Can Ash Beat a Nuzlocke?

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in my opinion ash got cheated on in the cinno pokemon league i mean this guy was using a freaking dark ryan ladios of course he went on to become the sinnoh league champion that's why today i'm gonna get revenge for ash and see if i can beat a hardcore nuzlocke and pokemon brilliant diamond using only pokemon ash has used hardcore nuzlocke rules will be on the left and i'll explain the encounters as we go at the very beginning of the game i already have a tough decision to make since ash used both a tertwig and chimchar i can choose either of them but it can only end up using one infernape is by far the better nuzlocke pokemon but do i really want half of this playthrough to be the monkey show nah that's why i went with turtwig to make things more interesting i named tertwig after brock on route 201 i already get to catch my next encounter being a starly i name her cynthia because star raptor is an ass tier pokemon now come on do i really need to go to trainer school actually i have been feeling kind of dumber since playing as ash oh finally some breakfast that's not right and of course i needed to name my rival after gary this gary is nothing like the anime though and gets swept by wing attacks from cynthia along the way to orbit city cynthia evolves into saravia and with that evolution comes an awesome new ability intimidate which is perfect for our match versus rorke weakening geodude's attack this allows brock to switch in safely and set up a growth while geodude uses rollout i didn't need the extra power to take out geodude or onyx with razer leaves but it was more needed to ensure the one hit ko against kranidos winning us the first gym badge this girl is totally giving me a sign that she's now available but since i'm playing as ash it flies right over my head and i move on then i head over to valley windworks to find and catch a weasel to which i named james as i break into where team galactic is hiding one of the grunts stops me and is like yo have you played this awesome space game from this video sponsor star trek fleet command you heard that right i have an actual star trek sponsor which is really cool because it's a franchise i've known my entire life it's a free-to-play mobile open world strategic mmo available on ios and android like the pokemon games you can really experience the nostalgia this game has to offer for example you can unlock iconic characters like chris pines kirk zachary quinto spock and patrick stewart's picard just make sure to reach level five by february 10th 2022 to unlock the character michael burnham if you get to level 10 by february 10th you'll upgrade the officer to rank 2. have fun deploying teams on missions experiencing a story within the multiverse creating alliances choosing a faction whether you want to be a hero or a villain crafting the perfect ship or just using the enterprise build bases and much more remember star trek fleet command is free to play on ios and android so don't forget to use my link in the description below to download thank you star trek fleet command for sponsoring this video now let's warp speed over to mars zubat goes first with super sonic confusing brock what else is new with this guy well turns out brock contributed nothing to this battle because i switched in cynthia to intimidate then taking the fake out we then exchange a few scratches and plucks back and forth i noticed per ugly is faster and that cynthia is in lethal range to dying from a critical hit so i quick attack the next turn to faint the cat first zubaz is back but only does minimal damage with u-turns so cynthia wins that duel as well shortly after an eternal force brock evolves into a grotto gardenia will be the easiest gym leader of this whole run i just lead cynthia and pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck jupiter on the other hand can be quite a problem her skunk tank has flamethrower which can incinerate brock cynthia has a minus special defense nature and james can't really do much right now i made sure to have cynthia hold a pecha berry in case gun tank uses poison gas the zubats frightens me a little with poison fang because i don't want a berry to be wasted against zubat but things turn out just fine however with skunk tank you can see that only 3 flamethrowers are needed to kill cynthia thankfully she goes for poison gas the next turn which cynthia just heals herself by eating the hell of berry but then i have an ash moment oh goodness okay yeah see we actually would okay oh no oh my gosh oh i totally forgot about that yeah forgot to consider aftermath but i got super lucky no one died since i do have the ability to cut trees i make my way back to old chateau to find myself a ghastly uh mr youtuber ash never had a gastly time for me to clarify my rules regarding encounters i'm allowing myself to catch the pre-evolutions of ash's pokemon for instance ash had a haunter and a gengar so i can catch a ghastly which will evolve into them however i cannot evolve pokemon past the stage where ash didn't evolve the pokemon for example ash did not evolve his weasel because he's a dweeb therefore i cannot evolve my own weasel speaking of which on route 209 i find a mime junior which will become a mr mime just like the one ash used i name him my new dad he told me you killed him no i am your father i've been using cynthia the most since she's the safest pokemon to use during our travels this has caused her to level up fast and