I Survived 100 DAYS as an ENDER DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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imagine you're an ender dragon lost in the overworld facing all kinds of enemies on day one i hatched as a little tiny ender dragon but things didn't feel right where am i why is everything so green down there i was in the overworld this was not my home how did i get here i have so many questions but i do know that i have 10 hearts and i can fly this is awesome wait what's this fireball as a dragon i can shoot fireballs that emit this purple flame but i gotta be careful cause it hurts me too oh my gosh no oh that hurts me okay good to know good to know take that stupid villagers i also took all their food from the farms but the villagers didn't seem so happy about this oh sorry i guess destruction is in my nature i felt bad for what i did but they'll get over it when night fell zombies and skeletons appeared i tried using my fireball but it only healed them oh no it doesn't affect the undead i had to think quick and make a wooden sword to attack them i killed them all hopefully killing them will make me look better towards those villagers and they'll forgive me it was getting late so i fell asleep on top of one of the villagers houses on day two i was craving meat since i am a carnivore and these vegetables don't fill me up very fast and without my energy i can't fly so i found some pigs and shot fireballs at him killing them now he had some food delicioso i started exploring this world and i found a witch in her hut who wanted to speak with me or far from home little dragon you need to get back to the end before it's too late i knew i wasn't in the right place it's now my mission to get back home but how do i do that it takes a lot of steps to get to the end and i am nowhere near ready to take on the endermen for their pearls first step was to get tools so i gathered wood and stone to make a sword pickaxe and an axe after that i called it a day and found a nice place to spend the night though i was getting pretty lonely for day three i knew i'll probably be stuck in the overworld for a while so i should make a base of operation i need a house big enough for a dragon i gathered up a lot of stone and found some coal and chopped down some spruce and oak trees i found a nice open area to build a castle base so i started forming the foundation i also was getting hungry again oh i need food maybe i should make a farm i gathered up some cows chickens sheeps and pigs and i made a nice gated area for them i also planted some wheat carrots and potatoes so i could feed them and breed them so i could have an infinite amount of food this place looks great but it's still missing something someone to share it with on days four through six i was eating when all of a sudden i grew into a full-sized ender dragon whoa i'm huge oh and i have 20 hearts yes now that i was bigger i needed to make sure my base could fit me which it did but i still think it needs to get bigger i made an area for furnaces and for chests and a large entrance i needed more materials so i set off and found a village but something wasn't right the village was under attack what's happening here who's behind this destruction oh my gosh i think it's that thing there was a huge gassed queen destroying the village i have to save this village and make up for what i did to that other village i tried fighting the ghast queen but my attacks did nothing to it this isn't good the ghast queen then approached me my family doesn't matter soon i will destroy you and your thank dragon family i was dumbfounded i watched the ghast queen leave but all i could think about was that there are more of me i have to save my family and destroy that ghast queen but i need to get stronger on day seven to eight i woke up to some endermen and creepers destroying my base no stop stealing my blocks and don't you dare blow up i fought them off killing them all but one survivor a wanderer enderman stop right there why are you here i took pity on the wanderer and it told me that no one has ever shown it kindness it's so-called friends we're really just bullies well i'll be your friend why don't you join me on my journey what can i call you well i'm gonna call you robert [Music] robert and i set off to collect more resources like iron and we even found some gold i made an iron pickaxe so i could mine the gold we then traveled to the swamp when it started to rain are you scared of the rain i then remembered endermen are weak to water so we waited in the cave for the rain to stop before heading back to the base on day 9 i decided to rest from all that mining and went into a deep sleep i dreamt that i was in the end and i started flying around whoa this is awesome this is where i belong but then i saw the gassed queen oh it's ronzo wonder your family abandoned you in the overworld just look at how pitiful you are compared to other ender dragons what they left me on purpose how else do you think i woke up haunted by my dream surely the gas queen was lying to me i knew my family wouldn't have abandoned me right on days 10 to 13 i needed to make a room for robert right next to mine and with plenty of chest