like the most drinking tube systems it's not perfect the thing maybe you need to cut it to size but you know it's one of those ones where you're kind of happy to almost pull your face away from your drinking tube to get to go in anyway I'm going to look through the FP v filters final one with the oldest date because I don't like to keep you note the closest to in date filters I've got sealed in case of an actual emergency anyway they'll finally I want to this the FP v filters will open it up we'll put that on then we'll give them a score test now just to show you I'm not going to open this one but this particular filter is dated 2012 year of production and the expiry is 2022 so that's brilliant on the keeping this one sealed as it means I got a CBRN kill turtles got a few years on the big field that's great now this filter interestingly has a different looking packet so I'm going to open this one it's also dated 2015 it's still our D 14 where they say x1 forward slash 7 I guess that's where it's saying it actually um it's got two masks but the interesting thing is this built is in a different package but regardless this is maybe 2005 so maybe it's they've just changed their design over time but anyway let's get this one open okay so there you go mask pole on the bottom of the filter it's definitely pee free but I'm not sure about the FP thing but yet maybe is the CB iron filter I can't really tell so anyway with these you get the bottom off first by ripping it made a nice popping noise so you know the filter seals good take the caps off then let's see if I can do the filter with the mask on yet the filters on okay so and last pressurizes just have a quick look at the filter see if it looks particular stinting it probably won't yet there's the charcoal side a little bit of rattle from the charcoal that will be the particulate filter that okay yeah you have a weird thing about the lemons on this is it kind of reminds me of when you watch old films and they put vaseline over the camera to make you know kind of smeared effect it's not horrible you can make out details quite well but you know it's just a bit weird anyway the masks on I might need to tighten some of the straps now is a bit more weight from the filter but we'll see but let's test the masks anyway okay so the regular test of this hopefully I can get this to work the slightly dodgy strap on it at the moment the filters in now I'm gonna have to hope that this is kind of like a a back be free filter or at least organic vapor for this test or it's just a CBRN filter because I don't know if this is you know a particular filter for you know a certain type of thing but regardless organic papers I be using is kind of able to stop so most filters can do it even if that's not their intention right now I'll do this one maybe I can do the thing I did before where I actually pull it a bit tighter and get to go in for a bit and the other bit the mask assembly and tighten so I managed it earlier and it was staying all right sorry I was gonna have to look in the camera viewfinder to get this on how did I do it okay I've managed to sort the flip-flop free so keep it like that for now and hope it works that's roughly in frame right so far so good I can't smell anything now this mask is actually surprisingly comfortable so I said I've heard a lot of complaints about this it's a weird mask where half the people say it's awful that the people say it's great so far I really found much wrong with it I said I'm not the fan of panoramic lenses anyway this one's definitely fine the plastics a bit weird and squidgy which my things to help aim with sights the field of view is quite good yeah the master seems comfortable I can't really complain that the drinking cheap system is quite clever where you rotate the as the exhale values in it level so I just spend in his loving drinking to you ones quite clever where you can actually twist the drinking tube around in a circle by twisting the connector so that's good straps a comfortable enough six-point head harness but we're blocking straps that come upon like that which I said I'm not a fan of but here's why it isn't it's a copy of a French mask or based on French mask so I guess mask pole is basically like Poland's version of Avon or like MSA or wherever else you know it's like their domestic big company that makes masks so I don't know if the MP six is actually in our own domestic design or if it's another licensed copy or whatever but I said this thing certainly isn't bad some people have said to me you notice masks awful it's awful it's awful so far I can't really find too many faults with it especially compared to some of the masks that look that I mean let's be honest this better energy as our Britain has now it takes a proper filter as small as happiness in GSR it's more comfortable this much does have the issue a bit where it might be me needing to wear also the straps but it doesn't dig into my chin a bit when I'm talking it's fine if you're not really talking with a mask on I mean this is an exclusive to this masculine is where you know someone else to just wear your jaw out with it with the weight of the straps you know tightened I just twist my head around various ways and see if I can still get a good seal yeah I can't smell any of the fragrance by doing that so I guess it's working in that regard now annoyingly my camera battery is already telling me it's low despite me charging the camera recently I guess because this cameras gonna need replacing soon and all my batteries in my spacesuit or drain super fast but I assume I've had this on for more than a couple of minutes and it's working well so let's just you know disconnect the things here immediately mmm smell the vapor so let's keep the mask on my face by doing this the mask definitely works so what we're gonna do now is just sum up the video before my camera battery dies okay so what do I actually think of the mp5 well from my first test of it it's actually pretty good you know that's the weird thing is that lots of people had told me you know as I said it's a bit of a Marmite mask in terms of people were saying this is you know really great Polar's got such a great mask of the mp5 and other people go like no this is awful this is an awful mask other than the chipped bit of plastic there I can't really find many faults with it to be honest with you yeah I don't know how strong that would be against Lister agent but you know that's not something I'm gonna be exactly testing in my house yeah it's all good when I first put the filter on this bit did fall out so I pushed it back in but that's nowhere near an exclusive problem to this one mask I've had that happen with loads of my masks where the actual kind of rubber washer that they put in the filter intake can fall out but saying that there's actually another rubber one in there so maybe this thing's from the filter cap itself I don't know it the mask filters definitely still worked this washer in there I think yeah and this might have actually been a washer from that cap here but yeah because yeah it's definitely a rubber washer in there anyway so maybe that wasn't even a washer falling out I can't really be sure but um yeah it's comfortable thought it was it wasn't steaming up I've said the problem is that you know maybe you can see from that the you know things actually quite blurry in a sense but I said panoramic lenses have never been good this hasn't gone bright orange like my MSA one did because let's make the thing out of silicon oh joy oh yeah you can pop that off if you want to see the excel valve there so yeah it just snaps on easy peasy yeah it all seems fairly good to me so yeah like I said if you want to get one B stores eBay pages it'll be linked below a big thank you to him for sending me all those extra filters and stuff and the NBC suits I'm probably going to look at the NBC suits on my next sort of 5 p.m. video and we'll see how well they work well I can't really test the NBC suits in a sense but how comfortable are they how lightweight are they I think he said they are called the l1 and l2 suits but I'll double-check that when I do the video and make sure I try and find out which one is which suit because they both you know ones like slightly green color ones a gray color anyway my camera battery's probably going to die on me any moment now cuz it's warning me with the tiny little indicator mount but yeah the Polish mp5 I actually quite liked it to be honest yeah it's quite an interesting mask I said Poland made the right decision by making a normalised filter liquor go on various masks I have the older mask pol filters that you've seen me use in loads of videos I used to test all my ghost masks because you know they work and they're good but yeah very very good you know really nice definitely would recommend this mask if you're looking for one and I said if you want to get one the link will be in the description so hey yep oh yeah good mask you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 46,533
Rating: 4.9497414 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Polish MP5 Gas Mask Review and Test, Polish MP5 gas mask, Maskpol MP5, Polish MP5 respirator
Id: hO8uxTNPcNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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