i don't want her to go over the level cap which is the level of the next gym leaders ace pokemon until the start of that battle so i box her for now and have the worst ash moment maya seems like the easier one so we'll face maya first oh that's not moo that's zoo that is not maya oh crap that's not maya oh shoot don't like that don't like that oh burned okay flinch flinch flinch nope nope this death [Music] well since this is a nuzlocke when a pokemon of mine faints i cannot use anymore and since i white it out i have to erase my save file and start over so on to attempt 2 cynthia handled jupiter with a lot less stress this time and already back to the rainy route uh i think the freak not by the way you can pause here to see the new natures of each pokemon for those interested luckily after you reach solace on town you can go back to harthome city and the south entrance is now open so i go that way instead which is great because i can finally get ash's real starter pokemon at the trophy garden well almost it's a pichu but i do name her pikachu though next i go underground to find another encounter i find a munchlax which is great because those things are near impossible to find from the sweet honey trees however the nuzlocke rules state that can only get the first pokemon i encounter from each area which means glygar is no longer an option since it can only be found underground but i think snorlax will overall be better i name him professor oak soon after ash's dad evolves into a haunter which is great because i can now do a trade back with one of my awesome viewers to evolve him into a gengar and that's just what i needed when facing the gym leader meilene ash's dad immediately scares off meditate swapping in my choke in their place needless to say that thing is not surviving a psychic attack meta type comes back to be okawed by a hex now lucario knows he's also doomed so he just flexes with bulk up i can't believe ash's dad was finally there for him shortly after getting the third badge pikachu evolves into pikachu and we're going to make this pikachu busted just like the anime earlier on cynthia used thief to steal a light bulb from a wild pikachu when held light to balls doubled pikachu's attack and special attack so she's perfect for crash awake only problem is wake's float soul that thing is so dang fast thus i have pikachu use one agility to double her speed gyarados bites hard with crunch but now it's ggs for his water types thunderbolt the gyarados grass not the quagzire and outspeed the float soul i forgot about aqua everyone i forgot about aquajet uh i was so concerned about speed that i tunnel vision to myself totally forgetting to check the weasel's moves turns out aqua jet being a priority move led to pikachu dying ash's main pokemon with my head hanging low my other pokemon step up to the plate and say andrew let's do this for her don't flinch don't you dare flinch [Music] the plan is working yes panic panic i forgot to tell everyone to press panic i can't i think panic panic this is this is exactly why i brought james i brought james specifically to get hit by the water attacks and it's been working swell why is he going for ice fang don't get a crit oh my gosh oh my gosh dude i need you to hit i need you to hit come on buddy buddy i need you to hit come on buddy where's your quick claw i gave you that thing there we go there we go oh my gosh it was finally over not gonna lie i feel bad for not evolving james since he was such a key part for making sure no one else died but rules are rules i get a breather with the next rival battle cynthia took care of his whole team two major upgrades happen as a result professor oak evolves into snorlax and brock evolves into torterra after defeating some trainers in the pea soup fog cynthia reaches her final form becoming a star raptor fantina allows you to battle her per cyrus's approval ash's dad fits in with her ghost types immediately plowing through drifblim with a shadow ball now fantina's gengar may seem scary but i have nothing to fear since her only ghost attack is shadowclaw that paired with an awful attack stat comforts ash's dad while he bowls over the opposing gengar with a shadow ball dad is injured enough where he'll have to swap out for professor oak who's immune to the phantom force then oh coast the miss maggias with a single crunch winning us the fifth gym badge another rival battle cynthia please handle this yo riley what's up i'll make you a deal bro i'll get you out of this cave and in return you get new dad to learn mimik within the next few battles sure enough he does then evolves into a mr mime i'll take that egg too according to science riding back and forth on a bicycle hatches eggs science is so amazing ryolu joins the team and is named paul after some more friendship grinding paul evolves into a lucario going around to check on the honey trees is a pain i hardly ever find an ash encounter but this tree had an a-pump that kinda sucks though i was hoping for a haircross i named the monkey misty and boxer since i can't evolve her no thanks to ash anyways let's go challenge another gym it's byron's bronzor vs brock i start things off with stealth rocks while they use trick room making slower moms faster for the next few turns upon switching in professor oak bronzor confuses us but oak is able to heal himself with a held personberry bronzor is inspired from the recent dune film getting sand everywhere while oak crunches rondor goes for another confused raid but thankfully oak mentally