What's The Worst Case Of 'Helicopter Parenting' You've Ever Encountered?

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teachers counselors of reddit what's the worst case of helicopter parenting you've ever encountered my mom has always been semi-helicopter-ish i played sports all my life and there were so many times where she almost ran on the field it all came to an end a couple years ago i had gotten kicked out of school and was living at my dad's house he knew i had been kicked out but i asked him to not tell my mom so the semester after that he gets a call from his work saying he has to move to singapore for a couple months then move for an unknown period of time this means i have to move in with my mom since getting kicked out i have kicked my own butt into gear and have been receiving straight ass so for the next semester i am able to keep it a secret until one day while she's yelling at my sister over the phone about some bulls and my sister says something along the lines of your angry at me for this but wu tang wizard has been kicked out of school for a year i am upstairs when this happens and have no clue until i get a text from my sister saying i accidentally told mom you got kicked out sorry so i sit there for a couple minutes crapping myself waiting for her to come raging upstairs when she finally came up it was probably the most liberal herated conversation i've had with her and she basically just said i'm sorry that you felt so uncomfortable that you had to hide this from me i told her that i am already on track to getting back into college next semester and have handled the situation entirely on my own and like magic helicopter mom vanished from my life and only cool mom remains i'm glad it went well and she turned cool some parents do some parents don't you usually don't find out which one they'll be once you're in college real helicopter parents get into positions of power where they can directly influence their kids lives my mom got a place on the board of my sister's small private high school and managed to put a second family member on the board as well this gave her a lot of sway in hiring and firing teachers one teacher was fired for among other things using big words like pedagogical at school board meetings who even knows what that means am right all the teachers would tell my mom how great her daughter was great kid always improving fast forward to college my sister had a failing average each semester for three semesters she nearly got expelled for copy pasting a wikipedia entry on an exam then denying it she even managed to fail her phys ed class where the mark was based on attendance my parents elected not to send her back for a fourth semester how could such a thing happen how could a great high school student do so poorly in college it turns out that quite understandably none of the high school teachers wanted to risk their jobs to tell my mom that her kid probably had a serious learning disability this despite the fact that my sister's disability was obvious to anyone who tried to help her with her homework for more than five minutes after a bad semester in college my sister was finally diagnosed with a learning disability though the help couldn't come fast enough for her to turn her college career around had it not been for my mom's hovering in high school the teachers might have been straight with my parents and maybe my sister would have gotten help earlier seriously how the frick do you fail attendance-based class with helicopter parents i'm a high school english teacher one of my students had an iep rarely showed up to class and when he did he never did his work no matter what i tried to do to keep him on track i even hand delivered his work to his resource teacher by his mom's request because as a 16 year old he wasn't responsible enough to keep track of papers and he refused to do it there his mother visited my class every week to complain to me and ask why he was failing she insisted that because he had an iep he wasn't allowed to fail my class at the end of the semester the student was suspended for 10 days for fighting i sent home makeup work with him he never returned in and he failed my class mum got p and went to the administration demanding he be able to do the makeup work but that i had to give him the work again because he'd lost it i never got the work but the mom did confront me in the parking lot getting in my face and yelling at me for failing her son i told her i may have given him a failing grade but she had failed him by babying him his entire life and as a result he had failed himself i worked at an alternative school outside of philadelphia basically it was a lot of butthole kids who thought they were tough but were really just rich suburban kids mostly what we got with parents who were people who were still convinced their child was the most angelic out of all of them when you are told that your son is high out of his melon and his nose is still white from the pills he snorted in the parking lot and he proceeded to call a teacher a b for not answering his snarky question you're not supposed to accuse the teachers of picking favorites and making things up nah your kid is a dong maybe you should have parented because i got a message on this let me explain that i put a lot of time in with this kid helping him through his work and trying to give him goals outside of class there were kids with addictions most of them who obviously were completely jerks most of the time but this kid was another level the family had a lot of issues and all of his siblings were the same just because i teach doesn't mean i don't notice the up-and-coming buttholes of the world they're there and we still need to teach them and try to change them have both the best and the worst neither were mine though this was about six years ago the best not mine but a colleague's student decent student solidly average didn't hand in his final paper wtf she