911 Operators Reveal Their Most Unusual Calls

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911 operators of reddit what's the strangest serious emergency you've heard four years into my life as a dispatcher and i have personally taken all bean party to suicide by gunshot while still on 9-1-1 i didn't take the call but i played it back to make sure we heard what we thought we had a woman who managed to dial us but all we could hear was her agonal breathing which was very very spooky in retrospect a multiple vehicle dui crash where people were pinned and screaming i'm not talking about fear screaming i'm talking about agonized screaming compound fractures head injuries etc every time someone got on the radio you had to strain to hear them over screams that were like nothing i've ever heard people finding suicides are bad anything with children is bad an amputation by lawnmower comes to mind cpr is always a struggle because people are scared and sometimes like i mentioned you can hear the person's last breaths gunshots are unmistakable sometimes it takes a while to get to sleep after a shift not a 9-1-1 operator but was in the vicinity my best friend we will call dee and i walked in his parents house expecting to find his girlfriend let's call her k on the couch or the bed where we were all gonna smoke a joint chill and i was gonna crash on the couch on that exact same couch was k skin mostly pale lips blue and a foam like substance a half empty syringe beside her and a dinner plate with a then unknown powder on the coffee table in front of her d freaks out smacking her face lying her on her side and desperately trying to get her to wake up i don't care if they arrested all of us at this point and call 9-1-1 as i am talking to the 9-1-1 operator d cries she's got a pulse man i think and began hugging her sobbing harder than jesus please please kay please wake up baby his parents ended up coming downstairs his mom freaked out and was crying as his dad seen the plate and began screaming about drugs being in the house it got bad i walked outside to finish the call before i broke down it was soul crushing to watch turns out k was still alive pulse was 35 very close to total cardiac arrest the powder was fentanyl no one was arrested there's a law in my state that if emts are called and not police the suspect cannot legally be charged with any drugs found at the location they kept her for two days giving her narcan all throughout the first night she went to rehab and now she is with another classmate happily married and with two children d well not so well but that's for another time that's actually a really great and sensible law i wish it didn't surprise me so much my grandmother was a dispatcher and police officer in a small town while on duty one night some guy came into the police station like the freaking terminator and put a shotgun to her head while she was on the phone with my grandfather definitely a crazy story to hear her tell apparently the guy heard her tell my grandfather not to wake the kids up and he just left also grandma is a bad bee some chick kicked her in the face with heels and broke her nose grandma whipped her butt broken nose and all please don't wake the kids up dear husband i may be home a bit late then quick as lightning granny pulls out her pistol she always keeps on her person ever since the incident and before the wannabe terminator can react he is already on the floor with a hole in his head fiance is a paramedic i'm a patient caretaker while doing a catheter on a lady she once told us that it doesn't go in the urethra but in the hole the dong goes in the mayo fiance transported a psych patient to a facility so they're chilling in the back of the ambo and she's talking to her purse after about five minutes of this she unzips her purse and a freaking opossum jumps out my fiancee loses it has no idea what to say or do then the pt proceeds to tell him if it wasn't for this lil fella i would have killed myself a long time ago also last week he got a call to a pretty bad part of town that ended up being a domestic violence husband beat the crap out of his wife because she wouldn't do m with him she ended up having a pretty serious subdural hematoma one day i had walked in after getting a subway sandwich my shift started at 1pm co-workers had received both 9-1-1 and normal calls from a wife and mother about their husband's son he was just walking around and talking about taking all the children to heaven and circling the house for hours there was a newborn a toddler and i think a five-year-old it was on a weekend and our chief advised that as long as he isn't acting dangerous or violent just odd then they can wait for a mental health warrant from the justice of the peace on monday it's east texas and it's a good 20 30 minute drive going the speed limit to get anywhere in the county and sometimes over an hour from one end to another if you know where you are going well this continues up until about 11 p.m the mother and wife are getting more and more antsy that he's been walking in circles all day and muttering the same thing for hours then i get a call that begins with a loud bang screaming and crying from the wife and her newborn the husband had killed his two sons and mother with a shotgun and was coming for her she cried that why didn't we help them and to please save me and my babies and then after about 10 seconds another bang the wife was killed near instantly and the baby had one two pallets into its head and was making gurgling sounds before dying after that maybe a minute later i heard another bang the guy had put a slug into his shotgun and blasted the top portion of his face off laid on the ground and drowned in his blood and that's it not an operator though i want to be now this is a 911 call on me made by my bf in our small town i have a rare disease called fibrous dysplasia mccune albright