"We Need To Leave NOW..." [Stories] (AskReddit)

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what is your most terrifying we need to leave now random rush of fear you felt my car was stolen the very night I moved into my new house in a very good neighborhood the neighbors had warned us that the neighborhood was being targeted at the time they mentioned a women around the corner that opened the door for knockers in the middle of the night and they attacked her and robbed her and almost killed her we had reported the car stolen and did the police reports when it happened well two nights later in the middle of the night I hear a knock on the door and they said open up it's the police well since I had heard the story about the other lady I was suspicious and did not answer I grabbed my kids and put them in my daughter's room because it had access to the roof from the window I called the police to say that two men claiming to be police are pounding on my door they said there was no police in the area and they are sending a car turns out these same guys stole the car and came back for seconds I did get my car back because they brought it with years ago my BF owned a truck tire repair company he stopped by a customer's house unannounced one day to try to get a check as they owed a lot of money when he came out of the house he was pretty shaken up he explained the man's numerous other brothers were there unusual everyone was very jittery but they cut him a check and then rushed him out he had a scary feeling that day two days later that customer and his brothers were arrested for a murder that they had committed the night before we stopped by when I was hiking in the woods and I saw a baby bear I slowly turned and walked quickly away from the bear because I'm not getting eaten I had to drag my friend along with me because he didn't understand why we needed to return the way we came from was riding my bike home from a friend's house when I was a young teen over 20 years ago we had both lost track of time so it was dusk when I left lived about a mile away was traveling down one of the last roads to get home when I had this weird feeling so I turned around to look back down the road saw headlights pass stop back up turn on the road I was on it was a pretty long road without many houses and no streetlights or anything as soon as they turned I bolted into the woods and hid pretty far in the car slowly drove by and kept going no idea what they were doing but I didn't want anything to do with it hurricane Florence a year ago we planned to ride it out as we were on a hill and in an area where the winds wouldn't be bad mostly ignored the news - the night before I got this huge pit of fear in my stomach and begged my dad for us to go stay with my sister a few hours inland he fought with me about it but I finally convinced him we came back a week later to find the tree fallen into our house the house full of water a tornado formed in the woods behind the house and pushed the tree up the 45-degree slope into our roof and through our house now I will always trust my gut feeling no matter how stupid it seems I was walking in my old local park with my sister we entered Viet at about 3 p.m. and were hanging around until at about 9:00 - 9:30 we saw three people wearing somewhat similar outfits all the way on the other side of the park I immediately noticed but don't think much of it we walk for about two more minutes and I noticed one of them stopped and was staring at us I immediately had a bad feeling and told my sister we should leave she noticed and obliged later that night there was word of a stabbing in the park and the suspects were all the people we saw in the group of three I was camping with a friend in a backwoods camping area not very many sites and they were all super spaced out we had already been there one night had the site fully set up we had been hiking all day the works we drove into town to get some food and when we were driving back to a secluded campsite we passed a man walking out of the only road to our site we both locked eyes with him and I got a super creeped out feeling he stared at us like he knew us and hated us but we had never seen him in our lives when we got to attend we went inside and everything we had in there was tossed our bags were dumped out our clothes were thrown everywhere we quickly realized both our hunting knives were gone along with a bunch of our clothes we also realized it had to be that guy we saw there were no other sites or hiking paths he cold been walking from besides ours we jumped in the car and drove back towards where we had seen him he was gone we drove a bit further and found a common area where other campers were gathered we sprinted down and asked have any of you seen this guy and described him the people of the gathering just stared at us and didn't speak giving us an even more creeped out feeling it was at that point that I told my friend we need to leave this place right now walking back to our car we looked over the edge of a guardrail and saw all a stolen clothes in the woods we gathered the map but didn't find either of our knives knowing this guy was still out there with those knives and that no one around us cared freaked us out so much we packed the car up and ended our camping trip early no way were we staying out in those woods one more night was once at summer camp and was walking to the beach it's like a five minute walk from the cabins we were staying in and the path to get there is made of sand and surrounded by trees we were supposed to go in partners but mine dipped anyways I was walking for probably about two minutes