gets through it and crunches again eliminating the bronzer brock tags in for oax's spot on the playing field taking in the earthquake relatively well i have him swords dance for an attack boost then stelix goes for a gyro ball it doesn't do enough so brock begins his rampage earthquaking byron's remaining mons they didn't stand a chance because of the stealth rocks placed at the beginning of the battle effectively negating their sturdy abilities sixth gym badge is ours there's a magikarp behind this rock so you know what ash does he flexes next to it like why and then he eats it i express my compliments to the chef saturn through a pokemon battle ash's dad oh coast his entire team with shadow balls and a psychic you ate magikarp let's battle for the next meal paul gets a chance to shine here he swords dances first and skull bats bites do so little damage a couple metal claws later wipe out that bat probably comes in to weaken our boosted power with growl but it's not enough to save her from a drain punch bronzor tries to stop us with the confused ray butz paul pulls through with more drain punches winning the game it's time to get revenge against the sevens gym leader her name has caused so many to fall for the deez nuts jokes so i'm gonna have cynthia the star raptor one shot everyone on her team with a close combat or pluck thanks for watching out for us little guys ash cynthia keeps going though against cyrus's murkrow a couple plucks do the job and a close combat obliterates his sneezel his golbat then goes for a screech right when i switch to lucario that's a free switch since golbat's only physical move is poison fang which doesn't affect steel types so we trade metal claws and air cutters back and forth eventually coming out on top why would he let a kid like you come and go freely just shut up and give me the legendaries now when i get to spear pillar to stop team galactic i decide to pull up the anime to see how ash stopped to them [Applause] [Music] well looks like they just went ham which i'm not going to be able to do but i did notice something i think the gen 4 legendaries may be related to a certain star wars creature [Applause] anyways my rival and i team up to get past cyrus's goons by the way i swear every freaking team galactic member has a bronzor do they have a warehouse just full of these things whatever the key to winning this is patience i aim for mars bronzor first because i don't want jupiter's gun tank to flamethrow or brock they put up a reflect and use payback the next turn mars's steel plate goes down she sends out per ugly next who isn't hurt by earthquake much because of the screams thankfully the cap body slams the munchlax knocking it out but i get the great partner star raptor now which is so worth it i go earthquake again but the cat dodges it by you turning the golbat in her place i guess my rival wants this battle to go on forever using double team brock dodges the u-turn then crunches back unfortunately we get confused star raptor plucks golbat who then pieces out with a u-turn then brock heals with synthesis per ugly body slam star raptor also getting the paralysis and then i went for crunch this time just in case they would do a u-turn again so raptor passes out from hitting itself in confusion which brings out infernapen x awesome teammates since he just immediately knocks out the cat with close combat while i crunched the bronzer to zero hp double golbat is exactly what i wanted to see because of no flamethrower infernae flame wheels a golbat poison fangs brock crunches and the other golbat uses air cutter baxter infernape getting a ko on one of the golbats and so does brock that just leaves jupiter's skunk tank all alone i shift in professor oak while my monkey partner close combats them the poison gas from them does not work since oak's ability immunity prevents him from ever being poisoned the last close combat makes it ggs for jupiter and mars winning the doubles battle with no deaths on my team hello so just like general kenobi we go straight into the boss battle as well however i forgot that which means brock leads us into this battle against the haunch crow which has the moves air cutter night slash also with the held item scope lens and a super luck ability which means those two attacks will always crit so of course i have to replace brock with my new dad through the power of love he dodges the incoming air slash twice ah what a sweet father-son moment and then there's the crit from us this battle is no longer a worry with cyrus throwing in crobat next i bring out my old dad while they tailwind the critical hit air cutter doesn't even take fifty percent of our hp and our thunderbolt came close to one shotting a dodge from us next turn and another thunderbolt zaps the bat away gyarados is next and since they still have tailwind doubling their speed i swapped dad for cynthia intimidating the gyarados attack and flying above the earthquake i pluck away the held wakan berry and am then hit by an ice thing we're in critical hit range to death now so i have cynthia u-turn out of here to bring back in ash's dad the ice fang brings dad below 50 hp so he eats his citrus berry and since both their tailwind and wicon berry are now gone ash's dad goes first obliterating gyarados with thunderbolt weavile is revealed as cyrus's ace so i switch for paul but since they use dig i switch again for cynthia the aerial ace but i hit them hard with a quad super effective close combat saving the world people say they wish they