Pokémon X Hardcore Nuzlocke - Ghost Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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spoopy season is here and with that in mind i need to know if i can beat a pokemon x hardcore nuzlocke using only spoopy types and if you're unfamiliar with the rules of a hardcore nuzlocke they'll be on screen right now and down in the description below as for the pokemon we can use in this run kalos has a selection of 11 possible ghost encounters however rotom and litwick are both in the lost hotel so we'll have to make a choice when the time comes additionally pumpkaboo and phantom are both on route 16 so we'll get what we get and that rounds things down to nine total pokemon but and it's a pretty big but i've decided to also ban shidinja shi ninja has the ability wonderguard which lets it only get hit by super effective moves and since we know the move sets of every trainer's pokemon in this game that means we can play around every single pokemon that doesn't have one of these types in its moveset and so to make things just a little bit more difficult i've also straight up banned shiddinja now eight encounters isn't exactly a lot to work with but with all the introductions out of the way let's do this pokemon x and y start out with the player meeting up with their best friends to receive a pokemon and they will call me count dracula on this special occasion you want us to call you count dracula now you listen here did you hear me stutter even once anyway this is the part of the game where we have to pick our first pokemon but we actually can't get a ghost type until after the first gem so what i did is i replaced fennekin with honed which means serena is going to have a super effective dark type against our ghost types then later at route 6 where we can actually find home edge we're going to replace this one but for now this will be our proxy blade and it ends up having an attack boosting naughty nature which is super awesome but now that we have our first pokemon in hand it's time we face our first challenge against shauna who chose chespin and i gotta say much like the love dynamic between these two characters this battle was very one-sided you see homage comes with both sword stance and fury cutter which happens to be super effective against chespin so easy what are you all gonna do well let me tell you all about it shauna you see we're about to challenge every single gym in callow starting off with viola and her bug types and this might seem easy since hoenege is a steel type but it's not quite as easy as you might think as we're setting up our sword stances certs cersket foolishly goes for water sport thinking that we're gonna use fire moves but it's also doing massive damage with bubble and before we can take it out with one plus six tackle it actually ends up getting us to three hp so this isn't looking good and the first turn vivillon goes for harden but then it goes for infestation which leaves us at one hp so we're gonna go down if we can't take this thing oh we got a high roll i guess that works for me first badge down our next destination is lumio city where we meet up with the most handsome of pokemon professors and of course lysander i can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier listen homie that type of existential thing is not something you bring up with an aging woman it's poor form but now that we have all that lumios nonsense behind us we can finally get to route 6 where we can find our first real encounter the real hone edge i capture it and name it skeleton and this time it has a minus speed nature so a lot crummier than the first tone edge we had we then have to pay a thousand dollars just to enter parfum palace the proceeds from the entrance feel paid for repairing and restoring the palace yeah probably wait excuse me what then we have to go through the tedious process of hunting down this guy's dog after which we celebrate because the worst part of the game is finally over moving on to route 8 we can finally get our next encounter a drift loon i name it which and it has a pretty bad minus special attack nature but that unburdenability could really come in handy very shortly after that i was looking for a next encounter as i fight this lady who hasn't a zoomer hill and my home edge was already asleep from fighting her first two pokemon she fires off a rain boosted bubble beam that leaves me at one hp and she then just goes for a defense curl and throws so i guess we get to keep driftloon but we can actually access route 10 before the second gym so we can find our next encounter a golette i catch it and name it zombie and not only does it have the epic iron fist ability but also holds the light clay item now hear me out for a second grant has a tyrant with a strong jaw ability that also knows bites this pretty obviously spells disaster and doom for our ghost type so i had to do what i had to do and in my calculations it said that i had to have close to max attack on my own edge so after a bit of super training i managed to get homage to max attack but this amora still has thunder waves so it's not guaranteed that we even win this fight now grant starts out with his amora and since it has refrigerate takedown we can't exactly use either golet or drifloon this means that everything is entirely up to honed who's gonna have to set up the plus six and unfortunately get paralyzed by amora at this point