syndrome fd is where some places on one or more of your bones is replaced with fibrous tissue this makes them bend break and deform easily i have it in multiple vital bones of my body well this leads to the one fateful night actually exactly one year ago tonight where my bf has to call nine one one he says we need an ambulance she asks what for to which he responds my girlfriend his fd and her legs broke her was there an accident did she fall in number she was walking getting a bit annoyed her unbelieving despite my continuous screaming in the background what makes you think they're broken what happened him just done just her legs are weak and they broke send an ambulance her okay sir i'm sending help but did she hit something did she fall on something wrong how do you know they're broken him gets right up by me while i'm screaming her legs are broken click the ambulance that showed up wasn't even fully prepared i guess they really did have a hard time believing that someone's legs could just break on them while walking they had to tear up a box we had laying nearby to stabilize it as much as possible and they had to lift me to the stretch of thing in a sheet with the help of the firemen that was absolutely excruciating with a broken left tibia broken left fibula and broken and completely displaced rio fema the worst no meds until they got me to the plane to flight me to the hospital in the nearest city listen to operators sometimes people aren't juicy crazy sometimes bones really do just break i'm sorry that condition sounds awful in the uk so was 999 not 911 i once spoke to a man that called up to say that he had slipped while getting out of the bath and as he fell the toilet brush somehow went up his rectum and was now stuck and he couldn't move turned out that during his fall the toilet brush somehow got a condom put onto it dirty old man there was once a time when a man phoned up and said his son was having a heart attack in the street the ambulance was called and i was giving instructions over the phone what to do when the crew arrived the call didn't actually disconnect i heard the ambulance crew ask where the sun was and the man said right there can't you see i just heard the ambulance crew say sir that's a jacket on the floor not a person then the line cut out i have lots more stories the worst thing about working there was that you rarely got to find out what happened after you ended the call haven't been a dispatcher in years but when i was a few calls come to mind one a man calls about his friend breaking his dong poor guy in the background is screaming in pain two wife called in cause her hubs got a corncob stuck three old woman called i honestly don't remember her complaint but at some point she stopped talking i kept calling out to her but no answer she was dead when the emts arrived she died while she was talking to me four frantic woman calls about a drowning toddler at a party she said they thought it was a doll floating in the pool complete chaos in the background kid died not the best day i'm not a 9-1-1 operator but i work in the emergency department at a level one trauma center i got some interesting ones one we had a helicopter land mvc motor vehicle crash involving a toddler a bear and some serious burns apparently this family has the worst luck they were going highway speeds just dad with toddler in the back the car in front of them hits a bear on the highway dad pulled over to help the other driver leaving kid in their car seat in the back seat then another car came and hit the dad's car the kid's car seat was pushed into the front passenger seat then the dad's car caught fire with the kid in it dad pulled the kid out burning both his arms pretty badly the kid had third degree burns covering a good portion of his body two another mvc pt was driving home from family event and swerved off the road right into a tree one leg severed at the scene the other barely hanging on paramedics brought the pt in carrying the amputated leg in a bag behind the pt pt would lose the other leg in surgery three psych patient trauma patient apparently didn't want to be a male anymore so they took a razor blade too well you can imagine for 4th of july fireworks injury via deer senior citizen pt was celebrating the fourth with family outside apparently their property is near the woods because when they started shooting fireworks a deer came out of the woods scared as crap and kicked grandma in the head while trying to jump over her five i was walking from one part of the ed to the other when i heard a trauma called out on vacara i then see the trig medic sprinting down the hall with a baby in his arms followed by what i guessed was mom and dad the trig medic was calling for people to clear the way as he was running to the trauma area i start calling out too along the way blocking the trauma pod is an old woman with a walker and a slightly less old woman directing her i yell at them to move and they stand there like a deer in headlights i physically had to drag the walker and the old lady holding on to it out of the way before the medic ran them over baby's aunt was pulling out of the driveway and had run and nearly run over baby baby had a nice dent in their skull but was screaming loudly which is a good thing six first call meeting helicopter attempted suicide via shotgun half the face was blown off still alive and living to this day i believe we had this medical call where a guy's wife called and was saying that something was wrong with him she claimed he had worms coming out of him we sent an ambulance and a deputy due to the suspicious call deputy arrives on scene and reports to us that the caller was 100 right the guy had worms coming out of him turns out and medically trained people over and did please forgive me because i don't know the medical terminology here but it turns out that the guy had some type of bacteria