Pokemon FireRed, But the POKEMON Catch TRAINERS

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hi i'm mike pokey tips mike and this is probably the weirdest video i have ever made in this video the pokemon world is topsy-turvy you know how normally you play as a trainer and you go around the pokemon world catching and battling with pokemon well instead of trainers battling pokemon i swapped it so we're a pokemon and we're gonna be going around catching trainers let's see what the world of pokemon is like when you switch the pokemon and the trainers so like all pokemon adventures we're starting off in pallet town but instead of being red we're actually a pikachu alright well let's go downstairs and mom right all pokemon leave home someday it said so on tv oh yes professor mew next door was looking for you professor mew we have to check this out all right so here we are in pallet town and as you can see all the people have been replaced with pokemon lapras looks like it's having a good time over there in the water and let's talk to this guy this is normally the technology guy but instead he's a snorlax technology is incredible you can now store recall items and people as data via pc yeah this is gonna be a weird video all right oak slab or i guess it's muse lab in this game all of his assistants are pokemon and we've got our rival meowth over here what it's only pokey tip gramps isn't around well where can we find gramps usually in fire red it happens when we leave town over here so let's try going out hey wait don't go out it's unsafe wild people live in tall grass you need your own human for your protection i know here come with me oh goodness this is making me uncomfortable this is making me really really uncomfortable right now cramps i'm fed up with waiting meowth let me think oh that's right i told you to come just wait here pokeytip there are three humans here haha the humans are held inside these pokeballs when i was young i was a serious human trainer but i can't even read this dialogue but now in my old age i only have these three left you can have one go on and choose i guess meowth is getting a human too okay do i wanna see what the choices are i guess so well over here we have erica replacing bulbasaur we have misty replacing squirtle and blaine replacing the fire type charmander now i know all of you crazy people watching this right now would choose misty over blaine or erica but i'm not gonna do that i'm actually gonna choose erica gotta give the unpopular gym leader some love too pokey tip received the erica from professor mew would i like to give a nickname to this erica no i think eric is a good enough name as it is isn't it weird how just changing a little bit of dialogue and the pictures of the things in this game makes this game so strange like i love playing pokemon but the idea of catching humans and using them in battle which i think we're about to see right here because you know our rival has to challenge us to a battle that makes me extremely uncomfortable right now but let's go ahead and do it let's fight against rival meowth and isn't that weird seeing like a meowth sprite instead of gary's sprite right there and rival meowth is sending out blaine well we've got erica against blaine i think this is an awful matchup for us let's see nope we don't even have any burn heal we're definitely going to lose and we know the moveset of double slap and rest well i don't think rest is going to do us any well here so let's go for double slap and oh blaine is glaring at me yeah i don't like the way you look at me there blaine let's go ahead and slap america oh my goodness this is so weird again these are pokemon moves these are totally normal to see oh there's the burn move but these are totally normal to see pokemon fighting with them but when we swap it to like people i don't know i don't know about this get out of here old man and we get the move snore from leveling up great so now we have some nice little moves we could use here what unbelievable i picked the wrong human okay i'll make my human battle to toughen it up pokey tip gramps smellya later alright well let's go follow him out there because if you thought that was weird trust me guys it's about to get even weirder but our little friend clefairy over here has something nice to give us wait pokeytip if you're going to go out into the grass where the humans are you'll need these and she'll give me plenty of pokeballs and a master ball too because why not and now my friends this is where the fun begins let's do it let's go into route 1's grass over here and see what we can find also i think this looks insanely cool pikachu walking around in the grass but there we go and a wild stephen stone appeared i don't think erica is going to do too well against him he is a champion after all so let's go ahead and use our master ball gotcha steven was caught all right and checking them out in the menu they look kind of disgusting because i'm terrible at making sprites for pokemon so forgive me there but let's see what our steven knows here we've got metal claw and hidden power i think those moves make sense you know he's a steel type trainer and he's a champion so i guess he has some sort of