7 Mistakes Only BEGINNERS Make Playing Pokemon

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hi I'm Mike pokey tips Mike and if we've been playing Pokemon for a long time you probably think that Pokemon games are simple but when you're new to Pokemon there is a lot of stuff to take in there's so many different types of pokémon there's so many different items there's such a big map to explore and since these games can be so overwhelming for new players a lot of them make some really silly mistakes so today I thought it would be a lot of fun to take a look at some of the beginner mistakes that people make when they first start playing Pokemon talk about them a little bit and maybe even help you out if you're a newer player and you're just getting into Pokemon nowadays I make pokemon videos on YouTube but back when I first started playing Pokemon I made so many of these mistakes I'm about to talk it out it's actually kind of embarrassing so you know don't laugh at me too much when I say some of the silly stuff that I've done grab your favorite snack and get ready to hear some mistakes and smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm if you haven't already so let's jump right into things with our first beginner mistake teaching your Pokemon four moves of the same type now I know I was super guilty of this back in the day I'm pretty sure at one point I had a Charizard that new blast burn flamethrower Fire Blast and probably Amber's the last move and I thought that was the best thing since anything then I battle the water type Pokemon and I realized it's probably not the best idea one of the best things you could do with your Pokemon is teach it a diverse move set so it can cover a lot of bases sure having fire type moves on your Charizard are great but it's always good ever mix to move set so you could hit Pokemon with different types of moves so if a water type comes out you're not totally useless in battle I also want to give an honorable mention here to teaching your starter Pokemon all HM moves now I know I've done this way too many times and it always seems like it's with the water type starter since there are so many water type hm moves like surf Waterfall dive whirlpool it's so easy to turn your Swampert into something it knows for hm moves nowadays since the newer Pokemon games don't have HMS anymore it's gonna be harder and harder for new players to make this mistake but people who play the older games I'm sure you've done this many times our next beginner mistake is never using non damaging moves when I first started playing Pokemon I thought moves like leer like Swords Dance I just thought they were playing terrible because they didn't do any damage I wanted to see something happen and I wanted it to happen right away and using those types of moves seemed like a waste of a turn to me it also doesn't help that your Pokemon are usually so much stronger than the Pokemon you fight in the story mode of the games so when they use non damaging moves here just like huh that's a free turn but once I started learning about competitive Pokemon and online battles that's what I really started to appreciate nondamaging moves I think my first real experience with something like this was what I learned about Salamence and the move dragon dance dragon dance is such a great move since it boosts not only your attack but also your speed and Salamence is a fast and strong pokemon so combining the two together is like making a Pokemon into a super powerhouse there was one time when I was younger playing pokemon diamond diversion and I went to Toys R Us for one of those special mythical Pokemon events that they would do back in the day I think it was for dark friars Shaymin while I was there downloading my Pokemon there was another kid there who was also playing the games and me being the cocky little kid I was I challenged him to a battle I let off with my salamence I think he started off with like his Empoleon or something and I just started using the move dragon dance now he was not doing much damage to me at all because he did mistake number one teaching your Pokemon all moves of the same type so my salamence was sitting there pretty taking those attacks all day long and then I think I got three or four dragon dances off and then I just started using moves and one-shotting all of his Pokemon including the legendaries on his team I think I shattered that kid's hopes and dreams that day and if you're watching this I'm sorry that I had to destroy you so badly our next beginner mistake is not knowing how to leave you're starting house now I'm not sure if this happened to anyone else or if it was only just me but when I got my Pokemon gold version I was stuck in the starting house for probably around eight hours pokemon gold was my first video game ever so I didn't really have an understanding of how these things worked and the sprites back of the day weren't really that intuitive to leave the house in Pokemon and gold version you have to find this weird spot in the wall that has like three gray tiles next to it and for some reason so young Mike that just did not make any sense at all I spend hours just walking around the room looking for something secret to interact with but I was having a great time I think at that point since it was my first video game ever I was just still in shock about being able to control a character nowadays you probably take this for granted every single time you play a game but that first time you ever turn on a video game and you're controlling something that isn't yourself it's mind blowing so I was pretty entertained to be quite honest just walking around that room in circles and when I found out that you could actually leave it and there was a whole