fungi that you get from messing around with animal fesses but the medic's deputy the medic said they had never seen a case as bad as his sounds like a scaris parasitic worms me911 what is the location of your emergency caller please help me i get address name phone number emmy tell me exactly what happened caller please believe me why isn't anyone believing me emmy do you need police fire or rams caller there is chocolate coming out of my tea i'm what emmy what do you mean caller i don't know i just woke up and there is chocolate coming from my tea my grandma and mother won't believe me i can hear people in the background having casual conversation emmy so how do you know it's chocolate cooler i smelled it gag anyways if you're not familiar most 911 agencies in the us have m's protocols we choose from i.e breathing difficulty back pain chest pain traumatic injury there are 34 to choose from and at this point i'm at a loss on deciding which protocol to use i'm debating between the standard sick call which is what we choose when nothing else works or a himaj card which is what i end up picking thinking it's just a bad period and not chocolate i end up giving her all the medical information and send ems i never heard from her again but i do send the m's unit that went a message asking about it emmy sue was it chocolate ms idk we didn't taste it i tend not to remember the sad real emergencies because that's depressing the funny stuff is what usually sticks with me if anything but since you said serious emergency there's only one that sticks out 7am roughly when the pd shifts changes so it's hard to get cars to respond we get a call from someone in a park near a local college reporting a body on fire on the pedestrian bridge over the river we send out police thinking so who here it is because 99 times out of 100 it's gonna either be a full school or a crazy person well this was the 100th time officers get on scene to a freaking body on fire and suddenly everyone's headed there as quickly as possible dispatch shift changes at 8am instead of 7 730 like the various suffice to say it was a busy last hour of my shift not a 9-1-1 operator but i once called 9-1-1 when my friend and i had been out walking our dogs and noticed a car drive by several times we both got a super weird feeling about the car and we knew most of the cars of our neighbors and it wasn't any of those so we called 911 about a suspicious vehicle driving around the complex i should add that we had just had a huge rash of robberies in the complex further adding to our suspicions so after we called i turned on my radio to hear the dispatcher openly mock us for calling 9-1-1 about 15 minutes later we hear popping noises and we hear someone peel out of the driver block over so we then hear police on the radio responding to calls about gunshots in the building behind us turns out that car we had reported was a man looking for his ex-girlfriend and he shot her and her new boyfriend they both lived if i recall correctly and we got to talk to several cops about what we had seen and all that i definitely felt stupid calling 911 about a suspicious vehicle but i am trusting my instincts from now on tl dr i called 9-1-1 about a suspicious vehicle 9-1-1 operator made fun of me over radio owner of a vehicle i called about shot his ex and her boyfriend 15 minutes after i called i wasn't the dispatcher but i was called for mutual aid to a call one time my buddy was a dispatcher that night for the county sheriff and i was volunteering at a rural fire department anyway around 11 pm we get paged out for a mutual aid a search operation for a missing hunter at a local hunting camp it's a small department so it's just me and a kinda new guy we get there and the sheriff and primary responding department tells us it's just some hunter who got separated from his party which is fairly normal happens a couple times a year but they have the rest of the his party sitting in the squad car i'm talking to the sheriff trying to get a grasp of where they haven't checked yet and my probie goes to walk around he came back and said the guys in the back of the squad car were just sitting there staring straight ahead and not blinking i'm confused at this point because it's a hunting party and they generally call in a missing person early afternoon not at 11 pm so i call my buddy at dispatch to try to figure out what's going on the sheriff wasn't being helpful he tells me he got some weird call with a man that sounded like he was terrified but would only whisper about how they're moving my buddy finally gets the man on the phone to say where they are and then the guy whispers i think they got him and hangs up i haven't heard much more on the story but i know the call came from one of the guys in the hunting party that was in the back of the squad car a couple months back a buddy at a neighboring paid department told me two of the guys in the party killed themselves shortly after and the third guy has been in and out of drug treatment centers since that day i haven't verified any of that so it could just be rumors as far as i know the missing hunter still hasn't been located not a 911 but i was a debt collector briefly in college and called a woman to try to set up a payment plan for her five-figure debt it was around eight at night her time she started bowling saying that she didn't even have enough money for gas to take her daughter to preschool that day and that she would be better off dead which was disturbing but not as much as when she's suddenly starting mumbling oh poor sweet baby and i heard a kid screaming and a loud car engine but no answer from her had my manager call her local911 who told me not to disconnect she had strapped her daughter into a car seat and was trying to kill herself in the garage with car fumes a friend of mine 911 operator once told me how he received an emergency call from a