Czech Military Surplus M10M Gas Mask Review and Assembly

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hey guys welcome back to the channel all right so a lot of you guys that have been following me for a long time know that i've been a prepper for a very long time even before i started making knives so i just wanted to bring you a little bit of knowledge i know a lot of people are getting inundated with a lot of the riots that are happening in 2020 people are getting burned out of their houses and a whole bunch of bad stuff is going on i just want to say stay strong and stay safe out there guys that's all you can do is prepare for the worst so that being said i busted out some of my nbc kit now my mbc kit i have purchased a very long time ago i think i bought it from sportsman's guide sportsman's guide no longer sells this type of mask but they do they do have other mass up there and we'll get into that in a little bit now the mess that i'm going to talk about today is very simple this is a czech m n i'm sorry michael 10 michael all right michael 10 michael just means that with the m on it the extra m means it comes with a drinking tube all right the original ones that we had or the original ones that uh were purchased that i purchased was just the m10 and it does not have a drinking tube all right now this was the czechoslovakian way of ripping off the m17 when i was in the marine corps i was issued the m17 or m18 mask gas mask nbc nuclear biological and chemical mask it was black it was not gray but ideally what they kind of did is they just kind of use the design it is a big bulky ugly mask they also sell a hood i don't know if the checks do but i know that the usmc marine core one does it sells a hood that kind of fits over this and the hood's supposed to give you more time for uh exposure so if you put the hood on and then how to adjust the straps at least you were protected by a hood now before we get into all the specs and how to actually identify or check to make sure that this mask is good to go i should tell you that guys with beards mustaches or any type of facial hair it has to come off there's no way you're going to get a proper seal with this rubber if you have any type of facial hair all right so i'm sorry i know it is a lot of beards going around and you know we want to be big burly men and all that good stuff but it's just simply not going to work so if you have a beard you have two choices you can either not use a mask and take your chances or you can shave and use a mask it's completely up to you uh same goes for old attack guys i don't know if you ever watch swat or if you ever watch military guys there's a reason why we shave every single day okay that's the reason now this mask i should say is probably not the best mass i would highly recommend going with a nato mask a nato mask uh going to have a design that's a little bit better a little bit lighter and it's going to take the 40 millimeter canisters all right this happens to be a 40 millimeter canister um the m17 i think had a 60 millimeter which basically is the the thread the thread that's what they're talking about this is 40 and then they had a 16 60 would screw on to the side something like that and then you would have this huge piece hanging off now with the m16 i'm sorry with the m17 mass you had to put it on the side that was not your rifle side so if you were right handed and this was your right eye dominant you would put it on the left side and vice versa okay this mask only comes with cheek filters now these cheek filters are a pain in the ass to get inside these happen to be the nbc ones all right so these are filled with charcoal all the surplus masks that you are going to purchase are going to have expiration dates they're all going to be expired all right so you have to do with that knowledge what you feel is right if you buy this from bud case or some other surplus shop you're probably not going to get this filter this is the original filter okay you can see it's in check i don't know if you guys can read it but i am not czechoslovakian but i had to look it up it says um this one is i think it's licensed filter something about mechanically taken care of and it's in a sealed environment blah blah blah blah okay but as you can see here the expiration date and i hope you can see that is 1989. same thing with the mass themselves this one before i cleaned it it's a 1989 on it all right you can't see it there but when it was built it was built in 1989 it is now 2020. this one you can see clearly on this one this was built in 78 okay right they red stamped it now all the kit that you get from bud case or one of these other surplus stores will come in a back now some of it's sealed like the one that you see here some of them are not the filters that you're going to get from budkay or all those other ones will not come into not come from this vacuum sealed it'll just be in a regular plastic bag these are ideally rated for cs oc i don't know how well they'll stand up to nbc because they're they're 20 plus years old i know that they do sell new or i think you can still purchase these new uh or new used or new old stock again you would have to check the dates as well and i'll put a couple links down below to help you guys out all the stuff that you see here should come inside the bag these are protectors these are just a secondary lens that go over the eye lens themselves and what that tends to do is sometimes you get rock sand debris that kind of thing this will protect that lens so if it gets scratched it's not permanently scratched you can take this lens off toss it replace it with another they go on either side it doesn't matter it has this gasket on the back and what that does is it helps it clip on also if you had the hood on it you would put the hood and seal this on top of it and that becomes some of your seal it comes with two cheek pads which are the filters it comes uh with these screwing caps again on each side on the side here you can see it has these valves these little rubber valves gaskets okay that's gonna be your it's going to screw into here on the side of the mask all right and i'll show you how that works as well this also has a drinking cap it should come with a drinking cap you pull this off like that you put the bottle inside here you use your drinking straw and then you plug it in like that and then you're supposed to get some type of liquid out of it now i checked to make sure that it would work like on our n17s it should work with a regular gi canteen and it does fit on the top if you push it in really solidly it'll fit there and then you could pop it in there like that supposedly it's supposed to work all right make a good seal and then you would drink water all right this one already has one on there i wanted to make sure that it worked this is designed for the m17 and all the new um gi canteens come with this cap and it will fit on there as well okay so you don't need the extra cap again like i said the czech uh the czech republic what they did is just basically copy the m17 to make the