could see ash's dad in the anime however in this case i'm glad he's a ghost since that makes the dialga encounter automatically easier since we can just auto run from the battle without risking any lives ah sunny shore city bocaner is like the guy working at the store by himself but is never at the cashier station come on bud back to the gym we all got to work for a living wait what can you see in these binoculars [Music] oh that's hot that's hot all right time to defeat all the required gym trainers should be a breeze right i forgot about reversal yup totally went into autopilot mode and forgot to check out this guy's moveset well who am i supposed to replace brock with i caught a gimbal back at wayward cave while retrieving the earthquake tm the problem is i'm not allowed to evolve a pump weasel and gibble come on ash why'd you have to do this to me at least for now i shouldn't need any of them so let's challenge vulchner i send out professor oak first since his high special defense can withstand where i choose a media volt switch then the high horsepower does quite a bit of damage to the a pawn i predict he's going to go for a fake out so i switch in ash's dad who isn't affected by it a dark pulse gets rid of the monkey back to oak while raichu vote switches for artillery i have the leftovers item to heal each turn so i protect first the octopus then goes for aurora beam and oak slams it with his body also paralyzing them which means oak can go first the next turn body slamming again fainting artillery without receiving any additional damage once again raichu makes a brief appearance before vote switching on out to luxury who dodges my high horsepower oak's physical defense is not as great so i pivoted in cynthia for the intimidate and then she also dodges the iron tail cynthia then shows off her own switch out move u-turn to bring paul into action resisting the thunder thing earthquake easily takes down luxury from here and i'm not gonna risk anything with raichu when i know professor oak can soak in all of its moves one body slam from him squashes the right chew into a pancake winning us the final gym badge since the level cap jumps up so high from this point victory road and the last rival fight are a breeze but i'll keep the last rival battle playing in the background as i explained the training i did to prepare for the elite four the other pokemon i could have caught were hair cross and knocked out i didn't see a need for another flying type and i didn't want to pause this challenge for too long just waiting for a hair cross to appear so misty the apon will be my sixth team member now since all these pokemon have already been gaining eevees from battles throughout the whole story i decided to optimize what stats i could even if i couldn't max them out with misty i was able to train her special defense to the max and get a sizeable amount of hp in there all of my new dad's remaining evs went into special attack but it didn't get full though i was almost able to tap out dad's remaining speed but we did get enough for one instance that i'll need him to outspeed it may seem weird that i trained a jolly natured lucario to be a special attacker but i'll explain that later with all that said let's begin the elite four challenge brock dying may have been the best thing for me it opened my eyes with what misty can do you see the hardest part about the elite four in this game is that the developers made their pokemon really dang fast so misty increases her speed and special attack with agility and nasty plot you can see from that bug buzz attack how much the eevee training is really kicking in misty baton passes the boosted stats over to my new dad he gets poisoned from toxic but heals from the hell pecha berry this is an auto win here toxic can't go through substitute and dust ox's only attacking move is bug buzz which can't hurt us since we have the soundproof ability ash's new dad sweeps aaron's entire team with psychics saved for drapion who falls to a dazzling gleam before heading into the next room i teach mr mime energy ball and grasner this will give us the advantage versus bertha's ground types so a small person's brain like ashes would immediately go for the kill here and while i know that's tempting to do we have to hope for toxic i need toxic please toxic me please please no oh the plan is ruined the plan is ruined the reason why i need toxic is golem has sturdy i can't kill goldman one hit and golden can kill us in one hit now he goes for toxic what please go for toxic i need you to hit with toxic yes yes yes okay we can win all right we can win without dying okay good good good okay yeah that's why i needed sub because golem's not going down one hit and golden can one shot us that's that's why the sub is so important okay that's fine oh oh no this isn't good this guy kind of ruins my plans oh this is bad i did not want to see this guy next i needed to see this guy last energy ball here ah it's a hyrule i i know it didn't it didn't i knew it did not kill without a crit i knew that but i was just i wasn't expecting you to see whisk cash already don't break the sub please don't break this up please don't break this up that's so bad [Music] i could have got a stop on my messed up oh i messed up i messed up bad i should have thought of that i messed up bad oh no okay wait i could have got a sub up we would have won wait wait we can still win sudo wudo that's good that's good i'll take sudo wudo any day that's great that's great okay oh if you could send