What's the Most INTENSE Thing You Ever Experienced?

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what was the most intense experience of your life meningitis pain so intense you have a moment of panic just before each heartbeat because you know how bad your head will hurt during it only time i've experienced fever hallucinations eyes open i was in the hospital eyes closed i was somewhere else other times eyes closed i could still see the hospital room but there was a girl with short hair sitting in a chair watching me they didn't want to give me a foley bag for whatever reason so every time i went to the bathroom which was a lot with the iv i would spend the next five minutes dry heaving into a cardboard bowl which in turn did wonders for the headache when i could finally eat again after six days that hospital turkey sandwich was the most delicious thing nurses later told my wife they didn't think i was going to make it through first night good times on saturday i was rafting in grade 5 rapid in new zealand we flipped and i got thrown into a recirculation hole i was being forced underwater with the power of a river with nowhere to get out i tumbled around like a washing machine for about 30 seconds seemed like a lifetime eventually and luckily a thrust of water popped me out of the hole and into the next rapid i got into karma water with everyone already safe on the bank watching on interra hoping i was all right my paddle snapped i swallowed some water but overall i lived going rafting in new zealand in two days super glad i stumbled across this lol so i'm a type one diabetic about six months ago i forgot to test my blood sugar levels before going to bed i woke up six hours later keenly aware something was wrong but i wasn't quite sure what was wrong i jumped out of bed and stumbled literally stumbling to the kitchen and desperately tried to eat something by the time i had reached the kitchen my blood sugar was so low that my consciousness began to recede and i could feel it fading i remember trying to make french fries because the pantry was empty but in my barely conscious state i put them in the toaster instead of the oven my last memory before i lost consciousness is being frustrated upon remembering fries do not go in the toaster and trying to pull them out thank god it was unplugged luckily i still lived with my parents who woke up while i was unconscious and found me try to get ice cream to eat but being unable to get it or form a sentence thankfully they got my blood sugar up and sat me down on the couch and regained consciousness i still remember the loss of control though and it is intensely terrifying even as a memory called to a reported house fire neighbor states they're here screaming and saw smoke flames this is farm country at 3 a.m captain and i hop barbed wire fences as we frantically race to this farmhouse to see what happened yep goats the farmer simply approached us and said howdy boys problem when asked about the screaming and fire he said he had a brush pile burning and that my goats needed a milk in learned how closely goats and people sounded the same captain shook his head as we talked back to the engine and said to never mention this back at the station or maybe he was a serial killer who burned his victims alive and uses the goat farm as a front having a knife held to my throat by an incredibly drunk friend who got mad at me about a game of kill marry frick around the campfire i was wasted and he was wasted and obviously kind of insane and for some reason my reaction was to yell what you're gonna kill me do it do it you won't do it i freaking dare you at the top of my lungs at the time i thought it was fine and the rational way to get him to back down but later my friends told me they thought there was at least a 50 chance this guy was gonna slit my throat and a 10 chance he was going to marry you staring into the eyes of a stranger to whom i was giving cpr resuscitation and watching him die i think a part of me went to i hope i can grow that back by living a worthy life 1992 april he was 63 i was 25 it still hurts we can only try to help those around us to the best of our abilities as a side note my dear old dad also had to do cpr many years before on a nine-year-old who drowned at a scout outing she died too so he was able to talk things through with me after my incident my brother watched a man collapse and stop breathing after a heart attack jogging raced over to him and did cpr and that man lived so luckily not all stories end sadly and i would still encourage those who don't know how to do cpr to learn and i would still jump in to do the same thing if it ever happened again spending three days in palliative care with almost all my family watching my dad slowly die we laughed and told stories all while he lay there sleeping there was so much love and compassion in that room that when he finally did slip away it was a sad that we were losing the chance to spend time together in that tiny cramped room i'll never forget watching his body die but i also won't ever forget sitting on the floor in the room eating sandwiches and stealing a little bit from a flask of vodka that someone had brought to put in my coke just to take the edge off every night you would hear the cries from other rooms as another family said goodbye only to be replaced by someone else the next day a race to a finish line no one wanted to win my dog was hit by a car two summers ago he's my best friend and my whole world and we were out for a walk one night when somebody ran a red light very narrowly missed me but struck him scary part was i looked both ways down a one-way street and i saw the car moving a block away the light turned in our favor next thing i'll look over and the car is barreling through the light towards us she didn't stop tore my dog off