Gamers, What Strange Thing Did You Hear From An Open Mic? (r/AskReddit)

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gamer's have read it what are the strangest things you've heard over an open Mick several years ago I was doing a 40-person rate in Wow many people in the guild were from cap at the time I lived in Auckland we hear one guy around Napa call out whoa then a few seconds later I feel a pretty substantial earthquake and announce it over vent a few seconds a couple people around some jaws chime and they're surprised too it was pretty cool to hear how the quake rippled south in real time not really strange as in creepy that I was playing X go match when a kid on my team yelled ha get [ __ ] after getting a kill then our entire team hears him screaming crying and begging for forgiveness from his mother beating him for cussing that loud was getting full-on cussed out by a kid easily around five or six he was literally saying [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] I hope Satan rapes your ass and his blood gets in your shitty eyes you stupid little ass [ __ ] so we started firing back at him with everything we had we kind of made him cry then his mom gets on the Meccan starts yelling at us she's telling us how we are setting a bad example for her child and we sholden be using that kind of language around someone his age so we went off on her to explained that hook it was being a sailor mouthed little [ __ ] she started yelling at us saying that uh kid can do whatever he wants so we said that if he's going to talk [ __ ] like an adult then has going to have [ __ ] talked back to him like as an adult she gets even more pissed this is the best [ __ ] part I'm still laughing about this the [ __ ] grandmother gets on the mick and starts spouting off to us saying that her daughter is a fantastic mother and we need to leave them alone or she's going to call the police we managed to piss a kid off so bad that we got yelled at by three generations of that family in the span of a few minutes god it was fantastic for those of you that are curious we were playing advanced warfare all credit goes to slash u / SC - bench but I thought this was a really good story given the question I have legitimately heard someone on my team break up with a girl during a game of dota on voice he was using open make and she was like get off that stupid game take me out to dinner in this horribly entitled voice after around 10 minutes of him being calm and saying things like it's okay baby just let me finish this game I will get punished if I leave and her just not understanding that she issued an ultimatum if you don't turn that game off right now and take me to dinner I'm leaving and he just typed in chat pause please need to break up with my gf and everyone lols and pause Tim that you just went [ __ ] ballistic like this is my apartment you stay here on my dime I buy you all your food I give you money to go shopping you don't get to issue ultimatums to me when you don't have [ __ ] without me get the [ __ ] out of my apartment this relationship is over then it was lots of her crying and yelling and bringing up all this [ __ ] he did wrong in the past as if that was going to help and eventually he just said sorry relationship is over I don't care bring a truck and one of those doubts are back bar guys you love to [ __ ] so much to get your stuff tomorrow see if any of them are willing to clothe feed house and [ __ ] you and everyone on voice chat just went to mow and we were typing everything that was happening to the enemy team he eventually got her out of the apartment and boy did it sound like the guy had a world of pressure off his shoulders after the game I friended him we still talk on Steam sometimes he really ended the relationship and ended up just putting all her [ __ ] in a storage locker when she didn't come get it for a week he has a new girl now who apparently isn't as awful playing GTA V and some kids dad comes in and starts telling the kid to go to his room kid refuses and dad gets a little Yeley finally dad says fine you don't have to leave then yells honey he's not gonna leave then I hear the unmistakable sounds of a couple having very loud sex I thought it was hilarious until I heard what the [ __ ] are you looking at just play your game come on honey suck my [ __ ] I muted that [ __ ] right away kid would rather be in a room with his parents [ __ ] than quit GTA V playing with a pug and destiny we had just finished a raid and we were taking a 15 minute smoke break before jumping into the next one it was winter and one of the guys had stepped outside for a quick smoke and still had his head set on a few minutes into the break we hear an oh [ __ ] then the sound of someone banging on doors and windows as he tried to get back inside his house apparently he has locked himself out and didn't have a way back in realizing he still had his headset he put the earphones back on and was like guys I need help I'm locked out of my house without a jacket and I don't have my phone I asked if there was anyone that I could call Jude couldn't recall his mother / dad / sister / et Cie phone numbers off the top of his head I asked where he lived and started to pull up the non-emergency police contact for his area then he had a bright idea dude call The Arbors and state X town wife's intro'd and ask for Sarah that's my sister tell here to call my mom so she can bring the spare set of keys / so that's what I did I called and she was the one to actually answer the phone phone is answered me hey is the assistant manager named Sarah there yeah that's me what can I do for you me this is a bit odd but I'm playing an online game with your brother Andrew he stepped out for a smoke and locked himself out without a jacket he doesn't have his phone so he told me to call you so you could call your mom to see if she can bring the spare keys / oh no yeah I can do that are you one of my brother's friends me nope just met him online today I live about 1,500 miles from your location oh okay well thanks for calling and letting me know I'll call mom and let her know we say bye and phone call ends about five minutes later I get a call from the same area code different number though and it's Dude's mom in a slight panic asking if her son was okay and having me let him know she was on her way right now I played operator for about 20 minutes until she got to his place one of the most interesting online gaming moments for was playing league while talking to some guys over teamspeak dude says he'll be right back but leaves his maker on out of nowhere