hidden power and actually let's go ahead and use steven in some battles here let's see what else we could find on route 1. all right screens flashing here we go again we've got something a wild hiker alright come on out steven i think you'll have a good advantage here i made it so all the trainers have types similar to what type of pokemon they would normally use so hikers he would be a rock type since he normally uses rock type pokemon misty would be a water type because she's the water type gym leader and so on i think that's a lot more interesting than making them all just normal types all right let's try to catch this hiker in a pokeball one shake two shake three shakes and we got him oh my goodness this is so weird you know what the way i'll justify this weirdness to myself is thinking it's like final fantasy where you have different classes so i guess the hiker will be like a warrior or something stephen i don't know steven could be like a paladin erika i guess the snoozer well that's not really a class and anything but yeah that'll be her role she gets lots of rest and sleeps alright let's check out and see what this hiker can do uh you stomp and you roar okay well let's see what you say over here oh come back hi i work at a pokemart it's part of a convenient chain selling all sorts of items please visit us in viridian city i know i'll give you a sample here you go and she gives me a soda pop how nice of that chansey if your humans get weak get them some soda pop what do you have to say over here oh my goodness they always walk away from me whenever i try to talk to them i caught a really rare human viridian jim i'm coming for you and how about you nidoran see those ledges along the road it's a bit scary but you could jump down from them you could get back to pallet town quicker that way i think that's the normal thing and i guess we're running into another thing right away and it is a wild misty so i guess we get our shot at catching misty after all uh let's go for hidden power because i think misty's gonna be a water type these moves look so cool coming from like the trainers misty used tickle oh yeah that's right tickle's a move nice we got her well i think we have a pretty balanced team goodness gracious those sprites look awful so let's make our way over to viridian city all right viridian city what are we gonna see here machop chillin over there those pokeballs at your waist you have humans don't you it's great that you could carry and use humans anytime anywhere nope i'm back to being uncomfortable again well that's kind of cool though there's just a mole trace chilling over there i wish i had cut so i could go talk to him and you know what let's actually go to route 22 see if we can find any different people over here a wild maniac nope we're done here well that scared me away from the grass let's see if we can find any more interesting stuff here in viridian city let's go into this stranger's house and ooh it looks like these pokemon have a pet human my daddy loves people too see this is what i mean you change the word pokemon to people and this becomes 50 000 times creepier let's talk to this poor person here ah caw i'm a person i don't know what noise i'd make what do you have to say for yourself here coming up with nicknames is fun but uh i went too fast let me try that again coming up with nicknames is fun but it's not so easy to do clever names are nice but simple names are easier yeah you're boring if we try going this way i absolutely forbid you from going through here this is private property okay grumpy guy oh grandpa don't be so mean i'm so sorry he hasn't had his coffee yet even in the pokemon world they still love their coffee um here we've got a slowbro teaching a slowpoke sorry for interrupting guys i'm gonna leave now and let's see what's going on here at the gym of course the viridian gym would be open why wouldn't it be i guess when the gym leader isn't also secretly in charge of the mafia he would have time to be a gym leader after all well my team certainly isn't the best but i think we're gonna go ahead and try challenging this gym anyway let's lead up with our little level 2 hiker this is a terrible decision but we're going to do it anyway remember the gym guy this is him now hiya do you want to dream big do you dare to dream of becoming the champ i'm no trainer but i can advise you on how to win let me take you to the top use strong moves do your best and remember smash the like button i don't know how that's going to help me win gym battles but i think you guys should do that anyway spinny spinny all right let's go ahead and get into some pokemon battle i mean trainer battle see it's weird for me to say that here let's go ahead and battle against some of these pokemon using trainers gym trainer machop would like to battle all right midshop machop is sending out a biker how in the world does that big bike fit into a pokeball there all right let's see who wins biker vs hiker huh it rhymes too i didn't even notice that biker hiker oh the biker's gonna leer at me well let's stomp on his bike ruin those tires hiker actually you know what forget that let's just roar at him get him out of here sending out a bug catcher the foes