thought and then she received an email from his mom can get an extension on his paper we're aware it was due this week but this weekend he was jumped while heading home from a bar i understand this is really odd i wouldn't email my son's professors unless it was absolutely necessary picture included with the email kids faces bloody cut and swollen totally got the extension the worst a student of another colleague we were sitting around marking papers when he bursts into hysterical laughter colleague one can anyone make sense of this sentence it's just it's not even a thing this is an anti-thing he reads it to us it's half a rant half eighth grader gibberish colleague two oh my god i just read that exact same thing she flipped through a stack of papers and pulled it out compared and it's basically the exact same paper by the same student submitted to two separate classes totally counts as academic dishonesty and that's explicit in the outline it has to be original work for the class the two of them take the papers to their professors they agree it goes straight to the department head as a case of plagiarism student is completely livid he's clearly a genius everyone else is a [ __ ] for even questioning his work and he'll have our heads and our jobs for this he schedules a meeting with the department head like he's supposed to and the day finally comes in this mug chubby little sucker struts fully suited up and right behind him is uncle sleazy lawyer complete with matching suit and briefcase to boot we can hear the student muttering as he stomps down the hallway about how he's going to be a great legal mind one day because his uncle told him so and he was totally totally going to show us all it was all i could do not to laugh they go into the office close the door and uncle lawyer loudly declares for all to hear my client has prepared a statement before we begin department head number student but it's my re department head number student but department head number we couldn't hear anything after that we had to close our own door so we could laugh he was disciplined appropriately though all the professors knew who that student was from that point on first one seems really cool for looking out for her son like that small story about me i was in eighth grade and my teacher was always and but told to me he would send me out of class because i was three minutes late or not accept my math homework because i didn't work out the problems the way he wanted me to so near the end of the year he assigned a rsa to us the subject was on any president of our choosing i wrote my essay in about three hours and followed the rubric very closely i print out my paper and leave it on my desk so i won't forget it before i go to sleep my mom asked me if she could borrow the laptop so i set up the laptop for her and go to sleep next day turn in the essay next we get back the essay with a d on it i notice a bunch of red marks on it read through essay and found out my mom went and wrote more to it and switched out my essay explained to the teacher what happened and by the grace of god he let me turn in mine come back next day with my essay get b-plus on it she never tried again okay i have to one the woman who had my job before me had a helicopter mom she was 26 working there for two years and i suppose she was having a stressful time her mother must have thought it was the administration's fault so her mom called the principal she yelled at him for a good 20 minutes straight about how her daughter is perfect and he had to treat her like a princess hence why the position was open at the end of the year and then i got it my mom's notes but not a helicopter parent two i had these twin indian girls who were both violinists they were good but very timid players they often lost points on playing tests for projection ask bow usage they went to our state solo festival and did pretty well i nominated them for our all county festival although the girls had the same score the way the computer works is you have to rank them i put the stronger girl first well only that girl got into the all-county group the mother then called me and bitched me out for a good 20 minutes not happy with my answer she then proceeded to call every other music teacher and administrator in my district once a teacher nominates the students we have no say who gets chosen this is the answer she received from everyone she even went as far as my superintendent and the person in charge of the all-county festival she received the same answer everywhere she also proceeded to hate me for the next five years her girls were in the district she also hated the high school teacher because her girls weren't first seat those poor girls currently her teacher but my story comes from my days as a college student my university offered a day-long parent orientation as an option for parents while their kids were attending their own two-day student orientation session the summer before my senior year i was hired as a student employee for this parent orientation session steady hours good pay etc a pretty nice summer gig for a poor college student anyway we met a wide range of parents at the registration table some of the parents were obviously not too worried is local bar still open i'd love to duck out and get some nostalgia beers others were clearly interested without being too overbearing i've got a few questions about class registration can you point me in the right direction but the parent that i'll always remember wow a part of the script we were supposed to go over involved asking parents if they would be interested in taking a tour of their students future dormitory the when i got to this part of the script with one mom she completely broke down started balling and crying about how she wasn't ready for her little angel to go off to college this went on for several minutes and boarded on a full-on tantrum mind you this wasn't on move-in day this was at an orientation