in the game we can only get oranberries so we won't be able to heal this paralysis off at all with cherry berries and now that we've managed to get to plus six it's all about hitting two of these shadow sneaks plus five wouldn't do the job against this tyrant so can we do it will we get fully paralyzed fortunately the rng gods bless us and we don't get that 30 paralysis chance which means that we beat the second gym and i'm feeling optimistic we then have our first run-in with team flare and oh my goodness lysander are you trying to get every single youth in kalos to be bullied either way the next obstacle in our way is karina and not the gym fight against karina just this weird double lucario fight but the silly thing about this fight is that she can only use power up punch and faint on both of our lucarios none of which can hit any of our ghost types so this fight that's usually pretty scary we can just sweep through freely no problem at all this means our next destination is reflection cave where before i realize that you can actually run away from shadow tag with ghost types i knock out all the wobba pets and this means that driftloon actually evolves into driftblim here we can also find our next encounter a sableye that i capture and name trick or treat it has a pretty bad timid nature and keen eye which i don't know what we're gonna do with and i feel it's also worth mentioning that reflection cave is one of the biggest difficulty spikes in all of x and y so avoid as many trainers as you can that's what i did finally we arrive in chelor city here we find mr bonding standing in the corner of a pokemon center and mr bonding you are a strange fella that's all i'm gonna say this time you've been warned we can also find this guy that gives us the idiolite i was invited out the other day by a friend who recently joined up with team flair he kept going on about how only team flair had a future to look forward to the future of poor fashion choices maybe yo look at mr mega over here eyebrows on fleek now before we can actually challenge the gym here we have to have our first battle against serena but it goes pretty easily since we can just set up three swords dances then all we have to do is hit some shadow sneaks aerial aces and shadow snakes again and we're good so with that pathetic display of battle from serena we have karina to fight up next and she's got a gym full of fighting types now if you haven't heard fighting types can't actually hit ghost types at all and this machoke does have rock tomb but for whatever reason it just kept going for lear so after a few hone claws i decided to let our newly acquired sableye do a bit of work and take out this machoke in two hits with shadow snake could it hit me with rock two many time yup was it a risky strategy sure do i have regrets not really but next up is miyamfu and this thing doesn't actually have a single move that can hit ghost types so i can freely set up three stockpiles and a focus energy then two critical hit hexes later and it's down for the count and we only have to contend with hallucia which goes for home claws as i just take it out with a bunch of moves i mean we kinda had that one from the start so do you know the mega evolution guru's real name it's gherkin sup gherkin we then get access to mega evolution which i'm only ever gonna allow for the champion we go ahead and pick up some leftovers and then it's time to fight good ol serena again but her team isn't actually good enough to do anything yet so we're gonna skip that fight for now and this means that we have to go up against the next gym leader ramos and i keep saying that ramos is the least interesting gym leader he's so forgettable but then i scroll down to the comments and you guys are there like we love ramos sit on me ramos stop it get some help anyway we take out the jump left with a couple of aerial aces from home edge then go go comes out so we swap in which and driftblim quad resists every single move that this go goat has so we can freely just set up the focus energy and take it out with a few gusts i then realized that home edge is the perfect counter to this weepin bell which basically can't touch us and i take it out in one aerial ace ramos uh you're very forgettable but you know what isn't forgettable hone edge evolving into an awesome dublade sword pokemon good keep pokemon bad we then have to deal with a little bit of team flare nonsense but it's not quite peak nonsense so we'll get into that later finally back in lumio city where i just can't get these controls to work just trying to get a cab can i just oh hey buddy uh could you take me up go up jump jump cup okay yeah there we go i am so fashionable and so with my wardrobe updated it's time to update my badge case and take on the fifth gym leader clemont and his electric types clemont starts out with a mulga and expecting him to go for volt switch i decide to stay in and go for knockoff just to get rid of the sturdy on magneton i then successfully predict a thunderbolt so i can safely get zombie in and as he sets up his electric terrain i go for a rock polish so the next turn i take him out with a magnitude 7. now as for his next pokemon helio lisk it does only go down to a high level magnitude but luckily i roll a nine so i take it out in one hit and we only have to deal with this a mulga and the amolga ends up being a huge nuisance it doesn't do that much damage but i get it down twice