and I hear leaves crunching in the trees beside me so I look over and what I see is none other than a brown bear cub hugging a tree I think that everyone knows that where there's a cub there's a mama this bear starts making bear noises I just about shat my pants and bolted out tether aid it thank you for my first silver kind stranger never in my 14 h of red icing have I been shown such kindness : closed bracket I was walking by a long stretch of road with no houses there was a cemetery a van with two guys in it stopped to ask me if I needed a ride this was in the late nineties so it's not like hitchhiking was legal I'm all no thanks I'm nearly home they wouldn't budge they kept following me with the windows down kept saying mom just get her at some point they just stopped and they started getting out I was just a team and they were clearly 20-something I just took off running I must have sprinted half a mile to get to an alley and hid by the nearest building near the road I waited about 15 minutes before moving on to make sure they had given up so they wouldn't follow me home me my GF and her sister were walking around in a local pocket around 9 p.m. very safe town absolutely zero worries I saw another group doing the same three guys first I didn't think anything of it but I noticed that they kept walking faster and that's when the feeling kicked him I just told my gf faster and apparently she was on the same page b/c she didn't even question it and we basically ran to our car the scary part was the three dude sped up as soon as we did and stopped as soon as we started driving off definitely when my town got hit with the worst fire storm we've ever had in 2017 Thomas fire we knew there was a fire somewhere maybe another town we weren't too worried the power is beginning to go spotty and the winds are howling outside then my rumour gets a call from a friend on the other side of town my house is on fire you guys need to pack a bag after the call was over the power went out and stayed out so we packed our bags and I start - hey little plinks against the roof almost like rain but it isn't rain it's just ash not 15 minutes had gone by and I look outside we lived by a large hill only two blocks away and it was burning it got there so fast I got back inside and tell my roommates we have to leave right away this is when our neighbors started waking out - we had to then capture our three very scared and confused cats it was so crazy to drive away and see only blackness ahead of you but in your rear-view mirror only flames our neighborhood slash home ended up being spared however many of my friends who lived closer to the mountains were not so lucky was on a second date with a guy who wanted to stop at his house to grab something and invited me in he was super hot but I wasn't feeling comfortable with him for a reason I couldn't put my finger on we get to his house and it was just creepy he was well off and the house itself was gorgeous spotless and totally sterile nothing on the walls every surface empty no books no CVS nothing I asked how long he'd live there and he said five years while he was in the kitchen he then asked me to go into his room grab something keys I think from the top drawer in his dresser I got the coldest chill up my spine and immediately stepped closer to the front door there was no way I was letting him come between me and the exit he asked me again to go to his room and I laughed and said no dude I'm hungry let's go he asked one more time visibly annoyed at this point and I proceeded to pretend that I was a [ __ ] stupid girl and made a fuss about being hungry and what the hell was taking him so long he was pissed so I walked out of his house down the sidewalk and made him follow me we got to the car and I kept pretending to be a [ __ ] coolest chick and demanded he take me home he did in colds furious silence then when he stopped the car in front of my place he grabbed my face to kiss me goodbye he bit my lip so hard I was bleeding and he reached under my shirt and twisted my nipple I luckily got him off me falling out my door and ran inside to the sound of him laughing I ended up with a bruised face and nipple cut lip and was scared that he knew where I lived but I still feel like I survived alleged serial killer one day I'm coming home from work back to my parents house because I was 18 I didn't live in the sticks but definitely in an outlying neighborhood along the route home there are several places where many cars turn off of is a traffic since out I'm noticing that the car directly behind me is following my every turn me being a dumb paranoid 18y slash oh I'm paying attention just in case there's some reason but also laugh it off because I don't have any influence or piss anyone off so that's just silly until he turns into my neighborhood I'm like okay there's still plenty of houses makes the next turn with me the immediate right is my street a cul-de-sac I make the turn and he's still behind me instead of pulling into my driveway I make the full circle and go back down the street how maybe it's just my neighbor or said neighbor has a visitor and it's pure coincidental at this point I'm too nervous to look and see who's in the car but it's definitely an older white male I make another right going further into the subdivision within my community I know there's no exit there's one or two more streets off to the right but I don't know where they go I know the end of the street I'm onion another cul-de-sac he's still in my review mirror this is the point I knew I was a target but the neighborhood with its hills in my knowledge of the immediate area was of