two freaking months before school actually started i shudder to think how the actual move-in day went for that family this will be my wife in 15 years in high school i became really good friends with this kid named dan dan and i hung out a ton in one weekend i invited him over for a sleepover stay up late watch tv and play video games i had to meet his mother and his father to gain approval it was like going through a job interview had to tell them where i wanted to go to college my life's goals etc got the approval and dan was allowed to sleep over my house the morning after the night of the sleepover my mom gets a call at 6am hi this is dan's mom are you watching your child and my boy my mom quickly gets over the shock and replies yes they are downstairs in the basement and they're fine we have a finished room where we would always hang out well i would appreciate you checking on them because i haven't heard from dan all night my mom woke us up and dan realized he left his cell phone upstairs he goes to get it and it turns out he has 63 missed calls 105 missed text messages and 20 voicemails he started to cry and my mom just hugged him and said it's okay and made us breakfast my parents are helicopter parents my stepmom was insane while the six of us kids were in school she had access to every assignment due date date it was turned in and grade we received my teachers hated her she would call about grades lower than a b once i ordered a letterman jacket and when i was told the price i called my stepmom and she demanded to speak to the people selling them and told them we were poor but deserve the same privileges as everyone else on speaker it was so embarrassing i was on reduced lunch and one day i couldn't eat because my money ran out guess what happened cue two crying lunch ladies and a burnt grilled cheese i felt so bad my dad would go to every meet the teacher night and insult the level of intelligence of every math teacher he demanded i go to tutoring and he called my teachers to make sure i was there every morning he even made me get their signature to prove i was there he went with me to my community college orientation and followed me from class to class making sure he knew where each one was and he got the phone numbers and emails from all my professors growing up with them was a nightmare he would yell and shout and throw fits like a toddler and my teachers would always feel sorry for me because that's what i went home to eventually after my dad demanded i pay rent while working three jobs and going to college full time i got kicked out because i got a tattoo i was 19 met a guy and moved in with him that really pee off my parents and now we are happily married our one year wedding anniversary is tomorrow yay overbearing parents one time when i was around 13 in eighth grade i forgot to turn in an assignment and my dad found out my mom was locked up in seventh grade right after my older sister passed half sister whole other story and money was tight we ate fast food a lot because it was cheap the night he found out about my zero we had gone to the drive-through at taco bueno he threw a combination burrito with my face it smashed over my glasses and everything i was then grounded for making him waste food and his girlfriend my almost stepmom at the time came in right after it happened she was silent my little brother and sister were dumbfounded i cried and took the longest most embarrassing shower of my life later that night he got wasted and yelled frick why oh you you you at me across the room when i told him i was going to bed early wonder why i didn't want to stay up and hang with pops he apologized to me the next morning hasn't apologized for anything since not a teacher but a former student this guy in my neighborhood had an older daughter that he caught freaking in high school she used protection and all the right things but he just couldn't stomach the idea of his daughter freaking his younger daughter was my age and when we made it to the age of teenagers he literally would not let her go anywhere without him like he was paranoid to the extreme about her freaking she had to go to her aunt's house right after school to make sure she didn't do any freaking in the 30 minutes between when she got out of class and her father got home she had to sit by her father at high school sporting events if she wanted to get something from the concession stands she had to basically run there and back because he would come looking for her after she was gone for longer than five minutes i have no idea how she wasn't oppressed because she had zero social life because of this she got a job and moved out shortly after graduation within a few years she had three babies from three different men so i guess she got the last laugh comma he would come looking for her after she was gone for longer than five minutes my time to shine tl dr a kid's father throws a crap fit because his precious demon spawn won't sleep around i am a summer camp counsellor the way our camp works is it is a day camp monday through wednesday with an overnight on thursday after a night hike the campers sleep under the stars on the lower field first rule of overnight no outside food second rule of overnight no parents after 8 p.m i had a kid who we shall call annoying orange being the fact that he was obsessed with the show annoying orange's parents came up for the pre-overnight barbecue the barbecue went fine until it was time to leave most parents bring the bare necessities for their kid sleeping bag back pad pillow tub toiletries these parents brought a freaking camp bed a heating pad a squatty potty a lantern a tent a pepper sprayer device and a cur package with perfume the kid is seven he does not need perfume after our goodbye song the kids are given 20ish minutes to say goodbye to their parents none of my group was present at the end of the 20 minutes because annoying orange's father was making a fuss because