for materials he finds during our travels also i made him a bed so he could be comfy in his room i then went exploring and collected a lot of stone since i wanted to get rid of the cobblestone and make my base look more like a castle i also melted the iron that i got earlier to make a complete iron armor set and tools then the witch showed up and had a quest for me there is a dungeon not far from here and on its top you'll find a battle tower guardian she wants me to defeat the tower guardian and take its treasure so robert and i set off to find the tower on days 14 through 16 we made it to the dungeon well it was actually a battle tower there were so many different types of mobs like zombies skeletons and spiders as we went through the dungeon we found more and more rewards oh diamonds everything was going really well but robert started to get scared you might be too weak by yourself but together we could do anything we made it to the top of the tower and found the tower guardian i know i can we started the battle and the guardian really knew how to fight i used my fireballs against it which hurt it a lot but we had to do a lot of melee attacks as well the fight was long and they kept using their explosion attack but robert and i made an amazing team and we were able to take it down we did it yeah let's go i then gathered up all the loot diamonds gold and a gold saddle and also a music disc this is so cool now that we defeated the tower guardian it was time to rest for days 17 through 20 i had a brilliant idea to make a statue of an ender dragon in front of my castle base i needed some materials first though so i went and killed squid to get their ink sacks to dye my sheep black now i just need to wait for them to grow more wool this statue will be so cool hopefully my family will see it and they find me but while i was busy with the sheep robert ran into some creepers oh no creepers robert run keep them away from the base they were blowing up my base so i fought them off and got rid of those pests anytime buddy now i needed to fix everything that the creepers destroyed but i also used this opportunity to expand the base i wanted to make rooms for anyone who wanted to stay here so i made one big large room for now just in case my family stops by on days 21 to 23 i went exploring to hopefully find any clues about my family and to my surprise i found a phoenix so you wouldn't know why i'm here i thought phoenixes were supposed to be smart it told me that though it's never seen my family it knows that i had to be born here for a reason i just need to find out what that purpose is i was now on a mission to go to the nether so i went home and told robert about it but he warned me that i wasn't ready i need diamond armor but i don't have any diamonds yet looks like it's time to start mining i went down a cave and searched for diamonds but after hours of looking i only found five diamonds just enough to make a diamond sword and pickaxe on days 24 through 28 i had enough black wool to start on the statue so i made the feet and legs pretty soon i'll have enough to make the entire thing but then i'll need other black materials to make the details now it's time i continued my search for more dragons and on the way i made it to the tundra where i met some villagers hello is everything going well in this village one of the villagers tells me they are being attacked by a flock of gaslings every night worry i'll take care of it so i flew up to the mountain and found the gaslights and started to fight them luckily they were a lot weaker than the gassed queen i'm a dragon i'll defeat you die already yes i finally defeated them and the village was safe they gave me a bow with power too and knocked back one this will come in handy if you want to always be safe you should come live with me at my castle i take a few of the villagers back to my base and once we get there i see the witch rondo i have exciting news you found my family no you just reached 300 000 subscribers what that's awesome but did you know that only 6.6 of my viewers are actually subscribed we need to bump that number up on days 29 to 33 i went in search for more diamonds to complete my diamond armor set i also mined for obsidian and found some flint while mining stone i used the obsidian to make a nether portal but i wasn't ready yet to use it i still don't have enough diamonds for the armor yet i extended the farm making individual areas for each animal and crops in each of their pins to make feeding easier i also extended the base and made the start of a little village next to the castle so my village or friends feel more at home but later my base was attacked by an ender golem and his minions how rude let's fight it took a while and some hiding in the water but i defeated all of them yeah but with no help from robert [Music] they attacked us i had no choice robert wasn't happy and i didn't know how to make things better for days 34 through 37 robert was upset with me he wanted to be by himself for a while to clear his head this made me pretty upset too and i had no motivation to do anything that is until the witch showed up bronzo you need to pull yourself together your enemies are getting stronger while