his leash and out of his harness and throw him a solid 25 plus feet away in that split second i thought i just watched my best friend die in front of me after he was done tumbling he got up and in shock tried to run back home we were around the block he finally stopped a couple hundred feet from my apartment and when i went to go grab him i could feel blood and water he peed himself on impact coming from him but i didn't know where luckily i jumped back into that action managed to flip his head away from the car otherwise it would have hit him squire in the head his hindquarters took the brunt of the injuries and impact the lady didn't stop and she was never caught saddled me with all the vet bills and extended care but what matters most is that my best friend is still alive and with me that absolute be i hope karma gets her back somehow when i was a young kid i got spinal meningitis it damaged my heart and brain in a way that destroyed most of my memory function i get by pretty well now i just have to write stuff down and it's annoying anyway i ended up in the hospital for eight or nine months because of the stack of complications they were trying to figure out about half of this time that i remember was in the aiku and half was in a room with four other kids in beds amazingly enough that alone isn't the most intense part the kid in the bed next to mine came in because he and his brother were freaking around being kids and his brother was clumsy and smacked him in the neck with a baseball bat and collapsed his trachea he'd been there a week wasn't talking much obviously but he developed a cough so as an aside the day doctors and nurses were phenomenal cool people the night staff was bad i remember being eight and thinking these people are mean lazy and worthless so it's night time and the kid starts coughing he rings his bell to ask for water and the nurse comes in obviously grumpy with a pitcher and cup and just leaves it on his tray doesn't say a word the kid tries to fill the cup and ends up coughing more and spilling the pitcher all over his bed he rings the nurse again multiple times and she finally comes in several minutes later and takes everything all of his bedding in the pitcher and cup so the kid is laying there on a bare mattress coughing harder and cold one of the other kids and i took the sheets from our beds and wrapped him up he was crying and cold half an hour later the nurse was still gone and the kids cough was worse and kinder rattly at this point my memory gets foggy and i think i fell asleep but i woke up to one of the other kids in his bed screaming i look over and the kid is gasping and frantically pushing his call button we all started screaming and doing the same thing while this kid is making the most god-awful girdling sounds and starting to turn blue finally the nurse comes running in smelling overwhelmingly like cigarettes and screams she goes running out of the room a few seconds later the room is full of yelling medical staff they pull his curtain around his bed and after a few minutes end up wheeling him out really slowly whoever was this nurse's immediate supervisor we hear bluntly later on yelling at her you ignored your station to go have a smoke and didn't get a replacement you let a kid freaking die turns out his tracheal wall collapsed from the force of the coughing and we all sat there and listened to a seven-year-old kid suffocate on his own throat and die so that was pretty freaking intense she got fired my mom told me years later that our doctor said she committed suicide my friend was accidentally roofed when his friend gave him a drink another man had given him that was his second and last drink of the night i took him home shortly after he became belligerent and unintelligible during the 10-minute cab ride he was unable to walk to his door or even stand he was a mess in and out of conscience crying begging me to let him sleep i called 911 because i was very concerned mid phone call he begins to seize and foam at the mouth i had to give him cpr twice ambulances finally came i could not wrap my head around what had happened i even asked the emt do i seem drunk to you because we drank the same amount and i feel pretty sober they had to defibrillate him to stabilize his heart on the way to the hospital the a doctor said he had rehypnol in his system and that he probably would have died if i had let him sleep it off the next morning my friend said the last thing he remembered was dancing at the gay bar drinking his drink almost lost my best friend my second year of college i was 20 i came home from class to find my roommate passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of prescription pills next to him he had been depressed due to some serious family issues but i never thought it would come to suicide i had never dealt with anything like this and was three thousand miles away from any of my family or friends and his mom was six thousand miles away his dad lived nearby but he was the cause of the depression so i was panicked i had no idea what to do in the situation i tried to get him up and he started to stir a little bit which was great but he was completely non-functional i called my dad who immediately calmed me down and told me i needed to call nine one one i thought i might be able to get him down to my car to drive him to the hospital i was afraid the ambulance would cost too much money for his family luckily my dad made me realize i was being a rational and i called the ambulance and then informed his mom who made the situation so so much worse they pumped his stomach and he was released from the hospital a few days later his dad came to be with him and took me home later in the evening it was such an awful car ride my friend attempted suicide two more times and each time i was the one who found him and