advantage to me I gunned it up the hill past my assailants back to the beginning of the subdivision I make a right and again put pedal to the metal if I was to get pulled over at this point all the better I make a mad dash for the main road and zigzag into another neighborhood go a few Street's down and just sit there for about five minutes with the loudest heartbeat in my ears I'd ever heard I have so much running through my mind did they know that's where I lived do they know I was in front of my own house at one point who could this be and what reason would they have to follow me after a few minutes I pulled back out and drove back home keeping the sharpest eye out for this beige beast but I never saw it again to this day over ten years later I have no idea who that was or why they were following me I still try to make excuses for people I see follow me but I definitely take it seriously when I'm getting close to where my family is I currently live in an apartment complex and if I have someone right behind me we'll navigate throughout the lot so they can park first and get out of their car before I go home and park they definitely got me spooked I was driving my friend and I back from a bar on the way to our rabbin bout in the middle of nowhere small-town NC at some point early on a car turns into the road behind us and it's dark and like 2 a.m. so I don't think anything of it they're also driving super close to me but I'm not about to speed due to road rage pressure they chill out on tailgating and the longer were on the road the farther we get from civilization and it is very unusual for another car to be going out the way we are so about half a mile from our ahem I pull off to a side street and let the car pass then we wait five minutes turn around to get back on our Road and lo and behold the car is just sitting there waiting for us so we know T F out and now I'm flooring it back to town to the bar so we can get to safety I do a rolling stop through a stop sign and the car finally turns it's caught lights on and pulls me over dude has the audacity to ask me why I ran a stop sign and I just go off on him about how [ __ ] terrifying it is to be stalking two college girls who don't live in this state all the way back on the 25-minute drive home from the bar I'm literally on the phone with 911 when he pulls us cop looks real apologetic and lets us off with a warning for what I don't [ __ ] know saying that he thought we saw he was a cop and that people usually turn off on to side streets like we did when they are trying to avoid cops and bla bla bla dude was definitely trying to trap us into a ticket and god damn that [ __ ] was [ __ ] it was about 2:00 a.m. in our apartment on the top floor three and we woke up to the fire alarm going off it was late and we just woke up and we've kind of been conditioned to feel like fire alarms aren't actually real and then I saw smoke billowing on from under the door it was [ __ ] terrifying worrying about what was outside that door and running down the stairs while it burned our lungs and eyes and and we could barely see was an unforgettable terrifying experience was at a rest stop in upstate New York near Troy round midnight this was before cell phones and GPS and we stopped to use the payphone to find the hotel for the night on the way back to the car a couple of random guys approached us from behind asking for directions I told my wife to get in the car when I noticed two other guys coming towards the car from the opposite direction I hopped in the car and drove away before anything else happened it might just be me being overly cautious but I swear I've avoided a mugging or worse by the skin of my teeth I live in Dallas TX about almost a month ago it was Sunday night and I was doing my typical ubirr eats drives around 9:00 p.m. I I noticed there's a thunderstorm warning right when I thought about stopping for the night but it cleared so I decided to try to stay out till 10:00 I needed to get cheese so I walk in Crozier that's where I was parked as I'm walking in the door I hear the tornado sirens go off then my phone sounds off with the same watch alert I run and get the cheese silly I know and hurry to head home so I can get safe it clicked in my head that if the siren went off it was a big deal and I was terrified I was speeding home and it seemed that every time I passed a stoplight they were turning off behind me I get closer to my apartment complex and it's all torn up shattered windows trees down everywhere but it was so ironic because had I been home I would have been worse than when I was sitting in the Kroger parking lot I was at a house party and the people hosting were aggressively telling people to have a good time and go to the basement like with a scary tone and a smile most of my friends left right away and the one person who wanted to stay ended up getting mugged nephew and I were walking home from getting a pizza at night and he and I just looked at each other and said do you feel that in the exact turn and he and I both looked in the direction we felt it from and got spooked that we both had the same dreadful feeling and decided to run the rest of the way home he and I have never felt such intense fear I still think about it and have a feeling someone was watching us probably looking for an easy target [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 197,744
Rating: 4.9294896 out of 5
Keywords: we need to leave now, we need to leave, need to leave, leave now, need to leave now, stories, leave, need to, now, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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