you sit around feeling bad for yourself she was right i needed to grow stronger so despite not having a full diamond armor set i went into the nether an ender dragon in the nether don't see that every day while in the nether i met an elder farlander who had a warning for me turn back everyone here works for the ghast queen you won't survive a day here okay boomer i didn't take his advice and continued on where i found a field of ender soul clones who are being held captive by one of the ghast queen's pawns a titan keep quiet your stupid clones i felt bad for the ender souls they reminded me of robert i had to free them hey ya big meanie let them go the titan summoned an ender golem to help him but this time it was not easy i couldn't hide in water your efforts against the gas queen are futile it won't make your family want you back the ender golems attacks were too strong and i couldn't hide in water so i was forced to flee and leave the nether i arrived back at my base for days 38 through 40 where robert was waiting for me robert gave me his diamonds and i was able to complete my diamond armor set but i couldn't fit in the chest plate because my wings were too big i also crafted a diamond axe robert told me about the perks of having a wither skull all withered mobs will have a lowered detection range while they're wearing it as a disguise this will be helpful for fighting the titan robert and i went back to the nether in stealth mode we're going to find a fortress and get a wither skull on days 41-43 robert and i found a fortress in the nether there it is we fought wither skeletons to try and gather wither skulls which are pretty rare drops so we had to battle so many of them but finally we found one i got it and i was able to put it on my head let's try it out this is going to disguise me from all creatures in the nether including the titan now it was time to take on the type and free those ender soul clones the disguise really worked the titan was unable to see me robert and i were like the dynamic duo and with my wither disguise we could do anything like defeat the titan yes after the fight robert went back to one of the ender soul clones but i couldn't understand what they were saying what are y'all talking about that's a great idea now we had more friends to stay with us on the base so we showed the clones the way to their new home on days 44 through 49 we made it back to the base with the ender souls so i built a small extension to the castle for them to live in decorated with beds chests and torches [Music] but just then we were attacked by a wither oh my gosh you killed my skeleton friends prepare to die i tried to fight back but it was too powerful it just kept shooting exploding skulls at me whoa okay out of here but before i almost died it stopped its destruction oh please please stop the gas queen's army is stronger than you'll ever be the wither was a wake-up call i had no idea what i was going up against and i was not ready to take on the ghast queen's army the wither left but it reminded me of when i was a wither for 100 days but i was a lot nicer or was i thank you the villagers and i cleaned up the destruction the wither left behind got to keep this place in tip top shape for days 50 through 53 i was even more determined to get stronger thanks to that withers appearance i need answers i paid a visit to the witch sounds like you need more training we did a series of tests like flying around obstacles and target practice with my fireball power i also had to dodge fireballs that the witch threw at me you've done well bronzo now go home rest and leave me alone oh okay i flew home to do as the witch said but first i had to take care of something i continued working on the base building some nicer homes for my farm animals and adding a bit to the dragon statue on days 54-58 the base was attacked by a swarm of ender minions what are they doing here i fought them off they may look dumb but they are strong in numbers then in the middle of the fight robert ran out of the castle then tell them to stop attacking the base i felt bad but what else was i supposed to do they were trying to hurt me and everyone in the castle so i did what i had to do and killed all of the ender minions robert left furious at me robert don't go i felt bad but i don't regret my actions a dragon has to protect his base i ran after robert i didn't want this fight to come in between our friendship i continued chasing robert but on days 59 through 62 i lost track of him and ran into some trouble some skeletons were shooting at me while spiders were trying to attack me i don't have time for this i fought them off and used my fireball as well as my bow and arrows ah that was awesome after i killed them all i headed off to a village hello oh sorry so it's landing's hard anyway hey have you seen a small enderman with a stick carrying a bag you mean a bindle yeah oh yeah i've seen one pass through here the villager also told me that i wasn't the first one to ask if they had seen robert someone else is looking for him he went that way oh okay thank you i followed the villagers directions but i had been wandering for days and i haven't slept in a while and i don't want to battle phantoms