called the ambulance it was a really rough couple of months which forced me to leave college and move back home to finish out school near my family i'm happy to report my friend is fine now and doing really well in all aspects of life but it was really scary for a while i don't know how i managed to keep my head about me for the most part i puked a little inside my mouth because of the fact that people sometimes have to worry about money while worrying about someone who is in a serious medical situation i've had some pretty intense experiences but one comes to mind pretty quickly i was about 19 years old and me and my dad were caught in a giant rip tide i'm a strong swimmer and i was confident in my father it was us and about 20 other people while there were only about five lifeguards everyone was being pulled out to see pretty rapidly some were calm and others were freaking out i looked to my left and saw a boy about nine years old maybe who was freaking out and couldn't keep his composure i swam towards him and started calming him down saying don't worry bud it won't last forever just save your energy and don't fight it the lifeguards will be here lay on your back and try to float while he's crying i swam to him and put my hands under his back and he started floating i maneuvered us horizontally and then a lifeguard came and took him away i got to shore about 30 seconds later and he was crying while his mom was yelling at him telling him things like why didn't you listen to me you can't swim that far away i went up to the mom and i was going to give him a high five and tell him that he did a great job of keeping calm as i started talking the mother looked at me scolded at me and looked me head to toe grabbed his hand and walked away two-year-old daughter was limping with a fever on a sunday so i took her to an urgent care clinic in the first hour of getting there she falls unconscious and her fever spikes to 103. they give her some pain meds she wakes up and the urgent care clinic tells me she needs to be transported by ambulance to the children's hospital but they won't transport her without an iv at this point her heart rate had stayed over 180 stroke 194 an hour they attempt to do an iv three times and each time that they are unsuccessful her heart rate skyrockets my two-year-old is beyond upset at this point she has a fever she's sick and they'd been poking her the staff goes in for a fourth attempt this is what was the most intense moment of my life my child is being held down and screaming for all she is worth one nurse on her left side is trying for an iv the other nurse on the right side is watching the heart monitor the monitor reads 238 beats per minute the nurse monitoring the heart rate tells the other nurse to stop or shall die worst words to say in front of a parent the other nurse replied if i don't get an iv and she'll die in transport even worse words i was terrified my daughter was going to die she ended up having an ear infection with nothing more wrong with her terrible experience and several thousand dollar bill she had ear infections almost every six weeks for all of 2016. we were normally really good at catching them the limping just threw me off she has tubes now we have health insurance and we had met our deductible the bill was for two different things one an ambulance transport is a flat rate one thousand dollars fee like a very large copay two the urgent care clinic was in network but the doctor on staff that day was not i didn't know that was possible so his time and some of the things they did that day was considered out of network and thus insurance paid for none of it pediatric clinician here kids heart rates can be way way higher than us adults and still be fine during periods of agitation i've seen kids be 190 220 for several hours many times their resting heart rates are a lot higher as well if you saw an adult at 230 bpm they're almost definitely in some kind of abnormal heart rhythm at a bbq down by the river my four-year-old nephew disappeared there were about 10 adults around and none of us did him go we were in the middle of a large grass reserve river on one side a wetland bird sanctuary on the other end we all panicked after about 15 minutes of searching with no luck we called the cops hoping they could help us find him it took them half an hour to get there and by this time we were all frantic but none more so than my sister she was wading through the water screaming his name over and over his name is will and i tell you stranger things gave me flashbacks i have never been so heartbroken in my life i was just beginning to realize that he had probably drowned and i'd never see him again when we look up and see my husband walking across the grass my nephew holding his hand there was a playground that every one of us had searched twice but he somehow found his way there to this day we have no idea how he snuck away or where he was for those 45 minutes we all got very drunk that night had a very similar experience cottage on an island missing four year old who loved dogs adults searching increasingly frantically the kid's dad making another guy dive under the dock cause it was the only place that hadn't been searched and he didn't want to find his daughter there she was found asleep under a chair pretending to be a dog my emergency c-section i felt so sick from the meds and could do nothing but lay there and accept my fate i could feel the pressure of being cut open and dug into then i felt major things being wiggled around and plop it felt like one of those dead whales on the beach exploding my baby was out of me and wailing then he was plopped on my chest looking pee off i actually had come in the day before leaking and they sent me home because the tests were negative well my water really broke 24 hours later i labored