m10 or m10m the case that you're gonna get uh i don't have one but it would look something like this i printed one up it's going to be like a i'll put the link down below it's more of a plastic case that's for this type of gas mask i only have the gi uh canvas wax canvas one and it does fit in here i already tried it out all right so if you have one of these lying around you can still use it there's a couple different ways to configure these but i like these old wax canvas this is the one that fits the m17 again i don't have an m17 gas mask but it's basically the same size the mask itself is going to probably come between ml which is medium large for the face all the surplus that i've seen is pretty much medium large okay i haven't seen any smalls i haven't seen any extra larges since we all have different faces it comes with straps that you're gonna have to strap down so the way you would pack this is you would pack it in a reverse set up like this see if i can get it get it to work like this all right so you would pack it something like this okay pack it like that and then it's ready to go you pull it out of your bag you put this on your face and then you grab this tab here pull it right over your head all right so a couple things on this mask i want to go over just so we're good this is the voice emitter that's your uh breathe valve just make sure that you check inside there make sure that that's not cracked make sure it's not folded over when you breathe that valve pushes the air out but doesn't allow any air in that's what these side valves are for all right side valves go through the filter come into your mask you can breathe and that's your exhale valve has a voice emitter on there also i've seen a lot of people online have no idea what they're doing they have this kind of configuration or this is off to the side all right this valve is designed to go inside here around your voice emitter and then get covered reason is is because if your valve or rubber this whole thing is made out of rubber gets compromised you're no longer able to drink water so the package should look something like this the only thing that's exposed is this little metal piece and this little metal piece everything else is nice inside and around the emitter also make sure that all the rubber that you see here is not cracked it's flexible when you first get these masks they're going to be full of powder i would say or a packing powder it should be sealed inside of a plastic bag please make sure that all of the straps are not frayed what i typically do is i use hot soapy water to clean out the inside because unless you like sucking up all that chalk dust that they put inside here i would change it so that's kind of what i do all right also things you want to look for there's a valve inside the nose make sure that that is good to go it is working and it's flexible there's one on the other side as you can see right here all right make sure that's not damaged you see right here this is when you exhale at least it doesn't fog up your lens so there should be two on each side specifically to this model all right also inside here is where your cheek pieces are going to go and we'll get into that all right make sure that these buttons are still here one two on one side one two on the other as you can see right there that's where your cheek pieces or your filters are gonna go and last but not least make sure let me just get this out of the way for you that your drinking valve is operational and it works so if you look inside there all right there's your drinking valve okay i already took one of these drinking vials out and apart as you can see it right there it does have a metal connection down at the bottom it's kind of hard to see all right see that right there that's a bit of light there's a there's a connection down at the bottom this valve has to connect into that bottom which connects into here all right or into here i'm sorry into this piece all right if that's not connected it's not going to work the other thing is like i said with this drinking valve please make sure you clean it well all right again i don't know how long these things been in storage but if you like that to eat that powdery substance or that sandy substance that's on you i know guys in the marine corps used to dip spit inside their masks so yeah good luck with that one all right so what i'm going to do is uh i'm going to attempt to put this together for you it is a little bit more difficult than normal but i think uh with this mask you you're buying it at a budget budget price all right they used to go for like fourteen fifteen dollars and you would get all this kid now they're up to thirty forty dollars and the reason is because the world is on fire right now and people are buying preps or trying to put together preps that will help them or their families now it's completely up to you if you think that this mask is better than the next mass i'm not going to tell you to go out and buy it i'll put the links down below and if you want to that's fine 40 bucks you got a little protection against any type of uh oc or any type of tear gas or something like that now the way to test this mask is once it's all together is you sit in a closed room preferably your bathroom or something small and you spray a whole bunch of lysol or whatever you have around the house make sure you have a tight seal around it and we can do a video on how to actually properly dawn that mask and make sure the seal is tight and then give it at least 60 seconds so sit there 60 seconds and see if you smell any of the the fragrance or anything that you are spraying in that bathroom now if you do smell it obviously something's wrong either you have a poor seal or maybe the filters are no good so you can buy these filters you can buy them online i will suggest if you can find them by the originals these are the original ones in this foil packing the other ones that you see you'll buy them and they'll just be in a clear plastic bag all right those are reproductions they're only going to work half the time they are uh more likely for a uh tear gas all right these are for nbc the other ones are for tear gas so you kind of decide what you like not bad for a 30 40 option if you want you could buy one for each of your family so i'm going to move the camera and we're going to go ahead and put this mask together all right stand by all right guys first thing you want to do is you want to get the straps out of the way okay so what i do is i just bend them around like this okay bend them around and then what you want to do is you want to expose the pockets okay there's the pockets right there okay that's where this filter is gonna go all right so this filter just two sides obviously one side it's it's only one side fits one okay so if you can see on the left side of the mask this is where it's gonna go only it's going to go inside what i tend to do is try to stick the large in first let's see if i can get it in front of the camera it's going to be a little bit more difficult so stick the large end end in first try