so when night came i found a place to rest for the night on day 63 through 66 i finally found robert but he was talking to the elder farlander is that is that the guy from the nether he was the old guy that told me to stay out of the nether and that the gas queen had ruled the entire place but he seemed like a nice guy so now i don't feel worried about robert's safety robert i'm sorry for what i did will you ever forgive me robert apologized for running away it seemed like all was right again so we headed back to the base but when we got home there were ender golems attacking the farm animals stop killing my sheep i immediately rushed in to kill them all completely forgetting what robert asked of me after i finished killing them i looked to see if robert was there ready to apologize but he looked upset and he ran back into his room and wouldn't talk to me i'll just be right here if you change your mind on day 67 through 70 i added on to the dragon statue filling in some colors and i used cobblestone for the gray parts but i think i'm going to replace them later so i'm not quite done with the statue but for now it's enormous and looks amazing man it's really coming together i then did some more farming killed some of my animals and cooked their meat preparing for a long journey ahead now it was time to say goodbye to robert and start my journey robert i'm going to fight the wither you don't have to come if you don't want to he tells me that we may not see eye to eye but he is still on my side and wants to help so robert and i set off to find the wither for days 71-74 robert and i came across a village and we asked the locals about a wither all they knew was that someone powerful must have created it withers don't just spawn on their own i know that i'm a wither expert as we were leaving the village we ran into the elder farlander from earlier i know where the weather may be really where i heard that the weather is headed to the south towards the swamp to visit a witch no not the witch i had to leave immediately to help the witch but robert wanted to stay with the elder farlander for a while you don't want to help me i thought you were on my side coward i left my friend i had to go help the witch she can't fight the wither alone on day 75 through 78 i made it to the witch's hut and saw the wither wrecking the place no i'm too late the witch was throwing potions at it and trying her best but it's not really helping i'll save you you've got this bronzo we fought long and hard i used my fireball but the wither just used it to heal the wither has natural healing powers too so it was hard to get a hit and for it to stay finally the witch blurred it into a cave filled with obsidian i shot many arrows at it and hit it quite a few times with my diamond sword and the witch used as many potions and spells as she could think of like this you vile beast and together we were able to kill it no yes we did it thank you bronzo looks like your training paid off the witch gave me some potions as a reward she gave me a potion of fire resistance a potion of strength a potion of healing she also gave me enchanted arrows arrows of poison and arrows of weakness these will help me with my fight against the ghast queen thank you so much now that the witch was safe i headed home hopefully robert was there waiting for me on days 79 to 84 i was trying to get back to the base when i ran into a village that was being attacked by a group of ender golems i have to save this town i went in to fight but i was still weak from my battle with the wither and there wasn't any water around so this was a lot harder of a fight than i expected i guess i'll have to hide on this building and shoot arrows i don't want to kill any of the villagers with my fireball i had to change up my strategy on fighting these things but i came out victorious yeah i did it when the last one died they dropped dragon armor let's put this on oh my diamond armor's looking weak it was so much better than my diamond armor now i was basically indestructible and i had a full armor set even without the chest plate this is awesome i can do anything i continued on home feeling very rewarded for saving that village on days 85 to 89 i made it back to the base happy to see robert but he was upset he heard about the ender golems i killed i told him that the last ender creatures i killed were carrying dragon armor i told him i had to kill them to save the village and that the last ender creatures i killed were carrying dragon armor isn't that suspicious robert these guys are up to no good but then robert turned into the mutant enderman he was under the influence of the ender souls that have been living at my base this isn't you snap out of it buddy he ignored me and wouldn't calm down or maybe he couldn't because he was being controlled robert don't do this i don't want to fight you ah i had no choice i hurt robert pretty badly and he ran away i didn't know what to do i felt awful for what happened how could i not see what robert was going through i killed all the ender souls at my base for manipulating robert but it didn't make me feel any better maybe getting some rest will clear my mind hopefully after a night's sleep robert