the hip belt out next i know you won't send the hippo out next but if you could send the hippo out next that'd be the best case scenario gosh dang it it's golem this is the guy i need the sub for oh what do i do here oh i need mr mime i need everyone for cynthia just hopefully no crits have you slammed there it is i'm fine with that we have to do this we have to do this okay u-turn don't you dare rock polish or heavy slam come on please don't buddy please don't stone edge okay we should be fine no crit oh thank goodness no crit crit would have killed us oh my gosh we win okay oh my gosh we win okay oh my gosh i'm shaking okay let's see okay we just energy ball here get out of here dude oh freaking a that was so dang close okay um let me grasp now i'm in here right yeah that's death stupid stupid okay this is really bad i don't know how we're gonna beat cynthia oh my gosh i can't believe i just lost mr mime everything i wasn't even worried about hit paladin it was such i did the calc and it's such a high percent chance to kill and didn't happen okay so we always brave bird here okay ding freaking good oh wow crit way to go buddy i think that just won us the game i can't believe i lost mime oh guys i don't know how we're gonna beat cynthia yup that sucks my plan to beat cynthia included ash's new dad mr mine but we'll worry about that later for flint it's gengar time he's holding the choice specs which boost his special attack by fifty percent that along with the speed ev training i did earlier allow him to out speed rapid dash and oco them before they even get a chance to use hypnosis ash's dad also won shots to the steelix i get a free switch versus low punny since they went for a mere coat i protect with cynthia causing the bunny to crash from a high jump kick doing massive damage to itself the next turn i bring back ash's dad which makes lopunny next high jump kick go right through him in crash land ash's dad is now back in control of this match oh going to drift blim with a shadow ball even though we were faster than rapidash blinson for an ape still outspeeds us the fire punch does decent damage but the worst part is my shadow ball doesn't even get the monkey down to one hp which means he still has his focus ash i swap pokemon here to keep dad alive and for cynthia to weaken them with intimidate while they heal with a full restore i bait the thunder punch into professor oak then switch again to bait the close combat into cynthia after two intimidates i think cynthia is okay to take in another hit then you turn the infernape effectively breaking the focus sash but can ash's dad live to tell the tale don't crit me don't quit me don't quit me oh my gosh no crap okay oh okay with flint defeated it's on to the last elite four member lucian here's where i can explain why i made paul a special attacker even though he's jolly natured lucario in this game does not have crunch and i need a dark move on him to compensate for the minus special attack nature i nasty plot i don't need all three but i do need to solve mr mime's light screen turns once enough time has gone by flash canon wipes out mr mime same goes for meta jam alakazam uses future sight rather than psychic so a dark pulse from us shatters the magician same thing goes for giraffe rig in need i say more for bronzong it's now time for the final battle of this run will ash again go home a loser or will he be crowned the sinnoh champion remember speed is the issue here after misty uses agility twice and survives two dark pulses she baton passes the tripled speed over to professor oak the only pokemon we haven't used during the elite four yet he takes in the dark pulse just fine now spiritual is going to attempt sucker punches the next five turns because they know snorlax can't take a physical hit well so i take advantage of this and use belly drum a move that removes half of oak's hp but in return he gets his attack stat increased by six stages to the max he then eats his citrus berry and i press recycle until spirit tube is out of sucker punches a single high horsepower removes spiritual from the field of course during the cynthia battle i want to say the battle was intense but with oak's new speed and power all that's left is to see professor oak one hit ko each of cynthia's pokemon with body slams yes even the guard chomp so we did it we helped ash become the sinnoh champion after he got ripped off in the anime it kind of feels wrong that we did this without pikachu but i see their death as what motivated me to win this if you want to see more character themed runs like this give the video a like and subscribe i'm hoping to release more champion based runs and would love for you to come along my journey if you ever want to see any of my future runs live go check out my youtube live stream channel link in the description below you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 476,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: play as ash, play as ash ketchum, pokemon brilliant diamond as ash, pokemon shining pearl as ash, ash challenge, nuzlocke as ash, nuzlocke as ash ketchum, can i beat pokemon brilliant diamond, can i beat pokemon shining pearl, pokemon ash, ash pokemon, hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, ash ketchum, pokemon, pikachu, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge, pro nuzlocker, andrew collette, the andrew collette show
Id: Qtqit8uPwmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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