to like one hp as clement goes for a high proportion and it gets me low enough so that i have to swap out into skeleton but with the combination of evie light and skeleton's massive defenses a couple of night slashes is all it takes to take out this amulga and we claim our fifth gym badge which means we can move on to route 14 where we once again have to fight serena and once again defeat her mercilessly why is she so easy to defeat she serves so much better um anyway we can get our next encounter here a haunter that i catch a name boo and if we talk to this girl in lavera city she actually gives us the gengarite and i know what you're thinking hey you can't get gengar in single player but i use the universal pokemon randomizer which means that when haunter gets to level 37 well it evolves into gengar as you're seeing right now but like i said i'm not gonna allow mega evolution for anything but the champion fight and with all that done it's time to face our next opponent valerie and oh my goodness what does this girl look like anyway she starts out the battle with the mawhile so i start with trick-or-treat and i miss a willow whisper right off the bat so i have to waste another turn going for it and it goes for an iron defense the following turn i swap out a zombie who can now tank a crunch very well because of both evie light and that burn this means that i can tank a whole bunch more of those hits and i fire off a bunch of magnitudes until that mall while is eventually gone i do end up getting pretty low however so i swap out into skeleton as mr mime comes out and hit us with a not very powerful psychic as it then sets up the reflect and the light screen fortunately a few sword stances and a shadow sneak does the trick but then comes sylveon so i swap out into gengar and gengar resists this thing very well and we can put a burn on it just to get a bit of residual damage i also decided to go for confused ray but it never ends up hitting itself in confusion at all since it snaps out pretty much right away i then hit it with a shadow sneak from skeleton which takes it down fairly low after which i get cute charmed and then i go down to 5 hp as i swap out into drift blim and the next turn it goes down to my thunderbolt no kid yeah stay away from me valerie now while we're saving the factory from team flare zombie gets to level 43 which means it evolves into a powerful go lurk we then find out the team flair are here and they're upset that we're intruding like take a look in the mirror team flare what do you think you're doing so we swiftly kicked their butts and their names are celosia and bryony what kind of names are these do i get a fake name if i join team flare because i'd like mine to be also sereno why are you apologizing for what team flare did you really are too good for this world moving on though we now get access to the lost hotel and aside from the fact that it sounds like a low budget tv show from the 90s this is actually where we can find our next encounter rotom now i decided to go with rotom instead of chandelure just because i've used chandelor so much recently however with hindsight i'm not exactly sure if this was the wisest choice but it did give me an opportunity to name this thing candy corn much like everything else this run it does have a terrible nature though and very close by on route 16 i find a pumpkaboo instead of phantump it ends up having an adamant nature which i guess is the first good nature of this entire run and because of the universal pokemon randomizer at level 37 pumpkaboo evolves into gourgeist and i honestly can't think of a more fitting pokemon to add to the team now i don't know what it is about x and y specifically but the trainer battles are super tough and i almost go down to a crit payback from this sock but luckily we lived through it and okay so far the game's been pretty manageable but this is the point this is the exact turning point where things really start getting ugly this is the point where i realized that team flares admins have a ton of dark type pokemon and i'm very lucky i found any kind of strategy whatsoever for this hound dude because it hits me with a foul play that gets me down into the red and i heal up a bit with a citrus berry which actually activates my unburden ability this means i can out speed and fly into the air as poison takes it down to a range where fly takes it out the next turn alright we got through that one safely but serena is back and she's back with a vengeance now i went into this battle thinking it would be really easy we beat serena so many times in the past in this game that we should just be able to set up with swords dance and take her out easy peasy right and for the start of the battle that's exactly what happened i take out the male stick with a shadow snake then we got flareon it too gets knocked out with a shadow snake but next up is greninja and this thing can out prioritize me with a water shuriken so i have to swap out into which who can tank a dark pulse and that gets us down to a range where citrus berry activates which activates the unburden ability so now we actually out speed the greninja the first turn it goes for a water shuriken which is fine but we can then out speed and go for thunderbolt the next turn to take it out now that's one problem dealt with but the biggest problem is really this absol her final pokemon and i've got nothing i can switch into a night slash that