to a six centimeter before getting an epidural my son's heart was decelerating in the womb every contraction i had and there were smaller abnormal ones on top of big ones they did an amla infusion to see if it would help him a bit but it was clear his cord was wrapped being cut open was interesting the worst part was the way the drugs made me feel when they plopped him on me and were sewing me up i literally just wanted him off me in the recovery room afterwards i felt like i had to puke and the nurse told me to clinch my stomach yeah right i was numb up to my armpits crashed my bicycle at around 40 miles per hour on pavement with nothing but liquor on broken wrist collarbone and road rash like nobody's business this was back in 2003 qualifies as a tifu i guess i had volunteered for them is 150 bike tour as a mobile mechanic in the blue ridge mountains of virginia i was on the bike with a backpack full of tools and spare tubes providing mechanical support sweeping or helping those who broke down or had a flat it was an amazing fall day 70s so we are all in shorts and jerseys towards the end i was itching to ride just to ride so i passed my tool pack to my buddy and went on to ride the last section as a regular rider these hills were fast and i was ripping down them super slow up but hey i was out there there was a really nice steep descent with a sharp left at the bottom this is the scene it was a nice hairpin corner but to make things worse it was covered in gravel from a recent washout just out of sight from the entrance there was a volunteer warning riders to slow down so everyone got through safe after the last riders passed the hazard area the volunteer packed up shop and moments later i cam ripping down the hill i entered the corner and leaned in pretty well looked ahead and there was the gravel this is the oh crap situation and i managed to slow down to about 40 miles per hour or so when the bike just vanished out from underneath me i stuck my hands out and that's all i remember for a while as soon as my hands hit the ground all my fingerprints were torn off wrist folded in no way a wrist is ever supposed to fold snap the collar bone in half and slide 50 or so feet on the gravel into the ditch i remember waking up in the ditch face down taking my mangled arm and pushing myself over once i went to lay my arm back down i heard the crunching of the collarbone ends and realized i should just lay there and not try to get up fortunately as karma would have it there was a couple more riders i had helped along the way who found me and an ambulance ride later i was on my way to the air i hit the ground so hard the lenses came out of my oakleys but the frame was still on my head my speedometer popped off the bike so i have no recording of my top speed that day as i slid into the ditch my helmet erased off my head like an eraser and by the time i stopped there was hair sticking out of the flat spot they said if it weren't for my helmet i wouldn't have survived the slide into the ditch t plate with six screws permanently in my wrist and nerve damage which left my hand completely numb until a carpal tunnel release collarbone almost punctured my lung i get stopped at airport security from time to time and just have to show the scar they cringe and shuffle me through this bike is the namesake bike in my username a track with xt components that i love to ride tl dr were your bike helmet and be careful we only get one shot of this life i was dog sitting for my brother he has two giant dogs it was a saturday morning my daughter was coloring at the table while i made pancakes suddenly everything felt off i heard a thump behind me and even though it had been a solid few months without a seizure i knew without even turning around that the thump was my daughter falling to the floor i'm actually a very panicky person so the fact that i got the giant dogs in their kennels and unplugged the pancake griddle before i even turned around is impressive it wasn't her first seizure i carefully moved her off the hardwood floor and onto a rug i started a timer apparently short seizures are totally fine but once you hit eight minutes that's when you should worry i always worry from the first second but hey i'm no medical expert i called 911 since i'd yelled for my husband at minute two we were in the car and driving 90 miles per hour to our small town clinic at minute five she started moaning in my arms at minute six otherworldly heart stopping moments it took every last bit of anything even remotely resembling strength i had to not curl up and die of worry stress etc i've never ever ever felt that helpless and scared in my entire life and then we finally finished the 25 mile drive to town and she came out of it i thought we were through the worst of it as a nurse rushed us to the er and then my three-year-old daughter started trying to talk to me could not understand a freaking word i nodded and smiled and acted like i knew what she was saying because i didn't want her to be scared she started wiggling in my arms and i knew she wanted to walk around and not be held i lowered her to the ground and she just collapsed those little legs had been through a 25-minute seizure but the way she looked at me when it happened i still have no idea how i managed to meet her gaze and then scoop her up and comfort her when i felt such terror and worry course through me the stuff of nightmares the good news is she's fine and we're about to hit the two-year anniversary of being seizure-free if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 9,438
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, most intense experience of your life, intense experienes, once in a lifetime stories
Id: d7SSulHZoyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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