game past that area Wow I was entertained for a long time please if you made this mistake to tell me in the comments so I know I'm not alone here now this next one is painful to say the least I personally have never done this but I've heard way too many stories of people doing this and it makes me sad every single time this one is running away from a shiny pokemon if you've been playing pokemon for any amount of time you probably know what a shiny pokemon is an alternate color for a pokemon that's extremely rare in the older pokemon games your chances of finding a shiny we're about one in eight thousands and in the newer games it got a little easier being around one in 4,000 people spend days weeks years of their lives trying to find shiny pokemon but it always seems like those new players that are just brand new to the game never touched anything before have the best luck and run into them right away and what do they do when they find these shinies they think there's something wrong with the game they turn it off they run away from it and they lose the shiny that just gets me mad thinking about it and the worst part is when people post online after they ran away from the shiny and asked what happens on pokemon emerald why was my Mudkip purple I started the game on my GBA and when I picked my first Pokemon I chose Mudkip but when I had to help the professor and fight off the Zigzagoon my Mudkip was purple not blue was this a glitch I restarted the game and got a blue one but I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else that was a shiny you reset the game over a shiny alright onto something slightly less infuriating mashing a when you're trying to catch a Pokemon ah I don't know why but this is one of the biggest Pokemon rumors ever I feel like everybody that I've ever spoken to has done this before some variation of just mashing a button on their console whenever they're trying to catch a Pokemon for like good luck or extra catch chances I feel like we all had that one kid on the playgrounds that told us about this and what you're new to Pokemon it does sound a little believable I know for a fact I did this way too long I think I did this for maybe like four or five years after I found out about it I knew after a while it didn't work but it just feels good doing it you know it makes you feel like you're physically trying to keep that Pokemon in that ball and catch it and I know it's probably disappointing to find out that mashing buttons does not help you catch Pokemon but if you do feel like mashing a button right now if you haven't already you can mash that like button now back to pretty infuriating beginner mistakes this next one is just upsetting and terrible when it happens to you picture this you're up late at night and you've been playing pokemon for about four hours you went all the way from the fourth gym to the seventh gym and you just caught a legendary Pokemon now you're ready to go to bed and continue playing the next day so you turn off your game but wait you forgot to save and you just lost all of that progress ah that is the worst when that happens to you I know I've done that way too many times and nowadays there are a lot of games that just automatically save or online games that save as you play the game so it is understandable for new players to think hey everything I do is just automatically saved so I can just turn off my game and continue but no Pokemon games are not like that if you don't save your game and you're losing that progress and now our last beginner mistake is using your master ball on something silly the master ball is one of the rarest most powerful items in all of Pokemon you throw it at something and it'll catch it without fail usually you can only get one master ball throughout your whole playthrough of the game and lately the newer games have added ways for you to get more although it's very hard but a lot of beginners just don't seem to understand the importance and the power of the master ball and they go ahead and throw it it's something silly like a Pidgey or a tatah although I guess throwing it at something silly is better than saving it in your bag and never using it that's generally what I end up doing with my master balls I'm always so afraid to use it because I'm just waiting for that perfect time and that perfect time never seems to come so I just have my master ball sitting in my bag never to be used and my friends that is going to conclude my list of beginner Pokemon mistakes I have made basically every single mistake on this list it's kind of embarrassing sharing that with all of you guys now you guys probably think I sucked at Pokemon back of the day but there's no better way to learn about becoming better at Pokemon if you don't make the mistakes you can't learn from them and become better so I think it's good to make mistakes in the comments section below I want you to tell me what your biggest beginner mistake was please please please have mistakes worse and again please please please if you got stuck in a starter groom in Pokemon let me know so I don't feel alone there because that is really embarrassing if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you're new and my friends I'll be seeing you in the next one
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 3,005,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon mistakes, mistakes beginners make in pokemon, pokemon mistakes you made, pokemon mistakes I made, pokemon noob mistakes, pokemon beginner mistakes, pokemon facts, pokemon top 10, pokemon top 5, pokemon diamond and pearl, shiny pokemon fail, new player mistakes, poketips
Id: PlsM87z2_j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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