will come back on days 90 through 93 i needed to distract myself from what happened with robert so i completed the dragon statue replacing the cobblestone on top with light gray concrete and gray concrete it looked so amazing once it was finished but while i was admiring my work robert came back and attacked me robert i fought back but it didn't feel right you were forcing me to do this you were my brother robert i loved you i was forced to do the unthinkable i killed robert i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't want to kill you when robert died he dropped an ender soul hand i picked it up but i didn't have the heart to use it all i could do was mourn for my old friend robert the adorable little wanderer enderman on days 94-95 i was visited by the witch who had a warning for me that ender soul hand is an ancient magical item that can easily corrupt its wearer i don't care i'm going to use it against the ghast queen and defeat her once and for all once i figure out how to use it i explained that i lost robert in this war i'm not going to let his death be in vain all right if that's how you feel i then trained to use the ender soul hand i used it to pick up and throw blocks as well as teleport this is so cool i could teleport anywhere i looked at and pick up any block and throw it i decided i'm ready to take on the gas queen but i need rest before i leave on days 96 and 97 i had a dream that i was in my home dimension the end and i was visited by robert it is good to see you old friend robert i'm sorry for what happened between us i wish i would have seen the signs this was my fault i knew the ender soul clones were evil but i wanted to help them on a path of righteousness it's not your fault i should have been a better friend their darkness corrupted me and i let you down you were the best of friends and don't worry about my fallen brethren we are at peace now when i woke up from my dream i knew exactly what i had to do i rushed out to gather blocks and materials oh yeah i'm gonna need this for some dye i killed squids i dug gravel i got a bucket of water i crafted a lot of concrete and concrete powder as well as other stuff and i dumped it all down next to my giant ender dragon statue time to make a tribute to my best buddy robert i used the ender soul hand to toss the blocks into place which was a lot more fun than i expected hey yeah yeah there we go i reflected on my friendship with robert his cute little face an adorable bindle his words of wisdom before i knew it the statue was done and my little buddy was immortalized by my side forever but then i had a surprise visitor [Music] an ender soul clone you should have never come i tried to kill it but this ender soul clone seemed smarter than others he teleported and dodged my attacks we were almost playing a game of catch going up and down the statue you little ah get back here i was getting angry but i suddenly remembered how at peace i felt after my dream my anger disappeared and i realized that this ender soul clone wasn't worth my time i went home and prepared for the real battle on days 97 and 98 i stocked up on food and resources that i'll need to fight the ghast queen and then i headed into the nether while traveling i found the elder farlander again and my anger took over i started to attack him please don't hurt me it's your fault robert turned against me i only wanted to help i had no idea about the ender soul i just wanted everyone to be safe i could sense the truth in what the old man was saying robert told me about his conflicting feelings and i tried to help him from giving in to his anger i'm sorry i wasn't able to save him he was my son after all the elder farlander died i couldn't believe he was robert's father but it must be true i'm mourned for his death as well as his sons i'm sorry for everything i will avenge you both on day 99 i made it to the gast queen's base and outside were a bunch of guests waiting for me tell me where the queen is then tell me where she is a battle started against me and the ghasts but they were weak to my fireball and i was so much faster than them i killed them all but interrogated the last one tell me where she went i killed the last cast but i was wondering if it was telling the truth i had to head back home to face the corrupt leader once and for all but before i do make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and comment what mod you want to see me do a 100 days video as next on day 100 i got back to the base and there she was finally i can rid this world of you filthy dragon she took the first blow so i went in for the attack she also spawned her minions take that ugh well you're stupid to think i can't kill you i used all my powers my fireball to kill the minions my ender hand to teleport when i needed to eat and i used my special arrows that the witch gave me to fight the ghast queen i will not let you wait i am queen you will bow down no you will die today not me and i'll be the one winning this battle yes i did it
Channel: Bronzo
Views: 14,709,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bronzo
Id: okt9ug7k5_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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