Why was Asbestos used in Gas Mask filters?

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hello everyone this is a video my asbestos was used in gas mask filters because I did the video a day or I said we now know that gp5 filters are confirmed have asbestos in and it led to a lot of people I think time necessarily panic and people also to say things like why you discriminating against Russian filters lots of countries but asbestos and filters yes they did for the point I want to get to is why asbestos has used in filters and when it was generally stopped and Soviet Union did that asbestos in after that the one more points I want to make people seem to come to this conclusion why do they pass best or sin if they knew could kill you lots of masks of our special sin were made before they knew asbestos was dangerous or hadn't had much evidence as vessels as dangerous and they also you know went on the logic that if the gas mask saves your life in the time of a gas attack if you get some sort of cancer 3040 years later from wearing it you know or have a breathing difficulties later in life because you wore a mask at the time that was a very small price to pay to not die horribly in a gas attack which is very true you know given the option I would wear a mask out of asbestos and filter rather than hail chlorine gas or mustard gas or something like that so that makes perfect sense why they did it but the important thing to realize ice best ice is ice bestest isn't a risk until it breaks down because how ice bestop's works is you are have the sort of fibers from asbestos and this once those are released into the air and you inhale them that they stick to your long linings and dig in causing health problems if asbestos is simply sort of packed into something is absolutely fine so we have a civilian duty respirator here on the Left British Army's or Civil Defence mask from World War two this wasn't one the soldiers will then mark four and five respirators and then like anti guest respirators this one sort of air raid wardens and firemen might have had and this is my special filter here however when these masks are made at the time the filters are all nice and intact they're all woven together properly so the asbestos couldn't escape so if you were you wouldn't inhale asbestos the asbestos work to the silt'e asbestos fibers were very very sort of tightly knit and what this meant was that the asbestos could remove active particulate filter removed lots and lots of the harmful gases that could have come through the asbestos would have saved your life basically if you had to use it it's a very very good material for that they use fiberglass and a lot of modern fillers through the same thing as best listed and again if the filter broke down I wouldn't want to inhale fiberglass either you know the same sort of thing so asbestos is used simply because it did protect people but interestingly enough some of the first people to die of our specialist related diseases on masts were the people who made the gas masks in the factories the voyeur it was safe to wear the gas masks at the time actually working in the factories and packing the asbestos in release a lot of fibers that people be breathing in on a 95 shift you know for working in the factory for a couple of years in the rope that's what led to them died of the asbestosis not the actual arm you know casual use of wearing a gas mask so people seem to me a lot so people have worn filters like this they've been fine yeah I'm not trying to say that if you've worn on these filters you're going to get asbestosis or any kind of lung cancer what I'm saying is it's now an unnecessary risk to use these filters on the mask when the soviet usually and made them the filters would have been nice and intact over time filters break down if you had a GP v issued to you or another mask of and a special filter in your gassed the asbestos filter at the time would work perfectly and saved you you know it's still much better to having a special filter if it's recently made than having li filter at all in the gas attack that's why they used it it was an efficient material and cheap however like I said we now know it's not safe and as we're doing it as collectors not needing this in a survival scenario you can get lots of modern forty millimeter filters if you want to wear a mask because of a collector you know you can either wear it with a new filter we have it on display of the old filter if you were to wear a master protective you'd want a new filter on it anyway you want to rely on 30 40 year old filters to do that so you could get like a modern Israeli filter fit on no ice bestest in it it hasn't started to break down so it's not harmful so a point I'm also trying to make is regardless of what was put in filters is generally not a good idea to wear old filters I have some old filters that as far as I know don't have asbestos in but they're old enough that I wouldn't ever want to breathe through them a good rule of thumb I Taylor gas mask filters is only wear them when you know what's actually in them so go for something like Israeli filters modern NATO filters you know that you know till made to the standard or the very modern Russian filters with the plastic cases that have the proper markings on the games for they protects you from these filters were good enough when they are made they're not brand new now so the risk way can start breaking down I've got a couple these gp5 filters where you can see the charcoal leaking from here not in this one bond some of it is so it's a charcoal leaking through I wouldn't breathe through it you coat no other stuff could be leaking out so regardless of the filter if it's starting to break down it's not a good idea to breathe through it just because even if you don't hail our specimens you are going to inhale other hazardous materials but yet just to sum it up why was a specialist used in filters because it works it would save your life if you needed it at the time people didn't know it was dangerous you know this is where I have questions about Russia was probably in the Soviet Union was still making these filters when they knew asbestos was dangerous but then they were using the logic of it was cheap and we could save people's lives the counter that is Russia was the old Soviet Union was the only country to issue gas masks to its entire civilian population have they needed it or had almost made enough mass to issue it to its entire population Britain and America during the Cold War considered you know your survivals weren't good enough and it was wasted money to produce gas bars for civilians so they didn't do it so in that sense the Soviets were much nicer to their own citizens in the sense that they actually made Mars for them asbestos in the filter aside you know in a gas attack they were a much much better prepared so as I said asbestos was used in these filters simply because most of the time they were built it was fought to be safe and it was generally you know quite a good material to use cheap and it worked it's only now that the filters have started to break down that they're dangerous and that we know all the risks around us bestest so if you have an Old World War two mass an old Russian mask if you can't take the filters off of them don't wear them if you can take the filters often it's safe to do so with like GP 540 millimeter filters take them off put a new NATO filter on you know is safe that new production year nothing harmful the filter and there you go you've got a working mask and it's got a safe filter on to use and so ones like this just keep them somewhere safe and storage and you can appreciate looking at the masks but just whatever you do don't wear it
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 55,051
Rating: 4.9557705 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, Why was Asbestos used in Gas Mask filters?, gas mask, gasmask, respirator, asbestos, gas mask asbestos, gas mask filter, asbestos filter, world war 2 gas mask, soviet gas mask, GP5 gas mask, Civilian duty mask, civil defence gas mask, gp-5, gp5 gas mask, ГП-5, surplus gas mask, russian gas mask, 40mm filter
Id: 2Dc8aMUuV0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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