could potentially crit us out of existence so i had to make an incredibly heavy choice here something that'll burden me for the rest of my life but i decided that the least useful member right now is gonna be witch so sorry witch you'll have to take one for the team you'll always be remembered as a hero by me and the viewers witch but for now boo's gonna have to step in and absolutely bedazzle this thing not exactly as clean a victory as i would have hoped for but like i said it's all downhill from here yo what exactly is this thing i don't get it [Music] all right next in line of the callous gym leaders that nobody can seem to remember is olympia inner psychic types and listen ghost is super effective against psychics so it probably won't come as a surprise to you when i say that this went pretty smoothly really the most unexpected hiccup in my plan is the fact that slow king is a really bulky boy he a thick one and a thick one that can hit like a truck at that jack-o-lantern barely tanks a psychic as we then pivot out into trick-or-treat to go for a toxic not wanting to be put to sleep by yawn i decide to swap out and i never understand why the ai does this but it goes for yawn again so i swap back into trick-or-treat but this time it goes for carmine which could actually get kind of scary the following turn i go for protect just to rack up a bit more toxic damage but then i decide to swap out if it goes for more combines because i really can't do anything with trick or treat and very unfortunately after it sets up another one toxic takes it down into hyper potion range so i decide to go for a free sword stance here and the combination of that and the massive toxic damage that slow king is taking at this point puts it in a range where i can take it out with a single shadow sneak finally we gotta do the same thing that we do to serena's meow stick and yeah just slap it with a shadow snake and that's it for the seventh gem now as soon as we exit the gym we get a call from lysander on the hollow caster unproductive fools are consuming our future okay now listen here lysander as a youtuber i take personal offense to that this guy's going down okay now in the interest of time i'm only gonna show the final lysandre battle because we fight this guy three times and i didn't lose any pokemon the first two and on the way to that fight we have a surprisingly easy time beating all the admins with a bunch of dark types your ability flies in the face of all probability just what is the source of your power yeah i don't know maybe my hair do you want to know unending pain like i have buddy we're all waiting for the battle frontier to come back you're not the only one in unending pain ultra mega huge crystal flower thing thingy of doomgo now i gotta be real xerneas does get major points for having antlers but the christmas lights they're a little bit too early buddy points detracted okay it's finally time to once again take on discount ginger thanos now for this fight i was going to go with a super interesting strategy but it would have been so risky and i came up with this one strategy that's pretty boring but it's super reliable you see the only attacking move that this mien shou can actually hurt me with is acrobatics and i resist that so i can freely set up the plus six attack with swords dance and then plus six speed with autonomize this means that mien shao gets one shot by a shadow snake and both pyroar and honshroe go down to a sacred sword and very unfortunately for lysander gyarados turns into a dark type when it mega evolves so that's a super effective hit and your plans are foiled you'll think twice about calling me unproductive lysandre now that we've saved the world from a planet destroying maniac it's time to get back to our quest and the first thing we have to do is take on our friends and they really don't stand a chance i mean who thought these guys would win we then get access to the pokemon village where we can find our next encounter in a garbage can a banette i name it mummy and go to terminus cave where i find myself a dust stone where we can use to finally evolve skeleton into an aegislash and if you haven't seen this thing in action then you're in for a treat because you see the next challenge we have to face is the ice type gym leader wolfrick and the final challenge in our gym gauntlet wolfrick starts out with obama snow so i go into skeleton and here i can pretty much freely set up three swords dances and three atomizers once again and tear through this man's team and this means we didn't actually lose a single pokemon to any of the gym leaders i really hope we don't have to fight serena anytime soon but moving on we get to victory road wait a minute serena you're here too i mean under that beautiful night sky i'd say that that's a good thing but we actually have to take her on in one final battle as per usual she starts out with meow sticks so i take it out with one shadow ball right off the bat next up is greninja and this thing can take me out in one hit so i swap out into trick-or-treat to tank a dark pulse i say tank but it leaves me in the red so i have to swap out into skeleton who actually managed to tank it fairly well the following turn i go for a king's shield just to get more leftovers so that i can guarantee to live a non-crit dark pulse the next turn and take out this thing with a sacred sword that's two pokemon down now next up is flareon and since