to line up if you can try to line it up to where you can see the hole okay you see the hole right there and then what you have to do is get this plastic i'm sorry this rubber over the filter while you're pushing in and while you're adjusting and while you're moving all the other stuff out of the way so you can see why this is not an easy task you can see that sometimes these things break they get ripped because it's very difficult to get them in all right so i already got it in and then what you want to do is once you get that hole try to push the rubber around the threads on the outside all right all right so we're in here like that all right that's one side all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to take my valve slightly start it off okay it's not it's not 100 but i just want to move it adjust it move it adjust it move it around inside and then when i think it's completely centered tighten it down all right then on the inside it's kind of hard to see you have those little buttons so what you're going to do is you take that piece a little plastic piece and you're going to try to stretch it over the buttons all right i try to clip it on one side and just push it to the other clip it on the inside push it together all right so you can see that right there those two buttons are click all right push this back all right that's one side completely done nice and tight now we're gonna do the other side same thing all right make sure you have a nice open space make sure it's going to fit correctly all right that side to side and you're going to push it in try to make some space you're going to have to adjust it it's not going to be easy and again if you have little girly hands this is not going to work you have to really manhandle it all right just adjust adjust and here's the other thing about this too is that if you're adjusting it and it rips would you really want to put that on your face anyway so if you break it then you know that mask was already compromised so i wouldn't use it anyway okay let's adjust it all right again take your valve make sure that's out of the way all right let's just thread it lightly it's not threading okay good there you go so you thread it lightly then we adjust it on the inside move it around a little bit make sure that it's centered around the rubber and then tighten it down and then follow suit all right so what you're doing is you're putting this little rubber piece over here all right i like to do is start from the start from the top stretch it out there you go that's one and do the same thing here there you go okay so as you can see good it's zipped up buttoned up ready to go all right so then you readjust all your stuff in here make sure the nose piece is good make sure this is all good it's all set it's ready to go okay now ideally you can also if you see there's a little hole in here too all right you see that little hole you can also put that on top of there if you want and i make it tighter i don't do that i just kind of let it flow all right just let it normally i'm going to put you're going to put your face in there anyway and your face is going to adjust to the inside of this rubber piece now pull that back out now here's the tough part if you had a hood you would put the hood on first adjust it around your valves the valves would come off you would put one on one side one on the other and then you have to put the eye cups on again these eye cups are basically designed as a second form of protection i know that in the desert what we did is there was a lot of sand and debris and what would happen was if you went out there and got these all scratched up that's all you had so it was a lot easier to replace the cups or the eye protectors than to just replace the whole mask so now this is really another tough part but what i usually do is i start from the bottom all right you're going to have to adjust again you're going to have to manhandle these these are not easy to put on so start from one side see if sometimes if you work inside the mask and push out you can sort of get most of it on and then try to stretch the rubber around it come on come on there you go come on that's one and then what you'll have to do is kind of finger massage it until it's all sealed and then you could move it back and forth kind of wiggle it and then check to make sure that it's sealed all the way around all right do the same with this one and if i pull that if i'm pulling out a camera i apologize but you really gotta manhandle this stuff that's the only way it's gonna go on imagine trying to do this with a hood imagine trying to do this during the shtf that's the thing that worries me is that i took so long to pull these out of uh out of my storage area that i'm glad i put this together today because i don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow and if i had to do this in the middle of the dark or tonight it's gonna be quite a pain in the butt there you go come on all right good all right all right again as you can see all the way around you're covering all the metal all right so that's pretty much it so then what you would do is whatever kit you had the drinking stuff will go in there you put your mask you adjust it to your head you set it up for deployment in this configuration let me set it up for you you would adjust this to your head first all right put it on put the mask on have a buddy or your wife or somebody readjust this to your head you pull the tabs to adjust it to your head and then you flip it over backwards all right set it up like that flip it over backwards make sure that nothing's kinked nothing's caught on anything make sure that the rubber is ready to go all right so this is the way it would this is how you pre-load your gas mask put it in this way damn it inside your gas mask case whichever one it happens to be and then you would set up whatever style you would want so if you if you had let me put this the other thing it's the wrong way this way if you had um there you go that's better that's what i want just like that all right put that in there that's your drinking tube now this surplus this military surface even the the wax canvas bag you know the buttons were all corroded and stuff so this is all military surplus but honestly this little package right here you set it up any way you want you'd have to adjust the straps but now you have a nice little to go kit for your nbc for your riots for your fires or whatever else you're gonna have to protect yourself with all right so this is the m10m and i also have the m10 all right if you guys are interested i'll put the links down below thank you very much if you like this video please comment subscribe below i have a patreon page as well go to check out all the knives and stuff i have up there all the links will be down below and as always guys please stay safe you
Channel: 3 River Blades
Views: 1,431
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: m10m, czech gas mask
Id: YZk_y6eVY3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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