bug catcher was dragged out well that went surprisingly better than i thought it would not bad hiker not bad and he's bringing out the biker again i think i'll go ahead and use steven for this one get him stephen yeah buddy that's why you're a champion and nice we get to level four and we learn yawn of course we do okay well that way it was a dead end let's see if i could sneak past this doduo over here knowing uh oh my goodness i was gonna say knowing me as soon as i take a step they're gonna turn and what do they do they instantly turned well doduo does have two heads so i guess it has twice the ability to spot me before a battle i have two heads does that make me twice as good of a trainer asking the important questions i see and they're sending out a psychic that's a new one right there well let's stomp on that psychic wait the psychic nose stomp too ah and we're flinching come on hiker you can't tell me you're scared of a psychic oh wait she could bend spoons never mind i'm a little scared never mind i'm not scared anymore good critical hits battling with two heads is confusing well that's enough of that let's go find the gym leader who do you think the gym leader is leave a comment down below and tell me and don't cheat now let's go find out who they are and the gym leader is a mewtwo well let's do this you have found me at last i am the gym leader of viridian i know your secrets you aren't a pokemon you're a human my name is mewtwo how about we make a deal if you defeat me i'll turn this world back to normal if not you'll become a member of my team forever so are you ready to lose poketip your journey ends with me let's do this battle against gym leader mewtwo how awesome is that leader mewtwo would like to battle and leader mewtwo is sending out lance i probably should have led off with stephen for this one let's see what this hiker can do here alright let's try to stomp on lance ooh lance is faster and going for that dragon breath which is almost gonna take me out i guess lance has some really bad breath there because that did a lot of damage and mega punch ouch ouch lance leave me at the one hp hiker do your best here please nope that's nothing that's nothing we're done here yep we're gonna go down to lance's stinky breath all right well if he's using a champion i'm gonna bring out my champion let's try out steven here and you know what i think i'll yawn him if we could put lance to sleep we'll have much better odds of winning that battle and luckily that mega punch does absolutely nothing to steven alright let's try some metal claw here comes the stinky breath again and that does a little bit more ah we're missing come on stephen come on stephen at least lance is sleeping now maybe if lance is sleeping you'll find it easier to hit him there we go all right we just need one more and of course lance has to wake up going for that dragon breath putting me in the yellow zone but come on stephen metal claw i believe in you let's take out lance there we go critical hit to finish this battle and the attack raised too that's what i'm talking about steven 279 xp wow that's gonna take us all the way up to level six there we go and leader mewtwo is about to use professor oak will we change pokemon no i don't think so oh my goodness professor oak i love this guy but i guess we got to do what we got to do steven metal claw oak is going to go for confusion yeah he is a pretty confused guy he can't even remember what his grandson's name is but let's see if this metal claw can jog his memory a little bit nope not really what about hidden power how much is that gonna do it doesn't affect professor oak all right stephen well you're about to die so drink some soda and professor oak is gonna go for tickle well professor oak i'm sorry i gotta do this to you but i don't want to be tickled anymore steven take him out there we go professor oak down and steven's learning bounce yay and we beat gym leader mewtwo impossible how could i the great mewtwo lose to a human well the rules are rules pokeytip received some sort of badge from youtube i hope you enjoyed this weirdness back to the world of pokemon for you and just like that my friends it's over it's like it was all a dream so my friends i hope you enjoyed this weird video i don't think i've ever been so uncomfortable playing pokemon before my whole entire life it's all fun and cute when you're battling with these mythical creatures but once you switch them around with trainers i don't know not my cup of tea as always my friends thanks so much for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it and if you did and you haven't already make sure you give it a thumbs up and also subscribe to the channel if you're new and you want to see more of my pokemon content thanks again for watching i hope you have a fantastic day and i'll be seeing you in the next one
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 4,650,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon firered, pokemon but, pokemon catch trainers, pokemon use trainers, misty, pikachu, pokemon challenge, pokemon, firered, challenge
Id: 6sh7CKtXA00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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