guy who had fallen down a manhole during winter time evidently he did not pay attention as to where he was walking and drunkenly strolled in his own world and fell into the manhole on his way home from the club by himself fortunately he did manage to get a hold of his phone after falling about two five meters from street level if not he could have been in serious trouble not like there was a lot of people around on that time said the guy had to be lifted out of the manhole by the fire department and had to sew some stitches from a cut he got from the fall [Music] occurrence male complaints and calls in about several camouflaged subjects in his yard unknown description as they are wearing dark clothing and it's 4 am so there's not much light aside from a street light several houses west of the address a male describes them as tall slender most likely males and they are standing behind the bush in his front yard three subjects may be four male puts the phone down momentarily faint sounds of vomiting can be heard when asked to describe what the males are doing caller states they are now on the neighbor's roof aiming something at him but three officers are in route mail states the subjects are firing microwaves at him and it's making him increasingly nauseated and pleads for the officers to hurry up caller refuses medical treatment rescue is not dispatched caller once again puts his phone down to vomit and then states he has the subjects on video after officers arrive on scene the caller disconnects officers status is checked after 10 minutes dispatch i'm 10 4 i'll be clear 10 96 inches 10 96 mental case late evening call woman had a medical procedure done on her foot and she wanted me to send an officer out to help her change her dressing i offered to send a medical crew out and see if they can help but she didn't want to waste their time but we went back and forth about this no way would i send a police officer out for this and told her so repeatedly the last time i repeated myself that i was not going to send police out to help her with her medical issue but i would gladly send an ambulance to have her foot attended to by a professional she got all bent out of shape and screamed at me an ambulance for someone who's walking around that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard and slammed the phone down on me i've also learned in the 10 plus years of dispatching to never say i don't think it can get any weirder than this because something weird happens one time i actually did help someone that was locked inside their car washing my car in a manual car wash i kept hearing someone yelling help i go look and the van in the next stall had two women in it they needed me to open the door because they were locked in their indoor doorknobs were broken they had electric windows and to get out they would roll the window down and open the doors from the outside but in the car wash their car had died hence no rolling down the windows now you may think all the doors didn't work even in the back well these ladies were hoarders they had crap stuffed to the ceiling and literally only a place for them to sit was free i was an operator in training for about six months and the strangest i ever got was a guy called in and said he had just been carjacked by this hotel and then hung up called back the number a few times and couldn't get any more details while i was trying callbacks our info channel dispatcher called the cell phone provider and got subscriber information she recognized the name from a traffic stop that was a block from where the carjacking had supposedly occurred and she had just ran confirmed the info and the two calls and realized the guy on the traffic stop had called in the carjacking thinking the officers would ditch the traffic stop because the carjacking would be a higher priority we never did find the phone that he was calling from there was also one time where another operator had gotten a call from onstar that they were tracking a stolen car from a nearby city and gps was showing it now in our jurisdiction they wanted to get our officers to the vehicle and once they were there they would disable the engine and the vehicle so we pulled up our traffic cameras on this wall monitor we had and were able to locate the vehicle and direct the officers where the vehicle was going via the cameras once in the vicinity on star disabled the vehicle and the driver bailed into an under construction housing subdivision and one of the dispatchers was able to tell our offices exactly which house the guy went into because we could see it on the camera and he was caught i used to volunteer at a suicide hotline so this doesn't technically answer the question but the call is similar to others in the thread this guy calls and says that he'd escaped from the hospital and had been cutting himself obviously anyone could be lying but he was oddly convincing he then asks my name and i tell him he says he's going to carve my name into his arm so he never forgets me i don't think anything has ever creeped me out more in my entire existence and i've heard some creepy crap how do you even respond to that i had no info on him no phone number no address so i couldn't do anything about it either even though i was pretty convinced he was actually harming himself at this point he just hung up on me there was no record of a similar call before or after this and people who call in and make this stuff up usually do so multiple times for attention i think it's probably made up but i do wonder sometimes whether my name is carved into someone's arm somewhere sorry if this doesn't quite fit i've enjoyed this thread a lot brings back lots of memories if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, police calls, 911 calls, strange police calls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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