his precious baby was not sleeping at the front of the group tarp he would verbally harass any parent who refused to move their kids stuff from the front of the tarp following the tarp fiasco annoying orange received about two pounds of candy from his parents our protocol for non-camp food is to confiscate it and have the children pick it up when they leave camp the next day when we tried to take the candy annoying orange's father threw a crap fist saying that his child needed the candy to calm down he also said that if the kid did not sleep next to his candy he would sue the camp no just number we finally came to some sort of compromise but by this time we were running 45 minutes behind schedule the father refused to leave for the night hike portion of the program usually this portion is magical for the children since they get to experience the forest at night and see nocturnal animals the key to this experience is the kids being quiet throughout the night hike the father was on a rant about how everyone was freaking stupid at this camp and why couldn't my child be treated fairly at long last the man left saying he could not believe how screwed up our camp was this was only after the camp director threatened to have him taken off the property judging from your tl dr i was expecting to read about a father angry over his son not getting laid in college not a teacher but a cheerleading coach there are a few bad helicopter parents i've seen come and go but the one that really comes to mind was obsessed with her rather chubby daughter becoming a flyer bear in mind these kids are eight and most of them are pretty small an eight-year-old having the coordination to be thrown around in the air is a rare thing in the first place bit of fat one not happening man i told her the spots are set and the routine finished nobody was moving because it was a week until a major competition so what did this oh so rational mother do if she doesn't fly she quits now as a coach the one thing i will not stand for is being disrespected by parents or cheerleaders mum was trying to hold the looming competition over my head so i told her to jog on even though i doubt she's ever actually done that real sad part is these kids were very underprivileged and this was the only chance this girl was likely to get of cheering let alone competing most squads charge at least 40 pounds a month just to train mum also freaked the whole team over doing this because i had to move an entire stunt sequence one session before we went on kids are bad at routines in the first place let alone last minute changes thankfully the mum ended up eating her words cause the little stars only went and won oh and the real kicker kid didn't even want to fly she was scared of heights tl dr fattis mom makes her minifigure child quit the team she's been devoted to for months because she wants to live vicariously through her kid christ team wins competition anyway uncle was a teacher for 25 years at a fairly prestigious school and told me some pretty unbelievable horror stories i'll just talk about the one that sticks out in my mind he had taught several grades and at this point i believe he was teaching a sixth grade class but there was a boy in the class who was very for lack of a better word stupid this isn't uncommon in schools but this kid was simply thicker than brick and couldn't seem to grasp anything that was being taught to him catch 22 as he had a father who was the chief of police in town and mother who worked closely with the mayor anyways my uncle had been teaching a chapter in history and assigning homework for day when the boy stood up and started yelling about how stupid history was and that my uncle was dumb for attempting to teach it to them needless to say the boy was sent to the office for verbally abusing a teacher this is where the story gets somewhat interesting while the boy was in the office he had begun crying and started to fabricate a story about how my uncle had called him an idiot outright in the classroom and that all he did was retort saying no i'm not jerk or something to that effect he then began requesting to speak to his parents of course the headmaster obliged and let him call his parents and at the same time summoned my uncle to the office to discuss what was going on five minutes later as my uncle had just finished explaining what had happened both the boy's parents burst into the office guns blazing if you will not literally the husband attempted to arrest him with his wife basically spitting in my uncle's face as she was yelling at him all the while their boy was sitting there smiling and apparently laughing as my uncle was taken from the room by the chief of police all pretty absurd as you can imagine with a full room of witnesses in the children the actual story came to light fairly quickly but instead of apologizing and trying to save face the husband began telling a tale of how my uncle had resisted arrest and erected forcefully and struck him as he was attempting to gain control over him in the office i found out later that both the parents approached the headmistress after the fact and offered her an ultimatum to agree with what they were saying or they would make her life a living heck all instead of simply admitting they were wrong the husband lost his job and the wife was severely demoted to death clerk after everyone figured she tried to use her position as leverage in the situation and as if this whole thing wasn't humorous enough my uncle still swears to this day nailing the headmistress saved my life definitely my career what a lovely man he is if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Keywords: school, school stories, parents, helicopter parents, helicopter parents get owned, helicopter parents college, teacher, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: _DbdhMU-dF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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