i'm so low i can't risk skeleton here so i swap out into zombie i have to risk a lava plume burn but luckily i don't get burned and i can take it out with an earthquake next up is absol and unfortunately this leaves me in the exact same position as the last battle but this time it goes for sword stance so at least i guess i can get a fake out in but that's gonna be it for trick or treat then once again just as before i send in boo and clean things up with a dazzling gleam finally serena's added an alteria to her team but considering that it only has dragon pulse and moonblast to attack me with i take the risk here and it can't even take me out with a crit so two dazzling gleams does the job oh serena you're taking it all for me at this point we have a few more preparations before the final challenge so i pick up the tm for sludge bomb and we have to fight a few more trainers in victory road fortunately though zombie can handle these trainers really well these three trainers at the end of victory road are probably even harder than all the gym leaders combined but because of our tight matchups in this run it ended up being pretty easy and so the time has come the time to see if we're fit to be the champion let's take on the pokemon league and as logic would dictate i decided to challenge the elite four members easiest to hardest so let's start out with siebeled using his water types and despite me saying this was easy i went with a really risky strategy of starting out with hypnosis which has some pretty bad accuracy but the thing is i can't take this thing out with one thunderbolt and so in putting it to sleep i can take it out without taking any damage whatsoever gyarados is next obviously goes down to a four times effective thunderbolt and starmie falls to a shadow wall i then decide to put barbarical to sleep just so that i can get a safe switch in out to jack-o'-lantern barbarical then wakes up and misses me with a stone edge and i can take it out with a quad effective seed bomb and so with our first elite four battle behind us it's time to take on the next one malva and her fire types and fortunately for us i've got the perfect answer for entire team in zombie knowing that i can survive a flamethrower i decide to go for a rock polish just so that i can out speed that talon flame in the back i then give zombie free range to go on a tectonic rampage taking out every single one of malva's pokemon in one hit i don't know about you guys but i've really come to enjoy using golurk in this run and now with half the elite four defeated it's time to take on one of our more difficult battles against wickstrom and his steel types and this battle went a little bit unexpectedly but to start off he goes for klefki and i decided to go for zombie and he sets up spikes with priority prankster and i can take him out with earthquake knowing i can take a crit night slash from scissor i decide to lower its speed with rock tomb but night slash actually does some juicy damage so i swap out into jack-o'-lantern it does end up getting a crit on jakko which leaves it in the red so i have to swap out into mummy i expect it to go for priority bullet punch here so the next turn i swap into skeleton who basically takes nothing i then go for a king shield and since scizor has only contact moves it gets its attack halved i go for a sword stance and then another king's shield to lower scissors attack further and take it out with a sacred sword wickstrom's next pokemon is the ridiculous looking probopass so i go for a king shield just to scout what it's gonna do and obviously it goes for an earth power so i swap out into candy corn i then decide to go for a substitute to see if it can survive a power gem but unfortunately it does enough so i just go for a thunderbolt and the power gem doesn't actually take me out so i swap back out into skeleton expecting another earth power here i swap out into boo who also has levitate despite standing on the ground and i get hit by a flash cannon as i miss a hypnosis i then actually hit my hypnosis and look at brobo pass now that this weird steely mustache thing is asleep i can take it out with a couple of shadow balls this means agent flash is the only pokemon left we have to face but our team isn't exactly looking that good so i swap out into candy corn this was meant to be a sack but since it went for kingshield i can set up a substitute and get it into its attack mode and since attack stance agent slash has both 50 speed and defenses i can take it out and somehow candy corn lives to see another day but our elite four troubles have really only just begun and we got through that last fight without any deaths through sheer luck now drazna starts out the fight with a drug algae which we can easily just pick off with an earthquake from zombie next up is alteria and i decide to lower its speed with a rock tomb as it sets up a cotton guard to plus three defense i go for another rock tomb and she then goes for sing but misses and this is where i should have cut my losses i get put to sleep by another sing and that's probably the single biggest mistake throughout this whole run but i switch into jack-o'-lantern just to set up a leech seed as he gets to plus six with cotton guard and we then trade status jack-o'-lantern being put to sleep here is also very detrimental for the end of this fight but i swap into candy corn who can easily tank a dragon pulse and then get some health