you hear him and his dad getting into a massive fight when the fight was nearly over we heard the dad scream and why does your room smell like [ __ ] and the kid replied cause I [ __ ] in it dude hasn't been back on that TS since was playing World of Tanks on sparks 360 and this guy on my team who was playing in a German tank was blaring German military music from ww2 over the mick it wasn't strange more so an out-of-the-blue sort of thing I will eat you and [ __ ] you out so I may fertilize my garden with your soul back when mw2 was in its heyday I joined the lobby that happened to have a bunch of Brits cute together when teams were made they were all on one team and my team was already on Americans one of us says oh hey it's funny how that happened to which one of the Brits replies shut up you fat American Pig by God it was on at that point it was American Revolution part 2 freedom rings twice to their credit it was super close but we wanted no needed the win so bad we became a fine-tuned machine and began dominating by the last 10 seconds of the match we knew we won and began chanting you see you see you sir over and over they tried to object but our chants were too much and they left the lobby I haven't found an experience like that ever again but God it was amazing my GF used to play why alot and was playing with her guild and during a break she started playing with her dog and baby talking to it she accidentally hadn't muted her mixer her how guild was listening and I kept quiet and recorded it the audio track was on the guild website for a while some friends and I were playing call of duty the day Bernie Mac died when teams were made they were all on one team and my team was already on the merit when we finally convinced him he was quiet for a few seconds then in a very distraught tone said man I gotta call my mama and left the game I was on a co-op mission on a ww2 flight sim there was around 16 of us playing and one guy was pretty wasted we were cruising along on the way to the target area when suddenly we started hearing snoring loud snoring some guys started yelling wake up but to no avail and shortly after we hear a loud crashing and rattling over comms followed by our aaww [ __ ] sonovabitch I'm [ __ ] bleeding guy passed out and smashed his head on the floor couldn't finish the mission cause we all were laughing so hard rated with a gal during Blackwing Lair who had two kids around the same age it it'd be around 11 p.m. and we'd hear these elementary school-age kids say stuff like mommy we are hungry and she'd respond with not now mom is raiding we booted her after a month though because she was an awful healer also there was the ah stank during Black Temple that lived with his mother for cultural reasons every now and then we'd hear his mom start shouting at him in some North African language and he'd start shouting right back dude was a complete [ __ ] word and would not use push-to-talk real arrogant [ __ ] but a great tank that we had trouble replacing not too strange but a guy I raid with his voice activation instead of push-to-talk so occasionally we'll hear him talking to his wife or daughter some examples where's a remote I don't know love you baby to which the whole guild responds in hoarse love you toots and giggles was playing dawn of war on teamspeak and this guy got in a loud heated argument accusing his wife of having an affair because she walked in the door in like midnight we were going to kick him from the channel but it got really juicy then it got scary then it got sad I think he was playing to distract himself I joined the cod Lobby to hear this dialogue between two other gamers hey man do you remember your first blow job yep what did it taste like blood uh wha-what a few years ago I was in a rift guild with the strangest California desert Hicks this couple lived in the hills outside San Diego on some big piece of property with their kids and the guys parents they were actually decent enough of players he was an especially solid tank but damn if they didn't interrupt raid for the craziest of reasons one week it was kid with a broken arm the next the in-laws roof was on fire the frequency and kind of incident were always enough to make the rest of us wildly speculate about what the hell kind of living situation these people had the best time they interrupted raid guys we gotta take 20 the kangaroo is loose again my raid group was pretty diverse two guys from the Bronx sp myself and another from the UK and a few from Norway Finland and one from Ukraine we were pretty new to the game and hadn't cleared the final boss of a very tough raid yet but we were coming close one of the Bronx guys died straight away lag issues constantly but we'll never kick him but proceeded to do a live free sly rap about what each person was doing in the raid in lieu of a commentary [ __ ] was amazing wish we had recording software back then second was the Ukraine guy just signs on two TS one day and says war has broken out I won't be on for the raid laughs signs out and repeats the same message in game two the Gilders who weren't on TS kinda worried for a few weeks but he eventually managed to contact one of us via our forum to say all as well and he'd moved to a new / safer city with family well things died down can't wait for him to get back his dps was straight-up demonic not strange but caught me really of guard a CS server I used to frequent a guy can envoy succumbs to say goodbye like a normal person would but what he said was that he just finished chimo and that he would play during his treatments now that he wasn't getting chemo he wouldn't have that time to play anymore it was a nice change to here after the usual chatter battle always stick with me was playing call of duty a few years ago and there was a bunch of kids mouthing off I'm 35 I generally ignored it and tried to be a good sport because they were just being kids I get my ass totally handed to me as usual and I'm sitting in the lobby after a particularly brutal loss where none of the kids goes hey my name do you like dragons oh yeah I guess that's good because I was dragging my nuts across you face the entire game I'll admit I still are thinking about it now [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 2,680,347
Rating: 4.856019 out of 5
Keywords: gamers, gamers of reddit, strange thing, overheard from another mic, hear from an open mic, strange, thing, mic, open mic, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: SxpzK5KLYS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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