back from leech seed and set up a sub and what i'm doing here is pretty predictable i'm pretty much just stalling out burn and leech seed damage but unfortunately draznag goes for a full restore so with my substitute up i decide to try to do as much damage as possible and up my attack with a charge beam now luckily lychee is keeping us fairly healthy so the next turn as i go through a thunderbolt i can survive a dragon pulse and leech seed is enough to take it out this means that drazen's next pokemon is norbern and this thing is a speed demon it'll out speed anything in our team and i have to let candy corn go here and so at this point i'm getting pretty desperate and i swap into zombie who's still asleep but i know i can survive two dragon pulses so i decide to see if i wake up but unfortunately i don't so i decided to swap out into skeleton who can tank a dragon pulse very well and i find out that a flamethrower doesn't do that much damage in shield stance i can then do over half with iron head so as long as i go for a king shield to get me back into shield stance the next turn i can survive a flamethrower unfortunately get burned and then take it out with iron head now through some stroke of luck burn actually leaves me at one hp as she sends in drudagon but we're not out of the woods yet because this dragon has two normal moves a fighting move and dragon tail so it's going to use dragon tail every single time because it's the only thing that can hit us and swap us around now very fortunately i have gengar that can go for hypnosis and this would have been fine if the human factor wasn't an issue here you see throughout this whole run i've taught my pokemon the right moves i've made the correct decision but this time it bit me in the behind that i didn't teach my gengar dazzling gleam before the fight so of course skeleton gets phased in and destroyed by burn fortunately i can burn this dreadagon back but we then have to just swap around insanely to try to get some damage on this thing and if zombie and jacko wouldn't have been asleep this would have been a lot easier to deal with but eventually gengar gets sent out and i can take it out with a shadow ball but we did lose our best pokemon see agent slash would have totally trivialized the champion fight but unfortunately now we have to go into this fight with only four pokemon so after a bit of re-strategizing we have to go up against diantha who starts out with halucha and i go ahead and start with zombie the first turn she sets up a sword stance is i go for a rock polish to boost my speed and i go for an iron defense just so that she can't do too much damage to me i then send an onslaught of rock tombs to take out the elucha as she sends in auroras which gets absolutely destroyed by an earthquake you're doing well so far zombie next up is gorgeous so i go for a rock tomb to lower its speed as it vanishes with phantom force so i have to swap out into something else so i choose jack-o'-lantern now i'm fairly confident i can take one shadow force because of my massive defense and the next turn i can out speed and go for a willow wisp it then vanishes so i know it's going to hit me with phantom force which i can now live a lot better because of that burn and i swap into ban it now i should have expected a phantom force here so i unfortunately go for protect and vein as it vanishes i then swap out into zombie who can hopefully take this phantom force and i survive on 41 hp and can take out this gorgeys with an earthquake combined with burn this means it's diantha's three remaining pokemon versus my four and she sends in goodra which i take down to about half health with an earthquake and then go down to a dragon pulse so i think it's time i reveal my secret weapon and mega evolve my gengar and with all that power not even gudra's massive special defense can stand up to a dazzling gleam dianth has two pokemon left the first one being tyrantrum which i can totally destroy with another dazzling gleam this means it's mega evolution vs mega evolution and we're both super effective against each other so it comes down to who's faster but since i've already mega evolved i'm already at my mega speed tier and can go for a sludge bomb which doesn't take it out but i do get the poison so even though my mega gengar falls so does gardevoir to the poison we inflicted with sludge bomb and so that's how i did it that's how i beat a pokemon x hardcore nuzlocke using only spoopy types and what did i learn well it wasn't exactly new to me that both ages slash and gengar are pretty busted but i'd say the game put up a pretty good fight since we only had gorgeyst and banet left in the end there's nothing left on the box either so ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed this video please leave it a like and if you're not subscribed yet what are you doing additionally i'd advise you to go over to twitch.tv and give a follow to antler boy live where i stream almost every day at this point i know it's a surprise to me too i used to never be live but now i'm antler boy very live and i'm streaming a shiny only hardcore nuzlocke in pokemon emerald together with keegan j so turn on those notifications for community posts in the future and until we see each other next time have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 460,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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